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University of the District of Columbia Banner Data Standards

UDC Guidelines for Data Standards, Data Integrity and Security

Prepared by: University of the District of Columbia Banner Implementation Team

Version: 0.1 Last Revision Date: June 28, 2011

Create Date: March 8, 2007

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Data Standards

Table of Contents

1 DATA INTEGRITY.................................................................................................. 4

1.1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................... 4

1.2 ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................. 4 1.3 ACCESS TO GENERIC UNIVERSITY DATA ....................................................... 5 1.4 APPEALS PROCEDURE ...............................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.5 INFORMATION ACCESS DEFINITIONS ............................................................. 5 1.6 SECURED ACCESS TO DATA ......................................................................... 6 1.7 DATA MANAGERS ......................................................................................... 4

2 DATA CHANGE RULES ........................................................................................ 8

2.1 RULES FOR CLEAN AND ACCURATE RECORDS .............................................. 8

3 GENERAL PERSON INFORMATION ................................................................... 9

3.1 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER STANDARDS .......................................................... 9

3.2 NAME STANDARDS........................................................................................ 9 3.2.1 Last Name..................................................................................................9 3.2.2 First Name .................................................................................................9

3.2.3 Middle Name ........................................................................................... 10 3.2.4 Prefixes....................................................................................................10 3.2.5 Suffixes ....................................................................................................11 3.2.6 Name Types ............................................................................................. 11 3.2.7 Preferred First Name (Optional) ............................................................ 11 3.2.8 Legal Name (Optional)............................................................................11 3.2.9 Non-Person Name/Vendor ......................................................................11

3.3 ADDRESS STANDARDS ................................................................................ 12 3.3.1 Street Standards ......................................................................................12 3.3.2 Unit Numbers such as Apartment, Building, Suite, etc. .......................... 13

3.3.3 City Standards ......................................................................................... 13 3.3.4 State Standards........................................................................................13 3.3.5 Zip Code Standards .................................................................................13 3.3.6 Nation Codes ........................................................................................... 13

3.4 DATE STANDARDS ...................................................................................... 13 3.5 BIRTH DATE STANDARDS ............................................................................ 14 3.6 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION INDICATOR STANDARDS................................. 14 3.7 CITIZENSHIP TYPE STANDARDS [STVCITZ] ................................................ 14 3.8 VISA CODE STANDARDS [STVVTYP] ......................................................... 14 3.9 GENDER CODE STANDARDS ....................................................................... 18 3.10 ETHNIC CODE STANDARDS [STVETHN, STVETCT]................................... 18 3.11 MARITAL CODE STANDARDS [STVMRTL] ................................................... 19 3.12 RELIGION CODE STANDARDS [STVRELG] .................................................. 19 3.13 LEGACY CODE STANDARDS [STVLGCY] .................................................... 20 3.14 VETERAN INFORMATION [STVVETC] .......................................................... 21

3.14.1 Veterans Type Code ………………………………………………………… 22 3.15 DECEASED INFORMATION............................................................................ 21 3.16 DRIVER’S LICENSE INFORMATION…………………………………………… ..22

3.16.1 Standards……………………………………………………………………….22

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Data Standards

3.16.2 Guidelines………………………………………………………………………23

3.17 CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS………………………………………………………23

3.17.1 General………………………………………………………...………………23 3.17.2 Confidentiality Indicator……………………………………………………..23 3.17.3 Releasing Confidential Information……………………………………23

3.18 LETTER NAMES…………………………………………………………………24 3.18.1 General…………………………………………………………………………24 3.18.2 Standards……………………………………………………………………….24

Need to add additional sections NEED TO ADD EMAIL, Int'l vs Domestic Address formats

APPENDIX 1 - ADDRESS TYPES [STVATYP] .............................................................. 24

APPENDIX 2 - PHONE TYPES [STVTELE] ................................................................... 25

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Data Standards

1 Data Integrity

1.1 Purpose

These guidelines provide the initial recommendations for establishing measures for the protection, access, and use of University data that is electronically maintained and stored on the University of the District of Columbia Banner system. The guidelines will define the roles and responsibilities of those who input, access, maintain and secure that data. Certain administrative units and/or divisions may have individual guidelines that will supplement, but do not replace or supersede these guidelines.

1.2 Administrative Responsibility

By law, UDC may not release certain confidential data without proper authorization. Users MUST adhere to any and all applicable federal and state laws as well as internal policies and procedures concerning storage, retention, use, release, and destruction of data. All data users are expected to access data only within the conduct of official University business.

Data is a critical asset owned by the University. All institutional data, whether maintained in the central database or copied into other data systems (e.g. personal computers) remains the property of UDC. Access to data should not be approved for usage outside a user’s official area of responsibility. Institutional data is private and shall be used solely for legitimate UDC business.

As a fundamental principle of access, UDC data will be shared only among those employees whose work can be done more effectively by obtaining knowledge of such information. Although UDC must protect the security and confidentiality of such data, the procedures which allow access to the data must not unduly interfere with the efficient conduct of UDC business.

Division/department heads will ensure that, for their respective areas of accountability, each user is adequately trained. As part of that training, each user will be required to read, understand, and agree to adhere to all stipulations within this document.

Division /department heads will ensure a secure office environment with regard to all UDC data systems. Division/department heads will determine the necessary data access requirements of their staff as it relates to their primary job functions prior to submitting a Banner Access Request Form.

All procedures and data systems owned and operated by UDC will be constructed to ensure that:

1. All data is input in a timely and accurate manner.

2. Accuracy and completeness of all data is consistently maintained.

3. System capabilities can be restored after loss or damage by accident, malfunction, security breach or a natural disaster.

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Data Standards

4. Any breaches of security can be promptly detected and controlled.

1.3 Access to the University of the District of Columbia Data

Below are the requirements (and limitations) for all University divisions/departments to follow in obtaining the necessary permissions for inquiry and update access to UDC data. All users must understand that safe guarding data security is paramount to our ability to maintain data integrity.

Users are responsible for obtaining an understanding of all data elements that will be utilized with the new enterprise software. If a user does not understand the meaning of a data element, the user should consult the appropriate Data Manager or other functional systems support personnel. Users MUST always protect UDC data files from deliberate unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Users are responsible and will be held accountable for the security, privacy and integrity of data within their control. You, the user, are responsible for ALL transactions which occur during the usage of your log- in identification (ID) and password. Access sharing is strictly prohibited; users are not to loan or share access codes with anyone. If it is found that a user is loaning or sharing their access codes, they will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.

Division/department heads MUST request access authorization for every user under their supervision by completing and submitting a Banner Access Request Form to the required Data Manager and/or Security Officer. The Data Manager and/or Security Officer will review the request and may approve or deny, accordingly. Once the request is approved, the form will be forwarded to the Banner Security Administration team for processing. If the request is denied, the division/department head MUST follow the established appeals procedure. Under no circumstances will access be granted without written approval of the Security Officer and the Data Manager or as a result of the appeals procedure (see the Appeals Procedure section noted below).

The Banner Access Request Form and instructions for completing it can be obtained from the Banner Trainer. The User’s signature on the Banner Access Request Form signifies your agreement to abide by all data standards as set forth in this document.

1.4 Information Access Definitions

“Inquiry-only” access will enable the user to view and analyze data. It will not allow the user to modify and/or update any UDC data. If data is downloaded to a personal computer or other device, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the data is not altered in any way. In order to maintain data integrity, any downloaded data must be used and represented responsibly, accurately and in accordance with the guidelines as set

forth in this document. If data is downloaded for reporting purposes, the report MUST be clearly labeled as “unofficial”, except as authorized by the Data Manager. “Update” access provides both inquiry and modify (update) capabilities. In most instances, “Update” capability will be limited to users directly responsible for the collection and maintenance of the data.

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Data Standards

1.5 Secured Access to Data

Banner classifications will be established based on job function such as registration clerk, faculty, cashier, etc. Specific capabilities will be assigned to each classification based on the user’s model access profile. For example, the registration clerk would have update access to registration, but may only have inquiry access to academic history. Each user will be assigned a model access profile or possibly several profiles, depending on their particular processing needs as established by their division/department head or as approved by the Data Manager(s).

A list of available model access profiles (classifications) and their functions will be made available on-line to all division/department heads. This list will be a dynamic document that will not be given out in hardcopy form to ensure that everyone has access to the most current list.

The following procedures will be utilized to establish an ID and password for the Banner System:

1. The employee MUST participate in (and complete) Banner training.

After the successful completion of training, the Banner Training Administrator will notify the Banner Security Administrator via memorandum and/or email indicating which employees have completed the training. The trainer will provide the employee with a Banner Access Request Form to be filled out by the employee’s division/department head.

2. The Banner Access Request Form MUST include the first name, middle initial and last name of the employee. These fields are required in order to receive a Banner Account. After the employee’s division/department head has determined the appropriate model access profile for the user, the form is sent to the Data Manager(s) for review and approval. The form is then authorized by the division/department head and sent to the Banner Security Administrator for processing.

3. The Banner Security Administrator creates a unique Banner Account for the employee and adds the account information to UDCAIDEN.

4. The Banner Security Administrator notifies the employee of his/her

Banner Account and provides a temporary password. Immediately upon login, the employee will be forced to change the temporary password and initiate a new password on UDCAPSWD. Passwords must be a minimum of four characters, cannot begin with a number, and cannot contain special characters.

5. If a user forgets his/her password, he/she must contact the Banner Security Administrator as soon as possible. Since the passwords are encrypted, the Banner Security Administrator cannot read the old password and must issue a new one

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1.6 Data Managers

A Data Manager is the director of a UDC office or department. The Data Manager may make data within his/her charge available to others for the use and support of the office or department’s functions.

Before granting access to data, the Data Manager must be satisfied that protection requirements have been implemented and that a “need to know” is clearly demonstrated. By approving user access to UDC data, the Data Manager consents to the use of that data within the normal business functions of administrative and academic offices or departments.

Data Managers are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of data files in their areas. Misuse or inappropriate use by individuals will result in revocation of the user‟s access privileges. Data Managers are also responsible for the maintenance and control of Banner validation and rules tables. These tables, and processes related to their use, define how business is conducted at UDC.

University of the District of Columbia Data Managers

Area of Responsibility Data Managers

Student Module Registrar/Director of Admissions Student Financial Aid Director of Financial Aid Finance System University Official – Finance Accounts Receivable University Official – Finance Alumni/Development Director of Development Procurement System Director of Procurement Budget Director of Budget Grants System Director of Grants Administration

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Data Standards

2 Data Change Rules

The following rules govern which office has the authority to change names, addresses, identification numbers and telephone numbers for students, faculty, staff, alumni, other district employees, vendors, and financial aid recipients in the Banner integrated administrative information system. These rules are subject to change as new policy, procedures and guidelines are established.

If the person is a/an: Then:

Applicant, student, or recruit The Office of Admissions or the Registrar’s office can make the change with appropriate documentation.

Employee, employment applicant, or student employee

Human Resources can make the appropriate changes with appropriate documentation.

Student and/or Financial Aid recipients

The office of Admissions, or the Registrar can make the change with appropriate documentation.

Alumni or constituents who do not fit into any other category

Alumni/Development can make the change with appropriate documentation

Any combination of student- employee-vendor

Human Resources can make the appropriate change with appropriate documentation

Vendor Only The Director of Procurement can make the change with appropriate documentation

2.1 Rules for Maintaining Accurate Records

Search first. Before you create a new record for a person or organization, you MUST conduct an ID and name search to make sure that person or organization has not already been entered in the Banner database. Each user in every office MUST conduct a thorough search to prevent entering a duplicate record.

Data changes. Make data changes ONLY when you have that authority and when you follow the procedures established by the Data Manager of that data you want to change.

Remember – some data fields have specific data entry rules. See the specific section under General Person Information for those data entry rules.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used in any data field because they may cause Oracle database errors.

Other special characters that should not be used are:

$ dollar sign * asterisk “ double quotation marks ' single quotation mark ; semi-colon : colon

These characters have special meaning to Oracle (Database System) and may cause errors.

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Data Standards

3 General Person Information

The following guidelines should be adhered to for all person records added to the Banner system.

3.1 Identification Number Standards

The following identification numbers will be used:

Person Use the identification number generated by the system on any Identification

Form (xxxIDEN). If an ID number other than SSN is used for a student, then the SSN must be entered on the General Person Form (xxxPERS).

Non-Person Use the system generated ID number.

3.2 Name Standards

3.2.1 Last Name

All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the legal spelling and format of the last name as supplied by the person.

Hyphens may be used to separate double last names (sometimes used in ethnic names or by persons who wish to utilize their maiden and married names). However, if there are two last names that are not hyphenated (e.g. Monica Lou Creton Quinton), Monica would be input at the first name, Lou would be input as the middle name and Creton Quinton would be input as the last name.

Spaces are permitted if the legal spelling and format of the name includes spaces. Examples: Mc Donald, Mac Phearson, St. John, Del la Rosa, Van der Linder.

Do NOT use titles, prefixes, and suffixed in the last name.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. Other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

Note: When a new person is being entered into Banner and that new person has a previous name that is deemed necessary to be recorded, enter the previous name into the system FIRST and commit the record. Change the name using Banner‟s name change procedure on the xxxIDEN form.

3.2.2 First Name

All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the legal spelling and format of the first name as supplied by the person. If no first name exists put a period in this field.

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Any single character first name should be entered and followed by a period. In those cases where a single character first name is designated as the first name and followed by a middle name, place the single character in the first name field and the middle name in the middle name field.

Hyphens MAY be used to separate double first names.

Spaces are permitted if the legal spelling and format of the name includes spaces (e.g. Mary Ann, Bobby Joe).

Do NOT use titles, prefixes, or suffixes in the first name field.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. Other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

3.2.3 Middle Name

All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the legal middle name or middle initial as supplied by the person. If no middle name exists, leave the field blank.

Hyphens MAY be used to separate double middle names.

Spaces are permitted if the legal spelling and format of the name includes

spaces. Do NOT use titles, prefixes, or suffixes in the middle name field.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. For other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

3.2.4 Prefixes

Prefixes are to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the prefix in the prefix field, not in the first, middle, or last name fields. Below are examples of the more commonly used prefixes and recommended abbreviations.

Abbreviation Description Mr. Mister Mrs. Madam Ms. Ms. Miss Miss Dr. Doctor Hon. Honorable Rev. Reverend Si. Sister Br. Brother Rb. Rabbi

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Prof. Professor

3.2.5 Suffixes

All suffix codes are to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the suffix in the suffix field, not in the last name field. Below are examples of commonly used suffixes and recommended abbreviations. The suffix field is not included on printed payroll checks and tax reports.

Abbreviation Description Sr. Senior Jr. Junior II The Second III The Third

3.2.6 Name Types

Current names are not associated with a name type. Previous or alternate names should be associated with the appropriate name type from GTVNTYP. (This field does not display on Human Resources forms) If a person‟s first, middle or last name is longer than the field allows in Banner, enter as much as you can into the field. The rest will be truncated.

Abbreviation Description PREV Previous Name BRTH Birth or Maiden Name NICK Nickname

3.2.7 Preferred First Name (Optional)

Preferred first name should be entered into the preferred first name field (e.g., Christopher Paul Smith). If „Paul‟ were what the person goes by, then „Paul‟ would be entered into the preferred name field. All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Enter the legal spelling and format of the preferred first name as supplied to you by the person. If no preferred name is given, leave the field blank.

3.2.8 Legal Name (Optional)

The „Current Name‟ field in Banner is considered the legal name. The Preferred First Name field is used for variations to the legal name. The Legal Name Field is NOT used or maintained by the University.

3.2.9 Non-Person Name/Vendor

All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Acronyms are an exception. See the acronym section below. Enter the vendor’s name as supplied to you by the vendor.

Hyphens may be used to separate double names.

Spaces are permitted if the legal spelling and format of the name includes spaces.

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Data Standards

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. Other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

The ampersand (&) can be used only when part of a formal name (e.g., Baltimore & Ohio Railroad). Use „and‟ in all other cases.

Abbreviations are allowed for Co., Corp., Ltd. or Inc. when used after the name of a corporate entity. All other forms of abbreviations should not be used for the corporate entity name.

Acronyms – Companies that are recognized by their acronyms should be entered using their acronym (e.g., IBM, SCT, and ITT).

3.3 Address Standards

Multiple addresses can be entered for a person or vendor using different address types. Follow the procedures established by your department for address entries. Address standards have been established cooperatively so that address types are used consistently. Use the appropriate address typed code from STVATYP. See the Address Type and Phone Type Appendices for standard type and descriptions.

3.3.1 Street Standards

All information is to be entered using upper and lower case letters.

Hyphens and slashes may be used when needed for clarity or designated

fractions. Do NOT leave blank lines between street lines.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. Other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

„In Care of‟ should be entered as „c/o‟. Do NOT use the % sign or spell out „in care of‟.

The address format allows three lines of street address information. If a separate street address and PO Box number address need to be maintained, enter them as two separate address types.


Information Given Mailing/Primary Address Secondary Address John F Smith John F Smith John F Smith PO Box 2351, 1379 NW Pine PO Box 2351 1379 NW Pine

Portland, OR 97203 Portland, OR 97203 Portland, OR 97203

If the address has more than one line, those lines should go from specific to general. For example, go from PO Box number to street number.

Mr. John Smith

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Data Standards

PO Box 200 Morgan Station

100 Major St. New York, NY 10001

3.3.2 Unit Numbers such as Apartment, Building, Suite, etc.

The pound sign (#) and percent sign (%) should not be used because they may cause ORACLE database errors. Other special characters that should not be used (See Page 8)

3.3.3 City Standards

All information is to be entered using mixed case (standard combination of upper and lower case letters). Do NOT abbreviate unless you are limited by space.

3.3.4 State Standards

Select the correct codes defined in STVSTAT.

3.3.5 Zip Code Standards

Zip codes MUST be entered for all United States and Canadian addresses.

United States – Enter the 5- digit zip code. When the 9-digit zip code is available, place a hyphen between the first 5 and last 4 digits.

Canadian – Enter the six character zip doe without hyphens or spaces.

International Postal Code – Enter the international address as supplied to you by the student. Normally, the Postal Code would be entered on the same line as the city.


Cheng Li 7-301 Houji Middle of JiangNan Road

UDCang Zhou 510240 UDCang Zhou China P.R.C.

Bader H Al-Khalifia c/o Aramco Dhahram 31311 Saudi Arabia

3.3.6 Nation Codes

[STVNATN] Codes should only be added for non-US addresses.

3.4 Date Standards

[Set on UDCAINST]. Dates are to be entered in the format of mmddyy. All dates will be

displayed as dd-mm-yyyy.

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Enter Displayed as 011793 17-JAN-1993 110192 01-NOV-1992

3.5 Birth Date Standards

Enter the date of birth according to the Date Standards. If no birth date is given, enter it as 11111911 until the correct date is determined. It will display as 11-NOV-1911. This field should be reviewed on a periodic basis and updated with accurate information.

3.6 Confidential Information Indicator Standards

This field will be left blank unless a student requests the Registrar to not release any Directory Information (see Requests for Information in catalog) at which time this box will be checked. If checked, no Directory Information will be released.

3.7 Citizenship Type Standards [STVCITZ]

Code Description Explanation PR Permanent Resident/

Resident Alien A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence.

N Non-Citizen A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States.

Y U.S. Citizen A citizen of the Unites States, owing service to it, and having attendant political rights.

3.8 Visa Code Standards [STVVTYP]

Visa status is maintained for all non-US citizens. Visa status for students is established by Admissions and maintained by International Counselor. Visa status for employees is established and maintained by Human Resource.

Code Description Explanation

A1 Diplomatic service/family Temporary visa issued to diplomatic or consular officers and

their spouses and children.

A2 Foreign govt official/family Temporary visa issued to other foreign government officials or employees and their spouses and children.

A3 Pers empl of A-1 or A-


Temporary visa issued to attendants, servants, and personal employees of foreign government officials, including the spouses and children of the employees.

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Code Description Explanation ASY Granted Asylum

B1 Visitor (Business) Temporary visitor visa issued for business purposes, usually for short-term business trips, but can be for up to a one-year stay.

B2 Visitor (Pleasure) Temporary visitor visa issued for pleasure purposes, usually for tourists.

E1 Treaty Trader/dependents Visa that is issued for an extended stay for business personnel overseeing or working for an enterprise in the U.S. that is engaged in trade between the U.S. and a treaty country.

E2 Treaty Investor/dependents Temporary visitor visa that is issued to people who have invested or are in the process of investing a substantial amount in a U.S. concern.

F1 Academic Student Temporary visitor visa that is issued to people coming to the U.S. as a student.

F2 Dependent of Academic Student

Temporary visitor visa that is issued to the families of individuals coming to the U.S. as a student.


G1 Principal Rep to Int Org/Family

G2 Other Gov Rep to Int


G3 Non-Gov Rep to Int


Temporary visitor visa that is issued for principal representatives, and their families, of recognized governments.

Temporary visitor visa that is issued for other representatives,

and their families, of recognized governments.

Temporary visitor visa that is issued for principal representatives, and their families, of unrecognized governments.

G4 Int Org Employee/Family Temporary visitor visa that is issued for international organization office employees and their families.

G5 Personal employee of G1- G4/Family

Personal employee of G1-G4/Family

H1B Specialty Occupations Specialty Occupations, DOD Worker or Fashion H1C Registered Nurse Registered Nurse

H2A Temporary Agricultural Worker

H2B Other Temporary Worker

Temporary Agricultural Worker

H3 Trainee Temporary visa issued to people who are coming to the U.S. to obtain some sort of occupational training.

H4 Dependent of H visa holder Temporary visitor visa that is issued for families of individuals who have been issued an H1, H2, or H3 visa.

I Foreign media representive Temporary visitor visa that is issued for foreign information media employees and their families.

J1 Exchange Visitor Temporary visitor visa that is issued for foreign exchange visitors.

J2 Dependent of Exchange Visitor

Temporary visitor visa that is issued for dependents of foreign exchange visitors.

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Data Standards

Code Description Explanation K1 fiancé(e) of US Citizen fiancé(e) of a United States Citizen

K2 Minor child of K-1 Derivative children of K-1

K3 fiancé(e) - Life Act Spouse of a United States Citizen for whom a spousal immediate relative petition has been filed in the United States.

K4 Minor child of K-3 Derivative children of a K-3 spouse.

L1A Executive, Managerial

L1B Specialized Knowledge

L2 Spouse or Child of L-1

M1 Vocational student Temporary visitor visa that is issued to an individual coming to the U.S. as a student in a non-academic program.

M2 Dependent of vocational student

M3 Commuting Vocational


Temporary visitor visa that is issued to the family of an individual coming to the U.S. as a student in a non-academic program.

Commuting Vocational Student

N8 Parent SK-3 Parent of SK-3 Alien (Special Immigrant)

N9 Parent SK-3 Child of Special Immigrant (SK-1 through SK-4)

NT1 NATO Pri Rep NATO Principal Representative/Staff/Family NT2

NATO St Rep NATO Other State Representative/Dependents

NT3 NATO Clercl NATO Clerical Staff/Family

NT4 NATO Offic NATO Official/Family

NT5 NATO Expert NATO Expert/Family

NT6 NATO Civ Stf NATO Civilian Staff/Dependents

NT7 NATO Per Emp NATO Personal Employee/Family

O1 Extraordinary Ability Temporary visa issued to individuals coming to the U.S. to

perform temporary work that requires extraordinary ability.

O2 Support staff for O-1 Temporary visa issued to workers accompanying individuals coming to the U.S. to perform temporary work that requires extraordinary ability.

O3 Dep of O-1 or O-2 visa holder Temporary visa issued to dependents of individuals coming to the U.S. to perform temporary work that requires extraordinary ability.

P1 Athletes/entertainer Temporary visa issued to international athletes

and entertainers.

P2 Artist/entertainer Recip Exch Temporary visa issued to performing artists and entertainers who are under the reciprocal exchange program.

P3 Artist/entertainer Cult Unique Temporary visa issued to culturally unique artists and entertainers.

P4 Dependent of P visa holder Temporary visa issued to dependents of individuals who have been issued a P1, P2, or P3 visa.

Q1 Cultural exchange visitor Temporary visa issued to international cultural exchange visitors.

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Data Standards

Code Description Explanation

Q2 Irish Peace Process (Walsh) Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program (Walsh

Visas). Q3 Dependent of Q visa holder Spouse or child of Q2.

R1 Religious worker Temporary visa issued to religious workers.

R2 Dependent of R-1 Temporary visa issued to dependents (i.e., spouse and children) of religious workers.

S5 Informant - criminal org Alien Assisting in Law Enforcement. Individuals in the United States to provide critical information to federal or state authorities essential to the success of a criminal investigation. Or, individuals in the United States to supply critical information who might be in danger as a result of supplying this information and who are eligible for reward under U.S. State Department legislation. And, if the Attorney General considers it to be appropriate, the spouse, married and unmarried sons and daughters, and parents of the informant.

S6 Informant - terrorist activity Alien Assisting in Law Enforcement. Individuals in the United States to provide critical information to federal or state authorities essential to the success of a criminal investigation. Or, individuals in the United States to supply critical information who might be in danger as a result of supplying this information and who are eligible for reward under U.S.

T1 Victim Trafficking in Persons Victim of a severe form of trafficking persons as defined in Section 103 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of


T2 Spouse Victim Traffick in Pers Spouse of T1

T3 Child Victim Traffick in Pers Child of T1

T4 Parent Victim Traffick in Pers Parent of a T1, if T1 is under 21 years of age.

TD Dependent of TN Temporary visa issued to the spouse and children of Free Trade professionals.

TN Professional – NAFTA Visa issued for some Canadian professions, with a special category having been created by the North American Free Trade Agreement.

TP Temporary Protected Status Passenger or crew in transit without visa. Refer to INA Sections 212(d)(3) and 212(d)(5).

U1 Victim of Certain Crimes Alien who is a victim of certain criminal activity

U2 Spouse Victim Certain Crimes Spouse of U1.

U3 Child Victim Certain Crimes Child of U1.

U4 Parent Victim Certain Crimes Parent of a U1, if U1 is under 21 years of age.

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Data Standards

Code Description Explanation V1 Spouse LPR/Famly-based


V2 Child LPR/Family-based


Spouses of lawful permanent residents who are

beneficiaries of a family-based 2nd preference (2A only) immigrant visa petition filed on or before December 21, 2000 and have been waiting for immigrant status for three years or more.

Minor children of lawful permanent residents who are beneficiaries of a family-based 2nd preference (2A only) immigrant visa petition filed on or before December 21, 2000 and have been waiting for immigrant status for three years or more.

V3 Dep of V-1 or V-2 visa holder Derivative dependents of lawful permanent residents who are beneficiaries of a family-based 2nd preference (2A only) immigrant visa petition filed on or before December 21, 2000 and have been waiting for immigrant status for three years or more.

3.9 Gender Code Standards-Ben will check with contact in Toledo

Code Description M Male F Female N Not Available O Other

3.10 Ethnic Code Standards [STVETHN, STVETCT]

The new Race/Ethnicity definition is used for IPEDS data collection and aggregate reporting to the Department of Education, per regulatory requirements effective 2008-09. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/index.asp?searchtype=term&keyword=ethnic

Code Description Explanation H Hispanic/Latino A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto

Rican, South or Central American, or other

Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

N Not Hispanic/Latino D Decline to identify

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Data Standards

Code Description Explanation 2 Alaskan Native/American

Indian A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South

America (including Central America), and

who maintains tribal affiliation or

community attachment 3 Asian A person having origins in any of the

original peoples of the Far East, Southeast

Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including,

for example, Cambodia, China, India,

Japan, Korea, Malaysia Pakistan, the

Philippine Islands, Thailand, and

Vietnam 4 Black/African American A person having origins in any of the black

racial groups of Africa.

5 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa,

or other Pacific Islands 6 White A person having origins in any of the

original peoples of Europe, the Middle

East, or North Africa

D Decline to identify

3.11 Marital Code Standards [STVMRTL]

When needed by Student Financial Aid and/or Human Resources, the following marital codes will be used while entering data:

Code Description Explanation M Married Legally married P Separated Legally married but living apart S Single Never legally married D Divorced W Widowed N Domestic Partner T Other

3.12 Religion Code Standards [STVRELG]

Code Description AN Anglican BH Bahai BP

Baptist BR Brethren BU Buddhist CA Catholic

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Data Standards

CG Congregational EP Episcopal EV Evangelical HI Hindu IS Islam JW Jehovah's Witnesses JE Jewish LD Latter-day Saints LU Lutheran ME Methodist MN Mennonite OR Orthodox OT Other PC Pentecostal PR Presbyterian PT Protestant SD Seventh-day Adventist TR Tribal Religions UT Unitarian/Universalist NO Non-religion ND Non-denominational

3.13 Legacy Code Standards [STVLGCY]

A Legacy Code identifies a relative or employee with whom the University had or has a relationship. For example, if your mother were an alumna of the University, your legacy would be alumni relative.

CODE DESCRIPTION A Aunt B Brother C Cousin D Daughter or Son F Father G Grandparent H Husband M Mother P Parents S Sister U Uncle W Wife X Multiple O Other L Legal Guardian

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Data Standards

3.14 Veteran Information [STVVETC]

Veteran Category is maintained on the SPAPERS form in General Person.

CATEGORY DESCRIPTION None Non-Veteran Other Eligible Veterans Only Other Eligible Veterans that did not serve in Vietnam Vietnam Veteran Only Vietnam veterans who do not meet the criterion for

other eligible Veterans Both Vietnam & Other Eligible Veteran Vietnam veterans who meet the criterion for Other

Eligible Veterans

3.14.1 Veteran Type Code

Veteran Type Code is maintained on the SGASTDN form in General Student.

CODE DESCRIPTION 1 Chapter 30 2 Chapter 31 3 Chapter 32 4 Chapter 34 5 Chapter 35 6 Chapter 1606 7 Chapter 1607 8 Chapter 903 A In Service B Other Veteran C Veteran Complete Withdrawal D Veteran No Benefit F Recruit

3.15 Deceased Information

Enter „Y‟ if the employee/student is deceased. Update the date of death, if known. Deceased information should be maintained using the same guidelines as name changes. Refer to the Data Change Rules section of this document.

3.16 Driver’s License Information

The Public Safety Office can collect and maintain student and employee driver‟s license information if needed.

3.16.1 Standards

Enter the driver‟s license number as it appears on the license. Do not include the state which issued the license in the license number field. Enter the state which issued the license in the state field.

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3.16.2 Guidelines

Financial Aid also collects driver’s license numbers from the filing of the FAFSA, but these do not become part of the student record.

3.17 Confidential Records

3.17.1 General

The Banner information system is an integrated database with information on constituents of all types –applicants, students, employees, vendors, etc. Many benefits come from this integration. Personally identifiable information is made available to University employees for the sole and explicit purpose of allowing them to carry out their official University functions. Any other use is prohibited. The same principles of confidentiality that apply to paper records also apply to electronic data. It is the responsibility of each school official to understand his or her legal responsibilities under Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) and other privacy regulations at the University of the District of Columbia. Failure to adhere to privacy regulations can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Office of Registrar administers FERPA for the University of the District of Columbia. All inquiries regarding FERPA should be referred to:

The University of the District of Columbia Office of Registrar 4200 Connecticut Ave. NW

Building 39, Room A-05 Washington, DC 20008

3.17.2 Confidentiality Indicator

After a student has filled out a “Student Information Restriction Form” and submitted it to the Office of Registrar, the confidentiality indicator will be checked on Banner. When any information is accessed in the system about the student, a warning will appear:

Warning: Information about this person is confidential.

*Confidential* will also appear in most forms accessed to alert faculty and staff that the student does not wish to release information.

3.17.3 Releasing Confidential Information

Releasing any information (including directory information) about a student who has signed a “Student Information Restriction Form” should never occur. The Registration Office handles all requests for student information. Requests should be forwarded to the Legal Office.

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3.18 Letter Names

3.18.1 General

The names of letters created within any module of Banner are stored in a common

validation table called GTVLETR. Letter names are 15 characters.

3.18.2 Standards

In order to avoid confusion as to the owner of a letter defined within Banner, the following

prefixes will be used by offices when defining a letter name on the Banner screen GTVLETR:

AD Admissions

AR Cashiering and Student Accounts (Accounts Receivable) FA

Financial Aid

FN Finance GS Graduate Studies

HO Residential and Commuter Life (Housing) HR

Human Resources

MM Material Management

RR Registrar

LR Learning Resources HS Health Services

SA Student Affairs

CC Counseling Center

AM Administration

DL Departmental Letters PS Public Safety PY Payroll

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Data Standards


Code Description Explanation BL Billing Maintained by AR. Created if the billing address is different

from Permanent. Use to mail invoices and statements. B1 Billing 1 Maintained by AR. Created if the billing address is different

from the BL address. Used to mail invoices and statements, primarily to third party contract entities.

B2 Billing 2 Maintained by AR. Created if the billing address is different from the B1 address. Used to mail invoices and statements, primarily to third party contract entities.

BU Business Maintained by AR, Student, and/or AL. The address where a person works off campus. This address is attached to a student, and is not the address of a vendor or corporate entity.

CA Campus Address Maintained by Student, AR, HR, Campus Post Office, and/or Residential Life. Use for intercampus mailings.

EM Emergency Maintained by HR and Student. It is the address of an emergency contact for a person.

MA Mailing Maintained by Student and/or AL. A local address or temporary address for a person. Created if different from Permanent.

MG Matching Gift Office Maintained by AL. Address of Matching Gift Office of Corporation.

PA Parent – Primary Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent address created if different from Permanent.

P1 Parent 1 Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent address created if different from PA.

P2 Parent 2 Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent address created if different from P1.

PR Permanent Maintained by AR, Student, AL, HR and/or FA. Every non- vendor record should have this address type. Primary mailing address for all communication and legal documents.

SE Seasonal Maintained by AL and/or Student. Stores seasonal (recurring) addresses for people.

VC Vendor – Check Maintained by Accounts Payable. Used to mail vendor checks.

VP Vendor – Purchase Order

Maintained by Purchasing. Used to mail Purchase Order and Change Orders.

XX Reserved for TGRFEED only

Required reserved code for TGRFEED.

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Code Description Address

Type Explanation

BI Billing BI Maintained by AR. Created if the billing number is

different from Permanent.

B1 Billing 1 B1 Maintained by AR. Created if the billing address is

different from the BL address.

B2 Billing 2 B2 Maintained by AR. Created if the billing address is

different from the B1 address.

BU Business BU Maintained by AR, Student, and/or AL. The address

where a person works off campus. This address is

attached to a student, and is not the address of a

vendor or corporate entity.

CA Campus CA Maintained by Student, AR, HR, Campus Switchboard,

and Residential Life.

CELL Cellular Phone Maintained by all offices

EM Emergency EM Maintained by HR and Student. It is the number of an

emergency contact for a person.

FAX Fax Number Maintained by all offices.

MA Mailing MA Maintained by Student and/or AL. A local number or

temporary number created if different from


MG Matching Gift Office MG Maintained by AL. Number of Matching Gift Office of


PA Parent – Primary PA Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent number

created if different from Permanent.

PAGE Pager Maintained by all offices.

P1 Parent 1 P1 Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent number

created if different from PA.

P2 Parent 2 P2 Maintained by Student and/or AR. Parent number

created if different from P1.

PR Permanent PR Maintained by AR, Student, AL, HR and/or FA. Every

non-vendor record should have this number type.

SE Seasonal SE Maintained by AL and/or Student. Stores seasonal

(recurring) numbers for people.

SERV Service Phone Maintained by Purchasing and Accounts Payable Office.

Used to contact vendors for service or product issues.

VC Vendor – Check VC Maintained by Accounts Payable.

VP Vendor – Purchase


XX Reserved for TGRFEED only

VP Maintained by Purchasing.

Required reserved code for TGRFEED. ? Does TGRFEED need a phone type, too?

Document History

Revision Record

Number Date and Sections Author Notes 1 3/31/03 – 4/3/03 All UDC Standards


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US Marine Corps

Code Mandatory Usage Description PVT Abbreviated Version Private PFC Abbreviated Version Private First Class LCPL Abbreviated Version Lance Corporal CPL Abbreviated Version Corporal SGT Abbreviated Version Sergeant SSGT Abbreviated Version Staff Sergeant GYSGT Abbreviated Version Gunnery Sergeant MSGT Abbreviated Version Master Sergeant 1STSGT Abbreviated Version First Sergeant

Code Mandatory Usage Description MGYSGT Abbreviated Version Master Gunnery Sergeant SGTMAJ Abbreviated Version Sergeant Major WO1 Abbreviated Version Warrant Officer CWO2 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 2 CWO3 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 3 CWO4 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 4 CWO5 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 5 2LT Abbreviated Version Second Lieutenant 1LT Abbreviated Version First Lieutenant CAPT Abbreviated Version Captain MAJ Abbreviated Version Major LTCOL Abbreviated Version Lieutenant Colonel COL Abbreviated Version Colonel BGEN Abbreviated Version Brigadier General MAJGEN Abbreviated Version Major General LTGEN Abbreviated Version Lieutenant General GEN Abbreviated Version General

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US Navy

Code Mandatory Usage Description AR, FR, SR Abbreviated Version Seaman Recruit AA, FA, SA Abbreviated Version Seaman Apprentice AN, FN, SN Abbreviated Version Seaman P03 Abbreviated Version Petty Officer Third Class P02 Abbreviated Version Petty Officer Second Class P01 Abbreviated Version Petty Officer First Class CPO Abbreviated Version Chief Petty Officer SCPO Abbreviated Version Senior Chief Petty Officer MCPO Abbreviated Version Master Chief Petty Officer MCPON Abbreviated Version Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy CWO2 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 2 CWO3 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 3 CWO4 Abbreviated Version Chief Warrant Officer 4 ENS Abbreviated Version Ensign LTJG Abbreviated Version Lieutenant Junior Grade LT Abbreviated Version Lieutenant LCDR Abbreviated Version Lieutenant Commander CDR Abbreviated Version Commander CAPT Abbreviated Version Captain RADM Abbreviated Version Rear Admiral VADM Abbreviated Version Vice Admiral ADM Abbreviated Version Admiral

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US Air Force

Code Mandatory Usage Description AB Abbreviated Version Airman Basic AMN Abbreviated Version Airman A1C Abbreviated Version Airman First Class SRA Abbreviated Version Senior Airman SSgt Abbreviated Version Staff Sergeant TSgt Abbreviated Version Technical Sergeant MSgt Abbreviated Version Master Sergeant SMSgt Abbreviated Version Senior Master Sergeant CMSgt Abbreviated Version Chief Master Sergeant 2dLt Abbreviated Version Second Lieutenant 1stLt Abbreviated Version First Lieutenant CPT Abbreviated Version Captain MAJ Abbreviated Version Major LTCOL Abbreviated Version Lieutenant Colonel COL Abbreviated Version Colonel BGEN Abbreviated Version Brigadier General MAJGEN Abbreviated Version Major General Lieutenant Commander LTGEN Abbreviated Version Lieutenant General GEN Abbreviated Version General

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