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Page 1: Urban Water Institute Conference August 22, 2012 1.



Urban Water Institute ConferenceAugust 22, 2012

Page 2: Urban Water Institute Conference August 22, 2012 1.

Southern California and the Delta

One of two primary imported sources Colorado River Delta

About 30 percent on average comes from Delta

Wet years in Northern California key Replenishing reservoirs Surviving drought cycles

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Delta Water

Source: Governor’s Delta Vision Report (Estimated total annual runoff 32.85 maf)

Pacific Ocean48%



Delta Exports17%

In-Delta Consumptive



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Sacramento River


San Joaquin River22

Sac River /West Delta



SWP Pumps

CVP Pumps

Exiting Delta Conveyance

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Seismic/Subsidence Water supplies must

move past Delta islands that are now below sea level and are dry only because of levees

Levee failures could result in: Submerged islands Rush of sea water

westward Jeopardize water



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Delta Habitat Background 95 percent original

habitat erased by levees 95 percent of current

species population Non-native

Declining native species Food production

Favors non-native species Flows alone can’t solve


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BDCP State/Federal Joint Proposal

More reliable water supply North Delta Diversion Facilities

9,000 cfs Twin gravity flow tunnels (35

miles) Habitat Restoration

Goal of up to 113,000 acres Other Stressors

Toxic pollutants Invasive species Predator control Illegal poaching Hatchery practices


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Benefits of the proposal

Improved water quality Protection from seismic

events Physically separates water

supply transportation from flow patterns in estuary

More flexible water system to reduce conflicts with migrating fish species Currently restricts water

supply deliveries

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Comprehensive Solution includes Habitat Restoration Floodplain habitat

Salmon Tidal wetlands

Smelt Other species

Improves food production and shelter

Concurrent reduction in other stressors All responsible parties

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Ecosystem Restoration

Restoration & Preservation Targets

New Floodplain Up to 10,000 ac

Tidal Habitat Up to 65,000 ac

Channel Margin 20 Levee Miles

Riparian Up to 5,000 ac

Grassland Up to 10,000 ac

Other (Vernal Pool, Nontidal Marsh and Alkali Seasonal Wetland)

Up to 13,000 ac

TOTAL 113,000 ac

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Delta Conveyance

Existing Export Facilities Maintained in South Delta

New Tunnels Constructed for Diversion at Sacramento River

Restores Natural Flow Direction Within Delta

Secure Diversion Source if Delta Levees Fail

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Cost and Impacts on rates

Delta Conveyance Cost estimated as $13 Billion

Approx $1 per person per month for MWD Service Area

Benefits Analysis Identified Significant Benefits Water Supply -- $3-8 Billion Water Quality – $1.5-1.8 Billion Seismic Risk Reduction – $1.5-8.2 Billion Reduced Regulatory Risk – $11.6 Billion Recreation/Public Benefit – $13-55 Billion

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Costs for Public Benefits State and federal/

public funds over 50 years

2014 water bond possible source of funds for habitat

BDCP not dependent on passage of water bond

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Commitment to Conservation

2009 legislation Improve water use

efficiency Statewide reduction

Urban per-capita water use 20% by 2020

Efficient water management plans for large-scale agriculture

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BDCP Next Steps

Release of draft EIS/EIR in Fall 2012

Revised final EIS/EIR 2013

Record of Decision/Project Permits 2013

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