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Page 1: Using forms in oXygen XML editor

Using forms in <oXygen/> XML editor

Page 2: Using forms in oXygen XML editor

Introduction• Mario Cesar (developer in Yan’s minions team)

• Goal of this session What can be done with <oXygen/> Provide samples you can take home

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Prerequisites• TEXTML Server content store using 4.1 vanilla

configuration with FAQ specialization

• <oXygen/> Editor 17.0

• DITA CMS Eclipse client

• Web Author (Glassfish, Tomcat)

• Supported Internet browser (IE, Firefox, but not Chrome)

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Overview• We will…

Establish our requirements for this practical sceMario

Take a look at local <oXygen/> framework (CSS, Actions)• Defining <oXygen/> actions CSS files Binding button to actions in CSS files Dynamically reading configuration files

Show the rendering in Web Author

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Describe the practical scenario• Notes

<oXygen/> files bundle called Framework that is used in Author mode

Focusing on <oXygen/> DITA Framework Rendering is done throughout CSS files

• FAQ topic created will have the following elements: Title and short description Dynamic selection of category and sub category using

metadata elements Group’s title Pairs of questions / answers elements

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Sample faq topic<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE faq PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD IXIA DITA Composite//EN" "IxiaDitabase.dtd"><faq id="faq"> <title>[Problem title]</title> <shortdesc>[Problem description]</shortdesc> <prolog> <metadata> <othermeta content="" name="category"/> <othermeta content="" name="subcategory"/> </metadata> </prolog> <faqbody> <faqgroup> <title>[Group Title]</title> <faqlist> <faqitem> <faqquest>[Question]</faqquest> <faqans>[Answer]</faqans> </faqitem> </faqlist> </faqgroup> </faqbody></faq>

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Sample faq topic Author

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Practical scenario inDITA CMS Eclipse client

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Take a look at local <oXygen/> framework (CSS, Actions)

• Declaring actions in <oXygen/> framework. (add.question, add.groupQuestion, del.question)

• Location of the files• The Dita Framework, CSS files location• dita.css is the top CSS. • Adding faq.css to dita.css• Taking a look at faq.css

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Practical scenario inWeb Author

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Thank you!

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