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Page 1: Uptake and accumulation of antimicrobials, triclocarban and triclosan, by food crops in a hydroponic system


Uptake and accumulation of antimicrobials, triclocarbanand triclosan, by food crops in a hydroponic system

Shiny Mathews & Shannon Henderson & Dawn Reinhold

Received: 31 July 2013 /Accepted: 16 December 2013# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Commonly used in personal care products,triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) are two chemicalswith antimicrobial properties that have recently been recog-nized as environmental contaminants with the potential toadversely affect human health. The objective of the studydescribed herein was to evaluate the potential of food cropsto uptake TCC and TCS. Eleven food crops, grown in hydro-ponic nutrient media, were exposed to a mixture of 500μg L−1

TCC and TCS. After 4 weeks of exposure, roots accumulated86–1,350 mg kg−1 of antimicrobials and shoots had accumu-lated 0.33–5.35mg kg−1 of antimicrobials. Translocation fromroots to shoots was less than 1.9 % for TCC and 3.7 % forTCS, with the greatest translocation for TCC observed forpepper, celery, and asparagus and for TCS observed for cab-bage, broccoli, and asparagus. For edible tuber- or bulb-producing crops, the concentrations of both TCC and TCSwere lower in the tubers than in the roots. Exposure calcula-tions using national consumption data indicated that the aver-age exposure to TCC and TCS from eating contaminatedcrops was substantially less than the exposure expected tocause adverse effects, but exceeded the predicted exposurefrom drinking water. Exposure to antimicrobials through food

crops would be substantially reduced through limiting con-sumption of beets and onions.

Keywords Antimicrobials . Triclocarban . Triclosan .

Uptake . Translocation . Exposure


An increasing awareness of pollution of water and land re-sources with trace concentrations of pharmaceuticals and per-sonal care products has prompted concerns about unintention-al human exposure (Barcelo and Petrovic 2007; Bruce et al.2010). Triclocarban (TCC) and triclosan (TCS) are chlorinat-ed aromatic chemicals commonly used as antimicrobial agentsin consumer products such as soaps and toothpastes(Perencevich et al. 2001; USEPA 2002, 2010). Both TCCand TCS are hydrophobic organic chemicals with logoctanol–water partitioning coefficients (log KOW) of 4.8 and4.9 (respectively) and with high affinities for organic matter(Chen et al. 2011; Kwon et al. 2010; Ying et al. 2007a). WhileTCC and TCS are not currently considered health hazards bythe EPA or FDA, animal studies have demonstrated thatantimicrobials can disrupt endocrine function and the centralnervous system, prompting further investigations (Paul et al.2010; USEPA 2002; USFDA 2010). The predicted No Ob-served Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) for oral repeated-dosetoxicity of TCC for humans is 25 mg per kg body weight perday (USEPA 2008b). The NOAEL values for TCS for acuteand chronic dietary exposures are 30 mg kg−1 day−1 and0.3 mg kg−1 day−1, respectively (USEPA 2008a, b). Addition-ally, while information on bacterial resistance to TCC islimited, studies have documented increased microbial resis-tance to TCS in Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus atconcentrations of micrograms per kilogram in aqueous and

Responsible editor: Laura McConnell

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article(doi:10.1007/s11356-013-2474-3) contains supplementary material,which is available to authorized users.

S. Mathews (*) : S. Henderson :D. ReinholdDepartment of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, MichiganState University, 524 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Present Address:S. MathewsCollege of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin, 800 ReserveStreet, Stevens Point, WI 54481, USA

Environ Sci Pollut ResDOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2474-3

Page 2: Uptake and accumulation of antimicrobials, triclocarban and triclosan, by food crops in a hydroponic system

soil environments (Escalada et al. 2005; McMurry et al. 1998;Sivaraman et al. 2004; Suller and Russell 2000).

Antimicrobials enter the environment primarily throughconsumer discharge to municipal wastewater treatment plants.The average concentrations of antimicrobials entering waste-water treatment plants are 6,100±2,000 ng L−1 TCC and4,700±1,600 ng L−1 TCS and, during wastewater treatment,TCC and TCS are only minimally transformed (Heidler andHalden 2007; Heidler et al. 2006). Instead, these antimicro-bials are removed predominantly through sorption to particu-late matter (settled organic matter and sludge) which aresubsequently land applied as biosolids (Chu and Metcalfe2007; Heidler et al. 2006; Sapkota et al. 2007). For example,78±11 % of TCC and 80±22 % of TCS were partitioned tosludge, resulting in accumulation of 51,000±15,000 μg TCCand 30,000±11,000 μg TCS per kilogram of dry biosolids,respectively (Heidler and Halden 2007; Heidler et al. 2006).While studying the fate of TCC and TCS in a wastewatertreatment system, the combined TCC and TCS concentrationsdecreased in the water by 97%. There was a higher removal ofTCC (79 %) compared to TCS (64 %) into solids (Lozanoet al. 2013). As approximately 50 % of biosolids are landapplied (USEPA 2007), three quarters of TCC that is used byconsumers is ultimately released into the environment throughland application of biosolids. However, a relevant fraction ofantimicrobials still remains in effluent from wastewater treat-ment plants. For example, of the TCC, TCS, and methyl TCSreleased from wastewater treatment plants, 4.15 kg day−1,5.37 kg day−1, and 0.58 kg day−1, respectively, are seen insludge and 0.13 kg day−1, 0.24 kg day−1, and 0.021 kg day−1,respectively, are seen in effluent (Lozano et al. 2013). Waste-water treatment plant effluents contain 110 to 170 ng L−1 TCCand 800 to 37,800 ng L−1 TCS (Halden and Paull 2005;Heidler et al. 2006). At least 5,800 kg of TCC and 2,600–10,400 kg of TCS are discharged into U.S. water resourcesfrom activated sludge treatment plants (Halden and Paull2005).

The major mechanism dominating fate of antimicrobialsthat are applied to agricultural fields in the form of biosolids issorption, with greater sorption of TCC than TCS (Cha andCupples 2009;Wu et al. 2009). Microbial degradation of TCCand TCS occurs under aerobic conditions, but is limited underanaerobic conditions (Ying et al. 2007b). The half-life of TCCwas higher than TCS (87 to 231 days and 20 to 58 days,respectively) in biologically active soils (Wu et al. 2009). Thehalf-life of TCS when present in biosolid applied to agricul-tural soils was 107 days (Lozano et al. 2010). Both microbialand photodegradation of TCC and TCS can form productssuch as chloroanilines, methyl-triclosan, dichlorodioxins, andchlorophenols that are environmentally persistent and haveworse health effects than the parent TCC and TCS (Lawrenceet al. 2009; Ozaki et al. 2011). In a long-term field study, thehalf-lives of TCS and its degradation products methyl-

triclosan was found to be 104 days and 443 days, respectively,indicating a higher persistence of the degradation productwhen compared to triclosan (Lozano et al. 2012).

Plants, including food crops, are capable of accumulatingmany organic contaminants into their biomass (Kim et al.2004; Loffredo et al. 2010; Murano et al. 2009; Zhang et al.2009). While few fate studies have examined the interactionsbetween antimicrobials and plants, an extensive body of liter-ature on phytoremediation has examined the interactions be-tween plants and other organic contaminants. Organic con-taminants internal to plant cells can be conjugated and seques-tered (i.e., phytometabolism) or can accumulate in plantshoots (i.e., phytoaccumulation). Uptake and bioaccumulationof hydrophobic chlorinated aromatics (i.e., chlorinated pesti-cides and polychlorinated biphenyls) have been rigorouslydocumented for Cucurbita pepo subspecies (Huelster et al.1994; Lunney et al. 2004a; Wang et al. 2004; White et al.2003). For example, pumpkin (C. pepo) extracted 0.301 % ofweathered p,p-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) fromsoils in 2 months, thereby accumulating 9,240 mg kg−1 ofDDE in roots and 4,970 mg kg−1of DDE in shoots (Whiteet al. 2003). From an industrial site contaminated with6.5 μg kg−1 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), C. pepo ssp.pepo accumulated on average 21.5 μg kg−1of PCBs in rootsand 3.5 μg kg−1 of PCBs in shoots (Low et al. 2010). Studiesexamining hydroponic accumulation of polychlorinateddibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans by 12 agricultural cropsdemonstrated that while C. pepo subspecies (e.g., pumpkinand zucchini) accumulated the greatest concentrations of chlo-rinated organic contaminants, other species, including tomatoand cabbage, can also accumulate chlorinated organic con-taminants (Zhang et al. 2009).

Recent studies have also documented accumulation ofTCC and TCS by plants. When soybean plants were treatedwith TCC and TCS, the antimicrobials accumulated in theroots and were translocated to the shoots and beans (Wu et al.2010a). Similar results were observed by Pannu et al. (2012)where radish, lettuce, and bahia grass accumulated TCS in theroots. When grown in soils treated with biosolids, pumpkinand zucchini accumulated up to 55 mg kg−1 of combinedantimicrobials in root tissues and up to 13 mg kg−1 combinedantimicrobials in shoot tissues (Aryal and Reinhold 2011).When grown under hydroponic conditions with elevated con-centrations of antimicrobials, the same varieties of pumpkinand zucchini accumulated up to 480 mg kg−1 combined anti-microbials in root tissues and up to 9.3 mg kg−1 combinedantimicrobials in shoot tissues (Aryal and Reinhold 2013).Although hydroponic systems yielded higher root concentra-tions than those observed under more realistic, soil-basedconditions, similar or decreased concentrations of antimicro-bials were observed in shoot tissues, supporting the use ofhydroponic systems to screen for the capabilities of plants toaccumulate antimicrobials.

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The primary aim of this study was to investigate the diver-sity of food crops capable of uptake and translocation of TCCand TCS. Specific objectives were to (1) compare uptake andtranslocation by fruit-producing, edible leaf-producing, andtuber- or bulb-producing vegetables, and (2) estimate potentialhuman exposure to antimicrobials through consumption ofvegetables.

Materials and methods

Experimental setup

Triclocarban [CAS 101-20-2], triclosan [CAS 3380-34-5],and C13-triclocarban were purchased from Tokyo ChemicalIndustry, Calbiochem, and Cambridge Isotope LaboratoryInc., respectively. Stock solutions of both TCC and TCSmixtures were prepared in methanol. Ammonium acetate(>99.99 %), acetone (>99.7 %), and methanol (>99.99 % forLCMS) were purchased fromVWR. Planting materials for thehydroponic study were procured from Garden Harvest Sup-ply, Burpee, and Tasteful Garden. The plants used for thestudy were cucumber, tomato, cabbage, okra, pepper, potato,beet, onion, celery, and asparagus. Plants were raised fromseeds [cucumber (Cucumis sativus), tomato (Solanumlycopersicum), cabbage (Brassica oleracea), okra(Abelmoschus esculentus), pepper (Capsicum annuum)], tu-bers [potato (Solanum tuberosum), beet (Beta vulgaris)], bulbs[onion (Allium cepa)], or whole plants [broccoli (Brassicaoleracea), celery (Apium graveolens), and asparagus (Aspar-agus officianalis)]. Germinated seeds, tubers, bulbs, or wholeplants were raised in a potting mix until the four to five leafstage and then were transferred to hydroponic growth systemswith a basal nutrient media (APHA A, WEF 1999) andconstant aeration for 1 week of acclimatization.

After acclimatization, plants were transferred to 1-L amberglass jars with 900 mL test solution. Each plant was exposedto 500 μg L−1 TCC and 500 μg L−1 TCS mixture in nutrientmedia (APHAA,WEF 1999) for 1 month, with five replicatesper plant. Two types of controls were used for the study: (a)controls with media containing antimicrobials, but no plants,to understand loss of TCC and TCS overtime in the absence ofplants; and (b) controls with plants grown in the absence ofantimicrobials for toxicity comparisons. The test solutionswere continuously aerated using aquarium aeration pumpsand stainless steel needles (1 mm diameter). One pump eachof 2.4 W was used for a batch of four reactors yielding similaraeration conditions per reactor. The temperature of the hydro-ponic systemwas maintained at 23±2 °C and light supply wasprovided for 12 h each day. Media lost through evapotranspi-ration and evaporation was replaced with nutrient solutiononce a week. The transpiration loss was calculated bysubtracting the no-plant control media loss (evaporation) from

the total amount of water lost from each planted bottle. Theinitial pH of the nutrient media ranged from 7.5±0.1 and thefinal media pH ranged from 7.5±0.2 and 7.7±0.4 in theunplanted and planted media, respectively. Additional studieswere performed in triplicate to understand the behavior of500 μg L−1 of TCC and TCS in (a) e-pure water, and (b)nutrient solutions and (c) different components (A, B, and C)of the nutrient solution in the absence of plants (discussed insupporting information).

Sample collection and analysis

Liquid samples (2 mL) were collected weekly and analyzedimmediately. Collected media samples from all the experi-ments were diluted in 2 mL methanol and the resulting 4-mLsample was passed through a 0.2-μm PTFE filter for analysis.During experimentation, cloudiness was observed in the allexperimental reactors, including the controls. At the conclu-sion of the experiment, the cloudy residue was allowed tosettle to the bottom of the amber bottles. The gelatinousresidue was then filtered out using Whatman 4 filter, dried,and weighed. The residue was then mixed with methanol for5 min and analyzed for TCC and TCS.

After the test period of 4 weeks, the plants were removedfrom the bottles, washed, and rinsed in distilled water. Theplant growth was compared to control plants to evaluate anyphytotoxic effects of TCC and TCS. The plants were thenseparated into the shoots, roots, and, when available, flower,tubers, or bulbs, and the fresh masses of the plant parts weremeasured. The plant material was then dried for 2 days at55 °C. The dried plant samples were ground, weighed, andextracted using a Dionex Accelerated Solvent Extractor 200.Cellulose thimbles were first placed in the extractor cells andwere half filled with sand, followed by the sample and thenfilled again with sand. One of the samples in each set of theplants was spiked with 1.2 ppm of 13C-labeled TCC to mea-sure the extraction and analysis efficiency. The extractor spec-ifications were temperature of 100 °C, pressure of 1,500 psi,static time of 5 min, and flush volume of 100 %. The solventused for the extraction was 1:1 methanol/acetone. The collect-ed extracts in amber vials were then dried in nitrogen gas andreconstituted in 3 mL of 1:1 methanol/acetone mixture.

The extracted and aqueous samples were analyzed for TCCand TCS using a Shimadzu LC-MS 2010 EV with an Allurebiphenyl column (5 μm, 150×2.1 mm) from Restek. Qualita-tive analysis was done in negative electrospray ionization withscan mode and quantification by selected ion monitoringmode. TCC and TCS were identified by retention time (tR±0.1 min), specific molecular ions (m/z313 of TCC and 287 forTCS), and reference ions (m/z 315 and 317 for TCC and m/z289 and 291 for TCS) (Halden and Paull 2005). Mobilephases were 5 mM ammonium acetate and methanol; for abinary gradient from 75 % to 100 %, methanol was used to

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enhance separation of TCC and TCS peaks. Standard curveswere prepared with a minimum of six concentrations. Detec-tion limits were determined using the USEPA method ofdetermining the variability of TCC and TCS concentrationin seven water samples (spiked at 10 ng/g) and plant samples(spiked at 20 ng/g) (Berthouex and Brown 2002). The detec-tion limits of TCC and TCS were 0.01 μg L−1 for media and0.1 μg kg−1 for plants. Concentrations were calculated relativethe measured concentrations of 13C-TCC to account for ex-traction efficiency. The 13C-TCC concentrations from thespiked plant samples indicated a recovery of 97 %. Therecovery of both TCC and TCS were compared to the 13C-TCC concentrations to obtain the final recovery values of 93.5±6.5 % for TCC and 74.1±8.9 % for TCS.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using Sigma Stat (version11.0). One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s tests were used for allcomparisons, with a criterion of p <0.05 to determine statisti-cal significance. Reported values are presented as mean±standard error of the mean.

Results and discussion

Media concentrations of triclocarban and triclosan

The concentration of TCC and TCS in the growth mediadecreased with time for all experimental reactors, includingno-plant controls, over the 4-week experiment. Since theobserved decreases were statistically similar for all treatments,one plant was selected from each category to depict the mediadata (Fig. 1).Media concentrations of TCC decreased by 50%during the first week followed by an additional 25 % over thenext 3 weeks; concentrations of TCS decreased from 25 to50 %. Since antimicrobial concentrations in reactors with noplants also decreased with a similar trend, the majority of lossfrom the experimental systems was attributed to physico-chemical or microbial processes.

Comparisons between the aqueous depletion of TCC andTCS in e-pure water and the aqueous nutrient media indicatedthat the presence of basal salts substantially increased thedepletion of TCC and TCS over 4 weeks. Additionally,photodegradation contributed to the loss of TCS. While lightexposure to the media was minimized through use of amberbottles, some light penetration was unavoidable in plantedreactors through the bottle openings where the stems protrud-ed from the media. Due to the absence of a carbon source inthe nutrient media, a lack of observed microbial growth, andthe recalcitrance of TCC and TCS, microbial degradation wasnot likely a major process contributing to the aqueous deple-tion of TCC and TCS in the reactors. A detailed discussion of

these media studies, including results from further investiga-tions on which basal salts may increase physicochemical loss,are discussed in the supporting information. Throughout theexperiments, cloudiness was observed within the aerated nu-trient media.When the nutrient media was left unaerated at theconclusion of the experiment, the cloudiness settled, forming agelatinous residue. Concentrations of TCC and TCS in thegelatinous residue were 17.7±6.2 mg kg−1 TCC and 2.6±0.2 mg kg−1TCS, substantially higher than the concentrationsin the filtered media. Consequently, a dominant portion of theobserved decrease in aqueous concentrations of TCC and TCSin the control and experimental systems was attributed toprecipitation or sorption of TCC and TCS to salt precipitates.

Plant TCC and TCS concentrations

TCC and TCS were detected in milligrams per kilogramconcentrations in the roots and shoots of all 11 plant species,with a broader range of concentrations observed for rootconcentrations than for shoot concentrations. Generally, con-centrations of antimicrobials were substantially higher in theroots than the shoots (Fig. 2). The translocation factors (TF),or ratios of the average concentration of antimicrobial in theshoot to the corresponding concentration in the root, and theroot concentration factors (RCF), or ratios of the concentrationof antimicrobial in the root to the final concentration in thehydroponic media, are provided in Table 1.








0 1 2 3 4


ia t







Control Tomato Celery Beet








0 1 2 3 4M







Fig. 1 Concentration of TCC and TCS in the growth media of a control,b tomato, c celery, and d beetroot when treated with 500 μg L−1 of TCCand TCS for 4 weeks

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For fruit-producing plants, accumulation of TCC in theshoot was greater in pepper (2.94 mg kg−1) than in cucumber(0.44 mg kg−1), tomato (0.53 mg kg−1), and okra(0.45 mg kg−1) (Fig. 2). Accumulation of TCC in the rootswas independent of plant species for the experimental fruit-producing plants. These results are consistent with the studyconducted by Wu et al. (2012). When exposed to TCC in soilsystems, pepper and tomato accumulated similar root concen-trations, but the shoot concentration factor was greater forpepper than for tomato (Wu et al. 2012). Likewise, in thepresent study, pepper had the highest TCC shoot concentra-tions among the fruit-producing crops, but exhibited similarroot concentrations as other fruit-producing crops. The accu-mulation of both TCC and TCS by okra shoot was comparableto that of tomato and cucumber. However, the root TCSconcentration was significantly lower (177 mg kg−1) thantomato (520 mg kg−1) and cucumber (815 mg kg−1)(p<0.05). In other studies, the uptake of PAH from soil washigher for pepper roots than tomato and okra roots (Al Nasirand Batarseh 2008). Likewise, higher concentrations of PCBaccumulated in pepper roots than in okra roots and tomatoroots (Al Nasir and Batarseh 2008). A similar trend wasobserved in the current study with higher accumulation ofboth TCC and TCS in pepper root than in okra and tomato

roots (Fig. 2). Pepper also accumulated higher concentrationsof both PAH and PCB in its leaves than did okra and tomato(Al Nasir and Batarseh 2008). Likewise, the translocationfactors for both TCC and TCS were highest for pepper thanfor okra and tomato (Table 1). Consequently, the observedtrends for accumulation of organic contaminants by fruit-producing vegetables were similar for PAHs, PCBs, andantimicrobials.

Substantial research has been conducted on organiccontaminant accumulation by cucurbits (e.g., cucumber,pumpkin, and zucchini). Translocation of TCC and TCSby cucumber (this study) was 0.082±0. 03 % and 0.16±0.04 %, respectively, which is less than the translocationobserved previously for hydroponically grown pumpkinand zucchini (0.13 % for TCC and 8.2 % for TCS) (Aryaland Reinhold 2013). A similar enhanced uptake of organ-ic contaminants by pumpkin and zucchini, as compared tocucumber or other vegetables, has also been observed forDDT (Lunney et al. 2004b) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (Huelster et al. 1994). Whilepumpkin and zucchini are from the same genus Cucurbita,cucumber is from the genus Cucumis, which may result ina different uptake pathway for contaminants (Huelsteret al. 1994).



















Fig. 2 Concentration of TCC andTCS in the a shoot and b root ofdifferent crops when treated with500 μg L−1 of TCC and TCS for 4weeks

Table 1 Translocation factors (TF) and root concentration factors (RCF) for TCC and TCS

Cucumber Tomato Okra Pepper Cabbage Celery Broccoli Asparagus Potato Beet Onion


TF (%) 0.082±0.03 0.14±0.03 0.12±0.048 0.54±0.28 0.22±0.092 1.5±0.75 0.35±0.21 1.5±0.64 0.14±0.014 0.24±0.12 0.049±0.046

RCF 3,288±407 2,403±203 6,158±1,281 7,573±2,395 3,233±551 576±178 674±218 38.73±5.54 1,275±258 1,786±431 8,610±2,566


TF (%) 0.16±0.04 0.29±0.06 0.42±0.19 0.98±0.79 3.2±1.3 0.53±0.28 3.2±2.5 3.7±1.7 0.99±0.55 0.29±0.1 0.12±0.12

RCF 2,576±536 1,538±122 1,353±303 4,896±927 732±354 327±101 96±28 15.49±3.05 304±45 783±126 1,892±267

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Of the experimental leaf-producing crops (i.e., cabbage,celery, broccoli, and asparagus), cabbage accumulated thehighest concentrations of both TCC and TCS in the shootand root (Fig. 3) with translocation factors of 0.0022±0.0009for TCC and 0.032±0.013 for TCS. However, after the secondweek of exposure, toxicity symptoms were observed withwilting of cabbage leaves when compared to the control.When cabbage was raised in soil with 433 μg kg−1 TCS, theobserved translocation factor was 0.02 (Holling et al. 2012);consequently, the observed toxicity may have contributed tolower translocation of antimicrobials by cabbage in this study.Cabbage still accumulated 5.8 times more TCS in its leavesthan did celery; however, shoot accumulation of TCC wassimilar for both cabbage and celery (Fig. 3). Root accumula-tion of both TCC and TCS was greater for cabbage than forcelery by 6.1 and 2.1 times, respectively. In contrast, cabbageand celery accumulated similar concentrations of DDT in bothroots and shoots (Tao et al. 2005). Consequently, the observeddependency of accumulation on species was not consistent formultiple organic contaminants for leaf-producing crops.

For root-producing crops, TCC and TCS concentrations inbeet shoots (0.53 and 0.48 mg kg−1, respectively) were greaterthan those in onion shoots (0.24 and 0.12 mg kg−1, respec-tively), whereas the opposite trend was observed for onionroots (851 and 277 mg kg−1, respectively) and beet roots (205and 193 mg kg−1, respectively). The edible portions of theroots accumulated substantially lower concentrations of anti-microbials. Concentrations of antimicrobials in beet tuberswere 5.3 mg kg−1 TCC and 4.8 mg kg−1 TCS, and concentra-tions of antimicrobials in onion bulbs were 25.6 mg kg−1 TCCand 16.4 mg kg−1 TCS.

Potato accumulated substantially lower concentrations ofantimicrobials in the roots than did beet and onion. Theconcentrations of TCC in the peel, middle section, and coreof the potato tuber were 0.10, 0.10, and 0.24 mg kg−1,

respectively, while the concentrations of TCS were 0.10,0.10, and 0.32 mg kg−1, respectively. There was no significantdifference the concentration of TCC or TCS in the threesections of the tuber, likely due to the limited numbers ofsamples that were analyzed. However, the observed increasein antimicrobial concentrations in the core of the potato tuberdiffers from that of accumulation of the antibiotic sulfameth-azine, where concentrations were higher in the outer skin ofthe potato tuber (1.5 mg kg−1) than the core (<0.5 mg kg−1)(Bruce et al. 2010). When four varieties of potatoes wereraised in organic farms in the presence of PAHs, PCBs, andorgano-chlorine pesticides, all the varieties accumulated thechemicals in the peel and core. The concentrations of PAH andorgano-chlorine pesticide in the peel was higher than the core,but were similar in the peel and core for PCBs—similar to theobservations in the current study (Zohair et al. 2006). Thepartitioning of the chemicals in the peel and the core hencedepends on the contaminant.

Transpiration and translocation

Once taken up by the roots, contaminants are translocatedthrough the transpiration stream. Transpiration rate can be agood indicator of translocation of contaminants (Miguel et al.2012; Zhao et al. 2012). The hydrophobicity of a contaminant,as quantified by logKOW, is a factor that has been related to thepassive translocation of a contaminant via the transpirationstream (Karnjanapiboonwong et al. 2011). The passive trans-location of a pollutant in plants, on a mass basis, is directlyproportional to the transpiration stream, provided factors suchas the chemical characteristics of the compound, environmen-tal conditions, and plant species are constant (Burken andSchnoor 1996). Contaminants with logKOW values of approx-imately 2 are easily translocated via the transpiration stream,whereas contaminants with log KOW values greater than 4 aregenerally not. Both TCC and TCS have log KOW valuesgreater than 4 at pH values expected in the transpirationstream, and hence reduced or no translocation via the transpi-ration stream is expected. However, translocation of TCSranged from 0.12 to 3.7 % and was independent of volumeof media transpired (r2=0.0082). The lack of correlation be-tween translocation factors and transpiration of antimicrobials,combined with the high log KOW of antimicrobials, indicatesthat a mechanism beyond passive translocation (such as en-zyme transport) may be responsible for shoot accumulation ofantimicrobials.

The TF for TCC was less than that of TCS for every cropexcept celery and beet, implying that the translocation fromthe root to the shoot is generally more limited for TCC. TFsobserved for celery and beet were similar for TCS and TCC.The observed translocation factors were within the same orderof magnitude as those observed for pumpkin and zucchini inhydroponic studies (Aryal and Reinhold 2013), but were







Control Tomato Celery Beet

% Unaccounted for % In Plant % In Solution







Control Tomato Celery Beet



Fig. 3 Mass balance of aTCC and bTCS for control, tomato, celery, andbeet

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considerably lower than those observed for pumpkin andzucchini in soil systems (Aryal and Reinhold 2011).

Mass balance

The mass balance of TCC and TCS was calculated for eachcrop. Measured biomass (dry weight) for the roots and shootswas highest for asparagus and celery. The lowest shoot bio-mass was observed for tomato, and the lowest root biomasswas observed for onion (not including the weight of the bulb).Plant moisture contents ranged from 35.2 to 96.3 %. In gen-eral, more TCC was unaccounted for than TCS (Fig. 3). Thisis most likely attributed to the greater concentration of theTCC (17 mg kg−1) than TCS (2 mg kg−1) in the gelatinousprecipitate that was lost during the filtration of the mediabefore analysis. The mass balance distribution of selectedrepresentative plants is depicted in Fig. 3. The complete massbalance including the residue was studied only for beetroots.The mass balance of the beetroot plant indicated that 15.1 %and 1.7 % of TCC and TCS, respectively, was seen in theresidue which accounts for 21 % and 4 % of the unaccountedfraction, respectively. The greatest mass of TCC in the plantwas observed in okra, while the greatest mass of TCS wasobserved in celery. Plant accumulation accounted for 5–45 %of TCC fate and 2–22 % of TCS fate in the hydroponics—substantial contributions given the initial concentration of500 μg L−1. The total mass balance equation can be depictedas

M total ¼ M residue þM plant þM unaccounted þM solution

Potential exposure

Whether application of antimicrobial-laden biosolids to agri-cultural fields poses a threat to human health depends on theuptake of these contaminants in the edible portion of the plant.Previous studies on accumulation of antimicrobials by pump-kin and zucchini indicated that hydroponic studies yieldedsimilar or slightly lower shoot concentrations of TCS andTCC (respectively) as studies using soil systems with envi-ronmentally relevant concentrations of antimicrobials (Aryaland Reinhold 2013). Consequently, hydroponic studies arevaluable for assessing accumulation of antimicrobials by foodcrops. However, it is important to note that the exposurecalculation herein conservatively assumes that shoot concen-trations are equivalent to fruit concentrations, which mayoverestimate potential exposure as previous studies with ac-cumulation of antimicrobials by pumpkin, zucchini, and soy-beans indicate that leaf and fruit concentrations were less thanstem concentrations (Aryal and Reinhold 2011; Wu et al.2010b).

Predicted exposure to antimicrobials from consumption offood crops are summarized in Table 2. The exposure wascalculated by using the daily consumption rates of the vege-tables by different age groups and the mean analytical residueconcentration of TCC and TCS accumulated in the plant in thepresent study (Rasmussen et al. 2002). The moisture contentwas also considered in estimating the exposure. The highestpredicted exposure to TCC and TCS through vegetable con-sumption resulted from consumption of onions, whichaccounted for greater than 60 % for TCC and 45 % for TCSof the predicted exposure from the experimental crops. Con-sumption of root crops accounted for 72–86 % of predictedexposure to antimicrobials through consumption of foodcrops.

Overall, estimated exposure to TCC was greater than ex-posure to TCS; however, substantially higher exposure to

0 2 4 6 8


Sum Exp.Vegetables


Product use


Log Exposure (log ng/kg/d)



Fig. 4 Potential exposure to antimicrobials from food crops consumptionand exposure from crops compared to other routes

Table 2 Exposure assessments for TCC and TCS

1–2 years Middle age Whole populationExposure Mean Mean Mean

ng TCC kg−1 day−1

Cucumber 8.4±3.4 2.8±1.1 3.3±1.2

Tomato 56.0±11.4 24.7±4.9 27.7±5.5

Cabbage 63.8±37.7 35.8±17.1 37.6±17.8

Pepper NC NC 42.9±17.8

Celery 22.1±11.7 8.4±4.2 9.1±4.6

Beet NC 7,641.8±2,941.5 7,387.1±2,052.4

Onion 752.7±754.8 501.8±259.5 501.8±258.0

ng TCS kg−1 day−1

Cucumber 24.2±7.6 8.2±2.3 9.5±2.6

Tomato 150.3±29.7 66.2±12.7 74.3±14.3

Cabbage 129.2±49.2 72.6±11.1 76.1±10.9

Pepper NC NC 35.2±15.3

Celery 8.2±4.5 3.1±1.6 3.4±1.8

Beet NC 7,225.2±2378.3 6,984.4±1,350.3

Onion 481.3±288.9 320.9±191.9 320.9±191.1

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Page 8: Uptake and accumulation of antimicrobials, triclocarban and triclosan, by food crops in a hydroponic system

TCC than to TCS from onion accounted for much of the TCCexposure. When root crops were excluded, exposure to TCCwas less than exposure to TCS (120.6 ng kg−1 day−1 vs.196.4 ng kg−1 day−1, respectively). Consequently, TCS is ofhigher concern in terms of human health exposure than isTCC in the case of fruit- and edible leaf-producing crops.The exposure due to the consumption of pumpkin was 8 and993 ng−1 kg−1 day TCC and TCS, respectively, and for zuc-chini 8.8 and 334 ng−1 kg−1 day (Aryal and Reinhold 2011).However, this difference may be due to difference in plantspecies and the longer experimental time in this study.

The estimated exposure from the mean of the crops com-pared to other routes of exposure is shown in Fig. 4. Theestimated exposure from vegetables is 103 times greater thanexposure from drinking water and 100.5 times less than expo-sure from product use. The total estimated exposure is 102.9 to103.3 times less than the acute NOAEL, indicating that currentexposure does not present a regulated human health risk, evenwhen unintended routes of exposure are considered.


All 11 experimental food crops were capable of uptaking andaccumulating milligram-per-kilogram concentrations of TCCand TCS after 1 month of exposure. Concentrations of anti-microbials in the roots were two or three orders of magnitudegreater than the concentrations of antimicrobials in the shoots.Translocation factors were higher for TCS than for TCC in themajority of the plants. Pepper had highest translocation ofboth TCC and TCS to the shoots. Pepper accumulated thehighest concentrations of antimicrobials, supporting the gen-eral observation that pepper plants tend to accumulate greaterconcentrations of organic contaminants than most food crops.This observation is supported by literature documenting in-creased accumulation of PCBs and PAHs by pepper plants.Cabbage and onion accumulated the highest concentrations ofantimicrobials when compared to other leaf- and tuber-producing plants (respectively).

Based on exposure assessments, the highest exposure fromthe edible fruit, leaf, and root categories were for pepper,cabbage, and onion, respectively, for both TCC and TCS.Eliminating consumption of onion was estimated to reduceexposure to antimicrobials from consumption of food crops byat least 50 %. Further research on this area is required tounderstand the harmful effects of TCC and TCS that can helpin future recommendations in use of biosolids and wastewatereffluents for fertilization and irrigation.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dr. Kurt Thelenand Dr. Yunjie Ding for the accelerated solvent extractor; Niroj Aryal andKris Van Winkle for their assistance on the LC–MS. Funding for thisproject was made possible by a grant from the National Institute of Food

and Agriculture (NIFA) within the United States Department of Agricul-ture (USDA) (Grant No. 2011-67019-20026).


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