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I.  Complete the causes of World War II DBQ located in the front of the classroom…

II.  You may work with a partner but no groups of three...

III.  Don’t waste time or I will collect the assignment...


World War II

In Europe 1939-1945

Hitler Begins German Conquests I.  Following Hitler’s rise to power he began an

effort to expand German territory & power

II.  1938 – Hitler and the German army invaded Austria

A.  This is a clear violation of the Treaty of Versailles which banned Germany from having an army

B.  Not a single nation stopped Hitler’s expansion

III. After taking Austria Hitler wanted more territory

A.  Germany invaded the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia B.  Not a single nation stopped Hitler’s expansion

Appeasement Policy I.  As Germany began expansion efforts in Europe no nation had

the courage to stand up to the Hitler and the German army A.  The world feared that any action against Hitler would cause another

world war

II.  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met with Hitler in

Munich, Germany to discuss a peaceful end to the conflict A.  Great Britain and France agreed to give Hitler the

Sudetenland after he promised that Germany was done seeking territory

B.  This appeasement policy was seen as cowardice by many and became a direct cause of World War II

III.  Great Britain & France backed down from Germany and set

the stage for WW2

Hitler Breaks His Promise: Germany Starts World War II

I.  After being given Sudetenland – Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia

A.  The Appeasement policy led Hitler to believe that no one would stop him from expanding the Germany Reich

II.  Hitler signed a Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin and

the Soviet Union A.  Soviet Union & Germany will not fight one another

III. Germany then invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 beginning World War II

World War II Begins I.  On September 1, 1939, Hitler officially began WWII

when Germany invaded Poland

II.  The German army used a new strategy called blitzkrieg, or lightning war

A.  They used tanks and planes to take the enemy by surprise and crush them quickly; Poland fell in a month

III.  Britain and France declared war on Germany officially beginning World War II

What Caused World War I I.  Hitler’s invasion of Poland officially sparked the

beginning of World War II

II.  Causes of World War II A.  Failure of the Treaty of Versailles = embarrassed Germany

leading to unrest and failed to provide a permanent peace B.  Failure of the League of Nations = the League of Nations was

created to prevent WWII but had very little power to prevent conflict

C.  Economic depression: following WWI the majority of the world experienced depressions, leading to the rise of power hungry dictators

D.  Appeasement: Germany violated the Treaty of Versailles on numerous occasions and no nation had the courage to stop the German expansion until it was too late


Hitler & Stalin Expand I.  After the declaration of war French and British troops

gathered on the French border near Germany

II.  Stalin then seized regions that the Soviet Union had lost during WWI; he took the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania)

III. Hitler launched surprise invasions of Denmark and

Norway; he then took the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

IV. Germany attacked France in 1940 but not where the Allied

Army expected

France Falls To Germany

I.  The German army successfully invaded France in 1940 and forced the French, British and Belgian (ALLIES) armies to flee to England

II.  Italy joined Germany during the invasion of France and assisted in the quick surrender of French forces

III.  Germany was able to take control of France less than 9 months after the invasion of Poland

IV.  The German military demonstrated incredible strength taking over powerful France in very little time

Hitler Invades Britain I.  After taking the majority of Europe Hitler made plans to invade

Britain using air raids II.  The German air force bombed London (capital) night after night

beginning in August 1940

III.  The British air force defended against these attacks using a new technology known as radar

IV.  This air war became known as the Battle of Britain; A.  The new prime minister Winton Churchill, rallied the spirits of the British

people and declared that they would never surrender

V.  Hitler gave up the idea of invading Britain and focused on seizing territory elsewhere (Africa and Eastern Europe)

World War II I.  The German invasion of Poland marked the beginning of

World War II

II.  Germany’s expansion prior to the war changed the political landscape of Europe

III.  Germany successfully took France, Poland, Czechoslovakia and other western European nations

IV.  Once again the entire world will be a war causing massive carnage and chaos…

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