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Page 1: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.


Uda" Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED Ph. : +91-120-4183700 Fax: +91-120-4183760 >

R~tttti flf63 .2016 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.ushabreco.com GIN No.: U45203DL 1969PLC116581


The Member Secretary,

Expert Appraisal Committee (Infrastructure - 2),

Committee for Infrastructure and Miscellaneous Projects+ CRZ

Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change,

Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,

Jorbagh Road,

New Delhi-110003

Ref: MoEF & CC File No: F. No. 10-108/2008-IA.lll for Environmental Clearance for construction of

"Udankhatola" Aerial Ropeway at Mount Gimar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by M/s Usha Breco Limited.

Sub: Submission of NBWL Clearance certificate I Letter for the grant of Environmental Clearance for the project -

Construction of "UDANKHATOLA" - Aerial Ropeway at Mount Gimar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by M/s Usha

Breco Limited

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that we have applied for Environmental Clearance for the project - Construction of Aerial Ropeway- "UDANKHATOLA" at Mount Gimar, District Junagadh, Gujarat. The project will be developed as a mode of transportation for carrying pilgrims from the foot of Mount Gimar to Ambaji Temple & the site stretches from the foot of Mount Gimar to a point near the Ambaji Temple at the top of the Mountain.

Detailed status of our Case:

• We had applied for the Environmental Clearance on 08 .09.2008.

• TOR was granted on 01.01.2009 (copy enclosed os Annexure -1).

• Public Hearing was conducted on 03 .06.2009 (copy of PH Minutes enclosed as Annexure - II).

• After the submission of the Final EIA Report along with Public Hearing Minutes, the proposal was put up for consideration in the 82nd EAC meeting held on 23'd - 24th November, 2009. All the points have been

clarified and Committee recommended for issue of Environmental Clearance. (copy of EAC Minutes

enclosed as Annexure - Ill)

• Thereafter, a letter dated 04.02.2010 was received stating that the file is closed & delisted and that the

case will be reconsidered only after the submission of NBWL Clearance . (copy of the letter enclosed as

Annexure - IV}.

Now, we wish to inform you that we have been granted NBWL Clearance vide letter No: WLP/32/B/7730/2015-16,

dated : 23 .12.2015.(copy of the same enclosed as Annexure - V)

Henceforth, we are hereby uploading the Final EIA Report and the NBWL Clearance, for your reference and the grant of the Environmental Clearance at the earliest .

Thanking you,

For M/s Usha Breco Limited

~ Authorized Signatory

Regd. Office: 701, Surya Kiran Building, 19, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Head Office : Parsvnath Majestic Arcade, 3rd Floor, 18-A, Vaibhav Khand, lndirapuram, Distt. Ghaziabad Uttar Pardesh - 201 014

® ' Udan KhafQfa at : • Mansadevi • Chandidevi • Pawagadh • Ambaji • Malampuzha • Taratarini

Page 2: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.


(TOR granted on 01.01.2009)

Page 3: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

To, Mr. Rajesh Prasad,

No.10-108/2008-IA-Ill Government oflndia

Ministry of Environment & Forests (IA-III Division)

Deputy Manager (Technical), Mis Usha Breco Limited, 701 , Surya Kiran Building, 19, K. G. Marg, ND-I.

Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O. Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi - 110 003

Dated the 1 '1 January, 2009

Sub: Construction of Udankhatola Aerial Ropeway at Mount Gimar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by Mis Usha Breco Limited - TOR- regarding.


Sir, The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter No.UBL/GIR/MOEF/01/08-09, dated

8.12.2008 regarding the subject mentioned above.

2. The proposal involves is for constructing a aerial ropeway namely "Udankhatola" at Mount Gimar in Junagadh District, Gujarat State. The project has been recently designated as being part of the Gimar Wildlife Sanctuary with effect from 31.5 .2008. The land has also been diverted for non­forest use as per the letter issued by Forest Department and Ministry of Environment and Forests. The project will be lead to the cutting of - 2350 trees. In lieu of this - 16,200 trees have already been planted at the Toraniya village near Junagadh on area designated by the Forest Department five years in advance, as compensatory afforestation. During construction period, 16.33 KLD of waster will be required and during operation 24.65 KLD of water will be required which will be supplied by the Junagadh Municipal Corporation. During operation phase electricity supply of 3X4 I 5V, 50Hz, IOOOkVA will be provided by State Electricity Board. In operation phase adequate toilets will be constructed so that there is no open defecation due to the project. Garbage will be collected in closed containers, cleaned at least once every 24 hours, and sent to community garbage disposal area located at Junagadh. Domestic waste water will be treated through Septic tanks followed by soak pits. The sludge generated will be handed over to the municipality for proper management.

3. The Expert Appraisal Committee for environmental appraisal of Infrastructure Development and Miscellaneous Projects considered the project during its meeting held on 19th and 201

h December, 2008. The project lies within the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary. The project falls in category 7(g), of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. The project has been classified as BI category and the Committee desired to have the public hearing conducted. Based on the consideration of the documents submitted and the presentation made by th.:: proje1;t prvponent, the Committee presc~ibed the following additional Terms of Reference for preparing draft Environment Impact Assessment report for the above mentioned project:-

(i) It was observed that the project falls within the Gimar Wildlife Sanctuary. Keeping in view the sensitive nature of the Wildlife Sanctuary, the Members of the Committee were of the opinion that the project proponent should identify alternative routes to be studied in order to avoid the Wildlife Sanctuary area.

(ii) Details of impact to the wildlife sanctuary and the clearance from the Wildlife Board. (iii) Details of emergency rescue plan. (iv) Details of the impact of the project on the water body. (v) Details of the water source, water treatment and reuse. (vi) Details of clearance from the forest Department.

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(vii) Details of the afforestation in lieu of the trees cut. (viii) The techno-economic feasibility of the ropeways shall also be studied .

4. Besides the above, the following general points will be followed:-

a) All documents to be properly referenced with index, page numbers and continuous page numbering.

b) Where data are presented in the report especially in table, the period in which the data were collected and the source should be indicated.

c) Where the documents provided in a language other than English, an English translation should be provided.

5. It is requested that the draft Environment Impact Assessment report may be prepared m accordance with the above-mentioned TORs.

6. The draft Environmental Impact Assessment report should be submitted to the State Pollution Control Board for Public Consultation as stipulated in the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.

7. After compilation of Public consultation the final Environmental Impact Assessment report which should address all the material environmental concerns expressed concerns during the process and appropriate changes should be made in the Environmental Impact Assessment and EMP and submitted to the Ministry for environmental clearance.

Copy to:-

You<¥ (Dr. A. Senthil Vel) Additional Director

Member Secretary, Gujarat State Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector I 0-A, Gandhinagar - 382010.

-~ (Dr. A. Senthil Vel) Additional Director

Page 5: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

ANNEXURE - IICopy of Public Hearing Minutes

(PH conducted on 03.06.2009)

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PHONE NO 0285·2651504, 2651506, FAX NO 0285·2661503 WEBSITE: WWW.GPCB.GOV.IN

.... - . ., .

It is hereby informed that as per the··Mfn'istry of Environment and ;orests, Government of India, Ne..,:, Delhi vide its notificati~ no. S. 0. 1533 dated vrf09/2006, Public Hearing was fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd. for Pro~sed Aerial Ropeway Project at Mount Girnar, Tai. & Di st.: Junagadh as mentioned in their request application. (

A copy of the draft knvironrr;ent Impact Assessment Report and the Summary Environment Impact Assessment Report we~t to th<;' following authorities or offices to make available the draft EIA Report for the inspection to the public during normal office hours, till the Public Hearing is over:


I. The Districlcollect ffice, Junagadh 2. Office of District evelopment Officer, Junagadh 3. District lndustr' s Centre, Junagadh 4. The Chief Con rvator of Forests, MiniStfY ofEnvironffient & Fcfre~ts, Govt. Of India,

Regional Office (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E - 5, Area Colony, Link Road - 3, Ravishankar Col?ny, BHOPAL - 462 016 .

5. Regional Office, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Opp. Saint Anne's Church, Station Road, Junagadh· 362 001.

Other concerned persons having plausible stake in the environmental aspects were requested to send their response in writing to the concerned regulatory authorities. They were requested to send their comments to the regulatory authorities as under: Central Government in Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. Of India, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110 003 as the matter falls under Category A of Schedule of the aforesaid notification.

The Public Hearing was scheduled on date 03/06/2009 at 12:00 hours at Auditorium Hall, Junagadh Agriculture University, Gate No. 2, Moti Baugh Road, Tai. Junagadh, Dist: Junag~dh.

An advertisement in English was published in "Indian Express" dated 30/04/2009 and in Gujarati in "Divya Bhaskar" dated 30/04/2009.

Shri R.R. Damor GAS• Additional District Magistrate, Junagadh as representative of District Magistrate, Junagadh supervised and presided over the entire public hearing process.

A statement showing participants present during the Public H~aring is enclosed herewith as Annexure A.

A statement showing salient points highlighting issues raised by the participants and responded by the representative of the applicant during the Public Hearing in English and Gujarati Languages is enclosed herewith as Annexure Band Bl.Replies submitted by the applicants in connection with responses received in writing from local affected persons are enclosed as Annexure B-A-1 to B-A-5.

The copies of responses received in writing from other persons having plausible stake in environmental aspects and the replies by the applicants to the same are enclosed herewith as Annexure C-Q-1 to C-Q-5 & C-A·l toC-A-5. ~

(~' (R.R. Jh~AS)



Encl.: 1. 2.

Auditorium Hall, District: Junagadh 03/06/2009

Regional Officer, Additional District GPCD, Junagadh Magistrate, Junagadh as

as representative of the representative of District Member Secretary, GPCB. Magistrate, Junagadh

Annexures A, B, Bl, B-A-1 to B·A·5 and C-Q·l to C-Q-5 & C-A-1 to C-A-5 as above. Video CD of Public Hearing.

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As per the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi vide its notification no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd. for proposed Aerial Ropeway Project at Mount Gimar, Ta: Junagadh, Dist: Junagadh on 3rd June, 2009 at 12:00 hrs. at Auditorium Hall, Junagadh Agricultural University, Gate No. 2, Motibaugh Road, Tai.: Junagadh, Dist: Junagadh.

Shri G.M.Sadhu, Regional Officer, GPCB, Junagadh and representative of the Member Secretary, GPCB, panel member of public hearing committee welcomed all present to the Public Hearing. He outlined the various provisions of the Notification. He explained about the background of the environmental clearance required for the project proponent, actions taken by GPCB for vide publicity of this public hearing including advertisement given earlier in the local dailies and opportunity of Public Hearing being provided to the affected people residing around project site as per aforesaid notification published by MOEF, Government of India. He then opened the Public Hearing after due permission from the Shri R.R. Damor GAS (ADM, Junagadh and representative of District Magistrate, Junagadh). He invited the Project proponent to give their introduction and to make presentation about their project. He also mentioned that after the presentation, the forum would be open to the concerns of the locally affected people of the area for their views, suggestions and objections if any.

Mis. Usha Breco Ltd. made presentation in Gujarati language covering introduction of the company, technical information, details of proposed project, its impact on Environment, Safety measures, proposed Environmental Management plan including proposed mitigation measures.

After the presentation by project proponent with permission of Shri R.R. Damor GAS (ADM, Junagadh and representative of District Magistrate, Junagadh), Shri G.M.Sadhu, Regional Officer, GPCB opened the forum for representations and suggestions from the locally affected people.

The statement showing issues raised by the participants during Public Hearing are as under:

Sr. Name and Position Points represented No.

1. Shri Bharti Bapu, • He welcomed project from Saint Community and said (Maha Mandeshwar, Bharti that they are waiting for the project for long time. He Ashram, Junagadh) also ensured his support and best wishes to the project

saying that project is beneficial to all human being. 2. Shri Narsinh Bhai Padhiyar, • He welcomed the project saying that people of all

(Seniour leader and Ex Regional community also welcome project and said that project Secretary of Gujarat BJP, Junagadh) should get complete as early as possible. In addition he

also informed that administration should follow decision given by Honorable High Court to see that "Doliwalas" do not become unemployed. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-1).

3. Shri Bhurebhai Des< i, • He welcomed the project and said that project is very (Secretary Chamber ~f Commerce, essential for development of Junagadh. He also Junagadh) submitted written representation (Annexure B-2).

4 Shri Pradeep Khimani, • He welcomed project and said that in the history of (Member, Standing Committee, India, this is the first project which got full support BJP, Junagadh) from everybody during the public hearing. Written

representation earlier received from him (Annexure B-3)

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r~-r I No. I

-----,------------- ---- -Name and Position Points represented

! I

--5 Shri Nirbhaybhai Purohit • He welcomed the project by saying that there is no

(Junagadh) industry in Junagadh and he informed that development I of Junagadh is due to 35 lacs pilgrims visiting every I

I year and more pilgrims will come to Junagadh due to ! implementation of this project which will help to reduce j

I unemployment. j He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-4-l

6 Shri Dolarbhai shah • He welcomed the project and said that this public (Advocate, Junagadh) hearing is for discussions of an impact on environment

due to the project, as per his opinion by scientific way .. due to the project there will be more rain in this area which in tum will help the environment. I

7 Dr. B. K. Kikani • He welcomed the project and said that pollution created (Ex. Chancellor as byproduct of mankind's comfort, peace and Junagadh Agricultural University) prosperity. This project is like backbone of the state for

development. He demanded for immediate implementation of the project.

8 Smt. Jyotiben Vachhani • She welcomed the project and said that she is waiting (Mayor, Junagadh Mahanagar Seva for this project since long time and demanded early start Sadan) of the project. She also submitted written representation

(Annexure B-5). 9 Shri Hemantbhai Nanavati • He welcomed the project and said that this is a golden

(Managing Trustee opportunity of development not only for Junagadh but Rupayatan Sanstha, Bhavnath) also for the state of Gujarat, so do not stop the project

by talking about pollution issues. 10 Shri Karsanbhai Dhaduk • He welcomed the project and said that due to this

(President, Junagadh City BJP) project pollution will be reduced on the route of Gimar and people will smoothly visit religious place. He also submitted letter (Annexure B-6).

11 Shri Rabari Karman bhai Katara • He welcomed the project and ·said that development (Dy. Mayor, Junagadh) will take place due to this project and aged people will

get benefit of this project. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-7).

12 Shri Anudanbhai Gadhvi • He welcomed the project and said that journey of (Folk Literature Artist, Junagadh) religious place will be easy by this project. He also

submitted written representation (Annexure B-8) 13 Shri Mukeshbhai Dholakia • He welcomed the project and said that project must

(Corporator, Junagadh) complete as early as possible. 14 Shri Chunibhai Lodhiya • He welcomed the project and said that this project is in

discussions since 1973 and also said that due to coming of this project Junagadh district will be developed.

15 Shri Vinubhai Amipara • He welcomed the project and said that approach road (President, District Youth Congress) from highway to lower station is very congested so he

requested to construct 2- lane road. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-9).

16 Shri Vinodbhai Taank • He informed that he is welcoming the project for (Junagadh) development of Junagadh but said that there was an

accident in a ropeway of this company at Pavagadh in a year 2003, in that accident his brother in-law, his wife and children were injured. Due to this iniurv he was

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Page 9: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

~Sr.-r-Name and Position

I No. I I r- I -1 I , i I ! I

I 17 Smt. Niruben Kambaliya

(Ex. Dy. Mayor, Junagadh Mahanagar Seva Sadan)

18 Shri Anubhai Pandya .. 19 Dr. Manish Visavadia

(Member of Revat Girl Nature Club)


20 Dr. Narendra Bharad (Senior Citizen, Junagadh)

21 Shri Deepak Joshi (Singer, Junagadh)

22 Shri I. C. Khan (President, Muslim Community)

23 Shri Dhirubhai Gohil (President, Kadiya Samaj)

24 Shri Navinbhai Shah (President, Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, Junagadh and Samasta Yanik Samaj)

25 Shri Jagdishchandra. M. Purohit (President, Ashapura Seva Samaj

Points represented -1

unable to do any wo<k fo< two yearn and against th~ company has paid Rs 30 0001- only Consumer Court 1 ' has given the judgment in favour of us but company has I put this case in honorable high court, so he said that it is necessary to clarify about safety and compensation.

• She welcomed the project and said that due to this project there will be development of Religious place and creates employment. She also submitted written representation (Annexure B-10).

• He welcomed the project and said that due to this project, problem of solid waste on Mount Gimar will be relieved. He also submitted written representation

(Annexure B-11). • He said that development of Junagadh is good news,

but it is not mentioned in EIA report about effect of noise pollution due to blasting or any other activity at lower station on 20 nests of vultures,

• He also said that Hombill mentioned in the list of fauna in EIA report but same is extinct since last three decades, in addition he said that there are many rare floral species in Gimar which will get affected due to ropeway. He also asked to give written reply of his representation. Written representation is also received from their organization (Annexure B·12/l and Annexure B-12/2).

• He welcomed the project and said that there are some mistakes in EIA report and he is ready to help if required and suggested for more plantation. He said that more plastic waste will be generated due to development of religious place on Gimar, so he suggested that company should design cabin of the ropeway such that nobody can throw waste outside the cabin or provide dustbin in the cabin itself and he also suggested checking by guards. Written representation also received from him(Annexure B-13).

• He welcomed the project. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-14).

• He welcomed the project and said that there will be no pollution due to rope way and he also suggested that company should take due care of wild animals, during the implementation of the project.

• He welcomed the project and said that he will plant 1000 trees if this project comes to Junagadh.

• He welcomed the project and said that there is reduction in industries in Junagadh and there is a problem of unemployment, so this project will give relief. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-15/1 and B-15/2).

• He welcomed the project and suggested that Municipal Corporation, Junagadh must implement a law to reduce

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~ --

Name and Position Points represented .

Trust) waste on Gimar, which penalize people who throw

I waste on Gimar. So that waste could not be accumulated on Gimar. He also submitted written representation (Annexure B-16).

26 Shri Rameshbhai Pandya • He said that following points are not mentioned in EIA

I (Senior Citizen) report so necessary report should be forwarded after

clarification. • What measures will be taken during construction

and operation phase for 546 species of flora and scheduled animals? . . • No information about migratory birds and animals during monsoon and winter season.

• Afforestation carried out on about 7 .29 ha area at Toraniya area, is it in forest or out side the forest?

• Species planted on 7.29 ha area at Toraniya are local or other?

• Fluoride and turbidity are observed high at some locations in water sample, what is the provision for the same?

• Gimar wild life is declared as sanctuary in year 2008, whether company has obtained necessary permission for the same?

• He demanded written reply for his written representation submitted today.

His written representation is enclosed (Annexure B-17). 27 Shree Mahendrabhai Mashru • He welcomed the project and said that as a part of

(MLA, Junagadh) Environmental Clearance, this Public Hearing for the project is organized as per rules of Central and State Government. Project is welcomed by each and every person present in this public hearing. He further said that there will be neither increase in pollution nor impacts on Environment

• He also informed that at present plastics and other waste thrown by pilgrims on route of Gimar carries towards forest and valley due to wind which can not easily removable and these plastics waste may be consumed by animals which are harmful to them. He confident with hope that waste will be reduced by 90% due to this project, which will help to control the pollution due to plastics. The project proponent will design the closed cabin, so nobody can throw any waste outside and waste can be managed properly. Spitting can be avoided on route and at public places. Steps will be taken for protected vultures. Rope way cabin will move on rope way rout in air so no pollution will occur

• He requested the project proponent for proper management of waste at Lower and Upper Station

• He hopes that problem of employment of "Doliwala", will be solved by District Collectorate, Department of Environment and Forest and project proponent as per

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I Sr. Name and Position Points represented No.

decision given by Honorable High Court. He again welcomed the project and gives his best wishes to develop this region in tourism sector.

Moreover, written representations were received related to the project from person/ representatives of the organiza,ions present in the forum during public hearing process (attached as Annexure B-18 and Annexure B-19) and total 121 written representations were received from different organizations, associations, mandals, educational/religious organizations and well known personalities etc in the support of the project (attached as Annexure B-20 to Annexure B-129).

Shri G.M.Sadhu, Regional officer GPCB asked project proponent to reply the suggestions and representations raised during public hearing. Mr. Deepak Kaplish representative of project proponent replied as follows. He further informed that written representations those received today will be replied in writing today.

1. Company has implemented advanced safety measures after an accident happened in year 2003. Since then, company has got permission to restart the Rope way operation at Pavagadh. Compensation was already given to affected people. Moreover final order given by Consumer court will be honored.

2. In reply of question about "Doliwala", he informed that present pilgrim route will not be closed. Company will follow proceeding of meeting under chairmanship of District Collector Junagadh as per Honorable High Court order, for the proposed unemployment problem of"Doliwala".

3. They will separately collect waste as per Municipal Solid Waste Rules at Upper and Lower station of Rope way for disposal and waste will be finally disposed of as per rules and regulation of Junagadh Mahanagar Seva Sadan.

4. Company has applied for Wildlife clearance from widelife department. This clearance will be issued only after considering issues related to Wildlife including vultures. Project will get Environmental clearance only after getting wildlife clearance and than after execution work of the proposed project can be started.

Sbri G.M.Sadhu Regional Officer GPCB and representative of Member Secretary informed that above mention wntten representation and representations received from other persons having plausible stake in environmental aspect before and during public hearing along with the reply from the project proponent would be included in the proceedings.

Than after, Sbri G.M.Sadhu suggested that company should make compensation policy which compensates the victim an equivalent or more amount given by Railway or other Public Transport system in case of any accidents and necessary insurance should be obtain by project proponent accordingly.

Sbri R.R. Damor (ADM, JW1agadh and representative of District Magistrate, Junagadh) stated that company should follow all the promises given for protection of Environment.

The Public Hearing was concluded with thanks to the Chair.

~· Regional Officer, GPCB, Junagadh as representative of the Member Secretary,


(R.R~ (ADM, Junagadh and representative of

District Magistrate, Junagadh)

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ANNEXURE - IIICopy of EAC Minutes

(82nd EAC Meeting held on 23rd - 24th November, 2009)

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The Minutes of the 82nd Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee for Coastal Regulation Zone, Infrastructure Development and Miscellaneous projects held on 23rd –24thNovember, 2009 at Van Vigyan Bhawan, Sector – V, R.K. Puram, New Delhi.

1. Welcome by Chairman

The Chairman welcomed the members to the 82nd meeting of the EAC. Member Secretary informed that the Ministry had issued an Office Memorandum regarding the New Policy on expansion of existing Ports and initiation of new projects along the coastline. The copies of the office memorandum were circulated among the Members of the Committee. Some members were of the opinion that a workshop should be organized by the Ministry to get the feedback from all the stakeholders. Some members also felt that Special Invitees for the Expert Appraisal Committee from the representatives of National Institute of Oceanography, Goamay not be appropriate as they were also consultants in a number of projects and there might be some clash of interest. Ministry may examine this issue separately. National Ambient Air Quality standards notified by the Ministry on 16th

November, 2009 were also discussed.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 81st Meeting of the EAC held on 29th –30thOctober, 2009 at New Delhi.

Minutes of the 81st Meeting of the Committee held on 29th – 30thOctober, 2009 were confirmed as circulated.

3. Consideration of Old Projects:

3.1 Finalization of TOR for construction of Jetty to import Coal for Dhopawe Thermal Power Station (1600 MW) Project at Dhopawe, District Ratnagiri, Maharashtra by M/s. Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd. [F.No.10-52/2009-IA.III]

As presented by the project proponent, the proposal involves construction of Jetty for the proposed Dhopawe 1600 MW (2 X 800 MW) Thermal Power Project at Dhopawe, District Ratnagiri. The coal will be imported formChina, Australia and Indonesia through the jetty at Anjanvel. The main jetty is connected to the land with an approach trestle of about 25-30M wide. The approach trestle will be supported with three rows of piles. It will also accommodate the conveyor leading out of the main jetty 350 m X 350 m with 2 conveyors with capacity of unloading of coal 2000 t/hr. A roadway of 4.5M width will be provided. It will be transported through a closed conveyor to the stack yard at the plant site.

The berthing facility is to be provided for Panamax class vessels. Length 230-290 m; Breath 30-40 M and draught 12.5-13.5 M at atAnjanvel bay with lat 170 09’27.22”E in estuarine zone of Vashisti river mouth and Arabian sea in west coast, Guhaghar, District

Page 14: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

nvironmental Clearance for construction of Udankhatola Aerial Ropeway at Mount Girnar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by M/s. Usha Breco Limited [F. No. 10-108/2008-IA.III]

As presented by the project proponent, the proposal involves construction of an aerial ropeway namely Udankhatola at Mount Girnar in Junagadh District, Gujarat. The project has been recently designated as being part of the Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary with effect from 31.5.2008. Earlier the project was within a Reserve Forest. The land was thereafter diverted for non-forest use as per the letter issued by Forest Department and as per the forest clearance received from the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The project will lead to the cutting of ~2350 trees as per Forest Department marking. In lieu of this ~16,200 trees have already been planted at the Toraniya village near Junagadh on an area designated by the Forest Department five years in advance, as compensatory afforestation. During construction period, 16.33 KLD of waster will be required and during operation 24.65 KLD of water will be required which will be supplied by the Junagadh Municipal Corporation. During operation phase electricity supply of 3X415V, 50Hz, 1000kVA will be provided by State Electricity Board. In operation phase adequate number of toilets will be constructed so that there is no open defecation due to the project. Garbage will be collected in closed containers, cleaned at least once every 24 hours, and sent to community garbage disposal area located at Junagadh. Domestic waste water will be treated through Septic tanks followed by soak pits. The sludge generated will be handed over to the municipality for proper management.

The project lies within the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary. The project falls in category 7(g), of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. The project was appraised by the 72nd meeting of EAC held on 19th - 20thDecember, 2008 and classified as B1 category and had suggested additional TOR including public hearing. Public hearing was conducted on 03.06.2009.

The proposal was put up for consideration in the 82nd EAC meeting held on 23rd-24th

November, 2009. The details submitted by the project proponent were discussed by the Committee.

All the points have been clarified and Committee recommended for issue of Environmental Clearance.

5.4 Environmental Clearance for the construction of Sea Water intake facilities and discharge of waste water facilities at Thammenapatnam including construction of Wharf for internal transhipment of coal, village ChillakuruMandal Tehsil and District Nellore, Andhra Pradesh by M/s. Meenakshi Energy Pvt. Ltd. [F.No.11-6/2009-IA-III]

As presented by the project proponent, the proposal is for the drawal of cooling water from the sea and disposal of waste water into sea, construction of wharf for handling coal including conveyor system and other facilities for the proposed 540 MW Thermal Power Plant at Thammenapatnam village near Krishnapatnam Port, ChillakuruMandal in SPSR Nellore District. The project will be implemented in two phase of 270 MW each.

The projected cumulative requirement of sea water for cooling purpose including the requirement of Desalination Plant (DP) is in the order of 1,09.488 m3/day (4, 562 cum per

p yMount Girnar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by M/s. Usha Breco Limited [F. No.

/2008-I10-108/ A.III]

As presented by the project proponent, the proposal involves construction of an aerialp y p j p p p propeway namely Udankhatola at Mount Girnar in Junagadh District, Gujarat. The project has p y y g j p jbeen recently designated as being part of the Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary with effect from y g g p y31.5.2008. Earlier the project was within a Reserve Forest. The land was thereafter diverted p jfor non-forest use as per the letter issued by Forest Department and as per the forest clearancep y p preceived from the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The project will lead to the cutting of y p j g~2350 trees as per Forest Department marking. In lieu of this ~16,200 trees have already been p p g yplanted at the Toraniya village near Junagadh on an area designated by the Forest Department p y g g g y pfive years in advance, as compensatory afforestation. During construction period, 16.33 KLD y p y g pof waster will be required and during operation 24.65 KLD of water will be required which q g p qwill be supplied by the Junagadh Municipal Corporation. During operation phase electricity pp y g p p g p p ysupply of 3X415V, 50Hz, 1000kVA will be provided by State Electricity Board. In operation pp y p y y pphase adequate number of toilets will be constructed so that there is no open defecation due p q pto the project. Garbage will be collected in closed containers, cleaned at least once every 24p j g yhours, and sent to community garbage disposal area located at Junagadh. Domestic wastey g g p gwater will be treated through Septic tanks followed by soak pits. The sludge generated will beg p yhanded over to the municipality for proper management.

The project lies within the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary. The project falls in category 7(g),p j y p j g y (g)of the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006. The project was appraised by


19th - 20thDecember, the p

meeting of EAC held on - p j pp y

2008 and classified as B1 category g g yand had suggested additional TOR including public hearing. Public hearing was conducted ggon 03.06.2009.

82nd 23rd-24thThe proposal was put up for consideration in the EAC meeting held on p p p p gNovember, 2009. The details submitted by the project proponent were discussed by theCommittee.

All the points have been clarified and Committee recommended for issue of pEnvironmental Clearance.


Page 15: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

ANNEXURE - IVCopy of Letter from MoEF dated 04.02.2010

(file is closed & delisted and that the case will be reconsidered only after the submission of NBWL Clearance)

Page 16: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

No. 10-108/2008-IA.llI Government of India

Ministry of Environment & Forests

To / M/s. Usha Breco Limited,

701, Surya Kiran Building, 19, K.G. Marg, New Delhi - 110 001.

Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,

New Delhi-110 003.

Dated: 4th February, 2010.

Subject: Environmental Clearance for construction of

Dear Sirs,

"Udankhatola" Aerial Ropeway at Mount Girnar, District Junagadh, Gujarat by M/ s. Usha Breco Limited - Reg.


This has reference to your application No. UBL/GIR/MoEF/01/ 08-09, dated 08.09.2008 requesting prior Environmental Clearance for the above project under the EIA Notification, 2006.

I have been directed to inform you that since the project is under examination of National Board for Wildlife, the decision under EIA Notification, 2006 will be taken only after the decision of the NBWL. In the meantime, the proposal submitted by you is closed and delisted.

(Bhara ushan) Director (IA-111)

Copy to:

1. The Principal Secretary, Department of Forests & Environment and Chairman, GCZMA, Govt. of Gujarat, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.

2. The Director, Forests & Environment Department, Govt. of Gujarat, Block No.14, 8th Floor, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar- 382 010.

3. The Chairman, Gujarat State Pollution Control Board, Paryavaran Bhawan, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar - 382 010.

4. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Regional Office, Western Region, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, Link Road No. 3, Ravishankar Nagar, Bhopal - 462016 (M.P.)

5. Guard File. J 6. Monitoring Cell, MoEF.

(Bharat Bhushan) Director (IA-111)

Page 17: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

ANNEXURE - VCopy of NBWL Clearance

(vide letter No: WLP/32/B/7730/2015-16, dated: 23.12.2015)

Page 18: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.



No: WLP/32/B/7730/2015-16

Onice of the Principal Chier Conservator of rorests !~lock No.Bil. Aranyri Bhavan. Ch-3 Circle. Sector- I 0 A,

Cujarat State. GanJhinagar.

Date:23/ l 2/2015.

Sub: Permission under Section - 29 of Wildlife (Protection) Act. 1972 for use of 7.2871 ha. of land in Gimar Sanctuan. Gujarat for Construction or Ropewa1 . Usha Breco Ltd.


I. Conservator of Forests, Junagadh Circle, .I unagadh · s Letter No. LND/T-12/ A/225-26 dated 28-04-2009.

2. Recommendation of the State Board for Wildlife, Gujarat circulated vidc this office's letter no. WLP/26/A/ 1491-1521 dated 08-07-2009.

3. This Office's letter No: WLP/401 /32/A/376 dated 08-07-2009 submitting proposal to Forest & Environment Department. G.overnrnent of Gujarat.

4. Forest nnd Environment Department. Government of Gujarat's letter No. VPS/I 02009/983/W dated 08-07-2009 submitting propo<ial tu MuEF, Go!.

5. Ministry of Em ironment and Forest-.. GU\Cl'lllllcnt or India' s letter !-'.No. (i-

36/2009-WL~I dated 08-02-20 I 0 for i11-pri11cipk approval of the project. 6. This office letter no. WLP/32/A/1381dated25-03-2011 submitting to F&ED. GoG

that there is no alternative route. 7. Shri Jairam Ramesh, Hon'ble Minister of State ( f/C) Environment and Forests &

Chairman of Standing Committee nrNBWL Ne\\ Delhi' s letter d~11<.:d 07-02-201 l 8. Forest and Environment Department. Government of Gujarat's letter No.

VPS/102009/983/W dated 25-03-2011 submitting to MuEF. 601 th;t there is no alternative route. · o

9. Recommendation of Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife, circulated vide MoEF&CC. Gol's letter no. F.No . 6-4 3/2007/WL I (XII I) dated 10-05-2011.

10. The Central Empowered Colllmittec, Ne\\ Delhi 's Jetter 110. l-19/CEC/SC/2008-pt XXXll dated 02-03-2012 submitting report to 1-lon'ble Supreme Court.

I I . Hon· ble Supreme Court of India· s Ordt:r dat<.:d 05-1 0-20 I 5 in I. /\:> ti led i 11 n:ten.:nce to Writ Petition (Civil) 202/95 .

12. This ofllce letter no . WLP/321/\11399 dated 2l)- 10-20 15 to Principal Secretary F&ED, GoCJ .

13. This Office's Letter No. WLP/32/A/1486-87 dated 17- 11-2015 addressed to The Member Secretary. Central Empowered Committee (CEC). New Delhi and copy submitted to the Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment Department.

14. Telephonic discussion in reference to let1cr dated 17- 11-2015 with the Member Secretary, CEC 011 17-11-2015 .

15. Forest and Environment Departlllent. C10v..:m111e11t of C1ujarat's letter No. WPC-1015/ 1391 /F dated 04-12-2015 . . ·

Page 19: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

The said proposal was discussed in the 4111 meeting or the State Board for Wildlife (SBWL) held on 04-07-2009. After detailed discussion, the SB Wl. recommended the proposal along with certain conditions vide reference no. 'f above.

The proposal, as approved and recommended by SB WL was sent to Forest and Environment Department, Government of Gujarat vide referen<.:c nu. 3 above for onward submission to MoEF, Go!. The said proposal was submitted to MoF.F. Gol for·consideration of Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) vide reference no. 4 above. The proposal was discussed in sequence of meetings of Standing Committee ofNBWL, i.e. in 16111 (16-09-2009); 17111 (17-12-2009); 201h ( 13-10-2010) and 22 11 d (25-04-20 I I). During the meetings, the proposal was discussed, the Sub Committee for project site inspection was constituted, the site inspection report of the Committee was discussed. Hon'ble Minister of Stnte (l/C) E&F and

•Chairman of the Standing Committee or NBWL visited the site on 21 /22-12-2010. After discussions, the Standing Committee or NB W L tin a II) reco1111nenckd the proposa I as unde.r:

The Member Secretmy apprised the Com111ittee thot Hon 'life Clwir.111un fwd visit-<:d the site om/ thereajler, had recommended the proposal subject to the cundition that the Stote G(JVernment would look for alternate alignment, om/ apprise the Co111111illee 011 the possibility of the alternate alignment. The State Government had. now infhr111ed the Committee that alternate route was not feasible in the i11stant case, and that they had l'.equested that the Commillee consider their proposal in its origi11al for111 witlio111 change in the aliRmnent proposed therein.

The Commillee ajier discussion decided to reco111111e11d the propornl as proposed by the Guvern111e11t o( Gujarat. However, Dr Divyohlwnusinh ( 'lw\'(lo and Ms. Prerna Bindro expressed their concern regarding the possible · impacts it would couse to' the resident 1•ulture pop11lotio11. Dr Rahmani suggested as one of the conditions of clearance that the State Cowm1111ent should effi'cti1·el1· implement the ban on use <~( dic/u/'e11oc in the Sw1c so os to jJl'Ulect the existing pop11/wion ufvu/111res in the State.

The report by Shri Divyabhanusinh and Dr Nita Shah ploced be.fhre the co111111illel! on January 24th clearly states thcit the ropewoy, if constructed, would lead to the local extinction of the long-billed vulture Gyps indicus in North Gujarat. The critically endangered long bill!!d vulture has seen a collapse of nearly 99% of its /JOp11lmio11, Olld is cotegorised as Critically Endangered. Ironically, the vulture is part <~f'MoEF 's species recove1y progrw11111e.

As per the established procedure, an I.A. No. 31I8-3120/20 I I was filed before the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) of the Hon 'ble Supreme Court of India b) the User Agency for consideration of the proposal. The CEC after discussion submitted their report to l-lon'ble Supreme Court vide reference no. 10 above. In the 111eanti111e Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has passed an order dated 05-10-2015 in reference .t o different I.As in Writ Petition (Civil) 202/95 vide reference no. 11 above . The order of the flon'ble Supreme Court or India is reproduced as under :

"All matters for grant of pernusswns Jhr i111ple111entafion of' projects in areas falling in National par~/sanctuaries, including rationalization of boundaries etc. will

,..be:t::3lJifJ4tN:.efl by the Standing Committee of the Notionol Boord .fiJ1· ll'i/dlifi.' ("NBWL '') /(}~ti,_,j./,<;.-~qfvt:1'.,)ri,erits and in co1ij(Jr111ity ll'itli the orders 011d directio11.1· pos.1·ecl hy this Court

/::.~/.froe,iy!tme to, rJnf!. i.e. on /..1.022000. 16 '.~ · 2002 . 1311.2000, 95.2002, 25.11.2005 /{f ani{_.:tj·~<J.2Uf~\lmd other subsequent clnr!f1u1101y orders/;11dg111e11t (s) fJas~·ed hy 1/11.1·

h: ~ J/i:'''· .' l ~' 0 .. .:>. ~. _t:;,}.,;, . ·'. ;: ,· j'

l ·,.I ~· trf:t4 _. . !'~ .~ .., ,t. .•. 1. ,1 ·r" • ~ I' ...

' ~ -~ "'"'· '/ / -; \~,~~·~·;·.J~,;~~;;: .. ·:•~~



Page 20: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.


Court including I he Goa Fuundat ion Judg111ent , 1.e. Goa· F 011nda1 ion VY . Union o( Jndia & Ors. reported in (2014) 6 SCC 590.

We request the NBWL to jim1i.1/J o l'OJJ_\' o/ tlw <mien pus.1·ed h1 1 it 11•i1/1i11 30 doys' 1i111e 10 the C.E.C. The C.E.C. is at liber!y, (/, j(J1· orn · 1·eoso11, thev ore aggrie1•ed hi · the decision uf rile Stundi11g Cu11u11i/fce <~/ NIJll'l 10 upprouc/1 1/1is C '011rt hi · .filing a11 appropriate pet ii ionlapplicat ion.

Jn all those 111arrers \\'hl'I'<! !here is olrrnr/1 · decisiu11 of rhe Sru11di11g ( '011u11ittee of the NBWL shall abide the parries 11•i1/1 ult !he COl/(lili<111.1 i111;Jo.1·cd r/1erei11.

if any party is aggrieved by 1/1e decision of the .')fw/(li11g C 'u111111itt<!e o( the NBWL, they are at Ii berry ru approach an appropriate ji.Jrz1111 .fur opprupriate re /it'_/(.1).

With the ajf.>resaid ohserl'l1fiun.\' ond direcliu11s. 11 ·e

Applicatiuns/111aller.1· .1pec1/ied in A11ne:rnre-l/ tu 1/1e Salve , learned 0111ic11s c11rhw " .

dispo.1·<! uf' !llC! lnrerlucll/01y 11ore SllJJjJ/ied by Shri Harish

The present case I.A. No. 3 l 18-3120/20 l l is listed in Annexure - 11 o f the order of the Hon 'ble Supreme Court dated 05-10-2015 and stands disposed off and liable f(x 1·unher action' as per the recommendation of the Standing Committee of NB\VL.

The details regarding the Hon'.ble Supreme Court"s order dated 05-10-2015 have been reported to the Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment Department vick reference no. 12 above.

In relation to the above order, a letter \\as sent to the Member Secretar;, CEC for information and necessary guidance vide reference no: 13 above. In this connection. the Member Secretary, CEC directed telephonicali;y to implement the order oi' the Hon ' blc Supreme Court of India and issue permissions based on the decisions taken on merits by tiie Standing Cornminee of NBWL in all the pending cases. In view of the facts above. the undersigned has been instructed to take necessary actions by Forest and Environrrient Department, Government of Gujarat vi de reference no. 15 above.

, Therefore, in view of the references mentioned and explained above, the permission is hereby granted to the Usha Breco Ltd. under Section - 29 of Wildlifc Protection /\ct, 1972 for the use of 7.2871 ha. of land in Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary (As per annexure. ~ I), Gujarat for construction of Ropeway subject to following Conditions: .


I. The agency and or his contractor will strictly folio\\ Wildlife (Protection) Act - 1972 and the provisions therein.

2. No damage should be caused to flora and fauna or the said area by user agency or by its agents.

3. The flow of water should not be obstructed. After completion of the work the ground ~~hould be brought back in original shape. .

~· ":t,,

/~·- 4:. ·: !:ft~)g~ncy while implementing the project shall ensure minimum movement of staff and /·}> --".Yeh~fo$'ip the Sanctuary area.

I :.·.' / ('' . . ,, \ ·~ r'-· (' ~·,, ~~ ... :, \


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Page 21: Uda Khat wta USHA BRECO LIMITED · 2016. 4. 21. · no. S. 0. 1533 dated ! 4/09/2006, Public Hearing is fixed for the following project covered under Category A, Mis Usha Breco Ltd.

5. The agency and or his contractor sh al I not use any area of the Sanctuar). which is not included in this proposal, for the movement, transportation and any other purpose or the lnstal lat ion and maintenance of the Rope way.

6. The land will not be liable to sale or transfer the right and privileges to any other agency. 7. Approval under any other act, if required, will be obtained separately. 8. Annual Monitoring of the vultures in the area and examining the impact of Ropeway and

associated activities for vulture's presence etc.shall be done by User Agency. 9. A camera of high resolution will be placed on the 91h tower by the User Agency to monitor

movement of vultures and if required. movement of cabins of the ropcwa) will be regulated in such way as to avoid any accidental collision or vultures with the cabin or ropeway.

l 0. The height of the 9111 and I 0111 tower of ropewa) wi 11 be increased to avoid disturbance to the vulture nesting sites located in this urea.

11. A cafeteria for vultures will be constructed at an appropriate location, to be decided in consultation with the experts. to provide for supplemental food to the vultures apart from attempting to divert the movement of vultures away from the ropeway.

12. A cess of Rs 5 per ticket or 2% of the ticket turnover revenue, whichever is i1igher, will be imposed. This cess amount will be giv~n to the Gir Lion Conservation S:ociety fur conservation-related activities in and around the Gimar Wildlife Sanctuary with a focus cin long-bi I led vultures.

13. As per the nature or the Long-13ilkd Vultures. the timirig ur the operation of Rorcwa) should be decided in consultation'' ith the Cliier Wildlife.Warden and the NGOs working in the area.

14. Any other conditions that may be imposed by the Chicf' Wildlife Wardrn will be accepted and will be complied with by the U~>.t::"'~Y~

/' ., .... . . ~ (Dr.~. C. Pant)

Chier Wildlife Warden ~·:~(·'""fir: :':.·:.-; <,·· . .- ·\ c -~· .,,.~ .... ) - · ,.!~'"f;~s.~ l '"\ \ ;: ~~·~ 1:; (!u.1'arat State. ()andhinagar.

.. f lit~~, J ~: \ . t· ' r;.

To, \./t> · .,.,~~ .: ...... '/,._/./' I. The Chief Conservator of Foresl.:i/ · ·:·· · · · ··'···: .. : j

Junagadh Circle. ·-· ... ~~~:..::-v·'".,. Junagadh.

· 2. The Usha Breco Ltd. '\/ Ahmedabad.

Copy Submitted to: The Additional Director General of Forests (WL). Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhava·n, Jor Baug Rad, Ali Ganj, New Delhi for information.

Copy Submitted to: The Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment Department, Sachivalaya. Gandhinagar for information.

Copy to: The Additional Principal Chief Conservatur of Forests. Land, Gujarat State Candh i nagar lor i 11 lurrnat ion and necessary act ion.

Copy to: The Deputy Conservator of' Forests. Junagaclh Division, Junagadh for information and ne~essary action.


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