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Page 1: Unit One: Founding the Nation

Unit One: Founding the Nation


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Goals of the Unit:• To recognize the reasons for and impact of

European colonialism in America.• To understand the hardships of early English

colonialism and what led to eventual success in the new land.

• To be able to explain the similarities and differences between each colonies origin, politics, culture, economics, religion, etc.

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Day One: Introduce Unit


To discover what the reasons for and impact of European colonialism in America.

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Native Americans

• Inhabited America since about 20,000-35,000 years ago

• Approx. 100 million Native Americans

• Thousands of different cultures and types of civilizations

• Little to no contact until about 1500

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An Age of Expansion

• 1450 – Portugal invents caravel– Less wind resistance, allows for faster sea transportation, easier routes– Set up trading posts along Africa’s western coast

• 1492 – Columbus & Spanish fleet discover the Caribbean• 1494 – Treaty of Tordesillas

– Splits New World between Spain and Portugal – Spanish succeed in New World• 1500s – Spain and Portugal colonize “the New World” (America)

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Why Expansion?

• Economic motives!!!– Set up plantations, forced natives into slavery– Gold, silver, natural resources • All extremely profitable

– Transformed Europe’s economy

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Why European Dominance?

• Native American isolation leads to no immunities and less technology

• Disease, battles, harsh rule resulted in loss of 90% of native population

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Day Two: English Land in America

GOAL OF TODAY:To understand the hardships of early English colonialism and what led to eventual success

in the new land.

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Growth of “New Spain” in America• 1500s – Spain sets up American empire

– Conquer natives in West Indies, expands through North and South America

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England Challenges Spain• Protestant England vs. Catholic Spain• 1577 – Francis Drake (backed by

Elizabeth I)– Circumnavigates globe, returns with

loads of stolen Spanish loot – trip profit is 4,600%

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Spanish Armada (1588)

• 1588 – Spanish Armada decimated in failed invasion of England– Spanish downfall, English dominance

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English Expansion Starts

• 1585 – Lost colony of Roanoke fails– led by Sir Walter Raleigh

• Late 1500s – Economic depression, overpopulation pushes for England’s first establishment in North America

• Jamestown• 1606 – Virginia Company of London

– Receives charter from King James I for settlement in New World– Charter gives settlers same rights as Englishmen– Gold a driving force for trip

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Jamestown, Virginia

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• May 1607 – 100 settlers leave for North America– only 60 survive the trip

• Small beach settlement• Challenges?

– Disease, malnutrition, starvation, inexperience– Native American attacks

• Settlers dying off fast

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• Captain John Smith takes over Jamestown in 1608– Forced settlers into line– Negotiated with Native Americans

• “Starving Winter” of 1609-1610– Population drops from 400 to 60

• Lord De La Warr – infamously brutal– Arrives in Jamestown in 1610 with supplies, military– Begins harsh military regime against the Natives

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Day Three: Colonies Develop

GOAL OF TODAY:To be able to explain the similarities and differences between each colonies origin,

politics, culture, economics, etc.

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Day Three: Colonies Develop

GOAL OF TODAY:To be able to explain the similarities and differences between each colonies origin,

politics, culture, economics, etc.

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• De La Warr immediately declares war with Natives– First Anglo-Powhatan War (1610-1614)

• De La Warr’s troops viciously attack Natives• Peace treaty, marriage of John Rolfe and Pocahontas

– Rolfe is father of tobacco industry• Anglicization of Natives attempted

• Second Anglo-Powhatan War (1644)– Native’s final effort ends in decimation– Native Powhatan population drops 90%– Disease, disorganization, disposable

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English Progress Made• 1619 – self government in Virginia– “House of Burgesses”– King James I didn’t trust H.O.B.• Made Virginia colony of England in 1924

• Tobacco thriving in Virginia• England begins to take over West Indies– Sugar plantations – need for slaves• Imported from Africa (4:1 ratio)• Barbados Slave Code, 1661

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Colonies expand between 1607 - 1733

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The Plantation Colonies• Maryland, Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Georgia• Devoted to exporting commercial agriculture (tobacco, rice)

– slavery• Plantation style didn’t favor urban growth– Few schools, no printing presses

• Large areas, few rich in power• Church of England dominant faith, mostly tolerant• Tobacco crops destroy soil

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The Middle Colonies• The Quakers (Religious Society of

Friends)– Branch of Protestant dissenters in

mid 1600s– Bothersome to authorities, refused

taxes, oaths• William Penn– Wealthy Englishman– 1681 – Granted large amount of land

(Pennsylvania) by King Charles II– Close relationship with James II

(removed Catholic King)

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• Quakers were simple, devoted, democratic– Against war and violence– Tolerant of natives

• Pennsylvania took in immigrants seeking religious freedom– Excluded Jews and Catholics

• “Blue Laws”– Outlawed ungodly behaviors

• Plays, cards, dice, games, excessive laughter

• By 1700, Pennsylvania became one of the most populated and prosperous colonies

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New Jersey and Delaware• New Jersey

– After English take over of NY, granted to Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret

– Area in NJ split into two: East NJ and West NJ, both sold to Penn in 1681

– Proprietors of NJ surrender power to royal crown in 1702 – New Jersey combined, colonized

• Delaware– Province of Pennsylvania– Own assembly in 1701– Never “technically” it’s own colony– First state, 1776

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The Middle Colonies• NY, NJ, Penn, Delaware– “The Middle Colonies”– Exported lots of grain

• Lumber, fur-trade– More ethnically diverse– More religious tolerance– Economic, social


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The Northern Colonies Develop

• Religious persecution in England– “Separatists” fleeing England arrive at

Plymouth, MA in 1620– Mayflower Compact (1620)

• Bay Colony (1629)– Non-Separatist Puritans fearing more

persecution receive charter to form Massachusetts Bay Company

• Great Migration (1630-42)– 70,000 refugees leave England

• (20,000 to Colonies, 50,000 to West Indies)

• John Winthrop – Governor for 19 years– “city upon a hill”, beacon to humanity, holy

society, religious experiment• Fur trade, fishing, shipbuilding – Mass. Bay Colony


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“Bible Commonwealth”

• Winthrop distrusted democracy– Only Puritan men had voting

rights– “The General Court” annually

elected Winthrop to enforce “God’s law”

– Limited separation of church & state

• John Cotton – devout Puritan preacher

• “Protestant ethic”– Committed to work, spiritually

intense– Fear of hell

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“Bible Commonwealth”• Fines, floggings, banishment• Dissention begins– Four Quakers hung– Anne Hutchinson

• Challenges Puritan orthodoxy• Banished from Mass. Bay

– Roger Williams• Young minister, separatist• Extremely opposite views• Banished, begins Rhode Island colony

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Rhode Island Colony

• Williams flees to Rhode Island in 1636

• Religious freedom for all– Jews, Catholics, Quakers

• Exiles, refugees flock to R.I.– “Sewer Colony”

• Became fiercely independent

• Official colony in 1644

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New England Spreads• Connecticut

– Hartford founded in 1635• Reverend Thomas Hooker and Boston Puritans

populated area• The Fundamental Orders (1639)

– Constitution establishing democracy– New Haven established in 1638

• Merges with other settlements in Conn. Valley– Officially a colony in 1662

• 1677 – Maine purchased by Mass.• New Hampshire absorbed in 1641 by

Mass.– Breaks away in 1679, official colony

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Day Four: Colonial New York City

GOAL OF TODAY:To understand the history of colonial New York

City and how it’s past has shaped the city it has become today.

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Northern Colonies• Dutch East-India Company and Dutch West-

Indies Company

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The 13 Colonies• Virginia – Jamestown, 1607• Massachusetts – Plymouth Plantation, 1620– Mayflower Compact, 1621– Massachusetts Bay, 1630 (Puritans)

• New Hampshire, 1623– Breaks away from Massachusetts

• New York, 1626 (Dutch), Duke of York– New Amsterdam (NY) & Fort Orange (Albany)

• New Jersey, 1626– Originally granted by Lord Carteret & Lord Berkeley– Sold to Quakers in 1674 & 1680– “All men are created equal”

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• Maryland, 1634– Formed by Lord Baltimore– Haven for Catholics, Act of Toleration (1649)

• Rhode Island, 1644– Minister Roger Williams exiled from Mass. Bay– Believed in separation of Church & State

• State business bound to corrupt Church• Believed in Native American reparations

• South Carolina (Carolina), 1650– Originally granted to 8 supporters of King Charles I

• Connecticut, 1662– Thomas Hooker breaks from Mass.

• In search of land ownership – property ownership required• Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

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• North Carolina splits from SC, 1729– Geographically different from SC– Abandon slave holding aristocracy, institute democracy

• Pennsylvania, 1681– A land grant to the Penn family– William Penn creates Quaker haven– “Holy Experiment” guarantees religious freedom, liberal land

grants and political participation to all• Delaware, 1776

– Originally part of Penn for sea access– Geographically isolated, already had independent legislature

• Georgia, 1733– Established in attempt to alleviate the overcrowding in England

debtor’s prisons– Buffer between Spanish Florida and South Carolina

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Day Five: Colonies Develop

GOAL OF TODAY:To understand what life was like in the various

colonies and how they were both similar and different politically, socially, religiously,

economically, etc.

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Living in the Colonies• What was life like in the early days

of the colonies?– Harsh conditions– Disease was rampant– Few people survived past 40 or 50

years– 6:1 ratio of men to women

• 1720 – female population rises in Virginia

• Family life starts becoming more established

• Tobacco thriving in Virginia and Maryland– Indentured servants– “Headright system”

• Sponsorship of indentured servants were rewarded with land ownership

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Day Six: Colonial Society

GOAL OF TODAY:To understand what life was like in the various

colonies and how they were both similar and different politically, socially, religiously,

economically, etc.

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Bacon’s Rebellion• Late 1600s – many poor, single, free men

lacked– Money, land, women, work

• Nathaniel Bacon’s Rebellion – 1676– 29 year old planter in Virginia– Rounded up 2,000 men to protest Governor

William Berkeley’s friendly policy on Indians• Berkeley had successful fur-trading relations with

Indians – he refused to change his policy– The mob stormed and murdered Indian villages

then torched the capitol– Bacon dies of sudden disease and Berkeley

crushes rebellion• What does this result in?

– A search for less troublesome labor for plantations…• Slavery

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Slavery in the Colonies

• Africans in Jamestown, 1619– By 1670, population at 2,000

• 1680s English wages rise - leads to…– Less indentured servants leaving for

America– Black slaves started to outnumber

white servants• 1700s – slave trade to colonies

increasing– 1750 – slaves account for half off

Virginian population– South Carolina ratio (2:1)

• The Barbados Slave Code of 1662 still in effect

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Slave Life

• Life for slaves tougher in the south– Rice vs. Tobacco– Illegal to teach slaves to read

• Slaves begin to develop hybrid languages

• Music becomes part of culture• Revolts:– 1712 – rebellion in NYC

• 12 whites killed, 21 slaves executed– 1739 – South Carolina slaves revolt

and try to escape to Spanish Florida – stopped by local militia

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Social Gap in the South

• A social gap begins to widen in the Southern colonies1. Great Planters: owned large amounts of slaves and land;

ruled the region's economy and monopolized political power.

2. Small Farmers: largest social group; tilled their own modest plots and may have owned one or two slaves.

3. Landless Whites: many were former indentured servants.4. Slaves

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New England Society• Migrated as families, not individually– Women married young, large families– Marriage and family life prioritized

• Disease not as much of a factor in NE– Life expectancy: 70 years

• Women usually held more power in the South – why?– Life expectancy much lower in South– Men held much more power in New England

• New England law was very severe and strict • “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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New England Society

• New England well organized– New towns legally chartered– Meetinghouses• Democratic roots

– Education: • <50 family towns had to provide

primary education. • <100 had to provide secondary

education.• Harvard, MA (1636)• William and Mary, VA (1693)

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Puritanism’s Hold on Society• “Jeremiad”– Sermons that scold church-goers and

spread fear of hell and • 1662 – “Half-Way Covenant” – New formula for Church membership– Almost all could participate in Church,

even non or half-converted– Church was in need of membership

and money – more membership = more money

• Results:– weakened religious devotion from

early Puritan days– Line between “elect” members and

others disappearing

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Salem Witch Trials• 1690s – A group of

adolescent girls claim bewitchment

• Accusations quickly became political, social

• Mass hysteria: witch-hunt leads to executions of 20 people

• Witch-hunt hysteria ends in 1693

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Celebration of Learning!(AKA a Test)

• Small test:– 50 points– 20 multiple choice (2 points each)– 1 short answer (10 points)

– Major theme of the test will be comparing and contrasting the colonies, and the development/history of each.

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