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Adding Value, Enhancing Skills



Education Partner

California, USA




Adding Value, Enhancing Skills



Biotech in India

Biotechnology is the answer to a myriad of health, bio-environment and food security challenges the world faces today. From finding solutions to climate change to discovering novel solutions to address health and food security concerns and tackling the energy crisis through biofuels, biotechnology is doing it all.

Industry Snapshot

Given the fact that India has a huge scientific pool, bio-diversity, drug-naïve patient population and growing agricultural needs, the Biotechnology sector has great scope for development in the country. However, to emerge as a leading Bioeconomy by 2025, we need to speedily address the infrastructural, policy and funding concerns and above all the skills deficit issue.

The need of the hour is to address the lack of higher studies opportunities in India, and revolutionize the entire biotechnology curriculum by providing hands-on experience & industrial training that makes students industry-ready and enhances their employability in the Pharma and Biotech industry.

Despite the presence of quality research institutions and investments in the Biotech field, India does not have a substantial pool of well-trained Bioscientists. To become a global innovation hub for Biotech, it is imperative to create an industry-oriented educational system that fills this gap.

$11 bnCAGR of more than 20%over the last 10 years

725No. of professional institutions

40000Biotech students pass out every year

Biocon Academy - an initiative by Biocon Ltd, will help address the skill deficit in the Biotech industry by developing industry-ready talent for the Biopharma sector.

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Biocon Ltd Leading India to the forefront of Global Biotech Ecosystem

Biocon Ltd, operating in more than 85 countries, is an emerging global biopharmaceutical enterprise focused on delivering affordable innovation. Established in 1978, Biocon is Asia’s largest Insulin producer and the only Asian company to feature amongst Global top 10 Biotech Employers. It is committed to reducing therapy costs of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases by leveraging India's cost advantage to deliver affordable healthcare solutions to patients, partners and healthcare systems across the globe.

“Biocon is pleased to partner with KGI in its new training initiative, the Biocon Academy,

aimed at developing a new cadre of life sciences professionals. KGI is uniquely qualified,

through its outstanding faculty and its state-of-the-art infrastructure that includes the

Amgen Bioprocessing Center, to help us with this endeavor. Given the growing stature

of India’s Life Sciences industry, both Biocon and the Indian Life Sciences sector as a

whole will benefit greatly from this collaboration.”

Kiran Mazumdar – Shaw

Chief Mentor, Biocon Academy

At a Glance Key Innovations

India’s largest Biologics capacity in compliance with international regulatory standards

Asia’s largest Insulin producer

Amongst the world’s largest producers of Statins & Immuno suppressants

First overseas manufacturing and R&D facility is under construction at Bio-XCell in Malaysia; to be operational by 2015

Over 6800 employees

Largest scientific talent pool of over 2500 at Asia’s largest biotech hub at Biocon Park

World's first Pichia based recombinant human ®Insulin, INSUGEN and Insulin analogue

®Glargine, BASALOG® INSUPen - a next generation affordable insulin

delivery device introduced in India

India's first indigenously produced monoclonal ®antibody BioMAb-EGFR for head & neck


World’s first anti CD6 monoclonal antibody ™ ALZUMAb for psoriasis and other

autoimmune diseases

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Biocon AcademyAn Advanced Learning Initiative by Biocon Ltd

The evolving science in the Biotech sector is leading to a demand for high-skilled jobs in India. However, a

wide gap currently exists between the quality of human capital available and the needs of the industry.

Through Biocon Academy we aim to address this talent deficit by developing Industry ready human capital for

the Biopharma sector and enable global competitiveness of the sector.

If India is to emerge as a Bioeconomy by 2025, we will need to ensure that we have the right quality of talent

in the country. The Biotech graduates in India need to be trained effectively to make them industry ready

where they can partake in the journey of transforming India through the power of biotech.

As the leading Biotech Company, Biocon is in a position to lead the way in providing the Biotech industry, the

best professionals with the right orientation and training. By collaborating with leading academic institutions

globally to bring world class training programs for biotech students in India, Biocon Academy aims to become

the Center of Excellence for Advanced Learning in Biosciences that leads the way in transforming the industry

and the community.

Biocon-KGI Certificate Program in Biosciences is our flagship program in collaboration with the Keck Graduate

Institute in Claremont, California, which is the premier American professional school for Bioscience education.

Through this program we aim to offer a world-class learning opportunity in Biosciences for the Biotechnology

and Engineering graduates which will enhance their proficiency and will enable them to pursue a rewarding

career in the Biotech sector. Continuing our commitment to affordability and greater access, we are happy to

extend a scholarship of 75% of the program fee to all the students who make it through the rigorous

selection process.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Chief Mentor, Biocon Academy

8Adding Value, Enhancing Skills

of the program fee to all selected students

75%Biocon Scholarship



Keck Graduate InstituteOur International Education Partner

Founded in 1997, Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) - a member of the Claremont University Consortium in Southern California, is the only American graduate institution dedicated exclusively to Biosciences education and discovery. It is recognized worldwide for its premier Professional Science Masters program which is rated among the top 10 in the US.

To address India’s growing need for skilled Biotech professionals, experts at KGI have worked closely with the Biocon

Academy to design a contemporary industry-oriented course curriculum for the academy’s flagship training program - the

Biocon-KGI Certificate Program in Biosciences. This program, which expands KGI’s current bioscience certificate concept to

Bangalore, is designed to prepare students with the skills needed to succeed as employees at Biocon and other leading

biotech companies of the world.

“We are very proud to be working in partnership with Biocon to develop a unique

educational experience for students and scientists who want to develop skills for

working in a complex, global, highly regulated industry, one that has tremendous

capacity to improve lives. Through our collaboration with the scientists and subject

matter experts at Biocon, KGI has developed an applied, graduate level curriculum that

will be focused on teamwork and will reflect current industry dynamics. Graduates with

the Biocon-KGI Certificate Program in Biosciences will have added skills that will help

them to be immediate contributors as employees.

Sheldon M. Schuster

President – Keck Graduate Institute

KGI faculty will deliver courses synchronously to students at the Biocon Academy facility

using highly developed technology, supported by experts in the life sciences industry at


Education Partner

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Our Values

Empower Engineering & Bioscience graduates with basic industrial proficiency to enhance their career prospects in the Biopharma sector

Leverage the India advantage to develop industry ready biotechnologists who partake in the journey of unlocking the potential of the Biotech sector

Persevere to develop the spirit of scientific experimentation, research and innovation in the aspiring students

Innovate to find sustainable solutions by leveraging Biotechnology, for human healthcare and life

Connect industry and academia to maximize the opportunities for aspiring biotechnologists in the industry

Transform the face of Biotech industry by developing proficient talent that addresses the issue of skill deficit of the sector

Our Mission

To train and develop Industry ready talent for the Biopharma sector to enable global competitiveness.

Our Vison

To become a recognized center for advanced learning in Biosciences that will provide the required proficiency for enhanced career prospects for Biotechnology and Engineering graduates.



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Biocon AcademyAdding Value, Enhancing Skills

Biocon Academy - an initiative by Biocon Ltd, will help address the skill deficit in the biotech industry by developing spirit of experimentation, application of knowledge and innovation skills amongst Bioscientists in India.

Biocon Ltd. takes its leadership role in the field of biotechnology to a new height with the establishment of Biocon

Academy – a premier Center of Excellence for Advanced Learning in Applied Biosciences. The academy is an extension of

Biocon’s corporate responsibility to capacity building by developing high end talent that is employable and its commitment

to create a globally competitive biotech ecosystem in India. Set up in Bangalore, Biocon Academy provides ‘best-in-class’ industry-oriented programs in Biosciences to equip graduate

and post graduate students in Science and Engineering with the necessary job skills for a promising career in Biotech.

“Taking the first step towards building skilled human resource for the biotech ecosystem,

the academy commences its operations in India with the launch of its flagship training

program – the Biocon-KGI Certificate Program in Biosciences. This 16 week full-time

Certificate Program, launched in association with our Education Partner – the Keck

Graduate Institute, USA, is designed to have classroom sessions that provide scientific

background of the applications of biotechnology as well as industry assignments and

hands on trainings that equips them with the necessary know-how.”

SS. Easwaran

Academic Director, Biocon KGI Program



Biocon-KGI Certificate Program in Biosciences

Customized curriculum to make students industry-ready

Following a structured industry-oriented approach, the broad based curriculum of the programs offered at

Biocon Academy encompass trainings in Industrial processes, Production, Quality Assurance, Regulatory

Affairs and Product Development. Hands-on trainings and practical industry exposure provided here unlock

the true potential of our students, helping them build a global career as a biotechnologist, a microbiologist, a

molecular biologist or a biochemist.

World class trainings delivered in state-of-the-art Labs and manufacturing units

Rigorous academic learning and industrial training is closely integrated in our programs.

Our students undertake:

Intensive internship under the mentorship of renowned faculty from Biocon Academy and

KGI in our state-of-the-art Labs

Hands-on practical GMP trainings

Mentored learning from Industry Experts and International Faculty

Biocon Academy brings together rich industry experience of Biocon and subject expertise of international

Education Partners, such as the Keck Graduate Institute, USA, to train students for a global career. Our strong

ties with the Biotech industry and international academia will help our students develop essential job skills,

making them more employable & competitive for the industry.

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Developing High End Talent for the Bioworld

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