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  • 1. Rural and Urban Life
    By GemySethaputra
    I found out the many differences of urban and rural lifestyles

2. Everyday Life
Pottery is one of the main job of the villagers at Korat.
People there make their own pots to use and to sell.
3. Everyday Life
It would be very rare for us to find villagers in Korat working in offices and companies.
4. Everyday Life
People make things at their house.
5. Rural Life
People raise animals at their house.
6. Everyday Life
7. Transportation
Biking is one of the transportation system.
8. Transportation
I learnt that the people in Korat uses a few different kind of transportation source than the people in the city.
9. Transportation
10. Transportation
11. Technology
The environment in Korat is very natural. There are barely any electronic decorations like in Bangkok.
12. Technology
13. Technology
In rural places, people uses hand made fans while in urban places, people uses electronic fan.
14. Technology
I learnt weaving can be very useful for the villager.
15. Technology
16. Technology
The spirit house to the left is hand made. People who arent rich cant afford to buy spirit house but the have wood so they make their own.
17. Technology
18. Houses
This is a house in Korat which is made from mostly wood.
19. Homes
In the urban, people make there houses out of concrete or bricks.
20. Homes
21. Food Sources
Vegetables are grown in from of the villagers house. Maybe its there food source.
22. Food Sources
In urban places, there are lots of places selling food compared to in rural places.
23. Food Sources
24. What I learnt
The difference between rural and urban life.
The technologies in rural life isnt so developed.
People make stuff to use and sell and why.

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