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Lesson 3 Emotional and Mental health

Health IQ

1. Which of the following statements about emotions is false?

A. A person can’t control emotions

B. Emotions are produced by the brain

C. Having a wide range of emotions is healthy

D. Most teens have healthy emotional lives

2. Unpleasant emotions such as sadness

A. Are always unhealthyB. Are more common in

teens than in adultsC. Can be healthy

because they help you learn

D. Can never be controlled.

Health IQ

3. Which of the following affects teens’ emotions?

A. Inherited personality traits

B. HormonesC. Learning and life

experiencesD. All of the above

4. Mental illnessesA. Are very rareB. Happen to bad peopleC. Cannot be treatedD. Are illnesses of the

brain that affect behavior

Health IQ

5. Which of the following is an example of helpful nonverbal communication?

A. Screaming when you are frustrated

B. Using eye contact to show you are interested

C. Avoiding homework because you are stress out

6. Which of the following is NOT an example of creative expression?

A. Making a paintingB. Participating in a playC. Screaming D. Writing Music


1. A2. C3. D4. D5. B6. C

Lesson Goals

How did you do?After reviewing the lesson on Mental and Emotional

Health you should be able to:1. Describe the physical response to different

emotions. 2. Describe situations that require professional health

services. 3. Identify different resources to receive help for

mental and emotional problems. 4. Define and describe different mental illnesses.5. Identify different emotions and how they play a

part in your over all health.


It is important to correctly identify emotions.

Many times people will say they are mad, happy, or sad because they are basic emotions.

In fact many times the emotion is much different.


For example: A mother yells at her family before a big party. She might even say she is angry or upset.

But the real emotion(s) could be stress there is not enough time to get ready, worried there is not enough food, and anxious how people will judge her party.

The mom is not really upset at her family, she has not taken the time to identify her emotions and what is causing them.

Assignment 1

In your health journal I want you to take a quick emotions test.

On the following slide there is a list of many different emotions.

Try and find words that better describe your emotion than just the basic responses (listed in red).

If there is more than one word that describes the emotion - list them.

Often times people will experience many emotions at the same time.

There are no right or wrong answers on this. Be honest with yourself.

HappyElated ExcitedOverjoyedThrilledExuberant EcstaticGoodRelieved SatisfiedContentGladFineMellow

SadDepressed AloneHurtHopelessCrushedHeart-BrokenUpsetUnhappyMoodyBlueSorryLostBad



WeakHelplessHopelessOverwhelmedExhaustedDrainedTiredRundownLazyShy UnsureLethargic




Assignment 1

How do you feel when ……

1. you fail a test in school?2. you feel when you lose a

game?3. you feel if you were

turned down for a date?4. you’re called to answer a

question in class?5. you get punished?6. you get a bad haircut?7. you disappoint your


8. it rains?9. the sun shines?11. it snows?12. you cheat at something?13. you have a lot of

homework?14. you’ve won a prize?15. you get picked for

something?16. you are fighting with your

best friend?17. you fall down in public?18. you go to the dentist?


How did you do? Recognizing your emotions

is not always easy. It takes time and effort to

understand. Did you find new emotions

that better described how you felt in different situations?

It is important that we understand or emotions to maintain good emotional health.


Not only do we need to understand what emotion we are feeling, we also need to understand where that emotion came from.

How many times have you woken up in the morning in a bad mood?

What is causing the emotion?

Triggers are events that cause a person to feel an emotion.

For example, feeling anxious just before a speech.

The speech is the trigger.

When you wake up in the morning in a bad mood – what is the trigger?

Did you not get enough sleep?

Do you have an assignment due that you didn’t finish?

Did you have a fight with your friend the night before?

Did your sibling eat the last of your favorite cereal for breakfast.

When we understand the emotions we are having and what the trigger is we are able to fix problems, make better decisions, and stay healthy.

Emotional Health

Emotional health is the way a person experiences and deals with feelings.

It is important that you understand that emotions are normal.

It is what you do with those emotions that determines if it is healthy or not.

Going back to the mom example of getting ready for the party.

Her emotions are real, she just didn’t handle it correctly.

What could she have done instead of yelling at her family? Taken a time out – take a

step back Expressed her concerns in

a calm manner


• Does the dog know what the trigger is?

• What emotion is he showing?

Myth or Fact

Myth:Most teens are

emotionally out-of-control

Fact: Despite the changes

occurring in their lives, bodies and brains, most teens are happy and well adjusted.

Teens and Emotions

There are a lot of changes both socially and physically that affect teen’s emotions.

Responsibilities, expectations, and the want of personal freedoms all increase during teen years.

Hormones also change during adolescents (teen years).

Hormones are chemicals that help control how the body grows and functions.

During adolescents, teens release larger amounts of hormones.

This extra release of hormones into the body can cause (not all of the time) teens to experience extreme emotions during a short amount of time.

Think about it – you have probably experienced or have observed one of your friends being on a complete high to swing to a devastating low.

Or you have seen someone “freak out” over something very small.

Could it be hormones? Yes and no.

In the end we are all personally responsible for our emotions and for our actions based on those emotions.

We can’t blame punching the wall on hormones.

It was your choice and now your consequence.

Assignment 2

Using the emotions listed on the previous chart, I want you to describe a time in your life when you experienced one of these emotions.

Make sure you tell me about the physical response you had to the emotion.

Remember complete sentence and paragraphs. Here is an example from my life:

Assignment 2

Fear Once when I went rock

climbing, I fell about 20 feet before the rope caught me. On the way down I remember gasping for air and trying to see a way to stop my fall.

Once the rope stopped my fall. I sat in my harness for about 5 minutes shaking uncontrollably. My heart was beating out of my chest.

Once I was able to take control of my emotions I was able to finish the climb.

HappyElated ExcitedOverjoyedThrilledExuberant EcstaticGoodRelieved SatisfiedContentGladFineMellow

SadDepressed AloneHurtHopelessCrushedHeart-BrokenUpsetUnhappyMoodyBlueSorryLostBad



WeakHelplessHopelessOverwhelmedExhaustedDrainedTiredRundownLazyShy UnsureLethargic




Expressing Emotions

As stated early, emotions are normal.

Emotions also need to be expressed in a healthy manor.

Here is list of ways to express emotions in healthy ways.

1. Draw or paint2. Listen to music, sing,

or dance3. Work out4. Talk with someone5. Write in a journal or

make a story6. Read a book

Expressing Emotions

Sometimes people do not express their emotions in health ways.

This can lead to unhealthy situations.

Here as some unhealthy ways to express emotions.

1. Hurting people physically or emotionally

2. Destroying property3. Non compliance (not

doing what you are asked)

4. Breaking rules on purpose

Expressing emotions in unhealthy ways can lead to serious and dangerous consequences.

It is important to understand that when someone continues to express emotions in unhealthy ways that person needs help immediately.

Defense Mechanisms

An automatic behavior used to reduce uncomfortable stress are called defense mechanisms.

The following slide gives examples of common defense mechanisms.

Defense Mechanism

Defense Mechanism


Denial Stress is dealt with by not thinking about stressful problems, thoughts or feelings

Projection Uncomfortable thoughts or feelings are dealt with by transferring them to others.

Devaluation Stress is dealt with negative qualities to oneself or others.

Sublimation Uncomfortable or dangerous feelings or imposes are channeled into more acceptable behaviors.

Humor Stressful events or feelings are dealt with by focusing on amusing aspects of the situation.

Self-Observation Emotional stress is dealt with by reflecting on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and by expressing these emotions in a healthy way.

Assignment 3

Your assignment is to:1. Correctly label the defense mechanism being

used.2. State if the situation was handled in mature


Defense Mechanism

Defense Mechanism


Denial Stress is dealt with by not thinking about stressful problems, thoughts or feelings

Projection Uncomfortable thoughts or feelings are dealt with by transferring them to others.

Devaluation Stress is dealt with my assignment negative qualities to oneself or others.

Sublimation Uncomfortable or dangerous feelings or imposes are channeled into more acceptable behaviors.

Humor Stressful events or feelings are dealt with by focusing on amusing aspects of the situation.

Self-Observation Emotional stress is dealt with by reflecting on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and by expressing these emotions in a healthy way.

Assignment 1:12

1. Sarah is mad and hurt because her friend Jessica did not invite her to a party. Sarah talks to Jessica about her feelings and asks for an explanation.

2. Brook should be worried about her grades in math, but she is not studying for her next math test.

3. Russ is angry with his younger sister, so he works off his frustration in the gym.

Assignment 1:12

4. Jared is upset that he didn’t make the team. Instead of admitting he is disappointed he complains about how many games the team lost last year.

5. Lindsey dents her parents’ car while driving in a snowstorm. She joke, “at least it’s not raining.”

6. Rob has a crush on Brittney, but he denies this and insists that she has a crush on him.


1. Self – observation mature2. Denial immature3. Sublimation mature4. Devaluation immature5. Humor mature6. Projection immature

Quick Check

1. An ___ is a feeling that is produced in response to a life event.

2. ___ are chemical that help control how the body grows and functions

3. Events that cause a person to feel an emotion are called ___.

4. List three mature defense mechanisms.1. 2. 3.

Light Bulb Moment

I am going to give the answers to the quick check right after the questions throughout your lessons.

The quick check is for your benefit. To see if you are understanding the information and to prepare for your final unit test.

You could always cheat and write down the answers.

But where would that get you? Besides, that decision is most likely going against your personal values.

How is that building character?


1. Emotion2. Hormones3. Triggers4.

1. Sublimation2. Humor3. Self-observation

Mental Health

Mental health is the way people think about and respond to events in their daily lives.

The brain controls thoughts, feelings, memories, and actions.

When the brain is working correctly, it responds to life events with normal emotions.

Sometimes the brain does not work properly because of illnesses that affect the chemical balance of the brain.

When this happens, people are said to have a mental illness.

Mental Illnesses

A mental illness is a disorder that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Fact 1 out of every 6 people

has a mental illness.

Mental Illness

The cause of mental illnesses are not completely understood.

Like many other diseases like type one diabetes or multiple sclerosis, the person with a mental illness did not choose to have the disorder.


Mental Illness

Some factors include that could influence someone to have a mental illness include; Family history Stress Abuse Drug use

Mental Illnesses

Mental illnesses can be grouped into different categories. Anxiety disorders: is an illness that causes

unusually strong nervousness, worry, or panic. Mood disorders: is an illness in which people

have uncontrollable mood changes. Schizophrenia: is a disorder in which a person

breaks from reality in several ways. Depression: is a mood disorder in which a person

feels extremely sad and hopeless.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is the feeling of extreme nervousness and worry.

Everyone feels anxiety once and while.

The difference between anxiety and anxiety disorder is the length of time and severity of the emotions.

Anxiety Disorders

Panic disorders is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have brief periods of extreme anxiety called panic attacks.

Symptoms of a panic attack include: Extremely scared A feeling of having a

heart attack Fast heart rate Difficulty breathing Shaking Lightheadedness

Anxiety Disorder

The trigger for panic attacks is phobias

Some common phobias include fear of: Animals Flying Insects Small spaces Crowded rooms

Anxiety Disorders

Some anxiety disorders are triggered by repetitive thoughts called obsessions.

Sometimes with an obsessive anxiety disorder a person will develop ritual, or compulsions.

Anxiety Disorders

A combination of anxiety and ritual activity is an anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Example of OCD symptoms include: Counting:

Counting items Needing a specific number of

things Washing

Hands, clothing, items even after just washing

Organizing Straightening items Labeling Everything has specific place

Checking Checking door to make sure they

are locks Checking lights to make sure they

are off


The hit TV show called Monk is based upon a police detective who suffers from OCD.

Click on the picture as a hyperlink.

Did you notice that constant organization, fixing, and straightening?

Mood Disorders

A mood disorder is an illness in which people have uncontrollable mood changes.

Bipolar is a mood disorder that causes a person to experience two extreme moods: depression and mania.

Mood Disorders

The moods can swing over a periods of time lasting weeks to months.

This makes diagnosing the illness difficult.

Sometimes people with bipolar experience hallucinations and delusions.

Mood Disorders

Hallucinations is sensing something that is not real. For example a person may think they hear people talking

when they are not. A delusions a false belief.

For example a person may believe they are famous even though they are not.

Mood Disorders

Depression is a disorder that causes a mood of extreme sadness or hopelessness.

Mania is a mood that causes excessive energy and irritation. Little sleep Thoughts are

disorganized and race. Talk very fast


Schizophrenia is a disorder in which a person breaks from reality in several ways.

People with schizophrenia don’t always have the same symptoms.

Some common symptoms of schizophrenia can include: Expression of little

emotion Hallucinations Delusions Paranoia: a belief that

other people want to harm someone.

Unorganized thinking Nonsense speech Frozen positions


Depression is a mood disorder in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless for at least two weeks.

Symptoms may include: Extreme sadness Inability to cheer up Sleeping too much or not

being able to sleep Eating too much or not

wanting to eat Lack of energy Slowed or increased

movements Difficulty concentrating Difficulty making decisions Feelings of guilt Thoughts about death or



Suicidal thinking is the desire to take one’s own life.

This is the most dangerous symptom of depression.

It is important to learn to recognize the signs for depression.

Signs of Suicidal Thinking

DepressionTalking about dyingSleep patterns

changeConcentrationEating habits changeLow self-esteemLack of goalsMakes arrangementsLoss of controlHistory

If you think someone is suffering from depression you need to tell an adult immediately.

Suicidal thinking is an emergency condition.

Mental Illnesses

Most mental illnesses like any other disease can be treated.

Ways to treat mental illnesses: Medication Professional Help Education Support from family

and friends

Professional Help

The following are ways to receive professional help:

Teen hot line: a phone number that teens can call to talk privately and anonymously (you don’t have to give your name).

801 625-3700800-422-4453

Professional Help

Counselor: is a professional who helps people work through difficult problems by talking.

Professional Help

Psychologist: is a person who tries to change thoughts, feelings, and actions by finding the reason behind them or by suggesting new ways to manage emotions.

Professional Help

Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in illnesses of the brain and body that affect emotions and behavior. They can also prescript the use of medication to help.

Quick Check

5. What is the difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist?

6. Why should people get help for emotional and mental illnesses immediately?

7. What is the most serious symptom of depression?8. Where can teens phone in and talk anonymously

about their problems?9. What are the two emotions that occur with

bipolar disorders?10. When someone sees or hears things that are not

there, they are having a ___.


5. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in how illnesses of the brain and body affect emotions and behavior. A psychologist is a person who tries to change thoughts, feelings, and actions by finding the reasons behind them or by suggesting new ways to manage emotions.

6. People should get help for emotional problems and bmental illnesses immediately because treating these problems early can keep them from getting worse. It may even prevent suicide and other violence.

7. Suicide8. Teen hotline9. Depression and mania10. Hallucination

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