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  • PAX Computer Technology(Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.

    Prolin SDK Operating Guide V 2.8.2

  • I

    Copyright © 2000-2016 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this document may be reproduced or

    transmitted in any form without the written permission of PAX Computer Technology

    (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Although

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has attempted to ensure the accuracy of the

    contents of this document, this document may include errors or omissions. The examples and

    sample programs are for illustration only and may not be suited for your purpose. You should

    verify the applicability of any example or sample program before placing the software into

    productive use.

  • II

    Revision History

    Date Version Note Author

    2012.8.1 V1.0 1. SDK V1.0 released.

    2. First release.

    Lu Xue

    2012.8.31 V2.0 1. SDK V2.0 released.

    2. Add a lot of details for this


    Lu Xue

    2012.9.18 V2.1 1. SDK V2.1 released.

    2. Add instructions according to

    users’ response for this


    Lu Xue

    2012.10.9 V2.2 1. SDK V2.2 released.

    2. Adjust the frame size of register

    and update interface.

    3. Auto-scan dynamic libraries and

    add them to the link options.

    No longer relying on

    PaxPayPro software when

    check license.

    Lu Xue

    2012.10.24 V2.3 1. SDK V2.3 released.

    2. Way to download SDK is

    changed from FTP downloading

    to sending email to “support


    3. Add a lot of details.

    Lu Xue

    2012.11.13 V2.4 1. SDK V2.4 released.

    2. Now support GDB debugging on

    the physical machine.

    3. The app template does not use

    minigui library any more, but

    exsoal library.

    Lu Xue

    2012.11.28 V2.5 1. SDK v2.5 released.

    2. Now support both TCP and

    serial port debugging on the

    Lu Xue

  • III

    physical machine.

    3. Show current version and

    expired date in the eclipse title


    4. Auto-check upgrades info and

    prompt users to do update

    operation when SDK is opened.

    5. Auto-add standard C library path

    for the newly-created project.

    2012.12.12 V2.6 1. SDK V2.6 released.

    2. Update emulator to v1.5.

    Lu Xue

    2013.8.12 V2.7 1. SDK V2.7 released.

    2. New version of OSAL library.

    3. Update to Eclipse Juno S2.

    4. Increase SDK start-up speed.

    5. Add “Show Line Number”

    chapter for this doc

    Lu Xue

    2013.11.6 V2.8 1. SDK V2.7.06 released

    2. Add XCB module.

    3. Add XUI module.

    4. SDK support displaying Logcat.

    5. Support Crash report.

    Lu Xue

    2015.12.7 V2.8.1 1. SDK V2.8.7 released.

    2. Add more emulators and update

    the emulator skins.

    3. Fix some mistakes about

    interface and spelling.

    Lu Xue

    Wang Fen

    Liu Jing

    Ma Liwen

    2016.3.14 V2.8.2 1. SDK V2.8.8 released.

    2. Add a static analysis tool for

    C/C++ code: Cppcheck.

    3. Add new emulator: D200.

    Lu Xue

    Wang Fen

  • IV


    1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Features ................................................................................................................. 1

    1.3 OS Supported ........................................................................................................ 2

    1.4 Environment Requirements ................................................................................... 2

    1.5 User Requirements ................................................................................................ 3

    1.6 Abbreviation .......................................................................................................... 3

    2 Download and Install .......................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 Download SDK ..................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 Install SDK ............................................................................................................ 7

    2.3 SDK Structure ....................................................................................................... 7

    3 Open and Register SDK ...................................................................................................... 9

    3.1 Activate SDK ........................................................................................................ 9

    3.2 Eclipse Launch ...................................................................................................... 9

    3.3 Set Workspace ..................................................................................................... 10

    3.4 Register SDK ....................................................................................................... 10

    4 Eclipse Preview ................................................................................................................. 13

    4.1 Eclipse Main Interface ........................................................................................ 13

    4.1.1 Main Menu of PAX ...................................................................................... 14

    4.1.2 Toolbar of PAX ............................................................................................ 15

    5 Application Developments ................................................................................................ 17

    5.1 Create Project ...................................................................................................... 17

    5.2 Edit code .............................................................................................................. 20

    5.3 Build Project ........................................................................................................ 21

    5.4 Generate Package ................................................................................................ 23

    5.5 Install Package ..................................................................................................... 24

    5.6 Import Project ...................................................................................................... 27

    5.7 Project Settings .................................................................................................... 30

    6 Library Developments ....................................................................................................... 33

  • V

    6.1 Create Project ...................................................................................................... 33

    6.2 Build Project ........................................................................................................ 34

    6.3 Use Library .......................................................................................................... 35

    6.3.1 Copy LIB to Project ..................................................................................... 35

    6.3.2 Modify Link Option ..................................................................................... 36

    6.3.3 Rebuild Project ............................................................................................. 37

    7 Code Edit Help .................................................................................................................. 39

    7.1 Query Functions or Keywords ............................................................................ 39

    7.2 Query Details from Documents ........................................................................... 39

    7.3 Input Prompts ...................................................................................................... 40

    8 Emulator ............................................................................................................................ 42

    8.1 Open Emulator Manager ..................................................................................... 42

    8.2 Start Emulator ..................................................................................................... 44

    9 Logcat ................................................................................................................................ 46

    9.1 Add log ................................................................................................................ 46

    9.2 Show Log ............................................................................................................ 46

    10 Cppcheck .................................................................................................................... 48

    10.1 Install Cppcheck .................................................................................................. 48

    10.2 Configure Cppcheck Environment ...................................................................... 49

    10.3 Use Cppcheck ...................................................................................................... 51

    11 Debug ......................................................................................................................... 52

    11.1 Preparation .......................................................................................................... 52

    11.1.1 Set Debug Content ....................................................................................... 52

    11.1.2 Toggle Breakpoint ........................................................................................ 52

    11.1.3 Build and Install APP ................................................................................... 53

    11.2 Debug Steps ......................................................................................................... 54

    11.2.1 Open Debug Configurations Page ................................................................ 54

    11.2.2 Debug Configuration Settings ...................................................................... 55

    11.2.3 Run debug .................................................................................................... 57

    12 User Help .................................................................................................................... 60

  • VI

    12.1 About SDK .......................................................................................................... 60

    13 Update SDK ............................................................................................................... 62

    13.1 Update Wizard ..................................................................................................... 62

    13.2 Check Update ...................................................................................................... 63

    13.3 Download Update Data ....................................................................................... 65

    14 Customize ................................................................................................................... 67

    14.1.1 Set Code Font ............................................................................................... 67

    14.1.2 Show Line Number ...................................................................................... 68

    15 Keyboard Shortcuts .................................................................................................... 69

  • VII

    Figure List

    Figure 1.1 Windows console command ............................................................................. 3

    Figure 2.1 SDK files ........................................................................................................... 8

    Figure 3.1 Eclipse launching .............................................................................................. 9

    Figure 3.2 Set workspace ................................................................................................. 10

    Figure 3.3Figure 3.4 Register dialog ................................................................................ 10

    Figure 3.5 Save user key .................................................................................................. 11

    Figure 3.6 Import license result ........................................................................................ 11

    Figure 4.1 Eclipse main interface ..................................................................................... 13

    Figure 4.2 PAX menu ....................................................................................................... 14

    Figure 4.3 Close welcome page ....................................................................................... 15

    Figure 4.4 PAX toolbar .................................................................................................... 15

    Figure 5.1 Create project .................................................................................................. 18

    Figure 5.2 Project wizard ................................................................................................. 19

    Figure 5.3 Open associated perspective ........................................................................... 19

    Figure 5.4 Project explorer interface ................................................................................ 20

    Figure 5.5 Edit code ......................................................................................................... 21

    Figure 5.6 Build project ................................................................................................... 22

    Figure 5.7 Build project ................................................................................................... 22

    Figure 5.8 Build project ................................................................................................... 23

    Figure 5.9 Building process and result ............................................................................. 23

    Figure 5.10 Generate package .......................................................................................... 24

    Figure 5.11 Emulator ........................................................................................................ 24

    Figure 5.12 Installer ......................................................................................................... 25

    Figure 5.13 Add device .................................................................................................... 25

    Figure 5.14 Installer ......................................................................................................... 26

    Figure 5.15 Installer ......................................................................................................... 26

    Figure 5.16 Running result ............................................................................................... 27

    Figure 5.17 Import project ............................................................................................... 28

    Figure 5.18 Import wizard ................................................................................................ 28

  • VIII

    Figure 5.19 Import wizard ................................................................................................ 29

    Figure 5.20 Project explorer ............................................................................................. 29

    Figure 5.21 Project settings .............................................................................................. 30

    Figure 5.22 Compile options ............................................................................................ 31

    Figure 5.23 Link options .................................................................................................. 31

    Figure 6.1 Project wizard ................................................................................................. 34

    Figure 6.2 Building result................................................................................................. 35

    Figure 6.3 Copy library .................................................................................................... 36

    Figure 6.5 Project properties ............................................................................................ 37

    Figure 6.6 Input library name ........................................................................................... 37

    Figure 6.7 Building console ............................................................................................. 38

    Figure 7.1 Query result ..................................................................................................... 39

    Figure 7.2 Query result ..................................................................................................... 40

    Figure 7.3 Function detail ................................................................................................ 40

    Figure 7.4 Input prompts .................................................................................................. 41

    Figure 8.1 Emulator directory .......................................................................................... 43

    Figure 8.2 Open emulator manager .................................................................................. 43

    Figure 8.3 Emulator manager ........................................................................................... 43

    Figure 8.4 Create PVD ..................................................................................................... 44

    Figure 8.5 Emulator list .................................................................................................... 44

    Figure 8.6 Launch options ................................................................................................ 45

    Figure 8.7 Emulator .......................................................................................................... 45

    Figure 9.1 Add log ........................................................................................................... 46

    Figure 9.2 Logcat view ..................................................................................................... 47

    Figure 10.1 Cppcheck ...................................................................................................... 48

    Figure 10.2 Install Cppcheck ........................................................................................... 49

    Figure 10.3 Check Cppcheck ........................................................................................... 49

    Figure 10.4 Configure Cppcheck ..................................................................................... 50

    Figure 10.5 Set Cppcheck binary path ............................................................................. 50

    Figure 10.6 Run Cppcheck ............................................................................................... 51

  • IX

    Figure 10.7 Cppcheck running result ............................................................................... 51

    Figure 11.1 Add debug code ............................................................................................ 52

    Figure 11.2 Toggle breakpoint ......................................................................................... 53

    Figure 11.3 Breakpoint ..................................................................................................... 53

    Figure 11.4 App halts ....................................................................................................... 54

    Figure 11.5 Open debug configurations page .................................................................. 54

    Figure 11.6 Create a new debug configuration ................................................................ 55

    Figure 11.7 Debug settings ............................................................................................... 56

    Figure 11.8 Choose device ............................................................................................... 56

    Figure 11.9 Generate commands ...................................................................................... 57

    Figure 11.10 Console message ......................................................................................... 58

    Figure 11.11 Confirm switch ........................................................................................... 58

    Figure 11.12 Debug perspective ....................................................................................... 59

    Figure 11.13 Debug perspective ....................................................................................... 59

    Figure 12.1 PAX help menu ............................................................................................. 60

    Figure 12.2 About SDK ................................................................................................... 61

    Figure 13.1 Update wizard window ................................................................................. 62

    Figure 13.2 Update history ............................................................................................... 63

    Figure 13.3 Update window ............................................................................................. 64

    Figure 13.4 Check update ................................................................................................. 65

    Figure 13.5 Update process .............................................................................................. 66

    Figure 14.1 Set code font ................................................................................................. 67

    Figure 14.2 Show line number ......................................................................................... 68

  • Introduction

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 1

    1 Introduction

    Prolin SDK is a software development kit customized for the Prolin POS machine, such as

    S300, S800, and S900. It is used to develop and build POS applications. It provides various

    functions such as code editing, debugging, building and emulating.

    This document mainly introduces the SDK in Windows OS. Users who have problems with

    the SDK are welcome to send an email to [email protected].

    1.1 Purpose

    This manual provides instructions of how to use Prolin SDK for application developers.

    1.2 Features

    Base on Eclipse IDE platform and CDT plug-in. It is more convenient if you are familiar

    with Eclipse

    Run on both Windows and Linux computers

    Support C/C++ development, contains GCC/G++ compile environment

    Integrated environment to develop and build application

    You can quickly create an APP/LIB project via a step-by-step instruction

    Colorful interfaces to show project architecture and source code. Easy to edit, debug and

    search for help

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  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    2 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    True-to-original emulator in which you can install you APP to instantly check the running


    1.3 OS Supported

    Both windows and Linux (Ubuntu) OS are supported.

    OS Version 32bit 64bit

    Windows Xp/Win7/Win8

    Ubuntu 10.04 or higher

    1.4 Environment Requirements

    JDK (Java development kit) or JRE (Java runtime environment) is required to be installed in

    your personal computer. Check if JRE exists in your PC by typing java –version command.

    Figure 1.1 JDK Download Page

    Please note that the SDK (specially the Eclipse) is only a 32bit version. So you should

    download 32bit JDK/JRE even though your system is 64bit.

  • Introduction

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 3

    Figure 1.2 Windows console command

    JDK/JRE downloading address:


    1.5 User Requirements

    You should be familiar with C/C++ programming. And it would be better to have experience

    in using the Linux OS and the Eclipse tool.

    1.6 Abbreviation

    Table 1 Abbreviation

    Abbreviation Description

    ADB Android Debug Bridge

    APP Application

    CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

    CDT C/C++ Development Tooling

    COM Cluster Communication Port

    DOC Document

    FAQ Frequently Asked Question


  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    4 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    FTP File Transfer Protocol

    GCC GNU Compiler Collection

    GDB GNU Project Debugger

    GPRS General Packet Radio Service

    LCD Liquid Crystal Display

    IC Card Integrated Circuit Card

    IDE Integrated Development Environment

    JRE Java Runtime Environment

    LIB Library

    OS Operating System

    PC Personal Computer

    PED PIN Entry Device

    PIN Personal Identification Number

    POS Point Of Sale

    PVD Prolin Virtual Device

    RF Card Radio Frequency Card

    RTM Release To Manufacturing

    SDK Software Development Kit

    TCP Transmission Control Protocol

    TM Terminal Manager

    UDP User Datagram Protocol

    UI User Interface

    WAN Wide Area Network

  • Introduction

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 5

    XCB Xos Communication Bridge

  • Download and Install

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 7

    2 Download and Install

    2.1 Download SDK

    To download SDK, please contact PAX support team or send an email to

    [email protected].

    2.2 Install SDK

    After downloading, extract the file prolin_sdk_win-xxx.zip or prolin_sdk_linux-xxx.tar.gz

    and use it directly. No additional installation or registration steps required.

    It is not recommended that the absolute path of your SDK contains blank space or Chinese

    characters; otherwise it will cause unexpected error.

    2.3 SDK Structure

    The following picture shows the extracted files. Please read file readme.txt to get more


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    8 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 2.1 SDK files

  • Open and Register SDK

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 9

    3 Open and Register SDK

    3.1 Activate SDK

    Go to the root directory of SDK and double click sdk.exe to activate SDK.

    3.2 Eclipse Launch

    Wait for the eclipse to launch.

    Figure 3.1 Eclipse launching

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    10 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    3.3 Set Workspace

    Set path of workspace at wherever you want。

    Figure 3.2 Set workspace

    Press OK button and wait for the SDK to start up.

    3.4 Register SDK

    If you have not registered, a register window will pop up automatically after eclipse start-ups.

    Figure 3.3Figure 3.4 Register dialog

  • Open and Register SDK

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 11

    Click Create User Key button and wait for a moment. Then a dialog appears and shows

    you to save the created user key named UserKey_X.key.

    Figure 3.5 Save user key

    Now login on the PPN (https://support.paxsz.com) and upload the user key. For more guides,

    just visit https://support.paxsz.com/QuestionAnswer/QuestionAnswerDetail.aspx?ID=53.

    When the license is issued, download it and import. Click Import License button to load the

    license to the SDK.

    A dialog will show you the importing result.

    Figure 3.6 Import license result


  • Eclipse Preview

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 13

    4 Eclipse Preview

    4.1 Eclipse Main Interface

    As integrated development software, Eclipse is customized to support Prolin application and

    library development. The following is the main interface of customized eclipse.

    Figure 4.1 Eclipse main interface

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    14 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    4.1.1 Main Menu of PAX

    Under the PAX menu, there are four sub menus: Generate Package, Install Package,

    Emulator Manager, and Help. And Under the Help sub menu, there are two children:

    About SDK and Update SDK.

    The functions of each menu:

    Menu name Function

    Generate Package Gather the project built files and compress

    them into the target .aip file.

    Install Package Install the .aip file into the POS.

    Emulator Manager Create a new emulator, open an emulator, etc.

    About SDK Show SDK information

    Update SDK Update the SDK, such as the development

    files, the emulator.

    Figure 4.2 PAX menu

  • Eclipse Preview

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 15

    4.1.2 Toolbar of PAX

    Close the Welcome page.

    Figure 4.3 Close welcome page

    There are three toolbar icons appear: Generate Package, Install Package, and Emulator


    Figure 4.4 PAX toolbar

    Move the mouse pointer above the toolbar icon, tips of function will

    pop up.

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 17

    5 Application Developments

    SDK can be used to develop your own APPs which can only run on emulator or POS which

    requests no application signatures.

    If you want to sign your APPs, please contact PAX support team for help.

    5.1 Create Project

    Select menu FileNewPAX C Project, New Project Wizard will be open.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    18 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.1 Create project

    In the next wizard page, input Project name, choose Project type, and then click Finish


  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 19

    Figure 5.2 Project wizard

    When asked to open the associated perspective, click Yes.

    Figure 5.3 Open associated perspective

    Now a new project is created. You can see it in the Project Explorer.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    20 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.4 Project explorer interface

    5.2 Edit code

    The project just created is a simple Hello World demo. You can edit it or just go through to

    the next step.

    If you want to edit the project, just double click the file you want in the project explorer.

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 21

    Figure 5.5 Edit code

    5.3 Build Project

    There are several ways to build a project.

    1st, select target project, and click Build Project in the menu Project.


    , select target project, and click Build icon in toolbar.


    , select target project and right click on the mouse. Select Build Project in the popup

    context menu.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    22 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.6 Build project

    Figure 5.7 Build project

    Wait for building the project.

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 23

    Figure 5.8 Build project

    You can check the building process (GCC compile, link, and strip) and the result in the

    Console window.

    Figure 5.9 Building process and result

    5.4 Generate Package

    If building successfully, you can start to generate the final package (the .aip file). Select menu

    PAXGenerate Package and wait, a dialog will pop up to tell you the generating result.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    24 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.10 Generate package

    5.5 Install Package

    The .aip package can be installed to the emulator or physical POS machine by SDK, and can

    also be installed by TermAssist tool.

    Before installing package, there must be at least an emulator or a physical POS machine

    running. Now we just open an emulator (Refer to the Emulator Manager chapter to learn

    how to open an emulator).

    Figure 5.11 Emulator

    Click the Install Package icon in the main page, the installer dialog will pop up.

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 25

    Figure 5.12 Installer

    Click Add Device button to add a new device. Input connection parameters in Add Device

    dialog and press Connect button.

    Figure 5.13 Add device

    When a connection is established, the connected device will be shown in the list of the

    installer dialog.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    26 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.14 Installer

    Choose a device and press Install button. Check the installing result in the console area

    Figure 5.15 Installer

    Press cancel button in the TM of POS machine and the running result is shown as below.

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 27

    Figure 5.16 Running result

    Up to now, you have learned the basic process of application development.

    5.6 Import Project

    Existing project can be imported into the Project Explorer. Select menu FileImport and

    Import wizard page will pop up.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    28 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 5.17 Import project

    In the Import wizard page, select GeneralExisting Projects into Workspace, and then

    click on Next button.

    Figure 5.18 Import wizard

  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 29

    In the second wizard page of Import, set the root directory of the imported project, and then

    click Finish button.

    Figure 5.19 Import wizard

    Now, the project is added to the Project Explorer.

    Figure 5.20 Project explorer

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    30 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    5.7 Project Settings

    By default, the project environment meets most of development requirements, while it can be

    edited according to your requirements.

    Select ProjectPropertiesC/C++ BuildSettings, project compiler and linker options

    will be displayed. This chapter mainly introduces GCC Compiler and GCC Linker.

    Figure 5.21 Project settings

    All the compiler options are listed in GCC Compiler. Select GCC Compiler->Options to

    set Optimization Level, Debug Level, Compiler misc flags, etc according to your


  • Application Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 31

    Figure 5.22 Compile options

    Click on the Options under GCC Linker to customize link commands.

    Figure 5.23 Link options

  • Library Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 33

    6 Library Developments

    Both shared LIB and static LIB development are available. This chapter shows how to build a

    shared LIB.

    6.1 Create Project

    Create a new PAX C Project, and in the Prolin C Project Wizard page, write PosLibDemo

    in Project name and select Project type as PAX Shared Library. Press Finish to complete

    the wizard.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    34 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 6.1 Project wizard

    6.2 Build Project

    Build the project and Binaries will be created. The target library is LibPosLibDemo.so in the

    folder default.

  • Library Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 35

    Figure 6.2 Building result

    6.3 Use Library

    LibPosLibDemo.so can be used as a common .so file. The following shows how to add

    LibPosLibDemo.so to project PosAppDemo you just created.

    6.3.1 Copy LIB to Project

    Copy LibPosLibDemo.so to lib_so folder.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    36 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 6.3 Copy library

    6.3.2 Modify Link Option

    Select the PosAppDemo project and open its properties page. In the Properties page, select

    C/C++ BuildSettings. In the Settings sub page, select GCC LinkerOptions.

    Figure 6.4 Project properties

  • Library Developments

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 37

    Click on (Add) icon.

    Figure 6.5 Project properties

    Input library name PosLibDemo in the popup dialog Enter Value.

    Figure 6.6 Input library name

    No needs to input prefix (Lib) and suffix (.so) of the library name.

    6.3.3 Rebuild Project

    Clean the whole project and rebuild.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    38 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 6.7 Building console

  • Code Edit Help

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 39

    7 Code Edit Help

    7.1 Query Functions or Keywords

    Put the mouse pointer above a function or keyword, a prototype will be shown.

    Figure 7.1 Query result

    7.2 Query Details from Documents

    Put the mouse pointer above a function or keyword, press F1 on the keyboard, and then

    search result will be shown.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    40 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 7.2 Query result

    Go to the link that you need, more details will be displayed.

    Figure 7.3 Function detail

    7.3 Input Prompts

    Input prefix of a word, and press Alt+/, all the functions with the prefix will be shown.

  • Code Edit Help

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 41

    Figure 7.4 Input prompts

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    42 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    8 Emulator

    Prolin emulator is a Linux virtual machine which emulates the Prolin system environment.

    With Prolin emulator, users can install unsigned APPs to have a quick view of execution

    results. However, the emulator cannot execute all the functions like a real machine. So, the

    final applications must be verified on a real POS machine.

    8.1 Open Emulator Manager

    Prolin emulator is integrated in the Prolin SDK. Please check the SDK root directory.

  • Emulator

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 43

    Figure 8.1 Emulator directory

    Open EmulatorManager.exe in emulator directory, or select menu PAXEmulator

    Manager to start up the emulator manager.

    Figure 8.2 Open emulator manager

    The emulator manager shows as below.

    Figure 8.3 Emulator manager

    Click New button to create a new PVD. In the new page, input device name. Select Target as

    prolin-2 and Skin as POS-S800.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    44 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    Figure 8.4 Create PVD

    The newly created emulator will be listed in the Prolin SDK and PVD Manager page.

    Figure 8.5 Emulator list

    8.2 Start Emulator

    In the Prolin SDK and PVD Manager page, select a PVD and press Start button to start


  • Emulator

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 45

    Figure 8.6 Launch options

    Click Launch button in the Launch Options page. The emulator looks like this:

    Figure 8.7 Emulator

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

    46 PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

    9 Logcat

    This chapter introduces how to write logs in the source code and how to use Logcat to show


    9.1 Add log

    There are two APIs, OsLogSetTag and OsLog. Use them as the following example. Then

    rebuilt the project, install the package and run the application.

    Figure 9.1 Add log

    9.2 Show Log

    Run the APP. Then select menu Window Open Perspective Other…-> DDMS. The

    DDMS perspective will be open. In this perspective, choose a connected device and its log

    will display.

  • Logcat

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 47

    Figure 9.2 Logcat view

    The Logcat is the most helpful function for developers to check their application source code.

    Please enjoy using it.

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    10 Cppcheck

    Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ code. Unlike C/C++ compilers and many other

    analysis tools it does not detect syntax errors in the code. Cppcheck primarily detects the

    types of bugs that the compilers normally do not detect. The goal is to detect only real errors

    in the code (i.e. have zero false positives).

    The official website of Cppcheck is http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net/.

    This chapter introduces how to install and use Cppcheck in the Prolin SDK.

    10.1 Install Cppcheck

    Open the sdk/tools directory of the Prolin SDK and double click the installation package


    Figure 10.1 Cppcheck


  • Cppcheck

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 49

    Follow the installation wizard, until installation is complete.

    Figure 10.2 Install Cppcheck

    Type the command cppcheck --version on the command prompt. If version information

    appears, indicates a successful installation.

    Figure 10.3 Check Cppcheck

    10.2 Configure Cppcheck Environment

    Open the Prolin SDK and select menu Window->Preferences. In the Preferences page,

    select C/C++->cppcheclipse. Now the configure view about Cppcheck appears.

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    Figure 10.4 Configure Cppcheck

    Click on the Browser… button and set Cppcpheck binary path to Cppcheck installation.

    Figure 10.5 Set Cppcheck binary path

  • Cppcheck

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    10.3 Use Cppcheck

    In the Project Explorer, right-click on the file or directory which needs to be checked and

    choose cppcheck menu.

    Figure 10.6 Run Cppcheck

    The errors detected by Cppcheck will be displayed in the Console window.

    Figure 10.7 Cppcheck running result

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    11 Debug

    It is necessary to read this chapter carefully before you start to debug your source code. Also,

    as always, feel free to ask questions to Prolin support team.

    11.1 Preparation

    Before debugging, breakpoint should be added to source code in order to run single-step

    debug. Then generate and install .aip package.

    11.1.1 Set Debug Content

    Add start_debug function in the program entry.

    Figure 11.1 Add debug code

    11.1.2 Toggle Breakpoint

    Select the Toggle Breakpoint command to add a new breakpoint at any location you want.

  • Debug

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 53

    Figure 11.2 Toggle breakpoint

    Figure 11.3 Breakpoint

    Double click the line to add/remove breakpoints.

    11.1.3 Build and Install APP

    Build and generate an .aip file. Select menu PAXInstall Package to install the .aip file.

    Run the APP. The execution will halt at the position of the first breakpoint, and at this time

    you cannot operate the device.

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    Figure 11.4 App halts

    11.2 Debug Steps

    11.2.1 Open Debug Configurations Page

    When the APP halts and waits for debugging, open Debug Configurations page from the

    system menu RunDebug Configurations.

    Figure 11.5 Open debug configurations page

  • Debug

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 55

    11.2.2 Debug Configuration Settings

    In Debug Configuration page, double click or right click on PAX Debug Launch and select

    New item.

    Figure 11.6 Create a new debug configuration

    A new debug configuration instance is created. It will connect with the emulator or the

    physical machine by network or serial port.

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    Figure 11.7 Debug settings

    Choose a device which you want to debug. Click on Generate Commands button.

    Figure 11.8 Choose device

  • Debug

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 57

    Figure 11.9 Generate commands

    11.2.3 Run debug

    Click Debug button to start Debugging. Check the console area which at the bottom of SDK

    main page. If the information in Console is as below, the GDB is connected successfully.

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

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    Figure 11.10 Console message

    When GDB is connected, you are required to switch to the Debug perspective.

    Figure 11.11 Confirm switch

    Select Yes to open the debug perspective. And the application will stop at the first break point


  • Debug

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    Figure 11.12 Debug perspective

    Single-step debugging, checking variable value, etc, is available.

    Figure 11.13 Debug perspective

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    12 User Help

    Select menu PAXHelp. It has two sub menus: About SDK and Update SDK.

    Figure 12.1 PAX help menu

    12.1 About SDK

    Select sub menu About SDK. About Prolin SDK dialog will be open.

  • User Help

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    Figure 12.2 About SDK

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

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    13 Update SDK

    SDK can be updated online.

    13.1 Update Wizard

    Select menu PAXHelpUpdate SDK, and then update wizard window will pop up.

    Figure 13.1 Update wizard window

  • Update SDK

    PAX Computer Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 63

    There are two tabs. The first tab is update which shows current SDK version and best

    matched libraries. The Continue button will be invalid if current SDK is the latest version.

    If a newer version is available, the Continue button will be in activated state.

    The second tab is History which shows all the update history.

    Figure 13.2 Update history

    13.2 Check Update

    Click Continue button (if it is active) in the Update tab to start updating.

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    Figure 13.3 Update window

    Click Check Update button to get update information. Update list will be shown in

    Components Information.

  • Update SDK

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    Figure 13.4 Check update

    13.3 Download Update Data

    Click Start Download button to start components download.

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    Figure 13.5 Update process

    Downloading results will be shown in Components Information.

  • Customize

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    14 Customize

    14.1.1 Set Code Font

    Select menu WindowsPreferencesGeneralAppearanceColors and Fonts. In the

    Colors and Fonts page, select C/C++EditorC/C++ Editor Text Font…. Click on Edit

    button to set font.

    Figure 14.1 Set code font

  • Prolin SDK Operating GuideOperating Guide

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    14.1.2 Show Line Number

    Select menu WindowsPreferencesGeneralEditorsText Editors, and then tick

    Show line numbers check box.

    Figure 14.2 Show line number

  • Keyboard Shortcuts

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    15 Keyboard Shortcuts

    To view all the keyboard shortcuts, select menu windowPreferences, and then select

    Generalkeys. For instance:

    Ctrl(+Shift)+/: Add block comment.

    Ctrl+D: Delete current line.

    Ctrl+Alt+Up(Down): Copy current lines to the previous (next) lines.

    Alt+Up(Down): Move the current line to the previous(next) line.

    Shift+Enter: Insert line below current line.

    Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert line above current line.

    Ctrl+L: Jump to the specific line number.

    Ctrl+Shift+F: Format the code of current file.

  • Prolin SDK Operating Guide

    Revision HistoryContents1 Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Features1.3 OS Supported1.4 Environment Requirements1.5 User Requirements1.6 Abbreviation

    2 Download and Install2.1 Download SDK2.2 Install SDK2.3 SDK Structure

    3 Open and Register SDK3.1 Activate SDK3.2 Eclipse Launch3.3 Set Workspace3.4 Register SDK

    4 Eclipse Preview4.1 Eclipse Main Interface4.1.1 Main Menu of PAX4.1.2 Toolbar of PAX

    5 Application Developments5.1 Create Project5.2 Edit code5.3 Build Project5.4 Generate Package5.5 Install Package5.6 Import Project5.7 Project Settings

    6 Library Developments6.1 Create Project6.2 Build Project6.3 Use Library6.3.1 Copy LIB to Project6.3.2 Modify Link Option6.3.3 Rebuild Project

    7 Code Edit Help7.1 Query Functions or Keywords7.2 Query Details from Documents7.3 Input Prompts

    8 Emulator8.1 Open Emulator Manager8.2 Start Emulator

    9 Logcat9.1 Add log9.2 Show Log

    10 Cppcheck10.1 Install Cppcheck10.2 Configure Cppcheck Environment10.3 Use Cppcheck

    11 Debug11.1 Preparation11.1.1 Set Debug Content11.1.2 Toggle Breakpoint11.1.3 Build and Install APP

    11.2 Debug Steps11.2.1 Open Debug Configurations Page11.2.2 Debug Configuration Settings11.2.3 Run debug

    12 User Help12.1 About SDK

    13 Update SDK13.1 Update Wizard13.2 Check Update13.3 Download Update Data

    14 Customize14.1.1 Set Code Font14.1.2 Show Line Number

    15 Keyboard Shortcuts

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