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    Ishwinder Singh Grewal

    B.A.Sc, The University ofBritish Columbia, 1989






    Department of Metals and Materials Engineering

    We accept this thesis as conforming

    to the required standard


    October 1991

    Ishwinder Singh Grewal, 1991

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    In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced

    degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it

    freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive

    copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my

    department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or

    publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written


    Department of (V\gjbn\< \ - Mc\e* .qU Bvqc^e^nWj

    The University of British Columbia

    Vancouver, Canada

    Date O C T - M

    DE-6 (2/88)

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    At INCO's Copper CliffCopper Refinery, a copper sulphide residue containing precious

    metals is subjected to a pressure leach at 115C Copper occurs predominantly as G12S and

    Cu : %S. The leach produces a slurry of copper sulphate solution and basic copper sulphate and

    precious metals solids. The basic copper sulphate is dissolved in spent acid from the

    electrowinning tankhouse leaving a precious metals residue for further processing. The leach

    periodically develops a problem referred to as a "slow cook" where leaching times are greatly

    extended and/or incomplete leaching ofcopper is encountered.

    Based on earlier work, chalcocite leaching was proposed to occur sequentially via the

    following reactions:

    1. Cw,S+ //2S04+102 - CuS+ CuSCuS+ Cu{OH\ CuSOA

    3. Cw1S+^02+H20 -*^CuS+^(2Cu(OH) 2'CuSOt)

    4. CuS + 202-+CuSOt

    5. CuS+H^ + ^-^CuSO^+H^ +S

    The exact reaction path is determined by the initial solution conditions (copper sulphate

    and sulphuric acid concentrations). Under normal batch makeup conditions, all of the CU2S is

    oxidized to cupric ions and sulphate via reactions 1,2 and 4. If the solution becomes depleted in

    copper and acid, reaction 3 could occur. Elemental sulphur can be produced via reaction 5.

    Experimental studies showed that the reactions were nearly sequential. Reactions 1 and 2

    were found to be very fast relative to the rate of reaction 4. No slow cook conditions were

    observed in the laboratory under normal leaching conditions. There is evidence suggesting that


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    the slow cooks are caused by oxygen mass transfer limitations under conditions where the

    slurry becomes highly viscous and pseudoplastic due to formation of finely divided basic

    copper sulphate.


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    Table of Contents


    Table of Tables vi

    Table of Figures viiAcknowledgements xi

    CHAPTER 1 - Introduction 1

    CHAPTER2 - Background and Literature Review 4

    2.1 Overview of the INCO-CRED Process 4

    2.1.1 Background of the Second Stage Leach 7

    2.1.2 The Second Stage Leach 10

    2.2 The UBC Screening Model 12

    2.3 Scope of the Study 21

    2.4 Literature Review 22

    2.4.1 Copper Sulphides - Chalcocite to Covellite 22

    2.4.2 Leaching of Chalcocite and Covellite 23

    2.4.3 Electrochemical Studies 30

    2.4.4 Eh -pH Relationships and Phase Systems 33

    2.4.5 Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Oxidative Leaching 38

    2.5 Summary 41

    CHAPTER3 - Experimental Methods 43

    3.1 Part A: Study of the sequential nature of the reactions 44

    3.1.1 Batch make-up chemistry 44

    3.1.2 Experimental procedure 45

    3.1.3 Additional experiments in Part A 46

    3.2 Part B: Kinetic Experiments 47

    3.3 Part C: Leaching CuS in the presence of basic copper sulphate 48


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    CHAPTER4 - Results and Discussion 50

    4.1 Part A: Study of the sequential nature of the reactions 50

    4.1.1 The behavior of copper dissolution 50

    4.1.2 Iron and Arsenic 58

    4.1.3 Nickel and Cobalt 61

    4.1.4 Additional Observations ofPart A Experiments 63

    4.2 Part B: Kinetic Experiments 63

    4.3 Part C: Leaching CuS in the presence of basic copper sulphate 66

    4.3.1 Discussion ofORP Measurements 71

    4.4 Comparison ofLeaching Rates - Part A and Part C 72

    4.5 Additional Observations 73

    CHAPTER5 - Conclusions and Recommendations 76

    5.1 Conclusions 76

    5.2 Recommendations for further work 77


    APPENDIX A - Detailed Flowsheet of the CRED Plant 82

    APPENDIX B - Planned Experiments for Part B-1 83

    APPENDIX C - Assay results ofPart A experiments 84

    APPENDIX D - Part B experimental results 90

    APPENDIX E - Part C experimental results 101

    APPENDIX F - Part C experimental results - Effect ofiron plots 107


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    Table of Tables

    Table 2.1 Typical Assay ofIPC Residue 4

    Table 3.1 Assay ofFirst Stage Residue used in Part A Experiments 44

    Table 3.2 List ofpart C experiments performed 49

    Table 4.1 X-Ray Diffraction Results 54

    Table 4.2 Degree ofsulphur oxidation 65

    Table 4.3 Time taken to leach to 10,15 and 20% oxygen consumption 66

    Table 4.4 Potential and pH measurements of the leach slurry after leaching and the

    approximate temperatures at which they were measured 69

    Table 4.5 Comaparison of oxygen flow rates 73

    Table Bl. List of the planned experiments for part B 83

    Table Cl. Amount of the indicated species in the leach solution at various oxygen

    consumption levels '. 84

    Table C2. Amount of the indicated species in the releach solution at various oxygen

    consumption levels : 85

    Table C3. Amount of the indicated species in the releach cake at various oxygen

    consumption levels 86

    Table C4. Total amount ofspecies (calculated as a sum oftables C1-C3) in the process


    Table C5. Distribution ofspecies of experiments performed with the "copper

    depleted cake" 88

    Table C6. The pH and ORP values of the slurry after leaching to a given level of

    oxygen consumption 89


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    Table of Figures

    Figure 1.1 Classification of leaching methods 2

    Figure 2.1 General processing route of the IPC residue at the INCO-CRED plant in

    Copper Cliff 6

    Figure 2.2 Second Stage Leaching Circuit at INCO's - Copper CliffCopper Refinery... 10

    Figure 2.3 Approximate shape and dimensions of the Second Stage Autoclaves 11

    Figure 2.4 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (i) conditions 16

    Figure 2.5 Oxygen flow rates as predicted by model for case (i) conditions 16

    Figure 2.6 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (ii) conditions 18

    Figure 2.7 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model for case (ii) conditions 18

    Figure 2.8 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (iii) conditions 19

    Figure 2.9 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model for case (iii) conditions 19

    Figure 2.10 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (iv) conditions 20

    Figure 2.11 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model forcase (iv) conditions 20

    Figure 2.12 Crystal structures of copper sulphide minerals relevant to this study 22

    Figure 2.13 Leaching morphology for a chalcocite particle (a)0-20% copper extraction

    03)20-50% copper extraction (c) 50-100% copper extraction 26Figure 2.14 Evans diagram of applicable polarization curves during oxygen pressure

    leaching of chalcocite 27

    Figure 2.15a-b Potential-pH diagram for the Cu-S-H20 system 34

    Figure 2.16a-b Thermal precipitation diagrams for the CUSO4-H2SO4-H2O system ....... 35

    Figure 2.17 Thermal precipitationdiagram for the CUSO4-H2SO4-H2O system at 100C

    for 3cu2+= a

    S04 2- 36

    Figure 2.18a-b Phase diagrams of the Cu-S system. The blaubleinder covelUte is

    abbreviated as "be" 37

    Figure 2.19 Models for oxygen adsorption during oxidative leaching 40

    Figure 3.1 Schematic of the experimental setup 43

    Figure 4.1 The distributionof copper during leaching of chalcocite 52

    Figure 4.2 Similar to Figure 4.1 - no copper in solids shown to magnify scale 52

    Figure 4.3 Comparison of the model results to the actual behavior 53


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    Figure 4.4"Reaction" temperature versus pH^ change during precipitation from 1 M

    CuS0 4 solution. The "equihbrium" boundary for 1 M solution isalso shown 56

    Figure 4.5 Comparison ofsulphur levels in the leach residue between the model and

    actual results 57

    Figure 4.6 Distribution ofiron during leaching. 59

    Figure 4.7 SEM photomicrographps - Effect ofiron on agglomerate size of the

    precipitate 60

    Figure 4.8 Distribution of arsenic during leaching 61

    Figure 4.9 Distribution ofnickel during leaching 62

    Figure 4.10 Distribution of cobalt during leaching 62

    Figure 4.11 Oxygen consumption rate at various initial copper concentrations with

    [Fe]=0.25g/L. Each curve represents a different level ofoxygen consumption

    .- 67

    Figure 4.12 Oxygen consumption rate at various copper concentrations with [Fe]=0

    g/L. Each curve represents a different level ofoxygen consumption 68

    Figure 4.13 The effect ofinitial copper concentration on the measured ORP at [Fe]=0

    and [Fe]=0.25 g/L 70

    Figure 4.14Evans diagram of applicable polarization curves during pressure

    leaching ofCuS (schematic) 70

    Figure 4.15 A schematic highlighting areas believed to be well mixed in the second

    stageautoclave. The poorly mixed zones are thought to be the result of theobserved pseudoplastic behavior ofthe slurry 75

    Figure Al . Detailed flowsheet of the CRED Plant 82

    Figure DI. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3,x4)=(l,l,0) and

    xt=0 91

    Figure D2. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3,x4)=(l,0,l) and

    x,=0 91

    Figure D3. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,X3/x4)=(l/-l/0) and

    x,=0 92

    Figure D4. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3/x4)=(l/0,-l)and

    x,=0 92

    Figure D5. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2/X3/X4)=(0,l,-l) and

    x1=0 93

    Figure D6. Rate ofoxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3/x4)=(0,0,0) and

    x1=0 93


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    Figure D7. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2/x3/X4)=(0,l/l) and

    x,=0 94

    Figure D8. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2/x3,X4)=(0/-l/l) and

    x 1= 0 94

    Figure D9. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3,x4)=(0,-l,-l)

    andx^O 95

    Figure D10. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2/x3/X4)=(0,0,0)

    andx,=0 95

    Figure DTI. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where

    ( x ^ x ^ M - l A L O ) 96

    Figure D12. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where




    4)=(-l,0,-l,0) 96

    Figure D13. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where(x1/x2/x3^4)=(-l,0J3/-l) 97

    Figure D14. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where

    ( x ^ x ^ M - l A O , ! ) 97

    Figure D15. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2/x3/x4)=(-l,0,l)

    and x:=0 98

    Figure D16. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x




    andx,=0 98

    Figure D17. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x3/X4)=(-l,l,0)and x1=0 99

    Figure D18. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where (x2,x



    andx 1=0 99

    Figure D19. Rate of oxygen consumption for the condition where

    (x:/x2,x3/X4)=(-l,-l,0,0) 100

    Figure El. Rate of oxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=0 g/L and [Fe]=0.25 g/L


    Figure E2. Rate of oxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=80 g/L and [Fe]=0.25 g/L102

    Figure.E3. Rate of oxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=10 g/L and [Fe]=0.25 g/L

    > 103

    Figure E4. Rate of oxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=40 g/L and [Fe]=0.25 g/L


    - i x -

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    Figure E5. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=l g/L and [Fe]=0.25 g/L


    Figure E6. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=0 g/L and [Fe]=0 g/L 104

    Figure E7. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=80 g/L and [Fe]=0 g/L 105

    Figure E8. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=10 g/L and [Fe]=0 g/L 105

    Figure E9. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=40 g/L and [Fe]=0 g/L 106

    Figure E10. Rate ofoxygen consumption where initial [Cu]=l g/L and [Fe]=0 g/L 106

    Figure Fl . Rate ofoxygen consumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 10% oxygen consumption point 108

    Figure F2. Rate ofoxygen consumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 20% oxygenconsumption point 108

    Figure F3. Rate ofoxygenconsumption for various initial copper concentrations atthe 30% oxygenconsumption point 109

    Figure F4. Rate ofoxygen consumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 40% oxygen consumption point 109

    Figure F5. Rate ofoxygenconsumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 50% oxygen consumption point 110

    Figure F6. Rate ofoxygen consumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 60% oxygen consumption point 110

    Figure F7. Rate ofoxygenconsumption for various initial copper concentrations atthe 70% oxygen consumption point I l l

    Figure F8. Rate ofoxygen consumption for various initial copper concentrations at

    the 80% oxygen consumption point I l l


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    I would like to thankDr. David Dreisinger for his constant encouragement and support

    and Dr. Ernest Peters for his thought provoking discussions and ideas throughout the course of

    this project.

    I wish to thankINCO; without their financial support and faculties, this project would not

    have been possible. Thanks are also extended to all of the people associated with INCO who

    helped in various ways in the completion of the experimental work.

    I wish to thankmy mother who has always encouraged me to press on and has shown me

    the value of perseverance. I also wish to thank my wife for believing in me more than I believed

    in myself throughout this endeavor.

    And a final thanks is extended to the Cy and Emerald Keyes Foundation for their financial



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    CHAPTER1 -Introduction

    Copper is one of the less abundant base metals found in the earth's crust occurring at

    levels of approximately 7 ppm (compared to aluminum and iron at approximately 80 000 and 60

    000 ppm respectively) [1]. Approximately 90% of the world's supply of copper occurs as

    sulphidic ores. Pyrometallurgical techniques have historically been the dominant processing

    method. However, pollution problems associated with sulphur dioxide emissions from

    pyrometallurgical operations has resulted in a considerable research effort in

    hydrometallurgicalprocessing of copper and other sulphide ores.

    Some of the main advantages that hydrometallurgical processes offer are that:

    1. Hydrometallurgy allows the processing of complex ores with multiple recoverable metals.

    By controlling solution conditions, it is possible to recover various metals in separate unit

    operations. These metals can be sold for additional revenues.

    2. Hydrometallurgicaloperations are performed at lower temperatures and generally use less

    energy compared to the high temperatures often employed in pyrometallurgical

    operations. This is especially true for low grade ores.

    3. Hydrometallurgy has often been found to be more economically viable in the treatment of

    low grade ores especially if the crushing and grinding steps can be minimized as in

    percolation leaching methods.

    4. Hydrometallurgical operations produce little or no air pollution. The liquid waste

    generated at hydrometallurgical plants is often easier to contain and treat than effluent


    5. Solutions and slurries in hydrometallurgical plants are easily transported by pipeline

    systems as opposed to moving of molten slags and mattes between furnaces using heavy

    refractory ladles in pyrometallurgical processes.


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    Successful hydrometallurgical processes for copper extraction from sulphide concentrates

    have been proposed and designed but they have not been able to compete commercially with

    pyrometallurgical processes. Although hydrometallurgical processes have demonstrated many

    advantages as listed above, they are not a panacea for extractive metallurgy. Buthydrometallurgy does have an important role to play in the treatment ofspecific ores such as

    low-grade ores, complex mineral ores and secondary materials produced from other

    pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical operations.

    The most common hydrometallurgical step is the leaching process which serves to free the

    desired constituents from the gangue material via dissolution. In general, leaching methods can

    be classified into percolation leaching and agitated leaching (see Figure 1.1). The method used

    depends upon the nature of the ore and the mineral deposit.




    Percolation Leaching


    Heap or



    Leaching Method




    Agitated Leaching

    Thin Layer

    LeachingSlime (Pulp)







    Figure 1.1 Classification of leaching methods [2].


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    The leaching reagents used must dissolve the ore minerals as rapidly as possible and be

    substantially inert towards the gangue minerals. Extensive reaction with the gangue minerals

    causes excessive reagent consumption and causes the solution to become fouled with

    impurities. The reagent must also be readily available and as inexpensive as possible.

    Leaching in the presence ofsulphuric acid is one of the most common methods in leaching

    copper sulphides. Sulphides are insoluble in dilute sulphuric acids but can be solubilized if

    oxidizing species are present in solution. These oxidizing agents include oxygen, sulphate and

    chloride salts ofiron and copper and aqueous chlorine (ie. hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite).

    Acids, present as concentrated solutions, are sometimes also powerful oxidizing agents.

    Increasing temperature and oxygen pressures have been found to contribute significantly to the

    rate of copper extraction.

    One process for the leaching of copper from a sulphide residue is the CRED1 Second Stage

    Leach at INCO's Copper Cliff Copper Refinery. The second stage leach processes secondary

    material, mostly CujS, generated from a preceding metathetic leach. The objective of this thesis

    is to investigate the poor leaching behavior that has occasionally been encountered in this

    process. The problem ofslow copper leaching kinetics has existed for approximately 15 years

    occasionally becoming severe enough to warrant investigation. The research workcontained in

    this thesis was designed following some initial mathematical modelling work done by

    Dreisinger and Peters [3] at U.B.C. which pointed to a possible metallurgical explanation for the

    poor leaching behavior.

    This thesis is organized in the following way. Chapter 2 contains a brief literature survey

    on the leaching behavior of copper sulphides. Chapter 2 also contains the investigations done

    in the past by INCO and the model developed at U.B.C. Chapter 3 covers the experimentalmethods and chapter 4 contains the results and discussions. In chapter 5, some conclusions and

    recommendations are offered.

    1 CRED - Copper Refinery Electrowinning Department


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    CHAPTER2 - Background and Literature Review

    2.1 Overview of the INCO-CRED Process

    INCCs Copper Cliff Nickel Refinery extracts nickel via the INCO Pressure Carbonyl

    (IPC) process. This process produces a residue that contains mostly copper along with the other

    constituents shown in Table 2.1. Approximately 50 tons of this residue are processed daily in a

    hydrometallurgical plant (CRED-Copper Refinery Electrowinning Department) at the Copper

    CliffCopper Refinery. The purpose of the CRED plant is to separate the various constituents of

    the IPC residue through a number ofhydrometallurgical operations (see Figure 2.1) [4]. The

    process steps include pressure leaching, cementation, precipitation, thickening, filtration andelectrowinning. A detailed process flowchart is provided in Appendix A.

    Table 2.1 Typical Assay ofIPC Residue [4].

    Weight Percent Oz/Ton

    Cu Ni Co Fe S Se Te PGM + Au Ag

    55-60 6-10 4-8 4-9 13-19 0.06-0.10 0.06-0.10 20-30 25-45

    The IPC residue is first treated via a metathetic pressure leach in sulphuric acid (100-200

    g/L) and copper sulphate (40-90 g/L) solution at 150C. This batch process, referred to as First

    Stage Leaching, is used to dissolve nickel, cobalt and iron and separate these metals from

    copper, selenium, tellurium and precious metals which remain in the solid phase. The overallreactions taking place in the leaching process are:

    MeO(s) + H2SOA = MeS04+H20

    Me(s) + CuSOt= MeSOA + Cu(s)


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    MeS(s) + CuSOA =MeSOA + CuS(s)

    where Me =Ni,Co,Fe

    Approximately 95-98% of the base metals, other than copper, are leached out of the solids

    in this step. The copper entering the first stage leach is present predominantly in the form of

    CujS (chalcocite) and passes through to the second stage leach unmodified. Thefirststage leach

    slurry is filtered. The filtrate is put through a copper clean-up circuit to remove some copper

    which still remains in solution after the leach. Thefirststage leach residue is treated in a total

    oxidative pressure leach at 115C. This step is referred to as Second Stage Leaching.

    Thefirststage cake obtained from thefiltrationstep is combined with water and spent

    electrolyte from the plant to produce a slurry of approximately 30% solids. This slurry is

    charged into the second stage autoclaves. The chalcocite is batch-leached to form a slurry of

    neutral copper sulphate (CuS04) solution (pH of -2.5-3.0) and basic copper sulphate

    (CuS04-2Cu(OH)2) solids. The slurry is then mixed with spent electrolyte to dissolve the basic

    copper sulphate to leave a residue containing precious metals and lead sulphate. Selenium,

    tellurium and most of the base metals are also solubilized during the leaching process. The

    unleached solids arefilteredout for processing at another INCO plant to recover the precious

    metals. The solution is treated for selenium-tellurium removal and then pumped to the

    tankhouse for copper recovery via electrowinning.

    Selenium and tellurium removal is essential because these impurities tend to co-deposit

    with the copper during electrowinning and contaminate the cathodes. The removal of Se and

    Te is achieved by heating the solution to 95 C and passing it through a column filled with

    copper shot. This promotes the formation ofselenide and telluride precipitates that form as fine

    blackparticulates. The solution and solids are passed through four aging towers in series in

    which the solids settle out. The Se and Te concentrations are reduced to less than 1 mg/1 in

    solution. The overflow from the aging towers is passed through polishingfiltersand sent to the

    electrowinning circuit.


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    PM ResidueSpent Electrolyte

    Sulphuric Acid

    Oxygen . . Second StagePressureLeaching




    IPC Residuefrom INCOPressure CarbonylProcess ^

    First StagePressureLeaching






    NaSH '

    Filter Aid


    CuS to SecondStage PressureLeaching

    Se, Te Residue

    Filtrate Selenium,TelluriumRemoval


    Filter Aid


    Sulphuric Acid



    Filter Aid



    Iron hydroxide-Gypsum Solidsto Effluent

    Filtrate CopperElectrowinning

    Titanium Blanks

    Lead Anodes



    Soda Ash







    Nickel/Cobalt* Carbonate


    Bosh Pond

    Figure 2.1 General processing route ofthe IPC residue at the INCO-CRED plant in Copper


    The filtrate from the first stage leach is processed through a copper clean-up circuit to

    remove any copper which exists in solution in the form ofcopper sulphate. The removal is

    necessary to prevent copper losses to the effluent during the iron/arsenic removal step and to

    prevent copper contamination of the nickel/cobalt carbonate. The copper is removed by the

    addition of a 30% NaHS solution at 70 C. Most ofthe copper is precipitated as CuS. The process

    is controlled so as to prevent the evolution ofH2S gas. A thickener is used to thicken the CuS

    precipitate. The solids are returned to the first stage filters and the overflow solution is sent to

    the iron/arsenic removal circuit.


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    The objective of the iron/arsenic removal circuit is to produce environmentally stable

    compounds of iron, arsenic and sulphur and discard them to the effluent stream without

    excessive loss of nickel and cobalt. The feed solution to this circuit contains 0.02 g/L copper,

    25-35 g/L nickel, 15-25 g/L cobalt, 20-35 g/L iron, 1-2 g/L arsenic, and 40-70 g/L sulphuric

    acid. It is processed continuously at a rate of 150 L/min. Lime slurry is added to the solution as

    it is passed through two autoclaves operating under oxygen pressure at 90-95 C. The iron and

    arsenic precipitate out and the solids are separated by filtration to produce an iron-gypsum

    cake. The filtrate is sent to the nickel/cobalt recovery step. The iron-gypsum cake is partially

    redissolved to remove co-precipitated nickel and cobalt and then filtered. The filter cake is sent

    to the tailings and the filtrate is returned ahead of the iron precipitation circuit.

    The filtrate from the iron removal circuit is mixed with a 200 g/L solution of sodium

    carbonate (Na2C03) in two reaction vessels in series. The pH is controlled in the ranges 7.6-7.8

    and 8.1-8.3 in the two vessels respectively. The reaction product is a precipitate of basic nickel

    and cobalt carbonates which is thickened to 20-25% solids. The nickel/cobalt carbonate is

    shipped to the cobalt refinery and the barren solution is pumped to the waste pond.

    2.1.1 Background of the Second Stage Leach

    When the CRED plant first became operational in the early 70's, the second stage leach

    was designed to leach CU2S completely in the presence ofexcess acid (H2SO4) and under

    oxygen pressure at 110C. The products of the leaching process were CuS04(aq) and

    elemental sulphur. The equation governing the process was reported as [5]:

    Cu + 2HOt + 02 -> 2CuSO, + 2H20 +S

    The leach products typically analyzed 90% elemental sulphur and 10% precious metals and

    unreacted sulphides. The factors affecting the reaction rate were determined to be the iron

    content of the solution, oxygen pressure, temperature and feed particle size. The acid and

    copper concentrations were not found to be critical factors in the leaching rate. The iron


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    content of the solution was identified as beingan important variable. With iron in solution,

    the reaction proceeds rapidly according to the reaction above to form elemental sulphur.

    However in the absence ofiron, the reaction proceeds more slowly and consumes up to 4

    times as much oxygen and the sulphide sulphur is oxidized to sulphate according to the


    CifjS + H2SOA+\o2^> 2CuS04+H20

    The leaching process was operated by this method for a few years. However, in the

    mid-seventies, historical reports [6] show thata proposal was made to change the leaching

    process. It was suggested that all the sulphide sulphur should be oxidized to form sulphate

    as opposed to elemental sulphur by leaching in a low-acid solution. Based on laboratory

    work, the product from this leaching method would produce a precipitate of basic copper

    sulphate (CuS04-2Cu(OH)2) in a solution of copper sulphate. The slurry would have to be

    mixed with spent electrolyte containing sulphuric acid to dissolve the precipitateand leave

    a residue containing precious metals and a small amount of gangue materials. The

    operating conditions of the process were set at 150 psi oxygen pressure at 105'C. The batch

    feed to the autoclave would be a mixture of spent electrolyte containing sulphuricacid,

    copper and iron in solution with first stage residue to form a slurry containing -40% solids

    by weight.

    The process was eventually changed to a total oxidative leach in 1975 with some

    modifications being continually made to improve the process. Howver, the secondstage

    leach residue occasionally showed high levels of copper still remaining in the solids even

    after extended leaching times [7]. Extensive examination ofIPC residue, first stage residue

    and poorly leached second state leach residue was carried out to determine the nature of the

    poor leaching behavior. The results showed that the presence ofCu 20 in the feed to second

    stage, associated with high levels of oxygen in the IPC residue, was linked to the poorly

    leached batches. The presence ofCu 20 was proposed to cause an adhering film of basic


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    copper sulphate at the point of basic copper sulphate formation. This would block oxidizing

    species from reaching the copper sulphide particles and hinder further leaching.

    Photomicrographs were presented to support this theory.

    During 1986, slow leaching and high copper in the residue became a severe problem

    and warranted further investigation of the process [8]. A complete leach should nominally

    take 5 hours based on plant reports and experimental tests. However, the length of leach

    times almost always exceeded 5 hours with the occasional leach time taking longer than 20

    hours. For example, from plant data for the month ofJanuary 1988 [9], out of93 leaches, 33%

    ofthe leaches exceeded 8 hours. A calculation in one report [10] gives the cost of downtime

    as approximately $25 000 /hr for deferred revenues from precious metals. It is apparent

    from this calculation how even small improvements in leaching times can make a significant

    difference to the revenues over one year.

    One laboratory study [11] of the second stage leach shows some interesting results on

    the behavior of the process with respect to pulp density, particle size of precipitate, and

    agitation speed. It was found that higher solids density feeds lowered the leaching rate of

    copper considerably due to higher viscosity of the solution. In lab tests with normal solids

    densities, higher viscosities were observed on the material which leached poorly in the plant

    as opposed to material which leached quickly. The higher viscosities observed in this case

    were associated with afinerparticle size of the precipitate. The agitation speed of the slurry

    also had a significant effect on the leaching rate. All these factors appear to indicate that

    oxygen dispersion in the autoclave is severely affected by changing viscosities and agitation


    The autoclaves have no level meter, so the impeller depth varies considerablybetween

    leaches. Impeller depth was suggested to be an important parameter in the leaching rate in

    one study and so the slurry level was lowered (amount unknown) and was found to

    improve the leaching process for a short while. However, this did not cure the problem



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    2.1.2 The Second Stage Leach

    The equipment used in the second stage leaching process consistsofa batch make-up

    tank/2 titanium autoclaves, a dissolving tank, 2 pressure filters and a rotary vacuum filter

    (Figure2.2) [4]. There are also product holding tanks between various stages of the process.

    PM residueslurry storage

    Figure 2.2 Second Stage Leaching Circuit at INCO's - Copper CliffCopper Refinery [4].

    The autoclaves were originally designed for leaching in excess acid as described

    earlier but were modified in the mid-seventies when the process was changed. The major

    change to the autoclaves was the installation of vertical cooling coils around the inside


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    perimeter of the vessels (see figure 2.3) [12]. The agitator system consists of two 45'

    pitched-down, 4 bladed turbine impellers attached to a single 18 cm diameter shaft rotating

    at 68 rpm. The internal parts are made out of 316L stainless steel.



    Figure 2.3 Approximateshape and dimensions of the Second Stage Autoclaves [12].


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    The feed is prepared as a 30% solids slurry by mixing spent electrolyte from the

    electrowinning plant, water and first stage residue in the batch make-up tank. The slurry is

    then pumped into one of the second stage autoclaves. The autoclave is then pressurized

    with oxygen to 150 psi while the slurry is being agitated. The temperature is maintained at

    115C during the leach. The leaching process is assumed to be complete when there is no

    more oxygen consumption, no more heat being generated and there is no temperature

    increase when cooling is off. The slurry is then pumped to the redissolving tank where it is

    mixed with spent electrolyte and filter aid. The acid in the spent electrolyte dissolves the

    basic copper sulphate. The unleached solids are then recovered by pressure filtration and

    the filtrate is sent to Se/Te removal. The solids are repulped in water and refiltered to

    recover the precious metals residue. The final residue is shipped to Port Colborne for

    precious metals recovery.

    2.2 The UBC Screening Model

    The studies in the past have been inconclusive in determining the cause of the long

    leaching times and incomplete leaching in the second stage autoclaves. A mathematical model

    of the CRED second stage leach was developed at UBC by Dreisinger and Peters [3] in an

    attempt to evaluate possible metallurgical causes of the "slow cook" conditions occurring in the

    process. This screening model was a first approximation to possibly highlight some of the

    conditions that may lead to slow cook conditions. The model was developed on a number of

    important assumptions based on work previously done by Peters and Mao [13] on the leaching

    ofCu2S underslightly acidic conditions. Their workproduced the following results:

    i. Cu^ leaches very quickly to CuS.

    ii. The CuS produced by leaching Cu2S tends to fracture and become finely disseminated.

    iii. Cu ^ conversion to CuS proceeds very quickly relative to the leaching ofCuS.

    iv. A small amount ofiron in solution promotes elemental sulphur formation during leaching.

    The leaches with no iron showed little or no elemental sulphur in the leach residue.


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    Since CuS leaching proceeds slowly relative to Cu 2S conversion to CuS, it is possible to

    separate the leaching steps of Cu 2S conversion to CuS and CuS leaching to CuSGv In

    developing the model, a number of discrete leaching reactions were proposed which would

    proceed one at a time depending on the prevailing solution conditions and the character of the

    unreacted solids. These reactions are:

    1. CuxS+{x- l]H2SO CuS+^(x - 1)2CM(0//)J CuS04

    3. CuxS+^(x - \)02 + (x -\)H20 -> ^(3-x)CuS+^(x- l)(2Ca(0//), CuSOj

    4. CuS + 202-+CuSOt

    5. CuS+H2SOi+^02^,CuSOi+H20 + S

    where Cu,S refers to the average Cu/S mole ratio in the feed, not to any particular mineral

    form and the value of is approximately 2.

    There are five reaction pathways possible under various initial batch recipes.

    i. Begin with copper sulphate and acid in solution.

    Reaction 1 proceeds until acid depletion.

    Reaction 2 proceeds until only CuS is left in the residue

    Reaction 4 proceeds to total oxidative endpoint.

    ii. Begin with copper sulphate in solution and no acid.

    Reaction 2 proceeds until only CuS is left in the residue.

    Reaction 4 proceeds to total oxidative endpoint.

    iii. Begin with copper sulphate andexcess acid in solution. ,

    Reaction 1 proceeds until only CuS is left in the residue.

    Reaction 5 proceeds to acid depletion.

    Reaction 4 proceeds to total oxidative endpoint.


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    iv. Begin with acid and low copper in solution.

    Reaction 1 proceeds until acid depletion.

    Reaction 2 proceeds until copper sulphate is depleted.

    Reaction 3 proceeds until only CuS is left in the residue.

    Reaction 4 proceeds to total oxidative endpoint.

    v. Begin with low copper and no acid in solution.

    Reaction 2 proceeds until copper sulphate is depleted.

    Reaction 3 proceeds until only CuS is left in the residue.

    Reaction 4 proceeds to total oxidative endpoint.

    The kinetic routine in the model was divided into a two-step process. The first step is

    gas-liquid mass transfer defined by the following equation,

    d[02]- ^ - = *,([OJ -[Oz])

    where kg is the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient for the system

    [OJ" is the saturated oxygen cone, in solution at the oxygen partial pressure in the


    [02] is the oxygen concentration in the bulksolution

    The next step is controlled by chemical reaction defined by the following empirical equation:

    =k^Cu2*][O J + ^[CM 2 +] [OJ [CuxS]

    where kt and k2 are empirical rate constants.

    The equation is defined on the basis of copper catalysis which is first order in cupric and

    dissolved oxygen concentrations and a solids leaching term which is first order in cupric,

    dissolved oxygen and unreacted CuJ$ concentrations. The first term recognizes the significant

    role of copper ion catalysis and the second term accounts for the fact that the rate will drop as

    the solids concentration goes to zero.


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    The kinetic equations suggest that the amount of copper in solution at any given time is

    very important to therate and that lower copper concentrations will cause slower leaching rates.

    Ifthe copper in solution is depleted, the rate is expected to go to zero. This is the anticipated

    slow leaching behavior observed in the plant known as the "slow cook" condition.

    In this preliminary model, the rate constants were treated as fixed values because of the

    unavailability of additional data. These values probably change due to changing conditions

    during leaching.

    Figures 2.4-2.11 show some sample outputs of the model generated from various initial

    concentrations ofacid and copper in solution. It can be seen that the slow cook condition occurs

    only when there is a depletion of copper in solution.

    Figure 2.4 shows the model output from a case when there are acid and copper in solution

    at a level which will cause the reactions to proceed as described in case (i) above. The output can

    be split into 3 sections. In the first section, according to reaction 1, acid is being consumed to

    leach copper from Cuand the copper concentration is increasing in solution. When the acid is

    depleted, at around the 16-minute mark, the process proceeds according to reaction 2 and

    produces basic copper sulphate from CuxS and CuS04. The copper concentration decreases as

    shown. Eventually, when all the Cu^S is transformed to CuS, the leaching proceeds according

    to reaction 4 until all the CuS is leached. Figure 2.5 is the corresponding oxygen consumption

    rate curve. This shows that the initial rate of reaction rises very quickly as the amount of copper

    in solution rises and the rate drops as the copper is depleted via reaction 2. The reaction rates

    never drop to low levels because there is always a lot of copper in solution available for

    catalysis. The complete leach time is approximately 5 hours and is close to the times observed

    in plant operations for a normal leach.

    Figures 2.6 and 2.7 represent case (ii) in which the there is no acid available at the

    beginning of the leach and the initial copper concentration is approximately 100 g/L. The


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    320 -

    280 -

    240 -

    ^ 20 0 -c




    160 -

    c -

    120 -

    880 -

    40 -

    0 -

    Concentration Profiles Predicted by Model

    _ \\\

    \C u


    V\V\\\ 2Cu(OH)2.CuS04

    - Y/ \///;



    W - H 2 S 0 41 1 1 I 1 1 1 I

    _ _ " " ~ r

    40 80 120 160 200 240 280

    Time (min)

    Figure 2.4 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (i) conditions.



    Oxygen Flowrate Predicted by Model

    28 0

    Time (min)

    Figure 2.5 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model for case (i) conditions.


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    model predicts a higher amount of basic copper sulphate formation via reaction2 until all Cu,S

    is converted to CuS. The kinetics are good in this case because the copper in solution never

    drops below 50 g/1.

    Figures 2.8 and 2.9 shows the effect ofexcess acid in solution at the beginning of leach.Because there is still acid present after all the CuxS has been converted to CuS, sulphur

    formation is expected via reaction5 and no basic copper sulphate is produced. Near the end of

    the leach process, the solubility of copper sulphate is exceeded resulting in the precipitation of

    CuS04.5H 20.

    The model was operated under conditions which would cause a copper deficiency during

    operation. This was done by setting a high copper to sulphur ratio in the feed solids and less

    acid in the feed solution. The resulting output is shown in Figures 2.10 and 2.11. The acid and

    copper in solution drop very quickly and the result is a severe drop in the leaching rate. It is also

    important to note that a significant amount of basic copper sulphate solids is produced. This

    high amount of solids could cause a significant drop in gas-liquid mass transfer although the

    model does not incorporate the effect of solids loading into the gas-liquid mass transfer rate.

    The total leach time is predicted to exceed 25 hours.

    The model predicts slow leaching conditions under copper depleted conditions but the

    model requires verification. Firstly, the sequential reaction chemistry proposed in the model

    needed to be verified through experimental work. Secondly, better kinetic relationships need to

    be developed because the model used an empirical relationship for the rate of reaction. The

    objective of this thesis project was to obtain experimental data to improve the understanding of

    the leaching process and eventually to develop a better model.


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    Concentration Profiles Predicted by Model




    I \ C"xS/ ^



    I \ C"xS/ ^/ \ // " " ^ " Cu

    1 \,

    100 200

    Time (min)

    300 400

    Figure 2.6 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model forcase (ii) conditions.

    Oxygen Flowrate Predicted by Model


    Time (min)

    Figure 2.7 Oxygenflowrate as predicted by model for case (ii) conditions.


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    320 -i280 -240 -

    i 200 -


    160 -ncei

    120 -8

    80 -40 -0 -

    Concentration Profiles Predicted by Model



    Time (min)

    Figure 2.8 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (iii) conditions.

    0.05 Oxygen Flowrate Predicted by Model

    0.04c!o 0.03 -sf 0.02


    0 I i iii ii ii ii i ii i iiiii -0 20 40 60 80 100 1 20 140 160 180 200Time (min)

    Figure 2.9 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model for case (iii) conditions.


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    Concentration Profiles Predicted by Model

    \ i


    ^ 2Cu(OH)2.CuS04

    C U x S



    500 1000T I I 1


    Time (min)

    Figure 2.10 Distribution ofspecies as predicted by model for case (iv) conditions.

    Oxygen Flowrate Generated by Model0.04 -n

    0.035 -

    .g 0.03 -

    | 0.025 -

    | 0.02 -


    c 0.015 -


    I" 0.01 -0.005 -

    0 " I I I \ 1 I I I I I I I I I 1

    0 500 1000 1500

    Time (min)

    Figure 2.11 Oxygen flow rate as predicted by model for case (iv) conditions.


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    2.3 Scope of the Study

    A review of the history of the second stage leached has shown that a number of variables

    have been considered in trying to improve the leaching process. Clearly, the dificulties with the

    process have not been satisfactorily overcome. The most recent attempt at analyzing theproblem was the UBC screening model discussed earlier.

    The present study was designed based on the results of the UBC screening model and the

    earlier workdone at INCO labs. The main objetives ofthis study are:

    1. to understand the reaction chemistry and check if the reactions are indeed

    sequential as suggested in the UBC screening model.

    2. to identify any intermediate copper sulphide products formed.

    3. to investigate chemical kinetics of copper leaching for the first stage residue cake.

    4. to provide a basis for further work to improve the present mathematical model or

    develop a new mathematical model.


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    2.4 Literature Review

    2.4.1 Copper Sulphides -Chalcocite to Covellite

    One of the most important economic copper minerals, chalcocite (CujS), is produced

    by the reduction of CuS0 4 solutions descending from oxidation zones of copper rich

    deposits in the earth [14]. Covellite (CuS), similarly, is usually found as an oxidation

    product of chalcocite or other primary copper sulphides like chalcopyrite as a zone of

    secondary enriched copper deposit. The oxidation of chalcocite does not lead to the direct

    formation of covellite. The decomposition process produces many intermediate sulphides

    such as djurleite (Cu196S), digenite (Cu, 76., g^S), blue-remaining covellite (Cu,,. 14S) and

    covellite (CuS). Potter [15] has shown the existence of numerous intermediate phases andprovided free energy data for these phases. These phases are Cu ^S , Cu, o S, Cu, 76 5S,

    Cu, 4S, Cu, ,S and CuS. Figure 2.12 shows the crystal structures of chalcocite, covellite and


    Chalcocite (hexagonal) Digenite (cubic) Covellite

    Figure 2.12 Crystal structures ofcopper sulphides relevant to this study [14].


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    In chalcocite and djurleite, the sulphur species are arranged in a hexagonal close

    packed structure [14]. The copper ions are located near the triangular faces of the tetrahedral

    sites as opposed to being in the center of the tetrahedral interstices. The structure of digenite

    is a cubic close packed arrangement of the sulphur species and the copper ions are located

    off-center in the tetrahedral interstices. One eighth of the tetrahedra are unoccupied [14].

    Natural digenite has 1 at.% iron to maintain a stable solid solution composition but a stable

    iron-free "low digenite" called anilite (Cu^S) is also found.

    The structure of covellite is more complex as can be seen in Figure 2.12. The base

    structureconsists of three layers of hexagonal close packed sulphur species. The copper ions

    occupy the centers of the equilateral triangles and the centers of tetrahedral sites in the


    2.4.2 Leaching of Chalcocite and Covellite

    The leaching of chalcocite has often been reported as a two-step process according to

    the following reaction sequence:

    Cu** -> CuS+ Cu1++ 2e~

    CuS->Cu2+ + S+ 2e~

    A variety of leaching processes have been investigated in the laboratory and classified

    according to the leaching steps and the types ofreagents used. The most common oxidizing

    agents are:

    Ferric sulphate in acid

    Ferric chloride in acid

    Oxygen in sulphuric acid

    Oxygen in ammoniacal solutions

    Nitric acid


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    There are other oxidizing agents but they have not received much attention, mostly because

    oftheir cost and commercial availability.

    Sullivan [16] studied the leaching chemistry of chalcocite in acidified ferric sulphate

    solutions using bottle roll tests at temperatures below 50 C The dissolution process was

    found to occur in two steps. The first step was rapid until about 50% copper dissolution and

    the second step, oxidation ofCuS, was relatively slow. The two reactions involved in the

    leaching process were reported as:

    CujS+ Fe2(SOJ3 -> CuSOA + 2FeSOA + CuS

    CuS+ Fez(SO,\ -> Cu504 + IFeSOA + S

    The study showed that the dissolution rate was independent of the strength offerric

    sulphate provided sufficient reagent was present. At a constant ferric concentration, the rate

    was also independent of acid strength. Various particle size fractions in the range of

    -10-mesh to 200-mesh were also studied. Although there is considerable difference in

    surface area per unit weight in this range, there was almost no difference in the leaching

    rates (ie. time taken to dissolve a given amount of copper) observed, provided that the

    particles were open to solution attack. The rate of dissolution was greatly affected by

    temperature. For example, 73% copper dissolution required 1, 5 and 15 days at 50 C, 35 C,

    23 C respectively. Sullivan reported no information on intermediate copper sulphide


    Thomas et al. [17] examined the kinetics of dissolution of synthetic chalcocite and

    digenite in acid ferric sulphate solutions using a rotating sintered disc technique. The study

    found that digenite and chalcocite dissolved at similar rates. The dissolution was reportedto occur in stages where chalcocite is progressively converted into djurleite, digenite,

    blaubleibender covellite (also known as blue-remaining covellite) and normal covellite. The

    covellite is transformed to elemental sulphur according to the second of two equations

    above. The rate of dissolution was found to be directly proportional to ferric ion

    concentration between the ranges tested (0.025 M - 0.2 M). This ferric ion concentration


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    dependency was not found in the studies by Sullivan. This difference is probably due to the

    differences in experimental methodology. The rate was also found to depend significantly

    on the temperature.

    Mao and Peters [13] studied the leaching of chalcocite underautoclave conditions and

    found the same two-stage leaching behavior reported in ferric sulphate leaching. During the

    first stage, 50% of the copper is extracted and up to 100% of the chalcocite is converted to

    covellite. The first stage is also separated into two steps which involves the initial

    conversion of chalcocite to digenite and then subsequent conversion of digenite to covellite.

    A leaching model to explain the leaching kinetics was based on three parts shown in Figure

    2.13. The first step is a shrinking core kinetics model, the second includes particle break-up

    and third is the effect of elemental sulphur morphology on kinetics. The leaching process is

    described as a mixed-potential electrochemical model in which the first stage kinetics are

    predominantly cathodically controlled. The presence of iron in solution leads to higher

    leaching rates and decreases sulphur oxidation during the second stage. The second stage

    kinetics are explained by the passivation of covellite by oxygen leading to a high mixed

    potential. The Evans diagram in figure 2.14 shows a schematic of the applicable polarization

    curves. Depassivation occurs in the presence ofFe2+

    ions where the process operates at point

    D and leads to a higher exchange current (leaching rate) and a lower mixed potential.


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    First Step: Stage I LeachingCathodic:


    +4e -^WiO (Cu & Cu^ Surface)

    Anodic:CUTS -> CKgS + 0.2Cu2+ + OAe (Cu^S only)Volume Reduction: 7.6%

    Second Step: Stage I LeachingCathodic:02 + 4H

    + + 4e

    Anodic:CU2S- CulJSS+ 0.2Cw


    +OAe (CiijS only)

    Cumulative Volume Reduction:24.4%

    2H20 (CuS Surface)

    Stage II LeachingCatnodic:02+4H

    ++4e^2H20 (CuS Surface)

    Anodic:CuS-*Cu2++S + 2e

    CuS+ 4H20 ->Cu+

    +SOl'+ 8/T + Se

    Cumulative Volume Reduction:43.6%(or more depending on degree of sulphuroxidation)

    Figure 2.13 Leaching morphology for a chalcocite particle (a) 0-20% copper extraction

    Ob) 20-50% copper extraction (c) 50-100% copper extraction [13].


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    Otfluston - l \limited Otygen i ^hi Fww i \


    n _ A - B First SleO- Stag I teacftatgC Secofic Sm . Slage I teachingD Slags II Leaching (Fa * present)

    Stage 11 Leaching(Fe' absent]

    Legl-Cabin* Cumrtt [lenemalk)

    Figure 2.14 Evans diagram of applicable polarization curves during oxygen pressure

    leaching of chalcocite [13].

    Oxygen pressure leaching experiments in an iron containing solution done by

    Chmielewski and Charewicz [18] show that the partial pressure of oxygen governs the

    process rate. The oxygen increased the kinetics mainlyby oxidizing the ferrous iron to ferric

    iron, the main leaching agent, and not directly by interaction with the copper mineral.

    King et al. [19] studied the leaching of chalcociteby acidic ferric chloride solutions and

    found the same two stage leaching process observed in other studies. The first stage of the

    reaction, to approximately 50% copper dissolution, was complete in less than 4 minutes at

    temperatures between 40C and 80C.However, the second stage of leaching was strongly

    affected by temperature as the kinetics were much more rapid at higher temperatures. The

    apparent activation energy, Ea, for the first stage and second stage was 3.43 kj/mol and

    101-122 kj/mol respectively. This difference in Ea was attributed to a difference in the


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    charge transfer process between the two reactions. The first stage is probably controlled by

    diffusion of copper ions in the particles and the second stage is chemically controlled by the

    reaction ofS2' ions in CuS to form sulphur.

    The first stage of the process proceeded more slowly with the larger particle sized

    material due to a larger diffusion layer for the copper to travel through in the solid. The

    second stage was less affected by particle size. There was no effect ofacid (HCl) strength on

    the leaching rate. An increase in ferric concentration up to 0.25 M produced an increase in

    the dissolution rate of the first stage but was independent of concentration beyond this

    point. The addition of ferrous chloride to ferric chloride solutions showed the exact same

    net increase that would have been found ifthe same amount offerric chloride had been used

    instead. Use of ferrous chloride alone (ie. no ferric chloride) produced slow leaching.

    Particle size fractions tested were 425-600 um, 150-300 um, and 75-106 um. These size

    fractions were similar to the ones Sullivan studied. There was almost no difference observed

    in the leaching rates, a result similar to that ofSullivan. Particle sizes of1.18-1.70mm and

    2.36-4.76 mm produced much slower leaching rates. These were attributed to a larger

    diffusion distance required by the copper to travel in the solid.

    The most interesting observations of this study were based upon the X-ray diffraction

    data. The results show that a whole range of intermediate non-stoichiometric copper

    sulphide phases are formed as copper is leached out of the solid matrix. The basic chalcocite

    crystal structure does not change until the copper level is below Cu 1 - g 9 1S which is outside the

    digenite stoichiometric range. There appears to be a similar behavior as digenite transforms

    to covellite. This could be caused by some local areas and particles becoming more depleted

    ofcopper and achieving compositions at which phase transformations occur before others.

    This would explain the mixtures ofphases observed.

    The leaching of chalcocite and covellite was studied by Grizo et al. [20] at pH values

    between 0.7 and 2 in the presence ofsulphuric acid and ferric sulphate. They divided the

    leaching process into three stages. The three stages were identified by changes in kinetics


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    from linear to non-linear and backto linear dissolution rates. This is unlike previousstudies

    which divided the stages according to the formation of intermediate species such as digenite

    and covellite. They do, however, suggest that during the second stage, leaching of

    chalcocite, digenite and covellite is occurring in parallel. The activation energies were found

    to progressively increase in each stage but the rise in activation energy is higher between the

    second and the third stage. This increase in activation energy suggests a change in

    mechanism from diffusion control to chemical kinetics control. An increase in particlesize

    decreases the rate at which copper is leached but does not affect the kinetic mechanism in the

    three stages. The leaching data on various particle size fractions were also found to show

    that the second stage was controlled by the diffusion ofspecies through a product layer.

    Cheng and Lawson [21] investigated the leaching ofsynthetic chalcocite and covellite

    in oxygenated acidic sulphate-chloride solutions. The leaching was described in terms ofa

    shrinking core model with the rate being surface chemical reaction controlled in the first and

    second stages. The late second stage was accompanied by pore diffusion control. Elemental

    sulphur formation on the surface of the particles was found to retard the dissolution rate

    during covellite leaching.

    Thomas and Ingraham [22] studied the kinetics of dissolution ofsynthetic covellite in

    aqueous acidic ferric sulphate solutions via a rotating sintered disk technique in the

    temperature range 25 to 80C. They identified two rate controlling steps. The first, below

    60 C, was surface chemical reaction controlled and the second, at higher temperatures, was

    solution transport controlled. The respective activation energies were 92 kj/mol and 33

    kj/mol. The leaching rate was directly proportional to the ferric concentration below 0.005

    M but not sensitive to higher ferric sulphate concentrations.

    Dutrizac and MacDonald [23] also studied the dissolution of synthetic CuS and

    high-grade natural covellite in the temperature range 25 to 95C in acidified ferric sulphate

    solutions. They found little difference in the leaching rate between natural and synthetic

    covellite. Other leaching observations were similar to those of Thomas and Ingraham [22].


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    2.4.3 Electrochemical Studies

    A number of researchers have investigated the electrochemical dissolution of copper

    sulphide ores and mattes in order to develop a process for the direct electrorefining ofthese

    materials. Etienne [24] studied the electrochemical aspects ofaqueous oxidation of copper

    sulphides using rotating diskanodes of digenite and chalcocite. The results showed that the

    rate of chalcocite oxidation was under the control of diffusion of the cupric ions through the

    solution in the pores of the covellite-sulphur product layer. Etienne also explained the cause

    oflarge overpotentials observed by many researchers that occurred at some time into the

    electrolysis process. She theorized that the polarizations causing the overpotentials were

    due to the precipitation of copper sulphate in the pores formed from the leaching of copper

    out of the matrix. This blocked the transfer ofcurrent to the reactive surface siteswhere the

    electrolyte contacts the solid surface thus setting up a high electrical resistance.

    Biegler and Swift [25] also investigated the dissolution of copper sulphide anodes and

    the results supported Etienne's theory for the cause of the polarization. They also used other

    electrolytes besides copper sulphate and found that the time at which polarization occurs is

    directly related to the time at which the hmit of solubility of the copper salt in the solution is

    reached. They also noted that the structure of the product layer is poorly understood and

    further investigation of the non-equilibrium products formed during dissolution would be

    required to understand the leaching process.

    The study of the mechanism of the anodic dissolution ofCU2S was performed in the

    presence ofsulphuric acid under galvanostatic and potentiostatic conditions by Winand et

    al. [26]. In all cases, a layer of digenite, Cu : gS, was found to form on the surface according to

    the following reported reaction.

    SCu^S - 5CulxS+Cu2+ + 2e

    A concentration gradient of copper was observed through the digenite layer. This digenite

    layer stays at a constant thickness after the Cu 1;1S layer appears on the surface. The reaction

    in this step was reported as


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    3C,5 -> 4Cu1AS+Cu2+


    Ifthe anodic potential is low during the electrolysis process, the next reaction proceeds as


    WCuLlS - llCu2+


    However, if the current density is sufficiently high to achieve a sharp increase in anodic

    potential or the potential is kept high, the reaction path is given by the following two


    lOCulAS -> \QCuS+ Cu2+ + 2e

    followed by



    Furthermore, sulphate is also found to be formed to some extent at high anodic potentials

    according to the following reactions.

    CuS+AH20 - Cu2+ + S02-+W++8e

    It must finally be noted that the formation ofa copper sulphate precipitate on the

    surface was stated not to be the cause ofthe sharp rises in anodic potential observed in the

    experiments because the calculated current density for such a film on the surface was a

    factor of ten higher than the currentdensities used in the study.

    McKay [27] studied the anodic decomposition ofcopper-rich mattes using particulate

    electrodes. Anodic decomposition ofsynthetic chalcocite was defined as a three-stage

    process according to the following reactions:

    1. Cu^ -+Cu2_xS+xCu2+ + 2xe~, 1.75 < (2-x) < 1.83

    2. Cu2_xS-+Cu2_yS+ {y-x)Cu2

    *+2(y-x)e-, 0.7

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    Stage 1 is associated with crackformation along grain boundaries and in stage 2, the grains

    begin to deteriorate as copper is depleted from them. Total-bed polarization occurs because

    of the deterioration of the electrode and a reduction in conducting reaction interfaces

    between the electrolyte and the solid surface due to sulphur formation in stage 3.

    The electrochemical dissolution of copper sulphides was investigated by Hillrichs et

    al. [28,29,30] through cyclic voltammetric methods. The anodic dissolution ofQ . S in

    sulphuric acid pointed to three factors controlling the current density. These are, (a) solid

    state diffusion through the CuS product layer, (b) pore diffusion in the product layerand (c)

    resistance polarization due to CuS04 precipitation in the pores formed during dissolution.

    The formation of a thin metastable copper oxide layer was also thought to affect the

    dissolution of CuS. Further studies [29] confirmed the formation of this metastable,

    non-stoichiometric copper oxide/hydroxide layer.

    MacKinnon [31] investigated the anodic dissolution of chalcocite using a fluidised-bed

    anode method. The intermediate formation of "blue-remaining" covellite (CuuS) was

    observed. The dissolution process became inhibited after about 50% copper removal and

    was accompanied by increased oxygen evolution on the platinum current distributor. This

    inhibition was inferred to be caused by sulphur formation on the surface of the reactive sites.


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    2.4.4 E h -pH Relationships and Phase Systems

    Potential-pH diagrams show chemical equilibrium relationships for aqueous systems.

    The plots are generated from hydrolysis and oxidation reduction reactions. Figures 2.15a

    and 2.15b are E-pH diagrams for the Cu-S-H20 system at 25 and 100 "C generated at unit

    activity for all species [32].

    Figures 2.16a-b and 2.17 [32] are thermal precipitation diagrams to show shifts in

    solution-solid equihbria with respect to temperature and pH.

    Figures 2.18a-b [33] are phase diagrams for the Cu-S system to show the stability

    ranges for the various species. This phase diagram does not show some of the metastable

    phases that have been observed by many researchers.


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    Figure 2.16a-b Thermal precipitation diagrams for the CuSO 4-H 2S0 4-H 20 system [32].


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    Figure 2.17 Thermal precipitation diagram for the CuSO^HjSCvHjO system at

    100-CforaCiiJt = V . [ 3 2 ] .


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    1000 IN

    8 0 0 -

    r-x>l) is very fast compared to the

    leaching ofCuS because the leach times to 20% consumption were less than 30 minutes and


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    the remaining 4 hours of leaching were devoted mostly to CuS dissolution. The lower than

    expected amount of basic copper sulphate observed can only be explained as result of the

    reactions not occurring sequentially.

    The most important result was that there was no slow leaching behavior exhibited in

    the laboratory experiments. This result is consistent with other experiments done under

    normal leaching conditions previously at INCO labs.

    4.1.2 Iron and Arsenic

    The iron is slowly leached into solution during the reaction time (Figure 4.6).

    However, most of the iron in solution precipitates rapidly with the basic copper sulphate to

    a stable level by the 25% oxygen consumption point. The level ofiron in the precipitate

    begins to decrease slightly by the end of the leach process probably due to some iron being

    resolubulized into the leach solution.

    The role of iron in the leaching process is very important. As discussed in the

    literature review section, iron was found to increase the leaching rates in most studies

    primarily by acting as a charge carrier between the oxygen and the copper sulphide

    particles. Iron is also thought to have an important affect on the precipitation behavior ofbasic copper sulphate. The experiments with no iron in solution showed some very

    interesting behavior. The resulting basic copper sulphate slurry was much more viscous

    and the agglomerate size of the precipitate was finer (see Figure 4.7). The rate of oxygen

    consumption also slowed down considerably at approximately 15% oxygen consumption

    and was very sensitive to stirring speeds. This suggests that gas-liquid mass transfer is

    severely affected by the increased viscosity.

    Arsenic in the solids is initially leached very quickly to the 5% oxygen consumption

    point but then precipitates out to report to the releach solution (Figure 4.8). All the arsenic

    that is leached out steadily for the remaining leaching time reports to the releach solution

    and not to the leach solution. There appears to be an error in the assay ofthe releach solution

    at the 5% point because the mass balance at this point does not add upto the total amount of


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    Distribution ofIronAsa Function of Oxygen Consumption



    $ 2.0

    ID 1J


    Leach Sol'n

    Releach Sol'n


    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Percent Oxygen Consumption (%)

    Figure 4.6 Distribution ofiron during leaching.

    arsenic in the system. The releach solution assay is thought to be incorrect because the

    arsenic is expected to be in the leach solution before it can precipitate. The other reason that

    this point is thought to be in error is because the results of the experiment with no iron in

    solution show that arsenic first reports to the leach solution and then to the precipitate

    beyond the 5% oxygen point (see assay results in Appendix C).


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    (a) With Iron-xl 500 (c) Without Iron-xl 500


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    Distribution ofArsenicAs a Function of Oxygen Consumption

    3.0 |

    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Percent Oxygen Consumption (%)

    Figure 4.8 Distribution of arsenic during leaching.

    4.1.3 Nickel and Cobalt

    The leaching behavior ofnickel and cobalt is very similar (Figures 4.9 and 4.10). Both

    metals leach very quickly and stay in the leach solution without any appreciable amount of

    precipitation. Nickel leaches quickly in the presence ofacid and reaches a steady state by

    20% oxygen consumption. Cobalt also leaches quickly in the presence ofacid but continues

    to leach slowly until the end of the process. Neither metal is thought to affect the leaching

    process significantly at the levels at which they are present in the system.


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    Distribution ofNickelAsa Function of Oxygen Consumption

    Percent Oxygen Consumption (%)

    Figure 4.9 Distribution of nickel during leaching.

    Distribution ofCobaltAsa Function ot Oxygen Consumption


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    4.1.4 Additional Observations of Part A Experiments

    The experiments done with excess arsenic in solution or using the "copper depleted"

    cake yielded no unusual leaching behavior. Only the experiments done with high Cu/S


    no iron in the electrolyte showed significant differences in leaching behavior.

    The experiments done with a high Cu/S ratio cake showed significant sensitivity to

    agitation speed and the slurries were higher in viscosity due to more basic copper sulphate

    being formed. The higher viscosity observed was not measured but was just based on visual

    observations in comparison to other experiments.

    The effect of no iron in the original electrolyte was discussed earlier and reported as

    having a significant effect on the viscosity probably as a result of the finer precipitateformation. After six hours of leaching time, there was 4 times as much unleached material

    as expected with copper sulphides still appearing in the x-ray diffraction results (see Table

    4.1). The slow leaching in these experiments appears to be more a function ofhigh viscosity

    and therefore mixing/gas-liquid mass transfer rather than chemistry. It must be noted that

    the "no-iron" condition is almost impossible in the plant because there is always significant

    levels ofiron present in the spent electrolyte and entrained in the first stage cake liquor.

    4.2 Part B: Kinetic Experiments

    The part B experiments can be divided into 2 sections; those performed with and without

    acid in solution. The two types of experiments must be considered distinct because they take

    different reaction paths in the leaching of chalcocite. For this reason, the originally suggested

    factorial design analysis was not carried out on the results. The experiments done with acid in

    the initial solution are not very representative of the leaching path in the plantbecause the acid

    is present during the whole leaching time in these experiments. The leaching rates that are of

    interest are the ones in which the acid is depleted early in the process.


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    The leaching rate versus percent oxygen consumption plots areprovided inAppendix D

    for the acid and no-acid experiments. These graphs were generated by subtracting the blank

    experiments (no solids added) from the actual experiments to obtain net rates. The "loops"

    formed at the initial part of the plot are caused by the subtraction of the two runs.

    The experiments that begin with acid in solution proceed initially via reaction 1 where

    Cu xS is converted to CuS. This is followed by the leaching ofCuS via reaction 5. However,

    reaction 4 must occur to a limited degree because some of the sulphur is oxidized. The chemical

    analyses of the leach residues contained approximately 90% sulphur and the x-ray diffraction

    results show very strong elemental sulphur patterns. The degree ofsulphur oxidation is shown

    in Table 4.2 for the various runs performed with acid. It should be noted that those experiments

    with no copper and/or iron in solution showed higher levels of sulphur oxidation. This is

    consistent with the work done by Mao and Peters [13]. They found that the presence ofiron

    lowered the levels of sulphur oxidation. They observed 90.6% elemental sulphur in their

    residues, values very similar to the ones observed in these experiments. All of the sulphur was

    found to oxidize in the experiments done with no acid in the solution.

    The times taken to 10,15 and 20% oxygen consumption are given in Table 4.3. They show

    very clearly that the initial leaching rates are very fast where CuxS is being converted to CuS.

    The time to 20% oxygen consumption is usually less than 3 minutes and is a very short duration

    relative to the total reaction time of most ofthese experiment of 2.5-3 hours. This initial rapid

    leaching of chalcocite is consistent with the work of Mao and Peters [13] as well as other



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    Table 4.2 Degree ofsulphur oxidation at various initial acid, copper and iron concentrations.

    Cu/S [HjSOJ [Cu] [Fe] % Sulphur

    Ratio (g/D (g/U (g/D OxidizedMedium 60 40 5 7.6

    Medium 60 40 0 15.9

    Medium 60 0 0 31.6

    Medium 60 0 5 21.4

    Medium 60 20 2.5 16.0

    Medium 60 20 2.5 10.4

    Medium 120 0 2.5 23.9

    Medium 120 40 2.5 1.6

    Medium 120 20 5 9.6Medium 120 20 0 28.4

    Low 60 20 0 28.5

    Low 60 0 2.5 26.6

    Low 60 20 5 15.3

    Low 60 40 2.5 15.4

    In the experiments with no acid in the initial batch recipe, the material is expected to leach

    via reaction 2 followed by reaction 4. The reactions are not expected to be entirely sequential as

    the results ofpart A have indicated. In these experiments, all of the sulphur was to oxidize. The

    times to 20% oxygen consumption are very fast in the no-acid experiments also.

    The total leaching times in these experiments were much shorter than part A. This is most

    likely due to the fact that the agitation speed was higher and the pulp density was lower

    contributing to better mixing and much higher gas-liquid mass transfer rates.


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    Table 4.3 Time taken to leach to 10, 15 and 20% oxygen consumption at various initial

    acid, copper and iron concentrations.

    Cu/S [HjSOJ [Cu] [Fe] Time (s) to %consumptionRatio ( g / U ( g / u (g/D 10% 15% 20%

    Medium 0 20 5 90 142 305

    Medium 0 0 2.5 100 175 334

    Medium 0 40 2.5 80 105 186

    Medium 0 20 0 162 332 499

    Medium 60 40 5 78 92 107

    Medium 60 40 0 89 110 143

    Medium 60 0 0 84 110 174

    Medium 60 0 5 95 109 122Medium 60 20 2.5 115 129 146

    Medium 60 20 2.5 90 108 129

    Medium 120 0 2.5 168 284 306

    Medium 120 40 2.5 83 98 116

    Medium 120 20 5 100 116 137

    Medium 120 20 0 90 113 141

    Low- 0 20 2.5 230 399 559

    Low 60 20 0 137 250 640Low 60 20 2.5 89 105 125

    Low 60 20 5 92 110 136

    Low 60 20 2.5 132 152 180

    4.3 Part C: Leaching CuS in the presence of basic copper sulphate

    Figures 4.11 and 4.12 show the oxygen consumption rates at regular intervals during the

    leaching ofCuS in the presence of basic copper sulphate. The rate of oxygen consumption at

    low copper concentrations, between 1 and 10 g/L, appears to be slower. A minimum point

    probably exists somewhere in this range but it is not possible to depict without more data. This

    dip in rate is apparent in both the experimental conditions of iron and no-iron in solution.

    Beyond the minimum point, the rate of oxygen consumption (CuS leaching) generally appears


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    to be copper catalyzed and increases with increasing copperin solution.

    Oxygen Consumption RateAlVarious Copper Concentrations

    0.0 I 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ' 0.00 20 40 60 80

    Initial Copper Concentration (g/L): [Fe]=0.25

    Figure 4.11 Oxygen consumption rate at various initial copper concentrations with initial

    [Fe]=0.25 g/L. Each curve represents a different level of oxygen consumption.

    Comparing the leaching rates of experiments done with and without iron in solution, it

    appears that iron in solution increases the leaching rate. Appendix F contains plots ofrates at

    various oxygen consumption points with and without iron in solution. There is a crossover of

    rates between the 0 and 10 g/L Cu points.

    Table 4.4 and Figure 4.13 show that increases in the initial copper concentration or iron

    concentration results in an increase in the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). This is

    consistent with the Nernst equation, e.g.:


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    Figure 4.12

    Oxygen Consumption RateAt Various Copper Concentrations

    20 40 60

    Initial Copper Concentration (g/L): [Fe]=0



    Oxygen consumption rate at various initial copper concentrations with initial

    [Fe]=0 g/L. Each curve represents a different level ofoxygen consumption.

    Cu2+ + e'^Cu+

    R T [Cu+

    1EL = E - I n -


    nF [Cu2+]

    A higher solution potential will tend to increase the leaching rate by imposing a higher

    exchange current on the mineral. Figure 4.14 shows a schematic of an Evans E>iagram of the

    possible polarization curves during CuS leaching. The reversible potential ofCuS leaching as

    shown on Figure 4.14 at 388 Kis approximately 0.21 V. The actual ferric and cupric polarization

    curves will be a result of the mixed potential caused by both iron and copper in solution. Theiron in solution is reported to be easily oxidized from ferrous to ferric in the presence of copper

    as the cupric-cuprous couple is thought to catalyze the oxidation of the ferrous species [36].


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    The increase in the leaching rate observed at higher copper concentrations and higher iron

    concentrations is now more understandable. The increase in the cupric/cuprous, ferric/ferrous

    ratios or a net increase of the cupric or ferric concentrations will increase the mixed solution

    potential and as a result increase the anodic current (leaching rate).

    The dip in the solution potential, and consequently the leaching rate, observed at

    approximately 10 g /L copper concentration was not explainable. This point is not likely to be

    in error because it occurs in both the experiments (ie. [Fe]=0 and [Fe]=0.25 g/L).

    Table 4.4 Potential and pH measurements of the leach slurry after leaching

    and the approximate temperatures at which they were measured.

    Initial Initial pH ORP (mV) Temperature CO

    [Cu] (g/L) [Fe] (g/L)

    0 0.25 2.84 350 80.1

    1 0.25 2.79 353 77.9

    10 0.25 2.53 319 81.5

    40 0.25 2.51 491 84.6

    80 0.25 2.43 499 83.0

    0 0 2.78 314 85.9

    1 0 2.68 360 82.9

    10 0 2.50 321 84.0

    40 0 2.68 445 86.9

    80 0 2.43 449 85.1


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    500.0 -

    g 450.0 -

    ocug 400.0 -



    Solution Potential

    at Various Copper Concentrations

    10 20 30 40 50 60Initial Copper Concentration (g/1)


    Figure 4.13 The effect ofinitial copper concentration on the measured ORP at [Fe]=0 and

    [Fe]=0.25 g/L.

    Evans Diagram Schematic ofApplicable

    PolarizationsCurves During CuS Leaching





    > 0.4




    Increasing ferric or cupric ion


    CuS+ 4HjO-- Cu + SO*+ 8H++ 8e_

    Log I - Galvanic Current (Schematic)

    Figure 4.14 Evans diagram ofapplicable polarization curves during pressure leaching of

    CuS (schematic).


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    4.3.1 Discussion ofORP Measurements

    Since there is a small amount ofsolids present in the slurry when the ORP is measured,

    the value obtained is really a "mixed potential" because it is affected byboth the solids

    present and the prevailing solution conditions. However,since the solids concentration is

    very low in the part C experiments, the measured ORP value is much closer to the solution

    potential. A simple calculation shows that the solid potential changes very little as a result

    of the change in copper concentration.

    The equilibrium reaction is:

    Cu2+ + SOl~ + 8/Y+ + &e CuS+ 4H20

    This potential will vary as a function of[Cu2+]:

    ie RT 1' E = E- 2.303log






    And assuming: asol- = aCuit

    2.303(8.314) (298.15), 2 2.303(8.314) (298.15) E = E +

    8 965001l 0 g a

    (96500)p H

    E = E+ 0.0148 \ogaCult - 0.059\6pH

    Therefore, the "solid potential" will vary by -15 mV per order ofmagnitude change in

    copper concentration.

    The cathodic reaction is:

    02 + 4ht+4e -*2H20

    However, it is also possible for other reactions to catalyze the reaction:


    + e -> Fe2+


    + e -> Cu


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    The observed changes in the ORP measurements are large (Table 4.4). However,

    according to the calculation above, the "solid potential" can only change by -15 mV per

    order of change in the Cu 2 + concentration. It is therefore more likely that the observed

    change in the ORP measurement is a result of the Cu 2 + /Cu + and/or Fe 3 +/Fe 2 + couples. An

    increase in potential ofthese couples increases the rate of electrochemical dissolution and

    hence increases the rate ofleaching. This observation is important since it indicates that the

    levels of copper and iron in solution are important as catalysts and. may be serving as

    surrogate oxidants.

    4.4 Comparison ofLeaching Rates - Part A and Part C

    A comparison of leaching rates between part A and part C experiments was performed todetermine an empirical relationship between them (see Table 4.5). The main difference between

    these experimental section was the pulp density and agitation speeds. The comparison ofrates

    is done at 60and 70% oxygen consumption for the following reasons:

    1. The copper concentrations are similar in these experiments.

    2. The predominant material (solids) remaining is CuS.

    3. The flow rates are extremely stable and are not affected by initial transients.

    4. There is no manual oxygen flow control, as was practiced in the early stages of the

    part A experiments4.

    Ifthe ratio ofrates is taken between these two parts, it can be seen that the rate of leaching

    is 4.5 and 4.2 times as high in the 60% and 70% runs respectively in the part C experiments. This

    lends further credence to the fact that the rates must be dependent upon agitationand/or pulp

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