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  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Supply ChainManagement

    MetricsUNIT 1 LECTURE 7 &8

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Management "Strategic !#$ecti%es

    Pr! ts"a#s!lute an' gr!(thSales" a#s!lute an' gr!(th

    Mar)et share"a#s!lute an' gr!(th

    Supply chain per !rmance

    Cust!mer satis acti!n Pr!'uct *uality an' ser%ice Pr!'uct 'e%el!pment" time t! mar)et

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    ,hy measure supply chainper !rmance

    C!mpetiti%e en%ir!nment calls !r spee'y- c!st e.cient an'relia#le supply chain

    Supply Chains ha%e a huge le%erage !n creati!n ! cust!mer%alue

    T!'ay/s c!mpetiti!n is 0supply chain %ersus supply chain/ ,hat gets measure'- gets impr!%e'

    MEASUREMENT is the )ey t! per !rmance managementsince

    I y!u cannot measure s!mething- y!u cannot control it

    I y!u cannot control s!mething- y!u cannot manage it

    I y!u cannot manage s!mething- y!u cannot improve it

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Supply Chain Per !rmance Management 3 )eyp!ints

    All businesses need performance management Supply chains constitutes costs to organizations

    Measurement, control, review and corrective methods needed

    Cost-effectiveness and performance effectiveness are vital

    Strength and performance only as good as weakest link Performance measures needed specific to firm to enable

    improvements! and to industry"competitors to enable


  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Management

    Tra'iti!nally- per !rmance management has #een 'e%el!pe' asa #asis !r m!nit!ring an' c!ntr!lling an !rgani5ati!n 6ut these ha%e #een primarily #ase' !n nancial rati!s li)e R I-EPS an' R

    ,hile these are %alue #ase' - they are lagging in'icat!rs- an''! n!t pr!%i'e help !r planning uture in%estments n!r pr!%i'e

    clues !r per !rmance impr!%ement They s!lely c!ncentrate !n minimi5ing c!sts an' increasingla#!r e.ciency #ut neglecting !perati!nal per !rmancemeasures li)e *uality- !n time an' ull 'eli%ery am!ngst !thers

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance %is":"%is C!mpetiti!n SCM c!mpetiti%eness is 'eri%e' r!m success le%els;criteria in Pr!'uct;eli%ery;Resp!nsi%eness C!mpetiti%eness

    ?ey is t! see (hat cust!mers e@pect- h!( y!ur c!mpetiti!n is '!ing an' (hat'! (e nee' t! '! t! #ri'ge an' e@cee' that gap

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Raising the Per !rmance 6ar !rc!mpetiti%e a'%antage

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Measures "!%erall BSC R #asis

    C!st 3internal acing

    ssets Utili5ati!n" internal acing

    Relia#ility 3 cust!mer acing

    Dle@i#ility 3 cust!mer acing

    SC R Supply Chain perati!ns Re erence #asis BSupply Chain C!uncil

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Measures "Dinancial

    #aw material and other ac$uisition costs %acilities investment costs &irect and indirect manufacturing costs &irect and indirect distribution costs 'nventory holding costs

    (ransport costs- inbound and outbound Activity based costs like material handling, assembling,outsourcing etc)

    Costs due to customer returns" re*ects" replacements #atio of net sales to assets employed

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Measures "N!n"Dinancial Measures

    Customer satisfaction levels, periodic customer surveys Conformances to agreed performance $uality specs, $uantity, schedule etc 'nventory level days of sale! Cash to cash cycle time days of receivable and days of inventory less day

    outstanding payables!

    +ead times- production, procurement) Cycle times- production, procurement, customer order fulfillment)

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Measures "L!gistics

    Dreight c!sts per unit (eight;unit %!lume ,areh!using c!sts per unit ! thr!ughput L!gistical pac)aging c!sts per unit pr!'uct;%!lume;(eight La#!r c!st per pr!'uct;(eight ;%!lume L!gistics assets utili5ati!n L!gistics pr!'ucti%ity per !rmance L!gistics cycle time per !rmanceRe%erse l!gistics relate' c!sts;returns;'amage' st!c)s

    All such costs to be fnally measured as percent o sales and per unitvolume and per unit weight

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Per !rmance Measures "In%ent!rynventory turnover ratio !T"#!$# %Total investment in inventory&Annual sales '())

    nventory turns !TN# !number#%Annual sales&Total investment in inventory

    Total inventory days !T *# ! number#%Total investment in inventory&Annual Sales ' +,-

    *ays o sales outstanding !*S"# ! number#%Accounts receivable&Annual sales ' +,-

    *ays o payable outstanding !*."# !number#% Accounts payable&/alue o rawmaterials consumed ' +,-

    0ash to cash cycle !00*# !days#% T *1*S"2*."

    RM inventory !days#% Raw material inventory&/alue o raw materials consumed ' +,-

    3 . inventory !days#%3 . inventory&/alue o production ' +,-

    45 inventory! days#% 45 inventory&Annual sales ' +,-

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SCM Per !rmance 6ene ts "t!

    Cust!mers uicker response to demands etter products"services Competitive pricing of products"services %aster supplies reducing inventories


  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SCM Per !rmance 6ene ts " t!Suppliers

    More business growth #educed operational costs %aster communication for timely decisions 'mproved business .partner relationships

    /rganizational effectiveness and efficiency


  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Measurement ppr!aches

    Supply Chain C!uncil/s Supply Chain perati!ns Re erence BSCRe erence M!'el 3 e@amining c!st- assets- relia#ility an' He@i#ility metri

    6alance Sc!recar'" assessment #ase' !n nancial- cust!mer- internal

    #usiness & learning;gr!(th perspecti%es

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Pr!cess Re erence M!'el This contains6 Standard descriptions o management processes

    A ramewor7 o relationships among the standard processes

    Standard metrics to measure process per ormance

    Management practices that produce best2in2 class per ormance

    Standard alignment to eatures and unctionality

    "nce captured as a standard process re erence model can be6 mplemented purpose ully to achieve competitive advantage

    *escribed unambiguously and communicated

    Measured8 managed and controlled

    Tuned and re2tuned to a specifc purpose

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SCM Pr!cess Re erence M!'el >ra(s r!m #est in #usiness pr!cess reengineering-#enchmar)ing an' #est practices analysis as applie' t! SCM Captures the as 3isJ state ! SCM pr!cesses an' 'eri%es the'esire' t!"#eJ uture state

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el" 9 C!re Management Pr!cesses

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R is urther 'i%i'e' !r each entity insupply chain

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el " 9 C!re Management Pr!cesses .lan 2 pr!cesses that #alance aggregate 'eman' an' supply t! 'e%el!p ac!urse ! acti!n (hich #est meets s!urcing- pr!'ucti!n an' 'eli%eryre*uirements

    Source 3 pr!cesses that pr!cure g!!'s an' ser%ices t! meet planne' !ractual 'eman'

    Ma7e 3 pr!cesses that trans !rm pr!'uct t! a nishe' state t! meet planne'an' actual 'eman'

    *eliver 3 pr!cesses that pr!%i'e nishe' g!!'s an' ser%ices t! meet actualan' planne' 'eman'- typically inclu'ing !r'er management- transp!rtati!nmanagement an' 'istri#uti!n management

    Return 3 pr!cesses ass!ciate' (ith returning !r recei%ing returne' pr!'ucts!r any reas!ns- (hich e@ten's t! p!st 'eli%ery cust!mer supp!rt

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M >EL "Meth!'!l!gyB1

    Le%el 1 naly5e 6asis ! C!mpetiti!n Le%el + C!n gure Supply"Chain

    Le%el 2 lign Per !rmance Le%els- Practices an'Systems

    Le%el 4 Implement Supply"Chain Pr!cesses an'Systems

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M >EL "Sc!pe

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M >EL "Meth!'!l!gyB+

    Phase 1" 'e%el!p a SC R car' listing c!mpetit!rs an'c!llecti!n ! c!mpetiti%e per !rmance measures 'ata Phase +" 'etaile' analysis ! material H!(s t! i'enti yimpr!%ement sc!pe t! cl!se c!mpetiti%e gap

    Phase 2"mapping material H!(s al!ng (ith (!r) an'in !rmati!n H!(s t! un'erstan' pr!cesses an'acti%ities

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el Measures "internal acingB C!st

    T!tal l!gistics c!st =alue a''e' pr!'ucti%ity ,arranty c!st ssets

    Cash t! cash cycle time In%ent!ry 'ays ! supply sset turns

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el Measures "internal acing T!tal l!gistics c!st" c!ntri#uti!n ! l!gistics c!st t! t!tal re%enue as K age

    =alue a''e' pr!'ucti%ity" is calculate' #y the 'i%isi!n ! the 'i erence#et(een re%enue an' material c!st #y t!tal empl!yment

    ,arranty c!st" as a K age ! t!tal re%enue

    Cash"t!"cash cycle time" time ta)en r!m cash spent !n materials t! cashgenerate' as re%enue

    In%ent!ry 'ays " h!( ast in%ent!ry is pr!'uce' an' then s!l' t!cust!mers In%ent!ry turns is the rati! ! t!tal annual sales t! a%eragein%ent!ry

    sset Turns " 'i%isi!n ! re%enue #y t!tal assets

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el Measures" "e@ternal acing Relia#ility

    >eli%ery per !rmance r'er ul llment per !rmance" ll rate- ul llment lea'time

    Per ect !r'er ul llment Dle@i#ility

    Supply chain resp!nsi%eness Pr!'ucti!n He@i#ility

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el Measures" "e@ternal acingB+>eli%ery per !rmance" 'e ne' as the Kage ! ship" r!m"st!c)!r'ers shippe' (ithin +4hrs n time 'eli%ery is 'e ne' as thepr!p!rti!n ! !r'ers 'eli%ere' !n !r #e !re the 'ate re*ueste'#y cust!mer

    r'er ul llment" Lea' times measure the meantime r!m the'ate ! !r'er is place' t! the 'ate the cust!mer recei%es theshipment

    Per ect !r'er ul llment" is reache' (ith the right pr!'uct'eli%ere' t! the right place at the right time- !r cust!mersatis acti!n

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el Measures" "e@ternal acing

    Supply chain resp!nsi%eness" as the a#ility ! thec!mplete supply chain t! react acc!r'ing t! thechanges in the mar)etplace

    Pr!'ucti!n He@i#ility" num#er ! 'ays nee'e' t! a#s!r#an unplanne' lasting +GK gr!(th in 'eman'

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Typical SC R M!'el ResultsBS!urce ((( supply"chain !rg

    SC RMeasures

    Unit ! Measurement


    6est in Class

    >eli%eryper !rmance

    Percentage 81K FAK

    Upsi'eper !rmance He@i#ility

    Num#er !'ays

    4+ G 8 2

    Cash t!cash cycle

    Num#er !'ays

    AA A +4 7


  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Typical SC R M!'el ResultsBS!urce ((( supply"chain !rg

    Supply ChainC!st;In'ustry Unit !measurement Me'ianClass 6est inClassC!nsumerpac)age' g!!'s

    SCM c!st K t!Re%enue

    11 + 9 2

    Chemical an'Pharmaceuticals

    SCM c!st K t!Re%enue

    F 8 4 G

    Telec!mE*uipment SCM c!st K t!Re%enue 8 9 2 2>e ense an'in'ustrial

    SCM c!st K t!Re%enue

    1G + 4 9

    C!mputers an'Electr!nics

    SCM c!st K t!Re%enue

    F 1 4 G2G

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el" 6ene ts

    It aligns impr!%ement e !rts (ith the supply chain -an' n!t the !rgani5ati!n It pr!%i'es a c!mprehensi%e analysis ! the supplychain !cusing !n the cust!mer as the en' 3p!int

    It ena#les selecti!n ! SCM impr!%ement pr!$ects(hich (ill ha%e ma@imum impact !n the rm/sstrategic !#$ecti%es

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    SC R M!'el" limitati!ns >!es n!t c!%er Sales and mar7eting development

    R9 *

    .roduct development

    Elements o post2delivery customer support

    >!es n!t a''ress Training


    n ormation technology


  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    6alance' Sc!re Car' It is a c!ncept !r measuring (hether the c!mpany ismeeting its !#$ecti%es in terms ! its %isi!n an'strategy

    This is '!ne using 4 perspecti%es" nancial- cust!mer-internal #usiness pr!cesses an' learning an' gr!(th

    Suggeste' per !rmance in'icat!rs (ithin eachperspecti%e !ll!(

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    6alance Sc!re Car' "Per !rmance In'icat!rsDinancial " R I- cash H!(- nancial result- return !n capital empl!ye' an'return !n e*uity

    Cust!mer" 'eli%ery per !rmance #y 'ate an' *uantity- cust!mer satis acti!nan' cust!mer retenti!n

    Internal pr!cesses" num#er ! acti%ities- !pp!rtunity success rate- acci'entrati!s an' 'e ect rates

    Learning an' gr!(th" in%estment rate- illness rate- internal pr!m!ti!ns K-empl!yee turn!%er an' gen'er;racial rati!s

    Since these a#!%e measures can #e many an' (ill %ary r!m t!rm- the )ey is t! stri)e a 0#alance/ am!ngst all ! them t! truly

    reHect an' measure (hat are the particular rm/s ?ey SuccessDact!rs !r ?ey Per !rmance In'icat!rs

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    ,hat then is a 6SC

    A performance measurement system A strategic management system A change management tool A communication tool

    't is A++ or A01 of these and depends on how anindividual firm wants to use it as a singlecomprehensive system"tool or along with othere2isting systems"tools

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    ,hy implement 6SC T! increase !cus !n strategy an' results T! impr!%e !rgani5ati!nal per !rmance #y measuringper !rmance that matters

    T! align !rgani5ati!nal strategy (ith 'ay t! 'ay (!r) !its empl!yees

    T! !cus !n 'ri%ers ! uture per !rmance T! c!mmunicate the %isi!n an' strategy t! all its )eysta)eh!l'ers

    T! pri!riti5e pr!$ects;initiati%es (ith ma@imum impact

    6SC as a measurement system

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics



    FinancialTo succeed financiallyhow should we appear

    to our shareholders ?


    To achieve our vision how should we appear

    to our customers?

    Learning,Innovation and

    GrowthTo achieve our vision

    how will we sustain ourability to change and improve ?

    Internal ServiceProcess

    To satisfy our shareholdersand our customers that

    what business processeswe must excel

    ISI!" #"$STR#T%&'

    6SC i

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    6SC as a strategic managementsystem

    (ranslates strategy into 3/b*ectivesMeasures(argets

    'nitiatives4ach of the 5 perspectives will need theseabove attributes

    6SC triangle

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics



    Desired state

    Differentiating activities

    What !st "e d#ne

    $e%% t# i &%e ent


    H#$ strategic

    s!ccess is




    !b*ectivesIn each perspective

    (easuresIn each perspective

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Dinancial Perspecti%e

    6hat financial steps are necessary to ensure the e2ecution ofour strategy"goals7 Are the program8s" department8s goals, implementation, and

    e2ecution contributing to the bottom line7 Are we meeting operational and financial targets7

    &imensions of uality3O4fficiency

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Cust!mer Relati!ns Perspecti%e

    6ho are our target customers7

    9ow do our customers see us7

    9ow do customers rate our performance7

    &imension of uality3O AccessibilityO AcceptabilityOContinuity

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Internal Ser%ice Pr!cess Perspecti%e

    6hat critical processes must we e2cel at to satisfy ourcustomers"stakeholders7

    6hat must be done internally to meet customer e2pectations7&imension of uality3

    O4ffectivenessO AppropriatenessOConsistency


    Learning- Inn!%ati!n an' r!(th

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Learning- Inn!%ati!n an r!(thPerspecti%e

    9ow can we continue to improve76hat capabilities and tools do our employees need to

    e2ecute our strategy"goals7

    &imension of uality3OCompetenceOParticipationO 'nvolvement and commitment

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    ,hen '!es 6SC succee'#taine' t!p management sp!ns!rship an' c!mmitment

    In%!l%e' a large #ase ! lea'ers- managers an' empl!yees ,!r)e' thr!/ the esta#lishe' %isi!n an' strategy gree' !n the termin!l!gy an' metrics t! #e m!nit!re' >esigne' 6SC m!'el t! suit the rm/s nee'sQa%e a 'e'icate' an' 'etermine' pr!$ect;pr!gram champi!n

    =ie( the 6SC as a l!ng term $!urney an' n!t a sh!rt term pr!$ect

    Planne' !r an' manage' change Qa%e an interacti%e t(!"(ay c!mmunicati!n pr!cess pplie' a 'iscipline' implementati!n rame(!r) et !utsi'e help especially in the initial 'esign stages t! gi%e it an !utsi'e;!#$ecti%eperspecti%e

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    ,hen '!es 6SC ail Ill 'e ne' strategy

    Lac) ! integrati!n ! all the 4 perspecti%es C!nceptual c!n usi!n an' lac) ! clarity !n metrics ch!sen an' their per !rmancemechanisms

    N!t in%!l%ing all sta)eh!l'ers T!p"'!(n management style (hich e@clu'es empl!yees #eing an essential part ! theimplementati!n

    Centrali5e' measures (hich (ill n!t #e accepte' #y pe!ple '!(n the line >ata c!llecti!n;analysis ! per !rmance a 'i.cult an' pain ul pr!cess N!t aligning the 6SC (ith !ther !perati!nal pr!cesses an' systemsDailure t! e%!l%e an' change the 6SC as an' (hen strategies change !%er time

    Cust!mers Use These Measures t! E%aluate !ur

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 1 Lectures 78 Supply Chain Management Metrics


    Cust!mers Use These Measures t! E%aluate !urPer !rmance

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