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UMCommunityLINK Guide

Questions? Contact:Kevin OliverStudent Life225 University [email protected]


1. UMCommunityLINK terminology -Campus Labs / CollegiateLink -An organization -An activity -Co-Curricular Record (CCR) -Experience Imports -Experience Requests -CCR Review Committee

2. Logging in for the first time

3. What you see on the landing page -Alerts -Campus wide elections/polls -Your current organizations -Opportunities board -News4. Organizational features -Home -News -Profile -Events -Roster -Gallery -Documents -Forms -Service hours -Elections -Finance -Manage -Social medias -Discussion board

4. Top action bar -Home -Events -Organizations -Browsing organizations -Registering a student group -Re-registering a student group -Campus links -UMSU Student Groups -Co-Curricular Record Information -UMCommunityLink Support/Help -Print Official CCR -Application to Have Group Listed as CCR Activity -Search tool -Personal drop down menu -My Involvement -Memberships -Events -Experiences -Interests -Service Hours -Submissions -Downloads -Co-Curricular Record -Messages -Settings -Profile -Privacy Settings -Notifications -Help -Log Out


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UMCommunityLINK Terminology:

Campus Labs / CollegiateLink: Campus Labs is the third party software provider that develops CollegiateLink. CollegiateLink is the product that was purchased and branded for our campus as UMCommunityLINK.

An Organization: is the term used by UMCommunityLINK to refer to any activity that has a page on UMCommunityLINK that you can view and interact with.

An Activity: refers to any programming related to co-curricular involvement. This can be a committee, volunteer program, workshop, etc.

Co-Curricular Record (CCR): The CCR is an official document of University-approved activities that support student learning and development in venues that are not for academic credit. Not all activities listed on UMCommunityLINK are approved for CCR recognition. The CCR is a seperate document from the academic transcript.

Experience Imports: An Experience Import is the process an activity facilitator would do to provide CCR recognition to all activity participants. This is the primary way of providing CCR notations.

Experience Requests: An Experience Request is the process a student would do to claim their own CCR involvement. This is a secondary way of receiving CCR notations; useful for activities from previous years if the user was not aware of the CCR at the time they completed their involvement.

CCR Stamp of Approval: The CCR stamp of approval is a downloadable image that you can add to promotional material that indicates that the CCR Review Committee approves your activity and students participating will receive CCR recognition

CCR Review Committee: A standing committee of faculty, staff, and students that review every activity prior to recognizing it on the CCR. Once an activity is approved, students can begin receiving recognition for their involvement with that activity.

Logging In For the First Time:

It is important for students to log in to UMCommunityLINK as soon as possible because it will generate your CCR at this time. Without having an account, your co-curricular involvements will not be placed on your CCR.

When you log in, please provide your legal first and last name, your University of Manitoba email, your current faculty, and accept the terms and conditions.


What You See on the Landing Page:

Alerts: An alert appears in a bright gold bar below the cover photo. It can only be added by a system administrator and is used to provide information to all students, staff, and faculty on campus. If there are no alerts, you will not see this on your homepage.

Elections/Polls: The election feature is a term used by Campus labs originally designed to assist with student body elections, but can also be used as a polling feature. This appears as a large blue bar and can only be added here by system administrators. There is an organizational elections feature available for each individual organization. If there is no election/poll, you will not see this on your homepage.

Your Current Organizations: shows you a snapshot of your organizations in which you are on the roster. To the right of these, you can select “See all my Organizations” or view the organization directory.

Opportunities Board: The Opportunities Board shows a total of 24 items. Every public event will appear on the board as a priority followed by a randomize selection of organizations which refresh every five minutes to fill up the remaining spaces.

News: The news that is posted within your organization will also be posted on the home page. The two most recent posts will appear directly on the homepage and the rest will appear in the full listing of news.


Organizational features:

Home: The “Home” button will take you back to the organization’s landing page. Your home page shows your organization’s events, photos, news, discussions, and social media.

News: A great place to post interesting articles and achievements is in the news. This will be viewable on your organization home page, the organization news page, and on the homepage of UMCommunityLINK.

Profile: The profile allows you to provide information about what the organization is, how a student can get involved, what to expect in terms of events/initiatives, development of transferable skills, time commitment, and recognition they might receive. Please include which category of CCR recognition the organization is approved under if applicable. You are also able to upload a profile image, which is the circular image that appears layered on the cover photo.

Events: The events tab is where you can go to create events for your organization as well as view a listing of upcoming organization events. Your events will appear on your organization home page, the organization events page, and on the homepage of UMCommunityLINK.

Roster: The “Roster” allows you to see who is active within your organization and the positions they hold within the organization, invite new members, and message members via email or text.

Gallery: The gallery allows you to create photo albums and then upload photos for everyone to see the amazing things your group is doing. These images will also appear on your organization homepage.

Documents: Documents allow you to upload a wide range of document types so that users can view and download them. This is a great tool for keeping track of minutes, bylaws, and more.

Forms: The “Forms” tool allows you to create customizable digital forms that make data collection simple. These forms will generate a URL so that you can also send them via email or post them on your other websites. This is very useful because it will store the information you’ve collected.

Service Hours: Tracking hours can be a great way to measure how involved students are with your organization. For the category of Volunteerism and Participation, a minimum of ten hours is required for a student to receive recognition on their CCR.

Elections: The elections tool can be used for any type of polling or elections.

Finance: This feature is only used by UMSU student groups and is for the purpose of requesting funding from UMSU as well as tracking expenses of your student group.

Manage: The Manage feature allows you to upload a cover photo and tag interests associated with the organization. Students who tag the same interests in their personal profile settings will be recommended to your organization.

Social Media: Your organization social media icons can be found at the bottom right of the cover photo. These can be edited by editing the organization profile.

Discussion Board: On your organization home page, you will be able to view the seven most recent posts on the right side of the screen. There is also the option to view all posts.


Top Action Bar: The action bar has a few features that will be available to you regardless of where you navigate to on the site.

Home: The home button will take you back to the landing page.

Events: The events button will bring you to a full listing of upcoming events on campus. You can search for events by key words, date, category, or recommendation based on your personal interests.

Organizations: The organizations button will bring you to the organizations directory, where you can find involvement opportunities by search, key word, recommendation based on your interests, and by category. To register a NEW student group, click “register” on the left side of the page. Please note that this is not where you re-register an organization; when re-registration is open, that can be found within the organization you wish to re-register just below the cover photo.

Campus Links: Campus links is a drop down menu of useful links

UMSU Student Groups: This option will direct you to the UMSU webpage with information related to student groups.

Co-Curricular Record Information: This option will direct you to the Student Life webpage with information related to the CCR. This webpage provides information regarding how to become approved as a CCR activity, tutorials, FAQs, etc.

UMCommunityLINK Support/Help: This option will direct you to the CampusLabs webpage with tutorials and information regarding their CollegiateLink product.

Print Official CCR: This option will direct you to a UMCommunityLINK form for requesting a free official copy of your CCR through the Student Life office. It is free to print an official copy of your CCR.

Application to Have Group Listed as CCR Activity: This option will direct you to a UMCommunityLINK form for applying to receive co-curricular recognition for you activity.

Magnifying Glass: The magnifying glass allows you to type key words and will then recommend organizations, events, and news related to what you’ve typed.


Personal Drop Down Menu: An assortment of features that are all related to the specific user.

My Involvement: The primary navigation tool for everything you are involved with is under my involvvement. You will find an assortment of options available to you.

Memberships: Provides a list of organizations that you are currently involved with. Adding a past membership is an invalid feature because it will allow you to indicate a past time frame that you were involved with an organization, providing you a similar notation on your CCR as you would receive for being on a roster. This notation is removed from your official CCR and therefore this feature has no purpose.

Events: Shows you all upcoming events that you have RSVP’d to as well as past events that you have “attended”.

Experiences: To receive a past involvement notation on your CCR you can complete an experience request. Note that the process for receiving notations on your CCR is shifting towards Experience Imports.

Interests: Choose and rank your personal interests so that the system can help find the opportunities more suited to what you’re looking for.

Service Hours: The “Service Hours” feature allows you to submit a request for approval of contributed hours to an activity to any organization you are currently on the roster for. The organization administrator does the approval process. Some activities will require you to keep track of hours based on the CCR requirement for Volunteerism and Participation.

Submissions: Indicates your pending, denied, approved, and in progress forms, organization registrations, events, and in progress elections.

Downloads: Keep track of every download made from UMCommunityLINK.

Co-Curricular Record: Select “Co-Curricular Record” to view, edit, and download an unofficial copy of your CCR.


Messages: This will show all communication with other users. A red box indicating a number will appear beside this tab if you have any unread messages.

Settings: Settings is where you will go to set up your personal preferences for your account. The menu options within settings include your profile, privacy settings, and notification settings.

Profile: Your profile gets partially completed the first time you log in, but you can add further information about yourself including: hometown, gender, ethnicity, profile image and social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

Privacy Settings: You can set whether you want other users to be able to view your personal information as well as if they can view which organizations you are involved with.

Notifications: The notifications settings are important because you can customize how you receive alerts from UMCommunityLINK for many of its features. You are able to choose that it be sent to your UMCommunityLINK system inbox and your University of Manitoba email, just your system inbox, or none. You are also able to add your mobile phone number so that you can receive text messages from the organizations you are involved with.

Help: CollegiateLink, not the University of Manitoba powers the help option; you can search tutorials by key word or submit a request for support.

Log out: Log out of UMCommunityLINK.

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