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  • 1. Understanding Cross- cultural Perspectivesin Coaching / TrainingShobha Naidu

2. BehaviorsWords CustomsTraditionsBeliefsValuesAssumptionsThought Processes 1988 L. Robert Kohls 3. Culture comes from the Latin word "colere", meaning to build on, to cultivate, to foster.Culture is a set of accepted behaviour patterns, values, assumptions, and shared common experiences.Culture defines social structure, decision- making practices, and communication styles.Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 4. Culture dictates behaviour, etiquette, and protocol.Culture is something we learn. It impacts everyone, and influences how we act and respond.Culture is communication. It is a way people create, process and interpret information.Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 5. Identifying Cultural ValuesEach Individual is:PERSONALITY (like no other person)CULTURE (like some people in some ways)HUMAN NATURE (like all people in some ways biological / psychological)Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 5Bangalore Coaches 6. Cultural Dimensions Geert HofstedePOWER DISTANCE INDIVIDUALISM / COLLECTIVISM This dimensionThis cultural dimension addresses: whether the describes the relative Individual or the group is importance of hierarchy the focus. and how it affects whether society relationships between members of a givenreinforces individual or group / society / collective achievements. organization. the expectations of the Individuals towards the group for his recognition and wellbeing.Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 7. Hofstedes DimensionsMasculinity IndexUncertainty AvoidanceThis dimension focusesThis cultural dimension focuses on how: on:-the degree to which cultures adapt to change, and cope with risk, there is gender uncertainty. differentiation. The extent to which theIn countries with highmembers of a culture feel threatened by uncertain masculinity there is aand unknown situations reinforcement of the traditional male role of dominance.Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives7Bangalore Coaches 8. H/L Power Distance CountriesChina: 80 HUS: 40 LEgypt: 80H UK: 35 LIndia: 77 HFrance: 68 HShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 9. Management South Asia USA Hierarchy is embedded in the Indian sub-continent. There is apparent less hierarchy at the workplace in theWest INDUSA NL PK SLBD 77 4032 55 6880 Geert Hofstede, Cultures & Organizations: software of the mind, 1991Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 10. H / L Individualism CountriesChina: 20 LEgypt: 38 LIndia: 48 MUS: 91 HFrance: 71 H UK: 89 HGermany: 67 HShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 10Bangalore Coaches 11. Values that influence the workplace South Asia - UK USA South Asians are group oriented and tend to be collectivist Western cultures are more individualist, especially theUSAINDUSANL PK SL BD48 95 78 12 50 20Geert Hofstede, Cultures & Organizations: software of the mind, 1991Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 11Bangalore Coaches 12. High Context Cultures(information is implicit and indirect)JapaneseChineseIndianArabLatin AmericanSpanishItalianFrenchFrench-CanadianEnglishAustralianAmericanScandinavianDutchGermanLow Context CulturesShobha Naidu for Association of(information iscross-cultural perspectives Understanding explicit and direct)12Bangalore Coaches 13. HIGH/LOW CONTEXT PROFESSIONS HIGH CONTEXT Human ResourcesMarketing/SalesManagementResearch & DevelopmentTechnicalEngineersLOW CONTEXTFinanceShobha Naidu for Association ofUnderstanding cross-cultural perspectives 13Bangalore Coaches 14. High & Low ContextCommunication Styles Low ContextHigh ContextExchange of info / focus on Info is roundabout & implicit words & is direct Meaning in also how you sayMeaning in what you say things & what is not said Task & relationship orientedTask centered communication The use of We is moreThe use of I is important importantShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives14Bangalore Coaches 15. Saving Face in Communication / Behavior Yes could mean maybe,I heard you The NO factor. Poor participation, opting out of situations, deflecting ownershipShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 15Bangalore Coaches 16. Employee Perspective Gautam Chainani s presentation at Nasscom July 2007)Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 16Bangalore Coaches 17. Culture : A Conceptual Framework Source: Schein, Edgar Organization Culture and Leadership, San Francisco, 2004 Soh rtEs s a ie tT rme Tcn ae h ic l (P c s e ,ro e s s T o &S c re )o lstru tu sE p u e V lu s sosd a e (M n g m n S s m , a a e e t y te s Durabilityof ChangeAbilitytoInfluenceM a u m n &R w rd ) e s re e tse a sB h v ra e a io l(W a g u s &in iv u ls d )h t ro pd id a o U d rly gA s m tio sn e in s u p n (V lu s B lie , A d s N rm ) a e , e fs ttitu e , o sMs otLnog D uiffic lt T rmeShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives17Bangalore S u e S h in E g r H O a iz tio C ltu a dL a e h . S nF n is o J h W y&S n In , 2 0 .Coaches c e , d a . rg n a n u re n e d rs ip a ra c c : o n ile o rc : os c 04 18. Swift Trust Deeper TrustCompetence CompatibilityOpenness with Benevolence information PredictabilityIntegrity SecurityReciprocity Inclusion Accessibility Building Trust in Diverse Teams TCO International Diversity Management, February 2007Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 18Bangalore Coaches 19. Asia 1.0 Leadership styleSingle FocusSingle FocusEXECUTOR CONTROLLERClear Task focusedLogicalData Driven Directive Productive SeriousThorough ENERGIZERINTEGRATOROpen Humorous Inquisitive Involving Informal AdaptiveCollaborative PatientMulti-focus Multi-focused Asia 2.0 Leadership styleShobha Naidu for AssociationUnderstanding cross-cultural perspectives19,of Bangalore Coaches 20. Craig Storti: The art of coming home64% of American returnees reported culture shock.64% of Dutch & 80% of Japanese expatriates said they found coming home more difficult than adjusting overseas.Two thirds of returnees complained of suffering from the out of sight out of mind syndromeShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectivesBangalore Coaches 21. Emerging Trends in Global MobilityPerspectives on India - Cartus 2008 52% of assignments are outbound 12% of assignments are inbound 30% of assignments are intra IndiaShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 21Bangalore Coaches 22. Profile of Assignees Cartus Inbound assignees predominantly male(83%) and 26% are less than 30 Outbound assignees predominantlyfemale (73%) and 63% are less than 30years of ageShobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 22Bangalore Coaches 23. GMAC Global Trends Report200631% of global Assignments lead to faster promotion.27% say it makes it easier to obtain a new position in the workplace.26% report expatriates change employers more often.Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 23Bangalore Coaches 24. Relocation Challenges - Cartus Inbound family adjustment at 46% wasthe major cause of assignment failure. Outbound family adjustment wassecondary at 14% but cultural adjustment& communication was higher at 35%Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 24Bangalore Coaches 25. Sources:Craig Storti, Speaking of India, 2007Richard Lewis, Cross-cultural Communication 2008Geert Hofstede, Cultures Consequences, Sage Publication, revised 2001Geert Hofstede, Cultures & organizations: software of the mind, McGraw Hill, 1996Edward Hall, Beyond Culture, Anchor, 1977Shobha Naidu for Association of Understanding cross-cultural perspectives 25Bangalore Coaches

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