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  • 7/26/2019 Upfront with Archana Hingorani of IL&FS Investment Managers (PEI Asia, June 2009)



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    Growth on



  • 7/26/2019 Upfront with Archana Hingorani of IL&FS Investment Managers (PEI Asia, June 2009)



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    June 2009 Issue31

    It was very difcultto deploy capital from[our rst fund] as notmany people in Indiawere familiar with

    private equity then


    IL&FS Investment Managers was the rst Indian private equityrm to raise an infrastructure fund and was among the earliestentrants into real estate. Executive director and CEO ArchanaHingorani talks to Siddharth Poddarabout its evolution into adiversied alternative asset manager.

    Ina country where the private equityindustry is still nascent, IL&FSInvestment Managers (IIML) stands out

    as a seasoned alternative asset manager

    with a track record and experience. Sound

    surprising? It shouldnt, considering IIMLs

    roots date back to 1989, when it was

    established as the Credit Capital Venture

    Fund, an affiliate of Lazard Brothers.

    However, the firm as it stands today

    essentially started business in 1995 with

    the creation of the $91 million AIG

    India Sectoral Equity Fund, says Archana

    Hingorani, the chief executive officer and

    executive director of IIML.

    Hingorani joined IIML parent company

    Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services

    (IL&FS) in 1994 and has since been at the

    forefront of the companys move into

    private equity.

    IL&FSs signature group strategy

    has been to start businesses that cater

    to under-served aspects of the Indian

    economy, says Hingorani. With this

    philosophy in mind, the parent group

    set about establishing its private equity

    business in 1995 to create a private equity

    platform as the whole country was starved

    of equity and still continues to be, she


    Simultaneously, IL&FS acquired the

    Lazard affiliate, which wasnt performing

    well, in 1996 and tried to clean it up and

    delist it. However, it never managed to

    garner enough shareholder votes to delist

    the Lazard affiliate. The $25 million South

    Asia Regional Apex Fund, the only fund

    that the Lazard operation had raised, was

    taken over by IL&FS, which restructured it

    and invested out of it.

    The IL&FS group then decided to

    house all its private equity operations

    under the listed company and renamed

    it IL&FS Investment Managers Limited in

    2002. Today, IIML is a subsidiary of IL&FS,

    which has a stake of 53 percent in the firm.

    The public owns 40 percent, while the

    remaining ownership is in the hands of IIML

    directors and employees.

    The beginnings

    IIML was one of the earliest domestic

    entrants into Indian private equity, in the

    market to raise a fund much before Indias

    now fabled growth story began grabbing

    headlines. Those were challenging times,

    says Hingorani. Although the AIG India

    Sectoral Equity Fund only had $91 million

    at its disposal, it was the largest India-

    focused private equity fund at the time.

    The fund targeted infrastructure and

    growth capital investments.

    It was very difficult to deploy capital

    from this fund as not many people in India

    were familiar with private equity then.

    Traditional entrepreneurs and even large

    corporate houses were willing to accept

    the investment, but not ready to give any

    corresponding rights, Hingorani says.

    Educating business-owners took time and it

    took the firm the full commitment period

    of five years to deploy the funds capital.

    The AIG Sectoral Equity Fund was

    followed by the $15 million India Auto

    Ancillary Fund, which closed in 1998, and

    the $16 million India Project Development

    Fund, which closed in 2000. The $153

    million Leverage India Fund, which was

    focused on growth and opportunistic

    investments and closed in 2004, was the

    second generic private equity fund raised

    by the firm.

    Hingorani says that much in India has

    changed since the firm started operations.

    If you go back to 1995, there was no

    concept of private equity. You basically

    invested in whatever you could access


  • 7/26/2019 Upfront with Archana Hingorani of IL&FS Investment Managers (PEI Asia, June 2009)


    through your relationships. There were no intermediaries operating

    at the time, she says.

    Of the small size of some of IIMLs earliest deals, Hingorani

    says: Many might say that they were inconsequential, but it didnt

    matter, because we were trying to establish an alternate asset class

    in the country.

    The firm felt comfortable with stakes as small as 3 to 5 percent,

    says Hingorani, because even back then there were sufficient

    minority protection rights for stakeholders.


    From the outset, with the AIG fund in 1995, IIML teamed its private

    equity activities with overtures into infrastructure.

    That the firm has chosen since to move into infrastructure

    as a standalone asset class should not, says Hingorani, come as

    a surprise. Given the focus of the IL&FS Group, a move into

    infrastructure investing was an obvious choice, says Hingorani.

    We have had long-standing experience in infrastructure

    investing, Hingorani says, adding that all the people who moved

    from the parent group to IIML when it was formed had prior

    experience in infrastructure. So while structurally it is a new

    vertical for us, we have been investing in infrastructure through

    our general private equity fund and did not have to bring in new

    resources as they existed in-house, she says.

    The firm is currently in the market for the Standard

    Chartered IL&FS

    Asia Infrastructure

    Growth Fund, a

    50-50 partnership

    with Standard

    Chartered Bank.

    The partnership

    is targeting

    commitments of

    $800 million and the

    fund saw a second close on $601 million in March this year.

    Hingorani says infrastructure, like real estate, requires

    significant investment in India. She expects that in the long term,

    infrastructure will play out for the firm the way real estate has and

    will probably match the real estate assets under management over


    There are also a lot of similarities in terms of investment

    sizes, gestation periods, government interface across the two asset


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    June 2009 Issue 31Upfront

    I dont think we hadconsciously plannedto become the largest

    real estate player inthe country


    uSCI Asia Standard Chartered IL&FS Asia

    Infrastructure Growth Fund (target $800bn)

    uTara India Fund III($225m)

    uPAPDF Pan Asia Project Development Fund ($45m)

    uIIRF II ILFS India Realty Fund II ($895m)

    uLIF Leverage India Fund ($153m)

    uIIRF I ILFS India Realty Fund I ($525m)

    uSARA South Asian Regional Apex Fund ($25m)

    uAISEF AIG Indian Sectoral Equity Fund ($91m)

    uIPDF India Project Development Fund ($16m)

    uIAAF India Auto Ancillary Fund ($15m)

    IL&FS Investment Managers Funds

    EstablishmentSCI Asia

    Active InvestmentTara India Fund IIIPAPDFIIRF II

    Active MonitoringLIFIIRF I

    Active DivestmentSARA

    Capital DistributedAISEFIPDFIAAF

    Fund Raising Fund Management Fund Exit

    Source: IL&FS


  • 7/26/2019 Upfront with Archana Hingorani of IL&FS Investment Managers (PEI Asia, June 2009)



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    June 2009 Issue 31

    classes and, like infrastructure, there is a

    huge gap between the requirement and

    what is being built.

    IIML took the plunge into real estate

    investment in 2005 when the rules

    prohibiting foreign investment in real estate

    were abolished, although Hingorani says

    the firm had always been aware of the need

    and potential opportunities presented by

    this asset class in


    Aside from the

    dynamics of supply

    and demand, twofurther factors

    persuaded them to

    act, says Hingorani.

    The first was that

    no other firm was

    trying to access

    international capital

    for domestic Indian

    real estate.


    since before 2005

    regulation had

    previously impeded

    investment in

    real estate, few

    managers in India

    had been able

    to build up their


    expertise. Hingorani

    is convinced that IIML

    got a good response from institutional

    investors as they felt the firm had the right

    combination of infrastructure and long-

    standing fiduciary experience.

    The firm closed IL&FS Realty Fund

    I, its maiden vehicle for real estate

    investing, on $525 million in 2006. It took

    IIML less than two months to get soft

    commitments, and six months to formally

    complete fundraising.

    The firm was then back in the market

    within a couple of years for Fund II,

    such was the demand. The second fund

    was raised on the back of the first onebeing fully invested. All the firms investors

    in Fund I returned for the second fund,

    which closed on $895 million in December

    2008, comfortably exceeding its target of

    $750 million.

    With the close of the second real

    estate fund, IIML became the largest private

    equity real estate fund manager focused

    on India. Was this by design? I dont think

    we had consciously planned to become the

    largest real estate player in the country,

    Hingorani answers. She says that the firms

    strategy to be the first to enter the asset

    class helped it stay ahead.

    Regional expansion

    The Standard Chartered IL&FS Asia

    Infrastructure Growth Fund invests in

    China, India and Southeast Asia across

    traditional infrastructure sectors such

    as toll roads, power plants and power


    This fund marks IIMLs first real foray

    into pan-regional investing. The firm did,

    in 2006, raise a small fund called the Pan

    Asia Project Development Fund, a $45

    million vehicle providing seed funding to

    infrastructure projects in Asia.

    Says Hingorani: The basic rationale

    was to match the IL&FS Groups foray into

    Asia. As infrastructure is a genre that we

    completely understand, we wanted to see

    how well we could replicate this expertise

    in Asia.

    While the firm was able to showcase

    its understanding of infrastructure, access

    to transactions in non-Indian markets was

    a challenge, she admits. As a result, the firm

    decided to jointly work on a pan-regional

    infrastructure fund with Standard


    Venturing outside of India is not a

    strategy the firm is looking to replicate with

    its real estate and private equity activities.

    On the real estate side, this is because the

    asset class is very new to India itself, so

    the firm is still learning about it. Moreover,

    Hingorani: IIML grew as fast as the market demanded


    IL&FS Investment Managers Limited (IIML) at a glance


    Private equity subsidiary of Infrastructure

    Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS)


    $2bn managed across nine funds


    50 professionals working out of Mumbai

    and Bangalore, of which 33 make up the

    investment team

    Key professionals include:

    Shahzaad Dalal (vice chairman);

    Archana Hingorani (CEO & executive director);

    Alok Bhargava (executive director);

    Mark Silgardo (senior managing partner);

    Manoj Borkar (CFO);

    Sanjay Mitra (company secretary).

    Ownership structure:

    IL&FS owns 53%, IIML directors and

    employees 7%, and the public 40%

    Investment remit:

    Private equity (sectors include telecoms,

    gas distribution, shipyards, retail, media);

    real estate; infrastructure

    Track record:

    96 investments since 1998; 47 exits/

    liquidity events (realised gross $ IRR > 27%).


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    the enormity of the task at hand in India is so large that we dont

    have aspirations to become a pan-Asian player, Hingorani says.

    On the private equity side, although the firm is an established

    player in the domestic market, there are already too many firms

    investing across the region for IL&FS to want to join the fray. It is a

    very crowded space in Asia, Hingorani says.

    Growing too fast?

    Last September, IIML closed its third generic private equity fund

    on $225 million. Tara India Fund III was targeting commitments

    of $400 million, but a tough fundraising environment convinced

    the firm to close short of target rather than fundraise for a longer

    period of time.

    The close of the second real estate and third private equity

    fund last year demonstrate the pace at which the firm has been

    growing. The firm today manages assets of about $2 billion,

    excluding the capital it has already raised for its infrastructure fund

    in partnership with Standard Chartered.

    At a time when global economies including Indias are

    slowing down, is the firm growing too fast too soon? Hingorani

    doesnt think so. I would say that we grew as fast as the market

    demanded, she says. If one were to look at the sizes of funds

    raised by the firm, clearly those sizes have only come about

    because of the needs in those sectors.

    The firm started with roughly $115 million in 1996. She says

    that if one were to look at the growth of IIML from a beginning-

    to-now perspective, the firms growth has been measured.

    However, she is quick to add, Growth was faster when investors

    had a keen appetite to contribute, so yes, we have grown faster in

    those periods.

    IIML has come a long way since its inception, but seems to

    remain grounded. Management is aware of the opportunities that

    continue to remain available in the Indian market and has not got

    carried away trying to establish an pan-Asian presence or sign

    big-ticket deals.

    In the areas of real estate and infrastructure for instance, the

    firm is still reluctant to invest large sums of money into a single

    deal. We are still not the type of fund manager that will put in

    $100 million plus in a single transaction. I dont think were ready

    to do that yet. In most instances, the firm still invests between $30

    million and $40 million per transaction, though in some cases, it is

    willing to invest to a maximum of $75 million.

    The road ahead

    In the near future, Hingorani expects private equity investments in

    India to be different because of the global downturn. The primary

    change has come about in the way people will run businesses in

    India, with scandals such as the Satyam fraud case putting corporate

    governance high on the agenda.

    A lot of private equity managers are going to be more

    hands-on now, she says.

    Also as a result of the global downturn, Hingorani says that

    there has been a significant change in the relationships fund

    managers have with their limited partners, with LPs becoming more

    vigilant in their supervision of GPs. Communication is high on the

    agenda. Hingorani sums it up thus: Going forward, one would need

    to expend a lot more energy to do the same things.

    But she adds that neither deal flow nor the ability to deploy

    money in India has changed. Despite everything, the impact of

    the global financial crisis on India has been less pronounced than

    elsewhere, she says, with the Indian economy still growing at about

    6 percent.

    Hingorani admits certain pockets of opportunity are more

    popular than others, but says the greatest part of Indias growth

    story in the last five years has been that every sector has been

    growing. There are some lags and leaps that have happened,

    but every sector continues to provide an immense level of

    opportunity, she says.l

    Compensation matters

    In recent years, a number of Indian private

    equity firms have lost professionals to

    either new domestic firms that have beenset up or to large global private equity

    firms trying to establish a footprint in the


    Hingorani says that in the past, IIML could

    not match the salaries other private equity

    firms were offering their employees as

    they often had teams of only two or three

    people. Looking at how IIML is structured

    today, the firms employees can be paid

    through four components: salary, annual

    performance-related bonus, carry and

    periodic stock option plans.

    Management fees go towards expenses for

    all employees running the business across

    the three verticals of real estate, private

    equity and infrastructure. We have atypical institutional model, with roughly 40

    percent of the management fees being used

    for covering employee related expenses,

    Hingorani says.

    In terms of a share of carry, the firm has

    evolved from a system whereby no carry

    was shared with employees to one where

    70 percent of carry from its funds goes to

    employees, while the remaining 30 percent

    goes to the house, which includes all

    stockholders in the company.


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