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The world around us and the opportunities it offers are ever evolving. Unless you equip yourself with a relevant skill set in this evolving world, your education will be inconsequential. The choices you make are the ones that will make you. So, make a wise one.

Welcome to University of the Fraser Valley, Canada, and its satellite campus in India at GGD SD College, Chandigarh. A one of a kind Canadian post-secondary institution on Indian soil that offers applied North American curriculum, taught by an eclectic mix of international & Indian faculty. Get oriented to an education pedagogy that is truly applicable, and accepted globally. Share the success and journey of our current students and alums who find themselves far better prepared and worthy of notable careers, in India and overseas, having started at UFV India campus. Come. Discover. Join.


Image source: Pexels

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The world of work is changing rapidly. Many of the jobs that will be available when you graduate haven’t been even invented yet. Young people today are likely to go through five to seven major career changes over their lifetime. And this means a narrow, vocationally focused degree will not necessarily set you up best for the future. What you need is an applied curriculum so that you arrive in the real world armed with functional and job-relevant skills.

Employers have made it clear that they are looking for well-rounded graduates – the kind of people who

can keep learning, deal with change and contingency, understand context and communicate effectively. You need to associate your future with a credible international institution of proven academic excellence that can impart recognized credits and is preferably closer to home, at a time when you are changing learning methodology, from theory to applied or practical learning. Other than facilitating your academic transformation, UFV India prepares you to understand and imbibe socio-cultural nuances of a different world, much before you arrive there.

Learn by doing


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Co-Curricular Record provides official recognition for your extra-curricular activities at UFV India, highlighting your participation, essential skill development, learning outcomes, and achievements.

• A CCR enhances your resume, scholarship applications, and your academic and career portfolios. It will assist you to market your experiences and skills to employers, be it in graduate or professional programs.

• CCR is your go-to tool for finding suitable engagement activities for an enriched campus experience during your time here.

Co-operative Education, a North American academic program where a student’s academic study semesters are complemented with periods of paid work experience. Work terms are 4, 8, or 12 months in duration. • The program provides entry-

level employment opportunities, teaches basic employability skills, and monitors employment conditions.

• Earn money to help finance your education while developing a network of professional colleagues and potential employers.

• Strengthen academic knowledge through program-related work experience and apply your academic knowledge in a real-world setting.

The UFV India student company program aspires to provide a platform for students to gain hands-on experience in practising entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership by operating a real-time business.• Provide students with hands-on

practical experience and facilitate understanding of each business function.

• The companies are overseen by a student ‘Board of Directors,’ have articulated ‘incorporation’ documents and maintain their book of accounts.

• The students make and market real products, raise capital and make real profits (or losses) with the support and mentoring of a wide range of professionals.


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Just as we take our studies seriously at UFV India, holistic development of our students is accorded with an equal commitment, and resources. Everywhere you turn, you will notice that a great social life awaits you. Students tend to learn immensely from their peers, while building relationships in a group setting.

Student life at UFV India is constantly innovating ways to engage and delight our students. Be it our Toast

Masters Club, etiquette learning classes, sports, dance club, joint celebrations, excursions, or our contributions for a social cause, our students not only gain a valuable Co-Curricular Credit but also memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. A campus of countless stories, created by the likes of you, UFV India is abuzz with opportunities to explore new passions, engage with a vital community and, simply put, have fun.

Memories last forever


UFV India Annual Goa trip 2016

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Student Lounge at UFV India campus

UFV India student volunteers at the Terry Fox Run in February 2012Sports at UFV India campus

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‘Overwhelming’ is one emotion that describes my experience at UFV Chandigarh campus. I wanted to explore Canada for my overseas education until I discovered UFV India campus. It’s one of its kind in India, where I sit among friends while getting oriented to North American education. I am sure that I will be far better prepared, and placed to succeed in Canada or the world, having started at UFV India.

There’s education in a formal setting, and education in an informal setting, and I feel as though I’ve gotten the best of both worlds while studying at UFV Chandigarh. I strongly believe that I can speak on behalf of majority of the students at UFV India when I say it’s become second nature to put heart into everything we do, thanks to the never ending support of the staff and faculty members. UFV India is different from UFV Canada in all of the best ways. I feel as though I’m right at home while studying at UFV Chandigarh. Having all of the luxuries of the modern world, yet having exposure to the more rustic elements of the city and its culture has been so charming.


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HIMANI THAPABBA, Class of 2018

I plan to do my Master’s overseas, and a BBA at UFV provides me credits that are recognized and transferable. Applied education and relevant industry interaction are a true hallmark of my education. Being a girl, my parents are far more secure and comfortable while I am happy to be with my family at a time when I have just come out of school.

I came to UFV India on a very skeptical note, thinking to transfer to Canada after my first year, but then decided to stay for another. It is unbelievable how committed our UFV tutors and the entire team is to our success. Be it extra-curricular activities like Toastmasters club, where I have honed my personal speaking skills and shunned my shyness, to etiquette learning classes, we are truly preparing for the world. I honestly suggest to everyone that they explore UFV India once before they take a straight plunge into the unknown.


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AcademicFoundation ProgramAFP

To bring out the best in youWe understand where you come from and recognize our responsibility to nurture your potential from the very beginning. We do not expect our incoming students to sit in our regular classes without orienting them to North American pedagogy, and ways of learning. Your success is the cornerstone of our existence and our Academic Foundation Program (AFP) is a first step towards that commitment.

Applied Education is a clear departure from rote learning. It would be unfair to demand performance unless you learn how to perform. We fly in our professors from our headquarter campus in British Columbia, Canada to teach you the Academic Foundation Program. AFP is a simulator classroom where you learn applied pedagogy, classroom etiquette, teamwork and so much more. And while colleges and universities charge a fee, we bring it to you at no additional cost, considering it as our responsibility.

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Elevating to Practical EducationInspiring a culture of intense learning and ideation is core to our system of teaching. We focus extensively on skill development, real life application, and live projects to prepare you for the challenges of tomorrow.

Cultural IntegrationYour socio-cultural orientation is equally critical to your success, both in your careers as well as in a different social cultural milieu. We are committed to introduce you to all those cultural nuances so as to sensitize and integrate you seamlessly into the global arena.

Enhanced CommunicationWith communication, expression and listening skills so imperative in today’s world, AFP’s holistic approach prepares you to interact in business and social situations with people from around the globe.

Campus OrientationSynced with the academics, our intricately planned campusorientation is what makes the foundation program trulyexciting for the incoming students. Experience a true Canadian welcome and get accustomed to the norms and practices of the institution.

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Image credits: Raakesh Blokhra (Flickr)

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Serenity and a city are two diametrically opposite concepts that are united in the ‘City Beautiful.’ Chandigarh is a rare epitome of modernization co-existing with nature’s preservation. It is here that the trees and plants are as much a part of the construction plans as the buildings and the roads. India’s first planned city, is a rich, prosperous, spic and span, green city rightly called “THE CITY BEAUTIFUL.”

When French architect Le Corbusier was commissioned in 1950, he conceived a people-oriented city of sweeping boulevards, lakes and

gardens and grand civic buildings, executed in his favourite material, reinforced concrete. So Chandigarh came into being; turn the clocks forward 60 years and the parks, monuments and civic squares are still here, and well maintained.

In 2006, it was a conscious decision for University of the Fraser valley, in BC, Canada to establish their satellite campus at Chandigarh. Chandigarh is quite similar to beautiful British Columbia. Its planned infrastructure and way of life resonates well with the visiting faculty members who are

willing to teach at Chandigarh.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with GGD SD College in Sector 32, a Punjab University affiliated College and a renowned commerce academic institution, and UFV India campus was established.

Currently, UFV India maintains and operates its campus in the boutique city of Chandigarh, and the campus boasts of infrastructure and facilities quite similar to, and expected of a North American institution.

The City Beautiful

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We are pleased to be here in Chandigarh, at SD college, University of the Fraser Valley, which is a decade old partnership to deliver education that will serve the people of Chandigarh and Punjab for the years to come. The students have the opportunity to taste what it is like to live in Canada and secure a Canadian education. Some of these students actually end up staying and working in Canada and go on to work in Canada in many sectors.

HONOURABLE EDWARD D. FASTFormer Minister for International Trade, Canada (Chief Guest at Qbiz Grand Finale 2014)

“ “One of the Qbiz Regional Rounds being conducted at Wynberg-Allen School, Mussoorie

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20+ cities

100+ schools

12000+ students

To ignite the spirit of competition while enhancing knowledge.

The world belongs to aspirants seeking knowledge and information to evolve, and it is this very hunger to know that defines and shapes success.

Qbiz, a business quiz platform, was conceptualized and delivered with the vision to ignite the spirit of competition while enhancing knowledge. With a modest 25 schools representation in 2013, Qbiz grew to 75 schools in 2014 and 100 schools in 2015. The value and the content delivered by Qbiz has been widely acknowledged by the most eminent schools of the region.

The basic vision and premise of Qbiz rests upon the cognizance skill of the student. Qbiz aspires to engage all those students who believe in applied and holistic learning and seeks to identify all those mavericks who consistently learn, innovate and improvise.

Winners of Qbiz 2015,Vivek High School, Chandigarh

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Dr. Mark Evered, UFV President & Vice-Chancellor, addressing the audience at UFV India’s 10 Year Celebration and Annual Awards Night on March 19, 2016

UFV India students awarded with the entrance Scholarship Award for outstanding Academic Achievement, withHonourable Michael de Jong, Minister of Finance, Government of British Columbia, Canada; Dr. Christopher Gibbins, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada, Chandigarh; Dr. Mark Evered, UFV President & Vice-Chancellor on March 19, 2016.

Dr. Christopher Gibbins, Consul General, Consulate General of Canada, Chandigarh being honoured with a memento for his ongoing support and commitment to UFV India by Dr. Mark Evered, UFV President & Vice-Chancellor

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In April 2008, former Prime Minister Harper stated “Canada simply cannot afford to miss out on India’s phenomenal economic growth. That’s why our government is putting so much emphasis on improving trade and investment between our two countries.”

Canada and India have longstanding bilateral relations, built upon shared traditions of democracy, pluralism and strong interpersonal connections with an Indian diaspora of more than one million in Canada. From periphery,

this relationship has moved to priority, and the University of the Fraser Valley’s satellite campus in India has emerged an important link in bridging this relationship. Since 2006, UFV Canada’s campus in India has been an important place to visit on Canada’s national and provincial trade missions to India, where dignitaries from the International Trade Minister to Provincial Premiers have been proudly hosted at UFV India campus.

UFV India is a symbol of the best of Canada, at your doorstep.

India is a social, political, cultural and economic force important to Canada’s foundation of diversity.

“We are so connected...our two jurisdictions, British Columbia and Punjab. I very much believe in this educational partnership. It’s one of its kind in British Columbia, and perhaps across Canada.”

Honourable Christy ClarkPremier,

Province of British Columbia,Canada

BC Premier with UFV India students in 2014

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• UCFV signed MoU with Sanatan Dharma College Chandigarh (SDCC) to deliver its applied BBA degree program in Chandigarh.

• The first batch of students started classes in the UCFV Canadian BBA degree program at Sanatan Dharma College in Sector 32 C, Chandigarh.

• UCFV celebrated its First Anniversary & Awards ceremony at SDCC. UCFV President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Skip Bassford arrived from Canada to award CDN $5000 in scholarships to students of the UCFV BBA degree in Chandigarh.

December • British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell met with UCFV’s BBA degree students in Chandigarh during his trade mission to India. Dr. Skip Bassford, UCFV President, and Professor DJ Sandhu, UCFV President’s Advisor on India, accom-panied the mission.



• Premier Gordon Campbell made the official announcement that the University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV) was now renamed University of the Fraser Valley (UFV).

• Three students in UFV’s Canadian BBA degree program in Chandigarh secured the number one spot worldwide in an online business simulation conducted for Professor Kim Milnes’ Business Policy class. Competing for 11 weeks against 1725 teams and 105 universities and colleges worldwide, the trio was the only team from India to reach the final rounds.

July • BBA students from UFV Chandigarh celebrated Canada Day.



• The first UFV Chandigarh students, representing the incoming class of 2006, completed their four-year Bachelor of Busi-ness Administration degree and graduated in Canada.

• The Fifth Anniversary and Awards Ceremony was celebrated by UFV students and staff. Dr. Fionna McQuarrie, As-sociate Dean of the Faculty of Professional Studies, delivered the keynote address. Hon. Scot Slessor, Consul General, Canadian Consulate in Chandigarh, delivered a special address to the students. INR 2-lakh was awarded in the form of scholarships.






U F V I N D I A - 1 0 Y E A R J O U R N E Y





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• UFV Chandigarh spearheaded and organised the first annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research in Chandigarh in part-nership with the Consulate General of Canada in Chandigarh.

• The Honourable Minister of HRD Kapil Sibal conducted the official ribbon cutting of the UFV Chandigarh booth at the CII Education summit.



• UFV Chandigarh students celebrated the grand opening of the new UFV Student Centre on campus.

• UFV Chandigarh Bhangra team performed for the former Prime Minister of Canada on his visit to India.• Hon. Ed Fast, former Minister of International Trade (Canada), visited the UFV Chandigarh campus along with delegates

from Canada, including Paul Davidson, President of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC).• Michael de Jong, British Columbia Minister of Finance, inaugurated the Microsoft IT Academy at the UFV Chandigarh

campus with Canadian Consul General Hon. Scot. Slessor and SDCC President Sh. Upkar Sharma.

November • UFV Chandigarh hosted its first Inter-school Business Quiz: Qbiz. Students from approximately 25 schools from all over north India showcased their business knowledge and acumen.




• UFV India launched an India Chapter for UFV Alumni Association in Canada. • UFV celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the University of the Fraser Valley at the UFV Chandigarh Campus. • Honourable Christy Clark Premier, Province of British Columbia, Canada visited UFV India Campus for a round table

conference held at UFV India

September • After 9 years of successfully offering the business program, UFV India launched the Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree program.

• One of the regional rounds of Qbiz 2015, a business quiz conducted by UFV India was held at the Indian School of Busi-ness, Mohali Campus.



• UFV India launched the first Post-Degree Certificate Program in India. The Management Post Degree Certificate is a path-way to the Master of Management at the University of Windsor.

• UFV India celebrated its 10th Anniversary.











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Featured here is an aerial view of UFV Canada’s Abbotsford campus. Abbotsford is a 50-minute drive from downtown Vancouver and is easily accessible through various modes of transport. UFV operates five beautiful and well-equipped Canadian campuses at Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Hope, as well as its campus in Chandigarh, India.

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Grouse Mountain

50 min

Vancouver50 min

White Rock ocean beach

40 min

Surrey town30 min


30 min

USA border5 min

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A hub of safe communities with neighborhoods that are sustainable, accessible and livable, Vancouver caters to any interest throughout the year. Enjoy world-class shopping, gourmet meals, outstanding live entertainment, sporting events, theatre, outdoor adventure, spectacular sights and attractions. And if you’re an arts lover, you will feel right at home in Vancouver. The city’s rich cultural background has helped produce a spectrum of artistic expression and a thriving creative community.

Which way to the beach? Well, in this city you can find one everywhere you turn. Vancouver makes it easy to combine an urban getaway with outdoor adventure. From family-friendly fun to thrill-seeking

exploits, from marine exploring to mountaintop luxury, you’ll find plenty of things to do in Vancouver. With quick and easy access to Whistler, the Canadian Rockies, Victoria, Vancouver Island, endless year-round water and land sports, whether you are looking for extreme sports or family time, you’ll find your personal adventure here.

The city was named the Top Destination in Canada in TripAdvisor’s 2014 Travelers’ Choice awards, and was chosen as the world’s “Most Livable City” in 2010 by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a title it has been awarded eight times since 2002.

C A N A D A & T H E W O R L D

''You’re gorgeous, baby, you’re sophisticated, you live well...Vancouver is Manhattan with mountains. It’s a liquid city, a tomorrow city, equal parts India, China, England, France and the Pacific Northwest. It’s the cool North American sibling."

– The New York Times

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Image credits: Thomas Quine (Flickr)

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The Student Union Building (SUB) on UFV’s Abbotsford campusUFV’s brand new building houses nearly all student services, including the Career Centre, theStudent Union Society, Campus Card Office, UFV Student Life, Civil Radio station, UFV Cascade student newspaper, coffee and snack bars, and a restaurant.

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UFV Chilliwack campus

The Baker House student residence at the University of the Fraser Valley in

Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada

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We are committed to building leaders at all stages of their careers so as to build and continue delivering academic excellence. The rich diversity of backgrounds represented by our faculty combine the finest teaching and mentoring systems to deliver the best to our students, instilling in them the desire to learn . We have an eclectic mix of hand-picked Indian and Canadian faculty, comprehensively trained to deliver world-class academic standards, be it in India or Canada.

Delivering world class Academic Standards


The first UFV Chandigarh students, representing the class of 2010, complete their four-year Bachelor of Business Administration degree and graduate in Canada in June 2010

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Holds BSc (mathematics) and MBA (finance) from the University of British Columbia along with Commercial Pilot’s License. Over 30 years of industry experience including roles as President, KFC Canada. Former member of the President’s Advisory Council and National Advertising Committee for YUM International Restaurants (Canada).

Senior Faculty at the School of Business at University of the Fraser Valley, Canada. Com-pleted MBA from Simon Fraser University, Canada and earned a Doctorate in Business Administration from St. John’s University. Attended Harvard University for a Management Development Program. Teaching areas: Innovation Management, International Business.

Long-term member of the Faculty of Access and Continuing Education at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, British Columbia. An experienced teacher, Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) facilitator, restorative mediator and board member of the Abbots-ford Restorative Justice and Advocacy Association.

Earned BBA and MBA from Western Illinois University and Ph.D. from JNVU. He has taught at AACSB accredited universities (WIU, and UW-L) in USA and was nominated for Teacher of the Year Award at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, USA. Consultant at Modi Revlon, Modi Lufthansa, MMTC, Tata Rallis, NAFED, NDDB and many more.

LORNE MACKENZIE, Academic Director, UFV India

DR. MIKE IVANOF, Associate Professor at School of Business, UFV

RAYMONDE TICKNER, Assistant Professor, English as a Second Language, UFV

DR. SHYAM VYAS, Professor, Marketing & Business, School of Business

Some notable faculty members at UFV India

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An important factor prospective students tend to overlook when reviewing schools is the strength of an alumni network. As former students, alumni offer valuable insights and connections. Your education requires a serious investment, and getting the maximum return on that investment will take more than good grades. Your alumni network can connect you with the people in control of such opportunities. And they will be willing to meet you because you went to the same University or College.

At UFV India, our mission is to establish and sustain a network of individuals dedicated to the applied curriculum of the institution that will preserve history, share talents and expertise, create partnerships and

collaborations and inspire creativity. While our applied curriculum has encouraged our students to explore their passions and interests far and wide, it is through alumni engagement that we bring their experiences and energy back into the campus..

Our approach to alumni engagement is to promote a sense of continuing education by facilitating conversations about the work world, graduate school, and work/life balance. If our alumni can equate post-college success back to the institution, everybody wins.

At UFV India, our alumni hold a very special position. Their stories – their student experiences on our campuses and careers after graduation – motivate us and our our current students. We

have an active UFV Alumni Association in place at our Chandigarh campus that continues to follow and work closely with our alumni, both in India as well as in Canada. We bring alumni together, formally at least once a year, continuously sharing their journey as our own and celebrating milestones with each other. Simple programs like career shadowing opportunities with alumni allow current students and those who graduate out of the program, be it in India or Canada, to follow tried and well-guided career tracks and learn from the experience of the alumni in those positions. UFV India is committed to expand and grow our Alumni Association in order to inculcate a strong level of belongingness at all levels.

Leslie Courchesne, Executive Director, University Relations, University of the Fraser Valley addressing a cohort of UFV alumni on October 8, 2014

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With a passion to become a business professional, concentrating on accounting while completing my Bachelor’s at UFV gave me a head start in the CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant) program. After working in retail and almost a year in finance, I am commencing my CPA designation with a public accounting firm as an articling student here in Canada.

If you are a passionate individual who wants a breakthrough in your business career, a university like UFV could be the next pit stop in your journey to make a difference in anything and everything.



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S T A R T H E R E , G O A N Y W H E R E

AustraliaAustralian Catholic UniversityCharles Sturt UniversityUniversity of Canberra

AustriaUpper Austria University of Applied Sciences, LinzUniversity of Applied Sciences BFI ViennaUniversity of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

Chile Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

ChinaSichuan Normal University, ChengduEcole Superiere de Science Commerciale d’Angers (ESSCA) Shanghai CampusInstitute de Preparation a

l’administration et a la gestion (IPAG) China CampusFrance Business School – China CampusSouthwest UniversityUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Czech RepublicAnglo American University, Prague

FinlandUniversity of Vaasa

FranceBurgundy School of BusinessUniversité Catholique de LilleDijon Chamber of Commerce and Industry Representing Burgundy School of BusinessIPAG Institut de Préparation à la Gestion – Nice and Paris CampusESSCA

Sciences Po LilleFrance Business School

GermanyMuenster UniversityEuropean Business SchoolUniversität Regensburg

IrelandWaterford Institute of Technology

ItalyTurin University

JapanChuo UniversityJissen Women’s University, Hino (near Tokyo)Kindai UniversityNagasaki UniversityNagasaki Wesleyan UniversityOsaka Gakuin University

The UFV Study Abroad program can help you learn and travel abroad for a semester, all while earning credits toward your degree at UFV. Currently, UFV has close to 70 international partnerships where course articulation is in

place. While you start at UFV India campus, we can help you study with one of our partner institute in an international location before you reach Canada.

Study Abroad

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Ever wondered what makes an education global. It’s your ability to change and evolve, along with the opportunities to do so. UFV provides just that. Start at UFV India campus and explore studying a semester or two with one of our partners across the globe. Your credits are recognized and transferable, with course articulation in place with our partners.

What’s more, you pay your tuition fee at UFV India while studying at an institution or a country that might be on your wish list. Learn a language, visit a new place, absorb a culture, and make new friends and relationships. After all, that’s what a global perspective is all about.

KoreaChonnam National UniversityEwha Women’s UniversityPusan National University

MexicoTecnologico de Monterrey

NetherlandsErasmus University of RotterdamRotterdam University of Applied SciencesUniversity of Applied Sciences – HAS Den BoschUniversity of Applied Sciences – Utrecht

PolandUniversity of Arts in PoznanAdam Mickiewicz University, PoznanJ. A. Komenski State School of Higher

Vocational EducationUniversity of Silesia in Katowice

ScotlandRobert Gordon UniversityUniversity of AberdeenUniversity of Dundee

SingaporeNanyang Technological University

SpainUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)Universidad de Antonio de NebrijiaUniversidad Pablo de Olavide

SwedenLinkoping University

Mälardalen University

SwitzerlandUniversity of Applied Sciences – NW – Olten, near ZurichUniversity of Applied Sciences, LucerneFHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Sciences

United Arab EmiratesAmerican College of DubaiCanadian University of Dubai

United KingdomKing’s CollegeUniversity of GloucestershireSunderland UniversityUniversity of East LondonUniversity of South Wales

Source: international.ufv.ca/about/international-partnerships

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YEAR 1Semester 1 CREDITSBUS 100 Introduction to Business 3BUS 160/CIS 110 Computerized Business Applications and MIS 3ENGL 105 Academic Writing 3ECON 100 Principles of Microeconomics 3MATH 141 Calculus for Business 3Semester 2BUS 120 Essentials of Marketing 3BUS 143 Accounting I 3STAT 106 Statistics I 4CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communication 3ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics 3

YEAR 2 CREDITSSemester 3BUS 144 Accounting II 3BUS 203 Organizational Behaviour 3BUS 221 Professional Selling 3BUS 249 Essentials of Finance 3CMNS 251 Professional Report Writing 3Semester 4BUS 201 Human Resource Management 3BUS 226/ECON 226 Economics & Business Statistics 4BUS 227 New Business Development 3BUS 247 Management Accounting 3BUS 261 Business Law 3

YEAR 3 CREDITSSemester 5BUS 320 Business Research Methods 3ECON 307 Managerial Microeconomics 3

Elective Lower or upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3

Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective General education requirement (see Note 2) 3Semester 6BUS 349 Financial Management I 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective General education requirement (see Note 2) 3

YEAR 4 CREDITSSemester 7BUS 403 Strategic Management 3BUS 404 Management Science 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective General education requirement (see Note 2) 3Semester 8BUS 405 Strategic Management Simulation 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective Upper-level Business elective (see Note 1) 3Elective General education requirement (see Note 2) 3


Note 1: One upper-level economics elective may be taken in place of one upper-level business elective.

Note 2: Students in the BBA program must meet the following general education requirements:

• One natural science (lab) course.• One humanities course.• One social science course.• One other general education elective other than business. (This

includes any university-level course of three credits or more.)

The following options and concentrations are available at UFV Canada:

• Accounting option• Finance option• Human Resource Management option• Marketing option• Financial Management concentration• Operations Management/Management Information Systems

concentration• Organizational Studies concentration

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YEAR 1 CREDITSSemester 1CIS 145 Web Publishing 3

or CIS 146 Intermediate Web Publishing (previously offered) (see Note 1) 3

CIS 190 Systems Hardware Concepts 3COMP 125 Principles of Computing 3

Elective Approved Arts or other approved elective (see Note 2) 3-4

Semester 2CIS 192 Introduction to Networking 4COMP 150 Introduction to Programming 4MATH 125 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 4

One of: 3CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communicationor CMNS 175 Writing for the Internetor ENGL 105 Academic Writing

YEAR 2 CREDITSSemester 3CIS 291 Networking Theory and Applications 4COMP 155 Advanced Programming 4CIS 221 Principles of Information Systems Security 4CMNS 251 Professional Report Writing 3Elective CIS 200-level elective (see Note 4) 3-4Semester 4CIS 285 End User Training and Support 3CIS 270 Analysis and Design 3

COMP 230 Databases and Database Management Systems (formerly CIS 230) 3

COMP 251 Data Structures and Algorithms 4

Elective Business or Communications elective (see Note 5) 3

YEAR 3 CREDITSSemester 5CIS 385 Project Management 3COMP 340 Operating Systems 3

One of: 4STAT 106 Statistics Ior MATH 270/STAT 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Elective Approved Arts elective (see Note 2) 3Elective Lower-level elective in another discipline 3Semester 6COMP 390 Data Communications (formerly CIS 390) 3CIS or COMP Course numbered 200 or above (see Note 4) 3CIS or COMP Course numbered 300 or above 3

Elective Business or Communications elective (see Note 5) 3

Elective Lower-level elective in another discipline 3

YEAR 4 CREDITSSemester 7CIS 485 Ethics and Other Management Issues 3Three: CIS or COMP courses numbered 300 or above 9Elective Upper-level elective in another discipline 3Semester 8Three: CIS or COMP courses numbered 300 or above 9Elective Upper-level elective in another discipline 3CIS or COMP Elective course numbered 200 or above 3-4


Note 1: CIS students cannot obtain credit for both CIS 145 and CIS 146 towards their program.

Note 2: The current approved Arts elective options are available online at ufv.ca/cis/programs/approved-arts-electives.

Note 3: Students who have not completed Principles of Math 12 (or equivalent) must complete MATH 124 (Finite Math with Applications in the Information Sciences) to be used towards the prerequisite for MATH 125 and STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) as part of the CIS program requirements. MATH 124 may be used as a lower-level elective in another discipline in the BCIS requirement.

Note 4: CIS/COMP elective chosen from the following: CIS 224, 245, 262,

292, or COMP 256. Those students who plan to complete the Systems and Networking concentration as part of BCIS degree requirements must take CIS 292.

Note 5: Business or Communications electives options: BUS 100, 120, 143, 144, 145, 160, 201, 203, 223; CMNS 212, 235, 375.

Note 6: Statistics options: STAT 106 (recommended), or STAT 104 (with a grade of B+ or higher), or PSYC 110 (with a grade of B+ or higher), or CYC 425.

Concentrations available at UFV Canada are Software Development, Systems and Networking & Security

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UFV introduces for the very first time in India, a Management post degree certificate that adds that ‘one’ additional year to your 15 years of formal education, making you eligible for applying for graduate degree programs across North America. Through the interactive lectures, real-world case studies, and engaging class-room discussions, you will grow in your knowledge of management, marketing, human resources management, and international business.

What will I study?

The study of business involves both theory and practice. Successful business people must be able to analyze a situation, examine various alternatives, and combine part of solutions to solve a particular problem being faced. The post-degree certificate in management will require that students take a core set of three management courses (9 credits), three courses focused on international business and innovation (9 credits), and two applied project/research courses (9 credits).

Who will be teaching me?

Our professors are committed teachers who are passionate about communicating their knowledge about a subject they love while cultivating enthusiasm in their students. School

of Business faculty at UFV India have formidable credentials with significant industry experience.

What do I need to be eligible for applying?

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree from a recognized institution with a minimum average score of 60%.Applicants must satisfy the English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, visit www.ufv.in

Does UFV provide me an option for my master’s degree after MPDC?

Yes. Your MPDC facilitates you to acquire the sixteenth year of formal education in India and become eligible to apply for Master of Management with one of the leading universities in Canada at University of Windsor, Ontario’s Centre for Executive and Professional Education (CEPE). University of Windsor, a coveted AACSB business school has co-partnered with UFV India to offer their Master of Management to all those students who start and complete their MPDC with UFV India and meet the eligibility criteria of Windsor, as provided on the next page.

SEMESTER 1: CORE CREDITSBUS 120 Essentials of Marketing 3BUS 201 Human Resource Management 3BUS 202 Contemporary Management 3

SEMESTER 2: SPECIALIZATION CREDITSBUS 420 International Business 3BUS 421 International Marketing 3BUS 430 Management of Innovation 3

M A N A G E M E N T P O S T - D E G R E E C E R T I F I C A T E ( M P D C )

SEMESTER 3: PRACTICE CREDITSBUS 499 Applied Project 6BUS 492 Directed Studies 3

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M A S T E R O F M A N A G E M E N T ( M o M ) U N I V E R S I T Y O F W I N D S O R

The Master of Management is a unique, 16-month program that offers you the benefits of a world-class business education with the personal touch of a small school.

The Centre for Executive and Professional Education, in partnership with the Odette School of Business at the University of Windsor, will work with you throughout the application process until your graduation to ensure your experience is exceptional and rewarding.

Our graduates enjoy careers in human resources, finance, accounting, and supply chain management positions within Canada, and abroad.

The Master of Management offers a September and January intake in:• International Accounting and Finance• Logistics and Supply Chain Management• Human Resource Management

You will study and live in Canada for approximately 16 months.

All concentrations include 12 prescribed courses completed over four academic terms. Each program starts in September or January.

• Three courses per term (Monday to Friday classes)• A fixed curriculum to learn business principles while

focusing on your specialization• Limited class size, and personal interaction with faculty.• Dedicated program administration staff• An employment program to assist in developing your

career portfolio• Opportunities for employment after academic


The University of Windsor’s Master of Management program courses are conducted over four terms (approximately 16 months). You will take three courses each term for a total of 12 courses. While you will study your specialization of choice, you will also be equipped with core business courses with multi-disciplinary relevance and receive the practical knowledge required to excel. Below, you will find a list of topics covered in each specialization. All students take the same seven required courses, regardless of their program:

Set yourself apart Program overview

Program Characteristics

• Accounting Concepts & Techniques

• Finance in a Global Perspective

• Managing Employees• Marketing• International Business

• Quantitative Studies• Business Strategy

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Scholarships and financial grants worth a total of INR 4.25 Lakh are awarded every year to meritorious students. We are committed to recognizing and rewarding prodigious talent, and such scholarships are usually awarded at UFV India’s annual awards ceremony.

Our flagship course saves you almost over 65% over four years. UFV India students are entitled to transfer to Canada anytime after the successful completion of the first year. Economically speaking, it pays to complete the first two to three years in Chandigarh before moving to Canada to complete the fourth and final year, en route a fulfilling graduation.

*Application Fees: INR 7,500

* Application & Program fees subject to change in subsequent years. Local Taxes may apply.

Invest in your future

F E E S & S C H O L A R S H I P S


Tuition Fee INR 3,00,000/- INR 3,00,000/-

Student Life Fee INR 20,000/- INR 20,000/-

IT Services Fee INR 17,000/- INR 17,000/-

Industry Liaison Fee INR 10,000/- INR 10,000/-

UFV CanadaRegistration Fee INR 24,000/- INR 24,000/-

Global Pathway Fee NA INR 1,07,000/-

*Total Fee INR 3,71,000/- INR 4,78,000/-

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BBA Degree Four Years ≥ 65% in Grade 12Fulfilling any of the


• 65% in Grade 12• IELTS (see above)• TOEFL (see above)

BCIS Degree Four Years ≥ 60% in Grade 12

MPDC Certificate One Year ≥ 50% in Undergraduate Degree

MPDC + MoM (Masters Degree)

Certificate One Year (UFV India) ≥ 60% in Undergraduate Degree

Master’s Degree Sixteen Months(University of Windsor)

Completion of MPDC from UFV India

Meeting or Exceeding a 7.0 score

Complete an Application FormApply online to any of our programs at:http://www.ufv.in/applynow

Note:• Applicants must meet the minimum admission

requirements (mentioned below) before applying for a program.

• No exception will be created for any applicant who does not fulfill the admission criteria.

The final decision vests with the Office of the Registrar at UFV India.

Submit Required DocumentationPrior to enrolment into any program, applicants must submit the following to the Office of the Registrar at UFV India:• Original Grade 10 marksheet

• Original Grade 12 marksheet• Original Bachelor Degree with marksheets for all

semesters/years• Passport• Five (5) passport size photographs (with candidate’s full

name mentioned on the back of each photograph)• Proof of English Proficiency, fulfilling any of the

following:- 65% in Grade 12- or IELTS with a score of at least 6.5, with no band score less than 6.0- or TOEFL with a score of at least 570 (or 230 if computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (essay) score of 4.0, or IBT score of 88 with no section below 20.

(Original documents will be returned to the applicant.)

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Why study in Canada?

Canada is renowned for its quality education and competitive entry requirements. International students who graduate from Canadian institutions enjoy prosperous careers as their education is recognized worldwide. For the past nine consecutive years, a United Nations survey has found Canada to be the best place in the world to live. The survey conducted every year evaluates quality of life in 174 countries, using over 200 performance indicators.

Canada earns particularly high marks for its access to education, high life expectancy and low crime rates. Over the last three years, Canada’s inflation rate has remained one of the lowest in the industrialized world.

Canada plays host to more than 180,000 international students in any given year. Increasingly, it is becoming the country of choice for students from all parts of the world. Every step is taken to ensure the safety of students on Canada’s campuses.Most universities and colleges have their own campus security 24 hrs a day. Canadian institutions charge lower tuition fees for international students than their counterparts in competing countries while maintaining excellent

educational quality.

Why choose UFV?

University of the Fraser Valley is an accredited public university, based in British Columbia, Canada and is the only Canadian academic institution with a satellite campus at GGD SD College in India. UFV India has been delivering academic programs in India since 2006 and our students, present and past, are the biggest testimonials of our success. A thorough read of this prospectus would give you ample reasons to be a part of UFV India.

Am I better off studying at UFV India campus or directly taking admission in Canada?

A student seeking international education or a career overseas would like to reach foreign shores as soon as possible. Lack of credible institutions and ambiguous entities also compel students to avoid pursuing international education in India. The fact, however, remains that students, especially those who have just come out of high school, should be introduced to a different pedagogy and the socio-cultural nuances of a different world, while they are in their country, and with family. That

was the basic premise for UFV India coming into being. Our students find themselves far better placed to hit the road running while starting their studies at our India campus.

How does UFV Rank ?

UFV ranking is also one subject that interests the prospective student. In a recent survey by the BC Provincial Government for colleges and Universities, UFV scored well on some key parameters. Explore more on the BC Student Outcomes website:

http://outcomes.bcstats.gov.bc .ca/Publ icat ions/BGS_Publ icat ions/BGSReportsByDiscipline.aspx

Some significant takeaways fromthe survey include:

1) Are you employed ?

UFV students are at a 95% rate of employment.UBC students are at a 93% rate of employment.SFU students are at a 90% rate of employment.

2) How related was the job to your education?For UFV students, it was 52%

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relevant.For UBC students, it was 43% relevant.For SFU students, it was 40% relevant.

Are credits transferable to other institutions, and are there options to study in countries other than Canada?

Not only are our credits transferable and recoganised across the globe, we have close to seventy partnerships and articulations in place with leading institutions around the world. A student can start at UFV India and we can help them to do a semester with one of our international partners to give a truly global perspective. You can learn more in the “Study Abroad” section of this brochure or online at:


Are there any scholarships at UFV India?

UFV India awards Rs. 4.25 lakhs in the form of scholarships each year. Scholarships are usually awarded at UFV India’s annual awards ceremony.

UFV graduates are satisfied with the

education they received

UFV graduates would select the same program again

UFV degree graduates who rated the quality of instruction as good

UFV degree graduates who felt what they gained

was useful in their job

96% are in the labour force. Of those in the labour force, 96.2% are employed. The average reported salary is 50,100Based on the B.C. Baccalaureate Outcomes - 2015 Survey of 2013 Baccalaureate Graduates

Page 40: UFV Student View Book 2016

Book yourself a personal counsellingsession with a UFV recruiter

+91 (0) [email protected]

Visit our campusMon-Sat 9am-5:30pm


UFV Indiaat GGD SD College Sector 32-C ChandigarhIndia 160030www.ufv.in

UFV CanadaAbbotsford, British Columbia

33844 King RoadCanada V2S7M8


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