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  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


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    GNU Screen: an introduction andbeginner's tutorialByjeduthun in TechnologyWed Mar 10, 2004 at 07:23:33 PM ESTTags: Software (all tags)

    Most modern Unix-based operating systems (e.g. Linux,MacOS X, and BSD) come with a little console-mode utilitycalled GNU Screen. It's a powerful tool in the hands of theconsole warrior, a veritable Swiss Army knife of text-modehuman-computer interaction.

    This utility, despite its considerable usefulness, goes unused

    by a great many people. Why is this? Few people even knowit's there, and those that do rarely understand the problem itsolves. In this article, I will explain what screen does foryou, and provide a simple set of instructions foraccomplishing basic tasks using screen. My audience isthose that are skilled with the command line but who havelittle or no experience with screen itself.

    What screen does

    Screen is best described as a terminalmultiplexer. Using it, you can run anynumber of console-based applications--interactive command shells, curses-based applications, text editors, etc.--within a single terminal. The desire todo this is what gets most peoplehooked on screen. I used to start ahalf-dozen terminal emulators when Ilogged into my machine: I wanted oneto read my email, one to edit my code,one to compile my code, one for my

    newsreader, one for a shell into myweb host, and so on. Now I start oneterminal emulator, and run screen in it.Problem solved.

    The other main cool feature of screenis its ability to decouple the terminalemulator from the running programs.This means that you can use screen tokeep programs running after youaccidentally close the terminalemulator, or even after you log out,and later resume right where youwere. It means that the idea of a"session" in which you are running anumber of console programs is a free-floating entity that you can bind to anyterminal anywhere, or no terminal at


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    What is your experience with

    GNU Screen?

    I've never heard of it 18%

    Heard of it, never used it 29%

    Use it sometimes 20%Use it a lot 26%

    I don't like consoleprograms


  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    all if you want.

    Getting started with screen:

    launching and switching between


    Start screen just by typing screen atyour favorite command shell prompt.

    You'll probably be greeted by a welcome message. Dismissthis and you'll have with an empty terminal containing a shell

    prompt, which is pretty much what you had before youstarted screen. What happened?

    Every program running under screen runs in a window, andevery window is identified by a unique number. Screen madea new window, numbered it 0, and started a command shellinside it. Type something in your new window so you'll beable to recognize it when you switch to it later.

    Now make another window; this will be window 1. To dothis, type C-a c; that is, type Ctrl-a and then type c(mnemonic: create window).

    Now that you have two windows, try switching betweenthem. To do this, type C-a C-a, which will switch you towhichever window you were using before the current one.Some other useful window switching methods, which you'llneed if you plan to run more than two programs:

    1. Use C-a n and C-a p to switch to the next or previouswindow in the list, by number.

    2. Use C-a N, where Nis a number from 0 to 9, to switchto the corresponding window.

    3. Use C-a "to get a full-screen list of windows. You cannavigate this list with the arrow keys (or vi-style, with

    j and k), and pick a window to activate by pressingEnter when it's highlighted. C-a wwill give you asmall, non-interactive list of windows.

    When you're using a window, type C-a A to give it a name.This name will be used in the window listing, and will helpyou remember what you're doing in each window when youstart using a lot of windows.

    Exiting the last program in a window will cause the windowto disappear. You can also kill misbehaving programs with C-a K.

    Detaching and reattaching: the magic of terminal


    If you did the exercise above, you have successfully createda screen session. You can detach from this session bypressing C-a d. You can also detach just by closing theterminal emulator that contains the session. However, keepin mind that neither of these actually end your session. Allthey do is unbind your session from the current terminal.Allof the programs you started running within screen are still

    running. Really.

    Try it: just close whatever terminal emulator you were usingto do the exercise above. Then log out, and log back in, ifyou desire. Start up a new terminal emulator, and typescreen -r(the R, obviously, stands for "reattach"). You'll beright back where you were when you detached.

    Votes: 181Results | Other Polls

    Related Links

    YahooGNU ScreenYahoo GNU Screen GroupSven Guckes' Screen Page

    The official screen home pageThe screen man pageScreen FAQAlso by jeduthun

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    You can probably imagine a lot of good uses for this. You canstart all your favorite console programs once and just leavethem running in a persistent screen session. Some peoplehave "screen uptimes" of several months.

    One other good use for the detach and reattach is as aconsole-mode "remote desktop" feature. You can detachfrom a screen session at work, shell into the machine fromhome, and reattach. Very, very handy. With a bit of extra

    work, you can even have a number of terminals all attachedto the same session--great for collaborative efforts andmeetings.

    Copying, pasting, and the scrollback buffer

    Screen remembers a configurable number of scrollbacklines, and you'll need them because you won't be able to useyour terminal emulator's scroll features while runningscreen. You can access the scrollback buffer by entering"copy mode", which is accomplished by typing C-a [. You canmark text anywhere in the scrollback buffer and paste it withC-a ]. Screen is also capable of logging to files, but that's

    beyond the scope of this tutorial.

    Monitoring for silence and activity

    One of the disadvantages of running a bunch of programswithin screen is that you can't keep an eye on all of them atthe same time, since in general you can only see one atonce. (Actually, you can split the screen and look at morethan one at a time, but that's an advanced topic beyond thescope of this tutorial.) To help mitigate this problem, Screenhas features that allow you to monitor a window for silence--useful for knowing when a compile has finished, for

    example--or activity--useful for knowing when someone isfinally talking on your favorite IRC channel, for example.

    To start or stop monitoring the current window for 30seconds of silence, type C-a _; to start or stop monitoring awindow for activity, type C-a M.

    Making it go away

    As you've seen from the section on detaching andreattaching, screen is not easy to kill. You can't just close itscontaining terminal. (Actually, you can, but then all thoseprocesses are still running on your system, ready to be

    reattached.) There's no "quit" key in the How do you fullyexit screen?

    To my knowledge, the only way to do this nicely (i.e. withoutsending nasty signals to processes that don't deserve it) is toclose each of your screen windows. Exit whatever programsor shells each is running, and they will go away. When thelast program running inside screen is exited, screen itselfwill go away.

    Other stuff

    Screen does much, much more than I've described above,but it's enough to get you started. You can type C-a ?for aterse list of commands available while you're in screen. Thescreen man page has a wealth of info, too. And here aresome web resources, if you have questions:

    Yahoo GNU Screen Group

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    A fairly high-traffic mailing list for screen. Manyknowledgable people hang out here.

    Sven Guckes' Screen Page

    Another overview page; a good deal more terse than thisone.

    The official screen home page

    No explanation needed here. The page is surprising sparseon details.

    The screen man page

    Nicely formatted and separated by section. Good reference.Be sure to check out the sections on using .screenrctocustomize screen.

    Screen FAQ

    Not for newbies, but a good resource to dig into fortroubleshooting.

    Display: Threaded Sort: Ignore Ratings Oldest First Set

    GNU Screen: an introduction and beginner's tutorial | 196 comments (166 topical, 30 editorial, 5 hidden)

    Comparing and contrasting? (2.50 / 8) (#1)by Blarney on Tue Mar 09, 2004 at 04:15:41 PM EST

    How does GNU Screen compare to, for example, the butt-simple terminal switching of ALT-Fn orCNTRL-ALT-Fn that Linux has? I find it much easier to switch screens that way when I'm working intext mode.

    hmm... by Burning Straw Man, 03/09/2004 04:20:24 PM EST (2.76 / 13)

    The diff is... by jeduthun, 03/09/2004 04:32:23 PM EST (2.75 / 4)

    if I'm in xterm.... by Blarney, 03/09/2004 04:36:59 PM EST (none / 1)

    Or even tabbed terminals. by kitten, 03/09/2004 05:00:38 PM EST (none / 2)

    splitting windows by martingale, 03/09/2004 08:45:18 PM EST (none / 2)

    Great on console by nooper, 03/09/2004 06:50:18 PM EST (none / 1)

    disconnecting and reconnecting by BillyBlaze, 03/09/2004 07:12:03 PM EST (3.00 / 4)

    Attaching sessions by Graymalkin, 03/11/2004 03:54:11 AM EST (3.00 / 3)

    one difference by ekj, 03/11/2004 11:52:34 AM EST (none / 1)

    If you use ssh, screen is worth learning. (2.95 / 21) (#14)by waxmop on Tue Mar 09, 2004 at 05:05:55 PM EST

    Sure, at home, I use (and love) gnome-terminal because of its tabs and anti-aliased fonts. But atwork and at school, I'm restricted to a ghetto ssh terminal connected to my home machine. And that'swhere screen really shines.

    Screen is great for goofing off at work - in the first window, you've got inscrutable C code, and in thenext, you're firing off resumes like mad.--We are a monoculture of horsecock. Liar

    Run like hell... (2.12 / 24) (#18)by elenchos on Tue Mar 09, 2004 at 06:35:28 PM EST

    ...whenever you see "GNU" anywhere in close proximity to the phrase "Swiss Army Knife". Trust me,no one has the time this thing is going to cost you.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf



    GNU stuff tends to be user hostile, but +1 still by codeboy, 03/10/2004 04:16:27 AM EST (none / 2)

    You don't even need that, really by ZorbaTHut, 03/10/2004 01:23:33 PM EST (none / 1)

    I notice your link goes to emacs by Fon2d2, 03/10/2004 11:28:43 AM EST (none / 3)

    lol! by dimaq, 03/11/2004 05:59:37 AM EST (none / 0)

    long-term screen use (3.00 / 9) (#21)by Baldrson Neutralizer on Tue Mar 09, 2004 at 06:54:15 PM EST

    I have used screen for about 10 years, and there was a period where the constant ctrl-a contortionsmy left hand had to make caused some serious pain in my wrist. I finally clued in a remapped mycontrol key back to the caps lock position (on a standard pc keyboard anyways) like a sun keyboardand the problem diminished greatly.

    Also, I logged in to a linux machine a while back (I think it might have been red hat, not sure) and Inoticed that the screen status bar was appearing in the title bar of my putty session. It was prettycool. I never spent the time figuring out how to configure that setting on my own machines, but ifanybody else knows how, it was a handy feature at the time.

    Modern life, in EVERY ASPECT, is a cult of mediocrity.-trhurler

    learn to touch type by martingale, 03/09/2004 08:37:14 PM EST (3.00 / 7)

    Uh yeah by wji, 03/10/2004 06:16:35 AM EST (2.40 / 5)

    My keyboard by fn0rd, 03/10/2004 12:50:24 PM EST (none / 2)

    My keyboard has four Windows keys by sllort, 03/10/2004 04:16:28 PM EST (3.00 /


    Just as I suspected. by fn0rd, 03/10/2004 04:52:54 PM EST (1.80 / 5)

    0 (Hide) , hitchhiking on a one-liner /nt by Battle Troll, 03/10/2004

    08:30:26 PM EST (3.00 / 3)

    ctrl-alt-delete by martingale, 03/10/2004 08:55:08 PM EST (none / 1)

    Are you serious???? by mumble, 03/21/2004 02:41:49 AM EST (none / 0)

    what? two hands? by Chani, 03/13/2004 12:27:05 AM EST (none / 0)

    About that status bar by IndianaTroll, 03/11/2004 05:20:15 PM EST (none / 1)

    use ctrl-\ instead of ctrl-a, and remap caps lock by Shikari, 03/14/2004 12:57:09 PM EST (none / 2)

    0, abstain (1.00 / 17) (#25)by Hide The Hamster on Tue Mar 09, 2004 at 08:27:56 PM EST

    +1FP,Technology, -1, GNU's Not Unix

    Free spirits are a liability.

    August 8, 2004: "it certainly is" and I had engaged in a homosexual tryst.

    Another use (2.55 / 9) (#35)by dn on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 01:53:05 AM EST

    Screen is also nice when, for whatever reason, your terminal keeps getting blown away. You don'thave to keep putting all the editors, mail readers, and such back in order from scratch.


    Great for the Sidekick's SSH client by skallas, 03/11/2004 03:29:33 AM EST (none / 1)

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    -1: Please re-submit (1.03 / 33) (#36)by I Hate Jesus on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 01:56:00 AM EST

    GNU/Please GNU/re-submit GNU/this GNU/in GNU/proper GNU/GNU GNU/speak GNU/approved byGNU/Richard GNU/Stallman.

    Do you hate Jesus too?

    Saying GNU Screen is as appropriate as saying... by jeduthun, 03/10/2004 02:10:44 AM EST (2.75 / 12)

    Not everything is a criticism by p3d0, 03/11/2004 12:34:12 PM EST (none / 0)

    Proper Credit! by MalcolmCleaton, 03/10/2004 09:46:08 AM EST (3.00 / 5)

    Feh, screen. (2.81 / 11) (#52)by zipper on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 12:41:15 PM EST

    Considering how few people use all the features of screen (and that it's huge) they ought to try dtach.


    This account has been neutered by rusty and can no longer rate or post comments. Way to gofearless leader!

    Thanks by sydb, 03/10/2004 08:14:21 PM EST (2.50 / 4)

    Screen + gnome-terminal + freebsd = T3H SUCX (2.20 / 5) (#56)by IndianaTroll on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 01:51:06 PM EST


    1. Open gnome-terminal

    2. Ssh to freebsd server3. start screen4. BACKSPACE NOW PRODUCES ~

    4 cannot be fixed. Tried stty, tset, and others. When I try the same thing except with xterm in step1, everything works fine.

    What is wrong with my gnome-terminal?

    Why can I not use wonderful screen with wonderful BSD with wonderful gnome-terminal together?Why must gnome-terminal look so pretty and suck so much backspace?

    Your personal experiences don't mean diddly in a nation of 300 million people.jubal3

    re: gnome-terminal by JahToasted, 03/10/2004 04:06:13 PM EST (3.00 / 5)

    You, sir... by IndianaTroll, 03/10/2004 05:44:24 PM EST (none / 2)

    heh by JahToasted, 03/11/2004 10:28:19 PM EST (none / 0)

    iBook? by interiot, 03/10/2004 08:17:31 PM EST (none / 1)

    terminal.app -> rxvt. by benley, 03/11/2004 05:06:09 AM EST (none / 1)

    gnome-terminal + screen scrolling? (2.40 / 5) (#64)by JahToasted on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 04:22:01 PM EST

    I would use screen all the time if it weren't for the fact that scrolling doesn't work at all with gnome-terminal.

    Also the "New Screen" flashing up when you run screen -R is quite annoying. running with -q doesn'tget rid of that message either.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    It would be nice if I could have gnome-terminal open a new screen terminal if one doesn't exist orreattach to an already running one automatically when I click the icon. Then I could click on gnome-terminal, start a kernel compile, close gnome terminal, and open the terminal later to check on thestatus of the compile. But I guess the idea of using a GUI alongside the CLI never occured to thesmelly GNU/Hippies.

    Anyway its alright for ssh sessions I guess, but it could be much more useful.______

    "I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames" -- Jim Morrison

    You can by sherbang, 03/10/2004 08:10:51 PM EST (none / 0)

    yeah, I know that by JahToasted, 03/11/2004 10:19:01 PM EST (none / 0)

    see the FAQ by Laz, 03/11/2004 10:56:43 AM EST (none / 2)

    That FAQ also has this tidbit: by glor, 03/11/2004 02:29:06 PM EST (none / 0)

    nope by JahToasted, 03/11/2004 10:20:30 PM EST (none / 0)

    Is that the _title_ of the new screen? by Anonymous Hiro, 03/17/2004 09:36:23 AM

    EST (none / 0)

    I saw that just after I posted by JahToasted, 03/11/2004 10:22:55 PM EST (none / 0)

    No point. (1.85 / 7) (#71)by Phillip Asheo on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 07:30:16 PM EST

    Why not just run a couple of hundred Xterms and 9wm.

    --"Never say what you can grunt. Never grunt what you can wink. Never wink what you can nod, nevernod what you can shrug, and don't shrug when it ain't necessary"-Earl Long

    A real life practical example by esrever, 03/10/2004 07:48:45 PM EST (3.00 / 9)

    Slow sucky connections by interiot, 03/10/2004 08:30:29 PM EST (3.00 / 5)BECAUSE X IS SHIT. by it certainly is, 03/10/2004 09:03:28 PM EST (3.00 / 3)

    not a novel idea actually -- xmove by Undesirable Username, 03/10/2004 10:49:14 PM EST

    (2.66 / 3)

    Hmm by awgsilyari, 03/11/2004 01:48:07 PM EST (2.25 / 4)

    Great idea, Sherlock. by tkatchev, 03/11/2004 02:32:20 PM EST (1.66 / 6)

    No time at all. Yeah, right. by it certainly is, 03/12/2004 10:53:06 PM EST (3.00 / 4)

    Your applications do not always 'go' when X dies. by Phillip Asheo, 03/12/2004 02:16:49 PM

    EST (none / 1)

    There's a reason they don't bother. by it certainly is, 03/12/2004 10:35:22 PM EST (3.00 /


    Why not? by John Thompson, 03/10/2004 10:05:45 PM EST (2.75 / 4)

    screen on the Hurd by cpghost, 03/11/2004 05:14:22 AM EST (none / 1)

    Re: screen on the Hurd by mbanck, 03/15/2004 01:48:50 PM EST (none / 0)

    This really doesn't sound that useful. (none / 2) (#74)by lukme on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 08:02:11 PM EST

    personally, I perfer to have multiple terminal sessions opened. I position them in such a way that Iknow in this window I do a specific action based on its position. This follows how I normally dothings, ie I sit down at my computer and do certain work there. I go to the kitchen and prepare a

    snack (I probably wouldn't want to cook anywhere near my computer). I go to the grocery store tobuy food, which I certainly wouldn't do either in my kitchen or at my computer (I believe that the e-grocers have gone under, besides I live so far out, they wouldn't want to deliver to me anyway).Since I believe that this is a general metaphor as to how people work, opening just window withmultiple terminal sessions would be confusing.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    -----------------------------------It's awfully hard to fly with eagles when you're a turkey.

    Screen makes it less confusing by interiot, 03/10/2004 08:15:14 PM EST (none / 1)

    It comes down to how you work. by lukme, 03/10/2004 08:47:34 PM EST (2.50 / 2)

    Ahh by awgsilyari, 03/11/2004 01:41:38 PM EST (none / 1)

    screen -x by Phil Gregory, 03/11/2004 01:00:09 AM EST (3.00 / 2)

    The difference by Anonymous Hiro, 03/17/2004 09:28:54 AM EST (none / 1)

    Making it go away (none / 3) (#80)by donio on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 08:19:22 PM EST

    C-a C-\ or if that doesn't work (because your terminal can't sendthat sequence or something), C-a C-: quit [RET]

    silly question (none / 3) (#84)by clover_kicker on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 08:48:47 PM EST

    I'd like to configure screen(1)'s startup behaviour to automagically split the screen, running thisapp inone window and thatapp in the other, with the focus on thisapp.

    Anyone know how I'd do this?--I am the very model of a K5 personality.I intersperse obscenity with tedious banality.

    re: silly question by interiot, 03/10/2004 09:03:45 PM EST (2.80 / 5)

    thank you sir! by clover_kicker, 03/10/2004 11:35:06 PM EST (none / 3)

    What about jumping to the beginning of a command? (3.00 / 6) (#90)by frankwork on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 09:26:51 PM EST

    In bash, and I'm assuming several other shells, C-a takes you to the beginning of the command line(C-e takes you to the end, most of these are just like emacs).

    I just tried screen, and it doesn't preserve this behavior.

    A couple of related shortcuts in bash -- C-p goes to the previous command (like up arrow, C-n isdown arrow), C-r does a reverse i-search of your command history. C-_ undoes what you typed (butonly the current, as yet unexecuted command line). C-f and C-b are like the right and left arrows,respectively, and M-f and M-b jump forward and backword a word at a time. M-d deletes a word(forward delete), C-d deletes a letter (likewise). C-k and C-y also work as you'd expect.

    Note that many of these work in (of all places) Safari (no doubt due to its KHTML origins).

    Here's how: by jonathan21, 03/10/2004 09:48:13 PM EST (3.00 / 6)

    redefining the command character by donio, 03/11/2004 12:31:46 AM EST (3.00 / 4)

    what about backspace by coward anonymous, 03/11/2004 06:01:48 PM EST (none / 0)

    Screen's command character by static, 03/11/2004 09:40:08 PM EST (none / 1)

    Anywhere in MacOS X by MochaMan, 03/24/2005 04:17:39 AM EST (none / 0)

    An awesome tool (3.00 / 13) (#93)by Shibboleth on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 10:24:59 PM EST

    'Back in the day', when we used to be on dumb vt100 terminals in any one of a dozen labs at uni,screen was the Best Program Ever.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    Its ability to switch and detach was beyond useful. For instance, we could be signed in on one server,coding, with one screen in Jove, another in a mail program, and another at a command prompt. We'dthen have an ftp session going on a whole different server, and a MUD client or nethack game on yetanother screen (on another server).

    If some Authority Figure would walk in, a control-a, control-a would be enough to hide our nethackgame from view. Best of all, if someone comes in, says 'everybody out, class about to start', you can

    just do a control-a-d, 'exit', and pick up your bag and leave, go to another lab, and resume preciselywhere you left off (except for the MUD, you were dead. :))

    I still find it useful for my gentoo laptop. I have a root login, start screen, then start compiling somelarge program. Then I just detach the session, log out, and have a secure laptop sitting therecompiling. If someone comes up to it, they can't just alt-function through the terminals and get anice, open root session on screen.

    Indeed by leviramsey, 03/11/2004 02:37:44 AM EST (none / 1)

    xmx: A Screen-ish program for X (2.75 / 4) (#95)by froindlaven on Wed Mar 10, 2004 at 11:21:28 PM EST

    Here's a cool X program which is both an X client and server. You can attach/detach to it much likescreen. I tried it out when I had to jump around from lab machine to lab machine and it workedpretty well. In the end, I opted for just using ssh and screen.

    Screen on MacOS X (2.66 / 3) (#102)by sakusha on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 03:25:29 AM EST

    screen is installed in MacOS X, I have FINK installed but I don't think I installed any GNU utils in FINKyet, it must come with the default OSX install.

    But there really is no need for screen. Just download iTerm, it has multiple terminal managementwithin one window.


    so? by lowmagnet, 03/11/2004 09:27:57 PM EST (none / 1)

    Not enough by emagius, 03/12/2004 07:22:21 AM EST (none / 0)

    First thing I thought of(3.00 / 5) (#104)

    by ragnarok on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 03:43:08 AM EST

    and what I continue to keep thinking, is, how useful for something like bochs, or Hercules, dosbox, oraltair88, or other emulators/virtual machines.

    If you're familiar with their operation, they tend to tie up a terminal, even if you've got multiplevirtual terminals on your kde/gnome/whathaveyou X Window System window manager.

    So you fire up screen, C-a c then fire up bochs running FreeBSD and it pops up the X Windowdisplaying said OS, then C-a n and C-a c again, fire up vax simh.netbsd with ssh terminals, C-a n andC-a c again, fire up vm.sys which comes up with its own x3270 terminals, C-a n and C-a c again, fireup Basilisk II running Macintosh System 7.5, C-a n and C-a c again, and fire up the altair88 simhemulator running MP/M 2 with an ssh terminal, etc.

    And because they can all be detached, that's one heap of desktop real-estate you won't worry aobutlosing, while you can carry on learning and using various emulators to your heart's content.

    Even better yet, you can make use of the various Xterms' multiple shell/session setups to do work onone Xterm's shell, while using screen plus emulators/virtual machines on yet another.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    A geek's dream.

    "And it came to healed until all the gift and pow, I, the Lord, to divide; wherefore behold, all yea, Iwas left alone....", Joseph Smith's evil twin sister's prophecies

    Sorry... by emmons, 03/11/2004 09:32:47 PM EST (3.00 / 3)

    Screen as poor guy's VNC (3.00 / 5) (#111)by mikeymckay on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 06:05:17 AM EST

    My favorite feature of screen is being able to share a terminal with someone else in real time. It is agreat way to collaborate on a project together, or to teach someone how to do various command linemagic.

    The great thing is that the command line is only text, so two users could be on a slow dialupconnection but fully able to work together. It is like sharing a vnc connection, but needing just afraction of the bandwidth.

    To set this up you do something like this:

    user1 runs screenruns command "ctrl-A: multiuser on"then "ctrl-A: acladd user2"

    user 2 then runsscreen -x user1

    (I think the above process may have changed slightly in recent versions due to some security issues)


    Splitvt... (none / 3) (#112)by mikelist on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 07:20:17 AM EST

    is a similar idea, but both/all screens are visible simultaneously. I use that one more, screen is likehaving several vts logged in at the same time.

    Screen can do that, too -nt- by emagius, 03/12/2004 07:20:46 AM EST (3.00 / 2)

    screen + bittorrent (3.00 / 5) (#113)by davros4269 on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 08:16:40 AM EST

    Is a great combination.

    I use btdownloadcurses and run it in a screen session. At this house, others use this machine, so ifthey log in, my downloads continue - when I log back in, I open a shell and: screen -r and I can seemy progress.

    This old crate really feels the bog when I have several downloads going, so I often use an even oldercrate with lots of ram and no hard drive - it runs Knoppix without X (knoppix 2). I SSH in and usescreen so I can watch my downloads in their full ascii glory...

    I also keep screen running on my firewall machine, an even older box, also without X running...

    Screen is so much nicer than using, say, nohup or similar on a time-intensive command line job. Ican't live without it.Will you squirm when you are pecked? Quack.

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    How I use it (3.00 / 6) (#115)by Piquan on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 08:51:43 AM EST

    Two tips from how I use screen.

    First, if you use Emacs, or the Emacs bindings for bash, then you'll probably want to add escape ^Za toyour .screenrc. This lets you use ^Z instead of ^A, so you can use Emacs more naturally. Who needs^Z in screen anyway, and if you need it, ^Za will do the trick.

    Second, I find screen great for multiuser collaboration. I'm helping a friend in his programmingstudies, usually over the phone. We'll often use a shared screen session, so we can watch each otherwork on code. The sequence is: he creates a screen session, hits (assuming ^Z is your escape char)^Z:multiuser on[RET]^Z:acladd piquan[RET] (where my username is piquan); then I run (from a normal,non-screen terminal) screen -x jrh/ (where his username is jrh).

    Better choice for command key: Backquote by Xenophon Fenderson, the Carbon(d)ated,

    03/11/2004 09:03:09 AM EST (none / 3)

    I used to use backquote all the time by grouse, 03/11/2004 04:42:27 PM EST (none / 1)

    making it go away (none / 2) (#118)by mikpos on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 10:19:55 AM EST

    C-a \ or C-a C-\ by default will kill screen and all its windows. However, in the default config file (thisisn't nearly confusing enough), I believe these are rebound to do nothing, with a comment saying thatthey are "dangerous".

    More .screenrc fun (3.00 / 7) (#121)by fn0rd on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 11:03:58 AM EST

    #kill startup messagestartup_message off

    # define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 linesdefscrollback 1024

    # on Debian backspace should send char `177':bindkey -k kb stuff "177"

    # An alternative hardstatus to display a bar at the bottom listing the# windownames and highlighting the current windowname in blue. (This is only# enabled if there is no hardstatus setting for your terminal)hardstatus on

    hardstatus alwayslastlinehardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------# STARTUP SCREENS# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Example of automatically running some programs in windows on screen startup.# Use the form: screen [-flag] [window name] [window number] [program to run in window]# The -t flag means that the window in which that program is running# closes when you exit that program, so if you quit pine# window 2 closes.

    screen bashscreen -t emacs 1 emacsscreen -t mail 2 pinescreen -t slashdot 3 lynx http://www.slashdot.org/screen -t k5 4 l nx htt ://www.kuro5hin.or /

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    screen -t bar 5 ssh foo@bar

    # I cribbed most of this from /etc/screenrc# Check it out on your own to learn more about keybindings and whatnot.

    This fatwa brought to you by the Agnostic Jihad

    Modern day "detach" feature for GUIs... (3.00 / 4) (#122)by bgarcia on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 11:10:32 AM EST

    If you like the idea of a "detach" feature, and wish it could apply to your X session or Windowsmachine, it is available.

    VNC will allow you to view a desktop on any machine on a network. It can be very useful for workingfrom home.

    For the graphical crowd (none / 2) (#123)by sleepingsquirrel on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 11:22:19 AM EST

    You might want to check into ratpoison. It does for xwindows what screen does for terminals...

    "Ratpoison is a simple Window Manager with no fat library dependencies, no fancygraphics, no window decorations, and no rodent dependence."

    No it doesn't (I think) by Dr. Zowie, 03/11/2004 12:21:35 PM EST (3.00 / 2)

    Remote X11. by RangerElf, 03/11/2004 06:04:55 PM EST (3.00 / 2)

    can it be suspended? by emmons, 03/11/2004 09:26:08 PM EST (none / 1)

    Yes it can. by cburke, 03/11/2004 09:57:33 PM EST (none / 0)

    re: can it be suspended? by froseph, 03/13/2004 12:12:11 PM EST (none / 0)

    ratpoison by DJ Google, 03/11/2004 12:24:33 PM EST (1.00 / 2)

    PWM is faster and smaller and does same thing. n/t by sudog, 03/12/2004 04:50:37 PM EST (1.00 / 2)

    Recursive screens... (3.00 / 8) (#134)by Merc on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 03:37:39 PM EST

    Say I have a really flaky connection to a remote server. I want to run screen on it so if I getdetached then I don't lose anything, right?

    But screen's such a great program that I want to use it locally too, right? So what happens now whenI use screen locally and connect to a remote machine, running screen there? I suppose I could have

    different escape characters, but that seems nasty. Does anybody deal with this situation?

    This is not a pipe by Kyle, 03/11/2004 03:43:07 PM EST (none / 2)

    Yes. The solution is simple: by sudog, 03/11/2004 05:20:00 PM EST (none / 3)

    you use bash and DON'T use ^R all the time? [nt] by tx, 03/12/2004 08:53:34 AM EST (none / 0)

    No need. I have a history-searching alias instead. by sudog, 03/12/2004 04:48:04 PM

    EST (none / 1)

    'set -o vi' eliminates need for ^R [n\t] by tbc, 03/18/2004 02:31:52 PM EST (none / 1)

    Um, I use control-R all the time (reverse i-search by Merc, 03/12/2004 03:38:25 PM EST (none/ 0)

    I don't use c-r in bash, and: by sudog, 03/12/2004 04:43:59 PM EST (none / 0)

    And this brings up something else ... (2.57 / 7) (#136)

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    by pyramid termite on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 04:25:10 PM EST

    ... I used to dual-boot between linux and windows for several years. I knew about console modeswitching, I knew about xterms and I'd read several books and many, many documents.

    This is a useful program. And yet, with my moderate experience and reading, I'd never heard of it.Even though I probably had it.

    Conclusion? The linux world really needs to get its act together on documenting and explaining stuff if

    it wants to persuade the Micro$erf world to switch.

    On the Internet, anyone can accuse you of being a dog.

    How I discovered 'screen'. by it certainly is, 03/13/2004 12:34:44 AM EST (3.00 / 2)

    I agree ;-) (3.00 / 4) (#138)by dumky on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 05:03:35 PM EST

    I posted a similar story a month ago: Essential utility: "screen".Screen is really an amazing program.You can quit with 'C-a C-\' (from screen doc).

    Yet more screen tricks. (3.00 / 7) (#148)by static on Thu Mar 11, 2004 at 09:53:29 PM EST

    First of all, a lot of readers don't realize that using screen to multiplex an xterm is actually a subtlydifferent solution than starting a dozen xterms. The difference is that in screen you can select thescreen you want directly. Doing that with all your xterms requires assistance from your windowmanager. Or a term program (like Konsole) that has tabbing et al.

    Second: if you find yourself opening more and more screens, you might like the following commandsin your .screen.rc.:

    bind ) select 10bind ! select 11bind @ select 12bind \# select 13bind \$ select 14bind % select 15bind \^ select 16bind & select 17bind * select 18

    bind ) select 19

    The default commands include Ctrl+a 5 to select screen 5; this makes Ctrl+a Shift+5 select screen15. :-)

    Last; although mention was made of the scrollback (Ctrl+A Esc), you can use this to copy-n-pastebetween screens. Look in the screens manpage* for details but if you use vim you might like thisinstead of the default:

    # Prepend/append register [/] to the paste if ^a^] is pressed.# This lets me have autoindent modes in vi(m).register [ "\033:se paste\015a"register ] "\033:se nopaste\015a"bind ^] paste [.]

    The defaults toggle autoindent mode but that's not always sufficient. And vim's paste mode is actuallydesigned for this.


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    * unlike so much other GNU software, the man page is really quite good and doesn't point you to aninfo page.

    Or use a patch... by azul, 03/15/2004 09:38:38 PM EST (none / 0)

    Wish for somthing else (1.40 / 5) (#158)by n8f8 on Fri Mar 12, 2004 at 09:45:29 AM EST

    Like a damn widget for changing the screen resolution on a notebook. And even better, make it so auser can right click on the desktop to access it.

    Sig: (This will get posted after your comments)

    reminds me of windows xp (1.00 / 8) (#169)by auraslip on Sat Mar 13, 2004 at 02:08:24 AM EST


    How to map Ctrl-Tab? (none / 1) (#171)by BranchingLichen on Sun Mar 14, 2004 at 12:06:16 AM EST

    Rather than using Ctrl-A N and Ctrl-A P, I'd like to use Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab to switch to the next /previous screen.

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    Ctrl-Tab would be nicely consistent with many other applications, e.g. switching the active tab inMozilla. A general standard in Microsoft Windows and many other environments is: Alt-Tab changes

    the application, Ctrl-Tab changes within an application.

    keyboard magic by benley, 03/14/2004 10:06:10 PM EST (3.00 / 2)

    Trick for transfering files using only terminal. (3.00 / 5) (#173)by Tezcatlipoca on Sun Mar 14, 2004 at 07:39:35 PM EST

    That is right, you have two machines, you only have access to the terminal servers through serial

    lines (not uncommon in modern datacenters) and you need to transfer medium sized files (don't trythis wirh your 100GB MP3 collection).

    Using screen define a new buffer file, then use uuencode in the first machine:

    uuencode file file

    and go to sleep.

    Next day (or week :-) ) go to the next machine and try:

    cat - file.uu

    at this point type Ctrl-a ] which pastes screen's buffer, once finished type EOF and CTRL-D

    now you can

    uudecode fi le.uu

    and you get your file in all its glory.

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    This trick saved me one week of internal bureaucracy....

    Might is rightFreedom? Which freedom?

    ReTrick for transfering files using only terminal. by akuzi, 04/01/2004 07:10:12 PM EST (none / 0)

    wooWOO (2.50 / 2) (#177)by pytholyx on Mon Mar 15, 2004 at 01:56:29 PM EST

    I had a friend who couldn't shut up about this, and told me I'd love it. I've been waiting for anoverview like this to be delivered right to me, I guess. Best. Program. Ever. Can't be a console ninjawithout this.

    Desirability follows utility.

    Kinda sorta like gnuserv (none / 0) (#179)by Akhasha on Wed Mar 17, 2004 at 01:20:29 AM EST

    I have an emacs habit and also couldn't live without screen. Emacs has a sorta-similar function calledgnuserv, so you start it up somewhere (possibly either using nohup or in a screen session), rungnuserv-start or have it in your .emacs/custom.el. Then either background it or detach from thescreen session, and from elsewhere you can access the same editing session with all the bufferspreserved by logging into that machine and running gnuclient. Even though the way I run it, emacs isrunning in a terminal, if DISPLAY is set in the terminal running gnuclient, you get an X window. Itsnot entirely perfect, I've occasionally seen xemacs lock up running this way, but in general it hassaved me a lot of bother and gives me a persistent development environment whereever I can sshonto the net. Just remember that C-x C-c will exit the parent emacs, when you want to exit yourediting window and leave the remote editor running use C-x 5 0

    There is however one big fat caveat with using screen on linux, I have had my beautiful, 15 odd

    terminal screen session lock up irretrievably more than once in the past. The closest I got to trackingdown the bug was some comments in a kernel list mentioning an obscure bug in the pty driver code.That may have been resolved as it hasn't happened in 6 months and I use screen every day.

    my screenrc (none / 0) (#182)by freddie on Wed Mar 17, 2004 at 04:51:09 PM EST

    Using control-A messes up bash line editing, i prefer to use control-t instead

    shell /bin/bash

    escape ^Tt

    Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

    Screen under cygwin on windows (none / 1) (#185)by askey on Fri Mar 19, 2004 at 07:06:15 AM EST

    Does it work under cygwin on windows?

    Yes by wurp, 12/13/2005 10:49:26 AM EST (none / 0)

    Blast from the Past (none / 0) (#186)by Waldo on Sun Mar 21, 2004 at 02:17:43 AM EST

  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


    screen was the way to go back when SLIP was the preferred method of connecting to the Internet,the WWW was just some thing Tim BL was playing with at CERN, and command-line access was theonly way to fly. I could initiate a zmodem transfer to transfer a file onto my home computer whiledownloading a file through FTP to my shell account and also running a search in WAIS. It was totallycool.

    But...uh...that was 1992. Now, I have a GUI. No screen for me.

    -Waldo Jaquith

    multiplexing by Torako, 03/21/2004 07:31:14 AM EST (none / 0)

    screen is essential for heavy irc use (none / 0) (#189)by akuzi on Thu Apr 01, 2004 at 06:45:32 PM EST

    It lets you sit on an irc channel forever and yet connect in from anywhere on the net, scroll back toset what has been happening on the channel etc.

    Run bitchX or irc2 under a screen session on a stable server that you can ssh to. Then detach and

    reattach whenever you need to.

    Detaching sessions (none / 0) (#191)by tim on Fri Apr 16, 2004 at 04:31:31 PM EST

    I absolutely loved screen back in my university days. I would be hacking at the lab at school until itwas late enough that I wanted to go home. Then I would just detach my screen, go home, login andreattach the screen and I would be right back in the same place. Sadly I don't find much use for itthese days.... --- ...

    GNU screen and SSH (none / 0) (#192)by tbc on Tue Apr 20, 2004 at 04:26:04 PM EST

    See my writeup at my blog: GNU screen and SSH

    funny (none / 1) (#193)by keleyu on Mon Mar 21, 2005 at 02:42:27 AM EST


    Shameless plug of another HowTo (none / 1) (#195)by cprior on Tue Nov 29, 2005 at 06:43:30 AM EST


    Different to all those text-based HowTos I tried to visualize GNU Screen as well: Towards the end ofthe HowTo there is an animated .gif If you find something improvable, please do not hesitate to doso!

    GNU Screen: an introduction and beginner's tutorial | 196 comments (166 topical, 30 editorial, 5 hidden)

    Display: Threaded Sort: Ignore Ratings Oldest First Set


  • 7/27/2019 Usando o Screen para abrir processos no terminal e deix-los rodando mesmo vom logoff.pdf


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