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Page 1: Unit 3 – Era of  Good Feelings

Unit 3 – Era of Good Feelings

Expansion and ReformRegional Differences, Industrial Revolution,

President Monroe, and Henry Clay

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After the War of 1812

• Era of Good Feelings– American Nationalism goes up – Why?

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• Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper – American scenes in writing

• Schools have American Textbooks• Magazines and newspapers• Revived the Bank of the US• New capital• Expanded army• Stronger navy

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• Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser)

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The American System

• Promoted by “Henry Clay” (War Hawk)• PURPOSE: to unify the two economies (North

and South) / receive economic independence from other countries in the world

• 3 Parts to American SystemRemember: P.I.N.

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3 Parts of American System by Henry Clay (PIN)

• Protective tariff – Madison’s Tariff of 1816 – taxing imports to protect

made in the USA = manufacturing could flourish• Internal Improvements– Transportation - National Road and the Erie Canal =

easy travel• National Bank of the United States– Downsized by President Jefferson years earlier– Purpose – stabilize currency and hold government

funds = easy credit

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President Monroe

• Election of 1816– No Federalists would ever

run for president again• Era of Good Feelings– One political party –

Democratic Republican– Continued the Virginia


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Goodwill Tour of New England

• New England = Federalists

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Tariff of 1816

• HIGH tax on imported items

• Meant to save our factories from the British, who were selling items at 20 – 50 % off

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Panic of 1819

• National Bank – Lent money to Americans who

moved west– 1819 – Great Britain demanded US

repay British loans– US recalled (asked for repayment)

their loans– People rushed and withdrew $– Led to the nation’s first depression

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Go West, Young Man, Go West

• Encouragement : – Cheap land – Land Act of 1820– Cheap transportation– Cheap $$$

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Sectionalism - Slavery

North SouthManufacturing AgricultureHired immigrants Slave laborSee slavery as a moral issue

Think immigrants working in the factories were as bad as plantation life

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Issues with Expansion• Tallmadge Amendment– No more slaves brought

to Missouri– Gradual emancipation

of children born to slavery

• Missouri Compromise– Missouri = slave– Maine = free– 36°30 - no slavery ′

allowed above that line

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36°30′• Why was it not a bigger deal?

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Marshall Court

• Increased the power of the federal government– Marbury v. Madison – judicial review– McCullough v. Maryland – national bank is

constitutional and supremacy clause = federal gov’t is supreme

– Gibbons v. Ogden – federal gov’t regulates interstate trade

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Marbury v. Madison

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McCullough v. Maryland

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Gibbons v. Ogden

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Treaty of 18181. Shared Newfoundland fisheries with Canada2. Fixed N. limits of Louisiana Territory at 49th

parallel3. Oregon – 10 yr. joint occupation

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Florida Purchase Treaty 1819 Adam’s Onis Treaty

• Florida ceded by Spanish

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Monroe Doctrine 1823

• Covered North, Central and South America

1. Non – colonization (Russia/Spanish)

2. Non – intervention (keep out!)

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Russo-American Treaty 1824

• Russian limit @ 54°40 N ′

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The End!!!

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