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  • Unit 3

    Storage and Retrieval of Information

  • Learning Outcomes

    Heathers TaskImportance of a good filing systemFeatures of a good filing systemManual Based filing systemMethods of filingElectronic Based filing systemFile ManagementMethods of filing electronicallyBack-up ProceduresMicrofilmingSecurity of Information
  • Its a hard day at the office for Heather Munro!

    Mr Millar has decided that its time

    to assess the way in which information is

    stored at Caledonian Health & Fitness.

    He has asked Heather to be

    responsible for finding out

    how information is currently

    stored and then identify

    ways in which it can be improved.

    Lets find out how Heather got on

  • I wonder why it is so important to have a good filing system?

    Mr Millar explains to Heather that there

    are many reasons why it is important to

    file documents:

    To enable documents to be found easily this saves a lot of time eg a query from a customer can be answered quicklyTo make sure that documents are kept safe it is important that they are kept in a good condition so that they can be referred to at any timeTo make sure that legal requirements are met the law says that certain documents have to be stored for a period of time eg employee contract; tax forms etc)
  • How can I ensure that I create a good filing system?

    Mr Millar explains to Heather that the main

    features of a good filing system are:

    Easy to useEasy to accessSecure it is important that only authorised personnel use the systemEasy to control important that the correct procedures are followed to ensure that documents are not lost or filed incorrectlySafe it is important to ensure that documents are prevented from being worn and tornNot expensive a good system will be one which is cost effective to install and maintain
  • What type of filing is currently used at Caledonian Health & Fitness?

    Heather decides to find out how employees

    currently file their documents. She discovers

    that MANUAL-BASED systems are used. The

    examples of these methods of filing are:

    SORTERS these are used to file away folders
    FILING TRAY Mr Burns has 3 types of filing trays: IN TRAY for documents which need to be read; OUT TRAY for documents which need to be passed on to someone else; PENDING TRAY for work that still has to be done
    FILING CABINETS to keep files secure and organised
  • Heather decides to find out what the employees think!

    Heather asks Mr Ray Cruit (the Recruitment

    Officer) what he thinks of the MANUAL system

    that he uses to file all his documents.

    I am really pleased with the manual filing

    system because of the following:

    It is very easy and quick to useThere is very little training required which saves moneyAble to label drawers easily which means it is very easy to find what you are looking forThe filing cabinets offer protection which means the files are secure
  • Miss T Raynor doesnt agree!!!!

    Miss Raynor overhears Mr Cruit and disagrees!

    I am not happy with the manual filing

    system because of the following:

    The drawers in Personnel are so overloaded I have lost an important document and there is no back up copyLots of money was needed to buy the proper equipmentI needed to look at a document regarding a new employee but Mr Wallace had the file and I couldnt get access to it all day
  • Activities

    Complete the following tasks in your activities booklet:
    Question 1: Importance of filing
    Question 2: Manual Based filing system
  • What METHODS are used to file documents?

    Now that she has identified what a MANUAL

    filing system is, Heather now wants to find out

    what METHODS are used to file the documents.

    The 3 main methods of filing are:





    Alphabetical filing is the method which is most commonly used as it is very easy to use. Customer records for example can be stored in order of surname. In order to make this an easy method to use GUIDE CARDS are used to SUBDIVIDE the names eg Da; De; Di etc

    Miss T Raynor thinks that it is a very good idea to file documents alphabetically as it is easy to look up employee records you look for their surname and find the file!

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of ALPHABETICAL FILING

    Logical and straightforward to use
    Little training required
    No index required to guide you through the files as it is a DIRECT methodEveryone must follow the procedure correctly
    Absent Card required when file is taken
    Not flexible difficult to add in any new files once the system is up and running
    Takes up a lot of space this is not a suitable method for a large organisation



  • What is an ABSENT CARD?

    An ABSENT card is used when a file is removed from its place in the filing system.

    The card clearly states WHO has the file; WHEN the file was taken; and, WHEN it was returned.

    The Absent card

    shown opposite

    is used in the


    Department at


    Health & Fitness:


    Numerical filing is when NUMBERS are used to file documents instead of letters. This method means that customer documents would be filed using their account number or employee records could be filed using their employee ID number

    Mrs McKenna thinks that this method of filing is ideal in the Finance Department as it is easy to see how many customer accounts there are when a new customer joins Caledonian Health & Fitness they get the next number!

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of NUMERICAL FILING

    Quick to use
    Ideal for large organisations as when a new customer joins it is easy to expand the system
    The file number can be used as a reference number when dealing with a customer queryAn INDEX card is required you need to tell employees what the number refers to so that they know its the right document
    If new customers join then someone has to take the responsibility of updating the index card



  • What is an INDEX CARD?

    An INDEX card is used to find files which are stored in a numerical filing system.

    You must first look at an alphabetic index to find the file number.

    Heather has found an INDEX card used in the Personnel Department at Caledonian Health & Fitness:












    Chronological filing means that all documents are stored in date order the most recent documents are placed at the front of the system.

    Mrs MacDonald thinks that this
    is an excellent system to store
    the customer magazines that have
    been produced as it is very easy to
    find a particular edition last months
    or last years.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of CHRONOLOGICAL FILING

    This is an excellent method to use if a key feature of the information stored is the DATE
    Can be easily used with alphabetical method of filingAn INDEX card is required you need to tell employees what the number refers to so that they know its the right document
    This method is not commonly used as it is unrealistic to store large amounts of information this way eg customer or employee documents



  • Activities

    Complete the following tasks in your activities booklet:
    Question 3: Can you guess the clue?
    Question 4: Problem solving which is the best method to use?
    Question 5: Define the key terms
  • Time To Introduce an ELECTRONIC-BASED system!

    Before finding out what an

    electronic filing system is and

    how it operates it is first of

    all important to understand

    the importance of


  • File Management

    File management ensures that all data

    and information is stored and managed


    Files should be given an appropriate filename Files should also be given a suitable extension:Access files end in mdbWord processing files end in docSpreadsheet files end in xlsSimilar files should be placed in appropriate folder:Mr Nichols has a folder for each supplier so that information is stored correctlyMr Cruit has a folder for each training courseMiss Munro has a folder for all her database files and a folder for all her letters that she types
  • File Management Activity

    Make sure that you have SG Admin folder in your server accountCreate the following folders:DatabaseSpreadsheetWord ProcessingNow make sure that all your files are properly organised!Take care you may need to create new folders to ensure that your files are stored correctlyAre there any files which you no longer need? Time to DELETE them!!
  • Equipment required for an ELECTRONIC-BASED system!

    Heather considers introducing an electronic

    system of filing for Caledonian Health & Fitness.

    The following equipment is required:

    PC files of information can be stored on the PCs HARD DRIVEFLOPPY DISK these are portable and can be used in any PC. Imagine a file cabinet in your classroom. The floppy disk is able to store folders (drawers) of information (files)CD-ROMS stores vast amounts of information. Examples of CD-Roms are encyclopaedias; archives etcZIP DISKS modern storage device which can hold a large quantity of information. Many use this to save information from the Internet as it can cope with the huge amount of data
  • What METHODS are used to file documents electronically?

    Now that she has identified what an

    ELECTRONIC filing system is, Heather now

    wants to find out what METHODS are used to

    file the documents.

    The ways in which files can be stored

    electronically are:




  • Why is it important to back-up files of information?

    It is imperative that back-up copies are made of

    all files to prevent data being lost.

    Data can be lost or corrupted in a number of


    Faulty computer system and loss of power
    Virus corrupted data
    Hardware and software
    stolen or mistreated
  • What Software is used to store information electronically?

    Database eg. AccessWord Processing eg. WordSpreadsheet eg. ExcelDesk Top Publishing (DTP) eg. PublisherPresentation eg. Powerpoint (this slideshow!)
  • A Database (Microsoft Access)

    A database is an electronic filing systemRECORDS of information are stored and updated electronicallyMr Wallace (Personnel Manager) maintains a database of employee recordsMrs MacDonald (Sales/Marketing) Manager keeps a database of customer recordsA TABLE stores the RECORDS of information which are entered using FIELDSIt is very easy to find exact information by carrying out a query or a searchInformation can also be easily manipulated, edited, and deleted
  • A Word Processor
    (Microsoft Word)

    A word processor stores information in a variety of formats:LetterMemorandumNotice
    Text can be presented using a variety of fonts and font sizes
    Graphics and pictures can also be used to enhance the document
  • A Spreadsheet
    (Microsoft Excel)

    A spreadsheet is used to store numbersThe data is calculated by inserting FORMULAE this means the spreadsheet works out the calculation for you if you key in the right formula!The spreadsheet has the following features:CELLS: contains the dataROW: represented by a numberCOLUMN: represented by a letterCharts and graphs can also be created to display the data in a more effective wayInformation can be easily edited and manipulatedMr Goodman uses a spreadsheet to help him calculate the wages of all the employees at Caledonian Health & Fitness
  • Desk Top Publishing - DTP
    (Microsoft Publisher)

    Desk Top Publishing is used to create a document which has a very professional appearanceDTP is used to enhance textDTP enables the following documents to be created:Business cardNewsletterMagazineBrochureCalendarBannerDTP is a very useful tool in making documents of a very high standard of quality
  • Presentation Software
    (Microsoft Powerpoint)

    Presentation software is used to communicate information in an effective wayFeatures of presentation software include the following:Variety of text font and sizesImpressive backgroundsAnimation of text and graphicsGraphics and photosMr Smart often uses Microsoft Powerpoint when presenting new range of products to customers he believes that it is a very effective way of showing customers what they can buy
  • A Scanner

    A scanner is used to scan images and place them onto a computer file
    There are 2 main types of scanners:
    Hand held: these are the portable scanners that you can use in most supermarkets. The scanner reads the barcode and downloads the information into the computer so that the cashier knows how much to charge you.
    Flat bed: these are used to copy an image or body of text. The document is placed face-down on a glass plate and the information is then transferred to a file on the computer
  • Downloading

    Downloading is a feature commonly used in todays business environmentInformation can be extracted from any internet site and DOWNLOADED onto a computer fileIt is a sophisticated way of copying information from one stored area to another
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of ELECTRONIC FILING

    Saves spaceEasy to find informationDocuments can be scanned easilyBack-up copies of documents can be made easilyMore than one person can view the same information at the same timeUse of passwords means that information is secureVery expensive to buy the hardware and software requiredHardware and software needs to be maintained and upgradedTraining required for all employeesThere may be a fault in power supply or a virus may occur resulting in loss of dataHackers may steal confidential information



  • Manual or Electronic?

    Heather reports back to Mr Millar

    on her findings.

    When deciding upon using a manual

    filing system or an electronic filing

    system the following factors must be

    taken into consideration:

    Costs how expensive is the system?Space required need to consider office layoutTraining required time and moneyBenefit to management is it a step forward and an improvement on current system?
  • Activities

    Complete the following tasks in your activities booklet:
    Question 6: File ManagementQuestion 7: Create a noticeQuestion 8: EquipmentQuestion 9: Back-up ProcedureQuestion 10: Uses of softwareQuestion 11: Manual or Electronic?
  • Microfilming

    Papers are filmed to reduce them in size
    The images are then stored: on rolls of filmin jackets this means that the film is stored in a transparent walletas microfiche this is a sheet of film which can hold hundreds of A4 documents)
    The film is fitted into a viewer so that you can see them in a larger format
  • Equipment needed for Microfilming

    Camerafor filming the documents
    Viewer (Reader)used for reading the microfilm (to make it easier to read, the film is enlarged onto a screen)
    Printused to make the copies from the negative
    Processorused to develop the film
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of MICROFILMING

    More durable than paper many libraries store newspapers on microfilm as in time paper wears and tears very easily
    Saves space
    Less chance of documents being mislaid
    Copies of documents can be easily madeVery expensive to buy the hardware required
    Hardware needs to be maintained and upgraded
    Training required for all employees



  • Security of Information

    There are many methods used to ensure
    that information is kept secure:
    Issue passwords and log-ons to each employee exactly as you are at school so that only you can access your own information
    Issue security ID cards (swipe cards) this means that only authorised personnel are able to access certain area of the building, files etc
    More sophisticated methods are:
    FingerprintsVoiceprintsRetina or signature scanners
  • Use of Passwords

    It is important that the following measures are adopted:Passwords must be changed regularly to prevent hackers accessing your accountA mixture of upper and lower case letters should be used to make the password more complex and difficult to copyKeep the password confidential at all times
    The following must not occur:Never give your password to someone elseNever write your password down on a piece of paperNever use your own name or that of relatives as they can be easily guessed and copied
  • Heather has created a Code of Good Practice for all employees at Caledonian Health & Fitness

    The following measures should be taken WHEN USING your workstation:
    handle and store floppy disks correctly
    keep a tidy workstation
    save work regularly
    take BACK-UP copies
    use the correct shut down procedures
    avoid liquids near computers
    prevent the spread of computer virus by using anti-virus software
  • Heather has created a Code of Good Practice for all employees at Caledonian Health & Fitness

    The following measures should be taken WHEN AWAY FROM your workstation:
    activate password protected screensaver so that no-one can access any informationlog-off or shut down the computer before
    you leave
    remove any working disk (this may be a
    floppy disk, CD-Rom, flash card or zip disk)
    store disk in lockable disk-box (where do your disks go at the end of each lesson?)
    position screen so that it cannot be read by visitors
    do not leave printouts lying around they may be of a confidential nature and anyone could pick them up!
  • The Data Protection Act

    Heather has been made aware of the Data

    Protection Act and has made the following notice

    to show to all employees:

    The Data Protection Act says that all personal

    data must be:

    Collected lawfullyUsed for a specific purposeOnly held for as long as it is neededAccessible only to authorised personnelMade available to allow the individual to view information held on themAccurate and up-to-date at all times
  • Activities

    Complete the following tasks in your activities booklet:
    Question 12: Security
    of information
    Question 13: Security of software
    Question 14: Data Protection Act











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