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Using  FICAM  as  a  model  for  TSCP  Best  Prac:ces  in  Physical  Iden:ty  and  Access  Management  

TSCP  Symposium  

November  2013  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Quantum  Secure’s  Focus  on  FICAM  and  Related  Standards  

§  Complete  Suite  of  Physical  Iden:ty  and  Access  management  tools,  which  align  with  FICAM  

§  Industry  Leadership  and  Par:cipa:on  v  SIA  Iden:ty  Management  CommiOee  v  SIA  PIV  Working  Group  v  Smart  Card  Alliance  v  Open  Security  Exchange  v  Regular  IAB  Mee:ng  AOendance  v  Public  GSA  EPTWG  Par:cipa:on  

San  Francisco  Airport  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Pressure  Points  and  Conformance  Driving  FICAM  Alignment  


NIST  SP  800-­‐116  FICAM  OMB  M-­‐11-­‐11  

FIPS  201-­‐2  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

What  is  FICAM?  

§  Federal  Iden:ty,  Creden:al  and  Access  Management  Roadmap  and  Guidance,  Version  2  

§  400+  page  Document  

§  Authored  by  Federal  CIO  Council  

§  Best  Prac:ces  in  ─  Governance  

─  Defining  Target  (segment)  Architectures    

─  Transi:oning  from  AS-­‐IS  to  Target  State  

─  Proper  creden:al  issuance  

─  Provisioning  iden::es  for  logical  and  physical  access  

─  Lifecycle  privilege  management  for  con:nuously  updated  access  authoriza:ons  

─  Compliance,  Audit,  Accountability  


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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

One  Iden'ty  

Elimina1on  of  redundancy    Policies  &  procedures    

Improved  PIV  card  interoperability  Within,  between  agencies  

Compliance    Internal,  external  controls  

 Increased  security  Close  security  gaps  

Enhanced  customer  service    User-­‐friendly  transac>ons  




Increased  protec1on  of  PII  Secure  data,    secure  access  

Goals  And  Expected  Outcomes  For  FICAM  Implementa:on  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

FICAM  Alignment  Both  Logical  and  Physical  are  Held  to  the  Same  Standard  

PACS  Brand  A  

PACS  Brand  B  

PACS  Brand  C  

Logical  Iden>ty  Access    

Management  (LIAM    or  LACS)  

Physical  Identity Access    

Management    (PIAM)  

Access Management •  Policy-driven privilege

assignment •  Automated Workflows •  Compliance, Enforcement

Authorita:ve  Iden:ty  Management    HR,  LDAP,  IdM  

PIV/CAC  CMS  US  Access,  DEERS,  etc.  

Authoritative Identity Management •  Card issuance, etc.

Resources: •  Software applications •  Database access •  Door access •  Metal keys •  Asset access

HR,  Payroll   Produc1vity  tools  


Web  Sites  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Primary  Themes  in  FICAM  to  Achieve  Goals  PACS  are  Held  to  the  Same  Standard  as  LACS  

§  Privilege  Management  for  Physical  Access  ─  Policy  Automa:on  -­‐  Automa:c  assignment  of  access  based  on  combina:on  of    business  rules  such  as  role/:tle,  training,  project  or  special  work  assignment,  security  clearance  level,  opera:ve,  etc.  

─  Process  Automa:on  -­‐  Automated  workflows  requiring  human  approvals  

§  End  to  End  Integra:on  ─  Bi-­‐direc:onal  integra:on  with  Authorita:ve  Database(s)  for  real  :me  updates  to  PACS  provisioning  

─  Centralized/Transparent  support  for  all  PACS  (brands)  within  a  given  opera:onal  en:ty  (department,  agency,  etc.)  

§  Result  ─  Reduce/eliminate  human  error  

─  Apply  uniform  access  policy  across  all  users  and  processes  

─  Save  money  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Privilege  Management  for  Physical  Access  

Physical  iden:ty  and  access  management  (PIAM)  technologies  provide  authen:ca:on,  authoriza:on  and  provisioning  services  in  order  to  efficiently  streamline  the  lifecycle  of  a  physical  iden:ty  within  a  global  organiza:on.    PIAM  ensures  the  right  Physical  ID’s  –  i.e.  employees,  visitors,  contractors,  vendors  –are  properly  authen:cated  and  have  the  right  access  to  the  right  areas,  for  the  right  reasons  for  a  specified  dura:on  of  :me.  

Right  Physical  IDs  

Right  Access  

Right  Times  

Right  Reasons  

1Gartner  Research;  Physical  Iden:ty  and  Access  Management;  Feb  2012  


“Physical  iden>ty  and  access  management  (PIAM)  deployments  are  increasing  due  to  technology  and  product  development,  compliance  mandates,  a  greater  desire  to  manage  alterna>ve  user  popula>ons  such  as  on-­‐premises  visitors  and  contractors,  and  a  sharp  emphasis  on  >mely  and  secure  access”1      

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

The  Current  State  of  Physical  Access  Management  (the  As-­‐is  State)  

Contractor  Database  


Corporate  HR  System  

•  Mul:ple  disjointed  systems  –  many  s:ll  non-­‐PIV  compliant  •  Limited  use  of  PIV  card  for  physical  &  logical  access  •  Mul:ple  (onen  manual)  processes  for  iden:ty  veong,  on-­‐/off-­‐boarding,  creden:aling  and  enrollment,  background  checks,  etc.  

•   Audit  &  compliance  process  –  manual  and  costly  •   Lack  of  interoperability    •  Common  framework  for  physical  &  logical  security  lacking  •   Ability  to  put  “internal  controls”  is  manual    •  Customer  service  is  manual,  slow,  complicated,  error  prone  •  Cost  of  security  opera:on  -­‐  high  

Inter-­‐Agency  or  PKI  

Infrastructure  Mul1ple,  Disparate  Physical  Access  Control  Systems  

Standalone  Readers,  Locks,  Keys,  Tokens,  Dosimeter  

Clearance  Management  

Training  Database  




Email  Phone  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Case  Study  for  Mapping  a  COTS  product  to  FICAM  Model  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

SAFE  Agents  for  Authorita1ve  Datasources  1

SAFE  OCSP/  SCVP/  CRL  Agent  3

SAFE  Agents  for  Physical  Access  Control  Systems  2

SAFE  Applica1on  Modules  for  FICAM  •  Personnel  Mgmt/  

Cardholder  Database  •  Privilege/Access  Mgmt  •  Visitor  Mgmt  •  Repor1ng  (pre-­‐defined  

reports)  •  Rules/Workflow  Engine  



Mapping  SAFE  to  the  FICAM  Target  State:      Figure  108  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

SAFE  Applica1on  –  Self-­‐service  3

SAFE  Applica1ons  –  Process  and  Policy  Automa1on  Privilege/Access  Mgmt  


SAFE  Applica1on  –  Pre-­‐defined  reports   6  

SAFE  Agent  for  Physical  Access  Control  System  4

SAFE  Agent  for  Authorita1ve  Source  1

SAFE  Agent    for  email  5

Mapping  SAFE  to  FICAM  Privilege  Management  –  Figure  34  

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Policy  Automa:on  –  No  Human  Interven:on  

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Presentation Title and date (update in slide master) 14

Process Automation – Human Driven

•  One end user interface for making all types of physical security requests

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Integra:on  Framework  

Policy  Server  

Physical  Iden:ty  &    Access  Management  

 Physical  Iden:ty    and  Access  Manager  

Web  Badging  

Self  Service  Portal  

Asset  Manager  

Visitor  Iden:ty  Manager  

Contractor    Registra:on  Portal  

Tenant  Management  Portal    

Compliance  &    Risk  Management  

Compliance  Regulator  §  NERC/FERC  §  SOX  §  FDA/DEA    §  Audit  Management  

Document  Management    

Infrac:on  Manager  

Watch  List  Manager  

AOesta:on  Audit  

Security    Intelligence  

Robust  Repor:ng  

Iden:ty  Analy:cs  

Alarm  Analy:cs  

Iden:ty  &    Event  Correla:on  

SAFE  Event    Correla:on  Engine  

Privilege  Management  Applica:on  Suite  

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Bringing  it  All  Together:    FICAM  Security  Management  System  

Source: CIO Council FICAM Roadmap Modernized PACS Brochure - 2011

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Payoff  for  Adop:ng  FICAM  Best  Prac:ces  


Source: CIO Council FICAM Roadmap Modernized PACS Brochure - 2011

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©  2013  Quantum  Secure,  Incorporated.    All  Rights  Reserved.    Confiden:al.  

Thank  you!  

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