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Page 1: vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE · 2016. 8. 20. · vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE Monday, August 22, 2016 ... PROGRAM NARRATIVE Tuesday,


vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference

PROGRAM NARRATIVEMonday, August 22, 2016

11:00 – 1:00 pm Exhibit Set-Up11:00 – 5:30 pm Conference Registration Desk Open1:00 – 5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

Waiver Redesign Update for Providers

Don’t miss this session regarding what’s new on Virginia’s My Life, My Community I/DD waiver redesign since you last attended the regional provider training on waiver redesign in April. Waiver redesign is scheduled to begin September 1, 2016. This training will provide newly adopted and clarified policies and procedures, as well as incorporate new information from Medicaid Memos and all Question & Answer sessions from the Disability Services Council of the VaCSB and the DBHDS/DMAS stakeholder conference calls.

Presenters: Heather Norton, Director, Community Support Services and Eric Williams, Acting Director, Provider Development, Division of Developmental Services, DBHDS

Furnishing Goods & Services to the State and Other Public Bodies

Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) Furnishing Goods & Services to the State and Other Public Bodies Without Competitive Procurement – Find Out How Current Law Can Help! ESOs are exempt from competition for certain transactions with the state and localities that are performed or provided by individuals with disabilities. Learn how current Virginia code allows these procurement opportunities for ESOs that are vendors of DARS and hold a national CARF accreditation.

Introduction to Purchasing in the Commonwealth—A Vendor’s Perspective This session will provide a high level overview of the Commonwealth’s purchasing process, including purchasing policies that affect how buyers use the eVA system to “shop.” You’ll also learn more about the valuable tools available thru eVA—like B2B Connect (where businesses can meet, connect & collaborate), and eVA’s FREE Public Reports (who’s buying what you sell, prices being paid & more!). And if you’re not already an eVA registered Vendor, you’ll learn how to get signed-up, as well as where to go for help at any time!

Navigating eVA’s Free Public ReportsThis interactive session will provide a live demo and walk thru of eVA’s Public Reports. You’ll learn how to identify buyers who are buying what you sell, determine prices being paid for goods/services you provide, determine who’s getting business (is it you or your competition) and more! You’ll also be give a tour of the eVA website and shown eVA’s new tool, B2B Connect—where businesses meet, connect & collaborate!

Presenters: Kim Madison, Marketing & Outreach, eVA Bureau and Jessica Milburn, Procurement Management Account Executive, Division of Purchases & Supply, VA Department of General Services

3:00 – 3:30 pm Break5:30 – 7:00 pm Welcome Reception Hosted by vaACCSES and Conference Sponsors Riverwalk-1st Floor


Page 2: vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE · 2016. 8. 20. · vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE Monday, August 22, 2016 ... PROGRAM NARRATIVE Tuesday,


Provider Conference and Annual Meeting

PROGRAM NARRATIVE Tuesday, August 23, 2016

7:30 – 5:00 pm Conference Registration Open 7:30 – 5:00 pm Sponsor Exhibits Open 7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast Buffet 8:30 – 10:00 am Concurrent Sessions

It’s More Than Adding a New Billing Code - Best Practices in Provider Transformation toward Employment First and Other Meaningful Community Involvement for People with Disabilities Using Agency Self Analysis (Session 1 of 2)Designed for managers, directors, senior staff and organization leadership.

The presenters, Thomas Wilds and Genni Sasnett, are the former CEO and COO of an agency that experienced transformation to 100% based services in the 1990s. They will share a provider self-analysis tool and process that can be used by agencies to evaluate their readiness for provider transformation from facility based to community based services and to identify key areas in which to focus in the process. This tool was developed by Ms. Sasnett and is now a standard tool used in ODEP Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP) projects across the country. Providers who have used this tool have noted how much it has helped them to look at their agencies in a comprehensive manner that supports true agency transformation toward the tenants and practices of Employment First and meaningful community engagement rather than the traditional “tacking on” of additional services to their current menus. The analysis covers such areas as leadership, customer focus, workforce development, operations, results and measurement.

Presenters: Tom Wilds, Subject Matter Expert, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), Department of Labor and former CEO, St. John’s Community Services; and Genni Sasnett, Independent Consultant and Subject Matter Expert, ODEP and former COO, St. John’s Community Services

The PCP/ISP Overview & Update With Small Group Exercises (Session 1 of 3)Designed for direct service professionals (DSPs), supervisors and program managers of provider organizations.

This session will begin with an overview of the Person-Center Planning Process and Parts I-V of the ISP. Participants will gain an understanding of what goes where and get an update of changes proposed with the redesign of the waiver. After the overview, participants will break into small groups with various sample case vignettes to begin to write sample Part Vs. The writing and presentation of the Part Vs by the small work groups to DMAS QMR, DBHDS CRCs and fellow participants for feedback will begin in Session 2.

Presenters: Eric Williams, Acting Director, Provider Development; Heather Norton, Director, Community Support Services, and various Community Resource Consultants, Division of Developmental Services, DBHDS

10:00 – 10:30 am Break10:30 – 12:00 pm Concurrent Session

Moving from Provider Self–Analysis to Transformation Planning toward Employment First and Other Meaningful Community Engagement for People with Disabilities (Session 2 of 2)Designed for managers, directors, senior staff and organization leadership

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” - Alan Lakein.The presenters will give guidance to provider agencies on how to move from self-analysis to action through the creation of transformation action plans. Building on the session “Best Practices in Provider Self Analysis for Provider Transformation toward Employment First”,

vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference




Page 3: vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE · 2016. 8. 20. · vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference PROGRAM NARRATIVE Monday, August 22, 2016 ... PROGRAM NARRATIVE Tuesday,


Provider Conference and Annual Meeting

PROGRAM NARRATIVEMs. Sasnett and Mr. Wilds will provide in-sight into the importance of developing change management strategies, including transformation teams and action plans to guide comprehensive agency change processes. The presenters will share their experience as the executive leadership of an agency that experienced transformation and as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for ODEP who work with agencies seeking change across many states.

Presenters: Tom Wilds, Subject Matter Expert, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), Department of Labor and former CEO, St. John’s Community Services; and Genni Sasnett, Independent Consultant and Subject Matter Expert, ODEP and former COO, St. John’s Community Services.

Writing the PCP/ISP – Small Group Exercises (Session 2 of 3)Designed for direct service professionals (DSPs), supervisors and program managers of organizations.

During this session, participants working in small groups will utilize sample case vignettes to develop ISP Part V Plan for Supports. The vignettes will include background information of individuals with various support needs and preferences/interests. Participants will develop outcomes, objectives, strategies & activities for each sample vignette. Upon completion of the sample Part V Plan for Supports, each small group will present their Plan for Supports to DMAS QMR, DBHDS CRCs and fellow participants for feedback.

Presenters: Eric Williams, Acting Director, Provider Development; Heather Norton, Director, Community Support Services, and various Community Resource Consultants, Division of Developmental Services, DBHDS and Lynn Hamner, QMR, DMAS.

12:00 – 1:45 pm Luncheon Riverwalk-1st Floor

Welcome: John Brauer, President, vaACCSES and President/CEO of NW Works

Guest Speaker: Sarah Pennington, ABLEnow

ABLE Accounts: New Tax-Advantaged Savings Accounts for Individuals with Disabilities – What Providers, Advocates and Families Need to Know

1:45 – 2:00 pm Break2:00 – 3:30 pm Concurrent Sessions

Documentation for Delivering the Plan for Supports (Session 3 of 3)Designed for direct service professionals (DSPs), supervisors and program managers of organizations.

Small work groups continue. You’ve written the plan. Now, what needs to be documented? How do you ensure you have the elements to ensure compliance with billing, licensing and other documentation reviewers? Small work groups continue with presentations for feedback.

Presenters: Eric Williams, Acting Director, Provider Development; Heather Norton, Director, Community Support Services, and various Community Resource Consultants, Division of Developmental Services, DBHDS and Lynn Hamner, QMR, DMAS.

vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference



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Provider Conference and Annual Meeting

PROGRAM NARRATIVE Surviving A Medicaid Audit Before and After Waiver Redesign Designed for managers, directors, senior staff and organization leadership

Frustrated with the Medicaid audit process? Do you wonder how providers are selected to be audited? Do you wonder whether you will be audited by the internal DMAS Program Integrity staff (QMR) and/or their contractor Myers & Stauffer? What can you expect and what can you do to prepare? What are the types of common errors found? This workshop will provide a brief description and overview of the types of DMAS audits and strategies to deal with them! Also, based on the years of experience and industry knowledge of the presenter, this session will provide guidance on what we might expect regarding documentation demands and audits after waiver redesign. Time will be available to talk about issues with the Waiver launch from a provider’s perspective!”

Presenter: Jennifer Fidura, Fidura & Associates and Executive Director, Virginia Network of Private Providers (VNPP)

3:30 – 3:45 pm Break3:45 – 5:15 pm Concurrent Sessions

Expanding Access & Opening Doors to Housing for Virginians with Developmental Disabilities

The Commonwealth and its partners across the state are implementing a variety of initiatives and have been working collaboratively to increase access to integrated housing options for Virginians with developmental disabilities. A Housing Plan has been developed. Integrated Community Options Specialists or “Regional Housing Specialists” have been recruited to further develop relationships at the regional and local level to identify additional resources necessary to assist in the department’s overall housing goal, as well as implementing best practices in integrated, independent supportive housing options. How does all of this assist individuals and families? What resources are available to assist the individuals that you serve? This presentation will review the Commonwealth’s initiatives to help individuals in the Settlement Agreement populations, and provide an overview of the Department’s available services and resources to assist Virginians developmental disabilities to get into their own housing and achieve independent living in their communities.

Presenters: Kimberly Rodgers, Integrated Community Options Specialist/Regional Housing Specialist, Division of Community Support Services and Ronnitta Clements, Community Resource Consultant, DBHDS.

Managing Your Organization’s Risk of Exposure Designed for managers, directors, senior staff and organization leadership

In an increasingly litigious and uncertain financial environment, organizations need to be prepared for uncertainty rather than merely concentrating on the same old risks. This is especially true for Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) and waiver providers that are adding new services, adding new sites, adding the manufacturing of new products, and transitioning from center-based to community-based services – to name a few. Without little or no warning, organizations can stumble and even collapse because of unexpected events. Organizations of all sizes are faced with the need to develop and implement a comprehensive risk management plan to reduce their risk of exposure. A successful risk assessment, risk mitigation and risk management plan needs to become an active part of an organization’s corporate culture and operations. A comprehensive risk assessment to ensure that your coverage meets your existing and new exposure is critical. Coverage such as Employment Practices Liability, Professional Liability, Cyber/Internet Liability along with increased hazards of Workers’ Compensation and Business Auto Liability need to be reviewed when new services or lines of business are added. This session will provide valuable risk management strategies that you and your organization can use in everyday practice that can help mitigate potential risks and that can provide organizations with an optimal risk financing solution.

Presenters: Mike Weber, Insurance Advisor, RCM&D and Dave Wilber, COO, Community Alternatives Inc. and Tenured Surveyor, CARF.

vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference




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Provider Conference and Annual Meeting

PROGRAM NARRATIVEWednesday, August 24, 2016

7:30 – 12:00 pm Conference Registration Open7:30 – 1:00 pm Exhibits Open7:30 – 9:00 am Breakfast Buffet & Regional Roundtable Breakouts9:00 – 9:15 am Break9:15 - 10:15 am Concurrent Sessions

Benefits Trips and Falls - Watch out for that Bump in the Road!

Did you know that Medicaid looks at SSI and SSDI differently? What happens if the client is a CDB and they go from SSI to SSDI and they are working? How will that affect the waiver? Wait! What is a CDB? These questions and a few more will be answered during this presentation. Participants will learn what a CDB is and how that SSA status can help and hurt provider and client. Other topics to be discussed include 1) Medicaid waiver working rules – What is the Less than 8, 8-20, and 20 + rule?; 2) housing voucher Earned Income Disregard; 3) how IRWE’s can bring down countable earnings and help with waiver retention; and, 4) Ticket to Work basic rules and how they can benefit the client and the provider.

Presenters: Marilyn Morrison, vaACCSES WIPA Program Coordinator/CWIC and Teresa Mullins, vaACCSES WIPA Community Work Incentives Coordinator (CWIC), Far SW Virginia

Provider Q & A – “Myth Busting” on Waiver Redesign

A Q & A session with a panel of key decision makers from DMAS and DBHDS.

Presenters: (Panel) Connie Cochran, Assistant Commissioner, Developmental Services, DBHDS; Heather Norton, Director, Community Support Services, Division of Developmental Services, DBHDS; Dr. Cleopatra Booker, Director, Licensing, DBHDS; Eric Williams, Acting Director, Provider Development, DBHDS; Ann Bevan, DOJ Settlement Agreement Senior Advisor, DMAS; Deb Lochart, Director, Office of Human Rights

10:15 – 10:30 am Break10:30 – 12:00 pm Closing Session The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – What Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) and Other Interested in Employment Need to Know

The U.S. Department of Education has issued final regulations that implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) enacted on July 22, 2014. The WIOA, among other actions, amends Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by adding a new section 511 that limits the ability of employers to pay a subminimum wage to workers with disabilities – especially youth with disabilities. The section 511 limitations became effective July 22, 2016. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division, which has authority to administer and enforce these new requirements, will include the WIOA requirements in its enforcement of section 14(c) commencing on the effective date. DOL has subsequently published a Field Assistance Bulletin (No. 2016-2), published a letter to 14(c) certificate holders and a Fact Sheet. How does all of this affect DARS and ESOs? This session will provide an overview of the final regulations and DOL’s recent bulletin and their impact on ESOs. Concerns and common questions will be highlighted and discussed.

Presenter: Kate McSweeny, General Counsel and Vice President, Government Affairs, National ACCSES

11:00 – 1:00 pm DBHDS Stakeholder Conference Call on Waiver Redesign1:00 pm Exhibit Breakdown1:00 pm Conference Adjourns

vaACCSES Summer Provider Conference



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