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Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum


Page 2: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Hello there! So congratulations, you found your way to Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum’s Face-book page, and further into this information booklet. Welcome!

Who are we, and what is Umeå 2014 all about? Let us tell you a bit more about Umeå 2014, and about the European Youth Parliament (EYP). To make

sense of what we are arranging in Umeå in June, let us start off by introducing you to the non govern-

mental organisation that is EYP. The Swedish Europeiska ungdomsparlamentet Sverige is a branch

of the international organisation EYP that was initiated in France in 1987, the Swedish branch was

VMÄJPHSS`�MVYTLK�PU�� ���HUK�PZ�THKL�\W�I`�Ä]L�YLNPVUHS�JVTTP[[LLZ��,<7�5VYK��:`K��kZ[��=pZ[�HUK�<WWZHSH���,@7�PZ�HU�VYNHUPZH[PVU�^P[OV\[�HU`�WVSP[PJHS�VY�YLSPNPV\Z�HMÄSPH[PVUZ��^P[O�H�]PZPVU�[V�LUNHNL�European youth in cross-cultural dialogue, encourage political interest and add an European dimension

to their schooling.

Why do we do this? ,<7�:]LYPNL�PZ�OLYL�[V�PUZWPYL�`V\[O�[V�HJ[P]LS`�YLÅLJ[�\WVU�HUK�LUNHNL�PU�[OL�,\YVWLHU�*VTT\UP[ �̀�no matter religious or political backgrounds.

Now, how do we do this? Across Europe, it is possible to take part in EYP events on a weekly basis, ranging from debate days, in

school sessions, regional or national selection conferences, trainings or social activities. Every year four

regional sessions are organised across Sweden, leading up to a national selection conference where

the best delegates across Sweden meet to discuss current European affairs. The delegates at these

sessions have been selected to represent their schools, and many of them go on to activities, sessions

and forums abroad. However, one of the major goals with Umeå 2014 is to give youth that have yet to

try this concept a chance to experience the brilliance of an EYP session.

There is a lot of talk about “sessions”, what is that? In short, a way to explain EYP’s activities, or our sessions or forums (session=competition, forum=not

a competition) is that it is a type of EU-role play. The delegates are divided into committees based on

[OVZL�[OH[�L_PZ[�^P[OPU�[OL�,\YVWLHU�*VTTPZZPVU��HUK�[OL`�KLIH[L�X\LZ[PVUZ�[OH[�LP[OLY�HYL�VU�[OL�agenda for the committees, or topics that have been before.

)V[O�MVY\TZ�HUK�ZLZZPVUZ�HYL�THKL�\W�VM�[OYLL�KPMMLYLU[�ºISVJRZ»"�ÄYZ[�VMM�[OLYL�PZ�[LHT�I\PSKPUN��+\YPUN�team building, the members of the committees gather together and perform various exercises under

the chairperson’s guidance. Why? Team building exists to establish a comfortable and friendly group

dynamic, assuring that the best of all committee members are put to use.

The second block is committee work, this is the section that produces the resolution that will be deba-

[LK�K\YPUN�[OL�.LULYHS�(ZZLTIS`�VU�[OL�SHZ[�KH �̀�+\YPUN�JVTTP[[LL�^VYR��[OL�JOHPYWLYZVU�TVKLYH[LZ�the discussion centered around the committee topic. The debate within the committee covers at length


holders and measures already in place. All this to make sure that the committee members understand

the varying aspects of the issue, and are able into thinking of feasible solutions. In Umeå, we will take


mission and/or other bodies should implement, you will be asked to discuss measures you yourself can

implement to better the problem.

Page 3: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

The General Assembly (aka GA), is the time when things get a bit more serious. GA is when you dress

up, assemble your notes and get down to business. However, there is no need to worry! This is when

you have the chance to step up in from of the assembly and hold an attack speech, a defense speech

or generally make points in favour or against the resolutions; in other words, this is the time for you to

air your opinions and discuss them just as they do in the European Parliament.

Why do people do this? Apart from the obvious advantage of meeting people and making friends from all over Europe, there

are a plethora of ways in which EYP offers its members and participants opportunities to personal de-

velopment. Participating in a session or forum as a delegate not only challenges your English skills, but

it also betters your communication, cooperation and debate skills. It challenges you to think in new,

creative ways and to put yourself into the mindset of people with different backgrounds and opinions

[OHU�̀ V\Y�V^U��0[�LUJV\YHNLZ�̀ V\[O�[V�JYVZZ�J\S[\YHS�KPHSVN\L�HUK�[V�X\LZ[PVU�[OL�VWPUPVUZ�HUK�WVSPJPLZ�of decision makers all across Europe.

Why Umeå? The primary goal for Umeå 2014 - EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum, is to open up the world of EYP for

more Swedish youth. We realised that there are many youngsters out there, that have attended schools

that unfortunately are yet to join the EYP train, and thus have not yet had the chance to participate in en

EYP event. We believe, we know, that there are youth around Sweden that would thrive, grow personal-

ly but also contribute to the organisation that EYP is, and are thus determined to invite people without

previous EYP experience. We want to invite individuals that are keen to try this, people that perhaps

have heard about EYP from their friends, youth that only just found out about this through the billboard

at their school or people that stumbled across our Facebook page and felt a spark of interest ignite.

(UK��PM�[OPZ�^HZ�UV[�LUV\NO�[V�JVU]PUJL�`V\��OH]L�H�SVVR�H[�[OL�\UPX\L�MVY\T�LSLTLU[Z�[OH[�HYL�ILPUN�arranged for all participants, new for UYF!

With this, we would want to ask you to allow us to invite you to apply to UYF, Umeå Youth Fo-rum, EYP Sweden’s First Youth Forum, organised in Umeå to be held the 12th to the 16th of June 2014.

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Practical Information+LSLNH[LZ�HYL�L_WLJ[LK�[V�HYYP]L�PU�<TLr�UV�SH[LY�[OHU�����UVVU��[OL���[O�VM�1\UL��HUK�KLWHY[�UV�LHYSPLY�than 19 in the afternoon June 16th. The call for delegates will be open for 3 weeks; by the end of this

WLYPVK�[OL�VYNHUPZPUN�[LHT�^PSS�PU]P[L����PUKP]PK\HSZ��������`�V�[V�JVTL�QVPU�\Z�PU�<TLr��;OLYL�^PSS�IL�H�participation fee of 300 SEK, but no further costs will be charged once you arrive in Umeå; accommo-

dation, food and all other activities are provided for by the Forum.

Submitting this form puts you on the short-list to join us in Umeå in June, the application deadline is



The registration fee will cover all the costs while at the forum in Umeå, this means that no extra costs

will be charged for breakfasts, lunches, dinners or snacks. Accommodation costs are also covered

during the duration of the Forum; however should you want to stay extra nights in Umeå, that is at your

own expense. Trainings and night activities organised by the forum are also included in the participation

fee, and will not charge you any extra.

Session elementsThe city hosting EYP Sweden’s 1st Youth Forum is Umeå, a city in the rural north of Sweden, as it will be

VUL�VM�[OL�*\S[\YL�*HWP[HSZ�VM�,\YVWL�PU�������;OL�J\S[\YL�JHWP[HS�`LHY�OHZ�PUZWPYLK�[OL�J\S[\YHS�MVJ\Z�VM�this forum, and is the base upon which the forum concept has been built; creating the slogan ”Growth


The epic Brännboll tournamentKeeping in line with traditional Swedish summer games and activities, a high prestige tournament of


)YpUUIVSS�PZ�H�NHTL�WSH`LK�T\JO�ZPTPSHY�[V�ZVM[IHSS��VY�IHZLIHSS��0[�PUJS\KLZ�MV\Y�IHZLZ�^OPJO�HYL�[V�IL�passed and rounded, and offers the contestants a range of rackets that are to be used to hit a tennis

ball as far away as possible. The contestants are divided into two separate teams, the “inner team” (the

ones running around the bases), and the “outer team” that are supposed to catch the tennis ball and


Page 5: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Night of culture(TVUN�[OL�OPNOSPNO[Z�VM�[OL�L]LU[��H�5PNO[�VM�*\S[\YL�PZ�WSHUULK��H�UPNO[�^OLYL�HSS�VM�<TLr�PZ�PU]P[LK�to join us in celebrating through dance, song, rap, beatbox or whichever artistic expression one prefe-


2LLWPUN�PU�SPUL�^P[O�[OL�V]LYHSS�ZWPYP[�VM�¸SLHYUPUN�I`�KVPUN¹��[OL�5PNO[�VM�*\S[\YL�^PSS�UV[�VUS`�VMMLY�P[Z�participants an opportunity to enjoy some live music, and mingling with fellow delegates. It will also offer

trainings including improvised theatre, drama-workshops, and theatre games.

Globovillage;OL�]HYPV\Z�J\SPUHY`�[YHKP[PVUZ�VM�[OL�NSVIL�^PSS�IL�L_WSVYLK�K\YPUN�.SVIV=PSSHNL���ZWLUKPUN�KPUULY�SLHY-ning about the culinary customs of the cultures of the world, through walking from table to table talking

to and tasting the food the delegates representing different cultures have brought with them.


bodying its culture by playing music, wearing traditional clothes and of course treating the participants

to food from said region. The way this usually is done, is that the committee members get in touch prior

to the event and plan out who brings what, and how to best do this.

By the end of this event, a winner will be announced. Eternal glory, being the prize!

Culture workshops(U�LU[PYL�HM[LYUVVU�^PSS�IL�KL]V[LK�[V�*\S[\YL�>VYRZOVWZ��K\YPUN�^OPJO�[OL�KLSLNH[LZ�^PSS�OH]L�[OL�opportunity to express themselves creatively; the results of this afternoon will be put on display in the

Municipal Library after the session, but also available for guests to admire during the GA the last day.

-\Y[OLYTVYL��[VNL[OLY�^P[O�3\UK�+LIH[PUN�:VJPL[`��3+:���H�KLIH[PUN�^VYRZOVW�PZ�ILPUN�WSHUULK��3+:�OVZ[LK�H�T\JO�HWWYLJPH[LK�^VYRZOVW�K\YPUN�,@7�:^LKLU»Z���[O�5H[PVUHS�:LSLJ[PVU�*VUMLYLUJL�H[�the beginning of February 2014, and it is on this format we base the one that will take place in Umeå.

Workshops and seminars of various nature will be hosted throughout the duration of this event, more

details about the exact themes and content of these will be announced in due course.

Page 6: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Apply;V�HWWS`�[V�[OL�ZLZZPVU��WSLHZL�ÄSS�PU�[OL�HWWSPJH[PVU�MVYT�HUK�Z\ITP[�P[�by Sunday the 30th of Mars at 23:59 CET.��;OL�ZLSLJ[PVU�WHULS�^PSS�JVUZPZ[�VM�[OL�/LHK�VYNHUPZLYZ��(Z[YPK�=PRZ[Y�T�HUK�1VZLÄUL�>HSSLUr��HZ�^LSS�HZ�H�YLWYLZLU[H[P]L�VM�[OL�UH[PVUHS�IVHYK�VM�,@7�:^LKLU��(�ZL[�VM�MVSSV^�\W�X\LZ[PVUZ�may be asked for the panel to better get to know and understand the applicant.



Keen on exploring EYP

,U[O\ZPHZ[PJ�HIV\[�[OL�-VY\T�*VUJLW[ZHave an interest in international issues

Enjoy debating

Want to explore other cultures and meet

with people from all over Europe








Page 7: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Why?- Because you want to develop your social and intercultural skills- Because you want to explore EYP- Because international issues interest you and you want to meet equal minded people to discuss your views with- Because you want to practice your coopera-tion, research and debating skills

Where? - In Umeå City, have a look through this booklet to explore the venues we have booked for you!

Who?- You! (+18y/o)- No need of prior EYP experience

When?- 12th to 16th of June


Page 8: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

About UmeåUmeå is roughly 600 km north of Stockholm and sits on an inlet of the

Gulf of Bothnia that separates Sweden and Finland. Travelling this far

north in the summer months you are likely to see the midnight sun and

Sweden’s north is bathed in almost constant daylight at this time of year.

(Z�^LSS�HZ�ILPUN�[OL�,\YVWLHU�*HWP[HS�VM�*\S[\YL� PU�������<TLr�JHU�also claim to be the northernmost capital of culture, located as it is in

northern Sweden, a place of extreme natural beauty and rugged wilder-

ness (and culture, of course).


Growth through culture? Umeå Youth Forum will be revolving around the concept of culture as a driving force in development.


neurship, employment and competitiveness. The topics proposed to participants thus aim to explore

the wide ranging aspects of culture.

” Big enough to be taken seriously, small enough to make it happen!”

Striving for progress, citizens need to become active participants in initiating changes and improve-

ments, rather than being passive bystanders. In the mindset of educating youth to take initiative, dele-

gates in Umeå will be discussing current European affairs to propose actions they themselves can take.

Resolutions will thus call for ideas and actions from young people, rather than merely encourage them

to conceptualize solutions and then await for governments or EU institutions to take action.

Page 9: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Scandic Hotel Umeå Syd


Hotel venue

Committee work venue

Session venues


Page 10: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Welcome to EYP SwedenDecision makers

1000+ members5 regional committees4+ annual trainings1 National Session4 Regional Sessions20 + regional events




Page 11: Umeå 2014 - Call for delegates

Q&AQ: When is the deadline to apply?

(!� :\ITP[� `V\Y� HWWSPJH[PVU� I`� ��!� �*,;� VU�the 30th of Mars.

Q: How much will it cost me?

A: There is a small participation fee, but it will

UV[� IL� JOHYNLK� \U[PS� `V\� JVUÄYT� `V\Y� ZWV[��6UJL�PU�<TLr��HSS�TLHSZ��HJJVTTVKH[PVU�HUK�evening activities will be covered by the forum.

Q: What can I apply as?

A: You can apply to join Umeå Youth Forum as

a delegate

Q: How do I reach Umeå?

(!�6UL�Z\NNLZ[PVU�PZ�[V�Å`�]PH�:[VJROVST��LP[OLY�Bromma or Arlanda Airport. For more sugges-

tions, feel free to contact the organisers.

Q: Should I apply?

A: Yes.

Q: Who do I contact if I have fur-

ther questions?

A: Send an email to [email protected] if


www.eup.se www.facebook.com/umea2014YF


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