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Page 1: User's Manual - MDB1: A Schema Integration Prototype for a Multidatabase System

M D B 1 A Schema Integration Prototype

for a Multidatabase System

User’s Manual

A Thesis Presented to

the Faculty of the College of Computer Studies De La Salle University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Specialization in Software Technology

by Cua, Samuel V. Gaw, Gilbert O. Kiok, Joseph T.

Lau, Jerwynn Glenn N.

Ms. Charibeth Ko Faculty Adviser

August 11, 1999

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1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2. INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3. CONVENTION ................................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 SCHEMA INTEGRATION TOOL ............................................................................................ 4

MAIN SCREEN ....................................................................................................................................... 5 MENU BAR ........................................................................................................................................... 5 TOOLBAR.............................................................................................................................................. 7 PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................ 7

Creating a New Project..................................................................................................................... 7 Create a new blank project............................................................................................................................ 7 Create a project using the wizard................................................................................................................... 8

Using the Component Schema Manager ............................................................................................ 9 Add a component schema ............................................................................................................................. 9 Edit or update a component schema .............................................................................................................10 Delete a component schema.........................................................................................................................11 Edit the database profile of a component schema ..........................................................................................11 Add a Sybase Data Source Name (DSN) ......................................................................................................11 Add an Oracle Data Source Name (DSN).....................................................................................................13 Add on Oracle Service Name......................................................................................................................13

Configuring the Global Database.................................................................................................... 15 Set the user profiles .....................................................................................................................................15

Using the Global Schema Editor ..................................................................................................... 15 Create a global schema ................................................................................................................................15 Create, edit, and remove a global table .........................................................................................................16 Create, edit, and delete a global field............................................................................................................16 Make a field into a foreign key.....................................................................................................................18

Using the Mapping Editor............................................................................................................... 19 Add a mapping entry ...................................................................................................................................19 Map to a field..............................................................................................................................................20 Add a conversion rule..................................................................................................................................20 Map to a value.............................................................................................................................................21 Map to a condition.......................................................................................................................................21 Add a condition statement............................................................................................................................22 Delete a condition statement ........................................................................................................................22 Map to an aggregate function.......................................................................................................................22 Map to a PL/SQL function...........................................................................................................................23 Define PL/SQL function parameters.............................................................................................................23 Set the binding factors .................................................................................................................................24 Add a filter entry .........................................................................................................................................24 Add a filter condition...................................................................................................................................25 Delete a condition........................................................................................................................................25 Edit a filter entry .........................................................................................................................................25 Delete a filter entry......................................................................................................................................25

Using the Conversion Formula Manager......................................................................................... 26 Add a conversion rule..................................................................................................................................26 Edit a conversion rule ..................................................................................................................................26 Delete a conversion rule...............................................................................................................................26

Using the PL/SQL Functions Manager ............................................................................................ 27 Add a PL/SQL function ...............................................................................................................................27 Edit an existing function ..............................................................................................................................27 Delete a PL/SQL formula ............................................................................................................................28 Add a function parameter.............................................................................................................................28 Edit a function parameter.............................................................................................................................28 Delete a function parameter .........................................................................................................................28

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3.0 MIDDLEWARE ............................................................................................................................. 30

MAIN SCREEN ..................................................................................................................................... 31 MENU BAR ......................................................................................................................................... 31 TOOLBAR............................................................................................................................................ 32 PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................... 32

Open a UPM file .........................................................................................................................................32 Save a UPM file ..........................................................................................................................................32 Save a UPM file to a different file name.......................................................................................................32 Manually initiate the update process.............................................................................................................33 Set the update process to run periodically.....................................................................................................34 Stop the update process from running periodically........................................................................................34 Change the update time interval ...................................................................................................................34

4.0 ORACLE CLIENT......................................................................................................................... 36

MAIN SCREEN ..................................................................................................................................... 37 MENU BAR ......................................................................................................................................... 37 TOOLBAR............................................................................................................................................ 38 PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................... 38

Connect to the database ...............................................................................................................................38 Disconnect from the database.......................................................................................................................39 Query the user tables of a database...............................................................................................................39 Query all the tables of a database .................................................................................................................39 Execute an SQL query .................................................................................................................................39

5.0 MESSAGES.................................................................................................................................... 40

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User’s Guide 1Introduction


What goes up must come down. Ask any system administrator.Anon.

The MDB1 multidatabase system consists of three software components,namely the Schema integration tool, the Middleware, and Client Applica-tion. The Schema Integration tool allows you, the DBA, to create the amultidatabase project, which includes the global schema and mappingrule definitions. The Middleware takes this project file to create the actualglobal database, together with the integrated data coming from compo-nent databases. Lastly, the Client appliation allows you to view the con-tents of your global database.

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User’s Guide 2Introduction

1.1. System Requirements

Before using the MDB1system, the following areneeded:

1.2. Installation

1. First, you will be brought to the Welcome pageof the setup process. Read the instructions listedon this page and click Next.

2. On the next page, the license agreement for thesystem is displayed. Read this carefully and clickon Next.

3. To install the MDB1 system to your hard drive,click on Browse and select the directory of yourchoice. After doing this, click on Next.

Client : Hardware:

Pentium 166 PC with 32 MB RAM TCP/IP network connection

Software: Windows 95 Oracle Client Installation ODBC drivers for Oracle and Sybase SQL Anywhere

Server : Hardware:

Pentium II-200 PC with 128 MB RAM TCP/IP network connection

Software: Windows NT 4.0 Sybase SQL Anywhere Oracle8 Enterprise Server

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User’s Guide 3Introduction

4. Setup will then provide you with programs iconthat will be listed in the Start Menu of Windows.Provide the name in the blank space and then clickon Next.

5. The MDB1 system has been successfully in-stalled in your computer. Click Finish to end thesetup process.

1.3. Convention

File > New

This manual uses the following typographic conventions:


Menu commands are separated by the greater than symbol ( > ).They are of the form Main Menu > Sub Menu.

Combinations of buttons to be pressed on the keyboard is enclosedin brackets( < > ) and separated by the plus ( + ) sign.


File types of the MDB1 system in this manual will appear in Cou-rier New .


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User’s Guide 4Schema Integration Tool

A program is a spell cast over a computer, turning input into error messages.Anon.


The Schema Integration Tool is the first module of the MDB1 system. Itenables the user to define a global schema. Aside from this, it also en-ables the user to define mapping rule functions between the global schemaand to any component schemata. This mapping rule definitions will thenbe used by the Middleware to physically integrate data coming from thecomponent databases into the global database.

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User’s Guide 5Schema Integration Tool

Main Screen

Menu BarThis menu bar contains the options provided in the Schema Integration Tool application.

The File menu contains all the functions related to SIT files.Under this menu will you find the appropriate commands tocreate, open, save, and rename SIT files.

The Component Database menu contains thefunction necessary in adding, editing, and de-leting component databases from the project.



New Project. Creates a blank project or prompts the Wizard to assist the user in creating a new project.

Open. Loads an existing SIT file.

Save. Saves the project into a file.

Save As. Saves the project under a different filename.

Recent File. Contains the list of files recently opened.

Exit. Terminates the program.

Component Schema Manager. Adds a new participating component database into the project.

Menu BarToolbar

ComponentSchema Viewer

Status Bar

MappingRules Viewer

GlobalSchema Viewer


System ToolsProject CurrentlyOpened





Schema Tables

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User’s Guide 6Schema Integration Tool

The Global Schema menu is comprised of func-tions related to the Global Database, which in-cludes adding, editing and deleting global tablesand fields.

The Build menu contains the functions that will gen-erate data integration scripts necessary for the up-date process.



Global Database Profile.

Global Schema Editor.

Mapping Editor.

Start Integration Wizard. Prompts the Wizard that will generate data integration scripts that includes the SQL scripts, PL/SQL scripts and the UPM file.

The Tools menu consists of commands to add, edit,and delete formula expressions to be used in mappingthe global schema to the component schemata.


Conversion Formula Editor.

PL/SQL Function Editor.

The Window menu contains functions on window handling.


New Window. Creates another view or window for the project.

Cascade. Arranges windows in a cascade format.

Tile. Arranges windows in a tiles format.

Allows the user to cre-ate, modify and deleteconversion rules to beused in mapping the glo-bal schema.

Enables the user to create,modify and delete PL/SQLexpressions to be used inmapping the global schema.

Creates and edits adatabase profile forthe project.

Creates and edits a glo-bal schema for theproject.

Assigns mapping rules betweenthe global schema and the com-ponent schemata.

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The Help menu consists of functions that pro-vides the user with online help.

Help Topics. Displays the online help.

About Schema Integration Tool. Displays different information about the software.

The Toolbar

New Project. Creates a blank project or prompts the Wizard to assists the user in creating a new project.

Open. Loads an existing SIT file.

Save. Saves the project into a file.

Component Schema Manager. Adds a new participating component database into the project.

Global Database Profile. Creates and edits the database profile for the project.

Global Schema Editor. Creates and edits a global schema for the project.

Mapping Editor. Assigns mapping rules between the global schema and the component schemata.

Start Integration Wizard. Prompts the Wizard that will generate data integration scripts that includes the SQL scripts, PL/SQL scripts and the UPM file.











ProceduresThe following are the steps or the How-Tos in using the Schema Integration Tool.

To create a new blank project:

1. Choose File > New Project or press <Ctrl+N>on your keyboard. The New MultidatabaseProject dialog will be displayed.

2. Select Blank Project and click OK.

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User’s Guide 8Schema Integration Tool

To create a project using the wizard:

1. Select New Project from the File menu or<Ctrl-N>. The New Multidatabase Project dia-log will be displayed.

2. Select Project Wizard and press OK. Theproject wizard dialog will now be displayed.

3. Click Next to start the project wizard. Thesecond page of the wizard will be displayed.

4. Click the Browse button. The Windows de-fault Save As dialog will be displayed. Choosethe preferred directory and enter the filename.Press Save when done.

Note :A directory based on the given file name will also becreated to store the conversion rule file(ConversionFormulas.CAT ).

5. After typing the desired path name, click Nextto continue with the wizard. The third page (Step2) of the wizard will be displayed.

6. The next step is to define the login profile ofthe current DBA.

7. Click Next after all the necessary data are com-pleted. Step 3 of the wizard will be displayed.

8. Enter the login profile for the global user. ClickNext to continue.

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User’s Guide 9Schema Integration Tool

9. Click Component Schema Manager to startadding component databases to participate in themultidatabase project (Refer to To add a com-ponent schema). Click Next to continue.

10. Congratulations! You have successfully cre-ated a new project. Click Finish to end the ProjectWizard.

To add a component schema:

1. Select Component Schema Manager fromthe Component Database menu. The Compo-nent Schema Manager dialog will be displayed.

2. Click the Add button in the component schemamanager dialog. The Connection Manager dia-log will appear.

3. Fill up the necessary login information.

4. Press OK when done. The ComponentSchema Viewer dialog will be displayed.

Notes:PROFILE NAME . Serves as the schema namefor the component database.

DSN/TNS.For ODBC databases, make sure that theDSN is already defined. (Refer to To add aSybase data source name and To add anOracle data source name )

For Oracle database that uses OCI (OracleCall Interface), make sure that the TNS orservice name is already set up. (Refer to Toadd an Oracle service name )

DATABASE TYPE . Choose Sybase if you areconnecting to a Sybase database. ChooseOracle (ODBC) if you are connecting to an Oracledatabase using ODBC or choose Oracle (OCI)if you are connecting to an Oracle database us-ing OCI.

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5. Select the tables you want to participate in thecomponent schema.

6. Click the >> button to transfer all the selectedtables to the participating tables listbox.

7. Click the OK button to finish.

To edit or update a component schema:

1. Select Component Schema Manager fromthe Component Database menu. The Compo-nent Schema Manager will be shown.

2. Select a component schema and click on theEdit button. The component schema viewer willappear.

3. Click on the Refresh button if you want toload the latest schema from the database.

4. Select the tables you want to participate orremove. Click on the appropriate transfer but-ton.

5. Click the OK button if you want changes totake effect, otherwise click the Cancel button.

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To delete a component schema:

1. Select Component Schema Manager fromthe Component Database menu.

2. Select a component schema.

3. Click on the delete button. A warning mes-sage will appear.

4. Click the Yes button if youwant to delete the schema, oth-erwise click the No button.

Warning:Be careful in deleting a component schemabecause doing this may affect some of themapping rules.

To edit the database profile of a componentschema:

1. Choose Component Database > ComponentSchema Manager from the menu.

2. Select a component schema.

3. Click the Login Profile button. The Edit Pro-file dialog will appear.

4. Make the necessary changes.

5. Click the OK button if you want the changesto take effect, otherwise click the Cancel button.

To add a Sybase Data Source Name (DSN):

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Select Control Panel from the Settings menu.

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3. Select ODBC (32bit) from the Control Panel.The ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog willbe displayed.

4. Click on the System DSN tab. Click the Addbutton or press <Alt-D>.

5. Select Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0 and clickthe Finish button.

6. Complete all the necessary information.

Note:Server name refers to the name of the Sybase en-gine running on top of the server machine.

7. Click the OK button.

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To add an Oracle Data Source Name (DSN):

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Select Control Panel from the Settings menu.

3. Select ODBC (32bit) from the Control Panel.

4. Click on the System DSN tab. Click the Addbutton or press <Alt-D>.

5. Select Oracle ODBC Driver and click theFinish button.

6. Fill up the necessary information. Click OKwhen done.

Note:For more information on service names, referto To add an Oracle Service Name.

To add on Oracle Service Name:

1. Click on the Start button.

2. Choose Programs > Oracle for WindowsNT > Oracle Net8 Easy Config.

3. Choose Add New Service and fill up the newservice name field. Click Next.

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4. Choose TCP/IP (Internet Protocol). Clickthe Next button.

5. Type the host name. Host name refers to thecomputer name of the server machine where theOracle database is running. Click the Next but-ton .

6. Type the Database SID (Service ID) field.Click the Next button .

7. Click on the Test Service if you want to verifyif the Oracle database service is successfully con-figured. A dialog similar to the dialog on the rightwill appear.

8. Fill up the username and password field. Clickon the test button.

9. The result will be shown in the edit box be-low. Click done to continue.

10. If the connection wasn’t successful, click onthe Back button to check the configuration, oth-erwise click on the next and finish button.

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To set the user profiles:

1. Choose Global Schema > Global DatabaseProfile from the menu. The Global Database Pro-file dialog will be displayed.

2. Type in the login profile of the DBA and theglobal user.

To create a global schema:

1. After you have created a Global User usingthe Global Schema > Global Database Profileoption, you then click on the Global Schema >Global Schema Editor option.

2. The Global Schema Editor dialog box wouldthen appear. The schema name for the globaldatabase would appear at the top portion of thedialog box. You would notice that the globalschema name is the same as that of the name ofthe global user.

3. The list box found on the left of the dialog boxwould contain the list of global tables created bythe global user. Whenever you click an item inthis list box, the edit box found on the right wouldthen display the script needed to create that glo-bal table.

4. After this dialog box appears, the next thingto do is to provide the schema with its own tablesand fields.

5. After you finished creating the global tablesthat the schema would have, you then click onOK and you would be brought back to the mainscreen.

6. Clicking on Cancel, on the other hand, wouldterminate the creation of the global schema.

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To create, edit, and remove a global table:

1. To create a global table, click on the Createbutton.

2. Give the global table its name by filling up theedit box found at the top of this dialog. The listcontrol found at the center would contain the listof global fields that the global table would own.

3. You can add, edit, and delete global fields byclicking the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons, re-spectively. Also found at the list control are thedifferent properties of the field namely the name,type, description, and the primary key, unique key,and null value constraints.

4. If you’re through creating global tables, clickon OK to go back to the global schema’s dialog.Clicking on Cancel would terminate the creationof the global table.

5. If you wish to create more global tables, justclick on the Create button once again.

6. To edit a global table, simply double click onan item in the list box.

7. To remove a global table from the globalschema, simply select a global table in the list andclick on the Remove button.

To create, edit, and delete a global field:

1. To create a global field, click on the Addbutton.

Note:The following input are mandatory for the creationof a global field: Field Name and Field Type. If the“VARCHAR2” item is selected in the Field Typecombo box, the length input would have to be filledup. The other input namely Description, DefaultValue, Precision, Scale, Primary Key, Unique, NullValues, Indexed Ascending, and Indexed Descend-ing are optional.

Note:The Foreign Key button found at the bottomwould let you define foreign keys for that table.Initially, the Edit and Delete button would bedisabled. It will only be enabled if a globalfield has already been defined. The samegoes for the Foreign Key button.

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2. Each item in the Field Type combo box repre-sents the available data types that a field couldhave in ORACLE. If the NUMBER item wouldbe selected in the Field Type combo box, TheLength edit box would be disabled. Similarly, ifthe VARCHAR2 or CHAR items would be se-lected in the Field Type combo box, the Scaleand Precision options would be disabled. If theDate item were selected, the Length, Scale, andPrecision edit boxes would be disabled. Lastly,if the AUTONUMBER were selected, the userwould be asked to input the starting index of thefield and the number with which to increment theindex.

3. The Default Value edit box would ask you foran input value should the value for the field is notspecified. Selecting NONE would promptORACLE not to supply a value for the field. Thevalues for the field would then be NULL.

4. Checking the Primary Key option would makethe global field a primary key. Similarly, the samegoes for the Unique and Null Values options.

5. Checking the Primary Key option, however,would make the Null Values option would be dis-abled. The reason for this is that whenever a fieldis made into a primary key, the field would not beaccepting Null Values.

6. Checking either the Indexed Ascending or theIndexed Descending option would then instructORACLE to create an index for that field, eitherin an ascending or descending fashion.

7. After filling up the necessary input in creatingthe global field, click OK to go back to the globaltable’s dialog box.

8. Clicking Cancel would terminate the creationof the global field.

Note:If you wish to create more fields for the global table,just click on the Add option again.

Note:The VARCHAR2 data type would have alength of up to 2000 characters. The CHARdata type, on the other hand, would have alength of up to 255 characters. The Preci-sion option would also have an input limitof up to 10E+38.

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9. To edit a field, simply click on an item in the listof global fields and click on Edit.

10. To delete a global field, simply click on anitem in the list of global fields and click on theDelete button.

To make a field into a foreign key:

1. After creating the necessary fields for the glo-bal table. The next step is to decide whether oneor more of these global fields would become aforeign key. If you want to make these fields aforeign key, click on the Foreign Key button.

2. The list box found on the left of the dialogwould contain the fields that the current globaltable has. The combo box found on top of thedialog box would contain the list of global tablesalready created from the current global schema.The list box below it would contain the list of glo-bal fields, which are primary keys, owned by theselected global table in the combo box. The listcontrol below the dialog would contain the list offoreign keys that you have already created andalso those fields that they are referencing.

3. To make a global field into a foreign key,select a global field from the list box found on theleft.

4. You then select a global field from the list boxon the right and you then click on the Referencebutton. This foreign key assignment would thenbe displayed on the list control at the bottom ofthe dialog.

5. To remove a foreign key assignment in the listof foreign key, click on an item and click on theDelete button. The item would be removed fromthe foreign key list and the global field(s) wouldbe returned in the list box on the left.

6. You have to make sure that the global fieldyou wish to turn into a foreign key has the fieldproperties as that of the global field you wishedto reference. Otherwise, an error message wouldbe displayed.

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7. For those global tables having more than oneprimary keys or having a composite key, you haveto make sure that the number of global fields youwished to make into foreign keys is equal to thenumber of global fields you wished to referenced.Otherwise, an error message would be displayed.

8. After you’re through assigning foreign keys,click on OK to go back to the global table’s dia-log box.

9. Clicking on Cancel would terminate the con-version of the global fields into foreign keys.

To add a mapping entry:

1. Select Mapping Editor from the GlobalSchema Menu. The Global Mapping Editor willbe displayed.

2. Select a table you wish to add an entry to.

3. Click Add Entry and the Define MappingEntry dialog will be shown.

4. Map the fields accordingly (map, condition,aggregate, function).

5. Click Ok when all the fields have been mapped.

Note:If there are no table or field names in the list, itmeans that you have not yet added any com-ponent database. To do so, refer to To AddComponent Databases.

Note:Highlighting or selecting a field in the MappingEditor dialog would display a summary of themapping rule in simple English.

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To map to a field:

1. Select the global field you wish to map.

2. Select the Map Radio Button and press De-fine. The Define Map dialog will be displayed.

3. Select the table and field name you wish tomap to.

To add a conversion rule:

1. Check the convert checkbox. The Set but-ton will be enabled.

2. Click the Set button. The Set ConversionFormula dialog will be displayed.

3. Select the Pre-Defined formula radio button.This will enable the user to select a pre-definedformula in the list.

4. Select the conversion formula you wish toapply to the mapping rule.

Note:A conversion rule can be applied when youwant to convert a field to another scale. Anexample of this is when you want to convert afield (whose scale is in centimeter) to feet.

Note:If a message box similar to the one on theright appears after pressing the OK button,refer to To Set Binding Factors .

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5. If you want to define your own formula, togglethe Define Formula radio button. Type in the for-mula and press OK.

To map to a value:

1. From the Mapping Editor screen, select theglobal field you wish to map.

2. Select the Map radio button and press De-fine. The Define Map dialog will be displayed.

3. Check the Value radio button and enter thedesired default value.

4. Click OK when done.

To map to a condition:

1. From the Mapping Editor screen, select theglobal field you wish to map.

2. Select the Condition radio button and pressDefine. The Define Mapping Condition dialogwill be displayed.

3. A condition mapping can consist of 1 or morecondition statements. To add a condition state-ment, refer to To add a condition statement.

4. Type in the default value for the conditionmapping.

Note:The user-defined formula may only containa valid expression. A valid expression canonly contain the following: four arithmeticoperators (+,-,*,/), numeric values with deci-mal numbers, and the word VALUE to rep-resent the component field.

Note:The Default Value for the condition mapping isfor cases when all of the condition statementsaren’t satisfied.

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To add a condition statement:

Note:A condition statement can consist of 1 or more con-dition and a result value.

1. From the Define Mapping Condition screen,click the Add Condition Button. The Define Con-dition Statement dialog will be shown.

2. Select a field or type a value for each of thetwo operands.

3. Select the relational operator you need fromthe list.

4. Select the Field radio button if you want theresult value to be mapped to a field. Otherwise,you can check the Specify radio button whichwill enable you to specify your own result string.

To delete a condition statement:

1. Select the condition statement you wish todelete.

2. Press the Delete Condition button.

To map to an aggregate function:

1. From the Mapping Editor screen, select theglobal field you wish to map.

2. Select the Aggregate radio button and pressthe Define button. The Define Aggregate dialogwill be displayed.

3. Select the desired aggregate function fromthe function list (Concatenate, Average or Sum).

4. Add the desired fields to be included in thefunction by selecting the fields and press the >>button.

Note::There are three aggregate functions (average,concatenate, and sum) included in the system.

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5. To specify a value to be included in the pa-rameter list, simply select the Specify radio but-ton, type the value and press the >> button.

To map to a PL/SQL function :

1. Select the global field you wish to map.

2. Select the PL/SQL Function radio button andpress the Define button. The Define PL/SQLFunction dialog will be displayed.

3. Select the function name from the functionlist. The parameters included in the function willbe displayed in the list box. To define the param-eters, refer to To define PL/SQL function pa-rameters.

4. Click OK to finish the mapping.

To define PL/SQL function parameters:

1. Click Define Parameters. The Define Param-eters dialog will be displayed.

2. Click the parameter that you want to bemapped.

3. To map the parameter to a field, check theField radio button and select the desired tableand field to be mapped to.

4. To map the parameter to a value, click theValue radio button and specify a string to map to.

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5. Click Link to map the variable and the value.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the rest of the param-eters to be defined.

To set the binding factors:

1. From the Define Mapping Entry dialog, clickthe Binding Factors button, the Define BindingFactors screen will be displayed.

2. Adding a binding factor simply requires theuser to select two fields from the two list box,and press the Add button.

3. Deleting a binding factor can be done by click-ing an entry in the list and press the Delete But-ton.

To add a filter entry:

1. Click on Add Filter in the Define Entry dialog.The Add Filter dialog will appear.

2. Add one or more conditions for your filter.For instructions on how to add a condition, referto To add a filter condition.

3. When finished adding all conditions, click onOK.

Note:Table filters are useful in resolving certain types ofschema conflicts. You can define Table Filters foryour mapping entries. To do this, click on Add Fil-ter in the Define Mapping Entry dialog. The TableFilter dialog will appear and ask you to define filterentries and conditions.

Note:Binding factors are the join condition of twodatabase tables. In cases where you linkedto two groups of unlinked tables, bindingfactor(s) are necessary.

Note:The red dots on the left of some fields meansthat their table is currently participating in themapping.

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User’s Guide 25Schema Integration Tool

To add a filter condition:

1. Select a field or type in a value for the leftoperand.

2. Select a relational operator.

3. Select a field or type in a value for the rightoperand.

4. Click on Add. The new condition will beadded to the list of conditions for the filter entry.

To delete a condition:

1. Select the condition you want to delete.

2. Click on Delete.

To edit a filter entry:

1. Select the entry you want to edit.

2. Click on Edit.

3. Make your modifications. You can either addor delete conditions for your filter.

4. Click on OK when finished.

To delete a filter entry:

1. Select the entry you want to delete.

2. Click on Delete.

3. Click on OK in the Table Filter main dialogwhen finished.

Note:When you add multiple filter entries of a MappingRule entry, these filters are ORed. This means thatat least one filter entry should be satisfied, in orderfor a row of data to be included in the global table.

Note:When you add multiple conditions for a filterentry, these conditions are ANDed. Thismeans that all conditions must be TRUE, inorder for a row of data to be included in theglobal table.

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User’s Guide 26Schema Integration Tool

To add a conversion rule:

1. Choose Tools > Conversion Formula Editor.The conversion formula manager will be displayed.

2. Click Add. The Define Formula dialog willbe shown.

3. Enter the formula name and expression.

4. Click OK when done.

To edit a conversion rule:

1. Choose Tools > Conversion Formula Editor.The conversion formula manager will be displayed.

2. Select the conversion rule to edit and clickthe Edit button.

3. Make the necessary changes.

4. Click OK to save the changes, otherwiseclick cancel.

To delete a conversion rule:

1. Choose Tools > Conversion Formula Editor.The conversion formula manager will be displayed.

2. Select the conversion rule to delete.

3. Click the Delete button.

Note:A valid formula expression can only con-tain the following: four arithmetic operators(+,-,*,/), numeric values with decimal num-bers, and the word VALUE to represent thecomponent field.

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User’s Guide 27Schema Integration Tool

To add a PL/SQL function:

1. Choose Tools > PL/SQL Function Editor.The PL/SQL Functions Manager will be displayed.

2. Click on Add. The Define Function dialog boxwill appear and ask you to define the functionspecifications such as name, parameters, returnvalue, etc.

3. Enter a name for the new function.

4. In the Return Type field, select the data typeof the return value.

5. Define function parameters in the Parameterssection.

6. Declare your local variables in the Local vari-ables section.

7. Put in the function code in the Function Bodyedit box.

8. Click on OK when finished.

To edit an existing function:

1. Double-click on the function you want to edit.The Define Function dialog box will appear, con-taining the current function definition.

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User’s Guide 28Schema Integration Tool

2. Make any needed modifications to the exist-ing definition.

3. Click on OK when finished.

To delete a PL/SQL formula:

1. Select a function in the list box.2. Click on Delete.

To add a function parameter:

1. In the Define Function dialog, click on Add.A small pop-up dialog will appear and ask youfor the parameter definition.

2. Enter the parameter name.

3. Select the data type of the parameter.

4. Click on OK or press Enter. The new pa-rameter will be appended to the list of functionparameters.

To edit a function parameter:

1. In the Define Function dialog, double-clickon the parameter you want to edit. A small pop-up dialog will appear, containing the current pa-rameter definition.

2. Make any appropriate changes.

3. Click on OK or press Enter. Your modifica-tions will be updated in the function parameterlist.

To delete a function parameter:

1. In the Define Function dialog, select the pa-rameter you want to delete.

2. Click on Delete.

3. Click on Done when finished with everything.

Note:When you define a function, the systemprompts you to give a different function nameif it is already used by an existing function.

Note:The PL/SQL function you define in the Func-tion Editor should conform to the PL/SQL lan-guage specifications. The system does notcheck right away if the function you definedis valid or error-free. Any function definitionerrors would be detected in the function com-pilation process during data integration(Middleware).

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User’s Guide 29Schema Integration Tool

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User’s Guide 30Middleware

All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.-Anon.


This is the second module of the MDB1 system. Using the mapping ruledefinitions defined on the Schema Integration Tool, the Middleware is thenresponsible for integrating data coming from the component databasesand storing it into the global database. The Middleware also enables theuser to define time intervals on which the Middleware will be doing periodicupdates.

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User’s Guide 31Middleware

Main Screen

Status Bar

Update Log Summary


Menu Bar

System Tools

Current File Opened

Next UpdateTime Indicator

Update TimeInterval Indicator

Menu BarThis menu bar contains the main menus provided in the Middleware application.

The File menu contains all the functions related to UPM files. Also,under this menu will you find the appropriate commands to open,save and rename an existing UPM file.

The Update menu contains functions for updating the global da-tabase. Also available are commands that enables the user toset time intervals for data integration.



Open. Loads an existing UPM file.

Save. Saves the project into a file.

Save As. Saves the project under a different filename.

Recent File. Contains the list of files recently opened.

Exit. Terminates the program.

Update Now. Starts the integration process.

Set Update Interval. Sets time interval for updates.

Enable Update. Activates the timer for periodic update.

Disable Update. Stops the timer for periodic update.

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User’s Guide 32Middleware

The Toolbar


The Help menu consists of functions that provides the user withan online help.

Help Topics. Displays the online help.

About Middleware.

Open. Loads an existing UPM file.

Save. Saves the project into a file.

Update Now. Starts the integration process.

Open Update Now


ProceduresThe following are the steps or the How-Tos necessary to use the Middleware.

To open a UPM file:

1. Select Open from the File menuor press <Ctrl+O> on yourkeyboard. The Open dialog boxwill be displayed.

2. Go to the folder where thedocument is stored, then selectthe UPM file you want to accessand click Open.

To save a UPM file:

1. Choose File > Save from the menu or press<Ctrl+S> on your keyboard.Any previous changes will beautomatically written to the file.

To save a UPM file to a differentfile name:

1. Select Save As from the Filemenu. The Save As dialog boxwill be shown.

Displays different information about the soft-ware.

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User’s Guide 33Middleware

2. Select the folder where you want to store the newcopy. Type the desired filename in the filename editbox and click Save.

To manually initiate the update process:

1. Open a UPM file. (Refer to To Open a UPM file)

2. Choose Update > Update Now or click . The update dialog will be displayed

Important:In cases where there are schema changes in the componentdatabases, the Schema Changes dialog will be displayed.Information related to the changes (i.e. altered fields or tables)is listed.

Click the Yes button if you still want to continue with theupdate process, otherwise click No. Clicking the Yes buttonmay result in unpredictable errors during the latter part of theupdate process. It is recommended that you click the Nobutton and resolve this problem.

The following steps can be taken to resolve the problem:

1. Run the Schema Integration Tool application.

2. Open the schema integration tool file previ-ously saved.

3. Choose Component Database > ComponentSchema Manager to display the schema man-ager.

4. Select the altered component database andclick Edit. The component schema viewerwill be displayed.

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User’s Guide 34Middleware

5. Click the Refresh button to update the com-ponent schema.

6. Generate a new Update Manager file.

7. Reopen the Update Manager File with theMiddleware application and start with theupdate process again.

To set the update process to run periodically:

1. Open a UPM file. (Refer to To open a UPMfile)

2. Choose Update > Set Update Interval. TheSet Timer Interval dialog will be displayed.

3. You can choose different time intervals fromdaily, weekly and monthly basis. To set acustom time interval, select the specific timeinterval option, then increase or decrease thedays, hours, and minutes options.

4. Click the OK button.

5. Select Enable Update from the Update menuto start the timer. Note:

· If the update time interval has already beenset previously, ignore steps 2-4.

To stop the update process from runningperiodically:

1. Select Disable Update from the Update menu.

To change the update time interval:

1. Choose Update > Select Update Timer In-terval in the menu. The Set Timer Intervaldialog box will be displayed.

2. Make the necessary modifications.

3. Click the OK button.

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User’s Guide 35Middleware

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User’s Guide 36Oracle Client


The last module of the MDB1 system is the Oracle Client (or the ClientApplication). The main function of the Oracle Client is for querying datathat was physically integrated into the global database. The OracleClient then returns and presents the result to the user.

Sometimes it pays to stay in bed in Monday, rather thanspending the rest of the week debugging Monday's code.

Dan Salomon

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User’s Guide 37Oracle Client

The Connect menu contains functions for connecting and disconnectingfrom a database. Also under the Connect menu will you find the commandto close the Oracle Client.

The Query menu contains functions that are used to execute SQLstatements and to query user and system tables.

Menu Bar


SQL queryedit box


Status Bar

System Tools

Menu Bar

Main Screen

This menu bar contains the main menus provided in the Oracle Client.


Connect. Enables the user to connect to a database.

Disconnect. Terminates the connection with the database.

Exit. Closes the program.



User Tables. Query user tables from the database.

All Tables. Query system tables from the database.

Send and run the SQL statement in the database viaODBC.

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User’s Guide 38Oracle Client


As the name suggests, the Help menu includes functions thatprovides the user with an online help.


Help Topics. Displays the online help.

About Oracle Client. Displays different information about the software.

Connect. Enables the user to connect to a database.

Disconnect. Terminates the connection with the database.

User Tables. Queries user tables from the database.

All Tables. Queries system tables from the database.

Execute. Sends and runs the SQL query in the database via ODBC.


To connect to a database:

1. Select Connect in the Database menu. TheSelect Data Source dialog box will appear.

2. Click the Machine Data Source tab.

3. Select a data source name.

4. Click the OK button.

5. Fill up the necessary login information andpress the OK button.

The following toolbar in the Oracle Client is available to the user. They provide an easier way for theuser to work things out.

The following are the steps or the How-Tos necessary to use the Oracle Client.



User Tables

All Tables


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User’s Guide 39Oracle Client

To query all the tables of a database:

1. Connect to a database. (Refer to To con-nect to a database)

2. Choose Query > All Tables or click on .All system tables will be displayed in the re-sult box.

To execute an SQL query:

1. Connect to a database (Refer to To connectto a database).

2. Type your query in the SQL statement editbox.

3. Choose Query > Execute or click on . All the query results will appear in the result box.

To disconnect from the database:

1. Select Disconnect in the Database menu.

To query the user tables of a database:

1. Connect to a database. (Refer to To con-nect to a database)

2. Choose Query > User Tables or click on . All user tables with relevant informa-

tion will be shown in the result box.

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User’s Guide 40Oracle Client

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Messages User’s Manual 41

4.1. Assign Foreign Key Dialog System Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken Assignment of foreign composite key is not complete. Do you wish to exit now and drop newly mapped tables?

An exit command was made while foreign key assignment was not complete.

Selecting “Yes” would delete the global field from those foreign key assignments that have the global field either as a foreign key or as a reference. Selecting “No” would return to the original dialog.

Fields do not match data types. The fields that are being assigned to one another as foreign and reference keys do not have the same data type.

Make sure that both fields have the same data type when making a foreign key assignment.

Fields do not match length values.

The fields that are begin assigned to one another as foreign and reference keys do not have the same length values when their data types are “CHAR”.

Make sure that both fields have the same length value when making a foreign key assignment.

You are trying to assign another foreign composite key. The previous foreign composite key assignment is still incomplete. Do you wish to continue and drop newly mapped fields?

The assignment of foreign key was not completed. This was due to the fact that the global table has a composite key instead of just a primary key.

Make sure that the foreign key assignment is complete by referencing all of the global table’s global fields before making another assignment.

Select first the target foreign field.

A foreign key assignment is being attempted while the target foreign key is not selected in the dialog.

Select the target foreign key in the dialog before making a foreign key assignment.

Select first the field to be referenced.

A foreign key assignment is being attempted while the target reference key is not selected in the dialog.

Select the target reference field in the dialog before making a foreign key assignment.

There are no elements in the list.

A delete foreign key command is being attempted when the list of foreign key assignments is empty.

Make sure that the list of foreign key assignments is not empty before making an attempt at deleting.

Select an item to be deleted. A delete foreign key command is being attempted when the foreign key assignment to be deleted is not selected in the dialog.

Make sure that the target foreign key assignment is selected in the dialog before making an attempt at deleting.

Assignment of foreign composite key is not complete. Do you wish to continue and drop newly mapped tables?

The assignment of foreign key was not completed. This was due to the fact that the global table has a composite key instead of just a primary key.

Make sure that the foreign key assignment is complete by referencing all of the global table’s global fields before making another assignment.

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Messages User’s Manual 42

4.2. Create Global Field Dialog System Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken

Field name already exists. The given name for the global field already exists in the current global table.

Give the global field a different name.

Field name required. The global field was given a name.

Give the global field a name.

Field type required. The global field was not assigned a data type.

Give the global field a data type.

Field name used is a reserved word.

The given name for the global field is a reserved word in Oracle.

Give the global field a different name.

Precision length is not within range [1..38].

The precision value for the global field with a type of “NUMBER” was not within the range of 1..38.

Assign a precision value for the global field that is within the range of 1..38.

System does not accept '0' for precision.

The precision value was given a value of 0.

Change the precision value that is not equal to 0.

Precision value is required. A precision value was not provided for the global field when the data type is “NUMBER”.

Provide a precision value for the global field.

Length of field <field name> required.

A length value was not provided for the global field when the data type is “CHAR”.

Provide a length value for the global field.

Invalid length value. Must be less than or equal to 2000.

The length value exceeded the value of 2000 when the data type is “VARCHAR2”.

Change the length value of the global field that is less than or equal to 2000.

Invalid length value. Must be less than or equal to 255.

The length value exceeded the value of 255 when the data type is “CHAR”.

Change the length value of the global field that is less than or equal to 255.

Increment value must not be equal to 0.

The increment value of the global field when the data type is “AUTONUMBER” was given a value of 0.

Change the increment value of the global field that is not equal to 0.

4.3. Create Global Table Dialog System Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken Table name already exists. The given name for the global

table already exists for the schema.

Give the global table a different name.

Table name used is a reserved word.

The given name for the global table is a reserved word in Oracle.

Give the global table a different name.

Field name required. The created global table has no global fields.

Create global fields for the global table.

Table name required. The global table was not given a name.

Given the global table a name.

The table <table name> is being referenced by other tables. Do you wish to remove <table name> from the other tables' foreign key constraints?

A global field was added with the status of the primary key set to true. This is done while the current global table is being referenced by other global tables.

Selecting "Yes" would delete those foreign key assignments that references the global table. Selecting "No" in the message box would return the number of primary keys to the

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Messages User’s Manual 43

previous one. Select the item to be deleted. An item that is supposed to be

deleted in the list of global fields was not selected.

Select an item in the list of global fields.

The field <field name> is either a foreign key or is being referenced by other fields. Do you wish to continue with the deletion of field <field name>?

The global field name was deleted while it is a foreign key or it is being referenced by other global fields.

Selecting “Yes” in the message box would delete those foreign key assignments that contain the name of the global field. Selecting “No’ would not delete the global field.

Select the item to be edited. An item that is supposed to be edited in the list of global fields was not selected.

Select an item in the list of global fields.

You have changed the primary key status of table <table name>. The table <table name> is being referenced by other tables. Do you wish to remove <table name> from the other tables' foreign key constraints?

The number of primary keys of the current global table being table was changed. This is done while the global table is being referenced by the other global tables’ foreign key constraints.

Selecting “Yes” would delete those foreign key assignments which references the global table. Selecting “No” would return the primary key status of the global field into the previous one.

You have changed the type of table <table name>. The field <field name> is either being referenced by other tables or is a foreign key. Do you wish to remove <field name> from the other tables' foreign key constraints?

The field type of the global field was changed to another while the global field was previously a foreign key or is being referenced by other global fields.

Selecting “Yes” would delete the global field from those foreign key assignments that have it either as a foreign key or as a reference. Selecting “No” would return the previous type of the global field.

You have changed the length of table <table name>. The field <field name> is either being referenced by other tables or is a foreign key. Do you wish to remove <field name> from the other tables' foreign key constraints?

The length value of the global field with a type of “CHAR” or “VARCHAR2” was changed to another value.

Selecting “Yes” would delete the global field from those foreign key assignments that have the global field either as a foreign key or as a reference. Selecting “No” would return the previous length value of the global field.

4.4. Global Schema Editor Dialog System Messages

Message Occurence Course Taken Select the item to be deleted. A delete global table command is

being attempted when the target global item to be deleted was not selected.

Make sure that the target global table is selected before making an attempt at deleting.

The table <table name> is being referenced by other tables' foreign key constraints. Do you wish to continue with the deletion of table <table name>?

The attempt to delete the global table was made while the global table is being referenced by other global tables’ foreign key constraints.

Selecting "Yes" in the message box would delete those foreign key assignments that references the global table. Selecting "No" in the message box would not delete the global table from the global schema.

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Messages User’s Manual 44

Schema name used is a reserved word.

The given name used for the global schema is a reserved word in Oracle.

Give the global schema a different schema name.

Schema name required. The global schema was not given a schema name.

Give the global schema a schema name.

4.5. Mapping Editor System Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken

Binding factors are not completely linked.

The binding factors you have set do not project a cycle.

Correct the binding factors.

Current mapping indicates that you have mapped from # tables. Do you want to set the binding factors now?

The mappings that you’ve made require binding factors.

Choose YES and define the binding factors.

Data type not defined. The parameter’s data type was left undefined.

Define the parameter’s data type and continue.

Duplicate binding exists. A duplicate binding already exists.

Choose another set of fields to set as the binding factors.

Duplicate formula name exists.

A duplicate formula name already exists.

Choose another formula name.

Function must have a parameter.

The function doesn’t have any parameters defined.

Define at least 1 parameter for the function.

Function must have a return type.

The function doesn’t have a return type defined.

Define the return type for the function.

Function name cannot be an Oracle reserved word.

The function name cannot use an Oracle reserved word.

Give another function name.

Function name is already used by a different function.

A duplicate function name already exists.

Give another function name.

Invalid expression. The formula expression you’ve entered is invalid.

Correct the formula expression.

Invalid function name. The function name you’ve entered contains invalid characters.

Correct the function name.

Invalid parameter name. The parameter name specified is invalid.

Correct the parameter name.

No Formula selected. There is no formula name selected.

Select a formula name and continue.

No function name defined. You have not yet defined a function name.

Type a function name.

No parameter name specified. The parameter name is not specified.

Specify a parameter name.

No parameter selected. There is still no parameters selected.

Select a parameter and continue.

Password does not match. The passwords given are not the same.

Correct the wrong password.

Please complete all fields. There are incomplete fields. Fill up the missing fields. Please define conditions first. There are still no conditions

defined. Define at least 1 condition and continue.

Please define formula expression.

The formula expression has not been entered yet.

Define a formula expression.

Please define formula name. No formula name was entered. Give a formula name. Please insert parameters. No parameters were defined. Define at least 1 parameter.

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Messages User’s Manual 45

Please select a field to map to. You haven’t specified a field to map to.

Select a local field to map to.

Please set a default value. You did not set a default value. Specify a default value. The field is an autonumber and cannot be mapped to any mapping rule.

The global field is defined as an autonumber; a mapping rule cannot be attached to an autonumber.

Ignore and continue.

There are n tables missing in the binding.

There are still participating tables unlinked.

Add the missing binding factors.

There are still undefined parameters.

There are parameters left undefined.

Complete the parameters required.

There are still unmapped fields.

Unmapped fields still exist. Map the rest of the fields to a mapping rule.

Username cannot be an Oracle reserved word.

The username given is an Oracle reserved word.

Choose another username.

4.6. Component Schema Manager Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken DSN (Data Source Name) not found and no default driver specified

You attempted to connect to a DSN, which does not exist in the Control Panel (ODBC 32Bit).

Add the DSN in the Control Panel (ODBC 32Bit).

ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Driver’s SQL SetConnectAttr failed

You entered an invalid username or password when connecting to a component database.

Enter a valid username and password.

Schema Already Exist You entered a profile name that is already used in the project.

Enter a new profile name.

ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name

There are two possibilities: 1. You are trying to connect to

an Oracle database that is not running.

2. You didn’t configure the service name of an Oracle database you are trying to connect to.

First, check if the Oracle database is running. If it is not running, start the database to run on the server. Second, try to configure the service name of the Oracle database using Oracle Net8 Easy Config, if it is not yet configured.

Unable to connect to database server: unable to start specified database.

You attempted to connect to a Sybase database that is not running.

Start the Sybase database.

Database Type Incorrect. You chose the wrong database connection type when connecting to a component database.

Choose the right database connection type in the Connection Manager module.

Connecting to Database… Please Wait…

The system is currently connecting to a component database.


Tables referenced by foreign keys will automatically be included in the Participating Tables list.

In the Component Schema Viewer, tables referenced by foreign keys of selected tables will automatically be included by the system to participate in the multidatabase.


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Messages User’s Manual 46

Deleting the component schema may affect some of your mapping rules. Do you want to continue?

This message is prompt when you tried to delete a component schema. The system warns you that deleting the component schema may cause some mapping rules to be invalidated.

To delete the component schema, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No.

4.7. Middleware Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken The following changes may affect some of your mapping rules. Do you want to continue the Update Process?

During the verify schema of the update process, the system detect some schema changes in the component databases.

To continue the update process, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No.

Error encountered while (a process): (Error Message)

There was an error encountered during the update process.

Check out the log file and try to correct the problem if possible.

Failed to open log file The log file to be written is being used by other applications.

Close the application that is using the log file.

Cannot save log file There are two possibilities: 1. The log file to be saved is

being used by other applications.

2. There is not enough free space in the hard drive left.

First, close the application that is using the log file if there is any. Second, free some disk space in the hard drive if it is already full.

Update Process Unsuccessful The update process was not executed successfully because there was an error encountered.

Check out the log file and try to correct the problem if possible.

Interval should at least be one minute.

You set the update interval to a value less than one minute.

Set the update time interval to one minute or greater.

4.8. Client Application Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken Executing SQL Messages… Please Wait…

The system is currently sending the SQL statements to the ODBC driver manager and waiting for the query results.


ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement State: 37000,Native: 900, Origin:[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]

You entered an invalid SQL statement.

Input a valid SQL statement.

4.9. Formula Manager Messages

Message Occurrence Course Taken No functions selected The user clicks on the edit or delete

button in the PL/SQL Function Manager.

Select a function in the list box to edit or delete.

No parameter selected

The user clicks on the delete button in the Define Function Dialog.

Select a parameter to delete

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Messages User’s Manual 47

No function name defined The user clicks on OK without completing the function name field.

Enter a name for the function.

Invalid function name. The user enters a function name containing spaces.

Remove spaces in the function name.

Function name cannot be an Oracle reserved word.

The user enters a function name that is an Oracle reserved word.

Give a different function name.

Function must have a return type.

The user did not specify a return type.

Specify a return type.

Function must have a parameter.

The user did not specify any parameters for the function.

Specify at least one function parameter.

Function name is already used by a different function.

The function name is already used by an existing function.

Give another name for the function.

No parameter name specified

The user did not give a name for the parameter.

Enter a name for the parameter.

Invalid parameter name.

The user entered a parameter name that contains a space.

Remove spaces from the parameter name.

Data type not defined. The user did not specify the data type for the parameter.

Specify a data type for the parameter

Cannot save Function Catalog

There is a file sharing violation. Make sure that no other program is accessing the catalog file.

Unable to load Function Catalog

The system cannot open the catalog file. May be caused by a file sharing violation.

Make sure that no other program is accessing the catalog file.

Cannot save Formula Catalog

There is a file sharing violation. Make sure that no other program is accessing the catalog file.

Unable to load Formula Catalog

The system cannot open the catalog file. May be caused by a file sharing violation.

Make sure that no other program is accessing the catalog file.

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