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What’s wrong with this picture?

Photoshop 101

Can be found at: Start > Programs > Education > Adobe Photoshop

Copyright issuesSetting up the work areaAdjusting and retouching imagesEditing imagesCompositing imagesWorking with type

Copyright IssuesNever pass a copyrighted image off as

your own, even if you have made changes to the image

Be especially careful when publishing images to the web

Examining the Photoshop Window

The Workspace includes the following elements:Work areaCommand menuTools paletteStatus barPalettes

Command Menu Palettes

Tools Work Area

Status Bar

Using Tools and Palettes

You can rearrange the toolbar and palettes to create the best workspace for your needs

To select a tool, simply click on itIf you are unsure what a tool does,

hover the mouse over the tool, and a description will come up

Using Tools and Palettes

You can bring a background palette to the foreground by clicking its name

To see palette options, click on the arrow on the top right of the palette

Opening Images in Photoshop

If you want to work on a digital image, simply click on File -> Open, and then browse to the file and double-click to open it

If you want to work on a printed image, you must first scan the image in to a digital format

You can also create an image from scratch by clicking File -> New


Undo is perhaps the greatest function that Photoshop offers

You can experiment as much as you want, knowing that you can always go back

Click Edit > Undo, or hold down [Ctrl] and hit Z to undo

You can also undo a large amount of steps using the History palette

In-Class ExerciseOpening Adobe Photoshop

Adjusting and Retouching ImagesAdjusting Levels and Auto Levels

Used to change the image color settings

Adjusting and Retouching Images

Adjusting and Retouching Images

Color Dodge and BurnUsed to lighten or darken specific areas of an


Adjusting and Retouching ImagesClone Stamp

Alt-Click to define source area, then click and drag over the destination area to “clone” part of an image This tool in effect

allows you to copy and paste part of an image

Adjusting and Retouching Images

Applying FiltersThere are over 100 filters

to choose fromFilters allow you to make

pre-defined changes to all or part of an image to create a desired effect

Each filter has changeable settings

Filters are very powerful and extremely useful

Editing Images

Various Selection Types

Selection Tools allow you to select a specific part of an image for editing or moving

Marquee- Shape Select Tool

Various Selection Types

Magic Wand – Select similar tool

o Select a spot on an image, and Magic Wand will select all adjacent areas that are a similar color range

o This is a very useful tool

Various Selection Types

• Lasso, Polygon Lasso and Magnetic LassooUser-defined Select tools

oMagnetic Lasso actually “clings” to the edge of image areas

Resizing Images

Click on Image, then Image Size to resize the image

You can Constrain Proportions

You can choose the size unit type before resizing

Transforming Images

Used to make geometric changes to a selection

Select the part of the image to which you want to apply a Transformation

Click on Edit > Transform and choose a Transform type

Using Layers

Layers allow you to make changes to part of an image without affecting other parts

The Layers palette shows all of the layers in an image and allows layer-specific editing

You can change the visibility of a layer, adjust the layer’s blending options and stack layers in a different order

Using Layers

When editing multi-layer documents, always make sure you have the proper layer selected!

JPEG, the most popular image format, does not support layers. If you save an image as JPEG, the layers will merge down into a single layer

Combining Images

Combining Images

Photoshop allows you to combine multiple images into a single image, using layersStart with a background image

Combining Images

Extract the necessary parts of one or more foreground images by selecting Filter>Extract, then drawing an outline to create a selection and filling in the shapes

Combining Images

You can then copy and paste the extracted image(s) onto the background image by choosing Select All, then Copy on the source image and Paste on the destination image.





If any further questions arise, please contact a lab consultant in any of the following Instructional

Computing Labs.SSB 103 SSB 452

Math TLC (UC 050) Ward E. Barnes Library

Thomas Jefferson Research Commons

Additional Information

http://www.micros.umsl.eduThe Microcomputer Program at the

University of Missouri-St. Louis offers day and evening computer courses as part of the Chancellor's Certificate series.

http://www.umsl.edu/stg The Online Student Technology Guide has

answers to many computing questions.http://help.umsl.edu

Online self-service solutions for UMSL Technology Issues

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