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    School of Mathematical Sciences


    Undergraduate Studies

  • 8/7/2019 Undergraduate Brochure Mathematics





    Choosing a university and course that match your aspirationsis always a difficult challenge. We feel confident, however,that you will find The University of Nottingham astimulating and enjoyable place in which to studymathematics. We have a strong commitment to teachingand research of the highest quality and have an excellentrecord in independent reviews. Numerous league tablesalso confirm that we are one of the best universities inthe country for mathematics.

    The reasons our students give for this are many

    and varied, and include: a large school that offers

    a wide variety of modules across the full range of

    applied mathematics, pure mathematics and

    statistics; flexible structures that offer opportunities

    to study exciting modern topics such as financial

    mathematics, mathematical medicine, cryptography

    and modern quantum theory, as well as a diverserange of complementary subjects; a beautiful

    campus with excellent facilities; a huge variety of

    student clubs and societies and easy access to the

    local attractions in the city centre; courses that

    develop the intellectual and personal skills that

    employers actively seek; and above all a caring

    environment in which all students can develop

    and prosper.

    Our curriculum is dynamic: our Undergraduate

    Ambassadors Scheme provides opportunities

    to hone skills in communicating mathematics;

    project-based modules, such as our new

    Professional Skills module, encourage the

    development of teamworking and presentation

    skills, while our highest-level modules provide an

    insight into cutting-edge mathematics, reflectingthe richness and variety of staff research interests.

    We hope you find this brochure helpful.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider us;

    we are confident that you will find studying

    at Nottingham rewarding and enjoyable and

    we hope to welcome you here soon.

    Professor Oliver Jensen

    Head of School


    Welcome 03

    Why The University of Nottingham? 04

    Why mathematics at The University

    of Nottingham? 06

    Teaching and research excellence 08

    Careers 09

    Mat hema ti cs d egree cour se s 10

    Student profile 19

    Applying for a place 20

    Visiting us 22

    Contacting us 23

    Welcome tothe School ofMathematicalSciences

    Trent Building, University Park Campus

  • 8/7/2019 Undergraduate Brochure Mathematics







    Why The Universityof Nottingham?

    Students choose The University of

    Nottingham for a whole host of reasons.

    If its academic excellence youre looking

    for then Nottingham is the place for you.

    Renowned internationally for top-class

    teaching and groundbreaking research,

    the University is respected worldwide and

    offers fantastic facilities to ensure you

    make a success of your studies.

    In independent teaching assessments, 39 of our

    subjects have been rated excellent (with scores

    of at least 22 out of 24) and the 2008 Research

    Assessment Exercise put Nottingham seventh in

    the UK in terms of research power.

    If youre interested in great career prospects,

    then we can help with that too. Nottingham is

    one of the top 10 UK universities most often

    targeted by Britains leading graduate employers

    and the employment record of our graduates is

    one of the best in the country. We have strong

    and established links with businesses across the

    UK and offer short courses to ensure you developvital transferable skills. For entrepreneurial

    students we provide business start-up training

    to help you gain the skills you need to set up

    your own business after graduation.

    We also encourage all our students to build a

    broad range of skills that will appeal to employers.

    We have one of the most active Students Unions

    in the UK, with over 190 societies where you can

    gain new skills, meet new people and even learn

    a new language.

    If you want to broaden your horizons and see the

    world, we offer great study abroad opportunities.

    Nottingham is a global institution with around

    30,000 students from over 140 countries, and

    more than 270 partner universities in 35 countries.

    As a result, nearly every Nottingham undergraduate

    has the opportunity to apply to spend time

    abroad during their time at Nottingham.

    For a great social life and an exciting city,Nottingham fits the bill again. Our campuses are

    buzzing with life, and organised events, trips and

    parties take place throughout the year. For sports

    fans, our Athletic Union hosts over 75 clubs and

    we provide excellent facilities for everything from

    football to bowling. Nottingham itself is a thriving

    cosmopolitan city, rich with history and culture,

    and packed full of bars, restaurants and nightclubs.

    With theatres, cinemas, comedy clubs and a

    diverse mix of music venues, there is always

    plenty to keep you entertained.

    To help you settle in, we guarantee all

    undergraduates a place in University-arranged

    accommodation for the first year, provided youfirmly accept your course place and return your

    accommodation application form by 1 August of

    the year of entry. Your room will be on or close

    to campus and youll be able to meet new people,

    make new friends and enjoy university life.

    So why not make your next step Nottingham?

    The Cornerhouse, Nottingham city centre

    Market Square, Nottingham

    Nottingham is, without doubt, the best city in the country for a

    student. Situated in the Midlands, its never too far for UK students

    to get home, and being in the middle of the country, you get a

    really good mix of both southern and northern students along with

    the grounded Nottingham locals themselves.

    The Virgin 2008 Alternative Guide to British Universities

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    Why mathematicsat The Universityof Nottingham?

    University mathematics is a subject of

    immense scope and application. It is the

    language of science, engineering and

    commerce. As a consequence, a mathematics

    degree opens up a wide variety of careerchoices, and our students are very successful

    in the employment market.

    The University of Nottingham has a strong

    commitment to teaching and research of the

    highest quality, and we have an excellent record

    in independent reviews.

    The School

    The School of Mathematical Sciences is a large

    and thriving centre with high standards in

    undergraduate education, postgraduate education,

    and research. We currently have over 50 permanent

    academic staff, around 20 research staff and

    over 70 postgraduates. Each year we welcome

    approximately 200 students onto our various

    undergraduate degree courses. Our staff numbers

    ensure both an excellent provision for teaching

    (eg in enabling small-group tutorials) and also

    a wide diversity of mathematical topics and

    options to study in our courses.

    Academic staff in the School have national and

    international reputations for the excellence of their

    research, and have extensive research links with

    colleagues in industry and academia, both in the

    UK and overseas.This research background helps

    us to ensure that we offer up-to-date degree

    courses that give you an insight into cutting-edge

    mathematics. Our best students have the

    opportunity to stay on and carry out research

    leading to higher degrees, typically a PhD.

    Your tutor

    While at Nottingham, you will have a personal

    and academic tutor, who will guide your studies

    and help you to select modules that match your

    interests and ambitions. Your tutor is your first

    port of call in the School if you have any

    problems or questions.

    Your tutor will take an interest in your personal

    and academic development and offer you help,

    encouragement and guidance.


    Teaching is primarily by lectures, supportedby problem classes (sessions in which you practise

    solving problems with support from academic

    staff), small-group tutorials and private study.

    In addition, some modules involve computer

    practicals or laboratory work. You will typically be

    expected to work for around 35 hours per week,

    with about half of this time devoted to private study.

    During your time at Nottingham, in addition

    to gaining academic knowledge, you will also have

    an opportunity to develop other skills. Examples

    are communication and presentation skills, the

    use of information technology, time management,

    independent learning, project work and self-

    organisation. Not only are these skills desirable

    in your own personal development, but also in

    todays employment market. For those students

    considering a career in teaching, we havea final-year module that lets you get direct

    experience of delivering mathematics lessons

    in local schools.


    Your work will be assessed in a variety of ways,

    including traditional written examinations,

    coursework assignments, dissertations, computing

    assignments, essays and laboratory reports.


    During your course, you will use computers for

    a variety of purposes, from performing numerical

    and algebraic calculations, to communicating with

    staff and other students by email. One of the keycomputer applications that you will learn is

    computer algebra, which can be used to carry out

    a wide range of mathematical techniques, from

    plotting graphs to solving complicated systems

    of equations.

    No prior computing knowledge is assumed,

    and we will train you to use the University

    computing facilities when you arrive here.

    When I decided to study

    mathematics to degree level, I was

    attracted by the flexibility and

    varied content of the course at


    Mathematics student

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    Teaching andresearch excellence



    In common with all schools or departments

    of mathematics in England and Northern Ireland,

    our teaching has been independently reviewed

    in the Quality Assurance Agency Subject Review,

    and we were awarded a mark of 23 out of 24.

    The reviewers commented particularly on:

    the high calibre of our students and

    their high level of achievement whileat Nottingham

    the strong employment record of

    our graduates

    the extremely effective support we

    offer our students and

    the plentiful IT provision at Nottingham


    In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise

    (2008), we are proud that over 60 per cent of the

    Schools research in pure mathematics, applied

    mathematics and statistics was judged to be

    world-leading or internationally excellent.This means that you will be taught by members

    of academic staff who are world authorities in

    many areas of mathematics.

    In applied mathematics, our areas of research

    expertise include quantum gravity, complex and

    disordered systems, quantum information theory

    and computing, mathematical medicine, biology

    and neuroscience, industrial mathematics, fluid

    mechanics and solid mechanics. In statistics,

    we specialise in stochastic modelling of epidemics,

    statistical shape and image analysis, Bayesian

    multilevel modelling and probability theory.

    Our main research interests in pure mathematicsare number theory and arithmetic geometry,

    algebra and mathematical analysis.

    Although these may mean nothing to you at the

    moment, when you come to study with us, you

    will have the opportunity to understand and

    develop an interest in one or more of these areas,

    since our research interests inform and shape

    the third and fourth years of our courses.

    These advanced courses allow you to come close

    to the frontiers of mathematical research.

    The University of Nottingham has an

    excellent reputation for successful

    graduate employment. Our Centre for

    Career Development can help you find

    employment, with invitations to recruitment

    sessions by employers, individual careers

    advice and a vacancy information service.

    In addition, the School has a specialised careers

    programme to help you develop your curriculumvitae (CV) and start early planning for your

    future career.

    Mathematics is a wide-ranging and versatile

    subject, and the list of careers open to you as a

    mathematics graduate is extensive. Some make

    specific use of mathematics, others use the more

    general skills they have gained, such as analysis

    and problem solving, high-level numeracy and a

    capacity to learn independently.

    Our graduates are in high demand from prospective

    employers, and have been well received into

    a broad range of careers in commerce, industry,

    the professions and government. The Universityof Nottingham is one of a small number of leading

    universities whose graduates are targeted for

    recruitment by various top companies.

    Of our graduates entering the employment

    market directly after graduation, typical recent

    destinations were:

    financial services (eg accountancy,

    actuarial work, banking)

    IT (eg programming, systems analysis,

    software engineering)

    industrial (eg management, research

    and development, retail)

    government (eg civil service,

    taxation, cryptography)

    Postgraduate research

    Rather than directly entering the employment

    market upon graduating, you might decide to

    continue your studies at higher degree level,

    either here at Nottingham or elsewhere.

    In previous years, our students have achieved

    higher degrees in subjects such as mathematics,

    computing, education and engineering. Each year

    some of our best students choose to stay at

    Nottingham and join our lively group of

    postgraduate research students in the Schoolof Mathematical Sciences.

    Our three divisions Applied, Pure and Statistics

    each offer a large number of diverse and interesting

    research projects, in the research areas described

    earlier, and many others. Please see our website

    for further details www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk

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    www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade

    A, and two other academic subjects

    at A level, or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA-AAB

    Typical intake: 115

    Course description:

    flexibility in choice of topics

    the opportunity to take modules outside

    mathematics up to 20 credits each year

    (of course, you may take these options

    in mathematics if you wish)

    a wide range of mathematics options,

    including new areas of application (such

    as mathematical medicine and finance);

    traditional areas of applied mathematics

    and statistics; modules, such as number theory

    and abstract algebra, which reveal the intrinsic

    elegance and beauty of mathematics

    You may postpone taking one of the year-one

    strands in pure mathematics, applied mathematics

    or statistics until year two, and replace it with 20credits of free options in year one.

    International study

    The programme for the four-year BSc with an

    international study year (G104) is the same as

    for the three-year BSc (G100) but includes an

    additional year of study at an overseas university

    between the second and final years.

    Placement on this year abroad, which must be

    passed but does not contribute directly to degree

    classification, may be competitive and dependent

    upon having a sufficiently strong academic record

    in years one and two. Students who are not

    accepted for overseas study will be offered

    transfer to the three-year BSc, subject to normal

    progression rules.

    Named degrees

    If you have a particular penchant for one of

    the specialisations within mathematics you

    may qualify for one of our named degrees:

    Mathematics (Pure Mathematics), Mathematics

    (Applied Mathematics) or Mathematics with

    Statistics. The Mathematics with Statistics degree,

    for example, is accredited by the Royal Statistical

    Society (RSS). To obtain one of these named

    degrees you simply apply for one of the courses

    G100 or G103 and choose certain specified

    modules in your chosen area while you are here.

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Pure, applied and statistics strands 60 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 100 credits

    Other options 20 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 100 credits

    Other options 20 credits

    Year four (MMath only)

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Mathematics dissertation 40 credits

    Other options 20 credits

    UCAS code Title

    We offer the following single and joint honours undergraduate courses:

    MathematicsG100 (BSc three years)

    G103 (MMath four years)

    G104 (BSc four years one year

    international study)

    Studying here has enabled me

    to make a great group of friends

    and provided the opportunity

    to develop an exciting career.

    Mathematics student

    G100 (BSc three years)/ Mathematics

    G103 (MMath four years)G1 04 (B Sc fo ur ye ars ) Ma th em at ic s (I nte rn at io na l S tu dy)

    GG41 (BSc three years)/GG14 (MSci four years) Mathematics and Computer Science

    GL11 (B Sc three years) Math emat ics and Econom ics

    GN 12 (B Sc t hr ee y ea rs ) Ma th em at ic s a nd Ma na gem en t S tu die s

    GV 15 (B Sc t hre e ye ar s) Ma th em at ic s a nd P hi lo so ph y

    F326 (BSc three years)/F325 (MSci four years) Mathematical Physics

    G1 T1 ( BS c t hre e y ea rs ) Ma th em at ic s w it h C hi nes e S tu di es

    G1HD (BSc three years)/G1H1 (MMath four years) Mathematics with Engineering

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    www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade

    A and two other academic subjects at A level,

    or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA-AAB

    Typical intake: 10

    Course description:

    broad education both in the mathematical

    sciences and in computer science

    excellent career prospects

    opportunity to specialise in a variety of

    exciting, modern topics at the interface

    of the two disciplines

    not necessary to have previously studied

    computer science

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Pure mathematics 20 credits

    Computer science 40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Computer science 40 credits

    Computer science options 20 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Computer science individual project 20 credits

    Computer science options 40 credits

    Year four (MSci Only)

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Computer science individual project 60 credits

    Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade

    A and two other academic subjects at A level,

    or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA

    Typical intake: 20

    Course description:

    broad education both in the mathematical

    sciences and in economics

    aimed at mathematically-minded candidates

    probably seeking to enter the financial sector

    (for example as an actuary, an accountant or

    a city analyst) upon graduating

    excellent career prospects

    not necessary to have previously

    studied economics

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Statistics 20 credits

    Economics (microeconomics

    and macroeconomics) 40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Economics options 60 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Economics options 60 credits

    Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade

    A and two other academic subjects at A level,

    or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA-AAB

    Typical intake: 15

    Course description:

    broad education in both mathematics

    and management studies

    aimed at mathematically minded people

    probably seeking to enter the business or

    financial sector (for example as a management

    consultant, an accountant or a city analyst)

    upon graduating

    excellent career prospects

    not necessary to have previously studied

    management or business studies

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Statistics 20 credits

    Management studies 40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Management studies 40 credits

    Management studies options 20 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Management studies 40 credits

    Management studies options 20 credits

    Entry requirements: mathematics A level

    grade A and two academic subjects at A level,

    or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA-AAB

    Typical intake: 10

    Course description:

    blend of mathematics and philosophy, logical

    and mathematical reasoning

    mathematics side of the course oriented towards

    pure mathematics, while the philosophy side

    includes formal logic and analytical reasoning

    you will gain knowledge in mathematics and

    philosophy, with a blend of logical and analytical

    skills useful in a wide range of careers

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Pure mathematics 20 credits

    Philosophy 40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 60 creditsPhilosophy 30 credits

    Philosophy options 30 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Philosophy options 60 credits

    Mathematicsand Computer ScienceGG41 (BSc three years)

    GG14 (MSci four years)

    Mathematics and EconomicsGL11 (BSc three years)

    Mathematics andManagement StudiesGN12 (BSc three years)

    Mathematics and PhilosophyGV15 (BSc three years)

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    www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade A,

    physics A level grade B and one other academic

    subject at A level, or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAB

    Typical intake: 25

    Course description:

    Mathematics is the language of physics and the

    two subjects have been closely linked for manycenturies. Newton, for example, invented calculus

    in order to give his theories of motion and gravity

    predictive power. Key elements include:

    a thorough background in the mathematical

    techniques and core concepts of modern physics

    the programme combines suitable elements

    from the single honours programmes in Physics

    and Mathematics together with specially

    developed modules for mathematical physicists

    BSc year three range of options, core

    modules and a compulsory project

    MSci year three fewer options than on BSc

    but additional core components, including

    a communication skills module that is an

    essential preparation for year four

    MSci year four formal lectures partially

    replaced by student-centred learning activities

    including seminars, projects and dissertations, to

    develop your broader skills, such as researching

    advanced scientific topics and communicating

    them effectively, while further developing your

    knowledge of theoretical physics

    theoretical physics project and a range

    of more traditional modules

    transfer between the Mathematical Physicsprogramme and single honours Physics

    or Mathematics may be possible during

    the first year

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Physics 60 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics 60 credits

    Physics 60 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics 60 credits

    Physics 60 credits

    Year four (MSci only)

    Mathematics 60 credits

    Physics 60 credits

    Entry requirements: mathematics A level grade A

    and two academic subjects at A level, or equivalent.

    Typical A level offer: AAA-AAB

    Typical intake: five

    Course description:

    the only course of its kind in the UK

    a broad education in mathematics and

    substantial degree-level studies in Chinese

    language, economics, history and culture

    no previous knowledge of either Mandarin

    language or Chinese studies is required.

    Mandarin language modules are compulsory

    in the first year, and optional thereafter

    the mathematics side of the course is oriented

    towards probability and statistics, but with

    options also in pure and applied mathematics

    the course is aimed at mathematically minded

    people, probably seeking to work either in China

    or for an organisation that has significant links

    with China

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Probability and statistics 20 credits

    Chinese studies (including Mandarin language)

    40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Probability 20 credits

    Chinese studies 20 credits

    Chinese studies options 20 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics options 60 to 90 credits

    Chinese studies options 30 to 60 credits

    Mathematical PhysicsF326 (BSc three years)

    F325 (MSci four years)

    Mathematics withChinese StudiesG1T1 (BSc three years)

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    www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk Entry requirements: mathematics A level

    grade A, and either physics A level or another

    relevant subject (eg further mathematics,

    economics, chemistry). If physics A level is

    not offered then physics GCSE or combined

    science GCSE is required.

    Students who enter G1H1 with AAA at A level,

    or equivalent qualifications, will receive a bursary

    of 500 per year while they remain onthe course.

    Typical A level offer: AAB

    Typical intake: 15

    Course description:

    Mathematics plays a crucial role in modern

    commerce and industry. This course develops the

    key mathematical tools used in such fields while

    at the same time providing you with a broad base

    of knowledge in potential areas of application in

    engineering and industry.

    Key elements include:

    mixture of skills and experience attractive

    to employers, with excellent career prospects

    opportunity to study a variety of engineering

    subjects without the need to specialise, and

    mathematics that can be applied to problems

    of practical significance

    choice of physically based and management-

    oriented engineering topics

    opportunities to undertake project work,

    applying mathematics to physical and

    engineering problems, and to research topics

    in applied mathematics

    Year one

    Core mathematics 60 credits

    Applied mathematics 20 credits

    Engineering (physical or management)

    40 credits

    Year two

    Mathematics 80 credits

    Mathematics options 10 credits

    Engineering options 30 credits

    Year three

    Mathematics 80 credits

    Engineering options 20 credits

    Other options 20 credits

    Year four (MMath only)

    Mathematics options 60 credits

    Individual project in mathematics 40 credits

    Engineering options 10 credits

    Other options 10 credits

    I chose Nottingham because Id heard it was a really good university. Also, I didnt want to be in

    the middle of a city, and Nottingham offers a good balance of a campus and a city.

    When I came to visit, I liked the campus and everyone was really friendly. The accommodation is on

    campus along with departmental buildings, the library and the Students Union, so you dont even

    have to go into the city if you dont want to.

    Now Ive started the course, Ive found it to be excellent. Theres a lot of choice, and you can tailor

    your degree to focus on the areas you want to. I particularly enjoy statistics I didnt like it at school

    and at A level it was my worst area of maths, but I really enjoy it at Nottingham.

    The lecturers are all very approachable they have office hours when you can go and see them or

    you can email them, and theyll get back to you quickly. You also have a personal tutor who you meet

    on a weekly basis. In the first year, we looked at problem solving in the tutorials this really helped

    with the transition from A levels to university. Its good to know theres a specific member of staff

    you can talk to, too.

    I use the library a lot Ive never had to buy my books because theyve always been in stock.

    Weve got our own computer rooms too, which is handy, and the longer youre here, the more you

    learn the best places to find free ones!

    I used to be in the Trampolining Society, because I wanted to carry it on from school, and now Im on

    the committee of the Maths Society. My role as sports secretary involves organising weekly netball

    matches against other societies, and now were trying to set up tennis matches, too. Besides the

    sports events, there are lots of social and careers activities. Weve been to Laser Quest, for example,and weve invited people from an actuary company in to talk about getting into that field.

    I stayed in halls in my first year, which was the perfect way to make friends. You meet lots of people

    and have the opportunity to get involved in lots of different things plus, it was a five-minute walk

    from the maths building!

    Looking ahead, Ive been offered an actuarial consulting job with Xafinity. My degree has helped me

    develop skills like organisation, teamwork and giving presentations, which will all be helpful to me.

    There are often more exams to take in the field I want to go into, so the techniques I have developed

    at University will help me with those.

    Top tip: Take advantage of all the opportunities offered to you, including the subsidiary modules.

    Student profile

    Christina LoweCourse and year of study:

    Mathematics (third year)

    Age: 21

    Mathematics withEngineeringG1HD (BSc three years)

    G1H1 (MMath four years)

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    Applying for a place

    Admissions procedures

    You should apply to us through the Universities

    and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Most

    applicants will have studied three or more A levels

    and will be expected to achieve grade A in A level

    mathematics. Our offers are generally based

    on grades achieved in three A levels, and all

    subjects are accepted with a small number of

    exceptions which include general studies and

    critical thinking. For our joint honours courses,

    it is not always necessary to have studied the

    non-mathematics component at A level. Other

    qualifications (International Baccalaureate,

    BTEC, etc) are considered on an individual

    basis, with offers equivalent in standard to

    the A level package.

    Financial support

    Organising your finances is an important part of

    planning for university. At Nottingham, we offer a

    generous financial support scheme to ensure our

    courses are more accessible to students from all

    backgrounds. For details of the bursaries

    available, please visit the finance pages at


    Two mathematics A levels?

    We do not require you to have studied further

    mathematics and we recognise that some schools

    and colleges offer limited support for this subject.

    While the extra mathematical experience gained

    by taking further mathematics at A level or AS

    level may be helpful to you in your first year,

    you should not be disadvantaged in subsequent

    years of study if you have not taken these.

    However, we do anticipate that most applicants

    taking further mathematics will gain a grade

    A. If you are studying further mathematics

    with little support (for example, by self-study)

    then you should make this clear in the personal

    statement on your UCAS application form.

    Advanced Extension Award?

    We recognise that many schools cannot provide the

    support required for students to take the Advanced

    Extension Award (or STEP) in Mathematics.

    Therefore we do not ask for this qualification.

    Mature applicants

    Mature applicants (students over 21 on entry

    to their course), like all others, are considered

    on academic merit. You are advised to contact

    us to discuss the suitability of your background

    and qualifications.

    Part-time degrees

    The School does not currently offer any part-time

    degree courses.

    Gap year

    You may wish to defer entry to university for a year

    to gain experience relevant to your degree or to

    carry out some other form of personal fulfilment.

    If so, you should let us know as soon as possible.

    Whether or not you take a gap year will not affect

    the way we process your application or any offer

    you receive from us.

    Study abroad

    You may be able to spend a semester of your third

    or fourth year studying abroad, either in another

    European country, or further afield with one of

    Nottingham's partners in the Universitas 21

    group. We currently have links with universities

    in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Finland, Australia

    and Canada. If you are interested, it is something

    you can consider, with guidance from our Director

    of International Affairs, in year two of your course.

    If you have a disability

    We particularly encourage you to visit the

    University in advance of your application, to view

    our facilities. The Universitys aim is to provide a

    high level of support and guidance from the

    moment you first enquire to the moment you

    graduate. Like all others, your application is

    considered on its academic merit. Further

    information about support that the University

    can offer you during your studies is available at


    International students

    At Nottingham, we have a thriving community of

    international students from over 140 countries.

    Our International Office provides dedicated

    support and arranges cultural, social and sporting

    events. International Student Advisers work in the

    International Office to deal with any queries you

    may have about immigration, work permits or

    any other personal or academic issues. If you pay

    overseas fees, you are guaranteed University-

    arranged accommodation for three years (see the

    Undergraduate Prospectus or website for details).

    International scholarships

    Each year we offer scholarships to a number of

    our best international applicants. The details vary

    from year to year, but are typically worth at least

    2,000 in each year of study. To find out more,

    please contact us or visit the School web pages.

    Accommodation guarantee

    Having suitable accommodation while at university

    is of considerable importance. The University of

    Nottingham offers a guarantee of University-

    arranged accommodation for one year to all new

    undergraduate students who make Nottingham

    their firm choice.There is a wide variety of

    accommodation available, including fully catered

    halls of residence, self-catering halls, and

    University-managed accommodation off campus.

    Further information is available in the prospectus,

    and also at www.nottingham.ac.uk/


    Halls of residence Study bedroom Students outside Portland Building

  • 8/7/2019 Undergraduate Brochure Mathematics


    Trent Building courtyard

    When I attended an open day,

    I loved the campus and the

    fact that all the current students

    I met were enthusing about

    the University as a place tolive and study.

    Mathematics student




    Contacting us

    We hope that this brochure has answered any questions

    you had about studying mathematics atThe University

    of Nottingham and that you will apply to join our

    thriving undergraduate student community. If you

    have any further enquiries, please contact our

    Admissions Secretaries.

    This document is available in large print on request.

    If you require an alternative format, please discuss

    your needs with our Disability Officer.

    To give you an idea of what life is like as a student

    at Nottingham, you might like to attend the

    Universitys undergraduate open days which are

    held in late June and early September each year

    please visit www.nottingham.ac.uk/opendays

    and www.maths.nott.ac.uk/OpenDayfor more details.

    If you wish to make an informal visit to the

    University prior to applying here, you are

    welcome to do so, but you should contact us in

    advance if you wish to visit the School or speak

    to an admissions tutor.

    Once you have applied

    If you apply to Nottingham and we intend to

    make you an offer, we will usually invite you

    to a UCAS visit day.

    We believe it is important for you to see the

    place where you may spend three or four of the

    most important years of your life. For this reason

    we strongly encourage you to take up our

    invitation to visit and see the campus facilities

    first-hand. The UCAS visit day programme givesyou information about:

    the University and the School

    teaching and assessment

    welfare issues (including accommodation

    and finance) and student life

    We will also tell you more specifically about the

    course you have applied for, its structure and the

    career opportunities after you graduate. Further

    details are available at


    Visiting us

    For further information, contact:

    Admissions Secretaries

    School of Mathematical Sciences

    The University of Nottingham

    University Park


    NG7 2RD


    t: +44 (0)115 951 4934

    f: +44 (0)115 951 4951

    e: [email protected]

    w: www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk

    For international student enquiries,

    please contact:

    The International Office

    t: +44 (0)115 951 5247

    f: +44 (0)115 951 5155

    e: [email protected]

    w: www.nottingham.ac.uk/international

  • 8/7/2019 Undergraduate Brochure Mathematics


    For general undergraduate

    enquiries contact:

    The Enquiry Centre

    Kings Meadow Campus

    Lenton Lane


    NG7 2NR


    t: +44 (0)115 951 5559

    f: +44 (0)115 846 8062

    e: [email protected]

    w: www.nottingham.ac.uk


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