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Page 1: US after WWII Chapter 25. Occupation of Germany Potsdam Conference – July 1945 – Truman, Stalin, and Churchill (Attlee) Division of Germany – France,

US after WWII

Chapter 25

Page 2: US after WWII Chapter 25. Occupation of Germany Potsdam Conference – July 1945 – Truman, Stalin, and Churchill (Attlee) Division of Germany – France,

Occupation of Germany

Potsdam Conference – July 1945– Truman, Stalin, and Churchill (Attlee)

Division of Germany– France, US, and GB – western Germany– USSR – eastern Germany

Division of Berlin– Same concept as with Germany

Rebuild Germany

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Occupation of Japan

Occupied by US from ‘45-’52 MacArthur ran the country

– New constitution Dem. Gov’t Women’s suffrage Freedom of religion Demilitarized

– Made economic reforms

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War Crime Trials

Nuremberg Trials– German Nazis

Holocaust– 12 executed

Tokyo– Japanese trials

7 executed– Hideki Tojo

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Nuremberg Trials

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United Nations

1st met in San Fran in ‘45 2 parts of UN

– General Assembly All member nations

– Security Council 15 members

– 5 permanent – GB, US, France, USSR, China– 10 rotating members

Headquarters in NYC E. Roosevelt- 1 of the 1st US delegates

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Trygve Lie

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Zionism – movement seeking a homeland in Palestine– David Ben Gurion

UN’s idea– Divide Palestine into 2 states: Arab and Jewish

Israel is created in ‘48– Recognized by US and USSR

Israel is attacked by other Arab nations

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Cold War

Competition btw US and USSR over global power and influence

– Political and economic war US

– Dem. Gov’t– Individual freedom– Capitalism

USSR– State-run economy– One-party rule– No religion– Use of force to crush opposition

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Cold War Europe

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Truman Doctrine

Containment- US strategy to restrict expansion of communism

Aid any nation that was being bullied by USSR– DON’T COPY(“policy of US to support free

peoples…[from] armed minorities or by outside pressures”)

Gave $400 million to Greece and Turkey

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Marshall Plan

George C. Marshall – sec. of state under Truman

$17 billion in economic aid for Europe– Make sure it did not become communistic– Bolster US trade

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Berlin Airlift

1948 – USSR blocked all roads from Berlin to western Germany– Western Berlin-no supplies from US,GB

10 months – US, GB planes flew more than 2 mill tons of food and supplies to West Berlin

‘49 – USSR lifted blockade

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Berlin AirLift

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Alliance System

NATO – united against USSR– 12 nations– 1 nation is attacked, all attacked

Warsaw Pact – alliance of communist countries

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Cold War Europe

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Terrible Year of 1949

China becomes Communist– Mao Zedong

USSR detonates 1st atom bomb Truman & Democrats – “too soft on


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Chiang Kai-Shek

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Mao Zedong

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Cold War under Ike

Brinkmanship – threat of massive retaliation (nukes)– John Foster Dulles

Used the CIA– Covert(secretive) means to gather info or take action

Led coup d'états against Iran and Guatemala Eisenhower Doctrine – offered mil. aid to any

Mid East nation resisting communist rule U-2 Incident – US spy plane was shot down over

USSR– Bad relations btw Ike and Khruschev

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U-2 Plane

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Francis Gary Powers

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Nikita Khruschev

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