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Page 1: Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion · DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6415 Ultrafast time-resolved vector microscopy of plasmonic skyrmions. Femto-second laser pump-probe techniques



Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmiondynamics with deep subwavelength resolutionTimothy J. Davis*, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Bettina Frank,Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf*, Harald Giessen*

INTRODUCTION: Topology is the study of geo-metric properties that are unaffected by con-tinuous changes in shape and size. Skyrmionsare examples of topological defects in vec-tor fields. Skyrmions exhibit a characteristicvector structure. When excited by electro-magnetic near fields on thinmetal films, theyare called plasmonic skyrmions. These fieldsexist at sub–100-nm scales and oscillate withperiods of a few femtoseconds and thus aredifficult to measure.

RATIONALE: Two-photon photoemission elec-tron microscopy studies were previously ableto image the local plasmon fields with femto-second time resolution, but the vector informa-tion of the local electric fields was missing.Here we introduce a new technique, time-resolved vectormicroscopy, that enables us to

compose entire movies on a subfemtosecondtime scale and a 10-nm spatial scale of theelectric field vectors of surface plasmonpolaritons (SPPs). We use this technique toimage complete time sequences of propagat-ing surface plasmons, demonstrating theirspin-momentum locking, as well as plasmonicskyrmions on atomically flat single-crystallinegold films that have been patterned using goldion beam lithography.

RESULTS: The key technique to obtain vectorinformation is to take two sequences of theentire process with two different probe beampolarizations. Hence, the electric field vectorswill be projected onto the probing electric fieldby the two-photon photoemission process. Thespatial dependence of the two in-plane vectorcomponents coupledwithMaxwell’s equations

then permits the retrieval of the out-of-planecomponent. This allows us to unambiguouslyresolve all vector components of the electricfield aswell as their time dynamics, enabling theretrieval of the experimental time-dependent

skyrmion number and in-dicating theperiodic trans-formation from skyrmionnumber +1 to−1 and backon a time scale of a fewfemtoseconds. Addition-ally, all three magnetic

field vectors of the surface can be obtained fromthe electric field vectors by using Maxwell’scurl equation.

CONCLUSION:With our vectormicroscopy tech-nique, we are able to image plasmonic spin-momentum locking and plasmonic skyrmiondynamics. In the future, other topological nano-photonic systems should be in reach as well;these include plasmonic merons or short-rangeskyrmions, where the dispersion of plasmonsin extremely thin films is used. This researchwill open the door to creating linear opticalfeatures on the few-nanometer length scale.▪


Davis et al., Science 368, 386 (2020) 24 April 2020 1 of 1

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (T.J.D.);[email protected] (F.-J.M.z.H.); [email protected] (H.G.)Cite this article as T. J. Davis et al., Science 368, eaba6415(2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6415

Ultrafast time-resolved vector microscopy of plasmonic skyrmions. Femto-second laser pump-probe techniques using polarized beams combined with two-photon electron emission in an electron microscope enables the retrieval of allvector components of the electric field of propagating SPPs as a function of time.We used this technique to image the vectorial time dynamics of the plasmonicskyrmion field. Hexagons are milled into single-crystalline gold flakes via ion beamlithography. A circularly polarized femtosecond laser pulse excites surface plasmonwaves on the gold flakes that interfere to create an SPP skyrmion lattice. TheSPPs are detected by interference with a second laser pulse that is first polarized

in the x direction to retrieve the Ex component of the SPP wave and then is polarized inthe y direction to produce the Ey component. These fields are combined to obtainthe characteristic in-plane pattern of the skyrmion lattice: Ejj. Use of the measured fieldcomponents in Maxwell’s equations enables the vertical field component Ez to becalculated. From these data, we reconstruct the vector field of the SPP skyrmion and,by varying the laser pump-probe delay time (Dt), gain time-resolved information (topright), allowing us to create vector movies that show plasmonic spin-momentumlocking and plasmonic skyrmions (bottom right). SEM, scanning electron microscopy;TR-PEEM, time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy.


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Page 2: Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion · DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6415 Ultrafast time-resolved vector microscopy of plasmonic skyrmions. Femto-second laser pump-probe techniques



Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmiondynamics with deep subwavelength resolutionTimothy J. Davis1,2,3*, David Janoschka2, Pascal Dreher2, Bettina Frank3,Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf2*, Harald Giessen3*

Plasmonic skyrmions are an optical manifestation of topological defects in a continuous vector field.Identifying them requires characterization of the vector structure of the electromagnetic near fieldon thin metal films. Here we introduce time-resolved vector microscopy that creates movies of theelectric field vectors of surface plasmons with subfemtosecond time steps and a 10-nanometer spatialscale. We image complete time sequences of propagating surface plasmons as well as plasmonicskyrmions, resolving all vector components of the electric field and their time dynamics, thusdemonstrating dynamic spin-momentum coupling as well as the time-varying skyrmion number. Theability to image linear optical effects in the spin and phase structures of light in the single-nanometerrange will allow for entirely novel microscopy and metrology applications.

Skyrmions (1, 2) in magnetic films werepredicted some time ago (3, 4) and wereobserved recently in neutron scatteringexperiments (5), with the topologicalnature of the phase confirmed in subse-

quent Hall measurements (6). These phenome-na have been observed in other magneticmaterials (7–11), and clusters of them havebeen created in isolated regions in liquid crys-tals (12). Images of skyrmion lattices and thereconstruction of their spatial magnetizationdistribution have been obtained using Lorentz-force electron microscopy (13). Skyrmion vectorfields in three-dimensional (3D) systems formknotted structures that could, in principle, begenerated by light fields (14). In the field ofoptics, artificial skyrmions in two dimensionshave been formed by interfering surface plas-mon polaritons (SPPs) on gold metal films(15–18). Such SPP skyrmions have potential asa model system for increasing our understand-ing of their dynamics. Skyrmions are inher-ently vectorial in nature, as is evident in thespin structure of magnetic skyrmions and inthe vector character of the electric fields inSPP skyrmions. Complete identification andanalysis of skyrmions in experiments requiresa full determination of their vectorial fields,and observing their dynamical behavior re-quires temporal information. Such informa-tion is usually not available, apart from theresults of some complex time-resolved scan-

ning near-field optical microscopy experiments(19–22). In this study, we use time-resolvedvector microscopy to retrieve the entire spatio-temporal vector dynamics of SPP skyrmionswith nanometer spatial and femtosecond timeresolution.

Two-photon photoemission

The technique we use to measure the SPPelectric fields is based on a two-photon photo-emission (2PPE) process (Fig. 1A). A pumplight pulse from a 16-fs Ti:sapphire laser source,normally incident on a single-crystal gold sur-face, excites SPPs from grooves etched by ionbeam milling (Fig. 1, B and C) to subsequentlygenerate a plasmonic skyrmion field. The SPPs

propagate over the surface and interfere withthe electric field of a probe pulse that arrivesafter a delay Dt. The interference between theprobe field and the surface plasmon field isresponsible for the position-dependent electronemission via a two-photon process (Fig. 2A).The experiment takes place in a photoemissionelectron microscope (PEEM) that forms animage of the emission points of the photo-electrons, yielding a visualization of the sur-face plasmon wave (23). The femtosecondlaser has a repetition rate of 80 MHz, result-ing in a large number of repeated measure-ments on the sample, thus enabling us toobtain accurate image statistics of the electronemission. Repeating this process for a series ofdifferent pump-probe delays provides tempo-ral information about the motion of the SPPover the surface that allows the dynamics ofSPP propagation and interference to be studied(24). Such 2PPE-PEEM techniques have beenused to investigate the orbital angular momen-tum and focusing properties of SPPs (25, 26).These normal-incidence pump-probe mea-

surements used to be performed with the samepolarization for the pump and the probe (23)—e.g., right circular polarization (RCP) for thepump and RCP for the probe. This methodyields only one in-plane component of theSPP electric field. However, for vector micros-copy, at least two linearly independent vectorcomponents, such as Ex and Ey, are required.We therefore record two independent pump-probe sequences using two orthogonal probepolarizations that measure the SPP fieldstrength in two orthogonal directions. Inter-ference between the Ex

spp and the Exprobe field

yields information about the x vectorialcomponent by 2PPE. The same holds true for


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1School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville,Victoria 3010 Australia. 2Faculty of Physics and Center forNanointegration, Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE), University ofDuisburg-Essen, 47048 Duisburg, Germany. 34th PhysicsInstitute, Research Center SCoPE, and Integrated QuantumScience and Technology Center, University of Stuttgart,70569 Stuttgart, Germany.*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (T.J.D.);[email protected] (F.-J.M.z.H.); [email protected](H.G.)

Fig. 1. 2PPE-PEEM process used to obtain vector and time information from surface plasmons.(A) The 2PPE-PEEM process involves a pump-probe excitation of surface plasmons from grooves etched in asingle-crystal gold flake, the interference of the propagating surface plasmon with a probe pulse, and thesubsequent imaging of the ejected photoelectrons in a photoemission electron microscope. The pulseduration is typically 16 fs, and the delay time (Dt) is varied in steps of 0.16 fs. (B) Scanning electronmicroscopy image showing examples of single-crystal gold flakes and the hexagonal boundary shapesmilled by an ion beam. (C) The hexagonal boundary milled into a single-crystal gold flake, as imaged in theelectron microscope. The arrow points to the side that is displaced by a half wavelength of the SPP (lspp) tocreate the skyrmion lattice.

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the respective y vectorial components of Eyspp

with the Eyprobe (Fig. 2A). See fig. S1 for a de-

piction of the optical setup with differentpolarizers and waveplates. The experimentaldata hence enable us to reconstruct the 2Dvector structure E∥

spp of the SPP as a functionof time with a spatial resolution of 10 nm, asdetermined by the microscope electron optics,and a time resolution better than 0.2 fs, set bythe short-term stability of the pump-probelaser system. The two-photon emission pro-cess depends on the square of the total electricfield intensity at the surface, which consists ofthe vectorial sum of the light fieldEprobe of theprobe and the surface plasmon electric fieldEspp(r). When the probe field uniformly illu-minates the metal surface, the spatial depen-dence of the electron emission arises onlyfrom the SPP field. When the SPP electricfield is much weaker than that of the probe,the two-photon absorption depends on

I2ðrÞ ¼ jEprobe þ EsppðrÞj4 ≈ I2probe þ


probe � EsppðrÞ�

which is linear in the SPP field. Here, I 2 isthe intensity (squared) of the electric field,Iprobe is the intensity of the probe pulse, andE�

probe is the complex conjugate of the probeelectric field. For such weak SPP fields, thenonlinear emission is dominated by the pro-jection of the SPP field vector on the probelight field vector, which is oriented within thesurface plane (27–29) (Fig. 2B). Having re-trieved Ex

spp and Eyspp as described, the final

unknown component perpendicular to thesurface is calculated fromMaxwell’s equations.Just above the metal surface, there are no freecharges and the divergence of the SPP field iszero:∇ � Espp ¼ 0. From this relation,we obtainthe gradient of the vector field component

@Ezspp=@z ¼ �@Ex

spp=@x � @Eyspp=@y out of

the plane, as the position dependence of bothExspp(r) and Ey

spp(r) is known from the experi-ment. The SPP electric field decays exponen-tially with distance above the metal surface,approximately as exp(−gz), where g is a knownparameter that depends on the incident lightcentral wavelength (800 nm) and the electricpermittivity of the metal (29). With this positiondependence, we obtainEz

spp ≈�ð1=gÞ @Ezspp=@z.

Once we have the three vector components ofthe electric field and their time variation, wecan deduce many other properties of the SPPfield. All vector components of the SPP mag-netic field (B) can be found from the relation∇� E ¼ �@B=@t and integrating over time(t). The SPP surface charge is proportional tothe normal component Ez

spp of the electric fieldssppðr; tÞ ¼ ðD0 � DmÞEz

sppðr; tÞ, whichdependson the difference between the electric permit-tivity of the vacuumD0 and that of themetalDm.Therefore, the normal component Ez

spp gives arepresentation of the SPP surface charge as afunction of position and time. The rotation ofthe SPP electric field in time represents clas-sical spin s, which is a vector normal to thepolarization ellipse swept out by the electricfield vector (30). For time-dependent real fields,the classical spin has a direction s ¼ ðEðr; tÞ�@Eðr; tÞ=@tÞ=wjEj2, where w is the center fre-quency of the light pulses (as derived in the fig.S4 and eqs. S11 to S16). Thus, from our exper-imental measurements we obtain almost com-plete information about the SPP surface charge,including the spatial and temporal propertiesof the electric and magnetic fields it produces,lacking only the overall magnitude of the field.

Experimental results

We first test our vectormeasurement techniqueon a plane-wave SPP (Fig. 3). A single-crystalgold flake, which is 80 to 100 mm wide, ischemically grown on silicon (31). The flake is

then placed in an ion beam lithography sys-temwhere a groove ismilled using Au2+ ions. Apumppulsewith an 800-nm center wavelengthand a 16-fs pulse duration that is linearly po-larized perpendicular to the groove uniformlyilluminates the gold flake and excites a long-range surface plasmon of wavelength 780 nm

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Fig. 2. Method for extracting vector information from the 2PPE-PEEM experiment. (A) The excitationof photoelectrons involves a two-photon process to overcome the work function of the metal film.A submonolayer of cesium is deposited on the gold surface to reduce the work function below 3 eV tofacilitate the two-photon absorption. The polarization direction of the probe pulse determines thecomponent of the SPP electric field that is measured. (B) Vector fields in the plane of the SPP areobtained from the interference between the orthogonal probe fields during two separate measurements.From the spatial dependence of these two vectors, we derive the out-of-plane vector.

Fig. 3. 2PPE-PEEM measurement of the timeevolution of the electric field vectors of an SPPtraveling wave. (A) An image of the wave taken atone pump-probe delay time. The arrow shows thewave propagation direction. A time-invariantbackground signal has been removed using adifferencing procedure described in the supplemen-tary text (section II). (B) Full vectorial reconstruc-tion of the SPP electric field at the pump-probe timedelay t = 58.29 fs. The image beneath the vectorsshows the vertical component of the SPP electricfield that is proportional to the SPP surface charge(white, positive; black, negative), whereas the PEEMimage (A) probes the in-plane component of theplasmon field. See Movie 1. (C) Four profiles throughthe experimental wavefront depicting the SPP vectorconfigurations at different relative time delays. Thesloped dashed line and gray arrows highlight thepropagation of the wavefront with time associatedwith the SPP traveling wave. The vertical dashed lineand blue, cyan, and yellow arrows highlight therotation of the SPP electric field vector at oneposition in space that gives rise to transverse spin.


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that propagates from the boundary (Fig.3A). For the first series of measurements, theelectron emission image is obtained at eachtime delay with the probe pulse linearly po-larized in the direction of SPP propagation.We obtain a vector representation of the SPPfield as in Fig. 3B. Four profiles of the fieldthrough thewavefront at different pump-probedelay times are shown in Fig. 3C. The experi-mentally measured SPP vectors exhibit thewell-known in-plane rotation of the plane waveSPP field associated with transverse spin(32–34). The time-dependent vector field isshown in Movie 1 and in the supplementarymaterials (movies S1 to S3).In the second experiment, a plasmonic vec-

tor skyrmion field is created using groovesmilled into the gold flake (Fig. 1C), forming ahexagon boundary where SPPs are excited.One side of the hexagon is displaced by 390nm,half of an SPP wavelength, which is necessaryto generate a hexagonal lattice of SPP skyrmions(16). Two image frames at the same delay timebut orthogonal polarizations are shown inFig. 4,A and B. A constant background has beenremoved by subtracting images from the same

time sequence but delayed by a half cycle(1.33 fs), as discussed in supplementary textsection II. To reduce the noise associated withthe detection of the electrons in the experiment,the images are smoothed with a low-pass filter.This filtering improves the numerical calcula-tion of the derivatives required to obtain thenormal component of the SPP field but reducesthe spatial resolution to ~1/10 of the SPP wave-length. Once the x and y components of thefield and their spatial variations aremeasured,it is straightforward to extract the in-planecomponent E∥

s (Fig. 4C) and the vertical com-ponentEz

s (Fig. 4D) of the SPP skyrmion field.With the vector data, we create a 3D ren-

dering of the SPP vectors (Fig. 4F) that showsthe distinctive skyrmion field evolving in time,owing to the standing wave pattern of theSPPs from the six grooves in the metal flake.In Movie 2 and the supplementary materials(movies S4 to S6), we show a complete timesequence of the experimentally measuredvectors. The lengths of the vectors correspondto the magnitude of the electric field, and thecolor codes the direction out of the plane.Figure 4E depicts sections through the SPP

skyrmions at three different pump-probedelay times. The SPP field vector rotates outof the plane of the metal surface (dashed linein Fig. 4E) close to the skyrmion center. Thisrotation leads to two distinct patterns at timedelays equal to a half-wave cycle, correspond-ing to pump-probe delay times of Dt = 63.39and 64.72 fs; these patterns are associatedwith skyrmion numbers of opposite sign. Onemight think that these two configurations ofvectors represent a skyrmion-antiskyrmionpair (35); however, in our case, we believethat the configurations simply indicate theelectric field reversal after half of an opticalcycle. The magnetic flux associated with theSPP skyrmion can be retrieved from the electricfield (as shown in fig. S3) and is similar to thatobserved in a skyrmion lattice in Fe0.5Co0.5Siusing electron holography (36).

Identifying skyrmion type

Three basic skyrmion types have been observedexperimentally in solid-state systems, revealingthe different ways that the field vector rotateswith position through the center of the skyrmion.The vector formation is either Néel type (37)or Bloch type (13, 38), which in solid-state sys-tems depends on the boundary and symmetryconditions. Néel skyrmions reveal a cycloidicvector rotation, whereas Bloch skyrmions are

Davis et al., Science 368, eaba6415 (2020) 24 April 2020 3 of 5

Movie 1. Vector dynamics of the propagating SPPs.

Fig. 4. Vector and time measurement of the SPP skyrmions. (A and B) Two images taken at the samepump-probe delay times but with orthogonal polarization states of the probe field. A time-stationarybackground has been removed, as described in the supplementary text (section II). (C and D) The in-plane

Ejjs ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiEx2s þ Ey



qand out-of-plane Ezs components of the SPP skyrmion field extracted from the experimental

data. (E) Experimentally derived vectors along the dashed line in (D) for three relative time delays. Thevertical dashed line highlights the standing wave nature of the SPP field at this location. (F) Time dependenceof the SPP skyrmion lattice, as obtained from experiment (Movie 2). The background image is scaled tothe normal component, which provides a representation of the SPP surface charge (white, positive; black,negative; gray, zero).

Movie 2. Vector dynamics of the spinningplasmonic skyrmion electric field vectors.


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characterized by a helical flip inverting theirfield vectors. Antiskyrmions with a quadru-polar field orientation were observed (39) intetragonal Heusler materials. In this case, thecylindrical symmetry is broken and the anti-skyrmion field displays a combination ofcycloidic and helical vector behavior. It isclear that the SPP skyrmions in Fig. 4 are ofthe Néel type.The topological nature of skyrmion vector

fields is characterized by integer skyrmionnumbers derived from the skyrmion numberdensity (2)

N sðrÞ ¼ 1

4pe � @e



� �

This density depends on the unit vectorseðr; tÞ ¼ Eðr; tÞ=Eðr; tÞ of the electric fields,which are functions of time. Figure 5, A and B,shows the SPP skyrmions at times Dt = 63.39and 64.72 fs, separated by half of a time cycle.The skyrmion number density for the lattice inFig. 5A is depicted in Fig. 5C. The theoreticalnumber density is calculated using a simplewave model of the fields in the lattice, as dis-cussed in supplementary text section V. Theskyrmion number density obtained from exper-iment at the maximum of the SPP wave cycle(Fig. 5A) corresponds closely to the theoreticalvalues. The skyrmion number or winding num-berW ¼ ∫SN sdA is the integral of the numberdensity over the surface (here, A is the area ofthe unit cell). This number equals the num-

ber of times the direction of the vector fieldrotates around awhole sphere (2) as we traversethe gold surface. In our case, the skyrmion ar-ray is finite and decays with increasing dis-tance from the center of the pattern, whichrequires us to match the boundary of the in-tegration area S to the hexagonal lattice. Forthe number density of Fig. 5C, the experi-mental skyrmion number isW ¼ 6:93, whichis close to the theoretical value of W ¼ 7, cor-responding to seven skyrmions in the inte-gration region. Our time-resolved techniqueallows us to extract the skyrmion numberW=7 for this area as a function of time delay(Fig. 5D) for two cycles of the SPP standingwave. For an appreciable fraction of the firsthalf of the SPP wave cycle,W=7 ≈ 1 as ex-pected. During the second half of the cycle,W=7 ≈�1, corresponding to a reversewindingof the SPP vectors across the surface.


Our time-resolved vector microscope shouldbe able to reveal many phenomena associatedwith spin-photon coupling, the photonic spin-Hall effect, and orbital angular momentumphysics. Furthermore, it should be possible touse plasmons with strongly reduced wave-lengths in 20-nm-thick gold films (26) to ob-tain short-range skyrmions. Such structureswould allow for extremely small spin andphase structures of the light fields (17) downto the single-nanometer range and might beused for novel microscopy and metrology ap-

plications (40, 41). The intense fields createdby femtosecond laser pulses have the potentialto induce nonlinear behavior in optical mate-rials supporting surface plasmons, such asthin graphene films or metals overcoated withmaterials exhibiting Kerr nonlinearities. SPPskyrmions in such materials could exhibitsolitonic properties and might interact withother SPP waves, through the nonlinearity ofthe material. Such systems could, in principle,enable scattering of SPPs and SPP skyrmionson each other and trigger a plethora of non-linear nanooptical effects. Finally, such nano-structures could be used in photon-inducednear-field electron microscopy (42, 43) andelectron energy-loss spectroscopy (44) experi-ments, in which electrons and light fields takeon different roles.


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Fig. 5. Skyrmion number density. (A and B) Regions of the SPP skyrmion lattice at extrema of the SPPwave cycle, at times equivalent to a p phase shift. (C) The skyrmion number density N s is calculated fromthe data in (A) and compared with a theoretical calculation. The color codes the density and is slightlynegative in the red regions (≈−0.05 mm−2) and peaks just above 5 mm−2 in the blue regions. (D) The skyrmionwinding number W per skyrmion for the regions in (C) is obtained from the experiment for two completeSPP wave periods. At the extrema, the winding number is ±1, with the minus sign indicating that the SPPskyrmion vector rotates over a complete sphere but in the opposite sense. The theoretical curve is calculatedfrom an analytical model of interfering SPP waves (see supplementary text section V for details).


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Funding: We acknowledge support from the ERC (Complexplas,3DPrintedoptics), DFG (SPP1391 Ultrafast Nanooptics, CRC 1242“Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Condensed Matter in the TimeDomain” project no. 278162697-SFB 1242), BMBF (Printoptics),BW Stiftung (Spitzenforschung, Opterial), Carl-Zeiss Stiftung, IQST,and MPI FKF for a visiting guest professorship to T.J.D. Authorcontributions: T.J.D. and F.-J.M.z.H. conceived the idea ofpolarization projection; D.J., P.D., and F.-J.M.z.H set up thepolarization control and carried out the PEEM experiment; T.J.D.carried out the simulations, the vectorial retrieval, and theskyrmion number analysis; B.F. and H.G. grew the single-crystallinegold flakes and carried out ion beam structuring; H.G. conceivedthe skyrmion vector dynamics idea; T.J.D. and H.G. wrote themanuscript; and all authors contributed to discussions and finalediting. Competing interests: All authors declare no competinginterests. Data and materials availability: All data needed toevaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper orthe supplementary materials.


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20 December 2019; accepted 12 March 202010.1126/science.aba6415

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Page 7: Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion · DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6415 Ultrafast time-resolved vector microscopy of plasmonic skyrmions. Femto-second laser pump-probe techniques

resolutionUltrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion dynamics with deep subwavelength

Timothy J. Davis, David Janoschka, Pascal Dreher, Bettina Frank, Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf and Harald Giessen

DOI: 10.1126/science.aba6415 (6489), eaba6415.368Science 

, this issue p. eaba6415Sciencespatial and temporal resolution could help in controlling other nanophotonic systems.movies as the skyrmions propagated across the surface of a perfect gold crystal. Access to dynamics with such high

used a time-resolved photoelectron vector microscope to image their spatiotemporal dynamics, piecing togetheret al.detailed information about the vectorial dynamics of these surface plasmon polariton skyrmions is so far lacking. Davis memory and logic applications. Skyrmions can also be generated in thin metal layers under optical excitation, but''hedgehog''-like textures are robust, can be manipulated, and can interact, there is an interest in pursuing them for

Skyrmions are stable topological textures that arise from solutions of the electromagnetic field. Because theseWatching plasmonic skyrmions

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