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Unit 4 Day 9 Anatomy

They always talk who never think.

M. Prior

Weeks Agenda

Synovial Joints

Joints and Movements

Injuries and Review

Friday - TEST



Synovial Joint

Obj. 17 Synovial Joints

Articular cartilage covers the surface of the bones.Joint cavity with spaceJoint cavity enclosed by double layered articular capsuleJoint space bathed by synovial fluidJoint supported by reinforcing ligaments

Synovial practice

_______________ covers the surface of the bones in synovial joints.

Synovial joints have a ________ with space.

The joint is bathed in ___________ fluid.

Synovial practice

CARTILAGE covers the surface of the bones in synovial joints.

Synovial joints have a CAVITY with space.

The joint is bathed in SYNOVIAL fluid.

Obj. 18Ball and socket synovial joints are fairly stable.The more ligament a joint has, the more stable.A ligament can stretch 6% of its length before it snaps.Tone of muscles that cross a joint contributes to joint strength

Name two places in your body you have synovial

joints?What tissue gives synovial

joints their strength?

a.Gliding/Plane Joint


Objective 19: Movementswill be done tomorrow.

Objective 20:

Name the five types of joints.

See page 13 of your note packet.

b.Hinge joint

c. Pivot joint

d. Ellipsoid OR CONDYLOID joint between scaphoid and lunate bones of the wrist

e.Saddle joint between trapezium of the carpus (wrist)

f. Ball and Socket Joint

Working with your partner, list 5 types of joints and

be ready to share.

Objectives 21, 22

Separate note sheet.


Stretching or tearing of ligament.

Poorly vascularized so slow to heal.

Obj. 21 Structure of Selected Synovial Joints

Shoulder- a ball and socket joint. Glenoid cavity of scapula articulates with humerus

Most freely moveable joint of the body

Stablized by tendons and rotator cuff muscle

Elbow- Hinged joint

Hip- ball and socketstrong, weight bearing

Knee – hinge joint *largest joint of body


Displacement of bones from their normal location.

Cartilage injuryCartilage tears under pressure. Does not repair.

Bursitis – inflammation of bursa.

Olecron bursitis

More typical image

Arthritis – inflammation of the joint accompanied by stiffness. 1 in 7 of you will

get it.

Complete questions 1-18 on the handout.

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