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Unit 5

Prepare for an overseas trip


• Information about the destination

2.Accommodation HotelDormitoryHomestayYouth Hostel…

Traveling overseas?Did you know our organization has more than 4500 youth hostels in 60

countries?We offer quality accommodation at low


Our hostels provide clean safe place to stay while you are traveling the world. Accommodation is in 4, 5, or 6-bed rooms. Hostels have community kitchens, clean showers and a lounge where you can meet fellow travelers. Click on a country or place to find out more about particular hostels.


• Information about the destination



ShuttleCoachSub-way/ UndergroundDouble-decker bus…

Prepare for an overseas trip


• Information about the destination




Prepare for an overseas trip

What’s the “budget”?



What’s the “budget”?

= ________ planfinancial



transport fares

entry fees


telephone calls


• Information about the destination





Prepare for an overseas trip

1.Take your visa and passport;

2.Take enough money;

3.Take a dictionary if necessary;

4.Some books about the new country;

5.Take a tourist map and a map of the country;

6.Take a camera;

7.Take some medicine;

About your baggage

Culture Shock

Cash or Credit Card


• Information about the destination






Prepare for an overseas trip

Cheerful company shortens the miles. 旅有好旅伴 , 不觉行程远

You will probably have your pocket picked. To prevent this:Don’t keep all your money in the same place.If possible carry one credit card so you can get cash in an emergency.

Change planes without a transit card.

Be careful to notice what other passengers are doing and ask someone if you don’t understand.

Tom’s problem:

How to avoid it:

A transit card is needed when you _________ ____________. You should show the transit card before you ______________.

be occupied trying to work out…

another flightboard the plane

change to







ID card


Boarding Card (Pass)

Checked baggage

Carry-on baggage

Baggage Tag

Try to work out Airport English


Currency Exchange

Hotel Reservation

V. I. P. Room

Departure Lounge

Duty-free Shop  Departure Gate

Luggage (Baggage) Claim

Taxi Pick-up Point

Coach Pick-up Point

Tax-free Refund


Airport Signs

What do you do while checking-in?

1.Hand over any baggage you do not wish to carry-on to the aircraft.

2.Tell your seating preferences, a window or aisle seat.

3.Receive a boarding card and your baggage tag.

Check-in: the first procedure

Check-in before the departure of a flight. This duration spans from 30 minutes to over 2 hours depending on the destination and airline.

Get your airline ticket, passport, ID card and check-in luggage ready and wait in a queue.

Make sure your check-in luggage is not over the weight limit and does not contain any banned items.

Tips on quick check-in

3.Sally counted out how many she needed and put them in the same bottle.

4.Sally did have a doctor’s letter explaining about the pills.

5.The experience put much stress on Sally.

Sally’s problem:1.Sally took some medicine with

her during her flight.

2.She was stopped and had her bag examined by a police officer.

I didn’t get to my hotel till after midnight and I was very stressed.

1.Never _____ the chickens before they are hatched.

2.The stars in the sky are _________.

3.Air, water and money in English are all ___________ nouns.

4.Every second ______ when there is an emergency.

5.These pills are available over the _______.

count, uncountable/countable, countless, counter






She was stopped at the customs for carrying medicine without the doctor’s perscription.

She should have put the pills in the original bottle with her name and the doctor’s name on it

Sally’s problem:

It was ______ to have medicine without a doctor’s permission.


How to avoid it:

Restrictions on luggage

1.Sarah’s check-in luggage weighs 50kg.

2.There are some fireworks in David’s luggage.

3.John’s carry-on luggage contains keys.

4.Jenny’s luggage carries some sea food.

5.Rose puts shampoo and perfume in the carry-on luggage.




check-in/ carry-on

First class cabin 40kg

Business class 30kg

Economy class; Tourist class 20kg

He should have told someone where he was going and when he would be back.

Paul’s problem:

How to avoid it:

The __________ was so beautiful that I _______ to go for a walk. When walking alone along a river bank, I suddenly ______, fell and had my ankle badly hurt. No one would know where to look for me because ________________________________.Two hours later, a boy who came ____ lifted me onto his _____ and took me back to the village.

countryside decided


I didn’t tell anyone where I was going past


Someone spat on her and two men blocked her way when she went sightseeing in shorts and T-shirt.

Donna’s problem:

The people in the religious town didn’t _________ women walking around in clothes that didn’t cover them properly.

Last of all, the chief editor read it and ________ it.

approve of





a very religious town

a very hot day

• Do as the Romans do.

• Every country has its customs.

• Custom makes all things easy.

She should have found out local customs and follow them.

How to avoid it:

Some Proverbs



Useful expressions

overseas trip

change to another flight

hand out = distribute

be occupied doing / with…

board the plane

transit card

customs officer

spit on/ at (spit spat spat)

be blocked by…

approve of…

Do you want to go abroad for a further study?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?

Advantages Disadvantageshelp us to be independent

would be easier to learn a standard foreign language

easier to learn advanced knowledge and technology

difficult to communicate with others

will cost a lot of money

may be tiring to live in a new country

learn a lot about local customs and broaden our views

fun to live in a new country

relaxing have many new experiences

must look after oneself

culture shock

feel lonely

Cambridge University

Harvard University

University of


The University of Sydney

Yale University


美国政治家的摇篮33 位诺贝尔奖得主

Princeton University


Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院


Keep it up, Xie LeiChinese student fitting in well

keep it up:

fit in (with):


continue doing or trying

get along (with); be in a suitable relation (with)

fit in with the times



1.Xie Lei has been in London for six months.

2.XL felt both excited and nervous when she left China.

3.XL didn’t think much of the preparation course.

4.The way local people talk is the same as the way they do on her listening tapes.

5.XL thinks of her host family as her home where she can find comfort.

6.XL got an E for her essay because she didn’t study hard.

7.XL was tired of social activities and wanted to study more.





to complete a business qualification

is halfway through the preparation year

= certificate

do the preparation course

Pare. 1-2:

Xie Lei highly recommends the course.

The preparation course is most beneficial.

•The preparation course is _____________.

•The preparation course _______ us a lot.

•We will greatly ___________ the preparation course.

of great benefit


benefit from

Pare. 3-4:She fits in well with ____;

__________ helps her fit in well.


Host family

You have to get used to a whole new way of life.


live with a host family

board with English families

What kind of living ways will you choose?

A. Live A. Live with other with other studentsstudents

B. HomestayB. Homestay(with a host fa(with a host fa


1.1. to have the opportunity to to have the opportunity to learn about the new culturelearn about the new culture

2.2. to get adviceto get advice

3.3. to have a to have a substitutesubstitute family to family to be with.be with.

substitute = sth/ sb that does the job of another for a period of time

get an Ewas numb with shock

She fits in well with _____;

________ helps her fit in well.

Pare. 5:


Her tutor

• a preparation course

to help her to ___ ___ __ to Western ________ ___________;

get used to academicrequirements

•writing an essay

Xie Lei’s way•find…on the Internet

•make a summary of…

Tutor’s requirements

•couldn’t write …without acknowledging…

•Your own opinion is the most important


How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new social life in England?A.She tried to avoid rising a feeling of homesick.

B.She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common with.

C.She tries to put her heart into her preparation for her courses.

D.She tries to protect herself from the strange environment and does nothing to make herself familiar with the culture.

Pare. 6:

Topic sentence of Paragraph 6

A. XL feels much more at home in England now.

B. XL has been too occupied to have time for social activities.

C. XL is going to join some clubs to achieve more.

The newspaper article is published to _______.

A.make Xie Lei well known to the students

B.keep Xie Lei up and cheer her on

C.recommend some ways to fit in well while studying abroad

D.wish Xie Lei all the best with her new enterprise

He was recommended as manager of the state-run enterprise.Our head teacher has great enterprise.

She deserves to succeed.

One Good Turn Deserves Another

Good work deserves ___________.

You’ve been working all morning---you deserve __________________.

You’ve been working hard throughout the academic year. You ___________________.

good pay

(to have) a good rest


deserve a high mark

Xie Lei _______ a plane for London six months ago to complete a business ___________. She is now halfway through the __________ year. At the beginning, she had to learn almost everything again. She lives with a ____ family, which gives her the __________ to learn more about everyday life and _______ in her new country. She wrote her first _____ to her ____, but she only got an E. Now she has _________ the life and she feels much more __ _____ and is going to join a few university _____ in order to have a _______ between study and a social life. We wish Xie lei all the best with her _________. Keep it up ! Xie Lei.





at clubs balance





got used to

•keep it up

•fit in (with…)

•board a plane

•business qualification

•a degree course

•preparation course

•highly recommend

• 再接再厉• 适应• 登机• 工商管理资格证书• 学位课程• 预科课程• 极力推荐


•take up all your concentration

•host family


•board with…

•academic requirement

•sort of

•as far as he is concerned

•be numb with shock

•feel at home

•be occupied doing

•have a balance between …and…

•have… in common with

•wish sb all the best with the enterprises

• deserve to succeed

• 惊呆了• 感到自在• 忙于• 达到…与…的

平衡• 有…共同点• 祝福…学业

(事业)有成• 应该成功

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