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The UNH Library supports the University’s charter as NewHampshire’s land, sea, and space grant institution,embraces the University’s liberal arts tradition, andconnects all, while embodying the values of the campuscommunity. As the intellectual common ground, we offerservices in information and data literacy, discovery of andaccess to information resources and knowledge, andvibrant community spaces to support the public good.

As a trusted academic and community partner for theUniversity and beyond, the UNH Library is recognized as aninclusive, dynamic center for developing independentlearners and fostering world-class scholarship in anevolving environment of services, technologies, andcritical information literacies.

Partner for studentsuccess and well-being

Enhance the library user experience

Embrace UNH’s researchand service missions

Grow as a flexible,creative, and inclusiveorganization

Cultivate sustainablepractices

Learn more about our plan:library.unh.edu/about-us/strategic-plan

University of New Hampshire LibrarySTRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2025

Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The UNH Library will partner with faculty, as well as academic,campus, and community groups to prepare students to beinformed and ethical users and creators of information. TheLibrary will actively support historically underservedpopulations to provide all students with an equal opportunityto succeed.

The UNH Library will take a user-centered approach toimproving spaces, resources, expertise, and technology. TheLibrary will use ongoing assessment to make incremental anduser-informed changes. The Library will provide a hospitableand inspiring learning environment in support of UNH’s visionfor a welcoming and inclusive campus community.

The UNH Library will be a collaborative contributor to UNH’sresearch and service initiatives. As a publisher and preserver ofthe University's scholarly output, the Library will have a robustphysical and digital archive and a comprehensive institutionalrepository. The Library will curate its collections and will be anactive participant in cooperative associations to support theinformation needs of its diverse communities.

The UNH Library will be an agile, responsive, and service-focused organization. The Library recognizes that its peopleare its strongest asset and will provide ongoing investment ineach team member’s knowledge and skills. The Library willprovide a work environment that encourages each individualto contribute to their full potential.

The UNH Library, as a responsible steward of its resources, willdefine core services and make them as efficient, effective, andresponsive as possible. The Library will embrace animaginative approach to building capacity for the future whileadvocating for greater institutional investment.Environmentally sustainable practices will be infusedthroughout library spaces and operations.

Partner for student success & well-being

Enhance the library user experience

Embrace UNH’s research & service missions

Grow as a flexible, creative & inclusive organization

Cultivate sustainable practices

Cultivate a safe, equitable, and inclusive environment

Maximize discovery of and access to information resources

Raise awareness of library services, resources, and expertise

Recruit and retain a diverse and innovative library workforce

Increase awareness at UNH about shifts in scholarly communication,including the evolving publishing landscape, open access, and freedomof information

Hone instruction and other efforts to provide impactful learningexperiences

Increase investment in the Library’s virtual presence and technicalinfrastructure

Provide leadership for preservation of and access to digital collectionsreflecting New Hampshire’s history and cultural heritage

Evolve the Library’s organizational structure to maximize teamwork,agency, and accountability

Manage physical collections relative to space and user needs whilecontributing to national preservation and retention efforts

Priorities & Aspirations Initiatives

Address inadequacies in providing safe and secure housing forcollections

Build a stronger financial foundation by pursuing additional sourcesof funding

Build a practice of documenting, assessing, and communicating theLibrary’s contributions to the University

Deepen expertise in areas of strength to engage with the campusand to act as regional and national library leaders

Share expertise around data management, preservation, andscholarly publishing with a wider audience

Reconceptualize and implement a highly effective liaison program

Promote inclusion of information literacy and related literacies intouniversity curricula

Continuously improve the Library’s physical spaces to balance variedand changing user needs

UNH Strategic Priorities

Build financial strength

Enhance student success and well-being

Expand academic excellence

Embrace New Hampshire


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