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Page 1: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits


Understanding modularity –Advantages and benefits


Largest rail project in Europe 8– 9

Safe power for high water quality 12– 16

10– 11Fast, simple testing BENNING SDT1

Photo: © WFW

Customer Magazine informative · up-to-date · pioneering

Page 2: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  3

POWER news 7/2016 Editorial

Publication detailsBENNING Elektrotechnik und ElektronikGmbH & Co. KG’s client magazine

Publisher: BENNING Elektrotechnik undElektronik GmbH & Co. KG,Münsterstrasse 135-137, 46397 Bocholt

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errors or mistakes in interpretation re-main pos sible.

Picture credits© BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG / © Dentsply Sirona / © EIFFAGE / © Herbert Liedel / © Nürn-berger Luftbild Hajo Dietz / © SCHENCKRoTec GmbH / © Valeo / © WFW© MEV Verlag GmbH / www.mev.de

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Dear Readers,

Whether you are involved in medical technology, IT and communi-cations technology or the construction industry, wherever systemsare needed to ensure efficient production, with ease of maintenance,and a capability for adapting to changing business processes, theyare frequently composed of individual modules. Such modular sys-tems incorporate a practical “building block” approach that shortensrepair times and reduces total cost of ownership whilst, in the longterm, ensuring the highest degree of quality and performance.

Benning’s products and services also feature the advantages of this modular principle. Fordecades, we have been protecting against power failures and problems in the supply net-work, and providing reliable protection for operational and business processes in Industry,Telecommunications, Data /IT, and many other sectors. Additionally, our installations provideflexible growth (“scalability”) to meet rising demands in performance.

In the present issue of POWER news you can read about the relationship between high avail-ability and modular design principles; how our company is supporting Europe’s largest rail pro-ject; and the major contribution we are making to the supply of water to 1.3 million people.

I hope you enjoy reading about our activities and look forward to receiving any feedback.

Best wishes,

Stephan Ratermann 

e-mail: [email protected]

telephone: +49 2871 93 0

Contents3– 7 Understanding the “ilities” 

Modular power protection in Industrialapplications

8– 9 We’re part of the largest rail project in EuropeBENNING provides Eiffage Rail Ex-press with power systems and batter-ies for the new railway line betweenLe Mans and Rennes to ensure thepower supply for railway stations,control centres and signalling equip-ment.

10– 11 Fast and simple testing of safety socketsThe new socket tester, BENNING SDT 1,is successful thanks to its simple operation and high user-friendliness,with active PE fault detection possibleby easy finger contact.

12– 16 Safe power for high water qualityOver a million people are supplied withdrinking water from the special purposeassociation “WasserversorgungFränkischer Wirtschaftsraum”.

17– 19 Highly efficient energy system for intralogisticsThe automotive supplier, Valeo Autosystemy Sp. z o.o., makes its internal transport more flexible withLIONIC® energy systems.

20– 21 New balancing machine for a wide rangeof machinesAs a result of the machine park exten-sion, BENNING has expanded its bal-ancing technology with balancing ofrotors up to 50 tonnes now possible.

22– 23 OEM power supply for the world’s largestmedical technology companyBENNING supports Dentsply Sirona inthe safe power supply for high-qualitydemanding treatment units.

24 Fairs, events and appointments 2017

in commercial applications, the traditionallymore “conservative” industrial engineers arenow increasingly seeking ways to use suchtechnology  in  industrial  applications.  Theproblem, however, is that the terminology as-sociated with  this  technology can be mis-leading and marketing  “spin” does  little  tohelp.

In this first of a series of five articles, we at-tempt to define and explain modularity fromthe  electrical  engineer’s  perspective  andthereby better understand the benefits it canbring to industrial power system design.


Modular  power  protection  and  conversiontechnology has been used in commercial ap-plications for many years and its benefits inthis market sector are well understood andaccepted. These benefits include, but are notlimited to, availability (as opposed to reliabil-ity), scalability, flexibility and maintainability. Itis because of these benefits that three-phaseModular UPS is the fastest-growing sector ofthe commercial UPS market. Because modular power protection and con-version technology has proved so successful

Modular power protection and conversion technology, particularly in the form ofUPSs, has long been used in commercial applications, but take-up in industrialareas has, to date, been relatively slow. Why is this so? Whenever anyone describes the benefits of “Modular” power protection systemsthey invariably discuss topics like “Availability”, “Reliability”, “Scalability”, “Flexi-bility” and “Maintainability”, but what exactly does each of these “ilities” mean andwhy are they important? This article is the first in a series of five in which David Bond, Managing Director atBenning Power Electronics (UK) Ltd, explains the terminology behind this increas-ingly important and popular technology.

Understanding the “ilities”

Modular power protection in Industrial applications

2 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016

IT series of ENERTRONIC modular SE

three-phase UPS system 

Page 3: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

Figure A: Monoblock UPS system with individually built circuit boards 

and circuit components

Figure B: Modular Block UPS with separate rectifier and 

inverter power units

Figure C: Line diagram of a modular block UPS with separate rectifier

and inverter power units

... Modularity – the separation of a whole into parts


battery (external)





output loadswitch

input loadswitch UPS



manual bypass

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  5

switching components and reactive compo-nents are all separate, and individual PCBsand/or components need to be separatelyremoved and replaced in situ to effect a re-pair. Such repairs are often time consuming,and whilst being repaired the entire UPS isoffline and the  load exposed to raw mainspower (see fig. A). 

Furthermore,  if  additional  system  capacityand/or redundancy is required after the UPSis installed then the system upgrade (scala-bility) will be expensive, assuming that suffi-cient floor space and electrical infrastructureis available to accommodate any additionalUPS cabinets. 

Clever marketing “spin” can argue that, de-spite their size and weight, each UPS cabinetis a module and therefore the UPS is modu-lar. However, we will see below that mono-block UPSs are not really a true “modular”topology.

Modular topologies

Modular  UPS  topology  has  developed  inthree distinct stages: Advances in the designof electrical and electronic components, par-ticularly surface mount devices, the introduc-tion  of  Insulated  Gate  Bipolar  Transistors(IGBTs),  and  the  invention  of  the  “Trans-formerless”  UPSs  allowed  Modular  UPStopology  to  develop  from  the  traditionalmono-block UPS of the 1980s through themodular-block architecture of the 1990s tothe rack-mounted modular UPS that we seetoday. 

Traditional mono-block

Most people think of a traditional mono-blockwhen describing a UPS. This topology hasbeen around for the past 50 years or moreand  the  single  floor  standing UPS cabinetcontains all of the system components nec-essary for the UPS to operate. The PCBs,

Modular-block architecture

Developing  UPS  technology  allowed  UPSconstruction methods to evolve, and “mod-ular-block” systems began to appear. In thistype of system each floor standing UPS cab-inet still contains all of the UPS system com-ponents  in a single cabinet BUT the majorsystem components are grouped  togetherinto sub-assemblies that can be consideredmodules. For example, all UPSs have a rec-tifier, an inverter and a static switch. In themodular-block UPS the rectifier module(s), in-verter module(s) and static switch module(s)are all self-contained and can be individuallyremoved from and/or added to the UPS sys-tem (see fig. B and C).

The major benefits of modular-block topologyare increased system availability and systemmaintainability because it is much quicker toreplace, for example, a faulty rectifier modulethan it is to repair a faulty rectifier on site. 

Modularity in Industrial Power Protection Applications

3-phase UPSs that are widely regarded asbeing  “Truly  Modular”  have  been  aroundsince 2001 in the commercial sector; how-ever, despite many operational benefits thistechnology is only just beginning to be ac-cepted in industrial markets. This is largelybecause of  the differences between  com-mercial and industrial users’ priorities, pres-sures and the demands on their equipment. 

A datacentre, for example, is a very dynamicenvironment that is forever changing and re-acting to things like the need for ever higherpower density and ever faster IT system per-formance.  To  maintain  competitiveness  atypical datacentre must upgrade its IT hard-ware every three to four years. By contrast,a power station is relatively stable and oncethe site control, management and telemetrysystems are  installed they are expected to

have  a  useful working  life  of  20-25  years.These large differences in the requirementsof  commercial  and  industrial  applicationsclearly require two very different approachesto the introduction of “new technology”. 

What is “Modularity”?

“Modularity” is “the state of being modular”and “Modular”  is something “related to, orbased upon, modules” so, the big questionis, what is a module? Whilst there isn’t a universally accepted def-inition  of  “Module”, most  engineers wouldagree that a “Module” is “a self-contained de-vice that performs a specific function” so thisis the definition we shall use in this article. Be aware, however, that manufacturers’ Mar-keting departments often blur the lines be-tween the various technologies and topolo-gies so  it  is more  important to understandwhat the technology/topology is rather thanwhat it is called.

4 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016

Page 4: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

Figure E: Uninterrupted and simple module exchange through hot plug technology

Figure D: UPS system with modular plug-in

technology with independent and individual

UPS modules

Figure F: UPS system design as a CPA (Central Parallel 

Architecture) where there is the possibility of a single point 

of failure as no full redundancy exists

Figure G: UPS system design as DPA (Decentralised Parallel

Architecture) – a single point of failure does not exist because

of the full redundancy




Mains 1 Mains 2

Central Parallel Architecture

Decentralised Parallel Architecture

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further information 

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  7

... Modularity – for industrial applications

of Failure (SPOF). If all of the modules are ca-pable of fully independent operation (i.e. theyshare  no  common  components)  they  areDPA (see fig. G). 

The difference between CPA and DPA is im-portant to understand, because whilst CPAsystems are lower cost, their single points offailure may not be acceptable for some ap-plications.  


The operational and commercial benefits oftrue modular UPS technology are too greatto ignore and modular technology/topologywill change industrial power protection in thesame way it has changed commercial powerprotection.

It is necessary to properly understand whatis meant by modularity/modular/module be-cause not all “modules” are really “modular”and to have all the benefits of modularity callsfor modular technology that has “hot swap”

Because UPS modules can be very quicklyand safely exchanged, added to or removedfrom  a  fully  functioning  UPS  system  thistopology maximises system availability whilstenabling system scalability and flexibility. Aswe will see in the “Availability v. Reliability” ar-ticle from this series it is the speed of repairof such UPS systems that maximises theiravailability whilst the “Scalability” and “Flexi-bility” articles will explain how such topologycan reduce both the initial capital cost andthe  running costs of a properly configuredsystem.


There  are  two  common  forms  of  rack-mounted modular topology, known as Cen-tralised Parallel Architecture (CPA) and De-centralised Parallel Architecture (DPA). If anyof the modules in the system share commoncomponents (i.e. they all feed a single staticswitch or all use the same logic/control mod-ule)  they  are  CPA  (see  fig.  F).  Each  suchshared component is a potential Single Point

capability and Decentralised Parallel Archi-tecture (DPA).

The next article in the “ilities” series will dis-cuss the difference between “Availability” and“Reliability” and will consider the impact oftrue modular technology on “N+1” parallel re-dundancy  and  system  repair  times,  andhence system availability. 

author/contact: David Bond

telephone: +44 118 973 8243

e-mail: [email protected]

Modular-block  architecture  systems,  how-ever, still suffer from the lack of “scalability”seen in the Mono-block systems. 

Whilst Modular-block topology is a lot more“modular”  than  the  traditional mono-blockUPS discussed above, and whilst this is anexcellent solution for some specialist appli-cations, this is also not really a true “modular”solution.

Rack-mounted Modular

In this topology each UPS cabinet containsindependent UPS modules that are paralleledto form the complete system. Each moduleis a complete and  independent UPS func-tional unit, which can be  removed  from oradded  to  the  system  without  interruptingpower availability to the critical load. The abil-ity to very quickly remove and/or add mod-ules  into a  fully  functioning UPS system  isoften  referred  to  as  “hot  swap”  or  “safeswap” and is one of the ways that this topol-ogy can be identified (see fig. C and E). 

6 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016

Page 5: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

Installation of the power supply components

and batteries at one of the sites

A total of 52 different locations along the rail

network were fitted with the latest power supply

components and batteries. As of spring 2017,

high-speed trains will travel the new railway line

between Le Mans and Rennes.

UPS system ENERTRONIC modular 

(4 x 20 kVA)

our biggest joint venture. This will contributepositively to BENNING being considered asa competent partner in future projects withERE and  the SNCF  (national  railway com-pany of France). 

author/contact: Jean-Luc Delporte

telephone: +33 232 253508

e-mail: [email protected]

Scan the QR code for

further information 

Close cooperation and coordination

During the project, BENNING and ERE werein close contact with weekly conference calls,and regular meetings at the BENNING plantin Louviers and locally in the immediate vicin-ity of the new railway line. Also, referred to as“Quality Audits”,  the  rest of  the procedurewas planned and tested by customers, withproduct solutions developed  in theory andthen  all  associated  requirements  imple-mented by BENNING. 

While the power systems and battery cabi-nets  were  delivered  July  2014  to  March2015,  the  installation  of  the  batteries  ex-tended from November 2014 to August 2016- in time for the first on-site tests. Commis-sioning is scheduled for May 2017.

Photo: © Photo reproduced by kind permission of EIFFAGE

Worldwide, the total length of all railway networks is over 870,000 km, with23,000 km used exclusively for high-speed trains (minimum speed 250 km/h) – that’s1,750 trains according to the International Union of Railways. One of the busiesthigh-speed routes, “Ligne à grande vitesse Atlantique” (LGV Atlantique) in France,links Paris with the popular holiday destinations Aquitaine, Bretagne and the Paysde la Loire region.

In July 2012, one of the largest and most im-portant European rail projects commenced:the construction of  the 182 km  long “LGVBretagne-Pays de la Loire”, which will extendthe railway line to the city of Le Mans, in thePays de la Loire region, west of Rennes, andwill shorten the Paris to Rennes journey by atleast 30 minutes. This new high-speed linewill be operational by spring 2017. Responsible for the build is rail infrastructurecompany, SNCF Réseau, which formed early2015 after a merger of the existing rail net-work operator Réseau Ferré de France (RFF)with the SNCF areas “SNCF Infra” and “Di-rection de la circulation ferroviaire”.

A €3 billion investment

To secure completion of  the project withinfive years, SNCF Réseau partnered with theconstruction company Eiffage Rail Express(ERE). After the design and production of allnecessary components for the high-speedline, the €3 billion budget will finance the es-

Amongst the scope of supply are:

 15 single rectifiers and three dual rectifiersfrom the THYSAT 110V TDG3 series 33 110V HDI rectifiers a 24V HDI rectifier a UPS system of the    ENERTRONIC modular type (4 x 20 kVA) 1,000 lead-acid batteries (types A412/120FT, A412/170 FT and A412/50 G6) 

   weighing 40 t 100 cabinets with a surface area of 150 m2.

These components will be part of 52 differentsystems and locations along the rail network.

“Pay as you grow” and “Hot Swap”

Even a small disruption can have disastrousconsequences in the energy supply of pro-cess-critical applications, and this is espe-cially true for rail transport. For this reason,BENNING has developed modular and highlyflexible  three-phase UPS systems such asthe ENERTRONIC modular SE. 99.9999%available, the UPS system is a class leader.The modular system design doesn’t includea “single point of failure”; it offers n+x redun-dancy, and combines simplicity and perfor-mance scalability (pay as you grow) with lowoperating costs. The latter are partly due to

“Hot Swap” modularity that allows uninter-rupted module replacement in a very shorttime and is over 96% energy efficient.

Largest joint project

All the above-mentioned features, togetherwith all the other components supplied, op-timally match the technical requirements re-quired  for  this project, providing ERE cus-tomers  with  the  highest  level  of  quality,reliability and service continuity. 

BENNING  and  ERE  have  enjoyed  a  solidpartnership for many years, with a completecooperation in the construction of the “LGVBretagne-Pays de la Loire” line representing

sential maintenance of the infrastructure in-cluding the track substructure, the railroad,signalling and railroad equipment, buildingsand green spaces, plus the construction of a32 km track connecting the existing rail net-work to two temporary terminal stations formaterial logistics.

The objective: a fail-safe operation

Early 2014, BENNING France – together withanother company – was commissioned  toprovide the operating system cabinets, bat-teries and chargers needed for fail-safe op-eration,  ensuring  an  uninterruptible  powersupply for railway signalling, control centresand stations. 

After intensive discussions between BENNINGand ERE, technical planning began in June2014  to  determine  product  specificationsand delivery dates; and coordinating the tim-ing  for  commissions  followed  about  twomonths later.

We’re part of the largest rail project in EuropeBENNING provides Eiffage Rail Express with power systems

and batteries for the new railway line between Le Mans and

Rennes to ensure the power supply for railway stations, control

centres and signalling equipment.

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Page 6: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

Outlet installed correctly - finger contact checks

PE for danger of electric shock.

Socket with wiring errors: Risk of death! 

Outer conductor (L) and protective earth (PE) have been swapped.

Easy handling, 

compact form

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further information 

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  11

the  test  object, which  ensures maximumtester availability.

The high flexibility of the BENNING SDT 1 isapparent not only in its application areas butalso its user groups. On the one hand are theexperienced electricians who consider  thenew socket  tester BENNING a very usefuland practical measuring instrument, mainlywhen the “preliminary” measurement of anoutlet must be performed; on the other hand,electrical work contractors, such as estatemanagement,  can  have  their  caretakersquickly check the work performed by electriccompanies,  observing  that  “Trust  is  good,control is better”. 

Easier and faster testing process

Clearly, the BENNING SDT 1 is a worthwhilepurchase  for electricians, but anyone whohas electrotechnical training (EuPs) or evenlaymen can easily use the socket tester toperform a quick test, whether when buying ahouse, during a house tour or in their ownhome. The simplicity of use and clear LED di-agnostic table allow a simple and rapid testprocedure to be carried out anywhere, with-out  the  need  for  any  specialist  electricalknowledge. This does not replace a reviewby an electrician but it  is enough for a firstbasic test of the sockets. 

Reliable error detection

The BENNING SDT 1 socket tester immedi-ately detects wiring errors, such as missingPE (PE), neutral (N) and outer conductor (L)or the lethal crossover of phase and protec-tive conductor. It clearly shows the user thecurrent state of the outlet via three red LEDdiodes and a LC display. For this reason it isnot necessary to check how the tester is in-serted. 

A comprehensive and clearly arranged statustable on the front panel also provides infor-

a reliable indication of the equipment’s state,which is representative for all BENNING test-ing instruments.


Manufactured for a nominal voltage range of230 V and 50–60 Hz, the BENNING SDT 1socket tester can be used in all countriesthat use connector type E + F (CEE 7/7);that  is  most  European  countries  but  ex-cepting Germany. Together with a customadapter for CEE 230 V outlets, the testercan be used on containers, caravans andboats, replacing the need for batteries thatneed  recharging  or  replacing  every  fewweeks. Plus, the power supply is always via

mation about the correct connection or thetype of error present in the installation at theelectrical outlet. 

Active protective conductor test

A very special feature of the outlet tester isthe active protective conductor test, which istriggered by a simple touch. The finger-touchelectrode warns the user of the presence ofa dangerous contact voltage  (greater  than50 V) on the protective conductor connectionof the electrical outlet. A related icon also ap-pears on the LCD display. In  addition,  the  BENNING  SDT  1  sockettester  provides  a  button  to  trigger  an  up-stream  residual  current  protection  device(FI/RCD) functional test with a rated residualcurrent of the switch up to I ∆n 30 mA. This

does  not  replace  the  safety  control  of  anelectrical installation according to VDE stan-dards, in which the tripping time and trippingcurrent are defined; however, it provides aninitial verification that the protective earth isconnected and capable of carrying a currentin case of failure. This is the equivalent of anFI quick test without a VDE base as, for ex-ample, must be done regularly on buildingsite main switchboxes.It  is  important  to  note  that  should  the BENNING SDT 1 socket tester detect an error,a lay user should act immediately by securingthe  danger  area  and  consulting  an  experi-enced professional. Only they can determinethe exact cause of the error using a profes-sional VDE installation tester, which meets therequirements  of DIN VDE 0413/EN 61557,and fix the problem.

Experience BENNING products live

At  a  time  to  be  confirmed,  the  BENNINGSDT 1 will be available at electrical whole-salers, tool retailers, and specialist construc-tion outlets. Electrical exhibitions and tradepartner events will also provide opportunitiesto see the socket tester  in action and dis-cover its ease of use and user friendliness foryourself. 

author/contact: Tobias Enck

telephone: +49 2871 93 111

e-mail: [email protected]

A professional approach is top priority when testing safety sockets. Carelessnessin the daily routine can be responsible for installation errors, which cannot be de-tected immediately by the user. For instance, an electric cable current conductorspringing off the contacts during insertion in the socket cavity could be very dan-gerous or an incorrectly installed or subsequently manipulated electrical outlet canlead to great personal danger and property damage.

But the necessary VDE installation testers arenot always available for the proper testing ofelectrical  equipment.  In  these  cases,  it  ismore important and practical to be able to fallback  on  a  reliable  electrical  outlet  tester,which enables not only qualified electriciansbut also “amateurs" to effect fast and easychecking without compromising safety. The new socket tester BENNING SDT 1 hascomplied  with  these  requirements  sinceSeptember  2016.  Also,  the  existing  test,measurement and protection equipment pro-gram is extended with a socket tester for theeasy checking of the correct connection of230 V safety sockets, cable reels and exten-sion cables. All of this comes with the easeof use, speed and secure display, providing

Fast and simple testing of safety socketsThe new socket tester, BENNING SDT 1, is successful thanks to its simple operation and high

user-friendliness, with active PE fault detection possible by easy finger contact.

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Page 7: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

lems  for millions of  citizens,  so  efforts  aremade  to maintain  the supply under all cir-cumstances,  including  in  the  event  of  a“blackout”.

As part of the Federal Ministry of Economicsand Technology (BMWi), the research project“LINDA”,  grid  operator  LEW  VerteilnetzGmbH (LVN) and BEW (Bayerische Elektriz-itätswerke GmbH) examine how in the eventof  a  large-scale  power  outage,  the  localpower supply of important consumers, suchas  the  high-performance  pumps  of WFW,can be restored with renewable energy. Tothis  end,  after  theoretical  calculations,  thefirst field trials were successfully undertakenat the Feldheim hydropower plant, the WFWWaterworks in Genderkingen and a biogasplant, as a so-called grid island. The Feldheim hydropower plant, which rep-resented a core component of  the experi-ment, is one of the few power plants that can

Water supply for 1.3 million people

As the largest long-distance water supplier inBavaria,  the  special  purpose  associationWasserversorgung Fränkischer Wirtschaft-sraum  (WFW)  is  responsible  for  the watersupply  to approximately 1.3 million peopleover a 3,400 km2 area and extends beyondthe borders of their own distribution area. In addition to the regional development andtransport of drinking water, they must alsoensure that the quality of the drinking wateris in accordance with DIN 2000. In collabo-ration with a specially accredited laboratory,inspections are periodically carried out, forexample,  in the water catchment basin, atthe wells and in the waterworks.

Highest security

Any failure of the water supply would, withina short period of time, lead to massive prob-

be “black started”. This means that shouldthere be a “black-out”, the energy supply canbe restored independently as an “island”. Forthis, the connection to a nationwide grid isnot required; however, the timespan beforethe water supply is reconnected to the gridmust be safely bridged by battery back-upsystems.

Modernisation required

To make it possible for WFW to fulfil its tasksas best as possible, the devices are alwayskept wholly up to date. They feature a highdegree of automation to meet strict safetystandards and are subject to careful inspec-tion and maintenance, so as not to exceedthe end-of-life periods. The  Genderkingen  site  replaced  their  oldequipment, including the rectifier and invertersystem in one of the horizontal water supplywell filters of the waterworks. 

Water is the most strictly controlled nu-trient in Germany. Thanks to the drink-ing water regulations, passed in 2001,there are clear safeguards for protect-ing human health. However, if you con-sider other European countries such aspopular holiday destinations Spain andPortugal, you’ll see that water qualityvaries widely with evaluations rangingfrom “safe to drink” up to the warning“hazardous to health when consumedin large quantities”.

Germany also adheres to filtering andcleaning operations to ensure a consis-tently high water quality. Instrumentalin this is the daily work of what areknown as “water special purpose asso-ciations” – regional groupings of mu-nicipalities and cities that look after thesustainable protection of the regionalwater supply.

Safe power for high water qualityOver a million people are supplied with drinking water from the

special purpose association “Wasserversorgung Fränkischer

Wirtschaftsraum”. BENNING supplies the necessary power.

The water reserves of WFW are in the Lech

and Danube estuaries. They comprise a total

of 4,130 hectares, of which 1,375 hectares

are forest, and this is the location of Water-

works Genderkingen (pictured right).

Waterworks Genderkingen


hydropower plant

To maximise system availability and efficiency,

the WFW favoured the adoption of a modular

system set up in a n+1 redundancy scheme. 

In response, BENNING designed a system

based on hot-pluggable TEBECHOP HDI recti-

fiers and INVERTRONIC compact inverters.

Modular rectifier TEBECHOP 3000 HDI, 

Output 24 V / 350 A

Modular inverter 

INVERTROINC compact with EUE, 

Output 230 V - 4.5 kVA

Water chamber in elevated tank

Photo: © Herbert Liedel

Photo: © Nürnberger Luftbild Hajo Dietz 

Photo: © Nürnberger Luftbild

Hajo Dietz 

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The site modernisation project also requiredthe plant availability and efficiency to be max-imised. In this context, for the bridging of thenecessary power supply system, the WFWwas in favour of the adoption of a modularsystem setup in a n+1 redundancy scheme. The latter ensures that in the event of a com-ponent’s failure, the power required by thehorizontal water supply well filter would re-main protected. In addition, “hot-plug” capa-ble power modules were required, a featurethat contributes to reducing the time neces-sary for replacement and service. The num-ber of modules can be adjusted dependingon future power needs (scalability).

Positive recommendation

In looking for an experienced manufacturerof power supply systems, capable of opti-mally  satisfying  the  above-mentioned  re-quirements, WFW followed the recommen-dation of  their  long-standing partner, BEWwho had used BENNING Power Supply Sys-tems at many  locations for decades. Theirendorsement  ensured  that BENNING wasconsidered as project partner. The BEW ex-ecutive were particularly  impressed by  thehigh quality of the products offered, the ex-pertise in modern system design and the ex-tremely competent customer service. In ad-

dition to this recommendation, BENNING al-ready had several well-known water compa-nies as customers and were able to show abroad portfolio of favourable references.

Intensive planning phase

The  first  technical  planning  of  the  projectbegan in early May 2016, when BENNINGpresented potential system solutions follow-ing a written invitation from the head of theGenderkingen working group. Based on thisand in-depth discussion, it developed a sys-tem concept optimally tailored to the needsand necessities of the application. 

The power system supplied by BENNING includes a rectifier system, based on TEBECHOP 3000 HDI modules (24 V and

70 A); a 24 V battery system with twice 335 Ah for a scheduled back-up time of 12 hours; an inverter system made up of 

inverter modules of the INVERTRONIC compact series that enable an output of up to 8,800 VA; and a remote MCU 2500

monitoring system. The latter is used for visualising the condition of the system and can be integrated via Modbus and 

Profibus adapters into the customer's monitoring systems.

View of the horizontal water supply well filter 

at the Genderkingen waterworks

The pumping station

The groundwater in the Lech estuary is captured

by three horizontal filter wells, which are twelve me-

tres deep with a diameter of five meters. Each well

shaft has six 35-metre long horizontal filter lines laid

at a depth of ten meters via which the groundwater

enters from the quaternary gravels. 

Three submersible pumps are installed in each well

shaft to carry the raw water to the treatment plant

at the waterworks Genderkingen. The wells have a

maximum production capacity of 700 – 900 litres

per second.

The power system supplied by BENNING ensures

that the power consumption of the horizontal water

supply well filter in case of a power failure is cov-

ered without interruption.

Ground waterleading layer

(quaternary gravel)

Topset bed(silt)



Ø 5 m

Pump room

Horizontal water supply well filter

Measuring and controldevices



Submersiblepump 12


35 m

6 filter tubes(radiating below 60°)

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Photo: © WFW

Photo: © WFW

Page 9: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

About Valeo

In  2015,  Valeo  achieved  sales  of  EUR14.5 billion and invested more than 10%of its sales revenue in research and de-velopment. Currently, the group has 134production facilities, 17 research centres,35 development centres and 15 distribu-tion  platforms,  and  employs  around82,800  people  in  30  countries  world-wide. This includes the Polish industrialcity, Skawina, where Valeo AutosystemySp. z o. o. has its headquarters.

The control centre in Genderkingen is where WFW’s information systems

integrate. Over the remote monitoring and MCU 2500 monitoring system

the status of the power system is also available at any time.

Scan the QR code for

further information 

Photo: © WFW

Foto: © WFW

Photo: © WFW

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Two weeks  later, BENNING transmitted  itsfirst CAD-construction design draft. All indi-vidual customer feedback in relation to theswitchgear and, for example, the desired ter-minal type, was considered. 

Being  close  to  the  Genderkingen  water-works,  the  regional  BENNING  SouthernBranch could respond quickly to customerrequests. BENNING also independently en-quired about the DC and AC distribution sys-tems specifically designed for WFW with thecomponent suppliers, and integrated theminto the system costing and design. The illus-trated offer followed on 25 May. Then, furtherto consultation with WFW and some minoradjustments, BENNING submitted the finaltechnical bid early June. Negotiations in lateJuly proved successful as BENNING won thecontract and initiated a partnership markedby great mutual trust. 

High availability and flexibility

The modern DC and AC power supply sys-tem started its operation in early November,only a few weeks after delivery. In addition toits high availability and energy efficiency, it isnotable for  its flexible system concept andscalable performance. A result offered by themodular design, which combined with  therectifier and inverter plug-and-play capabilityincreases system availability and significantlyreduces operating costs, because, for exam-ple, a module exchange can be carried outby the plant operator on site.

An ongoing project

Although formal factory acceptance is yet totake place, WFW has already requested an-other  system  for  use  in  an  elevated  tank.BENNING  earned  this  vote  of  confidence

due  to  their  excellent  project  planning,  acomprehensive  approval  documentation(which was  partially  visualised  in  3D),  andtheir common-sense approach. This  is thefoundation for solid teamwork, which will helpto ensure the delivery of drinking and indus-trial water to a population of 1.3 million. 

author/contact: Claus Kirmaier

telephone: +49 8332 936363

e-mail: [email protected]

In a practical sense, the advantages of LIONIC®

energy system brings, and  the  impact  theproduct has on energy consumption and op-erating costs,  among other  things,  is per-fectly  illustrated through the recent projectwith  Valeo  Autosystemy,  a  leading  globalsupplier for the automotive and commercialvehicle industry.

Efficient material handling

For optimal control of internal material flow,Valeo Autosystemy Sp. z o.o. relies on thepallet trucks supplied by Still GmbH, a globalpartner specialising in custom-made internallogistics solutions. These are lithium-ion bat-tery powered pallet trucks. The use of thesesystems offers Valeo the possibility of han-dling  the  rising  stock  turnover  and  savingstorage space, travel time and costs more ef-ficiently, whilst ensuring the highest level offlexibility at the same time.

BENNING LIONIC® energy systems based on lithium iron phosphate technologyhave been used in various parts of the materials handling industry for several years.The results are very positive and confirm their significant economic and ecologicaladvantages compared to lead acid traction batteries.

Lithium-ion Energy Systems

The  advantages mentioned  above  can  befully exploited if each pallet truck has a pow-erful and highly  reliable power source. Forthis reason, the company has been increas-ingly relying on the LIONIC® energy systems,made  of  lithium  iron  phosphate  (LiFePO4)cells, which were delivered by BENNING atthe beginning of 2016. 

Highly efficient energy system for intralogisticsThe automotive supplier Valeo Autosystemy Sp. z o.o. makes its

internal transport more flexible with LIONIC® energy systems.

Depending on the vehicle type, lithium 

energy systems can be charged locally 

and with BELATRON Li+ on-board chargers.

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tralised battery charging stations (for exam-ple DIN 50272-3, BGHW, leaflet ZVEI) don’tapply, so establishing a charging station forour LIONIC® Energy system doesn’t requireinvestment in special ventilation systems oracid resistant material for the floor.

LIONIC® Energy systems can be rechargedat any time, which gives flexible use duringshifts, and so an increase in resource utilisa-tion and cost efficiency. For example, if theintermediate charging sessions are carriedout during the two breaks of a two-shift op-eration, with a typical duration of 15 and an-other 30 minutes a day, there will no longerbe the need for a spare battery. And with acharging current of 0.75 C, the long breakprovides a charge of about 37.5%.

Pn: How many LIONIC® Energy systems hasValeo now been provided with, and were anyother products part of the deal?

Szewczyk: At  the  end  of  2015  and  the beginning of 2016, BENNING supplied 35pieces 24 V / 240 Ah LIONIC® Energy sys-tems for Still pallet trucks of the EXD-SF, EXV-SF14 and EXV-14C types; a 24 V / 360 Ah LIONIC® Energy system for a Still multifunc-tional tractor of the KANVAN type; and LiCubeLithium-Ion-Batteries with 24 V / 120 Ah forStill  Transport  systems of  the LTX20  type;plus several on-board chargers with externalcharge  state  and  status  display.  And  100BELATRON high-efficiency charging systems

Szewczyk: Lead-acid batteries supply elec-tric operated vehicles with only 64% of thecomplete  energy  acquired  from  the  grid.Whereas, with LIONIC® energy systems theavailable energy for the vehicle increases toover 85%. The reason for this is that their ef-ficiency is approximately 93%, which is no-tably higher than that of lead acid batteries. 

The higher efficiency is due to charging withvirtually no charging  factor and a  reducedvoltage deviation and temperature increaseduring charge and discharge, which leads toa significantly better energy efficiency. Com-pared to lead acid batteries, each chargingsession requires 30% less electrical energy,which also reduces electric energy costs andthe relevant CO2 emissions. 

Pn: A further advantage is that, compared tolead-acid batteries, the LIONIC® Energy sys-tems can be charged at decentralised charg-ing stations. What cost savings result fromthis and from being able to carry out interme-diate charging sessions?

Szewczyk: Well, in many cases, the decen-tralised charging stations can be reachedvia shorter journeys and this contributes tosignificant cost savings in many cases. Ad-ditionally, we should also mention that nogassing  occurs  during  the  charging  pro-cess, and the LIONIC® Energy systems donot contain liquid electrolyte. For these rea-sons, many  of  the  special  rules  for  cen-

for 48 V and 80 V lead-acid batteries werealso provided because lithium-ion batterieswere not yet available for these voltages. 

Pn: How would you describe the coopera-tion between BENNING and Valeo?

Szewczyk: In my view,  it  is  a partnershipbased  on  trust  in  which  both  companiesbenefit greatly from the other. Valeo receivesa combination of tailored products, best ser-vice and extensive expertise from BENNING,and our company benefits from the presti-gious and positive recommendation of Valeo.And thanks to this, we have already gainedadditional large companies as customers towhom we offer the same or similar energystorage solutions.  

Pn: Mr. Szewczyk, thank you for the very in-formative interview.

author/contact: Mariusz Szewczyk

telephone: + 48 22 757 84 53

e-mail: [email protected]

offer a significantly lower energy density. Isthis the key factor that convinced Valeo to in-creasingly rely on LIONIC®?

Szewczyk: Starting at the end of 2014, aspart  of  several months of  technical  plan-ning, we had intensive discussions with var-ious Valeo employees. It became clear thatthere were a variety of  reasons  for whichthe  Lithium-Ion  Systems  produced  by BENNING should be taken into considera-tion.  The major  criterion  was,  that  these

How the collaboration came about, and thekey advantages provided by the lithium-iontechnology compared to lead-acid solutions,was  the  topic  of  conversation  between“POWER  news”  (Pn)  and  Mr.  Szewczyk,Sales Director of BENNING Power Electron-ics Sp. z o.o..

Pn: Mr.  Szewczyk,  lead-acid  batteries  –thanks to having a lifetime of several years –are  considered  reliable  and  cost-effectivebut, in contrast to lithium-ion batteries, they

systems don't require a separate chargingarea or battery room compared to a  leadacid solution. The saved battery space would create ad-ditional space for production. The objectivewas,  of  course,  also  to  increase  the  effi-ciency of internal logistics.

Pn: Lithium-Ion-Energy  systems  whencompared  to  lead-acid  batteries  have  amuch higher efficiency. But what does thatmean in numbers?

70 % 92 % 100 %


93 % 92 % 100 %

64 %


LIONIC® Energy systems offer up to 30% energy savings

Mains energy

Charger Battery

Mains energy

Charger Battery

Usable energy

Usable energy

Scan the QR code for

further information 

The BELATRON Li+ on-board charger is installed

compactly in the battery compartment.

The current system status is

clearly visible at all times via 

the external charge level and 

status display.

Comparison of the usable energy between 

lead and lithium batteries

Installation situation of a LIONIC® energy system 

in a pallet truck

LIONIC® Energy systems and

BELATRON Li+ charging system

... flexible, efficient, economic


18 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016

Page 11: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  2120 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016

Whether car tyres, crankshaft or air-craft turbines, every rigid body that ro-tates around a fixed axis requires bal-ancing from time to time; otherwise, animbalance can occur that can lead tovibration, increased wear or – at highspeeds – even destruction.

A subsidiary of global-technology conglom-erate DÜRR AG, SCHENCK RoTec GmbHspecialises in custom balancing and qualitydiagnostic systems for industries and busi-ness sectors ranging from automotive to me-chanical engineering and from the turboma-chinery industry to aerospace. Balancing isan important step for the quality of rotatingand oscillating components, and simultane-ously contributes to increase their service life. 

Optimisation of technology

Wanting to expand and optimise the balanc-ing technology of its repair work in Bocholt,in March 2016 BENNING decided to workwith SCHENCK RoTec GmbH. With SCHENCK a world leader in balancingand diagnostics technology, and represent-ing the Non Plus Ultra in this area – and notforgetting the crucial role played by the bal-ancing  machine  previously  provided  bySCHENCK – it was an easy decision.

With  the  current  cooperation  agreement running for a minimum term of five years,BENNING hopes that this successful collab-oration will long continue.

High mechanical load capacity up to 50 tons

In 2011, BENNING invested in machinery atBocholt  to  enable  the  repair  of  large ma-chines  weighing  up  to  120  tons.  And  inNovember 2016, they upgraded balancingtechnology equipment, which increased themanageable maximum weight of rotors from10 to 50 tonnes ensuring greater flexibility intheir daily work. 

This was made possible by the newly com-missioned SCHENCK horizontal  balancingmachine, type HM70U. It provides safe high-speed  and  accurate  balancing  for  a  widerange of motors, allowing cylindrical rotorswith integral shaft journals, as well as disc-shaped rotors with auxiliary shafts, to be pro-cessed. Typical rotors include electric arma-tures,  rollers,  turbines,  spindles,  turbocharger, crankshafts, ventilators, pump im-pellers,  drive  elements,  tool  holders  andgears. The  maximum  rotor  diameter  of  the  newwheel balancer is 3,600 mm (over the bed),

New balancing machine for a wide range of machinesAs a result of the machine park extension, BENNING has

expanded its balancing technology with balancing of rotors

up to 50 tonnes now possible.

the bearing clearance is a maximum 8,000mm  and,  with  a  drive  power  of  160  kW,transmission speeds of up to 4,400 revolu-tions per minute can be achieved.

Insensitive to shocks

Thanks to its very narrow but stable pedestals,the machine guarantees a high overall rigidityand linearity with very low damping action.This is where the proven SCHENCK force-measuring principle comes into play. It means that the middle part of the bearingpedestal (designed as a strong dynamome-ter) and the transducer are outside the forcepath, which is why they are resistant to im-pact – a principle that allows quick change -over times.Even  after  commissioning,  the  balancerHM70U using various plug-ins (e.g. for masscorrection) can be extended at any time andeasily adapted to new performance require-ments (“pay as you grow”).

Fast and safe working

An important part of type HM70U is the CAB920 SmartTouch software that  is deliveredwith the machine and currently the latest ver-sion  offered  by  the  SCHENCK  company.With this, the proven measurement technol-

ogy remains unchanged and of the highestquality. CAB 920 combines high measure-ment precision with simple operation, condi-tions  that  allow  fast  and  safe  work  for BENNING with every conceivable technicalrotor type. Any  changes  in  standards  and  guidelinesthat make a system update necessary canbe implemented quickly and easily. Likewise,at the Bocholt repair work plant, BENNINGcan test technical improvements in hardwareand  software  in  advance,  which  will  beplaced on the market by SCHENCK. Offeringthe highest precision and quality, BENNINGcan ensure maximum customer satisfactionas  they  benefit  from  the  most  up-to-datetechnology. 

author/contact: Matthias Loerwink

telephone: +49 2871 93 318

e-mail: [email protected]

Scan the QR code for

further information 

Balancing service 

up to 50 tons

Universal Horizontal Balancing 


Page 12: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits

BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016  |  23

Also, the power supply unit has a steppedoverload profile so that if there is a suddenvoltage drop, the 12 V and 7 A video supplyremains stable. The additional patient circuitsupply (36 V, 6 A and 220 W) contributes tothe maximum security and availability withhigh insulation values. 

When the Medical Power Supply NT600W isinstalled for use in a vertical position, it alsohas convectional cooling, which eliminatesthe need for (and the noise of) the rotatingauxiliary fan, so improving patient care. Andbeing >92% efficient, the power supply fullysatisfies current demands for high-energy ef-ficiency. 

Beginning of the series, March 2017

BENNING delivered the first samples of OEMpower supply in autumn 2015 to Dentsply Sirona Bensheim, where they were put intoservice shortly afterwards. 

Delivery of the fully developed preproductionMedical NT600W Power Supply is scheduledfor January 2017, with series production dueto  begin  in March.  It’s  another  successful

Strict safety regulations

The patient industry must observe strict, in-ternationally established standards of electri-cal safety, especially when equipment has di-rect  physical  contact  with  the  patient,  forinstance when treatment involves the use ofan intra-oral camera (with which the dentisttakes  pictures  of  the  teeth).  This must  becompliant with medical standard EN 60601. 

Plus,  a  well-protected  consumer  circuit  isconsidered top priority for current supply. 

A reliable OEM power supply unit

Needing a strong partner for the power sup-ply of treatment units, Dentsply Sirona Ben-sheim chose BENNING. And in accordancewith the customer’s requirements, BENNINGdeveloped  the  Medical  Power  SupplyNT600W – a high-quality, highly-reliable OEMpower supply unit, which  is partly charac-terised by a high pulse power of 36 V and50 A for 10 seconds. This is used in the mo-tors of the dentist chair to ensure that pa-tients of any weight can be quickly and safelybrought into the correct position. 

product  of  the  now  30-year old partnership be-tween the two compa-nies,  during  whichtime BENNINGhas repeatedly demonstratedits ability  totransformknow-howand hightechnicalrequire-ments intomarketablesolutions. 

It is planned that BENNING will develop further newOEM power supplies  for other products  inthe series from Dentsply Sirona – a collabo-ration  that  will  continue  to  improve  oralhealthcare globally.. 

author/contact: Reinhard Erfen

telephone: +49 2163 500 994

e-mail: [email protected]

Medical equipment is usually very sensi-tive to electromagnetic interference. Ac-cording to medical standard EN 60601(amongst others), a reliable and effectiveinsulation is required between the mainsinput of the power supply, its internal highvoltage levels and its DC output. Regula-tions  such  as  these  contribute  signifi-cantly to the prevention of electric shockand to the safety of the patient.

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further information 

Recent studies show that most Ger-mans are satisfied with their dentistand four out of five would recommendthem, but an online survey reveals that16% of patients think their surgery isoutdated. Contributing significantly to the ad-vancement of patient care and globalimprovement in dental health, the UScompany Dentsply Sirona first collabo-rates with dentists and dental labora-tories to then develop and make high-quality products for dental practices,laboratories and clinics. They are thelargest manufacturer of professionaldental products and technologies pro-ducing instruments, computerisedCAD/CAM reconstruction systems, 3Ddigital X-ray equipment, treatment cen-tres and consumables.

Demanding treatment centres

An  integral  part  of  the  extensive  productrange  includes  worldwide-deployed  treat-ment units Sinius, Teneo and Intego. Theseare highly modern dental chairs with exactingrequirements for quality, security and work-flow.  Integrated desktop module  functionsand innovative controls with numerous addi-tional  options  contribute  to  efficient  treat-ment. Simultaneously, the patients benefit from thehighest level of safety and comfort. To meetthe highest demands, a reliable power supplysystem is essential. If this is not stable, withinthe required tolerances or even fails, a treat-ment unit  stops  functioning and  the  treat-ment process must be stopped immediately,which could result in long downtimes for adental practice. 

OEM power supply for the world’slargest medical technology companyBENNING supports Dentsply Sirona in the safe power supply

for high-quality demanding treatment units.

22 |  BENNING  |  POWER news |  7/2016Photo: © photo reproduced by kind permission of Dentsply Sirona

Page 13: Understanding modularity – Advantages and benefits


Fairs, events and appointments2017

eltec11/01 – 13/01 in Nuremberg/Germany

elektrotechnik 15/02 – 17/02 in Dortmund/Germany

SIFER21/03 – 23/03 in Lille / France

eltefa29/03 – 31/03 in Stuttgart/Germany

elcom18/04 – 21/04 in Kiev/Ukraine

ENERGETIKA & ELEKTROTECHNIKA25/04 – 28/04 in St. Petersburg / Russia

elfack09/05 – 12/05 in Gothenburg/Sweden

greenPOWER23/05 – 25/05 in Poznań/Poland

Gas.Oil.Technologies23/05 – 26/05 in Ufa/Russia

intersolar/ees Europe31/05 – 02/06 in Munich/Germany

MIOGE27/06 – 30/06 in Moscow/Russia

ENERGETAB12/09 – 14/09 in Bielsko-Biala/Poland

efa20/09 – 22/09 in Leipzig/Germany

TRAKO26/09 – 29/09 in Gdansk/Poland

Energy of Ural region18/10 – 21/10 in Ufa/Russia

ADIPEC13/11 – 16/11Abu Dhabi / United Arab Emirates

10151956.07 GB | 12/2016 | paus Design & Medien, Bocholt | Subject to alterations. Printed on chlorine free paper.

All details provided without liability

BENNING Elektrotechnik und Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG 

Factory IMünsterstr. 135-137 

Factory II Robert-Bosch-Str. 20 


Tel.: +49 2871 93 0 Fax: +49 2871 93 297 

E-Mail: [email protected]

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