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as well. God’s love and gift of salvation is not reserved for a few or for one nation alone, but it is for the whole world – for all who will accept it. The gospel is the power of God, the power to release people from their burden of guilt, sin, and oppression, and the power to heal, restore, and make us whole. Do you believe in the power of the gospel?

This is the great commission which the risen Christ gives to the whole Church. All believers have been given a share in this task – to be heralds of the good news and ambassadors for Jesus Christ, the only saviour of the world. We have not been left alone in this task, for the risen Lord works in and through us by the power of His Holy Spirit. Today we witness a new Pentecost as the Lord pours out His Holy Spirit upon His people to renew and strengthen the body of Christ and to equip it for effective ministry and mission world-wide.God Bless You Fr. Stuart

Upon this Rock magazine is published monthly by

EuropeAxess Media Ltd, Gibraltar.

Editor Fr. Stuart Chipolina: [email protected]

Production Editor: A. Sargent

[email protected]: The Lamb of God Event

at St Theresa’s. Members of the Confraternity process Our Lady of Europe in Lourdes.

Photos: Gibraltar: A. Sargent. Lourdes: L. Aguilera

Upon this Rock magazine is entirely supported by advertising and donations. It is run in liaison with the Catholic Diocese of Gibraltar by EuropeAxess Media Ltd. as a not-for-profit project. To advertise: This magazine is hand-delivered to homes, churches, hospitals and many businesses around Gibraltar every month. To discuss your advertising requirements, or promote your church group or charity, call Tel: 200 79335 email: [email protected] Editorial is selected by EuropeAxess Media in liaison with the Catholic Diocese of Gibraltar. Neither of these parties is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained herein, nor do the views and opinions expressed herein necessarily reflect the views and opinions of either party. Advertisers are not endorsed by virtue of advertising in this magazine. EuropeAxess Media reserves the right to refuse space to any submissions or advertisements.

Forty is a significant number in the scrip-tures.

Moses went to the mountain to seek the face of God for forty days in prayer and fasting. The people of Israel were in the wilderness for forty years in preparation for their entry into the promised land. Elijah fasted for forty days as he journeyed in the wilderness to the mountain of God. For forty days after His resurrection Jesus appeared numerous times to His disciples to assure them that He had risen indeed and to prepare them for the task of carrying on the work which He began during His earthy ministry.

Jesus’ departure and ascension was both an end and a beginning for His disciples. While it was the end of Jesus’ physical presence with His beloved disciples, it marked the beginning of Jesus’ presence with them in a new way. Jesus promised that He would be with them always to the end of time (Matthew 28:20). Now as the glorified and risen Lord and Saviour, ascended to the right hand of the Father in heaven, Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit who would anoint them with power on the Feast of Pentecost, just as Jesus was anointed for His ministry in the River Jordan. When the Lord Jesus departed physically from the apostles, they were not left in sorrow or grief. Instead, they were filled with joy and with great anticipation for the coming of the Holy Spirit.Jesus’ last words to His apostles point to His saving mission and to their mission to be witnesses of His saving death and His glorious resurrection and to proclaim the good news of salvation to all the world. Their task is to proclaim the gospel – the good news of salvation – not only to the people of Israel, but to all the nations

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dear friends

The Mount of Temptation where Jesus spent 40 days praying in the wilderness

Be filled with great joy on the coming of the Holy Spirit

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Page 4: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

In Christianity, Pentecost occurs fifty days after Easter, a festival that

marks the birth of the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Pentecost means 50 days) The celebration is historically and symbolically related to the

Jewish harvest festival, fifty days after the offering of the first sheaves. It was one of three principle feasts and all males were compelled to attend. Offerings included two loaves of unleavened bread made from fine flour and a burnt offering of seven lambs, one bullock and two rams. Pentecost also came to be celebrated as a commemoration of the revelation on Mt. Sinai, the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments, fifty days after the Exodus. Christmas, God the Father’s gift of His one and only Son, and Easter, when that Son triumphed over the power of sin and death,

are two well-known feasts and celebrated by both believers and non-believers. Pentecost was once included as the third feast but has declined in prominence over the centuries, in a liturgical sense, prompting Pope John XXIII to convene Vatican 11 as he prayed; “Renew your wonders in this our day as by a new Pentecost”. On Pentecost or Whit Sunday, ten days after the Ascension, the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles in tongues of fire. That’s how I learned by rote about Pentecost but I have no recollection of this sudden and dramatic birth of the Church,

or the significant power of the Holy Spirit being drummed into me with a sense of importance. So, why was Pentecost such a momentous occasion? On the tenth day after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Mary His mother and family members as well as many disciples were gathered together in a room in Jerusalem to celebrate the traditional Jewish harvest festival. They had lived through and witnessed His ministry, the Crucifixion, death and resurrection and finally His ascent into heaven, still little realising that the miracles and preaching’s of Jesus were to be given life, and they, His disciples would be chosen to carry the Gospel of the Risen Christ to all nations. That is quite staggering when you consider these simple men of humble birth over 2, 000 years ago when called by Jesus, they abandoned their nets and followed Him, readily. Was the Holy Spirit at work then, because though Jesus called, surely only the work of the Spirit could have given them the courage to follow Him? As they lived and worked with Him, He trained them and taught them for their special purpose as he scolded them, as they deserted Him after his arrest,

P.S. It’s Pentecost!Has Pentecost’s flame diminished over the centuries, while Christmas and Easter take so much of the limelight?

the coming of the holy spirit anne mesilio

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Page 5: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

as they cowered in fear, Peter denied Him and Judas betrayed him. These twelve ordinary men of their times were chosen to do work in an extraordinary manner when the Holy Spirit descended upon them on Pentecost Sunday.The biblical narrative of Pentecost is given to us in Acts 2; 1-6. “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. There appeared unto them cloven tongues like of fire, and it sat upon each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. There were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews, and devout men out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together and were confounded because every

man heard them speak in his own language”. Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the disciples were, without warning, empowered to proclaim the Gospel and they went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began, there and then, preaching to the crowds with boldness and strength. Just as the Lord Himself was conceived and born by the Holy Spirit, so too was the Church born through the Holy Spirit, on that day. That day which was the harvest feast and the harvesting of souls commenced.Pentecost is sometimes called Whit Sunday as some churches in ancient times baptised adults on that day and they wore robes of white, giving rise to it being called Whit or white Sunday. Red is the liturgical colour of this day, symbolising joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Once in Italy, red rose petals were dropped from the ceilings in churches to recall the fiery tongues.

We have been granted the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit; wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety and the fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are also given to us. Charity, joy peace, patience, goodness, kindness, long suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, self control, chastity. Veni Creator is one of the most widely sung hymns whenever the Holy Spirit is invoked, and it is said a plenary indulgence can be gained when sung at Pentecost.

P.S. It’s Pentecost! Through thee may we the Father know,

through thee the eternal Son,

and thee, the Spirit of them both,

thrice blessed three in One.

All glory to the Father be,

with His co-equal Son,

the same to thee

great Paraclete,

while endless

ages run.

First Holy Communions at the Shrine of

Our Lady of Europe

On the 16th April 2011, at 12 noon, Mgr Charlie

Azzopardi said Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Europe. The congregation was swollen by the families and friends of three young men, from St. Christopher’s School, Michael Lawton, Aaron Hille and Matthew Hannah who were to be take their first Holy Communions that day.Mgr. Charlie commented during the celebration that of all the things the young men had done

during their stay on the Rock of Gibraltar, the most important by far was to take their first Holy Communion. He went on to congratulate the parents for continuing teaching the faith to their children and encouraged the to continue to do so throughout their lives. He also spoke to the grandparents who he said ‘Never stop being parents’, and reminded us all that Mary did not know what she was to expect but knew Jesus her Son could help in every situation.

the coming of the holy spirit anne mesilio

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Page 6: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

religious life

On the 1st May 2011, at 11.00 am Mgr Paul Bear said Mass at the

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced in Ronda on the occasion of Sister Jennifer’s 25th Anniversary of her entrance into religious life in the Discalced Carmelite Order.

The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced is one of Ronda’s more interesting churches, and is more correctly a basilica since it is home to a holy relic, the incorruptible hand of Saint Teresa of Avila, the story behind this is in itself worth telling.Saint Teresa of Avila reformed the Carmelite Order in her

lifetime, and after her death her remains were found to be incorrupt, and a relic came into the possession of the Discalced Carmelites in Ronda. It is here that Jennifer has made her home, but the distance up to Ronda has never impeded frequent visits from people from Gibraltar. More than 70,

including many youth went to visit her on an overcast and rainy Monday morning. They were rewarded with plenty of quality time in Sister Jennifer’s company, each person having an opportunity to speak to her in person. In addition Sister Jennifer gave extremely inspiring talks to

Sister Jennifer’s 25th AnniversaryOn a rainy May Day, over 70 people drove up to Ronda and sat enthralled as Sister Jennifer spoke with power and authority.


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Page 7: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

On saturday 9th april, a choir recital on ‘Lenten music’ was

held at the Cathedral of St Mary the Crowned in the evening.The choir came from Granada and they are former pupils of a Redemptorist school in

Granada.The choir led us in classical sacred music which was an incentive to pray as we listened. They also presented Bishop Ralph with a picture of Our Lady of Succour as she is the Patroness of the Redemptorist Order.

religious life

those assembled.She spoke on the subject of life and God, and about the Call and young people’s responsibility to respond to God. She spoke about the importance of prayer. Fr. Paul said, “The youth were clearly struck by her common sense attitude, she was very down to earth. She spoke about the hardships encountered on the journey in personal faith, and the importance of perseverance.”At lunchtime the visitors made their way through the wet Ronda streets to find lunch in various restaurants that were open in spite of it being MayDay. After lunch Sister Jennifer gave her second talk.She touched on the dangers of the world and the distractions on offer that can be so misleading to a soul searching for the Truth.The Discalced Carmelites, or Barefoot Carmelites, is a mendicant order with roots in the eremitic tradition of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. The order was established in 1593, pursuant to the reform of the Carmelite

Order by two Spanish saints, St. Teresa of Ávila and St. John of the Cross. The Discalced Carmelite order is now known by the initials “O.C.D.”

Reflecting on the success of the day Fr. Paul said he felt the young people ‘‘were clearly touched by the authenticity of these nuns, that it is no joke being behind bars.” He contin-ued, “The nuns’ sacrifice and love of God and their love of others is so evident. The youth were enthralled by Sister Jen-nifer’s words, and by the power with which she spoke. ”“How blessed we are to have Sister Jennifer who, as a con-templative, is very much the hearbeat of the body of Christ who is the Church.” The books of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross give a valuable insight into the mysticism of the Carmelites and anyone wishing to deepen their faith in this spirituality would find a rich harvest in their writings.

Sister Jennifer’s 25th Anniversary

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Grenada Choir brings a Special Gift for Bishop Heskett

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On the 3rd of May at 7.00pm Mgr Charles Azzopardi launched

the Triduum with a beautiful Mass at St. Theresa’s, preaching warmly on the topic of Mary as our Mother.

This may have been a Marian celebration, but the Eucharist was very central to the three days of devotion. Numbers were noticeably depleted on the first evening, with a large contingent of staunch supporters of Our

Lady of Europe, many of the members of the newly re-formed Confraternity, away at an important event in Lourdes (see page 12). However the remnant were blessed not only by beautiful celebrations and Father Charlie’s powerful preaching in Spanish, but also by Paddy Kelly’s appearance. The famous musician turned monk, now evangelist, played for them during communion on the last day. (see following article)

Our Lady of Europe

Praying with MaryTo celebrate the Feast of our patroness, Our Lady of Europe, a triduum was held from the 3rd to 5th of May at St. Theresa’s Church.

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Page 9: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

evangelisationOur Lady of Europe

He left his castle in search of the Kingdom of GodPaddy Kelly (Michael Patrick Kelly) was born in a camper van on December 5th 1977 in Dublin, Ireland, as the 10th child into the famous singing Kelly Family, of which he eventually became the musical leader. Growing up with American parents who sought an alternative to the usual modern way of life, he spent most of his life on the road and came to know the people of the countries they travelled through and to speak their languages. The family used a succession of vehicles as their mobile homes; camper vans, an English double-decker bus, and a house-boat, but as the family’s musical career took off their homes became more extravagant until in 1998, he purchased a 17th century castle.After an amazing success story in Europe, from singing on the streets as buskers to filling football stadiums at their shows, selling 15 million records and holding their largest concert before a crowd of 250.000, Paddy knew all the glory of the life of a “rock star”. From a camper to a castle, from the streets to the stadiums, at only age 20, he already had everything many only dream of having and yet, something was

missing.Like so many Christians today, Paddy was baptised and raised Catholic, but had not yet encountered Jesus personally or had a living relationship with Him. Until towards the end of the 80’s, a personal crisis, a sort of depression, brought about a deep search for the truth, for nothing he had and no one he knew could fill the great “emptiness” he felt inside. For the first time, he asked himself questions like :Why do I exist? Who am I really? Where do I come from and where am I going? What’s the true sense of life? Who is God really?God responded to his search for truth and thirst for absolute love by progressively revealing Himself to him. Touched by the love of God, Paddy took the radical decision to leave his partner at the time, his family, and a promising solo career. He entered a religious order: the Community of St. John, in 2004.After living the life of a monk for a period of six years he was unable to pursue his vocation because for health reasons.Enriched by his experiences as a monk, now Paddy Kelly is back on the road again, but with a new mission. In March this

year he made his musical ‘come back’ with a performance at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. He composed and released his first newly recorded song “Unknown You” in response to a request from the Pontifical Counsel for Culture at the Vatican. Nourished by the rich experience of the contemplative life and his studies in philosophy and theology during his time as a monk, Paddy’s new music brings one directly to a sense of mystery and can elevate the spirit to the Transcendent. He has a great diversity in styles and compositions - folk, pop, rock, reggae, Gregorian, Sacred Music. He employs passages from the Bible for most of his lyrics. He calls his work “mystical music in which I sing of or to God” and that with a four octave voice! He says, “ It is written in the Bible that God is love, and this Love has been written in my heart and life and not only on paper. I am so in love with love, with Him Who is love in person, with Him Who loved me first. I have come to discover that Jesus is not a legend or some mysterious figure of the past of which nothing is certain. Jesus is


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Page 10: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

real! Jesus is alive! Jesus is God, the Son of God! It was I who wasn’t real. It was I who wasn’t alive and who was ignorant of His presence and action in me and others. He woke me up from my spiritual coma and I can say that my happiness is to be near God, and know that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.” Paddy is currently on the EUROSARIUM TOUR which is a spiritual campaign and geographical journey throughout Europe. He does not travel alone but has the

help and support of Fr. Mario, of the Order of St John, who is a publicist, and Florence Jaqu, an artist and poet from Paris who helps in the production and participates in the presentation of the prayer events.

Due to his tight schedule, the only time available for an interview with

Paddy Kelly was the day after the ‘Lamb of God’ event, after Sunday morning Mass. He had just returned from visiting the prisoners, a little late as they had been delayed there, and I had just boiled the kettle for coffee. We shared their late breakfast snack of half melons and sandwiches made by Fr. Mario in Fr. Charlie’s sitting room.On meeting such a successful individual one was reminded

of Seve Ballesteros, not for his golfing prowess but because he said, on accepting another trophy, “It was no surprise to me that I have become a world golfing champion because I had been visualizing and working towards this all my life.”I asked Paddy Kelly if he thought visualisation was an important part of prayer?The former rock star answered at length, saying: “Prayer is such a vast term,” he waved his melon spoon in a wide arc, seeming to take in all life’s chaos, “I think prayer is fundamentally a dialogue with God. When we talk we can beg, we can praise, we can ask. We can visualize with God something which we think may be His will, or our will which may be inspired. I think it often happens that way. When He was on the Cross, Jesus asked for the cup to be taken away, but only if it was His Father’s will, but generally His will was not in opposition to God’s will. So it is with us, many times we may work towards something, thinking it is our will, but in fact it is inspired by God and a kind of communal work with God where we use our gifts and professionalism.”“I think” he continued, “beginning with Christ, during those 30 years in Nazareth He knew He was sent to save the world so He must have had years of visualization. He must have known how He was going to achieve that. Scholars have studied the bible and worked out that to cover the distances He must have walked between 30 and 60 km per day. I don’t

evangelisation angela sargent

On the road to Emaus: Paddy Kelly et al

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Fr. Mario spoke passion-ately and animatedly to those assembled during the three hour service.

Many priests were available during a time of candlelit confession, while Paddy Kelly performed beautiful sacred music.

Page 11: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

think He was an illumined, charismatic that just made things happen, He was well prepared for His ministry.Looking through the ages, Martin Luther had a dream, and through that dream he changed the world. Mother Theresa had a dream, she believed in it strongly enough to go against her community and set out on her own. If we look at the saints, St. Benedict emerged from a cave and his life was spent in realizing the ideal of monasticism which he has left us in his Rule, its influence on the spiritual life of Christians, is still with us today. That’s big time visualization!”Paddy Kelly then turned the tables and he asked me about my life, as I had already heard his testimony, I was able to give mine, briefly, and as we talked we found many similar milestones, even while we had been in hugely different circumstances, but I too was saved from a dark place in my life. “When someone saves you,” he said, “You want to give them your life, and you want to share the burning love that you have felt with others. When you love you become inventive because you seek means to share that burning love with people.” After a pause he continued, “We can analyze what is love? Not physical love, but agape, a selfless love. Pope Benedict XVI says love is giving, receiving, accepting and communion. I love - I am loved, I receive - I give. This is a logical definition. It is not a hazy subjective thing. Most

dysfunctional problems today come from a lack of love. All children’s psychiatrists will agree with that, those who grow up in families without love suffer. Most of our wounds come from a lack of love. We are made for love. When are we most ourselves? When are we most happy? When we are loved when we love! When we are with those our love!St. John the Apostle said God is love.God is giving, receiving and communion, in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When all three are giving and receiving all three are one.God made man in His likeness, when a man and a woman are in love, the fruit of their love is

(continued page 18)

evangelisation angela sargent

On the road to Emaus: Paddy Kelly et al

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Florance Jaqu performed a beauti-ful flower petal dance with children who had volunteered to help her.

Page 12: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

the confraternity of our lady of europe in lourdes photos: louisa aguilera

Inauguration of the feast of Our Lady of Europe in Lourdes

It has been a great privilege to be part of the group from Gibraltar who

were in Lourdes to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Europe there for the first time. There have been so many blessings and memories made in such a short period of time.My most memorable moment was seeing the response of the people in the pews when Our Lady of Europe was processed down the aisle at the International Mass. I was sitting

two sets of benches away and could only see the banner and Gibraltar flag. Suddenly as the procession stopped, there was a crowd of people forming behind the banner and flag. Later I was told by those carrying her that the people were stopping to kiss her, touch her and photograph her.Usually in Lourdes, or any other place of pilgrimage where so many faithful flock, we are just another pilgrim in a crowd. It was so touching to be such a small group and yet be such a big part of all the celebrations. It was such a special moment to be a part of the Procession of the Sick when Bishop Heskett was carrying the Blessed Sacrament.At the torchlight procession I was carrying a candle, it was getting dark and Our Lady

Two of the members of the newly re-formed Confraternity of Our Lady of Europe, who travelled at short notice to Lourdes last month, for the first of these events, report on their experiences.

From this day forth, the feast of Our Lady of Europe will be celebrated each year in the International Day Mass (held on Wednesdays) closest to the 5th May.

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Page 13: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

the confraternity of our lady of europe in lourdes photos: louisa aguilera

Inauguration of the feast of Our Lady of Europe in Lourdes

of Europe was very small compared to Our Lady of Lourdes. We had been concerned that she could not be seen, especially as the candles we carried were not giving enough light. The crowds were gathering in the grounds of the Rosary Basilica for the final

blessing. Amidst the crowds a mother was pushing her four of five year old daughter, hurrying not to lose her place. The little girl was looking back at Our Lady of Europe and blew her three kisses. At that moment I realized that however small or insignificant we had felt Our Lady was in our eyes, she had made her presence known. Later as we left the Sanctuary and were walking back, three Italian ladies stopped me to ask who we had been carrying. She had certainly not been missed!Monique Risso

The Confraternity of Our Lady of Europe Pilgrimage to

Lourdes was a truly blessed and special time for us individually and as a group. There were many wonderful experiences, and for me there was a rather unexpected one. This was during a visit to Chemin du Niglo (I had never heard of it before !) where Bishop Ralph celebrated Mass in the home of Our Lady of Europe in Lourdes. This is a humble and simple dwelling, which is a centre for

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Page 14: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

the Travelling Community. There she is cared for by this Community who have ‘adopted’ her as their Patroness. On the day before our departure, I met Fr. Jose-Maria who told

me that he was on his way to join the Travellers just outside Lourdes. They had organized a procession in honour of Our Lady of Europe.I was deeply impressed that

these people, whom society so often shuns, have received the message and accepted Our Lady of Europe as their protector and patroness. The experience has led me to renew

my prayer for simplicity and humility for all to open their hearts and allow Our Lady to lead Europe back to her Son.Anonymous (name supplied)

the confraternity of our lady of europe in lourdes

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Page 15: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

Six years ago we gathered in this Square to celebrate the funeral of

Pope John Paul II. Our grief at his loss was deep, but even greater was our sense of an immense grace which

embraced Rome and the whole world: a grace which was in some way the fruit of my beloved predecessor’s entire life, and especially of his witness in suffering. Even then we perceived the fragrance of

his sanctity, and in any number of ways God’s People showed their veneration for him. For this reason, with all due respect for the Church’s canonical norms, I wanted his cause of beatification to move forward

with reasonable haste. And now the longed-for day has come; it came quickly because this is what was pleasing to the Lord: John Paul II is blessed!Finally, on a more personal note, I would like to thank God for the gift of having worked for many years with Blessed Pope John Paul II. I had known him earlier and had esteemed him, but for twenty-three years, beginning in 1982 after he called me to Rome to be Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I was at his side and came to revere him all the more. My own service was sustained by his spiritual depth and by the richness of his insights. His example of prayer continually impressed and edified me: he remained deeply united to God even amid the many demands of his ministry. Then too, there was his witness in suffering: the Lord gradually stripped him of everything, yet he remained ever a “rock”, as Christ desired. His profound humility, grounded in close union with Christ, enabled him to continue to lead the Church and to give to the world a message which became all the more eloquent as his physical strength declined. In this way he lived out in an extraordinary way the vocation of every priest and bishop to become completely one with Jesus, whom he daily receives and offers in the Church.Blessed are you, beloved Pope John Paul II, because you believed! Continue, we implore you, to sustain from heaven the faith of God’s people. You often blessed us in this Square from the Apostolic Palace: Bless us.

the confraternity of our lady of europe in lourdes great news from rome

Beatification of Pope John Paul II

Excerpts from the homily of Pope Benedict XVI, given in St Peter’s Square on Divine Mercy Sunday, 1st May 2011

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When we think about the John Mackintosh Hall

we think of plays, dance competitions, pantomimes and exhibitions. However two months ago a young couple decided they were going to fulfil their dream of opening a cafe, and the John Mackintosh Hall was the chosen venue.Chantal and Colin Hosken are a young, enthusiastic couple who came to Gibraltar to make their dreams come true. Chantal has been brought up in the catering industry and she says that ‘catering is in my blood’. Her parents have run nine successful restaurants in Gibraltar and have recently retired, although they

are helping behind the scenes at ‘The Studio Cafe’, using their experience to guide their daughter and her husband. Chantal studied catering in Sussex for three years, whilst her husband studied Graphic Design and is therefore very suited to design both the menus and the café’s layout.The young Hoskens were inspired by the cafés they frequented while studying in the UK.They enjoyed a variety of teas, coffees and frappés, as well as smoothies and shakes.With this in mind they felt that Gibraltar was in need of an innovative café that served these tasty drinks. The menu has a varied choice of teas such as the organic and fairtrade Cosy Tea, a charming independent brand with a cute knitting-based theme; Rooibos Tea which contains no caffeine and no additives thus helping to limit the decline of the immune system, a Spiced Chai Iced Tea or our old-time favourite PG Tips. The Espressos are equally exciting with many flavours from Caffé Latté to Caramel Mocchiato. All the smoothies are refreshingly tasty such as “Wild Berry” or Mango, and for those who have a sweet tooth, there is the Sticky Toffee Frappé or White Chocolate

Milkshake. All the teas and coffees are organic and fair-trade, and the smoothies are made with real fruit and a splash of green tea.‘The Studio Café’ also offers a wide and tantalizing choice of foods, all of which are homemade and very reasonably priced. It’s hard to choose between a tasty Mediterranean Vegetable Baguette, a homemade Cornish Pasty or a Roast Beef and Caramelised Red Onion Panini to name but a few. The desserts are equally appealing, highlights are the Caramel Shortcake, their Cheesecake of the Day and Flapjacks.The Studio Café not only offers great food and drink but it also helps different charities.

Each month Chantal and Colin will create a special drink to symbolise the charity they are supporting that month and all proceeds made from the sale of the drink will go to that cause. They will also sell tickets to try and raise money for these charities. The Studio Café are offering their wall space to artists so they can exhibit their work. This is free of charge as their main aim is to encourage young artists to promote themselves and their art.To check opening times, book outside catering, or order a takeaway, call Chantal or Colin on Tel: 20065222, or see their facebook page: The Studio Cafe, Gibraltar.

somewhere new - amy bonich

The Studio CafeA young, professional couple take on the cafe in the John Mac Hall with refreshing results


os: P




Colin and Chantal, (centre)

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Page 17: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

Spotlight on a local charity - anne mesilio

“We are here to stop all forms of child abuse”. Perhaps this raised an eyebrow or two and caused some muttering as the Rock is a family orientated community,

but we live in a changing world and there is a need to be prepared to deal with modern society in which, unhappily, children are abused for whatever reason. This is Childline Mission statement; “Our vision is a society in which all children are loved, valued and able to fulfil their

potential. In other words, a society that will not tolerate child abuse, whether sexual, physical, emotional or neglect”. Childline Gibraltar offers a totally confidential service to its callers, except in those cases where children are, or are suspected of being in danger of immediate harm.The Freephone Helpline is top of the list of the services they provide, but work with schools and youth groups is on-going. During their recent Blue Day, presentations were made in twelve local schools on general teenage issues, Connie Attwood, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees and volunteer was telling me; “We would like to be more proactive in schools and develope a very strong link with Childline in UK in the SW area. We visit for training,

exchange ideas where we become aware of developing

Providing appropriate adults to help children in troubleFive busy years have passed since Childline was set up in Gibraltar to deal with serious social issues.

somewhere new - amy bonich

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evangelisation continued from page 11

On the road to Emaus: Paddy Kelly et al

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a child. God is spirit too, when we are in love we are in His spirit.” After another pause he continued. “God is our saviour” he said, indicating himself and me, “but why? Because God is love. It is God’s love that moves us to want to save others. God’s

love is not only creation, but also recreation, healing, filling us up giving us a divine life. This comes from God’s love.”All too soon, our interview was over as Paddy Kelly moved on to his next appointment. Later on that day, by coincedence, I

met the group with Fr. Charlie again. I was walking back from the marina with my husband, as we approached the entrance to Ocean Village Fr Charlie called to us, and I turned to my husband and began to introduce the visitors, Fr. Mario, Florence Jaqu, but I could not think of the name of the man in the white outfit, standing slightly to the rear of the group with a quiet smile, he was the man who had been introduced as a Rock Star, yet he had created a unique space for prayer and worship. A man whom people had come from all over Spain to see and hear. He had talked about how to pray and of God’s love. The only name that came to mind as we stood in the road there was ‘Jesus’. So I introduced him by saying “Here is a man who makes a space for Jesus, and then stands aside.”With these events that Paddy

Kelly either initiates or is invited to, he is seeking to promulgate faith, life, hope, love and peace through his music, testimony and prayer. After Paris, Brussels and Gibraltar, they have dates scheduled in Kosovo, Germany, Poland and Spain corresponding to the “beads” of this Rosary of events, for the churches, peoples and nations of Europe.After one year of travelling on the Eurosarium Tour, Paddy Kelly hopes he will be able to return to Gibraltar to complete the rosary and then, his sights are on Africa.More information from the website: paddykelly.eu

trends and maybe head them off here”. She continued, “Volunteers are the back bone of the organisation, and without their selfless commitment we could not run Childline Gibraltar”. I was reminded of Margaret Mead, (1901-1978), an American cultural anthropologist who believed “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. Connie introduced me to Annie Green, whose brief is fundraising, and Jennifer Sheehy, Duty Manager. Our chat was friendly and their enthusiasm for this important work was evident as they talked. It was over a year since I had last visited and was eager to learn about the Appropriate

Adult Scheme which is now being provided. Annie, “We are particularly pleased that this has been developed and the police often tell us how grateful they are for this”. What is it exactly? Annie enlightened me “When a juvenile is detained by the Royal Gibraltar police, and does not have an adult who is willing or able to be there, a volunteer from Childline will respond at the request of the police. Childline is the only service in Gibraltar able to provide volunteers to undertake the role of Appropriate Adult”. I noticed you said volunteers, but are you trained for this? “Oh yes, our role has become more formalised and local Law firm Triay and Triay, kindly sponsored the Training Package, we follow the UK model. Patrick Canessa, a lawyer with Triay & Triay is providing training for our volunteers as well as an advisory service that can be accessed when volunteers are on duty. He provides his services on a voluntary basis”. Connie came in here; “We are working to the spirit of the PACE legislation (Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984) which has not been implemented

locally as yet, though I have no doubt it will be in the near future”. There was no hesitation in her voice. She continued “we assume a parental role when any vulnerable young adult needs to be interviewed by the police. They have to have an adult of their own choosing, e.g. parent, and if and when for whatever reason this is not possible, that’s when Childline is called”. What do you actually do? Annie “First thing, make sure the person has had something to eat, this can get overlooked. For instance, I was called out to be present with a sixteen year old male who had been arrested in the early afternoon and by now it was late evening and all he’d had was a drink. The role of the adult is to make sure the juvenile is being looked after during interrogation. The Appropriate Adult has the right to terminate the questioning and seek legal advice if necessary”.This work is being developed and affiliation has been established with the National Appropriate Adult Network (NAAN) in UK, and it is hoped, funds permitting, that selected personnel will attend the next NAAN

conference in the near future. I feel at this stage it is important to understand that monies raised through donations or fundraising are to help the organisation provide the services that have proved to be needed. All three ladies spoke warmly of the local support they have received over the years, vital funding which has helped provide the established services, training of personnel, and they are very appreciative of the Gibraltarian altruistic society for their incredible encouragement. Recently they experienced a heart warming moment when Jimmy White, the legendry ‘whirlwind’ snooker player offered to stage a charity tournament in Gibraltar, all the proceeds going to Childline. The work goes on.

FREE Helpline 8008Want to speak to someone personally?Would you like to ask us a question or discuss an administrative issue?Then phone us on: 20043503 Postal Address: Suite 522 Icom House, P.O. Box 561, 1/5 Irish Town, Gibraltar

Page 19: Upon This Rock 120 June 2011

When endometrial tissue is found in locations other

than the lining of the uterus, the resulting condition is called endometriosis.These locations can occur typically in the pelvic area, on the ovaries, bowel, rectum, bladder and the lining of the pelvis, all outside the uterus. The implants can also occur in a variety of other locations too, including the lung, renal system, the diaphragm, the skin and the liver.It affects an estimated 176 million women worldwide. The symptoms associated with endometriosis are: dysmenorrhoea (menstrual cramps), pelvic pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), infertility, heavy or irregular bleeding, nausea at the time of menses, diarrhoea and/or painful bowel movements, dizziness, headaches with menses, fatigue, low-grade fever and low resistance to infection.The following account is taken from the blog of a lady who suffered infertility due to endometriosis:

“Four months later I am better. In fact, I almost feel like I am 15 again. I remember being a teen and always so nervous about when your period was going to come. I literally feel no cramping leading up to the start of my menstruation. I have gone from blinding pain where I thought I would pass out....to nothing! Since I chart my cycle every month I know my period follows 13 days after I pinpoint my peak (ovulation)... so I am prepared.Why did it take so much to

finally find help? Why is it that my husband knows more about this condition than his buddy that went to medical school? My story is a common one, and it’s not right.I have more stories to tell concerning my cycle - low progesterone and PMS, thyroid issues and additional topics. Stay tuned for more follow-ups to how I took control of my own health.” Her blog can be followed on: http://survivingendometriosis.blogspot.com/

The information obtained from a clinical history, physical examination and other non-surgical attempts to diagnose endometriosis fail to achieve a correct diagnosis. Endometriosis is a surgical disease. Medical treatment may offer temporary relief of pain and symptoms, however there is no medical regime that can be used successfully in the treatment of endometriosis-associated fertility.

Dr. Monique Risso clears up the mystery and explains how NaProTechnology treatment can help manage the symptoms.

women’s health dr. monique risso



The inflammatory toxins released by the endometrial lesions affect fertility. In order to improve fertility the endometriosis must be removed. Laparoscopy is the “gold standard” for diagnosis of the condition. At the time of the laparoscopy, histological assessment confirms the diagnosis. Diagnostic laparoscopy requires a “near-contact” technique which is explained in detail in “The Medical & Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY” text book written by Dr Thomas Hilgers. naprotechnology.com/naprotext.htmThe surgeon performing the laparoscopy should have a thorough understanding of endometriosis and the appropriate skills to perform the procedure successfully.For further information please contact:DR MONIQUE RISSO MBChB MRCGPVALMAR MEDICAL CLINIC11A Main Street. GibraltarTEL: 00350 200 78202E-mail: [email protected]


● Dysmenorrhoea (menstrual cramps)

● Pelvic pain● Dyspareunia (painful

intercourse)● Infertility● Heavy or irregular bleeding● Nausea at the time of menses● Diarrhoea and/or painful

bowel movements● Dizziness● Headaches with menses● Fatigue● Low-grade fever and low

resistance to infection

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