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Page 1: Using the Actor Model with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Reactive Systems - with Vaughn Vernon

Using the Actor Model withDomain-Driven Design (DDD) in

Reactive Systems

@VaughnVernonCopyright © 2012-2017 for{comprehension} All rights reserved.

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[email protected]

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Consulting and Trainingfor{comprehension}

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1973 - 2003

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Cores Matter

More cores, not (much) faster cores

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Threading Is Easy!

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Threading Is Hard!

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Actor Model

Alan Kay: “The big idea is messaging...”

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Carl Hewitt, 1973

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Jonas Bonér, Akka

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Actors AreReactive

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Reactive Is

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Reactive Is

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Reactive Is

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Reactive Is

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Why the Actor Model Now?


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Because Cores

88 / 200+ cores with Xeon Phi co-processors

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Direct Asynchronous Messaging

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Lock-Free, Share Nothing

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Become:Prepare for Next Message

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Actor System

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Actor Concurrency

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How Many Actors?




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Typical Architecture

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Complexity Stack

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Simplicity Stack

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Inventor of DDD

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Essence of DDD

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Context Mapping

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Responding to RapidNew Business Direction

DDD enables necessaryknowledge crunching

Actors and messages enablesrapid implementation and

clear understanding

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Actors and DDD

Alan Kay: “The big idea is messaging...”

Alan Kay: “The Actor model retained moreof what I thought were the good

features of the object idea.”

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UbiquitousLanguageAs Actors and messages...

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Command Event


Command Event

Event StormingTime

Use design-level storming

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Transactional Consistency Boundary

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● Immutable state object/record


● Transition and replace stateupon command

● Emit corresponding event

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Reactive Systems

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Read: Designing Reactive Systems With The Actor Model (free O'Reilly book)

Watch: Benefits Of The Actor Model For Cloud Computing: A Pragmatic Overview For Java Architects (co-presented with Forrester Research)

Learn from experts: ask about our Embedded Lightbend Engineer (ELE) forkickstarting your Reactive initiatives

More Resources You May Enjoy…

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Austin (TX) - October 18-20, 2017


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[email protected]


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