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Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 1

Environmental Correlates

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 2

Environmental Factors

• Climate• Environmental Prompts• Availability of fitness equipment• Perceived access to PA resources• Actual Access to PA resources• Home-based Facilities• Neighborhood• Health Care Facilities• Schools• Worksite Facilities

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 3

Q59: What is the most influential environmental determinate related to physical activity involvement?

Answer is: Climate

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 4

True or False

Q60: When working out at home one rarely performs vigorous physical activity?

Answer: False

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 5

Home-Based Facilities

• Perceived as high intense exercise and strength training

• Most accessible

• Most convenient

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 6

Question 61

Which of the following are problems with home-based physical fitness programs?

a. They lack technical instruction about the how of exercise

b. They lack proper exercise prescriptionc. Social support is lackingd. Management of exercise is lacking

Answer: All

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 7

Question 62

A client comes into your fitness facility to workout and finds out that the class has been cancelled. What will the client likely do?

a. Leave the facility and not workout

b. Stays in the facility and find a exercise alternative

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 8

Perceived Access to PA Resources

• If the client is low in their intention to exercise, I would say the answer would likely be (a).

• All facilities need to ensure the future client of the availability the following resources:– Access to equipment

– Exercise program that meets their needs.

– Enriching leader

– Access to a workout site (private, home, school, etc)

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 9

Q63: The one number resource barrier to exercise in minority women who want to join a health club is?

Answer is: cost of membership

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 10

Q64: What is meant by this phrase, “density of physical fitness facilities?”

A. Quality of programs within a worksite physical fitness facility

B. Quantity of programs within a worksite physical fitness facility.

C. Index to the number of physical fitness facilities within a community.

Answer is: C

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 11

Actual Access to PA Resources

• Cost or cost to join– Minority women’s #1 cause

• Density of Facilities– More facilities = more PA involvement

“Little doubt access perceived or actual influences PA participation”

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 12

Q65: The key strategy that positively influences physical activity involvement in health care facilities

is what?

• Assessment and client profiling of the physical fitness components is the key strategy

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 13

Q66: Physical activity involvement in the schools emphasizes what group of students:

A. Pre-school

B. Elementary

C. High School

D. Junior High

Answer: B

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 14

Q67: According to the text which group of student need to emphasized when it come to PA?

A. Pre-school

B. Elementary

C. Junior High

D. High school

The answer is: D

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 15

Q68:Which facility has the greatest potential to impact physical activity levels in communities?

A. Worksite PA facilities

B. Private PA facilities such a Gold Gym or YMCA

C. Health care PA facilities associated with Hospitals and PT centers

Answer is: C

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 16

Q69: What effect does work-site health facilities have on blue-collar workers?

A. Small

B. Moderate

C. High

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 17

Worksite Facilities

• Small effect size in blue collar workers

• Convenient for those who regularly exercise

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 18

Question 70

If your company has a worksite PA facility and program and you must pay to become a member, you will still likely use the PA facility? True or False

Answer: False

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 19

Major Worksite Barriers

Schedules & class offerings


Day care

Membership Cost

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 20

Question 71

The cost of a membership in a club is a major barrier for who?

a. High income, married male

b. High income, married female

c. Low income, single male

d. Low income, single female

Answer is: D

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 21


• Single women of a lower socioeconomic level (especially if they have young children).

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 22

Question 72

What affect does access have on physical activity as we age?

Answer: Older or aged clients become very sensitive to PA resource to be accessible

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 23

Question 73

What is the major factor in why North Americans have very low bicycle and walking patterns within a urban area?

Answer: Lack of sidewalks and bicycle lanes (paths) on highways and in neighborhoods (urban areas)

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 24

Question 74

At the present time, student physical activity during a physical education class is sufficient to reap the expected health benefits of exercise?

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 25

• Answer is No!

CDC surveys in 1999, 2001, and 2003 reported that students are active for an average of just 16 minutes.

What if we increased the time in physical education per student? - Cornell report found that by adding 200 minutes to physical education would result in only 7.5 minutes of more activity and have minimal effect.-Don’t add minutes but provide a physical education curriculum that is fitness oriented based not sports and gaming education.

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 26

Question 75

List the common home exercise machines that fitness oriented customers usually buy?

A. Treadmills

B. Stationary bike

C. Rowing machines

D. Cross country machines

E. Stair climbing machines

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 27

Question 78

People who live in activity-friendly environments are more active and achieve the CDC recommended levels of PA.

Answer: Truea. The closer people lived to a bikeway, the more likely

they were to use it.b. People with safe places to walk within 10 minutes of

home usually met the recommended CDC activity levels.c. Neighborhoods with well-maintained sidewalks and

bicycling routes were likely to reach the CDC activity levels.

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 28

Question 79

People who live in neighborhoods with a mix of shop and businesses within walking distance have a lower risk of obesity?

Answer is True

Unit III: Chapter 8-11 & 17-19 29

Question 80

Is the following statement true:

Getting children to play and being active outdoors is the number one correlate to being physically fit.

Answer is True

Children’s activity levels are associated with number of play spaces near their home (Salis et al. 1997)

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