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Page 1: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

Unit 11 Notes:Post World War II

& Origins of the Cold War

U.S. History & The Constitution

Page 2: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

26.1: Origins of the Cold War

1.) The U.S. began to formulate a policy of ______________, the taking of measures to prevent any extension of communist rule to other countries,that was initially carried out by the Truman Doctrine.


Page 3: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

26.1: Origins of the Cold War2.) By 1946, the US-USSR tensions were publicly recognized. Winston Churchill

said an ____________________ had descended upon Europe. Iron Curtain

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26.1: Origins of the Cold War

3.) The conflicting U.S. & Soviet aims in Eastern Europe led to the

_______________, a conflict in which neither nation directly confronted the other on the battlefield.

Cold War

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26.1: Origins of the Cold War

4.) The _____________________ declared that “it must be the policy of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed members or by outside pressures (aka: keep Soviet influence from spreading).

Truman Doctrine

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26.1: Origins of the Cold War

5.) Fearing that a war-torn & economically weak Western Europewould elect socialist/communist governments, the US offered aid,

the _________________________, to promote economic rebuilding.Marshall Plan

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6.) The first Soviet test of the US policy was the Berlin blockade. The US

responded with the ________________________ & the US won this firstCold War confrontation.

26.1: Origins of the Cold War

Berlin Airlift

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26.1: Origins of the Cold War

7.) The _________________________________(NATO) established a militaryalliance aimed at the USSR.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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26.2: The Cold War Heats Up

8.) After a long civil war, _______, under the leadership of the American-backed nationalist Chiang Kai-shek, fell to the communist forces led by Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong). The nationalists fled to Taiwan (Formosa) & the country then became two separate countries.


Page 10: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

26.2: The Cold War Heats Up

9.) In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea.At the urging of the Truman administration,the United Nations voted unanimously todemand a cease fire. Although the UNsupported a ‘police action’ to defendSouth Korea, the majority of troops &

financial support for the ____________came from the US. Formal peace negotiationsended with North Korean forces containedabove the 38th parallel, a victory forcontainment at a cost of 34,000 Americanlives.

Korean War

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26.3: The Cold War at Home

10.) Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy gave his name to the anticommunist

crusade, _____________, which used the tactic of the Big Lie, repeating an untrue accusation of affiliation with communism loudly & often, to smear countless diplomats, artists & statesmen.


Page 12: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

26.4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

11.) The test explosion of an atomic bomb by the USSR led the US to

accelerate the development of the _______________ & began a nuclear arms race & then a space race.

Hydrogen Bomb

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26.4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

12.) In 1955, the Soviet Union organized the ______________, a military alliance of Eastern European nations & the USSR for defense against NATO.

Warsaw Pact

Page 14: Unit 11 Notes: Post World War II & Origins of the Cold War U.S. History & The Constitution.

13.) President Eisenhower issued the ______________________ in January of 1957 in response to Soviet support for Egypt. It warned that the U.S. would defend the Middle East against an attack by any communist country.

26.4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

Eisenhower Doctrine

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26.4: Two Nations Live on the Edge

14.) The Cold War, intensified by the launch of ________ in 1957, resulted in an increased emphasis on quality education, especially in science and math. Prosperity allowed young people to stay in school longer and more young women attended college.


1958 = Congress passed the National Defense Education Actto promote science & math skills

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27.1: Postwar America

15.) Educational programs expanded as a result of postwar conditions.

Veterans returning from war took advantage of the __________, also known as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, to attend colleges & trade schools thus providing a more educated & skilled work force that would, in turn, promote economic & cultural growth in the postwar period.

G.I. Bill

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16.) This education act made available federally guaranteed _________ to veterans buying homes or starting new businesses.

27.1: Postwar America


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27.1: Postwar America

17.) In protest to President Truman’s civil rights push, Southern Democrats,

also known as _____________, for the States’ Rights Party, & nominated their presidential candidate, SC governor Strom Thurmond.


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27.1: Postwar America

18.) Returning veterans who married & began families needed more housing,

spurring _________________. The baby boom of the late 1940s & 1950s also contributed to the growth of suburbia.


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19.) The end of the Great Depression and World War II & the prosperity of

the 1950s contributed to an explosion in the birthrate. This ______________ led to an increase in the number of school age children & placed a strain on the educational system so that new schools were needed.

27.2: The American Dream of the Fifties

baby boom

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27.2: The American Dream of the Fifties

20.) The wide availability of the automobile & the expansion of highways by

the passage of the _____________________ during the Eisenhower administration accelerated the growth of suburbs.

Interstate Highway Act

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27.2: The American Dream of the Fifties

21.) Pent-up demand for consumer goods that were unaffordable during the Depression years & unavailable during wartime created markets for a wide array of goods & services and helped to recreate _____________.consumerism

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27.2: The American Dream of the Fifties

22.) In the fall of 1963, American spy planes photographed missiles sites being built in Cuba. President Kennedy placed a naval blockade around Cuba to prevent the Soviets from arming these sites. After 13 days of tension, an agreement was reached that ended the ___________________ and averted nuclear confrontation.

Cuban Missile Crisis

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