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641 W Heber Street, Glendora, CA. 91741, (626) 914-6002,mailto:[email protected]


Management Consultants

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Is an international management consulting firm of associated

professionals offering services to top management in:

Full business operations – New and existing companies

Crisis management

Strategic planning and business plan development

Mergers, acquisitions and sale of companies

Cash flow management and financial packaging

Corporate, labor, and social security legal advice and tax

planning and litigation in Mexico

Management ConsultantsUptrend International


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Financial Planning

Analysis, development and implementation of budgets, financial controls and financial projections

Strategic planning

Development of business plans

Cash flow management and financial packaging

Short and long-term investments and risk management



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Human Resources

Executive search

Organizational structure development

Development and implementation of salary administration, merit evaluation and fringe benefit plans

Compliance audits with labor and social benefit laws, assessment and recommendations.Development and implementation of preventive measures and procedures to avoid future legal entanglements with authorities


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Productivity Improvement

Operational analysis and redesign for optimal data flow

Selection and implementation of inventory control systems

Design and implementation of production control systems

Development and implementation of quality control systems

Selection and implementation of project control tools

Development and implementation of recommendations for profit improvement


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Sales and Marketing

Analysis of marketing factors and development and implementation of marketing and sales programs

Analysis, development and implementation of sales’ administration systems and procedures


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Management ConsultantsOUR SERVICES

Mergers, acquisitions and sale of companies:

Due diligence consulting and execution

Findings, recommendations, and negotiations

Advice on corporate matters dealing with, labor, finance, logistics, legal, and tax matters

Coaching through the transition process

Complete management of operations in Mexico


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Legal and Tax Issues

Design and implementation of complete legal and tax programs to launch a new company in the Mexican Republic

Initial assessment, recommendations, and implementationof legal preventive measures in corporate, labor,and social security laws (IMSS, INFONAVIT). Selection of defense mechanisms and case litigation

Assessment of status and resolution of corporate and individual’s tax issues (ISR, IVA, IETU). Tax planning, tax return preparation and review, and tax litigation


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The above is not an empty promise.

We are aware that the effectiveness of OUR SERVICESis only as good as the knowledge and expertise of ourexperienced consultants.

For this reason, UPTREND International, has gathered a groupof expert consultants in all possible areas dealing with yourcompany.

Their professional profiles includes an averageof over twenty years in consulting and corporate training.

Academically, they have obtained graduate degrees.Most have vast experience as CEOs.

Individual résumés' are available upon request. To be brief, a feware included in this presentation. “MAXIMIZING YOUR POTENTIAL”

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David E Estrello M

Since 1986, David E. Estrello manages and operates Uptrend International, ManagementConsultants, located in California and Mexico City. The firm provides professionalservices principally in Mexico, to Mexican and United States companies. The Firm’sactivities include among others: Due diligence evaluations for mergers andacquisitions; strategic planning and development of business plans; crisismanagement; cash flow management and financial packaging; legal advise incorporate, labor, and social security issues; tax planning; and litigation in both legaland tax disputes.In mid 2002, David E. Estrello created and operated for five years, marketXL, a B2Bsales and marketing services organization, engaged in the distribution and sales ofmedical imagery equipment from manufacturers from Asia, Spain, France and theUnited States of America. Currently, marketXL has become the operating arm ofUptrend International performing the same consulting services in Mexico.


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In addition, Mr. Estrello practiced management consulting for twelve years in LosAngeles, CA and in Mexico City. At the latter, he provided services in corporateplanning and executive search for seven years prior to returning to Los Angeles, CA.in 1986. At Los Angeles, he acted as Executive Director of a Minority BusinessDevelopment Center operated for the U. S. Department of Commerce providingmanagement consulting to Minority owned companies

David E Estrello’s experience includes thirteen years in public accounting in theUnited States and Mexico where he worked, as audit manager, for the Los Angeles, CAand the Mexico City offices of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells (currently, Deloitte & Touche).While in Los Angeles, CA, he also acted as principal for the CPA firm of R. J. Mirandaand Company where he founded the Firm’s Los Angeles office. Under his direction theFirm was awarded the financial audit of the City of Los Angeles for a period of severalyears.

Mr. Estrello’s previous experience also includes executive financial positions atSyntex Corporation and Ideal Standard



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During the previous three years (1998-mid 2002) David E. Estrello successfullylaunched an advertisement sales program for a new Internet and CD-ROM Mexicanversion of the Thomas Register, the internationally known industrial directory.During that time Mr. Estrello was Vice President Sales for Latin America at CahnersTravel Group, a company that publishes hotel and meeting facilities directories forthe tourism industry Worldwide.

Mr. Estrello’s publishing industry experience also includes (1971-1979) four andone half years as CFO and three and one half years as President for the LatinAmerican operations of Reader’s Digest. Additionally, commencing on December1, 1993 and for the next four and one half years, he successfully served as DirectorGeneral for Grupo Editorial Expansion, the leading publisher of businessmagazines in Mexico


David E Estrello M


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David E Estrello M

While working in California, he also participated in civic and businessorganizations such as The U.S.-Mexico Chamber of Commerce where he is aformer president of its Pacific Chapter. In Mexico, he is also a former member ofthe Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas, A.C. (Mexican Institute ofFinancial Executives) where he served from 1969 through 1996.

Mr. Estrello’s academic and professional degrees and certifications include acertificate to practice as a Certified Public Accountant, for the State of California,he also holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the School of BusinessAdministration, with a major in Accounting, from the University of California atLos Angeles.


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Laura Calleros Torre MBA

With over 15 years of professional experience Laura Alicia Calleros-Torre is wellknown in management consulting and business training circles in Mexico. She isalso known for her expertise in strategic planning and her marketing know-how.She obtained her BA degree in Human Resources at the Universidad Anahuac delSur and later an MBA with a major in top management consulting from theInstituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.

Her experience covers over 10 years in marketing working for Estudios Tepeyac, acompany engaged in massive communications, where she succeeded asmarketing manager. During this period, she also filled the position as CountryManager for Mexico at NPD Intelect GfK, an international market researchorganization with a head office for the Americas in New York City, and corporateheadquarters in Germany and Japan.

Ms Calleros is also a graduate school professor at Universidad Anahuac del Sur,and the Universidad Tecnológica de México, among others. She also participatesat conferences and business forums and at private companies in Mexico City andthroughout the rest of the country



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Lic María Leticia Morales Ramírez

Licenciada María Leticia Morales Ramírez, is an expert in organizationaldevelopment and in all facets of human resources’ management. She has over 25years of business training and consulting experience on projects and programsdealing with the development, consolidation, and implementation of organizationaldevelopment; with personnel training courses and seminars; with qualityimprovement; and with all facets of human resources’ development and control.She currently, and very successfully, manages her own consulting firm.

For eleven years she filled several administrative and business training positionsboth for the entrepreneurial and academic sectors, such as: Chief of OccupationalRelations for the Centro Empresarial del Valle del Fuerte; Several positions leadingto her latest as Scholastic General Coordinator for the Universidad de Occidente, adecentralized organization at the State of Sinaloa’s Government, she also servedas state’s Technical Director for the Training and Development Office. In 1989, shebecame Managing Director and Owner of Grupo Owen, a business consultantorganization, rendering professional services in Human Resources, OrganizationalDevelopment, Productivity and Quality.


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She has been a professional trainer since 1977. Licenciada Morales feelsat ease as a teacher, rendering conferences, and as instructor andfacilitator in training courses, workshops, and seminars in all subjectsdealing with her professional area of expertise, which covers: generalmanagement, human resources, management resources’ development,development of middle management, personal development,communications, sales, and development of work teams.

Licenciada Morales obtained her undergraduate degree in Ciencias de laComunicación (Communication Sciences) for the Instituto Tecnológico yde Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Monterrey, N. L. Campus, she iscurrently a candidate to obtain a master’s degree in Calidad (Quality) forthe Universidad La Salle del Noroeste, en Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.


Lic. María Leticia Morales Ramírez


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Lic. Eda Patricia Zumárraga González

Licenciada Eda Patricia Zumárraga González, is a well known attorney with overtwenty years of legal practice experience in labor, social security and corporatelaw in Mexico. Currently she manages her own legal firm in Mexico City andlaunched the executive training and consulting organization, Innovación enCapacitación y Asesoría Profesional, S. C.

Previously for 15 years she filled the position of Divisional Editor for the wellknown legal bulletin IDC, published by Grupo Editorial Expansion, which is theleading publisher of business publications in Mexico. In this position, she was incharge of the editorial sections dealing with labor, social security and corporatelegal issues. She was also responsible for the legal consulting service in her areaof expertise extended to the publication’s subscribers on nation-wide basis.

Licenciada Zumárraga, obtained her law degree from the prestigious UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México. She has also obtained graduate diplomas inMexican Corporate law and Human Resources’ Management from InstitutoTecnológico Autónomo de México


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Lic Zumárraga began her specialty in labor law, acting as Legal Coordinatorat the Federal Court of Labor Conciliation and Arbitration (Secretaria deAcuerdos de la Primera Sala del Tribunal Federal de Conciliación yArbitraje). She is also a graduate school professor at the UniversidadPanamericana, at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, and at theUniversidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Lic Zumárraga also collaborateswith other educational institutions such as the Centro de Estudios Fiscales,S. C. (Center for Fiscal Studies). At El Consejero Fiscal (The Tax Advisor)she participates as a consultant in a weekly radio program. As a professorshe also teaches law courses and seminars at both undergraduate andgraduate levels. She also participates at conferences and business forumsand at private companies in Mexico City and throughout the rest of thecountry

Our Expert Consultants

Lic. Eda Patricia Zumárraga González


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Ing. Carlos González González

Engineer Carlos González González is currently the director general for CGGConsultores, an executive training company. He is also a consultant inAdministrative Quality Systems: ISO 9000/ QS-9000, ISO-TS 16949, Total Quality,Team work, Six-Sigma, AMEF, Geometric Tolerances and Dimension G8D.

His experience covers thirty years working for companies such as: RCA, FordMotor Company, Gillette, Plantronics Corp., General Instruments, Harris Corp.,Mitutoyo. He is a consultant on Quality issues for Latinoamérica ProgramaRTACII (US EMBASSY). He is a Fellow Member de la ASQ. Instructor for the FordSupplier Learning Institute México. Instructor for Bancomext (Banco deComercio Exterior) on ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.

He is a graduate from the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica(Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School) from Instituto PolitécnicoNacional de México, where he obtained an engineering degree inCommunications and Electronics. He later also obtained an MBA (Master inBusiness Administration) with a major in Quantitative Analysis from the NationalUniversity San Diego California USA


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He has been a professor and a course instructor at most major Mexicanuniversities such as the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, the Universidad Autónomade México, the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey,Instituto Autónomo de México and others (UABC, UNIVA, ULSA,, UAY). He has alsowritten and published several books on complex technical subjects.


Ing. Carlos González González


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Our Expert Consultants

CPC Elda Yasmin Palacios Arciniega

Currently, Ms. Yasmin Palacios A., Certified as a Public Accountant for theRepublic of Mexico, owns and manages her own firm, rendering financial and taxauditing professional services as well as acting as a tax consultant on allMexican tax obligations to a vast and important clientele. In addition, sheprovides consulting services as a partner for two other firms: Grupo Consultor,S.C. and Echavarri Mascote, S.C. Previously, she acted as an audit manager forthe public accounting firm, León Kennedy y Asociados, S.C.

Her professional expertise in the planning and directing audits of financialstatements; and also in administrative, internal, compliance and other specialaudits, for both domestic and multinational companies, has provided her withsignificant experience in the industrial, commerce and service areas.


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CPC Elda Yasmin Palacios Arciniega

Ms. Palacio’s participation as an auditor has included the selection and hiringof professional personnel, the planning and conduct of audits both forfinancial and tax purposes (In México a separate tax audit and pertinentseparate audit report has to be rendered. This is required in addition to therendering of the auditor’s report on the fairness of presentation of the financialstatements). She also participates as a member of the Board of Director’s onseveral important Mexican companies and as a financial overseer “Comisario”(also a special Board of Directors position) on several others.

She is a member of the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de México, A.C. andthe Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A.C. (Mexican Institute ofCertified Public Accountants) where she obtained her certifícate as a publicaccountant. She graduated from the Escuela Bancaria and Comercial (1987)where she also participated in several special fiscal and auditing courses. Shesubsequently specialized in Mexican taxes at the same college.


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Uptrend International

CONTACT – David E. Estrello, Managing Partner

E-mail address - [email protected], USA: 641 W Heber Street, Glendora, CA. 91741,

Telephone: (626) 914-6002.


marketXL, S. A. de C. V.,

David E. Estrello M. CEO

San Borja 504-303, México, D. F., ZIP 03100

Telephone in Mexico: 52 55 5559-4051 and 52 55 5559-0914

Mobile in Mexico: 52 55 2900-1780


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