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Spoken language

Written language

Body language

Ways of communicating







“I’ v lost my wallet!”

“I can’t believe she said that! That is so unfair!”

“I’ v got an A in maths !”“It’s been a long day. I can’t keep my eyes open.”

“I don’t know what to do.”


Facial expression

anger fear joy sorrow contempt 轻视

surprise disgust厌恶

New words:

★lean v. 倾斜eg: I’m leaning forward now.

★avoid keep away from 躲避,回避 eg: Students speaking during classes avoid being seen by teachers.

★contact get into touch with 接触,联络

eg: eye contact 目光接触

You ought to contact the police at once.

Part 1

Which of the following is a form of communication ?

A Speaking to someone.

B Standing in a corner at a party with your arms crossed.

C Avoiding eye contact with the salesman when you are buying something.

D All of the above.





Part 1.1. Tom was probably _______ the party. A enjoying B not enjoying C leaving D not leaving2. The customer said “I don’t want to talk” by ________. A avoiding eye contact B lifting her hand C covering her mouth D frowningPart 2. 1. The boy puts his finger over his mouth. This may mean

that he is ____. A telling the truth B not telling the truth C feeling sad D angry 2. A person who is interested in what you are saying will _

_____. A lean back B lean forward C lean to the left D lean to the right

Speaking, or using language to

communicate, is probably the

best known form of

communication. However, the

body language used in answer

B and the lack of eye contact in

answer C can say as much or

more as speech.

Let’s take a closer look at answer B. You are at a party and see your friend Tom standing alone in a corner with his arms crossed. When you ask him if he is enjoying the party, he says, “ Yes, I’m having a great time.” Do you believe him? Probably not, because his body language is telling you that he doesn’t like being there. If someone asks you later whether you think Tom liked the party, you might say “ He said he enjoyed it, but it didn’t look like it.”

Now let’s look at C. Imagine that you are a salesman at a store. You always greet your customers with a smile and then talk for a while. But what if one of your customers avoids making eye contact with you? Do you still speak to her? Probably not. By not looking at you, she has told you that she doesn’t want to talk to you.

Body language can help you decide whether a person is telling the truth or not. If a person covers his or her mouth with his or her hand, or if he or she puts his/her finger over his / her mouth, he or she may be lying. If the person you are talking to touches his or her ears or neck, this is also a sign that he or she may not be telling you the truth. How can you tell if the person you are talking to is interested in what you are saying? Watching his

Part 2

or her body language will give you a good idea. Someone who is interested will lean forward in their seat and will look at you when you are speaking. They may also nod their head to show that they are listening and agree with what you are saying.

Situation 3 : An old and sick person is on a crowded bus and wants to sit down.

O= Old person; P = Passenger

O: Oh my, this bus is crowded. Excuse me, could you please help me with this bag?

P: Certainly. There you are. Here, please take my seat, you look a bit tired.

O: Thank you. Yes, I’m not feeling well today. I think I have a bit of a cold. Could you please tell me when we reach Long Street? I’m afraid I can’t see where we are when the bus is this crowded.

P: Sure. I’ll let you know when we get there.

P: Shall I help you with that?

Speaking :

Useful expressions

Offer Request

Can/Shall I help you with that?

Would you like me to…?

Could you please …?

Would yu like some help?

Could you give me a hand with this?

Is tyhere anything else I can do for you?

Cold you help me with …?

Do you need some help with that?

No, thank you. Thank for all your help.

No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

That’s very nice of you.

1.match + n. + to / with + n.

把… 和…搭配起来

match +n.+ against /with+ n. 使… 和…交手 , 使 … 和… 比赛

He matched his shooting skill ______ the experts. against

2.emotion 喜,怒,哀,乐的情感

feeling 感情和感觉的普通用语;当 “感情”讲时需要用复数形式。3. sure ---sb. be sure … certain--- It’s certain that …4. avoid doing sth.

avoid sth.

5. lean 屈身,倾身 lean against 靠在… (lean against the blackboard) lean back 后仰 lean forward 俯身向前 lean to the left/ right 向左 / 右侧身 lean out of the window 把身子探出窗外

lean to the left/ right 向左 / 右倾身

6. ahead of (1) 指时间,在… 之前 (2) 比… 好 / 强 (3) go ahead 前进;用吧,干吧 He is ahead of times. He is ahead of me in English. ---May I use your bike? ---Yes, go ahead.

He is ahead of me in English. May I use your bike?

Yes, go ahead.

7. manage--- manager--- management

(1)经营,管理 manage a department store

(2) manage to do sth. 表设法做成,强调结果

而 try to do sth. 则表尽力去做, 强调过程。

(1) 经营,管理

e.g. I’ll try to overcome. 试着克服

I’ll manage to overcome. 一定想办法克服

Thank you very much

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