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An Experimental Study at SMAN 7 Banda Aceh

1. Background of Study

Reading is an important skill in learning a language besides listening,

speaking, and writing. It is not only about how to recognize words, but also how to

understand the writer’s ideas and perception of his or her writing. According to

Henderson (2007: 3).“Reading is defined as the interpretation of graphic symbols,

which implies that the reader must be able to make association with appropriate

meaning.” Reading also can be defined as the way to comprehend text and its

appropriate meaning. The students read a text then they try to find the meaning of

each sentence appropriate to the context. Reading is an English language skill that is

difficult to learn but it is a key to knowledge. By reading, students get information,

enjoyment, and can also enlarge their knowledge. Reading is important in teaching

and learning activities to understand the purpose of the study. Therefore, reading is a

significant skill that must be developed by the students in senior high school.

Reading comprehension is the process of understanding ideas from text to the

reader’s mind. Reading without comprehension is nonsense and useless.

Comprehension is how the students understand and get the messages from the printed



Furthermore, Ducther (1990:25), stated that “Reading is the process of

constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the reader’s existing

knowledge, the information suggested by the text and the context of the reading

situation”. A reader must be able to recognize words and understand ideas in detail.

Knowledge comes from both understanding the words and sentence meaning.

Thus, there are some techniques to improve the students’ performance in

reading comprehension, such as reading aloud, drill and Survey, Question, Read,

Recite, and Review (SQ3R). In this case, the writer is interested in discussing about

the SQ3R technique to improve students’ performance in reading comprehension.

This technique gives the students some systematic steps to improve their

understanding of the reading activity.

SQ3R is a five steps technique to assist students in reading for comprehension

or study purposes. SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review; it is

a useful technique for extracting the maximum amount of benefit from reading


By using the SQ3R technique, the writer hopes that the students can improve

their reading performance with a good understanding about the text or material that

they read. SQ3R helps the students to have a good comprehension in reading by

providing several steps. It includes surveying or previewing the material before

actually beginning reading and developing questions that the reader feels the writer

may pose or answer. In doing these two steps before actually beginning reading, the


reader begins to form some general ideas on the subject or topic to be read and begins

guessing at the writer's intent. Some studies show that these two steps help to engage

the reader's interest in the material and help to improve comprehension of material.

As concluded by Mayer (1999) “There is a need for further research to confirm a

positive relationship between SQ3R and reading comprehension”. So that is why the

writer wants to conduct the research entitled “Using SQ3R in Improving Students’

Performance in Reading comprehension.”

2. Statement of Problem

In the teaching learning process the students always focus on searching or

finding a word meaning, not on understanding the whole reading text. The common

teaching learning process seems monotonous, the students tend to read and translate

the text without comprehending it. That process makes the students bored. So that is

why SQ3R will be tested to find out whether it makes students eager to read.

3. Objective and Significance of Study

The aim of this research is to find out whether the SQ3R technique can

improve students’ performance in reading comprehension.

If successful, this research will give teachers a better technique for teaching

reading comprehension. The teacher can apply the SQ3R technique to improve the

students’ performance in reading comprehension and improve students’ knowledge


about reading comprehension. For students, it will help them to understand reading

texts and improve their study skills.

4. Scope Study

This research focuses on using SQ3R to improve students’ performance in

reading comprehension. In this study, the writer focuses on the students’ reading

performance of second grade students at senior high school. The study concerns about

literal and inferential comprehension. Literal comprehension is the information that is

explicitly stated within the text while inferential comprehension is the implicit

information of the reading text.

5. Literature Review

5.1. Reading

According to Rumelhart (1997) as quoted by Aeober& Mary (2007: 5) “In the

most general term we may say that reading involve the reader, the text, and the

interaction between reader and text”. Reading is the most important skill in learning

a language. The students can read to gain knowledge and improve their ideas. They

can enhance their performance in understanding the reading text as well.

5.2. Reading Comprehension

Reading is not only spelling words in written material, but also understanding

what we read; we have to get the meaning and information from this activity. Wise

(2007:1) stated that “Reading comprehension is the process of understanding and


constructing meaning from a piece of text”. This activity is called reading


5.3. SQ3R

According to Fleming (2009:9) “SQ3R is an active reading technique that is

designed to help the readers get a fuller understanding of their reading materials”.

The readers will need to keep a pen and some paper on hand to use this technique.

The SQ3R technique is one of the techniques in reading comprehension which helps

students to comprehend the material besides reading aloud and drill.

5.4. Performance

English Oxford Dictionary (2002) has defined that “Performance is the

language that a speaker or writer actually produces, as distinct from his or her

understanding of the language”. It means that the language is produced well by the

speaker. The American Heritage (2000:684) also stated that “Performance means the

act of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely

processing it”. In this study, performance is students’ proficiency in understanding

reading text.

6. Hypothesis

This research will assess the process of using SQ3R to improve students’

performance in reading comprehension. The writer formulates the hypothesis as



H 1(Alternative Hypothesis): SQ3R improves the students’ performance in

reading comprehension.

H 0 (Null Hypothesis): SQ3R does not improve the students’ performance in

reading comprehension.

7. Research Methodology

In conducting this research the writer will use two types of research. They are

field research and library research. The field research is conducted in a school while

the SQ3R technique is taught. Library research is used to find research supporting

theory such as books, journals, articles and other supporting references.

7.1. Method

Data will be collected by giving the same test to the Experimental Group (EG)

and Control Group (CG). The Experimental Group (EG) will be taught on the use of

SQ3R technique in comprehending reading texts.

The method of this study is quantitative which will be done experimentally by

the writer. The quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in

which numerical data are utilized to obtain information about a phenomenon

(Humaira, 2010:23). This study is generally approached using scientific methods

which include the development of instruments, methods for measurement,

experimental control, manipulation of variables, collection of empirical data, and so

on. The data will be collected by giving some tests to the Experimental Group (EG)


and Control Group (CG). At the beginning of the field research, the writer will give

pre-test to both the groups. The Experimental Group (EG) will then be taught how to

apply SQ3R to comprehend reading text. After the treatment of Experimental Group

(EG) using SQ3R, both groups will be re-tested.

7.2. Research Design

Form of sampling that will be used in this study is simple random sampling.

The population of this study is homogenous and has the same opportunity to be

selected as the sample. Simple random sampling is the process of selecting a sample

where all the individuals that exist in the population have equal chances to be selected

as sample. In other words, every individual has the same opportunities to choose from

and each election of certain individuals has no effect on other individuals. The

population in this study is second grade students of SMAN 7 Banda Aceh.

The sampling process in simple random sampling method involves

determining the population; identify any number of populations and the selection of

individuals as a sample on the same occasion. One way to do this is to write each

individual name on a piece of paper, then put the papers in a hat or other container,

shake the container, and select the paper from the container until the number satisfies

of participants.

Classroom teaching also will be based on the following steps. These are some

steps to apply the SQ3R technique during the teaching learning process for reading

comprehension. First, the writer will explain to the students about SQ3R; what SQ3R


is, the advantages of SQ3R, and how to apply SQ3R in the teaching learning process.

The writer gives the students reading text, and then the writer will explain each of

SQ3R steps in more detail. As the first step of SQ3R, the writer asks the students to

survey the whole text in order to know roughly what the text tells about. It is about

the title and subtitle. The second step is that the students will question themselves or

create the question by themselves from the reading text they have just surveyed. They

will guess the questions that are commonly asked by the writer and keep the

questions in their mind or they can write on a piece of paper the questions that they

have created. The next step is that the students should read the text carefully in order

to have a good comprehension of the reading text. The fourth step is to recite. In this

step, the students should retell the material they have just read in order to have a

better understanding. The final step is to review; the writer will ask the students to

review the reading text in order to have a better overview of what they have learnt. In

this last step, the students make conclusions or summaries of the reading text.

7.2.1. Subject of Research

Gay states that (2006) "Population is the group of interest to the researcher”

Population of this research is students of SMA 7 Banda Aceh. The writer will choose

second grade students of SMAN 7 Banda Aceh as the sample of this research. The

number of students is about from 30 to 35 each class. Because it is impossible to

involve all students in this study, the writer will choose only two classes. These

classes are named experimental group and control group.


7.2.2. Instrument of Data Collection

a. Technique

In this study the writer will use second grade students of SMAN 7

Banda Aceh as the sample. Due to the research to be conducted, experimental

research in which there are experimental group (EG) and control group (CG),

the writer will randomly take two of seven classes as experimental group (EG)

and control group (CG). The writer will use simple random sampling method

in selecting both of groups. The writer will compare the experimental group

(EG) and control group (CG) to find out whether there are any differences in

students' performance to comprehend reading text by using SQ3R.

b. Instrument

The writer will collect data by using a set of tests. The tests will be

used to measure the data and information about students' performance in

comprehending the reading texts. In this study, the writer will give a test to

measure students' comprehension in reading. There are two tests will be given

to the students; pre-test and post-test. Pre-test will be given at the beginning

and post-test will be given at the end of the study to find out the improvement

of students' performance in comprehending reading texts. The writer will use

four reading text. The question will be in three parts. In the first part, students

have to answer the essays which refer to the text. For this part, there are 10

questions. The second part, students have to choose the right answer which is


presented in five multiple choice questions. For the last part, students have to

determine whether the sentence is right or not, and there are five sentences

given. So the total number of questions is 20 questions.

7.2.3. Data Analysis

In conducting this research, the writer will choose two classes. One class will

be taught by using the SQ3R technique and the other one will be taught by using the

usual method namely Grammar Translation Method (GTM). The writer chose

Grammar Translation Method because it is still applied in teaching learning process

in the school. It is common in use. Both of classes will get the same materials. The

point that will be studied is the students’ performance in reading comprehension by

using SQ3R and without using it. The writer will apply experimental research as the

way in conducting this research.

In order to analyse the data collected, the writer will use the statistics formula

to calculate the test scores obtained from the experimental group and control group.

The t-test is used to determine whether the different between two means of the group

is statistically significant. In computing the pattern of t-test, there are some steps that

must be followed.

Based on Arikunto (2006), Statistical formula for an experimental study is

orderly arranged as follow:

Mean Score


To gain the average of all score, the mean score is most commonly

reported indicator of central tendency.

Mean =X=

∑ X



X = Score

N = Number of subjects

∑ = sum or add (standard deviation

Variance (S2) and Standard Deviation (SD)

Variance and standard deviation depict the basis of the data after mean

which is commonly used in most of research. Variance and standard deviation

are commonly used in educational research too. This technique will save time

in this research. The variance formula is:

S2=∑ X2−∑ X2


Standard Deviation is the square root of variance:

SD =√S

T-test Formula


T score is used to determine the difference degree between two

means. Whether or not the t-test is statistically significant, we have to

consult the t-test table. The table also requires the degree of freedom (d.f).

The formula is as follows:

T=x̄1− x̄2

√ S12





In which:

T = is the significant different between two means

x1 = is the mean score of the first test

x2 = is the mean score of the second test

s1 = is the standard deviation from the mean of the first group data

s2 = is the standard deviation from the mean of the second group data

N1 = is the number of participants in the first group of the students

N2 = is the number of participants in the second group of the students

Degree of Freedom


The hypotheses above must be proved by using the degree of freedom (d.f)

and the critical value (tt). To calculate d.f the writer uses the following


(d.f) = N1 +N2 – 2


N1 = number of participants of EG

N2 = number of participants of CG


8. Research Schedule

To collect data, the writer will conduct research in SMAN 7 Banda Aceh. The

writer will use written test as a measurement. Test will be divided two parts: pre-test

and post-test. Pre-test will be given at the beginning of the study or before the writer

teaches SQ3R to determine the improvement of students in understanding the reading

text, while the post-test will be given at the end of the study. The students will be

given 45 minutes to answer the test questions.

After the pre-test, the writer will teach the experimental group SQ3R. The

writer will teach the students SQ3R for four meetings. The activities of the

experimental group will be explained as follows.

Before the first meeting the students will be given a pre-test. At the first

meeting, the learning process will be started with a discussion of SQ3R. The writer

will explain about SQ3R and its application. The writer will provide the reading text

to the students while explaining each step in the SQ3R technique, so the students can

apply this technique directly to the reading text provided by the writer. In this case,

the students will work individually. At the second meeting, the writer will give

another reading text. SQ3R will be applied directly in the second meeting. The

students immediately apply the SQ3R technique in reading the text given by the

writer. This activity will continue until the fifth meeting so that students know and


feel the advantages of this SQ3R technique directly. Post-test will be given at the

sixth meeting as the last meeting after teaching SQ3R is completed. Experimental

Group (EG) and Control Group (CG) will undergo post-tests simultaneously. The

students must answer questions provided by the writer in 45 minutes.


Timeline Schedule

Meeting Activities


The introduction of SQ3R; explanation of the application and

the benefits and advantages of SQ3R. Students will be given a

reading text to immediately apply for SQ3R technique.

Pre-test will be given after all the activities above activities


II The first treatment will conduct by giving a reading text to the

students that will surely be read by using SQ3R.


The second treatment also will be carried out with the same

text in the first treatment. Then added in the way of answering

the questions that must be eradicated.

Treatment kedua juga akan dilaksanakan dengan teks yang

sama pada treatment pertama. Kemudian akan ditambahkan

dengan cara-cara menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada

hingga tuntas.

IV The third treatment will students will be given a new reading

of the text. It is expected that students understand and feel the

benefits and advantages of the SQ3R.

Pada Treatment ketiga akan siswa akan diberikan teks bacaan


yang baru. Diharapkan siswa semakin memahami dan

merasakan manfaat serta kelebihan-kelebihan dari SQ3R.


The fourth treatments, which is the last treatment in this study.

Text readings on the third treatment will be continued in the

fourth treatment with the same activity, namely to answer the

questions thoroughly.

VI Post-test


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