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US GovernmentMrs. Lacks

Political Culture & Ideology

What is political culture?

political culture is a reflection of how “We, the people” think our government should operate

Shared beliefs, values, and norms citizens hold about their relationship to govt and each other


Some elements of political culture have changed while some have remained constant

Constant: liberty (most cherished)Change: ideas about suffrage

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Liberty Patrick Henry Taxation without Representation Bill of Rights Miranda Rights

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Democracy No man is above the law (Nixon, Watergate); called

the rule of law When government doesn’t work we can abolish it

(Locke) Democratic consensus (pop sov, majority rule)

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Equality Started with TJ Not always consistent with policy (slavery, schools) Political equality: all have equal protection under the

law 14th Amendment (citizenship clause, due process clause,

equal protection clause) Social equality or equal opportunity: everyone has the

chance to succeed

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Individualism Right to make choices Must understand since everyone has this right,

someone has to lose

Self-reliance (started with Puritans) Growing dependence on govt strays from this (ex.

FDR’s New Deal, LBJ’s Great Society, Obama’s bailouts)

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Civic Duty/Obligation Registering to vote Being informed Voting College acceptance often determined in part by civic


Other characteristics of political culture include…

Social Capital People coming together, listening to each other,

exchanging ideas Clubs, meetings, belonging Important to strengthen communities, get new

perspective Examples: neighborhood watch, town council, local

DAR chapter, even little league

Robert Putnam, Bowling Alone

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Suffrage Originally only white, property owning men, 21 or

older (1/6th of white men) Elimination of property rights; all men over 21 (A.

Jackson) 15th Amendment: all black men (Reconstruction Era) 19th Amendment: all women (Progressive Era) 26th Amendment: all citizens 18+ (Vietnam War)

Other characteristics of political culture include…

Political Efficacy understanding the issues, becoming engaged in the

political system with the intent of making a difference responsibility with universal suffrage

Political Ideology

Refers to a constant pattern of ideas or beliefs about political values and the role of government, including how it should work and how it actually does work

Two major schools of ideology dominate American politics: liberalism and conservatism

Two minor schools are also prevalent: socialism and libertarianism

Liberals vs. Conservatives

Major difference is the size/scope of government (personal liberty vs social equality) For example, should an individual who works hard and

earns a fortune be expected to pay additional taxes so a less fortunate, also hardworking, individual receives health care at no expense? Does this cause the demise of Puritan Work Ethic? (called the Protestant ethic by political philosopher Max Weber)

Classic Liberalism

Favored limited government, promoted individualism

Overtime this has changed significantly in US

US is backwards from rest of the world in terms of labeling parties


Government intervention in the economy is necessary to remedy the defects of capitalism Equal access to health care, housing, education Affirmative action Pro-union Government should control/correct social issues Reduce inequalities of wealth (maintain minimum

level of income) – stipends, technology, etc. Cut defense spending Favor raising taxes to pay for government programs

Presidential History

Most liberal presidents (dems): Andrew Jackson Franklin D Roosevelt Barack H Obama

Moderate presidents (still dems): Harry Truman Bill Clinton

Criticism of Liberalism

Rely too much on govt to solve nation’s problems

Higher taxes hurt the average AmericanGovt has to be limited to serve our best

interestsPower tends to corruptUndermine self-reliance/competitive spiritWelfare will destroy individual initiative


Enhance personal liberty by keeping government small Sole functions of government are to protect us from

foreign enemies, preserve law & order, encourage economic growth (free and fair trade)

Celebrate the individual – you decide to make what you want out of your life

Pro-business (trust the private sector to solve problems)

Favor vouchers for schools, choices in health benefits, privatizing Social Security, keep military strong

Favor tax cuts

Social Conservatives

Focus less on economy, and more on family values

Represent the Christian right Government should act to protect traditional


Presidential History

Conservative: George Washington (1789-1797) James Monroe (1817-1825) Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897) Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) George W. Bush (2001-2009) (with respect to taxes

and Supreme Court nominations)

Criticism of Conservatism

not thinking of the whole People who make more should pay morefail to deal with social issues like racism and

sexismCriticism of social conservatives – US is

supposed to have freedom of religion & separation of church and state


Aka mixed system Government controls economy Politically free

Karl Marx (transitional stage from capitalism to communism)

Socialists would… Nationalize certain industries Institute a public jobs program (all who wanted to

work could) Tax the wealthy more heavily Reduce spending


Cherishes individual liberty, sharply limited government

Want the government to stay small and far away

Oppose most government programsFavor armed services that would only act if

US were attackedOppose most government regulationFavor massive tax cuts“live and let live”

Words of caution

1. Political labels have different meanings across national boundaries as well as over time

2. Ideological terms or labels can be confusing - You can’t lump everyone in the same group Ex. You can be social liberal but fiscally conservative

(how should you vote?) Ex. You can be socially conservative but fiscally liberal

(how should you vote?)

Distribution of Ideology

more conservatives than liberalsvery few extreme conservatives or extreme

liberals (in 2000, only 2% viewed themselves as extreme conservatives, only 1% extreme liberals)

MOST (75%) Americans consider themselves moderate

both major parties target centrist or moderate voters in elections

2012 Election Results

Ideological Views

Most Americans do not organize their attitudes systematically

Very low consistency among various attitudes and opinions


1. Take ideology quizzes (on Weebly) On PBS quiz, at the end, click on “Social” and then

“Economic” after you view “Overall” Note: Pew Research Center quiz focuses on new categories

(like the chart on Slide 28) On politopia quiz, its ok to put in your email for your

results A. you just need to do this to get your results on the next

screen B. they will never email you

2. Philip Converse’s “The Nation of Belief Systems in Mass Politics”

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