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  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Sahil Thappa

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    BMW GINA (Geometry and functions In 'N' Adaptations)

    A fabric-skinned shape-shifting sports car concept built

    by BMW.The body changes its shape according to exterior

    conditions and speeds, and it also allows the driver to

    change its shape at will.

    The fabric is stretched over a moveable frame.

    essential shapes are formed beneath the skin by

    an aluminium wire structure, though at points where

    movement is needed (ducts, door openings, spoiler)flexible carbon struts are used.

    When the car is parked, the cars steering wheel and

    instruments sit in an idle position on the centre

    console to allow the driver easy entry.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Volkswagen Nanospyder

    Futuristic nanotechnology supported by:

    Hydrogen fuel cellSolar power

    Wheel mounted electric motors

    Inflatable organic body panels

    Formed of a latticework of billions of tiny

    programmable nano devices measuring less

    than half a millimeter in diameter.

    Nano devices can be programmed to be asstrong or weak as required.

    Clothing the nano-lattice are panels formed

    out of a mix of organic materials, performing

    the following functions:

    Can inflate to provide further

    cushioning in the result of an impact.

    A power source as polysynthesisgenerates.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Carver One

    A tilting three wheeled vehicle using an automaticbalancing technology to balance the passenger

    compartment under all conditions.

    Combines aspects of a motorcycle and a car, both in

    appearance and design.

    The Carver One can tilt up to 45 degrees while turning.

    A 660 cc 4-cylinder 16-valve engine with

    a turbo intercooler giving a power output of 65 bhp at7,500 rpm and a maximum torque of 100 Nmn at 4,000


    The unique property of the Carver One is its automatic

    balancing "Dynamic Vehicle Control" system, which is said

    to allow full stability under almost all circumstances.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    RinspeedsQubaThe world's first car that can be driven both on land and

    under water.

    The sQuba is a zero-emission, all electric vehicle whichuses three electric motors, one for land travel and two for


    It can be submerged to a depth of 10 metres (33 ft),

    powered by twin electric-powered propellers

    supplemented by two Seabob water jets.

    The car's top land speed is 120 km/h. On the surface of

    water, the top speed is 6 km/h and underwater it is3 km/h.

    The twin water jets mounted on rotating louvers at the

    front of the vehicle provide steering and lift while it is

    underwater and the propellers at the rear provide

    forward movement.

    It is equipped with a laser sensor system made

    by autonomous cruise control system

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Mercedes F400 CarvingIt employs active wheel camber control, varying the camber angle on

    the outer wheels up to 20 degrees.The system provides 30 % more lateral stability than a conventional

    system with a fixed camber setting.

    The car is driven by drive-by-wire system.

    The vehicle employs a computer-controlled, active hydro-pneumatic

    system which constantly monitors the driving conditions, and optimizes

    suspension and shock absorption in line with the changing situation on

    the road, all in real-time.Fiber-optic lines are used to transmit light from xenon lamps beneath

    the bonnet to the main headlamps.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    GM Hy-wire(Hydrogen drive-by-wire)The car runs on hydrogen fuel cells and uses a drive-by-

    wire system, meaning that the car is controlled electronically.The car's power system and single electric motor are built into a

    flat skateboard configuration.

    With this standard drive train different types of modular vehicle

    configuration can be placed on the drive train.

    The car's drive-by-wire system coupled with cameras instead of

    mirrors and multiple LCD displays for feedback to the driver

    theoretically allows the driver's seat to be located anywhere.The Hy-wire is powered by a fuel cell capable of producing 94

    kilowatts of power continuously and up to 129 kilowatts for short


  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Rinspeed SplashThe Rinspeed Splash is a peppy sports car, going from 0-

    60 in 5.9 seconds and hitting top speeds of a modest

    125mph.It is powered by natural gas.

    When cruising the water, a hydrofoil systema

    mechanism generally reserved to lift hulls from the water

    to increase boat speedallows the car to hover a few

    feet over the water while it uses a propeller to hit speeds

    of 45 knots (that's a respectable 52 miles per hour).

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Moller Skycar M400Is a prototype personal VTOL (vertical take-off and

    landing) aircraft a "flying car

    It is described as a car since it is aimed at being apopular means of transport for anyone who can drive,

    incorporating automated flight controls.

    Developers claim that by using eight inexpensive Wankel

    rotary engines, the vehicle's price may eventually fall

    close to that of a luxury car ($100,000).

    According to the developers, operation of a Skycar will

    produce as much noise as traffic on a nearby freewaywhen taking off, and this will only last for a few seconds,

    because it climbs so quickly.

    Skycar is not piloted like a traditional fixed wing airplane,

    and has only two hand-operated controls, which the pilot

    uses to inform the computer control system of his desired

    flight maneuvers.

    Skycar's ducted fans deflect air vertically for takeoff andhorizontally for forward flight.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


    Dynamically Augmenting Wheel SystemDesigner Charles Pyotts set out to create a wheel

    system that would facilitate a shift in center ofgravity without a loss of traction.

    DAWS concept achieves this by having the wheel

    featuring eight independent segments that are

    guided in a lateral direction on a liner bearing at

    the hub - sort of like taking to the wheel with a

    pizza slicer.

    The idea is to enable the whole vehicle to shiftand maintain traction without decreasing tire

    footprint area in contact with the road.

  • 8/7/2019 Unconventional Vehicles


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