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Linking narcissism, motivation and doping attitudesin sportMatosic, Doris; Ntoumanis, Nikolaos; Boardley, Ian; Stenling, Andreas; Sedikides,ConstantineDOI:10.1123/jsep.2016-0141

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Citation for published version (Harvard):Matosic, D, Ntoumanis, N, Boardley, I, Stenling, A & Sedikides, C 2016, 'Linking narcissism, motivation anddoping attitudes in sport: a multilevel investigation involving coaches and athletes', Journal of sport & exercisepsychology, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 556-566. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2016-0141

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Linking narcissism, Motivation and Doping Attitudes in Sport: 6

A Multilevel Investigation Involving Coaches and Athletes 7


Matosic Doris1, Ntoumanis Nikos

2, Boardley Ian David

1, Stenling Andreas

3, & Sedikides 9

Constantine4 10


1 School of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, 12

United Kingdom 13

2 School of Psychology & Speech Pathology, Curtin University, Perth, Australia 14

3 Department of Psychology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden 15

4 Psychology Unit, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom 16






Re-submission date: 12th

October 2016 22




Abstract 24

Research on coaching (Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2009) has 25

shown that coaches can display controlling behaviors that have detrimental effects on athletes’ 26

basic psychological needs and quality of sport experiences. The current study extends this 27

literature by considering coach narcissism as a potential antecedent of coaches’ controlling 28

behaviors. Further, the study tests a model linking coaches’ (n = 59) own reports of narcissistic 29

tendencies with athletes’ (n = 493) perceptions of coach controlling behaviors, experiences of 30

need frustration, and attitudes toward doping. Multilevel path analysis revealed that coach 31

narcissism was directly and positively associated with athletes’ perceptions of controlling 32

behaviors, and was indirectly and positively associated with athletes’ reports of needs frustration. 33

Additionally, athletes’ perceptions of coach behaviors were positively associated—directly and 34

indirectly—with attitudes toward doping. The findings advance understanding of controlling 35

coach behaviors, their potential antecedents, and their associations with athletes’ attitudes toward 36

doping. 37




Keywords: 41

Coach personality, controlling coaching, self-determination theory, need frustration, multilevel 42

path analysis 43






According to self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2002), individuals in 47

positions of authority may display a controlling interpersonal style of communication, which is 48

likely to be motivationally detrimental to those with whom they interact. Controlling 49

interpersonal style is a result of a controlling socialization under which one feels pressured by 50

others (e.g., deadlines, punishment, or rewards) or by oneself (e.g., feelings of guilt and shame; 51

Soenes & Vansteenkiste, 2010). In sport, controlling coaches frequently act in a forceful 52

pressuring manner, coercing ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving upon their athletes 53

(Bartholomew et al., 2009). These coaches use numerous strategies to influence their athletes, 54

such as yelling, imposing opinions, making normative comparisons, issuing calculating 55

statements, and offering contingent affection (Bartholomew et al., 2009). Such a controlling 56

interpersonal style can frustrate athletes’ basic psychological needs, undermine their self-57

determined motivation, and produce maladaptive affective, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes, 58

including favorable attitudes toward doping (Bartholomew et al., 2009; Hodge, Hargreaves, 59

Gerrard, & Lonsdale, 2013). 60

Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of SDT-based empirical research on antecedents of such 61

a controlling interpersonal style in sport domain (for a review and an integrative model of such 62

antecedents, see Matosic, Ntoumanis, & Quested, 2016). We believe that it is important to 63

understand not only how coaches shape athletes’ sporting experience, but also why coaches 64

might behave in a controlling manner (Occhino, Mallet, Ryanne, & Carlisle, 2014). Hence, the 65

purpose of this study was to examine ––whether coaches’ reports of their narcissism, empathic 66

concern, and dominance are associated with athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors, 67

and whether the latter are associated with athletes’ frustrated needs and positive attitudes toward 68



doping. These interrelated research questions were tested in an integrative fashion via multilevel 69

path analysis. 70

Narcissism as an Antecedent of Controlling Behaviors 71

Based on the Mageau and Vallerand (2003) coach–athlete relationship model, Matosic et 72

al. (2016) reviewed, across several life domains, three categories of antecedent variables thought 73

to influence behaviors of individuals in positions of authority. These categories are context (e.g., 74

administrative pressure), perceptions of others’ motivation (e.g., self-determined or controlled 75

motivation), and personal characteristics (e.g., personality factors; Pelletier, Seguin-Levesque, & 76

Legault, 2002; Stebbings, Taylor, Spray, & Ntoumanis, 2012). The last category, personal 77

characteristics (i.e., personality and stable beliefs), has received scarce attention in the sport 78

domain (Matosic et al., 2016). As such, limited empirical research has been conducted 79

investigating whether personality factors predict coach use of controlling behaviors. 80

As an exception to this status quo, Matosic et al. (2015) asked whether narcissism 81

qualifies as a potential antecedent of coaches’ controlling interpersonal style. Narcissism is a 82

self-centered, self-aggrandizing, dominant, and manipulative interpersonal orientation (Emmons, 83

1987; Sedikides, Rudich, Gregg, Kumashiro, & Rusbult, 2004). Narcissistic individuals strive to 84

assume leadership positions that allow them to be recognized as leaders. They seek attention and 85

admiration, and focus on gaining personal benefit even when undermining others (Campbell, 86

Hoffman, Campbell, & Marchisio, 2011). Narcissistic individuals look relentlessly for validation 87

and pursue situations where they can exert authority and superiority over others (Morf & 88

Rhodewalt, 2001). Narcissism has been linked with negative leadership qualities and lack of 89

leadership effectiveness (Schoel, Stahlberg, & Sedikides, 2015). Narcissistic leaders utilize 90

manipulations and conceit that culminate in abusive supervision behaviors (e.g., anger outbursts, 91



taking credit for subordinate success; Keashly, Trott, & MacLean, 1994; Keller Hansbrough & 92

Jones, 2014). As coaching provides an opportunity for leadership and power, it may attract 93

narcissistic individuals. Matosic et al. (2015) showed that narcissistic coaches report greater use 94

of controlling behaviors toward athletes in situations in which coaches experience self-threat. 95

Empathic Concern and Dominance as Mediators of the Relation between Narcissism and 96

Controlling Behaviors 97

A potential explanation for the possible negative relation between narcissism and 98

controlling behaviors is reduction in empathic concern among narcissistic individuals (Hepper, 99

Hart, Meek, Cisek, & Sedikides, 2014; Rosenthal & Pittinsky, 2006). Empathic concern is a 100

component of empathy that describes a person’s ability to experience others’ emotions, and feel 101

sympathy and compassion (Davis, 1983). Importantly, a negative association between narcissism 102

and empathic concern has been identified in the literature (Trumpeter, Watson, O’Leary, & 103

Weathington, 2008). Coaches with increased narcissism and lower levels of empathic concern 104

may be less able to anticipate the negative feelings experienced by their athletes when these 105

coaches act in a controlling manner. Consistent with this possibility, Matosic et al. (2015) 106

demonstrated that reduced empathic concern mediated a positive predictive effect of narcissism 107

on controlling behaviors among sport coaches. However, this study was based solely on coaches’ 108

reports of their controlling behaviors. As such, it is not known whether empathic concern 109

mediates any effects of narcissism on athletes’ perceptions of their coach’s controlling behaviors; 110

the current study explores this issue. There is an evidence to suggest that coach and athlete 111

reports may be weakly related. Indeed, research has found a weak association between coach 112

interpersonal style and athletes’ perceptions of their coach’s interpersonal style (Smoll, Smith, & 113

Cumming, 2007). 114



Narcissistic individuals are also high in need for dominance. Dominance is the self-115

aggrandizing component of power that regulates subordinates’ resources and establishes 116

superiority over them (Emmons, 1984; Keltner, Gruenfeld, & Anderson, 2003). Narcissistic 117

leaders may dominate their subordinates through displays of harassment (Horton & Sedikides, 118

2009). As such, narcissistic coaches may seek to establish superiority over their athletes via the 119

enactment of pressuring and intimidating (i.e., controlling) behaviors (Bartholomew et al., 2009). 120

Support for this contention can be found in the non-sport literature, which suggests that 121

dominance mediates the effect of narcissism on indicators of controlling behaviors (e.g., 122

aggression, hostility; Ojanen, Findley, & Fuller, 2012; Raskin, Novacek, & Terry, 1991). 123

However, although Matosic et al. (2015) found coach narcissism to be a strong positive predictor 124

of dominance, dominance was not associated with controlling behaviors. Given that this latter 125

finding contradicted Matosic et al.’s hypothesis and, importantly, is inconsistent with the non-126

sport literature, we aimed in the current research to re-examine the relations among coach 127

narcissism, dominance, and controlling behaviors. In contrast to Matosic et al., though, we 128

assessed controlling coach behaviors via athlete report rather than coach report. 129

Athlete Perceptions of Controlling Behaviors, Need Frustration, and Doping Attitudes 130

Experiencing controlling behaviors in sport can have undermining and pathogenic effects 131

on athletes’ three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness 132

(Ntoumanis, 2012). Autonomy is the need to feel volitional about participating in one’s sport, 133

competence is the need to feel skilled when engaging in that sport, and relatedness is the need to 134

feel connected and accepted by the sport milieu (e.g., teammates or coach). Satisfaction of these 135

basic psychological needs is crucial, because it contributes to individuals feeling autonomous, 136

efficacious, and connected with others (Ryan & Deci, 2000). As such, need satisfaction is linked 137



to individuals’ optimal functioning and well-being, such as positive affect (Bartholomew, 138

Ntoumanis, Ryan, Bosch, &Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011a). On the contrary, perceptions of the 139

basic psychological needs as being actively damaged is referred to as need frustration 140

(Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan, &Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2011b). When their basic 141

psychological needs are frustrated, individuals feel oppressed, inadequate, and rejected by others 142

(Ryan & Deci, 2000). As such, need frustration is linked to individuals’ suboptimal functioning 143

and ill-being, such as self-injurious behaviors (e.g., eating disorders; Bartholomew et al., 2011a; 144

Vansteenkiste, Claes, Soenens, & Verstuyf, 2013). Specifically, athletes who experience 145

frustration of their basic psychological needs are more likely to engage in eating disorders 146

(Bartholomew et al., 2011a). 147

Factors that influence need frustration, such as controlling behaviors, are important to 148

understand in order to clarify further the link between need frustration and detrimental outcomes. 149

Recent research has reported a positive relation between athletes’ perceptions of controlling 150

coach interpersonal style and need frustration (Balaguer et al., 2012). In particular, the more 151

coaches adopted controlling strategies, the more athletes perceived their needs to be undermined. 152

Putting pressure and intimidating athletes to gain personal benefit could make them feel 153

oppressed and inadequate. Hence, and in view of the aforementioned expected relations between 154

narcissism and controlling behaviors, we hypothesize that coaches higher in narcissism enact 155

more frequently controlling behaviors toward their athletes, and, as such, frustrate the latter’s 156

needs. Such a hypothesis has not been previously tested in the literature. 157

One self-injurious behavior in sport that may be influenced by need frustration is the 158

intentional use of performance-enhancement drugs (PEDs; ergogenic substances ingested for 159

performance enhancement; WADA, 2015), often referred to as doping. Many PEDs have side 160



effects with potentially serious health consequences (Petróczi, 2013a; WADA, 2015); in this way 161

doping represents a form of self-injurious behavior. Further, doping is banned in most sports and 162

therefore constitutes a form of cheating. Attitudes toward doping are a key psychological 163

predictor of doping use and intentions to dope in athletes, and, as such, are considered an 164

alternate for doping behavior when obtaining data on the latter is not feasible (Lazuras, 165

Barkoukis, Rodafinos, & Tzorbatzoudis, 2010; Ntoumanis, Ng, Barkoukis, & Backhouse, 2014; 166

Petróczi & Aidman, 2009). 167

Favorable attitudes toward doping depict the use of performance enhancement drugs as 168

beneficial, useful, or ethical (Petróczi & Aidman, 2009). These attitudes are influenced by one’s 169

social environment. As such, athletes who experience frustration of their needs in controlling 170

environments may develop more positive attitudes toward doping, because they feel oppressed or 171

rejected and consider “doping” a mean to satisfy their needs. Those athletes may be tempted to 172

do anything to perform well and satisfy their coaches’ expectations, and may thus be likely to 173

form positive attitudes toward doping. 174

Hodge et al. (2013) reported that athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach interpersonal 175

style predicted athletes’ positive attitudes toward doping. Hodge et al. also examined the role of 176

non self-determined motivation in relation to athletes’ perceptions of controlling behaviors and 177

attitudes toward doping, but obtained null effects. Evidence suggests that basic psychological 178

needs explain variance in sport-related outcomes over and above variance explained by 179

motivational regulations (Felton & Jowett, 2015). Hence, in an attempt to extend the Hodge et al. 180

findings, we tested whether controlling coach behaviors predict positive athlete attitudes toward 181

doping via the frustration of athletes’ psychological needs. Links between need frustration and 182

doping-related variables have not been previously tested in the SDT literature. 183



When investigating the effects of coach behavior on athletes, it is important to examine 184

effects at both the group (between) and individual (within) levels. Research involving data from 185

coaches and athletes within teams is inherently multilevel because athletes are nested within 186

teams/coaches (Arthur & Tomsett, 2015). As such, relations occur at more than one level, the 187

individual (within-level) and the group level (between-level). Variables can also be measured at 188

different levels, such as athletes’ perceptions of coach behaviors (within-level) and coaches’ self-189

reports (between-level). Furthermore, observations (i.e., athletes) are not independent, which is 190

an assumption that underlies analysis of variance and ordinary least squares regression. These 191

issues highlight the need to account for the non-independence among observations using 192

multilevel analysis (Hox, 2010). Individuals in a group or context tend to be more similar on 193

many variables (e.g., attitudes, behavior) compared to individuals in different groups or contexts 194

(Heck & Thomas, 2015). As such, it is important to account for associations at both levels when 195

analyzing nested data (Byrne, 2012). 196

Aims and Hypotheses 197

Our primary aim was to test a hypothesized multilevel model (Figure 1) proposing (1) 198

positive relations between coach narcissism and dominance, and between athlete-reported 199

controlling coach behaviors, need frustration, and attitudes towards doping at the between-level, 200

as well as (2) negative relations between coach narcissism and empathic concern, and between 201

coach empathic concern and athlete-reported controlling coach behaviors at the between-level, 202

and (3) positive relations between athlete-reported controlling coach behaviors, need frustration, 203

and attitudes towards doping at the within-level. In addition to these direct effects, we 204

hypothesized positive indirect effects from (1) coach narcissism to athlete-reported controlling 205

coach behaviors via coach empathic concern and dominance at the between-level, (2) coach 206



narcissism to athlete need frustration via athlete-reported controlling coach behaviors at the 207

between-level, as well as (3) athlete-reported controlling coach behaviors to attitudes toward 208

doping via need frustration at the between- and within-level, respectively. 209

Method 210

Participants 211

Participants were 493 athletes (328 male, 165 female; age ranging between 16-53 years, 212

Mage = 21.22, SDage = 3.65,) and 59 accredited coaches (48 males, 11 females; age ranging 213

between 20-68 years, Mage = 35.90, SDage = 12.71) from different levels of competition (e.g., 214

regional, national, international) across the UK; each athlete was linked to only one coach. A 215

variety of sports (e.g., rugby, soccer, swimming) were represented. On average, coaches had 216

12.71 (SD = 9.24) years of coaching experience, and athletes had practiced their sport for an 217

average of 7.10 (SD = 5.11) years. 218

Measures 219

Narcissism. We assessed coach narcissism with the 40-item Narcissistic Personality 220

Inventory (NPI; Raskin & Terry, 1988), which uses a forced-choice approach whereby 221

participants are required to choose, for each item, between a narcissistic (e.g., “I like having 222

authority over people”) or a non-narcissistic (e.g., “I don’t mind following orders”) statement. 223

NPI scores range from 0 to 40, with higher scores reflecting increased narcissism. We scored 224

each narcissistic statement as 1, and each non-narcissistic statement as 0. We calculated the total 225

score by adding up the narcissistic responses. The NPI has high construct validity and internal 226

consistency (Raskin & Terry, 1988). 227

Dominance. We assessed coach dominance with the 11-item International Personality 228

Item Pool (IPIP: Goldberg et al., 2006), which is based on the California Personality Inventory 229



(CPI; Wink & Gough, 1990). Response options ranged from 1 (very inaccurate) to 5 (very 230

accurate). A sample item is: “Lay down the law to others.” The stem for dominance was: 231

“Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future, in relation to 232

other people you know of the same sex and roughly the same age”. The IPIP has high construct 233

validity and internal consistency (Goldberg et al., 2006). 234

Empathic concern. We assessed coach empathy with the 7-item empathic concern 235

subscale of the Interpersonal Reactivity Scale (IRI; Davis, 1983). Response options ranged from 236

0 (does not describe me well) to 4 (describes me well). A sample item is: “I am often quite 237

touched by things that I see happen.” The scale has good construct validity and internal 238

consistency (Davis, 1983). 239

Controlling coach behaviors. We assessed athletes’ perceptions of their coach’s 240

controlling behaviors using the 15-item Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale (CCBS; 241

Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, 2010). Response options ranged from 1 242

(strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). A sample item is: “My coach tries to control what I do 243

during my free time.” The scale has good construct validity and internal consistency 244

(Bartholomew et al., 2011a). 245

Need frustration. We assessed need frustration using the 12-item Psychological Need 246

Thwarting Scale (PNTS; Bartholomew et al., 2011b) scale. The PNTS includes three subscales 247

corresponding to athletes’ autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs. Response options 248

ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). A sample item is: “I feel I am rejected 249

by those around me.” The scale has high construct validity and internal consistency 250

(Bartholomew et al., 2011a). 251



Attitudes toward doping. Finally, we assessed athletes’ attitudes toward doping with the 252

5-item modified version of the Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale (PEAS; Petróczi & 253

Aidman, 2009) used by Gucciardi, Jalleh, and Donovan (2011). A sample item is: “The risks 254

related to doping are exaggerated.” Response options ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 255

(strongly agree). This scale has satisfactory construct validity and acceptable internal 256

consistency (α = .67; Gucciardi et al., 2011). 257

Procedure 258

We recruited coaches and athletes via sport club websites and existing contacts. After 259

gaining approval from the ethics board of the first author’s institution, we explained the purpose 260

and procedure of the study to coaches and athletes, and obtained written consent to participate 261

from both parties. We reminded them that their participation was voluntary, and all information 262

provided would be completely confidential. The first author and three trained research assistants 263

collected the data. 264

Data Analyses 265

First, we calculated intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for relevant variables to 266

determine whether there was enough between-level variance to support their decomposition into 267

within- and between-levels (Preacher, Zyphur, & Zhang, 2010). Then, we used multilevel path 268

analysis via Mplus 7.3 software (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2015). In MSEM, regression paths 269

among the variables are included at the within- (athlete) and between- (coach and athlete 270

aggregate scores) levels, allowing examination of indirect effects for both within- and between-271

level components, with each controlling for the other. We estimated simultaneously the direct 272

and indirect effects at the within- and between-levels. The analysis provided standard errors and 273

chi-square tests of model fit that accounted for the non-independence of observations due to the 274



clustering of athletes within coaches (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2015). We used the robust 275

maximum likelihood (MLR) estimation (Muthén & Muthén, 1998-2015) and assessed model fit 276



goodness-of-fit index, root mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA), comparative 277

fit index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), and square root mean residual (SRMR) at both the 278

within- and between-levels (Preacher et al., 2010). By default, Mplus software performs an 279

implicit latent group-mean centering of the latent within-level variable (Muthén & Muthén, 280

1998-2015). Therefore, no centering was needed prior to conducting the MSEM analyses. 281

We calculated indirect effects using the RMediation package via the distribution-of-the-282

product method (Tofighi & McKinnon, 2011). We used this method, because it can account for 283

correlations between a (predictor-mediator) and b (mediator-outcome) paths (Tofighi & 284

McKinnon, 2011); not doing so can produce inaccurate indirect effects, because of the 285

covariance between the two paths (Kenny, Bolger, & Korchmaros, 2003). We calculated the 286

indirect effects as the product of the a and b paths. We determined the statistical significance of 287

the indirect effects via 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A 95% CI not containing zero indicates a 288

statistically significant indirect effect (Preacher & Hayes, 2008). We calculated effect sizes for 289

indirect effects via kappa squared (2; Preacher & Kelley, 2011).

2 is the ratio of the obtained 290

indirect effect to the maximum possible indirect effect (Preacher & Kelley, 2011). 2 is 291

standardized and bounded using an interpretable metric (0 to 1), is independent of sample size 292

and, with bootstrap methodology, allows for confidence interval construction. According to 293

Preacher and Kelley (2011), 2 ratios are interpreted based on Cohen’s (1998) guidelines with 294

effect sizes ranging from small (.01), through medium (.09), to large (.25). 295

Results 296



We present descriptive statistics and inter-correlations for all study variables in Table 1. 297

Correlation coefficients were in the expected direction and ranged in effect size from small to 298

medium. The ICC for athletes’ perceptions of controlling behaviors, need frustration, and 299

attitudes toward doping variables ranged from .05 to .30. The fit indices for our a priori 300

hypothesized model indicated very good model fit:

2 (5) = 8.10, p = 0.15, CFI = .98, TLI = .94, 301

RMSEA = .04, SRMR (within) = .00, SRMR (between) = .09. We measured coach narcissism, 302

empathic concern, and dominance at the between-level only (i.e., coach data); we decomposed 303

athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors, need frustration, and attitudes toward 304

doping into latent within- (level 1) and between-level (level 2) components1. We report all direct 305

and indirect effects, p values, 2, and 95% CIs in Figure 1 and Table 2.


With respect to the first aim of the study, the findings at the between-level showed that 307

coach narcissism was positively associated with athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach 308

behaviors and dominance, and athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors were 309

positively associated with need frustration. However, the effects of dominance on athletes’ 310

perceptions of controlling coach behaviors, the effects of need frustration on attitudes toward 311

doping, as well as athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors on athlete attitudes toward 312

doping, were not statistically significant. With respect to the second aim of our study, the 313

findings at the between-level showed that the effects of coach narcissism on empathic concern, 314

as well as empathic concern on athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors were not 315

statistically significant. With respect to the third aim of our study, the findings at the within-level 316

showed that athletes’ perceptions of controlling behaviors were positively associated with need 317

frustration, and need frustration was positively related to attitudes toward doping. Additionally, 318



athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors were positively related to athletes’ attitudes 319

toward doping. 320

We obtained a statistically significant indirect effect at the between-level; this was the 321

effect of coach narcissism on athlete need frustration through athletes’ perceptions of controlling 322

coach behaviors (a*b = .85, [.02, .1.79]); the effect size was large (2= .50; Table 2). Further, the 323

indirect effect of athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors on athlete attitudes toward 324

doping through athlete need frustration was statistically significant (a*b = .08, [.03, .13]) and had 325

a small effect size (2 = .07; see Table 2). 326

Discussion 327

We addressed the role of narcissism as an antecedent of coach controlling behaviors. To 328

that effect, we proposed a multilevel model linking coach controlling behaviors with athletes’ 329

frustrated needs and positive attitudes toward doping use (an indicator of compromised athlete 330

functioning). In the tested model, we used coach and athlete data to examine the direct and 331

indirect associations between coach reported narcissism, dominance, and emphatic concern, and 332

athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors at the group level. We also examined 333

associations between athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors, need frustration, and 334

attitudes towards doping in sport at the group and individual levels, respectively. 335

Coach Narcissism, Coach Controlling Behaviors, and Athletes’ Need Frustration at the 336

Group Level 337

Coach narcissism was positively associated with athletes’ perceptions of controlling 338

coach behaviors at the group level. As such, the higher the narcissism coaches reported, the more 339

frequently athletes perceived them to engage in controlling behaviors (e.g., punishing their 340

athletes, imposing deadlines, and using task-engagement rewards). This is consistent with recent 341



findings that coach narcissism positively predicts coaches’ self-reported controlling behaviors 342

(Matosic et al., 2015). Here, we replicated this finding using athletes’ perceptions of coach 343

controlling behaviors. Thus, coaches who report narcissistic elements such as authority, self-344

sufficiency, entitlement, or exhibitionism are rated by themselves and others as more controlling. 345

Although narcissism – as expected – was positively related to dominance, we found no 346

effect of dominance on athletes’ perceptions of controlling behaviors at the group level. This 347

pattern parallels that of Matosic et al. (2015). Taken together, these two studies suggest that, 348

although coach dominance is positively predicted by narcissism, any effect of narcissism on 349

coaches’ controlling behaviors may be direct rather than operating through dominance. Future 350

research in sport will do well to examine other possible mediators, such as beliefs about the 351

normalcy and effectiveness of controlling behaviors (Reeve et al., 2014). 352

Empathic concern did not mediate the relation between coach narcissism and athletes’ 353

perceptions of controlling coach behaviors at the group level. Specifically, coach narcissism did 354

not relate to empathic concern, and empathic concern did not relate to athletes’ perceptions of 355

controlling behaviors. This is contrary to the work of Matosic et al. (2015), in which such effects 356

were significant. Interestingly, research outside of sport has reported mixed findings when 357

examining the relation between narcissism and empathic concern (Hepper et al., 2014; 358

Trumpeter et al., 2008). Of particular note, Hepper et al. (2014) found that narcissism did not 359

directly relate to empathic concern, but cognitive components of empathy (i.e., perspective 360

taking) did. Future empirical efforts could focus on cognitive components of empathy alongside 361

its emotional components to tease out the possible mediating role of empathic concern in the 362

coach narcissism-controlling behaviors relation. 363



Coach narcissism was indirectly linked to athletes’ frustrated needs via athletes’ 364

perceptions of controlling coach behaviors at the group level. This indirect effect was large and 365

extends previously reported direct effects between narcissism and controlling coach behaviors 366

(Matosic et al., 2015), and between athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors and need 367

frustration (Bartholomew et al., 2011a). Hence, it seems that, when narcissistic coaches exhibit 368

external controlling characteristics such as imposing deadlines, punishing athletes, and using 369

engagement-contingent rewards, athletes are more likely to feel oppressed, inadequate, or 370

rejected. 371

Predicting Attitudes toward Doping at the Group and Individual Levels 372

Athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors did not have an effect on athletes’ 373

attitudes toward doping at the group level, either directly or via need frustration. Although 374

athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors positively predicted need frustration, the 375

latter was not associated with athletes’ attitudes toward doping. However, this relation was in the 376

anticipated direction and had a moderate effect size. Thus, the lack of statistical significance may 377

have been due to the limited amount of variance in doping attitudes to be explained at the group 378

level (i.e., ICC = .05). The minimal variance in doping attitudes may in turn be due to the private 379

and secretive nature of doping. In other words, attitudes toward doping are infrequently shared 380

with others, which may prevent the formation of group level doping attitudes (Petróczi, 2013a). 381

At the individual level, however, athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach behaviors 382

were positively related to athletes’ attitudes toward doping. This is consistent with the findings 383

of Hodge et al. (2013), namely that athletes’ perceptions of controlling coach climates positively 384

predict athletes’ doping attitudes. Athletes who experience pressure to perform at their best from 385

their coach may be likely to have more positive attitudes towards doping. This is possibly 386



because athletes view ethically questionable means of performance enhancement more favorably 387

given that those may help them satisfy their coach’s demands for high performance (Hodge et 388

al., 2013; Smith et al., 2010). 389

We extended the work of Hodge et al. (2013) by showing that need frustration was a 390

mediator of the relation between athletes’ perceptions of controlling behaviors and athletes’ 391

attitudes toward doping. Athletes who perceive their coaches as controlling could feel oppressed, 392

inadequate, or rejected (Balaguer et al., 2012). Feeling inadequate and rejected may lead athletes 393

to develop more positive attitudes toward doping (and potentially use illegal performance 394

enhancing substances), as a result of their desire to increase their competence and relatedness 395

(feelings of acceptance by the coach) by accomplishing success. Such need restoration efforts 396

(cf. Radel, Pelletier, Sarrazin, & Milyavskaya, 2011) are important to address in future research 397

on doping. 398

Summary, Limitations, and Future Directions 399

The results of the current study make novel contributions to the literature by testing the 400

proximal and distal antecedent role of coach narcissism on athletes’ perceptions of controlling 401

coach behaviors and feelings of compromised psychological needs. We showed that these 402

antecedents can positively predict a highly topical issue, athletes’ positive attitudes toward 403

doping. We further extend previous literature by examining the relations among coach 404

personality, coach and athlete motivational factors, and athlete doping attitudes via obtaining 405

reports from both coaches and athletes and via testing such relations simultaneously within a 406

multilevel path analysis framework. 407

We acknowledge several limitations, which point to research directions. The study was 408

based on self-report data, which are amenable to socially desirable responding (Gonyea, 2005). 409



Future research may consider alternative assessments, such as observational methods for coach 410

behaviors and implicit measures for doping attitudes (Petróczi, 2013b). Additionally, given the 411

low internal consistency of the attitudes toward doping measure (Gucciardi et al., 2011), future 412

research should test the replicability of the current findings using different measures of attitudes 413

toward doping (e.g., full 17-item PEAS; Petróczi & Aidman, 2009). Further work should also 414

employ longitudinal designs to examine the temporal ordering of the relations among the study 415

variables, with particular emphasis on testing need restoration efforts via engaging in doping use. 416

Additionally, researchers could examine the moderating role of sport type on the effect of 417

controlling coach behaviors on attitudes toward doping. Controlling behaviors may have a 418

stronger effect on doping attitudes in some sports (e.g., strength based, endurance based) because 419

doping is seen as more effective for the key performance attributed in those sports compared to 420

others. 421

Our study was concerned with the relation between grandiose narcissism (i.e., NPI 422

narcissism) and controlling interpersonal style. Future research could test the relations between 423

other forms of narcissism, such as vulnerable narcissism (Gregg & Sedikides, 2010) and coach 424

controlling interpersonal style. Additionally, researchers could address other components of the 425

dark triad beyond narcissism (i.e., Machiavellianism, psychopathy; Paulhus & Williams, 2002). 426

The “dark triad” factors share common traits such as self-promotion, lack of empathy, and 427

aggressiveness, and hence they might also serve as proximal and distal antecedents of coach 428

controlling behaviors, athletes’ frustrated needs, and attitudes toward doping. Finally, researchers 429

could examine the interplay between coach and athlete narcissism (Arthur, Woodman, Ong, 430

Hardy, & Ntoumanis, 2011). For example, it would be interesting to test how athletes high and 431



low on narcissism experience need frustration when interacting with narcissistic coaches, or the 432

types of behaviors coaches use when interacting with narcissistic athletes. 433




Footnote 435


A reviewer requested to investigate the role of each need frustration (i.e., need for 436

competence, autonomy, and relatedness) and each controlling behavior (i.e., controlling use of 437

rewards, intimidation, negative conditional regard, and excessive personal control) independently 438

in the model. We ran such models but they produced inadmissible solutions. As an alternative, 439

we have tested for the correlations between each need frustration subscale with and attitudes 440

toward doping, and between each controlling behaviors subscales and doping attitudes, at both 441

the within- and between-levels. The correlation matrix for the individual need frustration 442

subscales showed similar correlations compared to the correlations between overall need 443

frustration and doping attitudes. Similarly, the correlation matrix for the controlling subscales 444

showed similar correlations compared to the correlations between overall controlling behaviors 445

and doping attitudes (with the exception of the controlling use of rewards-doping attitudes 446

correlation which was non-significant). These results are available from the first author upon 447

request. 448












Acknowledgments 458

The research in this manuscript was supported by a PhD studentship awarded to the first 459

author by the Economic and Social Research Council (Award No: ESJ50001X/1). We appreciate 460

the help of University of Birmingham undergraduate students Charlotte Castle, Garry Emery, 461

and Sean White with data collection. 462





















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Figure 1. Multilevel path analysis model testing coach narcissism, dominance and empathic concern in relation to athletes’

perceptions of coach behaviors, need frustration, and attitudes toward doping

Note: Model displays results of both within- and between-level analyses. Dashed lines represent non-significant relations. acon =

athletes’ perceptions of coach controlling behaviors; NF = athlete need frustration; dop = athlete attitudes toward doping; W = within-

level; B = between-level; *p < .05, **p < .01.






Dop NF acon








acon W-NF












.36 .89












Table 1

Descriptive Statistics, Between-level and Within-level Correlations between Study Variables and

Intraclass Correlations

Note. ICC = Intraclass correlation coefficients. Raykov (2009) composite reliability coefficients

are in bold along the diagonal. Between-level correlations coefficients are represented on the left

side of diagonal. Within-level correlation coefficients are represented on the right side of

diagonal and are in italics. *p < .05, **p < .01.

Variable 1

2 3 4 5 6 IC


1. Narcissism .85 -

2. Dominance .65** .86 -

3. Empathic Concern -.03 -.15 .78 -

4. Athletes’ perceptions of

controlling behaviors

.31* .14 .07 .90 .45** .19** .30

5. Need frustration .06 -.05 -.03 .86** .91 .21** .17

6. Attitudes toward doping -.09 .26 -.14 .13 .37 .63 .05

Possible Range 0-40 1-5 0-4 1-7 1-7 1-6

M 14.23 3.11 3.09 2.67 2.53 2.46

SD 6.74 .52 .40 1.07 1.11 .85

Skewness .962 -.125 -.529 .336 .389 .353

Kurtosis .997 -.224 .046 -.682 -.553 - .235



Table 2

Indirect Effects and Asymmetric CIs

95 % CI




Acon→NF→dop 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.13 0.07



0.22 0.42 -1.05 0.59 0.05


-0.01 0.09 -0.21 0.16 0.00


0.85 0.45 0.02 1.79 0.50


0.05 0.10 -0.25 0.14 0.15


0.04 0.10 -0.15 0.24 0.14

acon→NF→dop 0.12 0.33 -0.52 0.77 0.13

Note. aunstandardized estimate. SE = standard error; CI = confidence interval; LL = lower

limit; UL = upper limit; 2= kappa squared; acon = athletes’ perceptions of coach controlling

behaviors; NF = athlete need frustration; dop = athlete attitudes toward doping; Narc = coach

narcissism; dom = coach dominance; empat = coach empathic concern.

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