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Page 1: Unit 1 10th Grade


Cristian Fontanez L.English TeacherMA in English Teaching

10th Grade

Page 2: Unit 1 10th Grade

Don’t forget to review some vocabulary… An earthquake An avalanche A tsunami A nuclear A volcano

More “keywords” on page 124!!!

Page 3: Unit 1 10th Grade
Page 4: Unit 1 10th Grade

What can you say about the Mona Lisa?

It was painted in 1502. It was bought in 1984. It was stolen in 1990. It was given back last month.

Page 5: Unit 1 10th Grade

Grammar: Past Simple Passive The passive can be used: -when the “doer” is understood or not



The city of Los Angeles was built on top of the

San Andreas fault.

-in formal writing, to focus on what happens, not who does it.


Many stores were looted after the earthquake.

Page 6: Unit 1 10th Grade

Grammar: Past Simple PassiveTo form the past simple passive, we


BE (Past) VERB (Past Participle)

The city of Los Angeles was built on top of the San Andreas fault.



Were (plural)

Page 7: Unit 1 10th Grade

Let’s try…

A tsunami hit some places in the south of Chile.


The south of Chile was hit by a tsunami.

Page 8: Unit 1 10th Grade

Great Natural Disasters Order the events. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs: hit – bury – melt –

burn - kill

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Page 10: Unit 1 10th Grade

Grammar: a/an/the

A prisoner or the prisoner?

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Use a or an to talk about something the reader or listener doesn’t know about.

Use the to talk about something the reader or listener knows about (it’s identified).

Page 12: Unit 1 10th Grade

Choose the correct answer.Order the events.

___The prison managers ordered a / the / an complete change of locks.

___A / the / an prisoner memorised the shape!

___He made a / the / an copies from a plastic mirror!

___A / the / an prisoner copied a / the / an vital set of keys.


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Developing Grammar in Context. Cambridge University Press.

English in Mind 2B. Cambridge University Press.

Timesaver Visual Grammar. Mary Glasgow Magazines.

Timesaver Grammar Activities. Mary Glasgow Magazines.

Page 14: Unit 1 10th Grade

Knowledge Quiz!1. When ____ the first playing cards /

use / China?a)

2. Where ____ the first reading glasses / invent?a)

3. When ____ Chile / discover?a) 1545 b)1535 c) 1555

4. Who ____ “ “ /write by?

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