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Page 1: Two day lecture workshop “Modern Trends in Chemistry” … · 2016. 9. 1. · Two day lecture workshop “Modern Trends in Chemistry” Department of Chemistry, Christ University

Two day lecture workshop “Modern Trends in Chemistry” Department of Chemistry, Christ University , In association with, The Indian Academies of Sciences Date: 13th -14th Feb 2015, Venue- 911, Central Block

Proceedings of the sessions


Time: 0930 Hrs

Presided over by: Dr. Anil Pinto (Registrar, Christ University); Dr. G.Mugesh; Dr.Louis George and Dr. Prasad Pujar.

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known” is a famous quote by Carl Sagan, an American astronomer. Science is simply common sense at its best and the most important thing is to never stop questioning.

Christ University, on the 13th of February, 2015, witnessed the gathering of scientific intellectuals who have made significant contributions in the field of research and a host of zestful audience with an eagerness to develop scientific intuition. The inauguration started with an invocation dance by our own Christites and a Prayer sung by Camilla and Group (MSc students) invoking the concept of secularism, a motto at Christ University.

The Welcome Speech was delivered by Dr.Louis George (Associate Dean and Head, Dept of Chemistry). He set about by thanking the Association comprising of Christ University and the three ‘Academies of Sciences’ for coming forward and supporting the arrangement of the lecture workshop. He thanked them for taking the lead initiative of funding the event. Dr. G Mugesh; Prof, IPC Dept, IISc-Bangalore, has been instrumental as he ameliorated the smooth conduction of the workshop. Dr.Louis also thanked Dr. (Fr) Thomas C Mathew; VC, as he is the person behind the dynamic growth of Christ University. According to him, these events bear testimony to young students who interact with eminent scientists which not only helps them to visualise the bigger picture but also to hone their mental skills. He addressed the students wherein he talked about the opportunity they are given to effectively learn, develop a scientific temper which is essential for today’s research community. Dr. Louis George also pointed out the objectives of the workshop, according to which, Christ University has a responsibility to provide academic leadership to the community. He also encouraged and welcomed the teacher and student participants from other colleges spread across the city, who had eagerly accepted the invitation to attend the two-day workshop.

Dr. Anil Pinto who had also presided over the inaugural function was extremely delighted to be a part of an erudite gathering. Though he specializes in the field of Humanities, Dr.Pinto put forward his views on how Chemistry is different from other Physical and Biological Sciences, and yet has a colossal role in Research and Invention. He was thrilled at the kind of opportunities the Dept. Of Chemistry at Christ University has been providing to its student over the last few years to interact with scientists and researchers, which is rewarding for them academically and in times ahead.

The Key-note Speaker and the external convenor of the two-day workshop on “Modern trends in Chemistry”, Dr.G Mugesh was delighted to interact with the students and introduce them to the new vistas in Chemistry. He amused over the fact of how Chemistry has been breaking barriers between itself and other disciplines of Science. Multitudinous break-through discoveries and inventions are being made in this very captivating sector from the scientific community of the world, wherein, he too has a role to play. He stated some of the most obvious applications of Chemistry in the modern world viz., agro-chemistry, flavour chemistry, molecular mechanics,

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nanotechnology, natural product chemistry, oenology, organometallic chemistry, petro-chemistry and so forth. He concluded by stirring the minds of the young students and urged them to be creative.

The Vote Of Thanks was given Dr.Yamuna nair Dept of Chemistry, Christ University. She extended her gratitude to Dr.Mugesh and Dr.Madhavan; members of the Academy:



Session: I Resource person: DR G MUGESH; IPC Dept., IISc Bangalore, India Time: 9:45‐11am Topic: BIO-INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FROM OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO METAL MEDIATED CATALYSIS. Chaired by: Dr.Prasad pujar Dr.Mugesh launched his speak by introducing to the young minds, the boundless area of bio-inorganic chemistry and its prime role in biological processes in-vivo and in-vitro. Various examples were quoted which have the distinct presence of inorganic elements i.e., metals in the functioning – such as, Cis-Platin, an extensively used anti-cancer drug and Gold anti-arthritic drugs. The elements are present in varying quantities in the human body, according to which, they maybe classified as mineral elements, trace elements and ultra-trace elements. While we have calcium, phosphorus, sodium, molybdenum, chlorine, magnesium, iron, selenium, iodine, manganese, copper, cobalt and zinc as mineral elements, there are ultra-trace elements which are present in negligible amounts, yet have a significant role to play – videlicet, Boron, Nickel, Vanadium etc.

He averred that it is nearly impossible to understand the absolute, complex metabolic pathways of human body. Metals in the human body are known to function as charge-carriers, metabolic catalysts, structural supports, so on and so forth, of which, a few were discussed in detail.

Many biological processes such as respiration depend upon molecules that fall within the realm of inorganic chemistry. Oxygen is one among the elements which is considered to be nature’s versatile reagent. The pathway adopted by the atmospheric dioxygen (O2) to become a water molecule is a labyrinth by itself, let alone the formation of other compound molecules.

Dr.Mugesh attracted the students of non-biological background with a cogent description of haemoglobin, myoglobin, and the surprisingly blue-colored blood, haemocyanin. He did not fail to mention that haemoglobin is the best-studied allosteric enzyme. The names of Nobel Prize awardees for research on the ‘Porphyrin’ ring system were stated and their contributions were acknowledged. He also discussed some topics as Bohr Effect, co-operative binding of O2 to Haemoglobin. The three most widely employed chemical reactions/processes – Industrial syntheses of Methanol, production of Hydrogen and Production of Ammonia by Haber’s process were explored by the gathering.

Session: II Resource person: DR G MUGESH; IPC Dept., IISc Bangalore, India Time: 11:15‐12:30 pm Topic: BIO-INSPIRED CHEMISTRY FOR ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH Chaired by: Dr.Prasad pujar

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In this session, Dr.Mugesh expounded on few of the research accomplishments by himself and his group of scientists at the IPC Dept, IISc. Much was emphasised on World’s energy demands, thus the relevance and significance to harvest renewable energies. It is quite but natural to think of ‘Solar Energy’ when one speaks of renewable resources of energy. Certain figures and diagrams were displayed pointing-out the sections of Earth which receive maximum and utilitarian solar radiations. These areas defined, according to Dr.Mugesh, could provide more than the world’s total primary energy demands. He then went on to speak about one of the most exemplary processes ever known to man, which scientists from across the world have failed to reproduce, the phenomenon which serves the very fundamental need to create and sustain life-Photosynthesis. The occurrences of dark and light reactions, photosystems, Oxygen Evolving Complexes (OECs) were considered.

The speaker shared with us, a riveting design of the Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut, who says that with food, water and energy sources dwindling, the city of the future will have to be a self-sufficient “living organism”. This architect has imagined giant “green” airships covered with hydrogen-producing algae and thus aids in a large-scale ‘biological Hydrogen production’. In addition, the fascinating world of enzymes was explored, citing examples and types of Hydrogenase and Anhydrase enzymes.

Dr.Mugesh threw light on certain environmental pollutants with varying degree of toxicity that act as nerve gases viz., Sarin, Tabur, Paraoxon, Parathion, Malathion are irreversible organophosphate reagents, and cause irrevocable damage to the CNS. The fatal process of biomagnifications led to ‘Mercury Poisoning’ or the “Mad-hatter” disease in France, Russia and Minamata disease in Japan. Mercury is indeed the culprit, and not the only metal to cause bio-magnification. These have perpetual effects on the health of inhabitants and thus the use of toxic metal elements has to be minimised.

Dr.Mugesh undoubtedly left us neophytes musing over the limitless applications, demands and hazards stretched before us by the domain of Bio-inorganic Chemistry.

Session III Resource Person: Dr. K. R. Prabhu, IISc, Bangalore Topic: Bioinspired Chemistry for energy, Environment and Human Health Timings: 1:30-2:45 pm Chaired by: Dr. Sunaja Devi Every scientist has a different take on science and how it has revolutionised lives and also has an adverse effect on mankind and environment. Dr. Prabhu declared that it was time for redemption and to undo the deleterious effects of chemistry. Green chemistry or sustainable chemistry was born around 1990 and it is a process that deals with the elimination of waste, to avoid using or generating toxic substances and to improve the yield. He talked about the 12 golden principles of green chemistry. Talking of the power of chemistry one can say that it has increased life expectancy, brought about new drugs like anti cancer, anti depression, anti diabetogenic, personal care products. According to the speaker ‘waste’ is an indicator of inefficiency of a process and one can easily correlate waste with demographic studies and environment. Sustainability is all about meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising on the needs of the future generations.He took live examples of certain celebrated name reactions like Wittig and Cannizzaro reactions which are not atom efficient. Barry Trost rued “an atom is a terrible thing to waste” Dr. Prabhu asked the students gathered to practise safe and sustainable chemistry, make the judicious use of safer solvents, design energy efficient procedures and also to have a control over the waste and degradation products.

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Session IV Resource Person: Dr. K.R Prabhu, IISc Bangalore Timings: 1:30-2:45pm Topic: Green chemistry and organic synthesis II Chaired by: Dr. Sunaja Devi Extending his talk on green chemistry Dr.Prabhu took examples pertaining to oxidation chemistry and the efficiency parameters of the catalyst. One must always be on the lookout for a catalyst which brings about hydrogenation. Dr. K.R Prabhu talked about different C-H functionalisation strategies and functional group transformation. Cross dehydrogenative coupling which is the traditional method of coupling doesn’t require prefunctional precursors and also provides shorter synthetic routes to the required product. The only challenge so far that has baffled chemists is that such reactions are relatively inert. He talked about the importance of Arbuzov reaction and different homo coupling reactions like Ullman, Wurtz, Gomberg and Vanadium catalysed indolation in water. His research group at IISc focus on metal free approach to C-H functionalisation. Dr. Prabhu said how Strecker synthesis has undergone a sea change and various modifications are available in recent literature. His recent publications include functional group interconversion of alpha aminonitrile and its consequent Strecker Synthesis. Benzylic oxidation can be easily carried out by DDQ instead of using the traditional route of Manganese dioxide method where a metal atom is involved. He inspired the students to take up green chemistry and pursue research in chemistry keeping the safer alternatives in mind.

DAY TWO Session: I Resource person: DR CHANDRABHAS NARAYANA; IPC Dept., JNCASR, Bangalore, India Time: 9:15‐10:30am Topic: UNDERSTANDING THE GAS ADSORPTION IN METAL ORGANIC FRAME WORK. Chaired by: Dr.Riya Datta In this session, Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana described surpassingly, the very basics of interaction of light with matter. Any photon on coming in contact with matter can undergo transmission, reflection, absorption, luminescence or scattering. He said that the demonstration of Raman Scattering in a laboratory is one of the simplest techniques to learn and understand the phenomenon of scattering of light. The spectra of molecules can be obtained by the virtue of vibrations, rotations, excitation of electrons from one energy- level to another. Accordingly, they are named as IR, Microwave and Electronic Spectroscopy. The speaker, who has encompassed Spectroscopic studies in his research, believes that the spectrum of any novel molecule gives valuable information regarding its physical and chemical properties.

Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana gave us a rough estimate that about 1 out of 107 molecules undergo inelastic (Raman) scattering. This number is sufficiently large to study molecules and thus, Vibrational Raman is more extensively employed in research than Rotational or Electronic Raman spectroscopic-studies. He pointed-out the subtle observations one has to make while studying a spectrum, especially with respect to temperature and isotopic substitution. According to these studies, a sharp peak can be obtained at room temperature but as the temperature decreases, the peak narrows down to a finer structure. He got the students engrossed into the topic by making them ponder over the differences in frequencies of Diamond, Silicon and Germanium , though they are all made up of the same element- Carbon.

Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana gave acumen of how Raman Spectrum is handy with respect to Carbon. It clearly differentiates the allotropes of Carbon and also aids in the characterization of

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sp2 and sp3 hybridised atoms.Some of the remarkable advantages of this technique, according to the speaker are – comparisons of peak positions of diastereomers, peak identification of chemically identical and similar structures and quantitative analysis by studying relative intensities of peaks.

He also talked about the newbie in the field of chemistry- Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs); these MOFs constitute a core unit of metal framework, connected by organic linkers. MOFs find applications in sensors, preferential separation of ions or atoms, storage, catalysis etc.

DAY TWO Session: II Resource person: DR CHANDRABHAS NARAYANA; IPC Dept., JNCASR, Bangalore, India Time: 10:30‐11:45am Topic: MAGNETIC ORDERING IN NEW CLASS OF MULTIFERROIC Chaired by: Dr.Riya Datta This session commenced as Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana instigated his talk in the area of “spintronics”, wherein, electronics clubbed with spin-studies provides a wide-range of applications. He quipped that humans always want to “improvise” the technology and make super-computers work even faster by employing spintronics. The world of spintronics essentially requires – spin and magnetic property imbibed within the matter. We all have, at some point or the other, heard of Perovskites – highly symmetric molecules. The speaker said that by destroying this symmetry, we can obtain “tilted-octahedral” structure which generates myriad properties. Interest lies in systems where the application of electric field can vary the properties of magnetic field and vice-versa. These less-symmetric molecules with limitless properties are called “multiferroics”.

Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana captivatingly brought forth the essence of obvious yet usually unobserved differences between a “multiferroic” and “ferroelectronic” substance. He also said that it is rather straight-forward and unchallenging to have a material with magnetic properties and then induce ferroelectric properties, than doing it back-wards (which is impossible).

He along with his team of researches have studied and proposed some mechanisms to create this material with special properties, which maybe mentioned as follows – Lone pair effects, Geometric frustration, Magnetic Ordering and Charge Ordering. Seemingly, there were several queries raised by other scientists as to whether this was an intrinsic phenomenon or not. Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana and his team have yet again put-forth hypotheses which need the knowledge of molecules of type RCrO3. Raman studies on RCrO3 revealed the temperature and pressure-dependent vibrations which can bring order into the distorted molecule.

This thought-provoking session came to a closure as Dr.Chandrabhas Narayana concluded that compressibility, pressure and size of atoms/ions can alter the properties of the MOFs.

Session VII Resource Person: Dr.J.N Moorthy, IIT Kanpur Topic: From molecules to materials: OLEDs and MOFs Timings: 12:00-1:15pm Chaired by: Dr. James Arulraj Dr. J.N Moorthy started his talk by emphasising on the importance of materials and how it has revolutionised our lives for the better. Chemistry strikes a perfect balance between the inorganic and organic domains. Chemists have tirelessly put forward their best foot in order to make the lives of the masses advanced which could be the use of polyaniline to coat the surface of iron bridges due to which resistance to corrosion is acquired by such structures. He talked about different metal organic clusters which is in turn made up of metal linker and an organic

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linear linker. These metal organic materials also MOMs have vacant spaces . Dr. Moorthy talked about Isoreticular synthesis wherein the target is to start from a small void and ultimately it forms a big void. These novel structures can be used for sensing, gas storage, bio-medicine, ion exchange, chemical separations and so on. Molecular sieving can be used as a technique for separation of alkanes.

At IIT Kanpur his group focuses on nanoporous organic functional mimics of inorganic zeolites. His recent work includes symmetric bimesityls. Moving onto OLEDs he enlightened the audience by how the mechanisms can be studied by injecting the electrons into the LOMO and holes into the HOMO. These electrons migrate under the influence of the applied electric field where the charge unites and emission of light takes place. He explained the terms Luminescence, Quantum Effect, Power Efficiency, Driving Voltage. His research interest includes the inclusion chemistry in relevance to troger’s base. He enthralled the audience by his talk on its various properties like crystallinity, its ability to undergo non radioactive decay and so on. The session ended with questions from curious students who wanted to delve deeper and understand more about Metal organic frameworks.

Session VIII Resource Person: Dr. J.N Moorthy, IIT Kanpur Timings: 2:00-3:15 pm Topic: Control of organic reactivity: Photochemistry and Organic Chemistry The evening session started by a lecture on a phenomenon called as photochromism and the different attributes that are plugged in while designing such molecules. He talked about the various processes by which a system can b e heated up. There are various ways by which decay of energy can take place Viz. Radiative as well as Non-radiative Decay. Dr. Moorthy explained Photochromism in relevance to Frank Condon Principle which is defined as the reversible photo coloration of a single chemical species between 2 states having distinguishable different absorption spectra, which is brought about by action of Electromagnetic Radiation in at least one direction. He explained the photo control of mechanical properties. He talked about the irreversibility of Chromene and O-Quinonoid structures under the dual effect of UV Radiation and Visible Light. Photochromic organic materials include inorganic hybrid materials and it finds applications as solar UV Sensing index. Photonic materials are hugely coveted due to its bio stability and it both forms are highly stable a reason why it is considered widely in the application of memory storage. He talked about the different spectrokinetic properties and its calculations. Toroidal configuration in hexaphenylbenzene influence photochromis, and through space control the properties can be individually dealt with. Helicity plays a key role in this phenomenon where the steric strain in helical scaffolds and other accessory forces which help in the stabilisation of O-Quinonoid intermediate. Moving over to the modern trends in the area of oxidation chemistry he explained the judicious use of IBX or Iodo Benzoic Acid. IBX is insoluble in all solvents except in DMSO. He talked about various modifications of the Dess Martin Periodinane method of oxidation of secondary alcohols to carbonyl groups and how research in this particular field has helped in bringing out the best in this reagent and how the method can be made more clean and green. After the conclusion of the session questions were raised on how changing the substituent and properties the process is made more facile.

Vote of thanks- The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Aatika Nizam and the two day event was a marked success.

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