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Page 3: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals


Vol. 19 Issue: 7 July 2019

Editorial Board V.N.N. Pillai, (Chief Editor)

Prof. Omcheri N.N. Pillai, C.M. Nagarajan, M.V. Haridas, Varathra Sreekumar

E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uttaraguruvayurappan.orgTel: 22710305, 22711029


apJ¡ pdn¸v .. ..........................................4

The Essence of the Ramayana..........5 Swami Chinmayananda

Krishna Sukhtas .......................................8Adv., P. Ramachandran

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BÀj ktµiw

3July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw


Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals follow the rule of nature and accept birth and death as part of life. But humans consider life as an exalted phenomenon, birth as its stimulant and death as an impediment. In Indian philosophy, birth and death are merely a repetitive event in the continuum of life where actions determine the nature of life. Hence, Indian scriptures like Bhagavad Gita or Kathopanishad elaborately speak about the triviality in worrying about death (followed by another birth).

But it is not easy for human beings to stop worrying about death. Though most of the time we are all engaged in planning future life as well as acquiring and storing better things for tomorrow quite oblivious about death, we also do worry about death as something that follows us unwanted, a shadow that refuses to diminish or instead grows big as we get older. Death becomes a fear as we grow old, to be precise.

It is in this context that we should learn the four Ashramas described in Varna Ashrama Dharma. Unfortunately, we learn about Varnashrama Dharma in the context of social status, like caste or job more than as a parameter to live happily throughout life, irrespective of our age or condition of health. As we know, we are curious to know more, listen all around and imbibe quickly at tender age. That is precisely the age for brahmacharya, the first Ashrama. Whatever we learn at that period will remain with us till death or even beyond and therefore, such a period should not be missed to learn as much as we can. After that comes some responsibilities where what we learned can be used to build up personal and societal life. Such a period is called Grihasthashrama where we enjoy rights and hold responsibilities.

In fact, both the above periods are more or less comfortably followed by us these days. But when it comes to the remaining two Ashramas that ultimately lead to a peaceful death, we dither a lot. The third Ashrama, called Vanaprastha is now generally considered an independent one which, if anyone desires, can be pursued at an early age itself because it ultimately leads to the fourth Ashrama, namely Sanyasa. In fact, the great sages who devised these four Ashramas did not mean the last two Ashramas to be followed by a few people only, least by those who have an aversion to material life! The last two Ashramas definitely form part of everybody’s life, irrespective of whether they greatly contribute to society or live an ordinary life.

Vanaprastha (which literally means, retreat to seclusion) is the act of gradually getting away from worldly affairs that help us to relieve ourselves from responsibilities as well as desires. It is not about running away from material life, but leaving whatever we have built up for posterity to pursue, hopefully in a better way. It is the best way thought out by our ancient sages to avoid clinging to material possessions and relations that ultimately make us uncomfortable about death. In other words, the third Ashrama is for making us aware of the inevitability of death, while the fourth one, Sanyasa, help us face it peacefully and gracefully.

Of course, we are ordinary people who do not have the great boon, like Bhishma Pitamaha, to die at our will (swachhanda mrutyu) but we too can face the ultimate inevitable end calmly, if we follow the principles of Varna Ashrama Dharma, which is one of the basic tenets of Sanatana Dharma.


4 Pqembv 2019

Editorial Board

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Where a true miracle happens - alas! the average man has no eyes to see it. Only gross magical acts he recognises as miracles. Jesus commanding a lame man to get up and walk, is a miracle. But a fragrant beautiful flower blossoming out of a mere heap of dung, is just an accident! When summer clouds gather and dance in the skies, it is only a routine happening! The very Ramayana started as a miracle....

One day when Valmiki was going to the Ganges to take a bath, he saw a Krauncha couple (a pair of curlews) sitting on the branch of a tree. A hunter shot at one bird which fluttered and fell down dead. The tragic sight evolved in Valmiki the composition of a poem, which in turn caused the gods to request him to write an Epic Poem. Thus came forth the Ramayana - a miracle in itself.

It came out in spite of man, through man. The poem was written by a man well-established in the Ultimate Reality, who was expressing through his work, the pure Advaita Philosophy, the contents of the Upanishads. The glory of the poem is that the ideal states of living are expressed - the ideal brother, son, king, enemy, friend and the ideal man living in society. But all this is mere paraphernalia. The core of this poem is utterly divine -which explains why the glorious story of Rama is so popular even today.

'RAMA' itself means "SARVESHU RAMANTE ITI RAMAH" - that which revels in everyone of us, the pure light of Consciousness, the Atman, the Self, the Atma-Rama. This spiritual essence in us, can come out only as a son of Dasaratha, one who has conquered all the ten indriyas - five Gnanedriyas and the five Karmendriyas. It will be born in you and reborn only in Ayodhya (Yuddha means conflict, Ayodhya means where there is no conflict, meaning, where all conflict has ended). In that Ayodhya which is ruled only by the self-controlled man (the one given to

self-indulgence and pleasures can have no peace and tranquility) Dasaratha's son Rama is born. This Rama, the pure Self, cannot enter into any active participation in life unless wedded to the mind. Seeta (the mind) is ready. She is not born to Janaka by wedlock. While ploughing the land, he finds Seeta. If a girl is got every time the land is ploughed, agriculture would have ceased long ago.

The mind appeared from the most inappropriate place ever. It is absurd to enquire deep into this. Later you find that the same Seeta disappears into Mother Earth. From Mother Earth she came, to Mother Earth she went back. From where the mind comes, and where it disappears during Samadhi, nobody can tell. This is Maya.

Wedded to the mind when Rama returns, he finds that he cannot live in Ayodhya. For, once the mind has come, you start expressing through it. You have to enter the forest of life, self-exiled as it were. Some cause or other must emerge as one enters the forest of existence. So long as Seeta was looking up to Rama, living in Rama, for Rama, by Rama, she never found any difference between Ayodhya and a jungle. But how long can the mind remain constantly centred in the higher divine potential in us? It has to become extrovert. And this is just what happened the moment Seeta looked away from Rama. The golden deer was noticed. The finite, ephemeral, ever-changing objects, start pulling you towards them. The mind demands them. Rama may argue, and all the Scriptures might also argue, that it is all Maya, that it is not real, that it is only a Rakshasa. Yet even Seeta, Rama's own consort, will not accpet it, and she will exile Rama in search of the sense-object. Once desire-polluted, you fall. "When Rama goes, he winks at Lakshmana, and they both understand that the poor deluded girl is suffering. Seeta is left in Lakshmana's charge.

Lakshman represents Tapas (austerity). He had no reason to go to the jungle. But he left of his own accord, and he lives in perfect brahmacharya, even without sleep. It is perfect Tapas. But then, one cannot live in tapas. The delusion of the other world will force you to give it up. The moment


Swamy Chinmayananda

Courtesy: The book "Symbolism in Hindusim"Published by Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, Mumbai

BÀj ktµiw

5July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

Seeta hears the sound of Rama's voice, she forgets Rama's glory and might and becomes anxious about his safety. She even urges Lakshmana to go to her husband's aid. And when Lakshmana assures her that the great Rama will never come to any harm, for there is none to match him in skill and valour, Seeta severly rebuffs him. In the original Ramayana, Seeta's words leave much to be desired. Even an ordinary cheap woman would not employ such language. Valmiki was an honest poet. His idea was not merely to bring out the ideal character of a woman, but to portray a spiritual ideal. He painted her in coal tar. The beautiful image of Seeta has been deliberately tarnished by the poet. And why? Once you get intoxicated with a desire, the leprous ulcer of the mind will ooze out puss and blood. When the beautiful ideal woman Seeta utters such malignant words, Lakshmana is shocked into silence. He goes away, drawing a line of demarcation round the hut, urging her not to go beyond it.

Once desire enters your bosom, as an ordinary individual you cannot constantly live in tapas. But you can at least draw a line - thus far and no further. But once tapas has been given up, such lines are of no use. You readily step over them. And when you do this instead of Dasaratha, you are confronted by Dasamukha, the opposite character. The latter is an extrovert as the former is self-controlled. The sensuous materialistic power persuades Seeta to cross over the line because, as long as you are within the moral boundary, secularism cannot affect you. You go beyond it, and permissiveness starts, and Dasamukha ensnares you.

Dasamukha does not mean having five heads on the right and another five on the left, with one neck in between. If it were so, think of the traffic jam and think what a calamity it would be if Ravana were to catch a cold - he would have to sneeze ten times in every round. Even to clear one nose is a terrible thing. What is meant here is that the five Gnanedriyas and the five Karmendriyas together constitute the Dasamukha. A totally extrovert man lives in the flesh, for the flesh, and by the flesh - it is the rule of the flesh. Such a man is a sensualist and a total extrovert. Materially he can become

great as did Ravana who ruled over a prosperous land, Lanka. Compared to this land, Ayodhya was under-developed and village-like with perhaps bullock-carts plying on the roads, while in Lanka the country boasted of the Pushpaka Viman - the herald of the age of space travel. In fact Lanka was so advanced that even at 8 o'clock in the mornings the women folk were found drunk! What a situation!! Even the present day Delhi or New York has not developed to that extent. Drunks are rampant only in the evenings. In Lanka, nobody worked, everybody was supported by the socialist government, and people from all over the world came to pay homage to Ravana,who was supremely powerful.

But does materialism provide anything more than mere physical comfort? It is not a solution to the problem of life. Spiritual and cultural values alone can save the world. This idea is brought out in the Ramayana.

We all know that Seeta was abducted and takenaway, but look at the beauty of it. Valmiki decides

that she should no more be a citizen of Aryavarta. She may be the consort of Rama, yet she does not deserve to continue to be a citizen of this hallowed and cultured land any longer. She will be given a place in Lanka, another island, no doubt very near, but altogether another land. Even there she was exiled. We are all at this moment "Seetas" in exile. Should we give in to sensuality? To gain back our original Ayodhya, what should we do? We should do exactly what Seeta did. A modern girl in Seeta's place would have said : "Rama was a nice man, no doubt! I can well remember him. But what can I do? Ravana, is constantly asking me. Let me co-operate with him...."

But not Seeta. She realised she had fallen down and to prevent a further fall, she firmly said 'No' to Ravana and remained in the garden under an Asoka tree. Soka means Dukha, i.e. sorrow, Asoka therefore means 'not dhuka' (devoid of sorrow). You and I will have sorrow but we do not recognise it. This is the 'Asoka' state. Under the tree of non-recognition of sorrows, when we want to remain steadfast in character, we will doubtless be tempted and put to a lot of strain. But in

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that Asoka attitude, we should remain steadfast,

constantly remembering Rama.Seeta was constantly and vigourously thinking

of Rama. And we cannot say that Rama did not respond. In the Ramayana, we will find that the scene is alternately changing - once Lanka is shown, the next moment Rama is shown in the jungle. This shows that there is a secret communication between them. The more intense Seeta's cry, the more frenzied does Rama's search for her become. He weeps like an ordinary mortal, not because he is attached to her, but because of his longing to help a devotee.

The spiritual essence in man can kill and destroy Ravana, the ten-headed monstrocity of extrovertedness. It can do it with the army of monkeys. An educated man reading this should know what the monkeys refer to. The monkey has two qualities - asthiratwa and chan-chalarwa - instability and restlessness. The thoughts in the human mind have these two qualities. They cannot remain sthira — stable. The monkey cannot remain on one branch, it jumps from one branch to another and from tree to tree. If it gets tired and sits on a tree, it will still be restless, and scratch all over. Thus, it cannot keep quiet even for a minute. So too, our thoughts. They can never remain quiet, but keep jumping from topic to topic. The army of thoughts is to be controlled. But, at this moment, Vali - who stands for lust - controls them. This has to be destroyed. And how? It can be only done from behind, and not from the front. It is like a person wanting to curb his desire for alcohol. He cannot do it by sitting before the bottle; for, the moment he does this, not only is half his strength gone, but the pull of the bottle is three times as strong. Hence every time it is your lust that wins, and not you. So, if ever you want to conquer this lust, you have to shoot it from behind the tree. Vali had such great power, that any time an enemy approached him, half the strength of the enemy would drain away and Vali himself would become three times stronger. So, Rama had to kill him from behind. To whom should he then give the kingship of the monkey-clan - the thoughts? To whom better than Sugreeva? 'Greeva' means reins,

'Sugreeva' means well-reined, i.e. well-controlled. When the thoughts are under one's control, the army is then available to cross the frontiers and reach Lanka to kill the ten-headed monster and bring back Seeta.

"When Rama regains Seeta after having destroyed extrovertedness, the mind that is no longer extrovert is no mind at all. It (Seeta) has to disappear. Without Seeta, Rama cannot bring about 'Rama-Rajya'. He cannot rule without a wife. Therefore Kapila comes and offers him a Mithya Seeta or Maya Seeta. And "with Maya Seeta, Rama returns to rule Ayodhya, with a tranquil and poised mind in a state of perfection, having regained his spiritual status. Though he returns with a mind, it is not really there. It is like the sky which allows everything to remain in space without getting contaminated. So too, Rama, the man of perfection, allows the mind to remain in him, but is not affected by it

Since Rama functioned in the world outside with a perfectly controlled mind, the result had to be a 'Rama-Rajya-, as he created beauty around him as did Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and all the Rishis of yore. People might laugh at them in their ignorance, and,to please them, the great ones let go their minds. Seeta was banished. But Rama having functioned with her for sometime, something must emerge. It did in the form of Lava and Kusa. From great Masters, Wisdom emerges, generally in the form of books which sing the glory of the Lord. When Lava and Kusa sang the glory of Rama, they were merely singing the glory of the Reality. It is the spread of such literature that has sustained the culture of our country.

(Ramayana Masam commences from July 17 and will conclude on 16th August, 2019. Arrangements have been made in the temple for devotees for Ramayana Parayanam during temple hours.)

BÀj ktµiw

7July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw


18. (a)There are different types of karmas (actions)

• Nitya karmas (daily duties)

• Naimittika karmas (special duties)

• Kamya karmas (desire born actions)

• Nishiddha karmas (wrongful actions -destructive activities)

• Prayaschitta karmas (actions of penance to improve oneself)

(b) Karmas are performed through m anas (mind), vak (speech) and kaya (body)

(c) The results of karmas are:-

• Punya karmas (meritorious or dharmik actions leading to good results)

• Papa karmas (wrong or adharmik actions leading to bad results)

• Mishra karmas (actions having mixed results)

(d) Karmas by mind (thoughts):-

• Noble thoughts about bhakti (devotion)

• Vairagya (detachment), charity, spiritual evolution, etc. are mental Punya karmas.

• Lustful thoughts pertaining to sensual enjoyments harming others, disrespect for

KRISHNA SUKHTASBy P. Ramachandran, Advocate

the scriptures, traditions and dharma are

Papa karmas. An admixture of both types is known as Mishra karma

(e) Karmas by speech (words):-

• Regularly reciting or reading the scriptures, chanting mantrahas and hymns, singing devotional songs, speaking truthful and noble words, offering others words of love and compassion, etc. are Puny a karmas performed by speech.

• Words of disrespect for the scriptures, verbal abuse of the Lord and mahatmas, engaging in lies and cruelty, offensive and unsympathetic talks, etc. are Papa karmas of speech.

Karmas by body (actions) :-

• Bathing in holy waters, prostrating to your Guru, the Lord and saintly persons, performing worship (poojas) seeking the presence of holy beings, submitting to tapas (sacrifice and discipline), etc. are Pun yakarmas of the body.

• Immoral acts causing injury to others, indulging in cruelty, associating with cruel persons, etc. are Papa karmas of the body.

• Troubling others while doing a good deed, misappropriation of wealth or property of others in the process of doing good work (e.g. building temples, giving charity), not giving proper remuneration for services rendered, etc. are allM ishra karmas of the body.

In short, doing good to others at any of these three levels of body, speech and mind is Punya. Injuring others at any of these levels is Papa.

19. A person taking refuge in untruth cannot harm us.

20. The world is not worthy of trust but worthy for rendering service.

21. Whatever happiness or comfort we have got is only for serving the world selflessly.

(Shri P. Ramachandran, an Advocate by profession, had decades long journey through Vedas,

Upanishads, Puranas etc. 'Krishna Sukhtas'- the Book authored by him is his unique gift to the

devotees of Lord Guruvayurappan.)

(Continued from previous issue)

8 Pqembv 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

9July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

IòmÀ Iemw Ip«nbmbncpót¸mÄXsó At±l¯nse km[yXIsf Isï¯n ]cnt]mjn¸n¡m³ kaÀ°cmbncpóp Fóp IcpXWw. A_vZpÄ Iemw Gähpw DóX ]Zhnbnencpóv ]¦psh¨pXó ]mTw Ip«nIsf hfÀ¯pó hnjb¯nð GhÀ¡pw kKuchw HmÀ½n¡m³ km[n¡s«.Ip«nIÄ amXm]nXm¡fpsS \nco£W §Ä¡pw k¦ð] v\§Ä¡pw Hs¡ A¸pdt¯¡v hfcm³ IgnhpÅhcmWv. B \ne¡v Ahsc BZcthmsS \nco£n¡m³ IgnbWw. sIm¨p Ip«nIÄ¡v ]meq«pt¼mgpw Ahsc Xmcm«p ]mSn Dd¡pt¼mgpw, AhtcmSv kwkmcn¡pt¼mgpw, Ipfn¸n¡pt¼mgpsams¡ Hcp {]mÀ°\ amXm]nXm¡Ä DÅnð ]peÀ¯Wwþ `mhnbnð GsXms¡ {]Imc¯nð BhnjvIrXcmthïhcmW vCu Ip«nIÄ Fóv R§Ä¡p ka{Kambn

kmcYnbmbn \o Iq«n\pÅt¸mÄkwkmc kmKcw \o´ms\fp¸wF{X Xnc¡nemWo temIamsIFt§m«p ]mbpóp FódnbmsX.

ImWmsX t]mIpóp ImtWïsXñmwtIÄ¡m³ IgnbmsX `qanX³ tX§ð]pñnepw ]qhnepw `qanbnepamsIXn§n \ndªp \n³ ssNX\ycq]w.

F´n\o Xmakw BKan¨oSm³Nn´n¨pt]mIpóp XmhI`àÀanYybsñ R§Ä t]dpw {]Xo£kXy¯nð DÅnsâbpÅnemWsñ.

Adnbnñ. "tl PKZoizcm... {]t`m! A§v FtXXv km[yXIfmtWm Cu IpcpópIfnð Hfn¸n¨p sh¨Xv AsXms¡ A\hcXw BhnjvIrXamIpóXn\v, klmbIamb CSs]Sð \S¯m³ R§Ä¡p km[n¡Ww. AXn\v R§sf \nc´cw A\p{Kln¡tW' Fó {]mÀ°\.C§ns\ kabw Isï¯n Ip«nIsf¡pdn¨v sN¿pó {]mÀ°\bpw X]Êpw [ym\hpw sImïv Ip«nIsf hfÀ¯ð BtLm jamhs«.t{]amZc]qÀhw.


Xm§phm\mImsX `mc§Ä t]dnXms\ XfÀóp t]mbv `qanbma½]nsó Xncn¨Sn¡msX´p sN¿pwCóXn\pÅ kabambtñm.

]ïs¯ Imes¯ Nn«h«§ÄXobnepcp¡nsbSp¯ kzÀ®§ÄBsI Ifªp t]mImsX Im¯oSm³ZzmcIm[oim \o kmcYnbmIq

AtimIn\n \mcmbW³

10 Pqembv 2019

Page 11: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

`mK-hXw \nXy-Po-hn-X-¯nðkzman `qam\µXoÀ°À\mcm-b-Wm-{ia Xt]mh\w, sh§n-Wn-tÈcn, XrÈqÀ

(Ignªe¡¯nsâ XpSÀ¨)

bÚbmK§fpw ]pcRvP\IYbpw

cpt{Zm]tZiw tI«p {]tNXÊpIÄ KmV X]Ênð apgpIth, {]mNo\_ÀlnÊ vbmKbÚ§fnð \ ncX\mbn AXp icnbñ, At±l¯n\p Imcyw ]dªp a\Ênem¡Wsaóp IcpXn \mcZalÀjn ASp¯p sNóp kwkmcnbv¡m³ XpS§n.

t{ibkvXzw IXa{ZmP³IÀaWmß\ CultkZpxJlm\nx kpJmhm]vXnxt{ibkvXtól tNjytX (4.25.4)

Atñ cmP³, Cu hI IÀ½§Ä sNbvXv A§v F´mWv t\Sm\pt±inbv¡póXv? ImcWw, ZpxJanñmXmIepw, kpJem`hpamWv icnbmb t{ibÊv. CXp cïpamIs«, Cu hI IÀaapdIÄsImïp e`nbv¡póXpañ.DS³Xsó {]mNo\_ÀlnÊv Imcyw k½Xn¨p: ""Cu IÀathK¯nðs¸«p hnthIw \in¨v, asämópw Nn´nbv¡m\mhmsX DgepIbmWv Rm³. a¡Ä, mcy, k¼ v Fóo Nn´Ifnð IpSp§n¡nSt¡ KrlØÀ F§s\ DbÀó e£ys¯¡pdn¨p Nn´nbv¡pw? AXpsImïv A§pXsó t{itbmamÀKw D]tZin¨p XcpI''.\mcZ³ At¸mgmWv Úmt\m]tZiw Bcw`n¨Xv.

t`m t`mx {]Pm]tX cmP³]iq³ ]iy Xzbm[ztckwÚm]nXm³ PohkwLm³\nÀLrtW\ kl{kix (4.25.7)

Añtbm {]Pmc£I, A§v bmK§Ä¡mbn sImópIp«o«pÅ Cu ]ip¡sf Hóp t\m¡p.""Cu t{Zmls¯ HmÀ½ sh¨p sImïv, A§sb tZlw hoWv ChnsS \nópw t]mIpt¼mÄ, Ch Ip¯n¯pfbv¡mXncnbv¡ptam? C¡mcy¯nð ]tï apXev¡pÅ Hcp CXnlmkw Rm³ tIĸnbv¡mw''

]ïp ]pcRvP\s\óp {]kn²\mb Hcp cmPmhpïmbncpóp. At±l¯n\ vAhnÚmXs\ó Hcp kvt\lnX\pïv. kpJhmkØeat\zjn¨p ]teS¯pw kôcn ¨n«pw a\Ên\p tNÀósXmópw ImWmªv ]pcRvP\³ Nn´mIpe\mbn.At¸mgmWv lnameb¯nse sXs¡ Xmgvhm cbnð H¼Xp tKm]pc§fpÅ \Kcw IïXv. DZymt\m]h\§fpw, \nd¸In«mÀó amfnI Ifpw, Ifnhn{iakt¦X§fpw, k`mKrl §fpw, BËmZn¸nbv¡m\pÅ H«\h[n ]£narKmZnIfpw, Nn{X§fpw, hnt\m ZkuIcy§fpw DÅXmWv ]pcRvP\³ Isï¯nb ]pcn. AhnsS Hcp kpµcoXneIhpw hsó¯n. Aôp ]SapÅ kÀ¸w Ahsc Im¯psImïp IqsSbpïv.BÝcys¸« ]pcRvP\³ B kpµcntbmSv Fñm hnhchpw tNmZn¨dnbm³ XpS§n: ""`hXn BÀ; BcpsS aIÄ? IqsSbpÅhtcm? F´mWnhnsS Imcyw? Cu ]m¼v F´n\v? `hXn X¡ hcs\ tXSn hóXmhWw. Atñ? ImeSnIÄ `qanbnð¯«n¡mWpóXn\mð `hXn tZhtemII\yIbsñóp XoÀ¨.""`hXnsb Iïv Rm³ hnhi\mbncnbv¡póp. AXn\mð eÖ hn«v Fsósbmóp t\m¡q. Fónð I\nhpïmItW.''C§s\ ]dªp\nó ] pcR vP\s\ t\m¡n B h\nX ]dªp: ""Ftâbpw IqsSbpÅhcptSbpw Ducpw Ipehpsamópw Adnbnñ. ChnsS Ct¸mgpsïóp am{X adnbmw. Fsâ hmktI{µamb Cu \Kcw BcpsS \nÀanXnsbópw Adnbnñ. Rm³ Dd¡¯nðs¸«mepw IqsSbpÅhÀ CsXms¡ kwc£nbv¡pw. A§sb Isï¯nbX valm`mKywXsó. Cu \htKm]pc\Kc¯nð \aps¡mcpan¨v hmgmw; kpJt`mK§f{Xbpw A\p`hn¨p cknbv¡mw. A§v Cu ]pcnsb PohnXtI{µam¡ns¡mÄI. Rm³ A§sb hn«v Hcmtfbpw tXSpIbnñ.""]pcpj\pw kv{Xobpw tNÀóp hmgpó KrlPohnX¯nte [ÀamÀY Imatam£ kn²nbpïmIq. C¡mcyw Häbv¡p \S¡pó kw\ymknamÀ¡dnbnñ." " a\ pjyEjn] nX r tZhXIÄs¡ñmw t£aIcamWv KrlØm{iaw. A§sb F§s\ Rm³ \ncknbv¡pw?

BÀj ktµiw

11July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

{]mNo\_ÀlnÊnt\mSp \mcZ³ ]dbpIbmWv: Iïam{Xbnð¯só At\ymt\ym\pcq]yw tXmón kJyw sNbvXp mcym`À¯m¡òmcmb AhÀ B \Kc¯nð iXhÀjw kkpJw Pohn¨p.cmÚn F´p ]dªmepw AX\pkcn¨p {]hÀ¯n¨pt]mó ]pcRvP\³ IÀamkà\pw hônX\pambncpóp. IqsSbpÅhÄ elcn Ign¨mð Xm\pw Ignbv¡pw. AhfpsS A`nemj§ÄXsó XtâXpw . ]Xv\n ]mSnbmð ]mSnbpw, Icªmð Icªpw, Nncn¨mð Nncn¨pw , Xami ]dªmð A§s\¯só sNbvXpw cmPmhv Imew \o¡n. IqsSbpÅhÄ HmSpt¼mÄ Xm\pw HmSpw , \nómð \nev¡pw, InSómepw Ccpómepw AXpt]mse¯só sN¿pw.tIÄ¡pt¼mÄ tI«v, Iïp cpNnbv¡pt¼mÄ A§s\ sNbvXv, sXm«mð sXm«pw, ZpxJn¨mð ZpxJn¨pw, tcmjs¸«mð A§s\bmbpw, ]pcRvP\cmPmhp dmWnbpsS ssI¡pc§p t]mse IgnªpIqSn.hnñmfnhoc\mb ]pcRvP\³ Hcnbv¡ð ]ô{]Øh\¯ntebv¡p \mbm«n\p ]pds¸«p. Aôp IpXncIfpw, cïp Xm§pXïpw, cïp N{I§fpw, Hc¨pXïpapÅ cY¯nð Aômbn¸ncnª ISnªmtWmsSbpÅ, kmcYnbv¡p ]pdsI Hcp cYnbv¡pÅØm\w am{XtabpÅq.cïp \pIhpw, AôpXcw Bbp[§fpw, GgmhcWhpw, AôpKXnt`Z§fpapÅ k z À W ` q j n X a m b A X n ð ¡ b d n ,As¼mSp§m¯ Bh\mgnbpambn ]Xns\m ómas¯ tk\m\nbpsam¯p cmPmhp ]ô{]Øh\¯ntebv¡p bm{Xbmbn. hn«p]ncnbm³ h¿m¯hsf¦nepw, Aóp ]pcRvP\³ cmÚnsb ]n³XÅn KÀhp ]qïp \mbm«n\p t]mbn.Akpc³IWs¡ IT n\kz`mh nbmb cmPmhp Iqc¼pIsfbvXv H«\h[n arK§sf sImsómSp¡n; Fómð C¯cw A\nb {´nXlnwk cmPm¡òmÀ¡p tNÀóXñ. F ´ p I m c y h p w B h i y t ¯ m f t a sN¿mhpshóXp kmÀh{XnIamb hn[nbmWv. AXp ewLnbv¡póh\v At[mKXn Xsó.

apbð, ]ón, t]m¯v, am³, IrjvWarKw, apų]ón Fóo ]eXnt\bpw sImóv cmPmhv XfÀóphimbn. h\w hn«p cmP[m\nbnse¯n Ipfn v Blmcw Ign v, hkv{Xme¦mc§tfmsS sNó cmPmhp t{]bknsb Iïnñ. A´x ]pctkhnIamtcmSp hnhcat\zjn¨t¸mÄ AhÀ \ ne¯p I n S¡pó dmWnsb Im«ns¡mSp¯p. ]pcRvP\³ hnfdnt¸mbn. ]eXpw ]dªpt\m¡nb cmPmhn\ v , `mcybv¡p {]WbtIm]amsWóv Adnbm³ Ignªnñ. sIôns¡ôn t{]bkntbmS v""Hcp t\m¡p Xsó t\m¡p, a\sÊmóp sXfnbs«''sbsóms¡ bmNn¨p.]pcRvP\]Xv\n krwKmceoeIÄ ]eXpambn Im´s\ ckn¸n¨p hi¯m¡n kt´mj¸n¨p. ]Xv\nbpsS A]qÀheoemhnemk§fnð AXy´w Xr] vX\mbn Ahsc A`n\µn¨psImïv ]Iðcm{XnIÄ Ign¨pIq«nb ]pcRvP\³ Imew \o§nbXdnªnñ. C§s\ Zm¼Xy hnt\mZ§fnðs¸« cmPmhp Xsó¡pdnt¨m, Xsâ bYmÀYkzcq]s¯¡pdnt¨m HópwXsó Nn´n¨nñ, Adnªpanñ.buh\w apgph\pw A§s\ C{µnbmcma \mbn Ignªp IqSn. \nch[n k´XnIfpïmb ]pcRvP\sâ ]mXnbmbpÊpw XoÀóp. a¡Ä¡pïmb k´XnIÄ ]ôme tZi¯msI \ndªp. Chcnemïpt]mb a\Êv cmPmhns\ hñmsX _Ôn¨p.{] mNo\_ÀlnÊnt\mS p \mcZ³ ]dbpIbmWv; A§sbt¸mseXsó ]pcRvP \\pw Zo£sbSp¯p bÚbmK§Ä \S¯pIbmbncpóp. Ahkm\w ImamkàÀ shdp¡pó hmÀ[Iyw cmPmhn\pw ]nSns]«p.N Þ t h K s \ ó K Ô À h ³ k À h t`mKkar²amb ]pcRvP\\Kcs sImÅbSnbv¡ms\¯n. AôpXe¸m¼ vAXp XSp¯p \nÀ¯n. ZoÀLImew ]S s]m cpXn XfÀó {]PmKcs\ Iïv ]pcRvP\³ _Ôp¡tfbpw ]ucòmtcbpw hnhcadnbn¨p; Fómepw hó hn]¯ns\¸än IqSpXsemóp Nn´nbv¡msX IgnªpIqSn.""{]mNo\_ÀlntÊ'' \mcZ³ XpSÀóp. ""Ime ]p{Xnbmb HcphÄ {]nbs\t¯Sn aqÆpeInepw \Són«pw Btcbpw In«nbnñ. AXn\mð

12 Pqembv 2019

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AhÄ¡p ZpÀ`Ksbó t]cp hóp. AhÄ Fsó, ss\jvTnI{_ÒNmcnbmsWódnªn«pw, Ima]mchiy¯mð A`nejn¨p. AXn\p hg§m¯Xnð tIm]w ]qïv ""A§bv¡v HcnS¯pw \nev]nñm¯ KXn hcs«'' Fóv i]n¨p.At¸mÄ Rm³Xsó \nÀt±in¨{]Imcw bh\cmPmhmb bs\ sNóp Iïp À¯mhm¡m³ t\m¡n . bh\cmP³ Nnc n¨psImïp ]dªp: ""\nsó, Aip`tlXphmsWóXn \mð, BÀ¡pw Cãamhnñ. AXn\mð \o AZriybmbn Fñmhtcbpw ISóp]nSn v A\p `hn¨p sImÄI. CXm Fsâ tk\. P\ \miw hcp¯ns¡mïncnbv¡q. Cu {]Pzmc³ Fsâ {`mXmhmWv. \o Fsâ tkmZcnbpw. \n§fncphtcmSpw IqSn Rm³ Ahyà\mbn henb tk\tbmSpIqSn \SópsImÅmw.''{]mNo\_ÀlnÊnt\mSp \mcZ³ XpSÀóp: bh\]Xnbmb `bsâ ]S {]PzmcImeI \ymktaXcmbn Cu qanbnð hnlcn¨p. AhÀ ]pcRvP\]pcw hfªp. Imhð \nóncpó kÀ¸¯n\p hbÊmbncpóp. ImeI\ybpw AhnsS hóp A[oiXzw Øm]n¨p. bh\À Fñm {]thi\Zzmc§fneqtSbpw ISóphóv A{Iaw Agn¨phn«p. ]pcRvP\\v CXntesd F´p Zpc´w hcm\mWv?ImemLmX¯nð tZlIm´nbäv, hnthIw \in v, kz¯pw kzmX{´yhpsams¡ \ãs¸«v Dgepó cmPmhns\ \Kchpw ]p{X]u{Xcpw `mcybpw shdp¯p ssIhn«p. ]ômetZiamsI XIÀópIgnªp. BÀ¡pw Hcp {]Xnhn[nbpw \nÀtZinbv¡m\nñ. NpäpapÅhtcbpw \Kct¯bpw hnSm³ Xosc Cãansñ¦nepw, ]pcRvP\cmPmhp t]mIm³ \nÝbn¨p. AXn\nsS bh\]XntkmZc\mb {]Pzc³ hóp ]pcnbmsI I¯n¨p. AXp Iï vFñmhtcmSpwIqSn cmPmhp ZpxJm{Im´ \mbn. i{Xp¡Ä Igp¯p]nSn¨p sRcn¨t¸mÄ cmPmhp hn§nhn§n¡cªp.k´m\KrlmZnIsfms¡ XtâsXóp IcpXn _p²ntami¯mð heªpt]mb cmPmhv, `mcysb hn«p]ncnbpó Nn´bnð \«wXnc nªp. " "Fsó¯só \n\¨p Ignbpó AhÄ Rm\nsñ¦nð F§s\ Ignbpw? Rm\p®mªmð D®msXbpw, Ipf nb v¡mªmð Ipf nb v¡msXbpw , Dd§mªmð Dd§msXbpw IgnªncpóhÄ,

C\n F§s\ Ignbpw? ]i¸eI s]mfnª I¸ense bm{X¡msct¸msebmhntñ a¡fpw Ip«nIfpsañmw? C§s\ s\m´p sImïncnbvt¡ ]pcRvP\s\ `bs\ó bh\]Xn ]nSnIqSn bÚ¸iphns\t¸mse hen¨p sImïpt]mbn. H¸w A\pNccpw sNóp. ]pcRvP\]pcw XIÀóp Xcn¸WamIth, Imhð kÀ¸hpw ]pcw hn«p kzmanbpsS IqsS sNóp.`b³ hen¨ng¨psImïpt]mb ]pcRvP\³ Iqcncq«nð ap¼nse N§mXnsbt¸mepw Iïnñ. Xm³ sImó bÚ¸ip¡sfms¡ {]XnImct¯msS cmPmhns\ Ip¯n¯pf¨p Xpïm¡n. At¸mgpw kv{XocXnkàn hn«p ]ncnbm¯ ]pcRvP\³ hfsc¡mew AtX Iqcncp«nð¯só Ignªp.`mcysb¯só HmÀ¯p acn¨ cmPmhv, hnZÀ`Krl¯nð s]¬Ip«nbmbn ]ndóv, aeb[zPs\ó ]mÞys\ hnhmlw Ign¨v, AXnð Hcp aIfpw Ggp ]p{Xcpw P\n¨p. Ggp t]cpw cmPm¡òmcmbn `qansb c£n¨p t]m óp. AKkvXy\mWv aIsf th«Xv. AXnð P\n¨XmWv ZrVNypXap\n, At±l¯n\v C[vahmls\ó k´Xnbpïmbn.aeb[zP\mIs« cmPyw a¡Ä¡p ]¦p sh¨v, Cuizc`P\¯n\mbn aeb]ÀÆX¯ntebv¡p t]mbn. hnZÀ`Ipamcnbpw `À¯mhns\ ]n´p SÀóp.AhnsS N{µhk, Xm{a]ÀWn, htSmZI Fóo ]pgIfnð kv\m\w sNbvXv, ^eaqemZnIÄ Ign v, tZlw Npcp§pamdpÅ X]Êp sNbvXp t]móp; kaZÀi\_e¯mð Zzµz§sf AXnPohn¨p. a\ÊS§n, _p²n sXfnªv, Pohs\ A´xk¯bmb ]camßmhnð tNÀ¯p. Ccpó Ccn¸nð, kvt\l`mh_e¯mð hmkptZh\nð CW§n\nev¡póXp hgn B cmPX]kzn asämópw Adnªnñ.Úm\Zo]{]Imi¯mð Bßmhns\ Fñmänepw hym]Isa¦nepw Ahbnð \nsóms¡ hyXncnàambn DWÀóv, cmPmhp asäñmänð\nópw hncan¨p; Bßmhns\ Fñmambpw Fñmänt\bpw Bßmhmbpw IïpsImïv, GIho£Wt¯bpw IqSn hn«pIfªv Cu kwkmc¯nð\nóv At±lw hnShm§n.


BÀj ktµiw

13July 2019

Page 14: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

BÀj ktµiw

sFXtctbm]\nj¯v efnXhymJym\w

A²ymßnImNmcy³ F.sI._n. \mbÀ


a{´w 4

AánÀÆmKv`pXzm apJw {]mhniXv, hmbpx{]mtWm `qXzm \mkntI {]mhniXv, BZnþXyÝ£pÀ`pXzmƒ£nWo {]mhniXv, Znixt{im{Xw `qXzm IÀ®u {]mhniXv, Huj[nþh\kv]Xtbm temam\n`qXzmXzNw {]mhnþi³, N{µam at\m`qXzm lrZbw {]mhniXv,arXypc]mt\m `qXzm \m`nw {]mhniXv,Bt]m tctXm `qXzm iniv\w {]mhni³.

Aánx hmIv`qXzm = Aán hm¡mbn ]cnW an¨v

apJw {]mhniXv = apJ¯nð {]thin¨phmbp {]mWx `qXzm = hmbp{]mW\mbnamdn \mkntI {]mhniXv = \mknIm Zzmc§fn

eqsS {]thin¨pBZnXyx N£px `qXzm = kqcy³ t\{X§fmbn

cïpI®pIfnepw {]thin¨p

A£nWn {]mhniXv -= Z n¡ pIÄ t {i m {X IÀ®u{]mhniXv §f mbn sNhnIfnð {]thin¨pHmj[n h\kv]Xbx -= Hmj[nIfpw hr£

§fpwtemam\n`qXz = tcma§fmbnamdnXzNw {]mhni³ = Xz¡nð {]thin¨pN{µamx a\x `qXzm = N { µ ³ a \ Ê m b n

]cnWan¨v.lrZbw {]mhniXv = lrZb¯nð {]th

in¨parXypx A]m\x `qXzm -= arXyp A]m\\mbn\m`nw {]mhniXv = s ] m ¡ n f n ð { ]

thin¨p.B]x tcX`qXzm = shÅw tcXÊmbn

XoÀóviniv\w {]mhni³ = P\t\{µnb nð {]th

in¨p.Aán hmKn{µnbambn ]cnWan¨v a\p jysâ apJ¯nð {]thin¨p. hmbp {]mW \mbn a q¡nð {]thin¨p . kqcy³ ImgvNiàn¡mbn I®pIfnð {]thin¨p. Zn¡pIÄ tIÄhniàn¡mbn sNhnIfnð {]thin¨p. Huj[nIfpw, hr£§fpw tcma§fmbn Xz¡nð {]thin¨p. N{µ³ a\Êmbn lrZb¯nð {]thin¨p. arXyp A]m\ \mbn s]m¡nfnð {]thin¨p. shÅw tcXÊmbn P\t\{µnb¯nð {]thin¨p.Aán, hmbp, kqcy³, N{µ³, ba³, {]Pm]Xn Fóo tZhXamcpw, Zn¡pIfpsSbpw hr£§fpsSbpw tZhXamc p w a\p j y s â h n h n [ A h b h § f p s S A[njvTm\ tZhXIfmbn amdnbXns\ hniZoIcn¡pIbmWv Cu a{´¯nð. a\p jysâ hmbbneqsS iÐcq]¯nð { ] h l n ¡ p ó X v A á n t Z h \ m W v . a q ¡ n e q s S i z m t k m Ñ z m k I À ½ w \nÀÆln¡póXv {]mW\mWv. I®pIÄ¡v I m g v N i à n \ ð I p ó X v k q c y \mW v . sNhnb neqsS tIÄ¡phm³ k m [ n ¡ p ó X v Z n K v t Z h X I f p s S klIcW¯memWv. ew \ðIn \in¨pt]mIpó Huj[nIfpsSbpw, hr£§fpsSbpw (h\kv]Xn) tZhXamcmWv a\pjysâ tcmaambn ]cnWan¨Xv. a\Êns\ {]hÀ¯n¸n¡póXv N{µ\mWv. arXyp tZh \mb ba\mWv a\pjysâ s]m¡nfnð A]m\ \mbn A[nhkn¡póXv. shÅw tcXÊmbn (ip¢w) P\t{µnb¯nð \ne\nð¡pó hncmSv ]pcpj\nð \nómWv hrjvSncq]amb a\pjy

Hómw A²ymbwJÞw cïv

14 Pqembv 2019

Page 15: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

\nte¡v tZhXIÄ kónthin¨ncn¡póXv. A[n`qX§fpsSbpw, A²ymߧfpsSbpw A[nssZh§fpsSbpw kMvLmXamWv a\p jyicocw.{ioalm`mKhXw XrXobkvIÔ¯nse Bdmw A²ymb¯nð hncmS v]pcpj³ A[n` qXw A[nssZhw , A²ymßw Fóo `mh§fnð hrjvSn icoc¯nð ( h y à n i c o c ¯ n ð ) { ] h À ¯ n ¡póshóv hniZambn tcJs¸Sp¯n bn«pïv.GsXmcp Pohn¡pw hni¸pw Zmlhpw Hgn¨p IqSm³ ]mSnñm¯XmWtñm. tZhXIÄ¡v A[ nj v T m \§ Ä e ` n¨ p s h¦ n e p w `mhcq]§fmb hni¸n\pw, Zml¯n\ pw A[njvTm\w e`n¨nñ. Cu hkvXpX Cui z c t\ m S v AhÀXsó H m À½ n ¸n¨p.

a{´w 5Xai\m]n]mtk A{_pXmamhm`yma`n{]Pm\oloXn. tX A{_hotZXmtkzh hmwtZhXmkzm`PmtayXmkp `mKn\yu ItcmþaoXn. XkvamZvbssky Issky N tZhXmssb lhnÀKrlytX `mKn\ymthhmkymþai\m]n]mtk `hXx

Xw Ai\m]n]mtkA{_pXmw = Aht\mSv hni¸pw

Zmlhpw ]dªpBhm`ymw A n{]Pm\oln = R§Ä¡v (A[njv

Tm\w) XómepwCXn tX A{_hoXv = AhtcmSv Cuizc³

C§ns\ ]dªp.GXmkp tZhXmkp Gh = Cu tZhXIfnð

¯sóhmw A`Pman = \ n § s f D Ä s ¸

Sp¯mwGXmkp = Chcnð`mKn\yu Itcman = ]¦mfnIfm¡mwCXn = FóvXkvamXv = AXn\mðbsskky Issky N = GsX¦nepw tZhXbv

¡mbnlhnx = lhnÊvKrlytX = FSp¡pt¼mÄ

Akymw = CXnðAi\m]n]mtk = hni¸pw Zmlhpw`mKn\yu Gh = AXnsâ `mK§fm

bnXocpóp.hni¸pw Zmlhpw Cuizct\mSv ]dªp, X§Ä¡pw A[njvTm\w thWsaóv. Cuizc³ AhtcmS n§s\ ]d ªp. \n§sfbpw Cu tZhXIÄs¡m¸w tNÀ¯v ]¦mfnIfm¡mw AXn\mð GsX¦nepw tZhXbv¡mbn lhnÊv kaÀ¸n¡pt¼mÄ hni¸pw Zmlhpw AXnsâ `mK§fmbn ]cnWan¡pw.Cui zc³ Ahsc tZhXIÄ¡mbn kaÀ¸n¡pó lhnÊnsâ `mK§fm¡namän. asämcÀ°¯nð ]dªmð hni¸pw Zmlhpw tZhXIfpsS hnImcambn amdn. tZhXIÄ¡v \ðIpó lhnÊnð (`£Ww) AhcpsS hni¸pw Zmlhpw XoÀ¡m\pÅ hn`hhpw AS§nbncn¡póp.XmX z nIamb n N n´n¡pt¼mÄ a\p jyicoc¯nse Hmtcm C{µnbhpw {]hÀ¯n¡póXv AXnsâ A[njvTm\tZhXbpsS hni¸pw Zmlhpw XoÀ¡m \mWv. `uXnIhnjb§sf A\p`hn¡m \pÅ C{µnb§fpsS B{Kls¯bmWv h n i ¸ p w Z m l h p a m b n C h n s S kqNn¸n¨ncn¡póXv. t£{Xmcm[\bnse \nthZyw, hgn]mSv kaÀ¸Ww XpS§nb {InbIÄ BhnÀ`hn¨Xv Cu a{´¯nsâ Bib¯nð \nómWv.Hómw A²ymb¯nse cïmwJÞw kam]n¨p.

Hómw A²ymbwJÞw aqóv

a{´w 1k Cu£tXta \ptemImÝ temIþ]memÝmóta`yx kyPm CXn.

kx Cu£X = Ah³ BtemNn¨pCta \p temImx N = Cu temI§fpwtemI]memx N = temI]meIòmc p w

(krjvSn¡s¸«p)G`yx = ChÀ¡mbnAów = `£Ws¯krssP CXn = k r j v S n ¡ W s aó v


BÀj ktµiw

15July 2019

Page 16: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

BÀj ktµiw

Cuizc³ BtemNn¨p. Rm³ temI§sfbpw temI]meIòmscbpw krjvSn¨ncn¡póp. C\n AhÀ¡mbn `£Ww krjvSn¡s«.temI§sfbpw temI]meòmscbpw krjvSn¨Xn \ptijw AhbpsS \ne\nð¸n\mhniyamb t`mPys¯ (`£Ws¯) krjvSnt¡ïXv AXymhiyamsWóv Cuizc³ hnNmcn¨p. tZhXIsf krjvSn¨psh¦nepw, AhcpsS hni¸pw Zmlhpw amäWsa¦nð AówXsó AXymhiyamWv. Aós¯ krjvSn¡phm³ A§ns\bmWv Cuizc³ Xocpam\w FSp¯Xv.a{´w 2

tkmƒt]m`rX]Xv, Xmt`ymƒ`nX]vXmt`ymaqÀ¯ncPmbX bm ssh km aqÀ¯ncPmbXmów ssh XXv

kx A]x = Ah³ shÅs¯A`yX]Xv = e £ y a m ¡ n X ]

ÊpsNbvXpA`nX]vXm`yx = Xo£Wam¡s¸«Xm`yx = AXnð\nóvaqÀ¯nx = L\]ZmÀ°wAPmbX = Dïmbnbm ssh km aqÀ¯n = G s X m c p L \ ]

ZmÀ°wAPmbX = DïmtbmXXv ssh = AXv XsóbmWvAów = AówCuizc³ Pes¯ Dt±in¨v X]Êv sNbvXp. Dt±in¨ Pe¯nð\nóv Hcp L\]ZmÀ°apïmbn. A§ns\ Dïmb L\ ]ZmÀ°w XsóbmIpóp Aów.ImcWPe¯nð \nómWv {]]ôw DïmbXv. {]]ô]ZmÀ°§sfñmw ImcWPe¯nð \nóv XsóbmWpïmbXv. tZhXmamÀ¡pÅ t`mPys¯ Pe¯nð\nópXsó Cuizc³ krjvSn¨p. AXmWv Aów AYhm Zriy{]]ôw. {]]ôw C{µnb§Ä¡v t`mPyhkvXphmWtñm.

a{´w 3

XtZ\Xv krjvSw ]cmMXyPnLmwkXvXZzmNmPnLr£Xv XómiIvt\mZv hmNm{KloXpw k bss²\ZzmNm{KssljymZ`n.hymlrXy sslhmóa{X]vkyXv

krjvSw XXv G\Xv = krjvSn¡s¸« AXv]cmIv = ]n´ncnªXvAXyPnLmwkXv = acWsh{]mft¯msSXXv hmNm = hm¡psImïvAPnLr£Xv = ]nS n¨ v \nd p¯phmO

B{Kln¨p.XXv hmNm = AXns\ hm¡v sImïv {KlnXpw\ AiIvt\mXv = ]nSn¡phm³ km[n¨nñkx hmNm = Ah³ hm¡psImïvG\Xv =- CXns\bXv l v A{KssljyX = ]nSn¨ncpópsh¦nðAów = Aós¯A`nhymlrXy Gh -= t]cv ]dªn«p Xsól = XoÀ¨bmbpwA{X]vkyXv = Xr]vXns¸Spambncpóp.

krjvSn¡s¸« Aów krjvSn IÀ¯mhns\ ]nón«v acWsh{]mft¯msS HmSn c£s¸Sphm³ {ian¨p. {kjvSmhv AXns\ hm¡psImïv ]nSn¡phm³ B{Kln¨psh¦nepw AXv km[n¨nñ. At±lw hm¡psImïv Aós¯ ]nSn¨pcpópsh¦nð Aósaó t]cp ]dªpsImïpXsó a\pjy³ Xr]vXns¸Spambncpóp.hncmSv ]pcpj³ ImcWPe¯nð\nóv tZhX IfpsS hni¸v amäphm³ krjvSn¨ Aów `bt¯msS HmSn c£s¸Sphm³ {ian¨p. At¸mÄ At±lw hmKo{µob¯mð (hm¡mð) Aós¯ t]scSp v ]dªv hi¯m¡m³ {ian¨p. ]s£ Aów AXn\p hg§nbnñ. ChnsS Ejn kpµcamb Hcp k¦ð¸s¯¸än Nn´n¡pIbmWv. hm¡ns\sImïv Aós¯ hnt[bam¡m³ hncmSv kzcq]\v km[n¨ncpópsh¦nð, At±l¯nð\nóv ]nóoSv krjvSn¡s¸«hbvs¡ñmw hm¡pIsf sImïv Aós¯ kzoIcn¨v kwXr]vXcmImambncpóp. "Aów' Fó a{´w sNmñn hni v amäm³ km[n¡p ambncpóp.aäp C{µnb§sfs¡mïv hncmSv kzcq]³ Aós¯ hnt[bam¡m³ {ian¨ImcyamWv XpSÀópÅ a{´§fnð tcJs¸Sp¯nbncn¡póXv.


16 Pqembv 2019

Page 17: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

tXPÊntâbpw HmPÊntâbpw DdhnSamb kqcy`Khm\nð, Ip´otZhn¡v ]ndó ]p{X \mWv IÀ®³.{ioIrjvWsâ ]nXrktlmZcnbmb ]rY sb Ip´o t`mPs\ó cmPmhn\v hfÀ¯p aIfmbn \evIn. Ip´o t`mPsâ sIm«m c¯nð hfcsh _menIbmb Ip´n sIm«mc¯nse¯nb ZpÀÆmkmhns\ ]cn Ncn¨p. B ]cnNcW¯nð ]cnXr]vX\mb ZpÀÆmkmhv ]p{Xkn²n¡pÅ Znhya{´§Ä Ip´n¡v D]tZin¨p. GXv tZhs\ [ym\n¨v a{´w sNmñpópthm B tZh\nð \nópw k´m\ ku`mKyapïmIs« Fóv._mey¯nsâ N]eXbnð Ip´n a{´w ]co£n¡m\mbn kqcytZhs\ [ym\n¨p. kqcytXPtÊmsS IhNhpw IÀ®IpÞe hpambn tXPkznbmbn ]p{X³ ]n dóp. I p e a l n a ¡ p ï m I p ó I f ¦ h p w Xsâ Nmcn {Xys¯ sNmñnbpïmIpó temIm]hmZhpw `bó Ip´n, IÀ®s\ hnizkvXbmb tXmgnbpsS klmbt¯msS KwKbpsS hncnamdnte¡v Hcp t]SI¯n semgp¡n.cmPIpamcnbpsS ]p{X\mbn«pw A\mY \mbn B ]nôpss]Xð KwKbnð IqSn HgpIn lkvXn\]pc nbnse kqX\mb

A[ncYsâ ssIIfnð F¯nt¨Àóp. k´m\ `mKyanñmXncpó A[ncY \pw ]Xv\n cm[bpw ssZhw Xó \n[nbmbn Ahs\ hfÀ¯n. IÀ®¯nð IÀ®m`cWw Iïv AhÀ aI\v IÀ®³ Fóv \maIcWw sNbvXp.Ip´nbpsS Cu ]caclkyw Bcpadnªnñ. Ip´nbpsS tXmgn AXn\nSbnð Imebh \nI¡pÅnð adªp.lkvXn\]pcnbnð almdmWnbmbn Ip´n Pohn¡pt¼mÄ AhnsS [rXcmjv{ScpsS tXcmfnbpsS ]p{X\mbn Ignbm\mbncpóp IÀ®\v \ntbmKw.kqcy³ Xsâ {]` Fñm Poh Pme§fnepw ]IcpóXpt]mse IÀ®³ Xsâ Zm\ioe¯nsâ {]` F§pw ]c¯n.AXncYt\msSm¸w sIm«mc¯nð hóncpó IÀ®³, IuchcpsS kvt\l¯n\v ]m{Xambn. ]c¼cbmbn In«nb Btbm[\ hnZytbmSpÅ A`nem£w Ahsâ kncIfnð \ndªp. t{ZmWmNmcycpsS Iognð Bbp[hnZy A`ykn¡pó Ime¯v {_Òmkv{Xw D]tZin¨p Xcm³ Kpcphnt\mSv A`yÀ°n¨p. kqX]p{X³ {_Òmkv{Xw ]Tn¡m³ A\Àl\msWóv t{ZmWÀ A]lkn¨p. B ss\cmkyt¯msS Hcp {_mÒW _mesâ thjw sI«n t{ZmWmNmcycptSbpw, `ojvacptSbpw Kpcphmb {io]cipcmasâ injyXzw kzoIcn¨p. Akv{X hnZyIfnð \n]pW \mbn. ]s£ ZuÀ`mKyw AhntSbpw IÀ®s\ ]n³XpSÀóp. Btbm[\ hnZy Ahkm \n¡mdmb thfbnð Hcn¡ð ]cipcma³ IÀ®sâ aSnbnð Xesh¨v \n{Zbnemïp. B kab¯v, Hcp hïv IÀ®sâ XpSbnð Xpf¨p Ibdn. Kpcphnsâ \n{Z¡v `wKw hcmXncn¡m³ thZ\bpw kln¨v IÀ®³ Ccpóp. icoc¯nð \\hv A\p`hs¸« ]cipcma³ Fgptóät¸mÄ IïXv IÀ®sâ XpSbnð \nópw HgpIpó càamWv. C{Xbpw thZ\ kln¡m³ Hcp £{Xnb\p am{Xta IgnbpIbpÅpshópw B kXyw ad¨p sh¨ IÀ®³ Xsâ tIm]¯n\v ]m{Xo`qX

IÀ®³Cµnc \mcmbW³

\msWópw Adnbn¨p. bp²¯nð hnZy

BÀj ktµiw

17July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

AXy´mt]£nXambncn¡pó thfbnð \o bp²X{´§Ä adóp t]mIs« Fóv i]n¨p.Iuch ]mÞhcpsS hnZym`ymkw ]qÀ¯n bmb thfbnð, AhcpsS Akv{Xikv{X ]mShw Af¡m\mbn Hcp {]XntbmKnXm aÕcw sh¨p. AÀÖp\s\ shñm³ aämcmepw Akm[yamb thfbnemWv IÀ®sâ cwK {]thiw. Rm³ AÀÖp\s\ t\cnSmsaó {]hN\w tI«v Ir]À tIm]mIpe\mbn ]dªp \nsâ IpetaXv \obpw cmPIpamc \mb AÀÖp\\pw X½nð bp²w sN¿póXv cmtPmNnXañ. Ip«nIfpss bp² ss\]p Wyw ImWm³ kónlnXcmbncn¡pó kz´w A½bptSbpw A\pPòmcptSbpw (AhÀ Xsâ BscódnbmsX) aäp _Ôpan{XmZnIfptSbpw apónð A]lmky\mbn¯ocpóp. Cu thfbnð Zpã emt¡msSsb¦nepw Zptcym[\³ Xsâ cmPy¯nsâ Hcp `mKw IÀ®\v \ðIn AwKcmPmhmbn A`njnà\m¡n. kz´w aI\mWv IÀ®s\ó kXyw Adnªn« pw t]mepw Ip´otZhn temIm]hmZw `bóv B kXyw ad¨psh¡póp.Ir]cpsS ]cnlmk¯nð a\w s\ m´ IÀ®³ Fsót¸mse Xm¦fpsS Pò clkyhpw KqVatñ Fóv Xnc¡póp. A§v ]pðs¡mSnbnð \nópw P\n¨p. Fsâ DÛhw Hcp s]«nbnð \nópamWv. i´\p almcmPmhnsâ Ir]sImïv A§v KpcpØm\ v F¯n Rm³ [rXcmjv{S almcmPmhntâbpw Zptcym[\tâbpw Ir]bmð AwKcmPmhmbpw A`njnà \mbn. Cóp apXð Fsâ PohnXw Xsó Zptcym[\\v ISs¸«ncn¡póp. ]nóoSpÅ IÀ®sâ PohnX¯nð an{Xkvt\l¯n\p apónð ]et¸mgpw A[À½¯n\v t]mepw IÀ®\v Iq«p \nevt¡ïnhóp.]mômeo kzbwhc ]´enð IÀ®\v ]môm enbpsS A[nt£]hpw klnt¡ïn hóp.Z pcmNmc nIfmb Z ptcym[\mZ nIfpsS kwkÀ¤w ImcWw, Ipeh[phmb ]môm enbpsS hkv {Xmt£]¯n\v `mK`m¡v BtIïnbpw hóp.Hc n¡ð IÀ®s\ Z m\hoc³ Fó v F´psImïmWv hnfn¡pósXóv AÀÖp\³ IrjvWt\mSv Xnc¡n. DS³ IrjvW³

ASp¯p ImWpó aesb Xsâ ambsImïv kzÀ®am¡n amän. Cóv kÔybnenS¡v Cu kzÀ®sañmw Zm\w sNbvXpsImÅq Fóp ]dªp. AÀÖp\³ hcnhcnbmbn hóv kzÀ®w FSp¯psImÅm³ {]PItfmSv ]dªp. kabw kÔymbmImdmbn«pw Imð `m Kw t]mepw kzÀ®w FSp¯v XoÀónñ. At¸mÄ AXphgn hó IÀ®t\mSv _m¡n `mKw Zm\w sNbvXp sImÅm³ {ioIrjv W³ ]dªp. DS³ \n§sfñmhcpw Cu kzÀ®w ]¦ns«Sp¯p sImÅq Fóv ]dªv AhnsS \nópw IÀ®³ t]mbn. AÀÖp\³ Fsâ hkvXp \n§Ä¡v Xcpóp Fó `mh¯nepw IÀ®³ \n§fptSXv \n§Ä FSp¯psImÅq Fó `mh¯nepw Zm\w sNbvXp.Hcn¡ð [À½]p{XcmtWm IÀ®\mtWm Zm\nIfnð t{ijvT³ Fóv AÀÖp\³ IrjvWt\mSv Bcmªp. B kab¯mWv DW§nb Nµ\¯nsâ hndIv At\zjn¨v Hcp {_mÒW³ hóXv. Ct¸mÄ hÀjImeatñ \msf hcq Rm³ GÀ¸mSm¡n sh¡mw Fóv ]dªp [À½]p{XÀ At±ls Xncn¨b¨p. DS³ At±lw IÀ®s\ kao ]n¨p. IÀ®³ Nµ\ I«nepw hmXnepsams¡ sh«nsbSp¯v {_mÒW\v \ðIn. IrjvW³ AÀÖ\t\mSv ]dªp. CXmWv IÀ®sâ alXzw.Ipcpt£{X bp²¯nð ]ßhypl¯nð ISó A`na\yphns\ t{ZmWÀ, IÀ®³, Ir]À, Aiz°mamhv, IrXhÀ½mhv, {_lXv_e³ Fóo almcYòmÀ Hón¨v FXncn«p tXmäv ]nòmdn. B kabw IÀ®sâ Bdv tk\m \mbIòmcpw, PcmkÔ]p{X \mb kltZh\pw A`na\yphnt\mSv bp²w XpS§n. A[nIw XmaknbmsX Ahscñmw Ime]pcn ]qIn.CXv Iï t{ZmWÀ, NXnbneqsS am{Xta Chs\ h[n¡m³ km[n¡pIbpÅq. AXn \mð IÀ®m \o Hfnbs¼bvXv A`na\yphnsâ Rm¬ apdn¡pI. IrjvWmÀPp\òmÄ hcpw apt¼ Rm\hs\ sImñmw Fóv ]dbpóp. IÀ®³ Cu thfbnð t{ZmWmNmc ysc \ninXambn hnaÀin¡pópïv. Hcp Kpcphpw

18 Pqembv 2019

Page 19: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

{_mÒW\pamb n« p w C {X \oNamb n Nn´n¡m³ A§bvs¡§ns\ Ignbpóp. H S p h n ð k ½ À ± ¯ n \ v h g § n B {IqcIrXy¯n\v IÀ®\v Iq«p\nevt¡ïn hcpóp.IÀ®sâ icoc¯nð IhNIpÞe§Ä DÅt¸mÄ IÀ®s\ Pbn¡m³ BÀ¡pw km[yañ. t{XXmbpK¯nð C{µ]p{X \ m b _ m e n s b k q c y ] p { X \ m b kp{Koh³ {iocmasâ klmbt¯msS h[n¨ncpóp. Cu Zzm]cbpK¯nð Xsâ ]p{X\mb hnPbs\ sImïv kqcy]p{X \mb IÀ®s\ h[n¡m³ IhNIpÞew XSÊamIpsaó Nn´ C{µ\pïmbn. C¡mcyw ap³Iq« n Iï kqcytZh³ IÀ®sâ P\\clkyw IÀ®t\mSv ]¦psh¡póp. Hcn¡epw IÀ®IpÞe§Ä BÀ¡pw Zm\w sN¿cpsXópw Adnbn¡póp.IÀ®³, ]mÞhÀ Fsâ ktlmZcòmcmsW ¦nepw F\n¡hsc kvt\ln¡m³ h¿. ]s£ Bsc´v tNmZn¨mepw F\n¡v sImSp¡mXncn¡m³ hs¿ópw Adnbn ¡póp.\nsâ Zm\w sImïv \o t\Spó ]pWysañmw \nsâ Al¦mcw aqew \in¨p t]mIpw. Fsâ aIs\ó \nebnð \nsó D]tZin¡m³ hópshtó DÅq Fóv ]dªv kqcytZh³ A{]Xy£\mbn.Hcn¡ð {]`mXhµ\w sN¿pó IÀ®sâ AcnInte¡v Hcp {_mÒW cq]¯nð C{µ³ hóp. ]qPIÄ IgnbpóXp hsc {_mÒWs\ BZcn v Ccp¯n. ]qPmZn IÀ½§Ä¡ptijw BKat\mt±iw Xnc¡n.]s¯gp]Xv hÀj§Ä¡pap³]v Hcp hn{]³ Hcp IhNhpw, cïp IpÞe§fpw Fsó Gð¸n¨ncpóp. Rm³ AXv `{Zambn kq£n¨psh¨p. Hcp Znhkw Rm³ kqcy\akv¡mcw Ignªv t\m¡nbt¸mÄ AXv Iïnñ. BZyXytZh³ AXv sImïpt]m sbóv Fñmhcpw ]dªp. ]etcbpw sNóp Iïp eapïmbnñ. At¸mgmWv At§bv¡v C§ns\ IhNIpÞe§Ä kn²n¨n«psïóv tI«Xv. AX\pkcn v Rm³ A§sb icWw {]

m]n¨p. Zm\ioeòmcnð sh v Gähpw t{ijvT\mb A§v Fsó ssIhn«mð kXy`wKwaqew Rm³ \cIbmX\ A\p`hn¡pw. AXpsImïv B IhNIpÞe§Ä F\n¡v Zm\ambn \ðIWw.F\n¡v Fsâ Poh³ t]mepw Zm\ambn \ðIm³ bmsXmcp aSnbpanñ. At¸mÄ Cu IhNIpÞe§Ä F{X \nÊmcw. Xsâ ]nXmh v kqcytZh³ CXmÀ¡pw sImSp¡cpsXóv ]dª D]tZiw HmÀ½bnð hón« p w , IÀ®³ IhNIpÞe§Ä ]dns¨Sp¯v B alokpc\v \ðIn.]Icw tZth{µ³ k½m\ambn Hcp thð IÀ®\v \ðIn. AXoh iànbpÅ themWnXv ]s£ Hcn¡ð am{Xta CXv D]tbmKn¡m³ ]äpIbpÅq. {]_e\mb i{Xphnsâ t\À¡v am{Xw CXv D]tbmKn¡p Fóv ]dªv IÀ®s\ A\p{Kln¨p.bp²w Bcw`n¡póXn\v ap¼v {ioIrjvW³ IÀ® khnX¯nð F¯n \o kqcy]p{X\m sWópw Ip´otZhn \nsâ amXmhmsWópw Adnbn¡póp. ]mÞhÀ \nsâ kz´w A\pPòmcmWv. \o ]mÞh]£¯v tNÀóv i{Xp¡fpambn t]mcmSn Pbn¨v bp[njvTncsâ tPjvTs\ó \nebnð cmPy ]cn]me\w sN¿pI.IÀ®³ Nnc n¨ p sImïv Xsó Cu hnhcw kqcytZh³ Adnbn¨ncpópshópc sNbvXp. Cu Ahkc¯nð Rm³ Zptcym[ \s\ Dt]£n¨v adp]£w tNcpóXv ]pcp tjmNnXamb [À½añ. tIhew kqX ]p{X\mbn temIcdnª Xsó AwK c m P m h m b n A ` n t j I w s N b v X X v Zpãs\¦nepw DZmca\kvI\mb Zptcym[\ \mWv. B]¯v hcpt¼mÄ bPam\s\ Dt]£n¡pó `rXy³ alm]m]nbmsWóv ]dªv IrjvW]mZ§fnð \akvIcn¡póp. \ n sâ HuZ mc yh p w Z m\ioeh p w \nsó kzÀ¤¯n\v AhIminbm¡psaóv {ioIrjvW³ A\p{Kln¡póp.Xsâ a¡Ä ]ckv]cw bp²¯nð Gäpap«pó hyYbnð kÀÆw adóv Ip´o tZhn cmtYb khnX¯nð F¯póp. IcªpsImïv

BÀj ktµiw

19July 2019

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BÀj ktµiw

Ip´otZhn IÀ®m \osbsâ aI\mWv Iut´b\mWv, cmtYb\ñ Fóv ]dbpóp. \o ]mÞh ]£¯p \nómWv bp²w sNt¿ïXv . \n§Ä ]ckv]cw bp²w sN¿cpX v Fóv hne]n¡póp. At½ hnhc§sfñmw kqcytZh\pw, {ioIrjvW \pw Fsó Adnbn¨ncpóp. Fómð Rm³ \µntISv ImWn¡nñ. Zptcym[\³ Fsó kz´w tPyjvTs\t¸mse kvt\ln¡pIbpw hnizkn¡pIbpw sN¿póp. B ØnXn¡v Rm³ At±ls¯ Dt]£n¨v i{Xp]£¯v tNcpóXv A[À½amWv. Fómð Rm³ A½¡v Hcp hm¡v Xcmw. Fópw A½¡v Aôp a¡Ä Dïm b n c n ¡ p w . R m³ AÀÖp\s\bñmsX aämscbpw h[n¡nñ. HópInð Rm³ Asñ¦nð AÀÖ\³ A½bvs¡m¸w DïmIpw. F\n¡v A½sb Cu hn[w Abt¡ïn hóXnð AXnbmb k¦Sapïv. k¦St¯msS Ip´otZhn Xncn¨p t]mbtijw IÀ®³ Ip´ntZhn Nhp«n \nó B ]qgn as®Sp¯v incÊneWnbpóp. B ]mZ [qfnIfnð kmãmwKw \akvIcn¡pó IÀ®s\ Iï Zp xÈmk\³ IÀ®s\Xncmbn Zptcym[\s\ sXän²cn¸n¡m³ {ian¡póp. Fómð IÀ®s\ Xm³ Hcn¡epw Ahnizkn¡nsñópw acn¨mepw IÀ®³ Fsó NXn¡nsñóv Zptcym[\³ ZpimÈ\t\mSp ]dbpóp.Ipcpt£{X bp²kóml kab¯v, `ojvaÀ IÀ®s\ hñmsX Ahtlfn¡pópïv. Xsâ {]nb {]]u{X\mb AÀÖp\ h[¯n\v IÀ®³ {ian¡psaóXpsImtïm Añ Ip´nbpsS ]p{XòmÀ ]ckv]cw bp²w sN¿mXncn¡mt\m Fóv NneÀs¡¦nepw ktµlapZn¡mw. \nµnX \mb IÀ®³ Rm³ `ojva]nXmasâ Iognð bp²w sN¿nñ Fóv {]XnÚ FSp¡póp.`ojvaÀ i¿mhew_nbmb tijw IÀ®³ `ojva]nXmal khnX¯nð A\p{Kl¯n \mbn sNñpóp. \o ]mÞhcpsS aq¯ tPjvT\mWv. A[À½nIfmb Zptcym[\m ZnIsf shSnªv ]mÞhtcmsSm¸w tNcpI, AhtcmsSm¸amWv [À½w Fóv `ojvaÀ IÀ®s\ D]tZin¨p. IÀ®³ ARvPeo

_²\mb n ` oj va tc mS v At] £n¨p . ]nXmalm AhnSpóv A§s\ Iev]n¡cpXv. Pbtam, tXmðhntbm F´pambn sImÅs« Rm³ Zptcym[\s\ Dt]£n¡nñ. bp²¯nð Pbn¡m³ A§v A\p{Kln¨mepw. ]mÞ hsc Pbn¡m³ \n\¡v km²yañ. \o ]mÞhtcmS v ]Ssh«n ASÀ¡f¯nð ac n¨me p w ` mcX b p²¯nð \ nsâ \maw t{ijvTambncn¡pw. Fóv `ojvaÀ A\p{Kln¨p.t{ZmWcpsS acWtijw IÀ®s\ kÀÆ ssk\y[n]\m¡n. IrjvWsâ kmcYy¯n \pap¼nð IÀ® kmcYn¡v ]nSn¨p \nev¡m \mbnñ. Zptcym[\³ CXnð XoÀ¯pw ZpxJnX\mbn IÀ®t\mSv ImcWw Xnc¡n. IrjvWs\t¸mse IgnhpÅ tXcmfnbmbn ieysc am{Xsa ImWpópÅq. At±lw tXcmfnbmbmð \njv{]bmkw bp²w Pbn¡mw.Zptcym[\³ ieytcmSv IÀ®sâ kmcYyw hln¡m³ Xmgvabmbn At]£n¡póp. kmcYo ]p{Xsâ kmcYnbmIm³ ieyÀ Cãs¸Spónñ. CtX ImcW¯mð ieyÀ IÀ®\v Hcp ieyambn¯só hn¨p. ojva]n Xmals\ Ipdn¨v ieyÀ IÀ®t\mSmcªp. At±l¯nsâ bp² ss\]pWy§tfbpw aäpw IÀ®³ ieytcmSv hÀ®n¨p. C{Xbpw hociqc]cm{Ianbmb ojvaÀ ]mÞhtcmSv ]cmPnX\mbn At¸mÄ \o F§ns\ hnPbn¡pw Fómbn. ]nónSv t{ZmWsc Ipdn v A`n{]mbw Bcmªp. At±lw t{ijvT\mb Kpcphpw bp²ss\]pWy¯nð At±ls¯ shñm³ Akm[ysaópw ]dªp. C{Xbpw bp²ss\]pWyapÅ t{ZmWÀ ]mÞhcmð sImñs¸«p C\n \nsâ KXn F´mbncn¡pw Fsóñmw ]dªv IÀ®sâ at\mhocyw XIÀ¡póXp ImWmw. Fómð adphi¯v KotXm]tZiw \ðInbpw aäpw AÀÖp\sâ at\mhocyw hÀ²n¸n¡póXp {io IrjvW\mWv.A½¡v sImSp¯ hm¡p ]men¡m³ thïn kµÀ`w In«nbn«pw Xsâ \mev ktlmZc§tfbpw h[n¡mXncnóXnsâ t]cnð Zptcym[\sâ tIm]¯n\p t]mep w ]m{XamIpópïv, IÀ®³.

20 Pqembv 2019

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A`na\yphns\ h[n¡m\mbn bp²\oXn Isfms¡ IuchÀ Dt]£n¨p. Bbp[w \ãs¸« A`a\yphnt\mSv Kpcpt{ZmWcS¡w AScmSn. A`na\yphnsâ h[t¯msS bp² \oXnIsfñmw Ahkm\n¨p.`oa\v lnUpw_nbnð P\n¨ LtSmð¡P³ cm {X nbp²¯nð \ n] pW\mb nc póp . bp²X{´¯nð AXn\n]pW\mb {io IrjvW³ LtSmð¡Ps\ ap³\nÀ¯n cm{Xn bp²w XpS§n. bp²¯nð I\¯ {]lctaä IuchÀ IÀ®t\mSv AÀÖp\\pthïn IcpXnsh¨ thð LtSmð¡P\p t\sc {]tbmKn¡m³ Bhiys¸«p. KXy´canñmsX thð LtSmð¡P\p t\sc D]tbmKn¨p. thð \ãs¸«tXmsS IÀ®\nð hnPb{]Xo£IÄ¡pw a§teäp.IÀ®³ AÀÖp\\pt\sc \mKmkv{Xw sXmSp¯t¸mÄ IrjvW³ cYw `qanbnð Aev]w Xmgv¯n AÀÖp\sâ Xebv¡pt\sc hó Akv{Xw IocS¯nð X«n `qanbnð ]Xn¨p.b p ² m \ ´ c w I r j v W ³ A À Ö p \ t\mSv tXcnð \nónd§n Zqsc amdn \nð ¡m³ ]dªp. ]nóoSv {ioIrjvW \pw tXcnð \nónd§n. DS³ tXcv Hcp ]nSn Nmcambn amdn. CXnIÀXhyXmaqV\mb AÀÖp\t\mSv IrjvW³ C{]Imcw ]d ªpþIÀ®tâbpw Kpcp¡òmcptSbpw Akv{Xikv{X{]tbmK¯mð cYw hfsc ap¼vXsó `kvaambncpóp. AhnsS cY¯nð sI«nb sImSnbnepÅ {iol\pam\pw ]nsó Fsâ ambbpw ImcWw CXphsc Bcpw AXdnªnsñtóÅq. CXv tI«v hnñmfn hocs\óv Al¦cn¨ncpó AÀÖp\\v Xsâ sXäpIÄ a\Ênembn.bp²m\´cw AXohZpxJnXbmb Ip´otZhn a¡tfmS v IÀ®\pthïn IqSn IÀ½w sN¿Wsaóv Bhiys¸Spóp. Fómð, AhÀ IÀ®sâ t]cv tI«Xpw cmtYb\p thïn R§Ä F´n\v IÀ½w sN¿Wsaómcmbpóp. IÀ®³ cmtYb\ñ Iut´b\msWópw kqcy]p {X\msWópw Ip´n Ahsc Adnbn¡póp. kz´w ssIsImïv tPyjvTktlmZcs\

h [ n t ¡ ï n h ó X n e p w A t ± l s A [ n t £ ] n ¨ X n e p a p Å Z p x J w ]mÞhsc AXn{Ip²cm¡póp. X§fnð \nópw Cu clkyw ad¨p sh¨ Ip´oamXmhv DÄs¸sSbpÅ kv{XoIÄ¡v Hcp clkyhpw kq£n¡m³ ]ämXncn¡s« FóhÀ i]n ¡póp.Cóp w Z m\[À½ nj v T\ mb IÀ®³ alm`mcX¯nsâ GSpIfnð am{Xañ a\pjy a\Ênepw hncmNn¡póp.



“Stress is the body’s natural response to challenges”. All of us would agree that almost every family in our society, may it be the parents or the children, are experiencing constant pressure or stress towards academic performance in pursuit to acquire high grades or scores. Recognizing the importance and need of the hour, Sree Krishna Medical & Research Centre is planning an interactive talk on "Effective study skills and managing Exam stress for School Children from 8th to 12th Class on Saturday 27th July 2019 at Karthyayani Socio Cultural Complex, Krishna Marg, Pocket-III, Mayur Vihar Phase-1. Delhi-110091 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

Eminent Psychologist & Psychiatrist & counsellor would be addressing the inter active session.

Parents are also welcome to attend.

For Registration Contact.Sree Krishna Medical & Research Centre011- 22718012, 22718007, 42720442

BÀj ktµiw

21July 2019

Page 22: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

BÀj ktµiw

Imôo]pcw kmcn: Hmtcm kmcnbpw H¯ncn t]cpsS Znhk§fpw, Nnet¸mÄ amk§fpw \ofpó X]ÊmWv.{]IrXnbnð \nópw t{]cW DÄsImïmWv ChÀ Nn {X¸Wn sN¿póXv . kqcy\pw , N{µ\pw, X¯bpw, abnepsams¡ Poh³ XpSnbv¡póhbmbn Hmtcm kmcnbnepw ImWm³ km[nbv¡pw.\nd§fpsS Hcp ambm {]]ôw Xsó. \ñ ISpw \nd§Ä!!! \oe, ]¨, Nph¸v, ssheäv A§ns\ F®aäh.C\n Hcp {]tXyIX, kmcnIfpsS ap´mWnbmWv. CXv X\nsb s\bvXn«v kmcnbpsS aäv mKt¯bv¡v Xpón tNÀ¡pIbmWv sN¿póXv.Imôo]pcw kmcnIÄ¡v \ñ mcapïmhpw. Cu {]tXyIXIÄ sImsïñmw \ap¡v Hcp Imôo ]pcw kmcn Iïmð s]s«óv a\ÊnemIpw. Fómð HdnPn\ens\ shñpó hymP³ FñmbnS¯pw DÅXp t]mse ChntSbpw Dïv AXpsImïv kq£nbv¡pI...!!! ""Imôo]pcw tNeNpän'']gb kn\na Km\¯nsâ CucSnIfnð apgpIm³ XpS§nbt¸mtgbv¡pw, Imfnap¯p Hcp ISbpsS ap³]nð Imdp \nÀ¯n. {Kma§fnð A´nbpd§n XdnIfpsS kwKoX¯nð ap§ns]m§Ww Fs´mcp Bibpïmbncpsó¦nepw, kabw {][m\ hnñ\mbXpsImïv, Xð¡mew Cu ISbpw, ChnSps¯ Xdnbpw Iïv Xr]vXns¸Smw Fóv IcpXn.R§Ä sNñpt¼mÄ Idp¯ \nd¯nepÅ Hcp ]«p kmcn, Nph¸v t-_mÀUtdmSp IqSn bmWv, Aekambn Hcp Xdnbnð A§ns\ InS¸pïv. ""F\n¡v Hcp [rXnbpw Cñ' Fó Hcp `mhambncpóp B kmcnbv¡v. ImcWw Cu Hcp kmcn XbvNv Xocm³ Xsó Hcp amk¯ne[nIw kabw thWw Fóv, Xdbnð tPmen sNbvXpsImïncpó ao\m£n ]dªp. CXn\pÅ ]«v\qð IÀWmSI¯nð \nópw, kzÀ® \qð KpPdm¯nð \nópamWs{X hcpóXv. ]«nsâ apSnNqSmaó\mbn Imôo]p

c¯n\v kz´ambn Ch e`yañ FóXv hne IqSpXen\v Hcp ImcWamWv. Xdnbnð ab§n InS¡pó kmcns]®nsâ hne GItZiw "Hcp e£w' ""At½, Xmtb'' F\nbv¡p henb taml§sfmópw Ctñ....!!!ao\m£n henb DÕmlt¯msS R§sf AhcpsS ISbnte¡v Iq«nsImïp t]mbn. tamfq«nsb IïXpsImïmIWw, hnhml ]Àt¨k\v Hcp km[yX aW¡pópsïóv AhÀ¡v tXmónbncnbv¡pI. ]t£ AhcpsS BfnI¯nb DÕml¯nð shÅw tImcn Hgn¨p sImïv R§Ä XdnImWm³ hóXmsWóv ]dªt¸mgpÅ `mhamäw ImtWïXp Xsóbmbncpóp. GXmbmepw ChnsS hsc hóXnsâ HmÀ½bv¡mbn Gähpw hneIpdª cïp kmcn {iotb«sâ t]m¡äSn¨v Rm\pw ssI¡em¡n.ao\m£n, Smäm, ss_ ss_, IqSpXð kabw ChnsS \nómð s{IUnäv ImÀUv I®pcp«n ImWnbv¡pw.ImWm³ C\nbpw F{Xtbm _m¡nbmWv ChnsS, ]t£ R§fptSXv Hcp Znhks¯ bm{X BbXn\mepw aS§pw hgn¡v thsdbpw NneXv ImWm\pÅXv sImïpw, hoïpw ]m¡ew Fó hmKvZm\hpambn Imfnap¯p hïnXncn¨p.Imôn IpSnð]gb Ime Xangv XdhmSmWv ""ImônIpSnð'' \qämïpIÄ ]g¡apÅ kwkvImc¯nsâ Zriymhnj v¡cWw. ]gb ]m {X§fpw , Bbp[§fpw D]IcW§fpw, Fñmw hfsc `wKnbmbn ]pXnb Xeapdbntebvs¡¯nbv¡m³ CXnepw t`Zs¸« Hcp amÀ¤w Dtïm Fóv kwibamWv.Imôn ImatImSn ]oTwBZn i¦c³ Fó ""PKXv Kpcp'' tIcf¯nsâ ]pWyamWv. mcX¯nð DS\ofw Imð \Sbmbn kôcn¨v At±lw Øm]n¨ t£{X§fpw, aT§fpw Cópw \½psS kwkvImc¯n sâ \mgnI¡ñmbn \nesImÅpóp. AXpsImï v Xsó FhnsS sNómepw aebmfnbv¡v A`nam\


A\p`hw, Bßobw, B\µwtim` ]Wn¡À

(Ignªe¡¯nsâ XpSÀ¨)

22 Pqembv 2019

Page 23: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

]qÀÆw, XebpbÀ¯n ]nSn¨v Xsó ]dbm³ Ignbpw ""Rm³ aebmfn''. ]t£ \ap¡v a\ÊnemIpóptïm...? Ft´m...?i¦cmNmc y À Xsâ Ahkm\ Imew Nnehgn¨Xv Cu a®nemsWóv ]dbs¸Spóp. ZpÀ¤mtZhnbpsS, Imam£nbpsS Asñ¦nð ImatImSnbpsS (Fñmw tZhnbpsS t]cpIÄ) t]cnð \nómWv ImatImSn ]oTw Fó t]cv DcpXncnªXv Fóv ]dbs¸Spóp.ChnSps¯ XWp¯ AI¯f§fnð, Fñmw adóv Aev]w t\cw [ym\¯nencn¡m³ km[n¨mð!!! AsXmcp alm`mKyw Xsó.

""GImt´ kpJamkyXmw ]cXtctNXx kam[obXmw]qÀ®mXvam kpkao£yXmw PKZnZwXXv _m[nXw ZriyXmw''

km[\]ôIw: {io i¦cmNmcy kzmanIÄ

GIm´Xbnð kqJmko\\mbn ]c{_Ò¯nð a\Êns\ ebn¸n¡pI. ]camß`mhs¯ ZÀin v, Cu PKXv Cuizc\mð hym]vXamsWóp IïdnbpI. {io i¦cmNcycpsS km[\m ]ôI¯nse hcnIÄ ChnsS hfsc {]kàamIpóp.''Häbv¡ncnbv¡m³ hfsc[nIw Cãs¸Spó BfmWv Rm³. F{X t]À \ndªncnbv¡pó Øe¯pw Ahcnsemópw s]SmsX Fómð Ahcnð Hcmfmbn A§ns\ Ccnbv¡póXv at\m lcamb Hc\p`qXn Dfhm¡mdpïv. BNmcy]mZ§fnð BßmÀ¸Ww \S¯n, ]pd t¯bv¡nd§pt¼mÄ kabw GXmïv \mev aWntbmSSp¯ncpóp.bm{XIfnð hni¸nsâ hnfn IqSpXembncnbv¡pw. \mep aWn Bbntñ.... Nmb IpSnbv¡Ww Imôo ]pcw hón«v ""Imôo]pcw CÍven'' Ignbv¡msX aS§m³ ]mSptïm?hoïpw Bïhsâ icW¯ntebv¡v.Imôo]pcw CÍvenkm[mcW CÍvenbnð \nópw hyXykvXamWv CXv. ""tImhnð CÍven'' Fópw Adnbs¸Spóp. sshIpWvT s]cpamfnsâ {][m\ ss\thZyw. km[mcW¡mcsâ `£Ww Cãs¸Spó Hcp P\Iob t\Xmhns\ t]mse ""sshIpWvT s]cpamÄ''.Imôo]pcw CÍvenamhnð Dgpónsâ Afhv IqSpXð Bbncnbv¡pw. IqSmsX PocIw,

IpcpapfIv , Côn, Iiqhïn Fónhbpw tNÀ¯ncnbv¡pw. CXpïm¡póXn\v {]tXyI ]m{Xw Dïv AXnð hmgbnetbm Asñ¦nð I¨vXmdnsâ Cetbm h¨n«mWv X¿mdm¡póXv. GXmbmepw FñmhcptSbpw ap³]nð Bhn ]d¡pó ""Imôo]pcw CÍven'' F¯n. D]ZwiIcmbn km¼mdpw tX§ NSvWnbpw, Nphó NSvWnbpw. A§ns\ B tamlhpw XoÀ¯v, IïXnt\¡mÄ IqSpXð ImWm¯h _m¡n sh¨v ""C\nbpw ImWpw \½Ä'' Fó hmKvZm\hpambn R§Ä hïn Xncn¨p.Rm\nXv FgpXpóXv 2019 G{]nð amk¯nemWv, DKmZnbpw (sXep¦v \yqCbÀ) ]p¯mïpw (XanÄ \yq CbÀ) _nlqhpw (BÊmansâ BtLmjw) hnjpw Ignªncn¡póp. sNssó bnse \nc¯pIÄ¡v Ct¸mÄ XobpsS NqSmWv. sXm«mepw, sXm«nsñ¦nepw s]mÅpó Cu ITn\ amb th\enepw, lrZb¯nð Ipfncv s]bvXp sImïv, kzÀWm`cW hnZpjXbmbn \nev ¡pó sImó ac§Ä. ChnsS hfsc t\ct¯ sImó ]q¡pw. FhntSbv¡v t\m¡nbmepw kzÀW hÀWw. {]IrXn aebmfnIsf am{Xañ, Fñmhtcbpw "hnjpIWn' ImWnbv¡pó Cu Zriyw AXn at\mlcw.]t£ km[cW¡mÀ "sImó acw' Fópw, Be¦mcnIambn "IÀWnImcw' Fópw BwKte b¯nð "tKmÄU³ ^vfhÀ Fópw ]dbpó Cu ac¯n\v sImó acw Fó t]cp F§ns\ In«n...?""Rm³ Btcbpw sImón«nñmt«m'' aqIambn Cu ac§Ä FtómSv ]dbmdpïv. sImóXv ""`Khm \mWv'' ({iocma³) sImótXm, ""_mensb'' Fsâ ]pdInð adªp \nómWv Khm³, _men sb sImóXv, Fómð No¯ t]cv tI«tXm, Cu ]mhw Rm\pw.]t£ `Khm³ Xsó A\p{Klhpw Xópt«m. AXp sImïmW v a m temIsc Fñm w IWnImWnbv¡phm\mbn, `Khsâ {]nbs¸« "IWn]pjv]ambn' Rm\n§s\ ]q¯qeªv \nev¡póXv.""kqcytZhsXmtcm«pcqfo...AXnð `qan tZhnbmwIWnshÅco....\òIÄ t\Àóv, ]pôncn XqIn...X¦ \ndamÀó sImó¸qhvCu kpµcn¸qhv, sImó¸qhv.''


BÀj ktµiw

23July 2019

Page 24: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

BÀj ktµiw

k\mX\[À½ ]T\wMatrimonialProposals are invited for Nair girl 29 yrs.height 5’4” star Thrikketta, LLB (Hons.) working with a reputed Law Firm. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9818321404/9810508474

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 26 years, star Moolam, MA BEd, working as Teacher, settled in Delhi. Contact: 9810799195/9810839195Proposals are invied for Nair boy, 36 yrs, star Pooradam, BA with ITI, working in Saudi Arabia as a Sales Officer. Contact: 9958332249

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 29 years, star Uthrattathi, MTech, working in an Institute in NCR.Contact: 8826426772/9654600930

Proposals are invited for Nair girl 25 Yrs., star Uthirattathi, BCom, LLB, working with Thomson Reuters, Noida. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9891904580/9911167746Proposals are invited for Ezhava girl, 29 years, height 5’ 5”, star Revathi, B.Tech, working with MNC. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8860306103/8510995945Email: [email protected] are invited for Nair boy, 31 years, height 5’ 9” star Chothi, Diploma in Hotel Management, working with a reputed shipping company in USA. Settled in NCR. Contact: 9582398208/9810526411

Proposals are invited for Ezhava boy, 28 years, height 175 cm. star Thiruvathira, BTech, working with a reputed organization, settled in Delhi. Contact: 9818817477/9810273605

Proposals are invited for Nair boy 31 years, height 5’ 8”, star Trikketta, MBA (Finance), working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9716377283/9896649328

Proposals are invited for Nair boy 28 yrs. height 5’ 9” star Vishakam, BBA working with a reputed organization in Dubai. Contact: 9971119620/9582724845

Proposals are invited for Thiyya/Ezhava girl, 28 years, height 5’ 3”, star Revathi, BCom (Hon), working in a reputed MNC. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8129044276/9873576675

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 24 years, height 151 cm., star Ayilyam, B Tech, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9540345481/9818982459. Email: [email protected]

Proposals are invited for Nair girl 25 years, star Bharani, MA (History), working with a reputed organization, settled in Delhi/NCR. Contact: 9810161973

Proposals are invited for Nair boy 29 yrs, height 185 cm. star Uthradam, BTech & MBA, working with a reputed MNC in Bangalore, settled in Delhi. Contact: 7042511440/9711173261

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 31 years, height 5.9” star Vishakam, MCom, working with Rajasthan State Government in Bikaner (Raj). Contact: 9001023621/9588245765 Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 27 years, height 5’ 8” star Rohini, MBA working in Delhi as Graphic designer- cum-Administration. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9871186443/8802673364Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 31 years from Palakkad, height 5’ 10” star Atham, BTech, MBA. Working with a reputed organization/MNC. Settled in NCR. Contact: 9899556788/9818666168 Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 30 years, height 5’ 1”star Anizham, BA, working with a reputed private firm. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9911172242/9868305351Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 30 years, star Anizham, BHM, working with a reputed Star Hotel in Gurgaon. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8860058667/9958384388Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 29 years, height 5’ 4”, star Pooruruttathi, Graduate, working with reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8447326144/8447724714E-mail: [email protected] /[email protected] are invited for Nair boy, 28 years, height 5’ 9” star Uthram, B Tech, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Faridabad. Contact: 9899705956/9560406024Proposals are invited for a Nair boy, 30 years, star Anizham having one dosham in Kujan & Rahu, BHM, working as Astt. Manager in a reputed Star Hotel in Gurgaon, settled in Delhi. Contact: 9958384388/8860058667Proposals are invited for Nair/Nambiar girl, 27 years, height 5' 2", star Atham, qualification M.A. Psychology, trying for MPhil, working with reputed organization, settled in DelhiContact: 9910487550/9818013015Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 30 years height 5’ 5”, star Thrikketta, MCA, working with an MNC, settled in Delhi. Contact: 9999723857/9873127712/011-22134348 Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 30 years, height 166 cm. star Trikketta, BCom, working with a reputed Private organisation. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9717328688/8588814006 Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 25 yrs, height 5’ 8”, star Chothi, M Com, working with a reputed MNC. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9810072764/9821642764Proposals are invited for Ezhava boy, 28 years, height 5’ 6”, star Revathi, B Tech, Mechanical Engineer working with reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9643012999/8860951922Proposals are invited for Nair girl 27 years, height 5’ 1” star Ayilyam, M Phil working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9958739587/9999282791 Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 34 years, height 6’ star Punartham, B.A., working with a reputed private organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9910174460/9354705530

24 Pqembv 2019

Page 25: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

Proposals are inv ited for Iyer boy, 31 years, height 6'2” star Anizham, B Tech, working with a reputed organization at Pune. Settled in Pune. Contact: 9313866139/9810423435.

Proposals are invited for Pillai/Nair girl, 30 years, height 5’5” star Rewati, B Tech (MBA), working in Dubai. Family settled in Delhi. Contact: 9650213188/011-49406198Email: kvpillai_2007@rediffmail. com

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 26 yrs, height 5’ 1” star Makeeram, B Arch. Working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi/Palakkad. Contact: 8076168823/9582401103Email: [email protected]

Proposals are invited for Ezhava girl, 24 years, height 152 cm, star Chothi, BSc Nursing. Working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8586969581/8442819857

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 38 yrs, height 5’7”. star Pooram, Graduate working with a reputed firm, settled in Delhi/NCR. Contact: 9871740455/9999021051

Propoals are invited for Nair girl, 25 years, height 5’, star Pooruruttathi, BCom, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9911276685/9210590813

Proposals are invited for Nair (divorced) girl, 29 years, height 5’ star Pooyam, BA, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 7291002449\9873749881

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 31 years, height 5’ 5” star Vishakam, B A, working with a reputed private organization. Settled in Chandigarh. Contact: 9899623644/9878263799

Proposals are invited for Ezhava girl, 24 years, height 152 cm, star Chothi, BSc Nursing. Working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 8586969581/8442819857

Proposals are invited for Ezhava girl, 27 years, star Chithira (having chowha dosham), height 158 cm, BCom. Working with a reputed organization in Kerala. Settled in Kerala. Contact: 09605414144/9910787229

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 28 years, star Aswathy, height 5’ 8”, BHM, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9654647639/9953813493

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 29 years, height 5’ 8” star Aswathy, BHM working with a reputed organization in Kuwait. Settledin Delhi. Contact: 9868882378/9910775846

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 31 years height 5’ 9”, star Rohini, MSc PHD(doing), working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9871927436/9873573999

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 37 years height 5’ 8”, star Pooradam, working in a reputed company near Delhi. Settled in Kerala. Contact: 09961977720/09605399483

Proposls are invited for Nair boy, 26 years, height 5’ 7” BTech + Executive MBA, star- Pooruruttathi, working as Senior Research Analyst in a Telecommunication company, Delhi. Seeking alliance from working girl, preferably in Delhi/NCR. Contact: 9891337424/9540377840

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 33 years, height 6’ 1” star Thrikketta, qualification degree, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9971413608/9868012793

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 25 yrs, height 5’ 4” star Anizham, MTech, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9810322575/9953001785

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 27 yrs, height 5’ 10” star Uthradam, BCom, 3 year Diploma in computer from NIIT, Pursuing MCom. Working with a reputed MNC. Settled in Faridabad. Contact: 9717033498/9990091839

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 28 yrs, height 5’ 6” star Pooyam, MA BEd, working with DPS Noida as Teacher. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9818350531/9990071532

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 31 years, height 160 cm. star Punartham (Shudha Jathakam), MBA, working with a reputed organization. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9711121987/9643700914

Proposals are invited for Ezhava boy, 29 years, height 5'7" star Ayilyam, BTech (Software Engineer) working with a reputed organization, in Noida.Contact:.9650622460/9643508343

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 27 years, height 5’ 3” star Atham, MBA, working with a reputed MNC. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9910274116/9818146699

Proposals are invited for Nair boy, 28 yrs, height 5’ 6” star Pooruruttathi, Graduate, working with a reputed MNC. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9968224363/8447059964

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 29 years, height 5’ 2” star Karthika, B. Architect, working in a reputed MNC as Architect. Settled in Delhi. Contact: 9899845215/9312685152

Proposals are invited for Nair girl, 27 years, height 5’ 2” star Makayiram, PG Diploma, working in a reputed Organisation. Settled in Delhi. Proposals entertained from Delhi, Mumbai & Banglore only. (Shudha Jathakam do not match) Contact: 8700625272

BÀj ktµiw

25July 2019

Page 26: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

BÀj ktµiw

BÀj [À½ ]cnj ¯nsâ AwKhpw , ] c n j ¯ n s â a p ³ s s h k v { ] k n U â p a m b n cpó Fkv. _me IrjvW³ (80 hbÊv) X r ¸ q W n ¯ p d (FdWmIpfw Pnñ)bnepÅ hkXnbnð

13þ06þ2019 ð \ncymX\mbn. Uðlnbnð (abqÀ hnlmÀ t^kvþ1 , t]m¡ävþ3) Engineers India Ltd. (EIL) ð knhnð Fôn\o bdmbn tkh\w A\pjvTn¡th, D¯c Kpcphmbqc¸³ t£{X¯nsâ Fñm \nÀ ½mW {]hÀ¯\§Ä¡pw At±lw tað t\m«w hln¨ncpóp.BÀj [À½ ]cnj¯nsâ Fñm AwK§fpw At±l¯nsâ I pS p w_mwK§f psS ZpxJ¯nð ]¦ptNcpIbpw At±l¯nsâ Bßmhn\p \nXyim´n t\cpIbpw sN¿póp.

FIvknIyq«ohv I½nän

t£{X¯nð, 2018, Pqsse amkw \Só

BÀj [À½ ]cnj¯v

AãawKe tZh{]iv\¯nsâ NmÀ¯p {]

Imcw {]mbÝn¯þ]cnlmc IÀ½§Ä

hnhn[ L«§fmbn \S¯n. Cu ]cnlmc

IÀ½§fpsS kam]\ L«ambn«pÅ {]Xn-

jvTm ]qPIfpw Ieim`ntjI§fpw Pqsse

6 apXð 11þhscbpÅ XobXnIfnð X {´n

]penb\qÀ \mcmbW³ \¼qXncn¸mSnsâ {][m\

ImÀ½nIXz¯nð \S¯pIbpïmbn. Pqsse

11þ\v hymgmgvN {_ÒIeim`ntjIt¯mSpIqSn

{]mbÝn¯þ]cnlmcIÀ½Ä¡p kam]\ambn.

D¯cKpcphmbqc¸³ t£{X¯nse D]tZh

òmcmb almtZhsâbpw, KW]XnbptSb pw,

A¿¸tâbpw {iotImhnepIfnð {Kmss \äv

]mIpó tPmenIÄ ]qÀ¯nbmbn. X{´n {_Ò{io

Zneo]v \¼qXncn¸mSnsâ ImÀanIXz¯nepw

taðt\m«¯nepamWv {]kvXpX tPmenI Ä

\SóXv. t£{X\nÀ½mWIebnð sshZKvZyw

t\Snbn«pÅ {io ctajv _m_phpw {io Acp¬

BNmcnbpamWv Cu tPmenIÄ GsäSp v

]qÀ¯nbm¡nbXv. Hmtcm {iotImhnentâbpw

]WnIÄ ]qÀ¯nbmbtijw, D]tZhòmÀ¡v,

X{´n Ieim`ntjIw \S¯n.

{ioaómcmbWob k]vXmlw

{_Ò{io FSa\ hmkptZh³ \¼qXncn

bÚmNmcy\mbn, BKÌv 4 apXð 11 hsc

XobXnIfnð {ioaómcmbWob k]vXml w

\S¡póXmWv. bÚZn\§fnse ]mcmbWþ

t£{X hmÀ¯IÄ

{]`mjW hnhc§Ä CXp kw_Ôn¨ t\m«o

Fkv. _meIrjvW³

knð e`yamWv. Cu Zn\§fnð, {]tXyI


18þ09þ1939 – 13þ06þ2019

]pjv]mRvPenIfpw AÀ¨\Ifpw bÚthZ n

bnð hgn]mSmbn \S¯phm\pÅ kuIcyw


26 Pqembv 2019

Page 27: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals






Devender Khanna


Anant Aggarwal

G S S Iyer


P. N. Narayana Menon




Deeptha Sudhakaran









































Page 28: UTTARA GURUVAYURAPPAN TEMPLEuttaraguruvayurappan.org/media/uploads/pdf/1563017295_Arsha_Sandesam_July_1.pdfBÀj ktµiw apJ¡pdn¸v Death is an enigma for human beings. Plants and animals

July - 2019

Ground Floor/First Floor capacity—Free Seating.

RNI Reg. No. DLBIL/2001/5451DL(E)-20/5157/2018-20


Karthiayani Basement

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