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Page 1: Using your VISION to Build an Extraordinary Student Pipeline

Presented by: Jacob Flaws Senior Sales Associate Kuder, Inc.

Using your VISION to Build an

Extraordinary Student Pipeline

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• Career development

• Assessment

• Professional Development

• College & Career Readiness

What does this mean to you?

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Today’s Agenda

• Introductions

• Overview of Kuder, Inc.

• A “Talent Pipeline” Example

–Students, Counselors, Parents

• CAT Essentials

• Q&A

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About Me (My Holland Code)

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• My college prep story

– HS Career Counseling?

– 3 major changes

– Bachelor’s in History & Psychology

– Master’s in History

– Working in education

– Working in sales/communications

About Me

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About You

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About Kuder

Over the last 75+ years, millions worldwide have relied on us for reliable solutions.

150 million people have used Kuder;

three million new users annually.

More than 12,000 sites domestically; 100 internationally.

Created 120 custom systems

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• Our Mission:

– To raise student aspirations and to provide career options to students and adults through self-assessment and education.

• Our Goals:

– Guide students and parents through successful eighth-grade and post-high school transitions.

– Increase retention and graduation rates.

– Provide career planning, guidance, and development resources to last a lifetime.

Our Mission & Goals

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• Research-based assessments since 1938.

• Dr Frederic Kuder: – The “father of reliability.”

– Innovator of vocational assessment.

– Co-developed the KR-20 and KR-21 formulas for calculating the alpha coefficients for assessment scale scores.

– Kuder Preference Record (1938) was groundbreaking.

History & Legacy

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Kuder Research Faculty

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Reliability and item discrimination of KCIA Holland subscales

(based on data from N=5871)


subscale Reliability coefficient*

Average discrimination power value

Realistic 0.940 0.757

Investigative 0.937 0.745

Artistic 0.900 0.650 Social 0.923 0.706

Enterprising 0.888 0.622

Conventional 0.930 0.726 *Based on internal consistency techniques. Data from test-retest design currently being gathered and the results are expected to be quite high since Holland preferences are relatively stable over time.

High Psychometric Qualities

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Partnerships & Affiliations

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• Provides paths, on-ramps, and transitions

– Logical Framework

• Standardizes Processes

– All in one house

• Usable Data!

• Connects Students, Teachers, Counselors,

Businesses and Parents in the career planning process

Why is a pipeline important?

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A Kuder Example

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• Tracking and Management – Help educators/administrators track and manage student progress.

• Accountability – Provide ability to Quantify, Qualify, and report on measurements.

• Outreach – Provide real-time data grounded with 75 years of research to support enrollment,

program placement, and educational connection.

• Retention

– Whether at secondary or postsecondary levels, we increase retention rates and the percentage of students that stay in school, complete their education, and transition to their next stages in life.

• Professional Development – CAT, CDF

Who We Help

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• Lack of knowledge.

• Lack of time.

• Increase effectiveness.

• Increase efficiency.


Why did we create CAT?

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Professional Development

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February 2 – March 21

Video conference to be held March 21

10% off to all presentation attendees.


Course Dates

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Questions? Questions?

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