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Project Brief

deas Cloud.............................................



Q&A Data Collection

Results Part 1

Results Part 2

Tracey Emin

David Shrigley

Stacey Benson


Video Development...............................

Establishing Direction............................

Expanding the Topic..............................

Business Stationary...............................













Contents Brief

‘Where do you come from?’

Throughout this Communication and Visuali-sation unit you are to consider how to use a

variety of techniques, materials and pro-

cesses to design a way to communicate, to

the rest of the group and anyone who should

access your learning log, an aspect of where

you have come from. You need to document

and evaluate a variety of techniques through-out your design development in your sketch-

book and throughout the learning log. You

can reveal as much or as little as is neces-

sary, but your design must communicate

where you have come from in an online envi-

ronment. There are no limitations to the form

of the final outcome, but any non-digital solu-

tions must have an image or images up-loaded to your log.

How do you tell people about your vori-

gins? How much do you tell them? What is

the best way to realise your design?2

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Where do I

come from?


Parents Values

External Influence


Parent’s Birth Place

Grandparents Birth Place

My Birth Place


Family Name

Traditions Artistic JourneyWhy I Love Arts

How Skills Developed

Life Cycle

Timeline: Conception til Now


What I Have Seen


Watching People

Important Experiences in Life

Pivotal Moments


FamilyTeachers/ Mentors


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R&D: Questionnaire

I set up a questionnaire on my blog with over 75 describing words to choose from to describe my character.

I got as many people as possible to complete the questionnaire to get a greater understanding of peoples

perception of me.


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R&D: Q&A Data Collection

I input the results from the questionnaire into a spreadsheet and split the data into four groups to make

reading the data much easier.


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From the questionnaire I posted I had 7 responses, some people ticked more boxes than others but overall

I believe the responses I received were honest (I achieved this by making the questionnaire anonymous)

R&D: Results Pt.1


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Out of 79 dierent words, 34 were not selected and the only ‘positive’ term in that list was ‘happy-go-

lucky’… all the rest were words such as inconsiderate, slimy and manipulative.

I also lled out the form, and 11 of my words come from the list of words no-one else chose. I was the

harshest judge of my character.

R&D: Results Pt.2






The words people used most to describe me were...


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Self Portrait: Tracey Emin

‘My Bed’ is a world famous installation by

Tracey Emin. Without going into too much

detail, I personally see this work as a self por-

trait of her former life. But this self portrait is

not unique to her as I believe many people can

relate to the lifestyle portrayed here.


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Self Portrait: Tracey Emin cont.

Tracey Emin is known for creating work that is very personal to her, and

‘Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995’ is simply another example

of her doing what she does best. In the tent are the names of everyone 

she’s ever slept with.


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Self Portrait: David Shrigley

David Shrigley’s simple drawings are humorous with

such deep meaning behind some of them. I particularly

like the image directly above this text because when

you read about Shrigley, you begin to understand who

he is in relation to his drawings.


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Self Portrait: Stacey Benson Although Stacey Benson is

not a known gure, this par-

ticular piece is easy to come

across when researching

typography and art. I admire

the level of detail put into

this. Its a great way of pre-

senting information


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For the next step in the project I want to narrow down the topics I am going to look at. One issue I’ve had to

deal with is making the crucial decisions at an early stage so that there is clarity and direction.

One what I could look at where I come from could be the journey I take each morning to university. Its partof my routine and plays a part in where/ who I’ll be in the future.

I’ve considered making ash video showing my route and also lming the actual journey and editing the

footage. This will certainly challenge my skills as I have no practical experience using adobe ash.


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Here is my rst attempt using ash.

The out come shows the route but i feel this is far from enough detail to mean anything at all to the



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I am shifting my focus from the previous idea and have lmed my journey to uni. I chose to use my

blackberry to give a ‘raw footage’ feel.

I then took the footage and have put it into adobe Premiere Pro - here i increase the number of frames per-

second so the footage is no longer in real time.

I like the look of the sped up

footage but it needs more work as

right now I’m likely to lose the

audience if I was to present it as a

nished piece


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I took the footage into iMovie and applied the ‘Raster’ Eect and also made changes to the hue so the vid-

eo was tinted green. This makes it a little more interesting to look at


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The eect I’ve applied reminds me very much of the matrix, and as that lm is among my all time favourites

I feel justied to pay it tribute. I want to include as many attributes of myself into this project, wether subtle

or blatant

During the journey I am going to add stills and notes

on what I’m thinking at that point in my journey. This all

makes it more enjoyable and insightful for the viewer


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Creating this sequence was a lot eas-ier this time round, and I was able to

really experiment to produce what I

think is a good quality outcome.

So far the video looks good, and I have added music that i believe compliments the video well as it has

occasional sounds of vehicles passing and the tempo is suitable for the pace of the video

 At this point the video is looking more complete but i want to add a title sequence that gives the video a

nice introduction. To create the sequence I am going to use the skills I previously learnt in Adobe ash.


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Expanding the Topic

My Parents were very business orientated, and this began to rub o on me from a

young age, I was reading many books on business and nance. This aected my

outlook on life and how it should be like. I began to expect a lot more from myself andso did others.

I would like to illustrate this somehow incorporating elements from the research I’ve

already completed, and adding to that research if necessary.

things associated with business


luxury livingmeetings

business stationary clothinghard work





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Business Stationary

I’m going to look deeper into business stationary because I feel it represents the business aspect of my

past very well. Its very important to businesses and individuals in networking and establishing themselves

in their industry. I am going to create a brand for myself but each piece of stationary I create will tell more of

the story of where I come from

I feel that the best place to get started is with designing a logo...


L D l

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Logo Development


L D l

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Logo Development

Here I have attempted to include a J and my face into the logo, this makes it very personal to

me but I feel that these are not strong enough nor to they look like actual business logos.


L D l t

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Logo Development

This is the nal result of the logo. I have

chosen the title of the project to be the name

of the ‘company’ as i believe it will provide an

explanation to the meaning of each design Iproduce.

Business is global, and global is where I’ve al-

ways set my sights for the growth of any busi-

ness ventures i undertake. I feel this is made

stronger in the act that my face is what makes

the ‘earth’ shape.

I feel this logo is synonymous with business

culture and also very personal to me and

where i come from.


B i d h

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Business card research


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I like the cards above, but feel there is a more potential and so have

created the designs below



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The reason for so little information on the cards I created is that

they provide the link to a website I am currently designing that can

lead the viewer to more information about where I come from. I

want to keep the audience guessing for as long as possible - its

guerilla marketing on a small scale!


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I’ve kept the website very corporate looking in tune with the ‘business cards’, and featured on the home

page is the video I created. I’ve added an extra scene at the beginning that establishes the link between

the video, cards and the website.


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I am pleased with outcome of this project, and although i feel there

is more that I could have done in terms of branding the WDICF

concept. I would like to come back to this project at a later stage

when my skills have improved and work more with ash and other




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