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  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel




    This is a strange way to travel, because it’s a motorbike that has got a lot

    of seats behind it, it has got 25 seats and to be precise it’s as long as a

    tennis court, it is 72 foot long. It is called “motorcycle”. It is the largest

    motorbike in the world


    I think that it is a very interesting way to travel. When I’m 18 I’d like to

    hire this motorcycle and go with all my friends around the world

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    This is a boat made of cans, and it is used in Australia. It is certainly, a

    strange way to travel. It is typical to do “Can Regattas”. It is ecologic as it

    doesn’t use petrol. 

    If I go to Australia I won’t doubt of going on one of these strange boats.

    Many tourists have tried these boats.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel




    This transport is used in a small town in Málaga, called Mijas. It’s a very

    well-known transport and most of people that go and visit Málaga, they go

    to Mijas and try the Burro Taxi. I’ve ridden on it and it’s a great

    experience. I really recommend this new experience to foreigners or local


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    This type of transport has been used in Miami, although it hasn’t been

    very succesful there. A man tried it there and he had finished been

    rescued because he got lost, he didn’t know where to go, as he was in the


    I’ve never tried it , but reading this I wouldn’t recommend this curious but

    dangerous transport.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    This is a bus used in London and it is able to go in the water and on top of

    earth. I’ve read articles and many tourists have ridden on it and say that it

    is fun!

    I am going to London this summer and I am sure that I won’t miss having a

    lift on this bus!

    by Nicole

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    5 strange ways to travel

    Built with bamboo sticks together tightly, expedition’s immenserivers cross safely. They are ancestrally used in Asian countries

    such as Thailand or Latin America as Peru. 



    The pendant train or Schwebebahn, opened in 1901 and with a length

    of 13 km, flows mainly suspended above the Wupper river.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


     A boat-car.



    It drags a human.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    Beer Bike, or rolling bars.

    by Pol

    Strange ways of travelling1. Canal Taxi in Bangkok.

    River and canal taxis are still an important part of the city transit

    system and in many cases are much faster than the gridlocked traffic

    on the roads.


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    2. Camel Bus

    However, its mass transit

    classic was the camel bus.

    Recently retired, this semi-truck pulled a payload of

    passengers on a sloped back


    3. Maglev Train 

    His is not your normal train tothe airport. Not only does it

    make the 30-kilometre run in just

    a matter of minutes, reaching

    speeds of up to 431 km per hour.

    4 Chiva Express

    The Chiva Express is a bus that rides

    the rails in Ecuador, taking travellers

    up into the Andes on a very scenic


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    5. Hovercraft

    Suspended on a cushion of air, these crafts offered a smooth ride across

    the water.

    by Aleix



    In this moving bar, you can drink Beer, while you move. This

    bar is in the city of Amsterdam. It contains 30 liters of Beer, and

    it can carry 18 people, but the people need to do a little


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    Tony Hawk, burned in 12 may 1968, is an American

    professional skateboard. In 1997 he occupies one page in

    Guinness World Records, because he traveled for Ireland in afridge.


    An engineer from UTC Tottenham made a giant paper boat

    with a very very large size. The boat had a length of 3.6

    meters, a width of 2 meters and weighing nearly 100 kg.

    If the mini version is only made from a sheet of paper, theengineer must prepare a paper about 93 meters, 150 meters

    of adhesive and 10 liters of liquid glue.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    AERO X

    AEROFLEX make a

    new transport

    system to fly low-altitude.

    It is a real project

    and is called Aero X,

    but it looks like a

    vehicle of a Star

    wars film


    This double bus is a Citroen. It was developed in Paris in the

    1950s on a truck chassis Citroën and used as a bus tour in the

    French capital.

    by Berta

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel




    It is in Cambodia, Africa. Known

    locally as a nori. Passengers sit onthe ‘train’. Basically just a bamboo

    platform, powered by an electric

    generator engine.

    It travels at up to 40km/h. It is a

    cheap way to travel around

    Cambodia but don’t expect a

    smooth ride while you go through unmaintained railway tracks.


    It is in London. They are amphibious trucks that were designed by the American

    army during World War II to transport equipment and troops over both land and


    Nowadays, you can take a trip in a DUKW in central London.The tour will drive

    you past London’s famous land marks before it launches in to the River


    It seems a very funny way to visit London with friends or family.

    Monte Toboggan 

    It is in Madeira. The Monte Toboggansare moved by two men that push thecharts. They are traditionally dressedin white cotton clothes and a Strawhat. They use their rubber-soled bootsas brakes.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    Monte tobogans were once the main mode of transportation for the locals ofMadeira who wanted to go down hill to Funchai.


    Combining rowing with cycling, the

    Champiot Ultra, a quad cycle that relies

    on arm power to create the drive. And

    it's not just for fun: the manufacturers

    cite a long list of ailments it can reduce

    the suffering of, including insomnia, gall

    bladder stone... It is an ecologic



    It is the Philippines. Known as ‘the

    undisputed king of the road’ in the

    Philippines, the Jeepney is a mammoth

    vehicle. When the American troops

    pulled out of the Philippines at the end

    of World War II, surplus jeeps weregifted to the locals and this is how the

    original jeepneys came to being.


    It is in Pakistan.

     A tangah is a carriage, sitting atop two large woodenwheels (they are not too comfortable). Pulled by one

    or two horses. They have a low-glamour, but high

    fun factor and have become more widely used in

    Pakistan for enjoyment.

    They are used normally for tourists, to visit the city.

    They’re not the speediest way to travel! 

    by Carlota

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    Dukw is pronounced ‘duck’, are amphibious. You can take a trip in aDukw in central London and into the River Thames to get a view

    from the water. They’re the only way to experience the sights of

    central London by land and river without leaving the comfort of your


    Totora is a reed, which is grown in Peru, on Lake Titicaca. The Uros

    are a group of people who live on the lake on floating islands

    fashioned from the reed. They also make Barco de Totora from

    bundles of the dried reeds, and these boats have become an icon of

    Peru. If you visit Lake Titicaca, the Barco de Totora is a wonderful,

    unique method of getting across the vast and beautiful stretch of



  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    You can visit the Madeline Island from Bayfield in the mainland by

    ferry during summer and by winter, it turns into a two-mile highway

    when the waters of Lake Superior freeze over. But when the ice is

    not strong enough to support a vehicle, the Ice Angels are used for


    The tram pendan. It is in Germany. The Wuppertal Schwebebahn is

    the continent of the only urban railway line suspension, which for

    most of its length is 12 m (39 ft) above the Wupper River (10 km or 6

    miles). Only the westernmost part works 8 meters (26 feet) above

    the streets (3.3 km or 2 miles). This line can be called a

    conventional metro line as it is very independent, urban and runs onan advance 4-6 minutes

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    Beer  Bike, It is a new way of doing

    sport, while enjoying the surroundings of a beautiful city. The beerbike is a car with a capacity for about 19 people. A good plan to gowith friends and meet a city. It is also a way to avoid contamination.

    by Laia


    Passengers saddle

    up and hit the tap

    and the pedals at

    the same time;

    the pedal-

    powered idea has

    popped up inAmsterdam,

    London, San


    Minneapolis, and

    other cities 'round

    the globe.

    It is an environmentally friendly transport because people produce energy

    by pedalling. It is a great way to transport yourself having a good time

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    The heyday of the

    hovercraft has come

    and gone. Suspended ona cushion of air, these

    crafts offered a smooth

    ride across the water.

    This is the longest

    running commercial

    hovercraft ferry.

    In my opinion is a good

    way to travel into thesea


    Madeline Island is the only one

    of Wisconsin’s Apostle Islandsthat is inhabited and it is

    connected to Bayfield on the

    mainland by ferry in the summer

    and by a two-mile ice highway in

    the winter when the waters of

    Lake Superior freeze over.

    However, during that transitional

    stage, when the ice is not strongenough to support a vehicle, the

    connection is serviced by ice

    boats with air propellers.

    It is a really good transport because in one season is the only transport

    that can work

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    The Chiva Express is a

    bus that rides the rails in

    Ecuador, takingtravellers up into the

    Andes on a very scenic

    route. The rails were

    originally laid to connect

    the mountains to the

    sea but now the route is

    decidedly for

    sightseeing. The bestseats are up on the roof,

    though the mountain air

    might be a bit chilly for


    If I visit Ecuador , I will travel in Chiva Express. It is an ecologic transport.


    This is not your normal trainto the airport. Not only does

    it make the 30-kilometre run

    in just a matter of minutes,

    reaching speeds of up to 431

    km per hour, but it rides atop

    a powerful magnetic field.

    Don’t worry, it won’t pull off

    your wristwatch or swipe thecoins out of your pockets,

    but it will put a thrill in what

    may be the shortest airport

    connection you’ll ever

    experience. I think Maglev is

    one of the best invents of travel, because it is very fast.

    by Georgina

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    1.- THRUST SSC

    The Thrust SSC is a supersònic car developedin Great Britain. It was the wirst car who

    broke the sound barrier with about 1200

    km/h. It was drove by a fighter pilot.

    Its weigh is about 10 tones and its length is

    about 16,5 m.

    If you want to see a vídeo  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhQGCLlJyBY 




    isn’t a daily


    transport, but

    there are



    like this:

    It was made

    in Israel in


    3.- SNOW BIKE

    The Snow bike is actually a bike adapted to be ride in the Snow. It’s a weird transport because

    I’d never seen that before. It hasn’t got any wheels, it has the same mechanism as a Snow

    mototcycle but without any motor:


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    4.- DOG SLEDS

    Dog sleds are usually

    a beautifoul way of

    transportation. It was

    started to use in the10th century. There

    are people who races

    this. If you want to

    travel with this, is

    better go during

    January and March.


    The ice angel, is for 22 people inside, without the pilot. Its longes trip was about 4 minutes. It’s

    made for ice rescues in Wisconsin.

    by Santi

    Unusual cars

    Apple car

    Its operation is controlled by an internal MAC computer. This is

    responsible for both driving and dodging obstacles. The interior

    compartment is made for extreme comfort of travellers. There are four

    innovative tablets to avoid boredom of these. It also has a button

    "extreme relaxation" that when pressing a mechanical hands doing a

    massage to anyone who wants it arise. After 50 years of exhaustive work,

    already you have what would be the most prestigious car ever.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    Water car

    The next car is a water model known as "Water Car", and like the car

    driving road and can also fly, this car becomes a fast speedboat. It is

    certainly one of the most exciting cars that have appeared on the scene in

    recent years. It was manufactured in Southern California and is considered

    one of the fastest amphibious car in the world. The price of one of these

    models is about $ 200,000. They have created various types of the same

    car passing through several bodies removed from conventional models.

    However, in the end they were left with a sportier version is Python,

    which has a body of fiberglass bottom simulating the shape of a boat. By

    land you can travel at nearly 200 kilometres per hour and water can take

    more than 50 knots, which are almost 100 kilometres per hour. In the

    world. The price of one of these models is about $ 200,000.

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel


    Shoe car

    The car features leather shoe, it

    can carry two passengers to adistance of 250 miles at speeds

    up to 30 kilometres per hour

    with a single battery charge.

    1-B, the flying car

    B just bring crowd

    funding website

    Kick-starter, but

    its designer has

    built a fully


    prototype. It is the

    flying car of thefuture. The car has

    four fans propulsion to raise the vehicle.

    Citroen Tubik

    Based on industrial design

    Citroen MPV brand has as

    modular seats, which canbecome a bed or a table.

    Is an even sport car with

    an electric motor at each

    wheel, allowing

    unparalleled control

    traction at all four wheels.

    By Pau

  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel




    Bangkok is sometimes called the “Venice of

    the East” due to its network of canals. River

    and canal taxis are still an important part of

    the city transit system and in many cases are

    much faster than the gridlocked traffic on the

    roads. This particular canal route goes right

    through the heart of downtown. Due to the

    fluctuating tides and some low bridges, it is

    necessary for the boat to “duck” at some

    points. The boats will slow at low bridges and

    the canvas canopy will drop a bit, forcing all

    passengers to crouch for a moment.



    Passengers saddle up and

    hit the tap and the pedals

    at the same time; thepedal-powered idea has

    popped up in Amsterdam,

    London, San Francisco,

    Minneapolis, and other

    cities 'round the globe.


    the Tropicalized by Cuba of

    mototaxi version. It is a widely

    used means of transport in

    Havana . Le called coco by having

    the same shape as the fruit on a

    scooter usually go very fast. As intaxis, the fare depends on the

    path and not the number of


  • 8/19/2019 Unusual Ways to Travel



    by Max


    the Chiva Express is a busthat rides the rails in Ecuador,

    taking travellers up into the

    Andes on a very scenic route.

    The rails were originally laid

    to connect the mountains to

    the sea but now the route is

    decidedly for sightseeing. The

    best seats are up on the roof,

    though the mountain air might

    be a bit chilly for some. 



    Another great hybrid of

    human-powered fun is the

    Walking Bike, combining

    shoes and bicycles for an

    artful (if not entirely super-

    functional) pedal-driven


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