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Page 1: Using Play Therapy to process trauma in children

Using Play Therapy

to process traumaMark Loewen, LPC


Page 2: Using Play Therapy to process trauma in children

Landreth’s definition:

A dynamic relationship between a child and a therapist trained in play therapist trained in play therapy procedures who provides selected play materials and facilitates the development of a safe relationship for the child to fully express and explore self through play, the child’s natural medium of communication, for optimal growth and development. (Landreth, 2002)

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Language: Play

A playroom should include toys of these categories:

Family/Nurturing toys

Scary toys

Aggressive toys

Expressive toys

Pretend/Fantasy toys

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Active listening skills

Tracking behavior, “You are picking that up.”

Reflecting content, “You really liked that movie.”

Reflecting feeling, “That makes you very sad.”

Facilitating decision making, returning responsibility

Facilitating creativity, spontaneity

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Active listening skills

Esteem-building, encouraging

Facilitating relationship

Reflecting larger meaning

Limit setting

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When responses to child’s play are accurate:

The child will intensify the play activity

The child will make an additive play response

They will reduce the distance between self and therapist

They will have an instant “pause” response.

They will include therapist in the play

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Functions of Play

Children learn what no one can teach them

Children that don’t yet use abstract thought can use symbols for something they experienced

Change the unmanageable in life to manageable solutions in play

Things that are too threatening can be expressed indirectly through play

Toys are like words, play is like language

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Landreth’s objectives of Play Therapy

Develop a more positive self-concept

Assume greater self-responsibility

Become more self-directing

Become more self-accepting

Become more self-reliant

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Landreth’s objectives of Play Therapy

Engage in self-determined decision making

Experiences a feeling of control

Become sensitive to the process of coping

Develop an internal source of evaluation

Become more trusting of himself

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Who we are:Launch Pad is a counseling practice in Richmond, VA that helps children, teens, and families overcome stressful circumstances and life changes.

What we do:We use interactive counseling approaches including Play Therapy, Expressive Therapies, and mindfulness based activities we help children and teens get rid of anxiety, worry, depression, and grief. Through family counseling and parent coaching, families achieve closer relationships, reduce power struggles and arguments, regain balance, and feel better.

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