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UK Node Highlights

Millennium Project Planning Committee

Toronto, 26-27 July 2012

Centre for Research in Futures and Innovation

Martin Rhisiart

Launch of the State of the Future 2011 Report• 19th September 2011• Hosted by The Futures Company

Completion of surveys and recruitment of reviewersRecruitment of expert reviewers on 15 Global Challenges for CIS•RTD Future Business Models and Cooperatives•RTD CIS

Coverage of the 2011 State of the Future Report

New activities for Node organisations

OBJECTIVES1. Build awareness and understanding of the scale of demographic and

financial pressures on Welsh public services now and over the next 10-15 years

2. Explore how Welsh Public Services can both respond to these pressures and increase their contribution to economic wellbeing - so that the most vulnerable and those in poverty are best protected from the impact of reducing resources at a time of increasing demand

3. Create a ‘civic space’ in which radical and innovative ideas for Welsh public services can be considered, debated and potentially adopted

4. Crucially this work will consider both innovative models of service delivery and changes to the public service system required for such innovations to be sustained.

OBR projections of spending to 2060

© Institute for Fiscal Studies

•Health and pensions alone could account for more than a half of non-interest spending by 2060

•On these assumptions education spending falls from 14% to 11% of the total

Projects already identified

1. Fiscal projections

2. Seeds of change – comparative policy review

3. Seeds of change – Welsh public innovations and innovators

4. Language and discourse on public services – challenging assumptions

Others to come…

Foresight Study on Cultural Heritage

• New project – to be launched August 2012• EU Research Project – Cultural Heritage and

Global Change• Futures project within larger programme• Possible RTD in Autumn 2012

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